(NewsUSA) - Stress levels are especially high these days, and many people are exploring alternative options to manage stress and improve their overall health.
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a natural compound derived from the hemp plant. Although CBD is one of the active ingredients in marijuana, it does not have the psychotropic effects of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. Therefore, CBD has been used in a variety of products as a safe option for pain relief and wellness without the risk associated with marijuana use.
Although CBD cannot be guaranteed to treat any particular ailment, symptom or health condition, many health benefits have been associated with the use of CBD products, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep and better appetite.
CBD also has been used to help promote muscle recovery after physical activity.
"CBD/Hemp solutions have been used for centuries as common practice to make or subdue many kinds of ailments in a natural way by utilizing mother earth's plants and flowers to remedy numerous symptoms," according to Health and Wellness Botanicals, an American manufacturer of CBD products.
If you are considering CBD products, be sure that they are of high quality.
Health and Wellness Botanicals works directly with farmers who cultivate hemp at their Farm Bill-approved facilities.
The CBD from these farms undergoes multiple rounds of lab testing to ensure purity, potency and formulation accuracy. Health and Wellness Botanicals stands behind its products, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Health and Wellness Botanicals offers CBD in both topical and ingestible forms.
- Topicals: Health and Wellness Botanicals' topical CBD products are infused with essential oils for additional benefits in managing conditions including muscle soreness, arthritis pain and skin conditions. Options include creams, roll-ons, salves and gels, specialized for soothing, cooling and pain relief, and they are designed to be applied as often as needed to areas of discomfort.
- Ingestibles: Health and Wellness Botanicals' CBD ingestible tinctures are available in oil-soluble and water-soluble options, in a variety of strengths and flavors (from natural essential oil). Gummis and capsules are also options for a slower-absorbing, but longer-lasting effect.
CBD also is used to enhance the company's beauty product collection, including facial creams, lip balms and micro roll-ons.
Want to treat your pet? Health and Wellness Botanicals offers CBD pet treats and pet shampoo products.
Visit HWBCBD.com for more information.