Orlando, FL - Probate is a court-supervised process for identifying and gathering a decedent’s (deceased person) assets, paying their debts, and distributing wealth/property to their beneficiaries.
For over 115 years, Giles & Robinson, P.A. has focused on probate administration and has become a cornerstone of legal distinction in Orlando, FL. With a rich history and a dedication to families, the law firm serves the community with compassion, integrity, and tenacity.
Florida recognizes formal administration where an estate’s value exceeds $75,000 or the decedent has been dead for less than two years. The probate procedure is a step-by-step process with specific time limitations attached to each step, requiring attorney representation per Florida Probate Rule 5.030.
The state allows summary administration if the estate’s value subject to probate isn’t more than $75,000, the decedent’s debts are paid, or the decedent has been dead for over two years. There’s also a non-court-supervised administration proceeding called Disposition of Personal Property Without Administration, which only applies in limited circumstances.

In all scenarios, probate administration only applies to probate assets which are personal property, possessions, and money the decedent owned solely in their name that didn’t transfer automatically because of their death. Thus, probate is necessary to transfer ownership of the decedent’s assets to the beneficiaries by will or Florida Intestate Law and to conclude their financial affairs like paying creditors or filing final tax returns.
Recognizing the complexity of probate administration, Giles & Robinson, P.A. files the will with the probate court, takes an inventory of the decedent’s investments, handles all financial aspects, and resolves disputes/challenges to the will. During Probate Administration Orlando, the firm guides the administrator or executor of the estate, helping them fulfill their duties diligently to avoid legal and moral mistakes.
While some law firms are jacks of all trades and practice many different areas of law, Giles & Robinson, P.A. focuses on estate planning, probate and trust administration, and tax law. Many of the firm’s attorneys have previous experience working for the IRS and have advanced degrees in taxation beyond what’s required in a law course.
Moreover, the team has drafted thousands of wills and trusts, handled over a thousand probates all over Florida, oversaw modifications/terminations, and assisted countless clients with business formation, planning, and administration.
Another factor that sets Giles & Robinson, P.A. apart is how easily clients can reach their attorneys, thanks to direct lines for updates, support, and legal recommendations.
About Giles & Robinson, P.A.
Giles & Robinson, P.A. is the oldest law firm in Orlando, FL. It was founded by LeRoy B. Giles, who began practicing law in 1908. Since 1948, when James C. Robinson joined, more than one hundred lawyers have been associated with the firm. The firm believes that confidence and respect between client and lawyer are the most important, and all employees strive to be friendly, honest, and highly competent in all matters.
Media Contact

Giles & Robinson, P.A.
Contact name
Helen Fuller
Contact phone
(407) 425-3591
Contact address
445 W. Colonial Drive
United States