Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant  [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]    Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]    Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by
       Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]    Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]    Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]    Soliciting Material under ss. 240.14a-12

                                TEREX CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5)  Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously by written preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2), and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:________________________________________________

     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:__________________________

     (3) Filing Party:__________________________________________________________

     (4) Date Filed:____________________________________________________________

                                [TEREX LOGO]

                                TEREX CORPORATION
                 500 Post Road East, Westport, Connecticut 06880

                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 25, 2004

     The Annual Meeting of Stockholders  of Terex  Corporation  (hereafter,  the
"Company") will be held at the corporate offices of Terex Corporation,  500 Post
Road East, Suite 320, Westport,  Connecticut, on Tuesday, May 25, 2004, at 10:00
a.m., local time, for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect  eight (8)  directors  to hold  office  for one year or until
          their successors are duly elected and qualified.

     2.   To ratify the selection of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as independent
          accountants of the Company for 2004.

     3.   To approve an amendment to the Terex  Corporation  2000 Incentive Plan
          to  increase  the  number  of  shares of the  Company's  common  stock
          available for grant thereunder.

     4.   To approve the Terex  Corporation 2004 Annual  Incentive  Compensation
          Plan to meet the  requirements  for tax  deductibility  under  Section
          162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     5.   To approve the existing Terex Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan
          to comply with newly issued New York Stock Exchange requirements.

     6.   To approve the existing Terex Corporation  Deferred  Compensation Plan
          to comply with newly issued New York Stock Exchange requirements.

     7.   To  approve  the  existing  arrangement  for  compensation  of outside
          directors  of Terex  Corporation  to comply with newly issued New York
          Stock Exchange requirements.

     8.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The foregoing  items of business are described more fully in the Proxy Statement
accompanying this Notice.

The Board of  Directors  of the Company has fixed the close of business on March
29, 2004 as the record date for determining the stockholders  entitled to notice
of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.

EVERY  STOCKHOLDER'S  VOTE IS IMPORTANT.  While all  stockholders are invited to
attend  the  Annual  Meeting,  we urge  you to vote  whether  or not you will be
present at the Annual Meeting. You may vote by telephone, via the Internet or by
completing,  dating and signing the accompanying  proxy card and returning it in
the envelope provided. No postage is required if the proxy card is mailed in the
United  States.  You may  withdraw  your  proxy or change  your vote at any time
before your proxy is voted, either by voting in person at the Annual Meeting, by
proxy,  by telephone or by the Internet.  Please vote promptly in order to avoid
the additional expense of further solicitation.

                                          By order of the Board of Directors,

                                          Eric I Cohen
April 12, 2004
Westport, Connecticut

                                [TEREX LOGO]

                                TEREX CORPORATION
                               500 Post Road East
                           Westport, Connecticut 06880

                             Proxy Statement for the
                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                           to be held on May 25, 2004

     This Proxy  Statement  is furnished to  stockholders  of Terex  Corporation
("Terex" or the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of proxies by and
on behalf of the  Company's  Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  for use at the
Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company to be held at 10:00 a.m. on May
25, 2004, at the  corporate  offices of Terex  Corporation,  500 Post Road East,
Suite 320,  Westport,  Connecticut,  and at any  adjournments  or  postponements
thereof  (collectively,  the  "Meeting"),  for the  purposes  set  forth  in the
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Notice").

     The Notice and proxy card (the  "Proxy")  accompany  this Proxy  Statement.
This Proxy Statement and the accompanying  Notice,  Proxy and related  materials
are being mailed on or about April 19, 2004 to each stockholder entitled to vote
at the  Meeting.  As of March 29,  2004,  the record  date for  determining  the
stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting, the Company had
outstanding  49,166,379  shares of common  stock,  $.01 par value per share (the
"Common Stock").

     Proxies that are properly executed, returned to the Company and not revoked
will  be  voted  in  accordance   with  the   specifications   made.   Where  no
specifications  are given,  such Proxies will be voted as the  management of the
Company may  propose.  If any matter not  described  in this Proxy  Statement is
properly presented for action at the Meeting,  the persons named in the enclosed
form of Proxy will have discretionary  authority to vote according to their best

     Each  share of  Common  Stock is  entitled  to one vote per  share for each
matter to be voted on at the Meeting.  The affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares of Common Stock present in person or represented by proxy is required for
the approval of any matters  voted upon at the Meeting,  other than the election
of directors,  provided  that,  with respect to each of proposals 3, 5, 6 and 7,
the total votes cast on each such item  represents  more than 50% in interest of
all shares of Common Stock  entitled to vote thereon.  The election of directors
will require the  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the shares of Common Stock
present  in  person  or  represented  by  proxy.  A quorum  of  stockholders  is
constituted  by the  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of  holders of record of
Common Stock  representing a majority of the aggregate  number of votes entitled
to be cast.  Abstentions will be considered  present for purposes of determining
the presence of a quorum while broker  non-votes are not considered  present for
determining the presence of a quorum. With respect to the election of directors,
abstentions and broker  non-votes will not be considered in determining  whether
nominees  have  received  the vote of a  plurality.  With  respect  to the other
matters to be voted upon at the Meeting,  abstentions  will have the effect of a
negative  vote and broker  non-votes  will have no effect on the  outcome of the
vote,  except to the extent that they result in a failure to obtain  total votes
cast representing more than 50% of the shares entitled to vote.

     Proxy  solicitations  will be made primarily by mail, but solicitations may
also be made by telephone,  via the Internet or by personal interviews conducted
by officers or employees of the Company.  All costs of solicitations,  including
(a) printing and mailing of this Proxy Statement and accompanying  material, (b)
the reimbursement of brokerage firms and others for their expenses in forwarding

solicitation  material to the beneficial  owners of the Company's stock, and (c)
supplementary  solicitations  to submit  Proxies,  if any,  will be borne by the

     Any stockholder  giving a Proxy has the right to attend the Meeting to vote
his or her shares of Common Stock in person (thereby  revoking any prior Proxy).
Any stockholder  also has the right to revoke the Proxy at any time by executing
a later-dated  Proxy, by telephone or via the Internet or by written  revocation
received by the  Secretary of the Company  prior to the time the Proxy is voted.
All  properly  executed  and  unrevoked  Proxies  delivered   pursuant  to  this
solicitation,  if  received  at or  prior to the  Meeting,  will be voted at the

     In order  that  your  shares  of Common  Stock  may be  represented  at the
Meeting, you are requested to select one of the following methods:

     Voting by Mail
     o  indicate your instructions on the Proxy;
     o  date and sign the Proxy;
     o  mail the Proxy promptly in the enclosed envelope; and
     o  allow  sufficient  time for the Proxy to be  received  by the  Company
        prior to the Meeting.

     Voting by Telephone
     o  use the toll-free number provided in the Proxy; and
     o  follow the specific instructions provided.

     Voting via the Internet
     o  log onto the Company's voting website (www.voteproxy.com)  provided in
        the Proxy; and
     o  follow the specific instructions provided.


                        PROPOSAL 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     At the  Meeting,  eight  directors of the Company are to be elected to hold
office until the Company's  next Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  or until their
respective successors are duly elected and qualified. Directors shall be elected
by a plurality of the votes of shares of Common Stock represented at the Meeting
in person or by proxy.  Unless marked to the contrary,  the Proxies  received by
the Company will be voted FOR the election of the eight  nominees  listed below,
all of whom are  presently  members of the Board.  Each nominee has consented to
being  named in this  Proxy  Statement  and to serve as a director  if  elected.
However,  should any of the nominees for  director  decline or become  unable to
accept  nomination  if elected,  it is intended that the Board will vote for the
election of such other person as director as it shall designate. The Company has
no reason to  believe  that any  nominee  will  decline or be unable to serve if

     The  information  set forth below has been  furnished to the Company by the
nominees and sets forth for each nominee,  as of March 1, 2004,  such  nominee's
name,  business experience for at least the past five years, other directorships
held and age. There is no family relationship  between any nominee and any other
nominee or  executive  officer of the Company.  For  information  regarding  the


beneficial  ownership  of the  Common  Stock  by the  current  directors  of the
Company, see "Security Ownership of Management and Certain Beneficial Owners."

     The Governance and Nominating  Committee of the Board has nominated each of
the following  nominees based on various  criteria,  including,  among others, a
desire to maintain a balanced  experience  and knowledge  base within the Board,
the nominees'  personal  integrity and willingness to devote  necessary time and
attention to properly  discharge the duties of director,  and the ability of the
nominees to make positive  contributions to the leadership and governance of the
Company.  It is the policy of the  Governance  and  Nominating  Committee not to
nominate  individuals  for director  after the age of 70, unless such nominee is
approved by 100% of all  current  directors.  The  nomination  of Dr.  Donald P.
Jacobs has been so approved by the entire Board, who determined that Dr. Jacobs'
experience at the J. L. Kellogg  Graduate School of Management and his extensive
body of financial knowledge provide an invaluable asset to the Company.

The Board of Directors  recommends that the stockholders  vote FOR the following
nominees for director.

                                                                     First Year
                                               Positions and         As Company
      Name               Age               Offices with Company       Director
      ----               ---               --------------------       --------

Ronald M. DeFeo           51        Chairman of the Board, President,   1993
                                       Chief Executive Officer,
                                  Chief Operating Officer and Director

G. Chris Andersen         65                     Director               1992

Don DeFosset              55                     Director               1999

William H. Fike           67                     Lead Director          1995

Dr. Donald P. Jacobs      76                     Director               1998

David A. Sachs            44                     Director               1992

J. C. Watts, Jr.          46                     Director               2003

Helge H. Wehmeier         61                     Director               2002

     Ronald M. DeFeo was appointed  President and Chief Operating Officer of the
Company on October 4, 1993, Chief Executive  Officer of the Company on March 24,
1995 and Chairman of the Board on March 4, 1998. Mr. DeFeo joined the Company in
May 1992 as President of the Company's then Heavy Equipment Group. A year later,
he also assumed the  responsibility of serving as the President of the Company's
former Clark Material Handling Company subsidiary.  Prior to joining the Company
on May 1, 1992, Mr. DeFeo was a Senior Vice President of J.I. Case Company,  the
former Tenneco farm and construction  equipment  division,  and also served as a
Managing Director of Case Construction  Equipment  throughout  Europe.  While at
J.I. Case,  Mr. DeFeo was also a Vice  President of North American  Construction
Equipment Sales and General Manager of Retail Operations.  Mr. DeFeo serves as a
director of United Rentals, Inc. (a customer of the Company) and Kennametal Inc.
(a supplier of the Company).

     G. Chris  Andersen was a Vice  Chairman of  PaineWebber  Incorporated  from
March 1990 through 1995.  Mr.  Andersen is currently a partner of Andersen & Co.
LLC, a private  merchant  banking  and  advisory  firm,  and also  serves as the


non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Millenium Cell Inc.

     Don DeFosset has served  since  November 2, 2000 as President  and CEO, and
since March 1, 2002 as  Chairman,  of Walter  Industries,  Inc.,  a  diversified
company with principal operating  businesses in homebuilding and home financing,
water transmission  products and energy services.  Previously,  he was Executive
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Dura Automotive  Systems,  Inc., a
global  supplier of  engineered  systems,  from  October 1999 through June 2000.
Before  joining  Dura,  Mr.  DeFosset  served  as  a  Corporate  Executive  Vice
President,  President  of the Truck  Group  and a member of the  Office of Chief
Executive  Officer of Navistar  International  Corporation  from October 1996 to
August 1999. Mr.  DeFosset serves as a director of Walter  Industries,  Inc. and
Safelite Glass Corp.

     William H. Fike is currently  President of Fike & Associates,  a consulting
firm.  Mr. Fike retired as the Vice  Chairman and  Executive  Vice  President of
Magna  International  Inc., an automotive parts  manufacturer  based in Ontario,
Canada,  in February  1999.  Prior to joining Magna in August 1994, Mr. Fike was
employed by Ford Motor Company from 1966 to 1994,  where he served most recently
as a  Corporate  Vice  President  and as  President  of Ford  Europe.  Mr.  Fike
currently serves as a director of Magna.

     Dr. Donald P. Jacobs is Dean Emeritus of the J.L.  Kellogg  Graduate School
of Management  at  Northwestern  University,  a position he has held since 2001.
Prior to that, Dr. Jacobs was Dean of the Kellogg School from 1975 through 2001.
Dr.  Jacobs also serves as a director of Hartmarx  Corporation,  ProLogis  Trust
(formerly  Security Capital  Industrial  Trust) and CDW Computer  Centers,  Inc.
(Computer Discount Warehouse).

     David A. Sachs is a Managing  Director,  Head of the Capital  Markets Group
and  Co-Portfolio  Manager  of  Ares  Management  Company,  LLC,  an  investment
management  firm of  which  he was a  founder  in 1997.  Mr.  Sachs  has been an
investment banker and investment manager since 1981.

     J. C. Watts, Jr. is currently  Chairman of the J. C. Watts Companies,  LLC.
He  previously  represented  Oklahoma's  4th  District  in  the  U.S.  House  of
Representatives  for eight  years  through  January 7, 2003.  Congressman  Watts
served as Chairman of the House Republican  Conference and served on a number of
key  committees  during his tenure in  Congress,  including  the Armed  Services
Committee,  the Select  Homeland  Security  Committee,  the  Military  Readiness
Subcommittee  and the  Procurement  Subcommittee.  Prior to his 1994 election to
Congress,  Congressman  Watts was  Chairman of the  Oklahoma  State  Corporation
Commission  from 1990 to 1994.  Congressman  Watts also  serves as a director of
Dillard's,  Inc.,  Burlington  Northern Santa Fe  Corporation  and Clear Channel
Communications, Inc.

     Helge H. Wehmeier is Vice-Chairman of Bayer Corporation, a post he has held
since July 1, 2002.  Prior to that, Mr.  Wehmeier  served as President and Chief
Executive Officer of Bayer Corporation from 1991 through June 2002. Mr. Wehmeier
has  spent  more  than 35 years  with  Bayer  AG, a  diversified,  international
chemicals   and  health  care  group,   in  various   positions  of   increasing
responsibility,  including  senior  management  positions in both Europe and the
United  States.  Mr.  Wehmeier  is an  alumnus of the  International  Management
Development   Institute,    Lausanne,    Switzerland   and   Institut   European
d'Administration  des Affaires,  Fontainebleau,  France.  Mr. Wehmeier is also a
director of PNC  Financial  Services  Group,  Inc.,  a  diversified  banking and
financial services company.

Board Meetings and Corporate Governance

     The  Board  met  five  times in 2003 at  regularly  scheduled  and  special
meetings,  including telephonic meetings.  All of the directors in office during
2003  attended at least 75% of the meetings of the Board and all  committees  of
the Board on which he served during 2003. It is the Company's  policy, as stated


in the Company's Governance Guidelines (the "Guidelines"), that each director is
expected  to attend the annual  meeting of  shareholders.  All of the  directors
attended the Company's  annual  shareholder  meeting held on May 22, 2003 except
for Dr. Jacobs, who was unable to attend.

     It is the  Company's  policy  that the  Board  consists  of a  majority  of
directors who qualify as independent  directors  under the listing  standards of
the New York Stock Exchange  ("NYSE"),  the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and the  requirements  of any other  applicable
regulatory authority,  including the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").
The Board annually  reviews the  relationship of each director with the Company,
and only those directors who the Board affirmatively determines have no material
relationship  with the Company  are deemed to be  independent  directors.  After
consideration of all applicable  matters,  the Board determined that none of the
directors has a material  relationship with the Company other than as a director
except  for  Mr.  DeFeo,  who is not an  independent  director.  The  Board  has
determined  that all of the  nominees for  director  are  independent  directors
except for Mr. DeFeo,  who has been  nominated to serve on the Board as a result
of his position as Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

     Directors  who  are   employees  of  the  Company   receive  no  additional
compensation  by virtue of being  directors  of the Company.  Outside  directors
receive  compensation for their service as directors and  reimbursement of their
expenses  incurred as a result of their  service as  directors.  See  "Executive
Compensation - Compensation of Directors" for a detailed description of director
compensation,  including  the  Company's  Common Stock  ownership  objective for
outside directors.

     Directors  have  complete  access to management  and the Company's  outside
advisors,  and senior officers and other members of management frequently attend
Board meetings at the discretion of the Board.  It is the policy of the Board of
Directors that independent  directors also meet privately in executive  sessions
without the presence of any members of  management at each  regularly  scheduled
meeting of the Board and at such other  times as the Board shall  determine.  In
addition,  the Board may retain and have access to  independent  advisors of its
choice with  respect to any issue  relating to its  activities,  and the Company
pays the expenses of such advisors.

     The Board of Directors has determined that, because the offices of Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer currently are combined in Mr. DeFeo, it is desirable
at this  time for the  Company  to have an  independent  director  serve as Lead
Director of the Board.  The Lead Director,  in conjunction with the Chairman and
the Chief Executive Officer,  will provide leadership and guidance to the Board.
In  addition,  the Lead  Director  presides  at all  executive  sessions  of the
independent directors.  The directors have elected Mr. Fike to serve as the Lead
Director for a one-year term. Thereafter, the directors will review annually the
desirability  of having a Lead Director and, if the directors  determine it best
to have a Lead Director, shall elect a Lead Director for the succeeding one-year
period.  No director may serve as Lead Director for more than three  consecutive

     The Board of Directors and the Governance and Nominating Committee recently
undertook their annual review of the Company's corporate governance policies and
practices and the  Guidelines  and  instituted  changes to improve the Company's
corporate governance, including measures to comply with new corporate governance
requirements  established by law, the SEC and the NYSE. In connection  with this
review, the Board has amended the Guidelines to assist the Board in the exercise
of its  duties  and  responsibilities  and to serve  the best  interests  of the
Company.  These  Guidelines  reflect  the  Board's  commitment  to  monitor  the
effectiveness  of policy and  decision  making both at the Board and  management
levels,  with a view to  achieving  strategic  objectives  of the Company  while
enhancing shareholder value over the long term. The Board and the Governance and
Nominating  Committee  will continue to review the  Guidelines  annually and may
make changes as they determine are necessary and appropriate,  including changes
that may be necessary to comply with new or proposed laws,  rules or regulations
issued by the SEC and the NYSE.  A copy of the  Guidelines  is  available at the


Company's website,  www.terex.com,  in the "Corporate Governance" section of the
"Investors" portion of the website.

     If you wish to communicate with the Board of Directors or directly with the
Lead  Director,  you may  correspond by filing a report  through  Ethicspoint 24
hours  a day,  7 days a week,  via the  Internet  at  www.ethicspoint.com  or by
calling toll free, (877) 584-8488 or 1-800-ETHICSP.  Reports should be submitted
under   the   categories    "Director    Communications"   or   "Lead   Director
Communications,"   as   appropriate.   Ethicspoint  is  a  leading   independent
third-party   provider  retained  by  the  Company  to  offer  a  comprehensive,
confidential  and,  upon  request,  anonymous  reporting  system  for  receiving
complaints,  grievances  and  communications.  All  communications  received  by
Ethicspoint  will be relayed to the Lead Director,  who will forward these on to
the other members of the Board as appropriate.

     The Board has an Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and Governance and
Nominating Committee.

Audit Committee Meetings and Responsibilities

     The Audit  Committee  of the Board of Directors  consists of Messrs.  Sachs
(chairperson),  DeFosset,  Jacobs and Wehmeier,  each of whom is  independent as
defined in the listing  standards  of the NYSE and under the  Exchange  Act. The
Audit Committee met 14 times during 2003.

     Each member of the Audit  Committee is required to be financially  literate
or must become  financially  literate within a reasonable time after appointment
to the Audit Committee, and at least one member of the Audit Committee must have
accounting or related financial management expertise. The Board, in its business
judgment,  believes that each of the current  members of the Audit  Committee is
financially literate and that each of Mr. Sachs, Mr. DeFosset and Dr. Jacobs has
accounting or financial  management  expertise:  Mr. Sachs through his extensive
experience as an investment banker and investment manager;  Mr. DeFosset through
his business experience as a corporate  executive,  his involvement in preparing
financial statements at various public companies and particularly his experience
as a Chief Executive  Officer of a public company;  Dr. Jacobs through his years
of experience  teaching  business,  finance,  management  and  accounting at the
graduate level, as well as serving as a chairman of the public review board of a
national  accounting  firm  and as  Chairman  of the  Board of  Amtrak;  and Mr.
Wehmeier  through  his  business  experience  as a corporate  executive  and his
involvement in preparing  financial  statements as a senior executive of a large
multinational  company.  The Board has  determined  that each of Mr. Sachs,  Mr.
DeFosset and Dr. Jacobs is an "audit committee  financial  expert," as such term
is defined under the regulations of the SEC.

     The  Audit  Committee   assists  the  Board  in  fulfilling  its  oversight
responsibilities by meeting regularly with the Company's independent accountants
and operating and financial  management  personnel.  The Audit Committee reviews
the audit  performed by the Company's  independent  accountants  and reports the
results of such audit to the Board.  The Audit  Committee  reviews the Company's
annual financial  statements and all material  financial reports provided to the
stockholders  and  reviews  the  Company's  internal  auditing,  accounting  and
financial controls. The Audit Committee also reviews related party transactions.

     The Audit Committee is responsible for appointing, setting compensation for
and overseeing the work of the independent accountants.  The Audit Committee has
established a policy  requiring its  pre-approval  of all audit and  permissible
non-audit services provided by the independent  accountant.  On an annual basis,
the Chief  Financial  Officer  provides the Audit  Committee an estimate for the
services  needed  and  seeks  pre-approval  of  such  services  from  the  Audit
Committee.  The Audit Committee  considers  whether such services are consistent
with the rules of the SEC on  auditor  independence.  The policy  prohibits  the


Audit   Committee   from   delegating  to  management   the  Audit   Committee's
responsibility to pre-approve permitted services of the independent accountant.

     Requests for  pre-approval for services must be detailed as to the services
to be  provided  and the  estimated  total  cost  and must be  submitted  to the
Company's Chief Financial  Officer.  The Chief Financial Officer then determines
whether the services  requested fall within the guidance of the Audit  Committee
as to the services eligible for  pre-approval.  If the service was not of a type
that was already  pre-approved  or the  estimated  cost would  exceed the amount
already pre-approved, then the Chief Financial Officer seeks pre-approval of the
Audit Committee on a timely basis.

     The Audit  Committee  operates under a written charter adopted by the Board
of  Directors  and recently  amended by the Board to comply with all  applicable
requirements of the SEC and the NYSE. A copy of the Audit  Committee  Charter is
available at the Company's website, www.terex.com, in the "Corporate Governance"
section of the  "Investors"  portion of the  website.  This charter sets out the
responsibilities, authority and duties of the Audit Committee.

     See "Audit  Committee  Report" for a  discussion  of the Audit  Committee's
review of the audited  financial  statements  of the  Company for the  Company's
fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.

Compensation Committee Meetings and Responsibilities

     The  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors  consists of Messrs.
Andersen  (chairperson),  Fike and Sachs, each of whom is independent as defined
in the listing standards of the NYSE. The Compensation  Committee met five times
during 2003.

     Each member of the Compensation  Committee must have a basic  understanding
of the components of executive compensation and of the role of each component as
part of a comprehensive program linking compensation to corporate and individual
performance in support of the Company's objectives.

     The  Compensation  Committee  assists  the  Board  in its  responsibilities
regarding compensation of the Company's senior executives and outside directors,
including  overall  responsibility  for approving,  evaluating and modifying the
Company's  plans,  policies  and  programs for  compensation  of key  management
personnel. The Compensation Committee establishes compensation  arrangements for
executive officers and for certain other key management personnel.

     The Compensation  Committee operates under a written charter adopted by the
Board  of  Directors  and  recently  amended  by the  Board to  comply  with all
applicable  requirements  of the  NYSE.  A copy  of the  Compensation  Committee
Charter is available at the Company's website,  www.terex.com, in the "Corporate
Governance" section of the "Investors" portion of the website. This charter sets
out the responsibilities, authority and duties of the Compensation Committee.

     See  "Executive   Compensation  -  Compensation  Committee  Report"  for  a
description  of the Company's  executive  compensation  philosophy and executive
compensation  program,  including a discussion  of how the  compensation  of the
Company's Chief Executive Officer in 2003 was determined.

Governance and Nominating Committee Meetings and Responsibilities

     The Governance and Nominating  Committee of the Board of Directors consists
of Messrs.  Fike  (chairperson),  Andersen,  Jacobs  and Watts,  each of whom is
independent as defined in the listing  standards of the NYSE. The Governance and
Nominating Committee met two times during 2003.


     The Governance and  Nominating  Committee  plays a central role in planning
the size and composition of the Board,  developing criteria and implementing the
process of identifying,  screening and nominating candidates for election to the
Board,  recommending  corporate  governance  guidelines  and  actions to improve
corporate   governance  and  evaluating   individual  director  and  full  Board
performance.   The  Governance  and  Nominating  Committee  is  responsible  for
overseeing  a review  and  assessment  of the  performance  of the Board and its
committees at least annually, including establishing the evaluation criteria and
implementing the process for evaluation.

     The  Governance  and  Nominating  Committee  will consider  candidates  for
nomination as a director recommended by the Company's  stockholders,  directors,
officers,  third  party  search  firms and other  sources.  For  details  on how
stockholders may submit nominations for director, see "Stockholder Proposals."

     The Company paid fees to an unaffiliated third party search firm in 2003 to
assist the  Governance and  Nominating  Committee in  identifying  and screening
possible candidates for nomination,  including conducting appropriate background
and reference checks on such candidates.

     In evaluating a candidate,  the Committee  considers the  attributes of the
candidate, including his or her independence,  integrity, diversity, experience,
sound judgment in areas relevant to the Company's businesses, and willingness to
commit  sufficient time to the Board, all in the context of an assessment of the
perceived  needs of the  Board at that  point in time.  Maintaining  a  balanced
experience and knowledge  base within the total Board shall include  considering
whether  the  candidate:  (i)  is a CEO,  or has  similar  work  experience,  in
companies  engaged  in  capital  and  industrial  goods  industries;   (ii)  has
significant direct management  experience of multinational  business operations;
(iii) has extensive  knowledge and experience in financial  services and capital
markets;   and  (iv)  has  unique  knowledge  and  experience  and  can  provide
significant  contributions  to  the  Board's  effectiveness.  Each  director  is
expected to ensure that other  existing and planned  future  commitments  do not
materially  interfere  with  his or her  service  as a  director.  There  are no
specific,  minimum  qualifications that the Governance and Nominating  Committee
believes  must be met by a candidate.  All  candidates  are reviewed in the same
manner, regardless of the source of the recommendation.

     The Governance and Nominating  Committee  operates under a written  charter
adopted by the Board of Directors  and  recently  amended by the Board to comply
with all  applicable  requirements  of the NYSE.  A copy of the  Governance  and
Nominating   Committee   Charter  is   available  at  the   Company's   website,
www.terex.com,  in the "Corporate Governance" section of the "Investors" portion
of the website. This charter sets out the responsibilities, authority and duties
of the Governance and Nominating Committee.


                          AND CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership  of the  Common  Stock  by each  person  known by the  Company  to own
beneficially  more than 5% of the Company's  Common Stock, by each director,  by
each executive  officer of the Company named in the summary  compensation  table
below,  and by all directors and executive  officers as a group,  as of March 1,
2004 (unless  otherwise  indicated  below).  Each person named in the  following
table has sole voting and investment  power with respect to all shares of Common
Stock shown as beneficially owned by such person,  except as otherwise set forth
in the notes to the table. Shares of Common Stock that any person has a right to
acquire  within 60 days after March 1, 2004,  pursuant to an exercise of options
or  otherwise,  are deemed to be  outstanding  for the purpose of computing  the
percentage  ownership of such person,  but are not deemed to be outstanding  for
computing the percentage ownership of any other person shown in the table.

                                               Amount and Nature of     Percent
 Name and Address of Beneficial Owner          Beneficial Ownership     of Class
 ------------------------------------          --------------------     --------

 FMR Corp.                                        5,556,830 (1)           11.3%
     82 Devonshire Street
     Boston, MA  02109

 AXA Financial, Inc.                              4,612,887 (2)            9.4%
     1290 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10104

 Mellon Financial Corporation                     2,841,768 (3)            5.8%
     One Mellon Center
     Pittsburgh, PA  15258

 Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.                   2,802,236 (4)            5.7%
     One Mellon Center
     Pittsburgh, PA  15258

 G. Chris Andersen                                  146,608 (5)             *
     c/o Andersen & Company, LLC
     1330 Avenue of the Americas, 36th Floor
     New York, NY  10019

 Ronald M. DeFeo                                    748,841 (6)            1.5%
     c/o Terex Corporation
     500 Post Road East
     Westport, CT  06880

 Don DeFosset                                        26,685 (7)             *
     c/o Walter Industries
     4211 N. Boy Scout Blvd.
     Tampa, FL  33607

 William H. Fike                                     60,746 (8)             *
     c/o Fike & Associates
     6282 Lakeshore Road
     Lakeshore, MI 48059


 Dr. Donald P. Jacobs                                36,304 (9)            *
     c/o J.L. Kellogg Graduate School
     of Management
     Northwestern University
     2001 Sheridan Road
     Evanston, IL  60208

 David A. Sachs                                     154,550 (10)            *
     c/o Ares Management, L.P.
     1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1900
     Los Angeles, CA  90067

 J.  C. Watts, Jr.                                   10,039                 *
     c/o J. C. Watts Companies
     600 13th Street, NW, Suite 790
     Washington, D.C. 20005

 Helge H. Wehmeier                                   21,409                 *
     c/o Bayer Corporation
     100 Bayer Road
     Pittsburgh, PA  15025-2000

 Colin Robertson                                     91,400 (11)            *
     c/o Terex Corporation
     500 Post Road East
     Westport, CT  06880

 Robert Wilkerson                                   846,884 (12)           1.7%
     c/o Terex Corporation
     500 Post Road East
     Westport, CT  06880

 Phillip C. Widman                                   38,048 (13)            *
     c/o Terex Corporation
     500 Post Road East
     Westport, CT  06880

 Eric I Cohen                                       111,696 (14)            *
     c/o Terex Corporation
     500 Post Road East
     Westport, CT  06880

 Fil Filipov                                         96,874 (15)            *
     100 East Huron Street, Unit 4703
     Chicago, IL 60611

 All directors and executive officers             2,762,675 (16)           5.5%
     as a group (19 persons)

*    Amount owned does not exceed one percent (1%) of the class so owned.

(1)  FMR Corp.  ("FMR") filed a Schedule 13G (a "Schedule 13G"),  dated February
     16, 2004,  pursuant to Section  13(g) of the Exchange Act,  reflecting  the
     beneficial  ownership of 5,556,830  shares of Common  Stock.  This includes
     4,243,830  shares  beneficially  owned by  Fidelity  Management  & Research
     Company and  1,193,700  shares  beneficially  owned by Fidelity  Management
     Trust Company, each a subsidiary of FMR. Edward C. Johnson 3rd, Chairman of
     FMR, and Abigail P. Johnson,  a director of FMR, through their ownership of
     FMR stock and as a result of certain  voting  arrangements  among owners of
     FMR stock,  may be deemed to form a  controlling  group with respect to FMR
     and thus may be deemed to be beneficial  owners of the shares  beneficially
     owned by FMR.

                                         (footnotes continued on following page)


(footnotes continued from preceding page)

(2)  AXA Financial,  Inc. ("AXA") filed a Schedule 13G, dated February 13, 2004,
     reflecting the beneficial  ownership of 4,612,887 shares of Common Stock by
     AXA and its affiliates, including 3,760,287 shares held by AXA's subsidiary
     Alliance Capital Management L.P.  ("Alliance").  A majority of these shares
     are held by unaffiliated third-party client accounts managed by Alliance as
     investment advisor.

(3)  Mellon  Financial  Corporation  ("Mellon")  filed  a  Schedule  13G,  dated
     February 2, 2004,  reflecting the beneficial  ownership of 2,841,768 shares
     of Common Stock.

(4)  Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.  ("Dimensional") filed a Schedule 13G, dated
     February 6, 2004,  reflecting the beneficial  ownership of 2,802,236 shares
     of Common Stock by Dimensional.  Dimensional disclaims beneficial ownership
     of such securities.

(5)  Includes 7,900 shares of Common Stock owned by an entity which Mr. Andersen
     is a partner.  Also,  includes  29,231 shares of Common Stock issuable upon
     the exercise of options exercisable within 60 days.

(6)  Includes  281,287  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(7)  Includes  10,023  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(8)  Includes 9,163 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options
     exercisable within 60 days.

(9)  Includes  14,413  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(10) Includes  3,800 shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Sachs' wife.  Mr. Sachs
     disclaims the  beneficial  ownership of such shares.  Also includes  30,000
     shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of options  exercisable
     within 60 days.

(11) Includes  53,250  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(12) Includes  70,012  shares  of  Common  Stock  owned  by  Wilkerson   Limited
     Partnership.  Also includes  3,750 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the
     exercise of options exercisable within 60 days.

(13) Includes 8,750 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options
     exercisable within 60 days.

(14) Includes  53,000  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(15) Includes  56,500  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(16) Includes  723,992  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
     options exercisable within 60 days.


                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     The following table sets forth,  as of March 1, 2004, the respective  names
and ages of the  Company's  executive  officers,  indicating  all  positions and
offices held by each such  person.  Each officer is elected by the Board to hold
office for one year or until his successor is duly elected and qualified.

  Name                       Age     Positions and Offices with Company
  ----                       ---     ----------------------------------

  Ronald M. DeFeo            51      Chairman of the Board, President,
                                     Chief Executive Officer,
                                     Chief Operating Officer and Director

  Phillip C. Widman          49      Senior Vice President and
                                     Chief Financial Officer

  Eric I Cohen               45      Senior Vice President, Secretary and
                                     General Counsel

  Brian J. Henry             45      Senior Vice President, Finance and
                                     Business Development

  Kevin A. Barr              44      Vice President, Human Resources

  Colin Robertson            39      President, Terex Construction

  Steve Filipov              35      President, Terex Cranes

  Robert R. Wilkerson        54      President, Terex Aerial Work Platforms

  Christian Ragot            46      President, Terex Utilities and Roadbuilding

  Richard Nichols            42      President, Terex Material Processing
                                     and Mining

  Kerry O'Sullivan           44      President, Terex Light Construction
                                     and Military Programs

  Joseph F. Apuzzo           48      President, Terex Financial Services

     For information regarding Mr. DeFeo, refer to the table listing nominees in
the prior section "Proposal 1: Election of Directors."

     Phillip C. Widman was appointed  Senior Vice President and Chief  Financial
Officer of the Company on September 16, 2002. Prior to joining the Company,  Mr.
Widman served as Executive Vice  President,  Chief  Financial  Officer of Philip
Services Corporation, an industrial outsourcing and metal services company, from
1998 to 2001,  and as an  independent  consultant  from  2001 to 2002.  Prior to
joining Philip Services, Mr. Widman worked at Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. ("ABB") for
eleven  years  in  various   financial   and   operational   capacities  in  the
transportation,  power generation and power distribution businesses.  During his
last two years at ABB, he served as Vice President,  Chief Financial Officer and
Supply Management of its diverse businesses in the United States.  Additionally,
Mr.  Widman's  experience  includes  twelve years with Unisys  Corporation  in a


variety of financial  roles. In his role as an officer of Philip  Services,  Mr.
Widman was an executive  officer of  approximately  125 U.S. legal entities that
filed for federal  bankruptcy  protection  as part of a  restructuring  of their
outstanding debt obligations.

     Eric I Cohen became Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel of
the Company on January 1, 1998.  Prior to joining the  Company,  Mr. Cohen was a
partner with the New York City law firm of Robinson  Silverman Pearce Aronsohn &
Berman LLP (which firm has since merged with Bryan Cave LLP) since  January 1992
and was an associate attorney with that firm from 1983 to 1992.

     Brian J. Henry was appointed  Senior Vice  President,  Finance and Business
Development on October 18, 2002. Mr. Henry previously held the positions of Vice
President,   Finance  and  Business  Development,   Vice  President-Finance  and
Treasurer, and Vice President-Corporate  Development and Acquisitions. Mr. Henry
also served as the Company's Director of Investor Relations.  Mr. Henry has been
employed by the Company since 1993. From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Henry was employed by
KCS Industries, L.P. and its predecessor,  KCS Industries,  Inc., an entity that
until  December  31,  1993,  provided  administrative,   financial,   marketing,
technical, real estate and legal services to the Company and its subsidiaries.

     Kevin A. Barr was named Vice  President,  Human Resources of the Company on
September  25,  2000.  Prior to joining  the  Company,  Mr.  Barr served as Vice
President-Human  Resources at DBT Online since 1998. From 1995 to 1998, Mr. Barr
was at Nabisco, Inc. as Vice President-Human Resources,  Asia/Pacific.  Prior to
that, Mr. Barr served as Vice President-Human Resources,  Asia/Pacific and Latin
America with Dun and  Bradstreet  Corporation  from 1990 to 1995, and in various
human resources  executive positions at the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. from 1981
to 1990.

     Colin Robertson was named  President,  Terex  Construction on September 11,
2002. At that time, Mr.  Robertson had been serving as President of Terex Europe
since May 1, 2001.  Mr.  Robertson  previously  held the  position  of  Managing
Director for both the Construction  and Powerscreen  groups of the Company since
July 2000 and before that was Managing Director for the Construction  group from
September 1998. Prior to that, he was the General Manager of the Company's crane
operations  in  Waverly,  Iowa,  in 1998 and of the  Company's  Terex  Equipment
Limited  operation in 1996 and 1997. Before joining the Company in October 1994,
Mr. Robertson spent 12 years in positions of increasing responsibility with J.I.
Case Co. and Cummins Engine Company.

     Steve Filipov was named President, Terex Cranes on January 1, 2004. At that
time, Mr. Filipov had been serving as President of international  operations for
Terex Cranes since July 1, 2002.  Prior to that Mr.  Filipov held various  other
positions with the Company since September 1, 1995.

     Robert R. Wilkerson became President,  Terex Aerial Work Platforms upon the
completion of the Company's  acquisition of Genie  Holdings,  Inc.  ("Genie") on
September 18, 2002.  Mr.  Wilkerson had been serving as President of Genie since
January 1977.

     Christian Ragot was appointed President of Terex Utilities and Roadbuilding
on November  14,  2003.  Previously,  Mr. Ragot had served as President of Terex
Utilities  since July 1, 2002.  Prior to that,  Mr. Ragot held the  positions of
President  of American  Crane,  Senior  Vice-President  - Sales and  Aftermarket
Services, and President of EarthKing since joining the Company in 1999. Prior to
joining  the  Company,  Mr.  Ragot was Vice  President  and  General  Manager of
Ingersoll-Rand  Company (Air Compressor Group - Europe) and Manager of Worldwide
Marketing for the Construction and Mining group.

     Richard Nichols was named President,  Terex Material  Processing and Mining
on January 23, 2004.  Prior to that,  Mr.  Nichols  served as the Company's Vice
President and General  Manager,  Infrastructure  since April 2003.  Mr.  Nichols


previously  held the  position of Vice  President  and General  Manager of Terex
Mining Trucks since  joining the Company in October  2000.  Prior to joining the
Company,  Mr. Nichols spent 15 years in the aerospace  industry and Honeywell in
various senior management positions.

     Kerry O'Sullivan was named President, Terex Light Construction and Military
Programs on March 1, 2004. Prior to that, Mr.  O'Sullivan served as President of
Terex Light Construction, as well as in various other executive positions, since
joining the Company in 1998. Prior to joining the Company,  Mr. O'Sullivan spent
18 years with Allied Signal in various senior  management  positions,  including
Senior Director- Operations, Aerospace Sector.

     Joseph F. Apuzzo was named President, Terex Financial Services on September
16, 2002.  Prior to that,  Mr. Apuzzo served as Chief  Financial  Officer of the
Company since October 21, 1999. Mr. Apuzzo previously held the positions of Vice
President-Corporate  Finance, Vice  President-Finance  and Controller,  and Vice
President,  Corporate  Controller  since joining the Company on October 9, 1995.
Mr.  Apuzzo was Vice  President of Corporate  Finance at D'Arcy  Masius Benton &
Bowles,  Inc. from September 1994 until October 1995. Mr. Apuzzo was employed by
Price Waterhouse LLP in various capacities from 1983 until September 1994.

Code of Ethics

     The  Company  has  adopted  a code of  ethics  that  applies  to all of its
employees,  including  the  Company's  principal  executive  officer,  principal
financial officer and principal  accounting officer,  among others. This code of
ethics is a set of written standards reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and
to  promote:  honest and  ethical  conduct;  full,  fair,  accurate,  timely and
understandable  disclosure;  compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules
and   regulations;   prompt   internal   reporting  of  code   violations;   and
accountability  for  adherence to the code.  The Company  periodically  reviews,
updates and revises its code of ethics when it considers appropriate.  A copy of
the current code of ethics is available at the Company's website, www.terex.com,
in the "Corporate Governance" section of the "Investors" portion of the website.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

     The Summary  Compensation  Table below shows the  compensation for the past
three fiscal years of the Company's Chief  Executive  Officer and its four other
highest paid executive  officers who had 2003 earned qualifying  compensation in
excess of $100,000,  as well as one former executive officer of the Company (the
"Named Executive Officers").

                                                      Summary Compensation Table
                                                Annual Compensation                       Long-Term Compensation
                                       --------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------
                                                                                            Awards               Payouts

                                                                   Other       Restricted     Securities                 All Other
                                                                   Annual        Stock        Underlying     LTIP         Compen-
      Name and                          Salary       Bonus         Compen-       Awards        Options/     Payouts       Sation
 Principal Position            Year      ($)          ($)        sation ($)(1)   ($)(2)         SARS(#)       ($)         ($)(3)
 ------------------            ----    --------   ----------    --------------  ---------    -----------  -----------  -------------
Ronald M. DeFeo                2003    $700,000   $1,400,000      $22,200      $881,250         50,000    $1,908,000    $35,307 (4)
   Chairman,  President,       2002     700,000      550,000       15,500       343,200         75,000         -0-       34,202
   Chief Executive             2001     655,000      550,000       28,000       890,000        100,000         -0-       24,950
   Officer and
   Chief  Operating  Officer

Colin Robertson (5)            2003     381,282      351,525        -0-         111,100         15,000         -0-       37,589 (6)
   President, Terex            2002     332,335      172,857        -0-          91,520         16,000         -0-       26,208
   Construction                2001     262,964      165,704        -0-         133,500         20,000         -0-       22,967

Robert Wilkerson (7)           2003     298,664      375,000        -0-         111,100         15,000         -0-        8,000
   President, Terex Aerial     2002      77,652       50,000        -0-           -0-            -0-           -0-        -0-
   Work Platforms

Phillip C. Widman (8)          2003     356,250      255,000        -0-         111,100         15,000         -0-       38,824 (9)
   Senior Vice President and   2002     102,083      100,000        -0-         401,800 (10)    20,000         -0-       10,563
   Chief Financial Officer

Eric I Cohen                   2003     325,000      205,000        -0-         111,100         15,000       212,000      8,330
   Senior Vice President,      2002     310,000      150,000        -0-          91,520         16,000         -0-       10,624
   Secretary and General       2001     275,000      150,000        -0-         178,000         35,000         -0-        9,263

Fil Filipov (11)               2003     411,800      200,000      102,344 (12)  111,100         15,000       636,000     47,330 (13)
   President, Terex Cranes     2002     401,700      165,000      131,671 (12)  102,960         18,000         -0-      107,305
                               2001     390,280      175,000      116,506 (12)  267,000         50,000         -0-      105,810


(1)  Other Annual Compensation includes the Company's matching contribution to a
     deferred  compensation  plan,  which matching  contribution  is invested in
     Common Stock.

(2)  On February 7, 2003,  grants of Restricted  Stock were made under the Terex
     Corporation  2000  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  (the  "2000  Plan")  to  Mr.
     Robertson  (10,000  shares),  Mr.  Wilkerson  (10,000  shares),  Mr. Widman
     (10,000 shares), Mr. Cohen (10,000 shares) and Mr. Filipov (10,000 shares).
     The value of the Restricted Stock granted to such Named Executive  Officers
     set forth in the table above for 2003 is based on the  closing  stock price
     on the NYSE of the Common  Stock of $11.11 per share on  February  7, 2003.
     With respect to each grant of  Restricted  Stock made to a Named  Executive
     Officer on February 7, 2003, the shares of Restricted Stock awarded vest in


     equal  increments  on each of the first four  anniversaries  of February 7,
     2003.  Upon the  earliest to occur of a change in control of the Company or
     the death or disability of the recipient of the grant, any unvested portion
     of such Restricted Stock grant shall vest immediately.  Dividends,  if any,
     are  paid  on  Restricted  Stock  awards  at the  same  rate as paid to all

     On March 13, 2003, a grant of Restricted Stock was made under the 2000 Plan
     to Mr. DeFeo (75,000 shares).  The value of the Restricted Stock granted to
     Mr.  DeFeo set forth in the  table  above for 2003 is based on the  closing
     stock  price on the NYSE of the  Common  Stock of $11.75 per share on March
     13, 2003.  With respect to the grant of Restricted  Stock made to Mr. DeFeo
     on March 13, 2003,  50,000 of the shares of Restricted Stock awarded,  vest
     if and when the closing  stock  price on the NYSE equals or exceeds  $22.34
     and 25,000 of the shares of Restricted Stock awarded,  vest if and when the
     closing  stock price on the NYSE equals or exceeds  $25.13.  The 50,000 and
     25,000  shares of  Restricted  Stock vested on August 18, 2003 and November
     25, 2003,  respectively.  Dividends,  if any, are paid on Restricted  Stock
     awards at the same rate as paid to all stockholders.

     On March 19, 2002, grants of Restricted Stock were made under the 2000 Plan
     to Mr. DeFeo (15,000  shares),  Mr.  Robertson  (4,000  shares),  Mr. Cohen
     (4,000 shares) and Mr. Filipov (4,500 shares).  The value of the Restricted
     Stock granted to such Named Executive Officers set forth in the table above
     for 2002 is  based on the  closing  stock  price on the NYSE of the  Common
     Stock of $22.88 per share on March 19, 2002.  With respect to each grant of
     Restricted  Stock made to a Named Executive  Officer on March 19, 2002, the
     shares of Restricted  Stock awarded vest in equal increments on each of the
     first four anniversaries of March 19, 2002. Upon the earliest to occur of a
     change  in  control  of the  Company  or the  death  or  disability  of the
     recipient of the grant, any unvested portion of such Restricted Stock grant
     shall vest  immediately.  Dividends,  if any, are paid on Restricted  Stock
     awards at the same rate as paid to all stockholders.

     On April 5, 2001,  grants of Restricted Stock were made under the 2000 Plan
     to Mr. DeFeo (50,000  shares),  Mr.  Robertson  (7,500  shares),  Mr. Cohen
     (10,000  shares)  and  Mr.  Filipov  (15,000  shares).  The  value  of  the
     Restricted Stock granted to such Named Executive  Officers set forth in the
     table above for 2001 is based on the closing stock price on the NYSE of the
     Common  Stock of $17.80  per share on April 5, 2001.  With  respect to each
     grant of Restricted Stock made to a Named Executive  Officer other than Mr.
     DeFeo on April 5, 2001,  the shares of  Restricted  Stock  awarded  vest in
     equal increments on each of the first four  anniversaries of April 5, 2001.
     With respect to the grant of Restricted Stock made to Mr. DeFeo on April 5,
     2001, the shares of Restricted Stock awarded vest as follows: 30,000 of the
     shares of Restricted  Stock awarded vest in equal increments on each of the
     first four  anniversaries  of April 5,  2001;  the other  20,000  shares of
     Restricted  Stock  awarded vest if and when the closing  stock price on the
     NYSE of the Common Stock equals or exceeds $33.60.  This vested on February
     6, 2004.  Upon the  earliest to occur of a change in control of the Company
     or the death or  disability  of the  recipient  of the grant,  any unvested
     portion of such Restricted Stock grant shall vest  immediately.  Dividends,
     if any, are paid on Restricted Stock awards at the same rate as paid to all

     The aggregate value of all unvested restricted stockholdings as of December
     31, 2003, based on a closing stock price on the NYSE of the Common Stock of
     $28.48 per share on that date, was: $1,317,200 for Mr. DeFeo,  $612,320 for
     Mr.  Robertson,  $284,800  for Mr.  Wilkerson,  $712,000  for  Mr.  Widman,
     $868,640 for Mr. Cohen and $1,164,120 for Mr. Filipov.

(3)  The amounts shown for 2003 include:
     (a)  Company matching  contributions to a defined contribution plan ($8,000
          for each of Mr. DeFeo, Mr.  Wilkerson,  Mr. Widman and Mr. Filipov and
          $6,000 for Mr. Cohen);
     (b)  Company  contributions  to an employee stock purchase plan ($1,784 for
          Mr. DeFeo, $578 for Mr. Widman and $30 for Mr. Cohen); and
     (c)  Premiums  paid by the Company with respect to life  insurance  for the
          benefit of the Named Executive Officers ($6,856 for Mr. DeFeo,  $3,733
          for Mr. Widman, $2,300 for Mr. Cohen and $9,330 for Mr. Filipov).

(4)  In addition to the amounts  described in footnote (3), the amount shown for
     2003 for Mr. DeFeo includes $18,667 paid to Mr. DeFeo for  reimbursement of
     insurance premiums as part of Mr. DeFeo's compensation package.

(5)  Mr. Robertson  receives his  compensation in British pounds.  Amounts shown
     are  converted  into U.S.  dollars at an average  rate of exchange  for the
     applicable  year (for  2003,  one  British  pound = $1.635;  for 2002,  one
     British pound = $1.5031; and for 2001, one British pound = $1.4409).

(6)  The amount shown for 2003 for Mr. Robertson includes a $37,589 contribution
     by the Company to an employee pension plan.

(7)  Mr. Wilkerson joined the Company on September 18, 2002.

(8)  Mr. Widman joined the Company on September 16, 2002.


(9)  In addition to the amounts  described in footnote (3), the amount shown for
     2003 for Mr. Widman  includes  $26,513 paid to Mr.  Widman  pursuant to the
     Company's executive relocation program.

(10) On September  17, 2002,  Mr.  Widman  received a grant of 20,000  shares of
     Restricted  Stock under the 2000 Plan.  The value of the  Restricted  Stock
     granted to Mr. Widman set forth in the table above for 2002 is based on the
     closing  stock price on the NYSE of the Common Stock of $20.09 per share on
     September 17, 2002.  The shares of  Restricted  Stock awarded to Mr. Widman
     vest in  equal  increments  on  each of the  first  four  anniversaries  of
     September  17,  2002.  Upon the earliest to occur of a change in control of
     the Company or the death or disability of Mr. Widman,  any unvested portion
     of such Restricted Stock grant shall vest immediately.  Dividends,  if any,
     are  paid  on  Restricted  Stock  awards  at the  same  rate as paid to all

(11) Mr.  Filipov  retired as President of Terex Cranes  effective  December 31,

(12) In addition to a $15,000 matching  contribution to a deferred  compensation
     plan in each of 2002 and 2001 as  described  in  footnote  (1),  the amount
     shown for 2003, 2002 and 2001 for Mr. Filipov includes:
     (a)  $66,000 in each of 2003, 2002 and 2001 for certain expenses related to
          an office maintained by Mr.lipov in Chicago for Company business; and
     (b)  $36,344  in 2003,  $50,671  in 2002 and  $35,506  in 2001 for  certain
          travel  expenses  incurred  by Mr.  Filipov's  wife to  accompany  Mr.
          Filipov on business travel.

(13) In addition to the amounts  described in footnote (3), the amount shown for
     2003 for Mr. Filipov  includes a $30,000  contribution by the Company to an
     employee pension plan.


Stock Option Grants in 2003

     The  following  table sets  forth  information  on grants of stock  options
during 2003 to the Named Executive Officers. The number of stock options granted
to the Named  Executive  Officers  during  2003 is also  listed  in the  Summary
Compensation Table in the column entitled "Securities Underlying  Options/SARs."
The exercise  price of the options  equaled or exceeded the fair market price of
the Common Stock at the time of the grant.

                                         Stock Option/SAR Grants in 2003
                                              Individual Grants
                         Number of
                         Securities       % of Total                                    Potential Realizable Value
                         Underlying    Options Granted    Exercise or                   at Assumed Annual Rates of
                          Options      to Employees in     Base Price     Expiration     Stock Price Appreciation
        Name           Granted(#)(1)     Fiscal Year        ($/Sh)           Date            for Option Term
        ----           -------------     -----------        ------           ----            ---------------
                                                                                           5%($)         10%($)
                                                                                           -----         ------

Ronald M. DeFeo            50,000            6.9%            $11.17        3/13/2013     $351,238       $890,105

Colin Robertson            15,000            2.1%            $11.32        2/7/2013      $106,786       $270,617

Robert Wilkerson           15,000            2.1%            $11.32        2/7/2013      $106,786       $270,617

Phillip C. Widman          15,000            2.1%            $11.32        2/7/2013      $106,786       $270,617

Eric I Cohen               15,000            2.1%            $11.32        2/7/2013      $106,786       $270,617

Fil Filipov                15,000            2.1%            $11.32        2/7/2013      $106,786       $270,617


(1)  These options were granted under the 2000 Plan. These options vest in equal
     one-quarter  installments  on the  anniversary  date  of the  grant  over a
     four-year period.

Aggregated Option Exercises in 2003 and Year-End Option Values

     The table below  summarizes  options  exercised  during  2003 and  year-end
option values of the Named Executive Officers listed in the Summary Compensation

         Aggregated Option Exercises in 2003 and Year-End Option Values

                                                                  Number of Securities       Value of Unexercised
                                                                 Underlying Unexercised      In-the-Money Options
                                                                 Options at Year-End (#)      at Year-End ($)(1)
                                                                 -----------------------      ------------------
                          Shares Acquired       Value Realized
     Name                 on Exercise (#)           ($)          Exercisable/Unexercisable  Exercisable/Unexercisable
     ----                 ---------------       -------------    -------------------------  -------------------------
     Ronald M. DeFeo             13,710          $296,410         214,012/186,025       $2,050,523/$1,685,248

     Colin Robertson               -0-             -0-             39,250/40,250          $401,286/$496,867

     Robert Wilkerson              -0-             -0-               0/15,000                $0/$257,400

     Phillip C. Widman             -0-             -0-             5,000/30,000           $41,950/$383,250

     Eric I Cohen                  -0-             -0-             41,500/44,500          $480,395/$535,360

     Fil Filipov                   -0-             -0-             35,750/53,500          $410,085/$632,155


(1)  Based on the closing  price of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the NYSE on
     December 31, 2003 of $28.48.


Long-Term Incentive Plan Awards in 2003

     No  long-term  compensation  awards  were made  during 2003 under the Terex
Corporation  1999  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan ("LTIP") or otherwise to the Named
Executive Officers listed in the Summary Compensation Table.

Pension Plans

     The Company  adopted a  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan  ("SERP")
effective  October 1, 2002.  The SERP is  intended  to  provide  certain  senior
executives  of the Company  with  retirement  benefits in  recognition  of their
contributions  to the  long-term  growth of the  Company.  The table below shows
estimated annual benefits payable upon retirement in specified  compensation and
years of service classifications.

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

                                                YEARS OF SERVICE
COMPENSATION        10              15             20              25               30
------------        --              --             --              --               --

$ 250,000        $ 50,000        $ 75,000      $ 100,000     $ 100,000          $ 100,000
  500,000         100,000         150,000        200,000       200,000            200,000
  750,000         150,000         225,000        300,000       300,000            300,000
1,000,000         200,000         300,000        400,000       400,000            400,000
1,250,000         250,000         375,000        500,000       500,000            500,000
1,500,000         300,000         450,000        600,000       600,000            600,000
1,750,000         350,000         525,000        700,000       700,000            700,000
2,000,000         400,000         600,000        800,000       800,000            800,000
2,250,000         450,000         675,000        900,000       900,000            900,000
2,500,000         500,000         750,000      1,000,000     1,000,000          1,000,000

     The  compensation  covered  by the SERP is based on a  participant's  final
five-year average of annual salary and bonus. As of December 31, 2003, the Named
Executive  Officers  participating  in the  SERP  had  the  following  estimated
credited years of benefit service for purposes of the SERP: Ronald M. DeFeo - 12
years; Colin Robertson - 9 years; Phillip C. Widman - 1 year; and Eric I Cohen -
6 years. Benefits are computed assuming a normal retirement age ("NRA") of 65 or
when age plus years of service first equal 90.  Benefits accrue at 2% of average
compensation  per year of  service,  payable  at the NRA,  up to a maximum of 20
years of  service.  Benefits  are  payable  monthly as a life  annuity  with 120
monthly  payments  guaranteed.  Benefits are reduced by 50% for Social  Security
payments and 100% for any other Company-paid retirement benefits.

     The Company also  maintains  four defined  benefit  pension plans  covering
certain domestic employees,  including,  as described below, certain officers of
the Company or its subsidiaries.  Retirement benefits for the plans covering the
salaried  employees  are based  primarily  on years of  service  and  employees'
qualifying  compensation  during the final  years of  employment.  In  addition,
certain of the Company's foreign  subsidiaries  maintain defined benefit pension
plans for their employees and/or executives.

     Mr. DeFeo and Mr.  Filipov  participate in the Terex  Corporation  Salaried
Employees'  Retirement  Plan,  which  was  merged  into  the  Terex  Corporation
Retirement  Program for  Salaried  Employees  on June 30, 2000 (the  "Retirement
Plan"). None of the other Named Executive Officers participate in the Retirement
Plan. Participation in the Retirement Plan was frozen as of May 7, 1993.

     Participants  in the  Retirement  Plan with five or more years of  eligible
service are fully vested and entitled to annual  pension  benefits  beginning at
age 65.  Retirement  benefits under the Retirement Plan are equal to the product


of (i) the  participant's  years of service (as defined in the Retirement  Plan)
and (ii) 1.02% of final  average  earnings (as defined in the  Retirement  Plan)
plus 0.71% of such  compensation  in excess of amounts  shown on the  applicable
Social  Security  Integration  Table for  participants  born prior to 1938.  For
participants  born during  1938-1954,  the formula is modified by replacing  the
1.02% and 0.71%  figures with 1.08% and 0.65%,  respectively.  For  participants
born after  1954,  the  formula is  modified  by  replacing  the 1.02% and 0.71%
figures with 1.13% and 0.60%, respectively. Service in excess of 25 years is not
recognized. There is no offset for primary Social Security. Participation in the
Retirement Plan was frozen as of May 7, 1993, and no participants, including Mr.
DeFeo and Mr.  Filipov,  will be  credited  with  service  following  such date.
However,  participants  not currently fully vested will be credited with service
for purposes of determining vesting only. The annual retirement benefits payable
at normal  retirement age under the Retirement Plan will be $4,503 for Mr. DeFeo
and $254 for Mr. Filipov.

     Mr. Filipov also  participates  in a pension plan maintained by PPM S.A.S.,
one of the Company's foreign  subsidiaries,  which provides a pension benefit to
employee  participants  based  primarily  on amounts  contributed.  To receive a
benefit,  employees must participate a minimum of eight years. Commencing on the
later of November 2004 or Mr. Filipov's retirement, Mr. Filipov will be entitled
to withdraw  either  annually or quarterly  from this  pension.  At December 31,
2003, the aggregate amount in Mr. Filipov's PPM S.A.S. pension was approximately

     Mr.  Robertson has participated  since 1994 in the Terex Equipment  Pension
Scheme  maintained by Terex  Equipment  Limited,  one of the  Company's  foreign
subsidiaries.  Contributions  to the  pension  plan are 10% of base  salary from
Terex Equipment  Limited and 5% of base salary from the employee.  At the normal
retirement  age of 65, Mr.  Robertson's  projected  pension  would be 2/3 of the
earnings cap on pensions,  less any retained benefits. At December 31, 2003, the
annual earnings cap was approximately $176,800.

Compensation of Directors

     Directors  who  are   employees  of  the  Company   receive  no  additional
compensation  by virtue  of their  being  directors  of the  Company.  For their
service,  outside directors receive an annual retainer,  as described below. All
directors of the Company are reimbursed for travel, lodging and related expenses
incurred in attending Board and committee meetings.

     The  compensation  program for outside  directors is designed  primarily to
encourage  outside directors to receive the annual retainer for Board service in
Common Stock or in options for Common  Stock,  or both,  to enable  directors to
defer receipt of their fees and to satisfy the Company's  Common Stock ownership
objective for outside directors.

     Under the program,  outside  directors  receive  annually the equivalent of
$50,000  for  service as a Board  member (or a prorated  amount if a  director's
service  begins other than on the first day of the year).  Each director  elects
annually,  for the particular  year, to receive this fee in (i) shares of Common
Stock  currently,  (ii) options to purchase  shares of Common  Stock  currently,
(iii) cash to be contributed  to the Company's  Deferred  Compensation  Plan, or
(iv) any combination of the three preceding alternatives. The total for any year
of the (i)  number of shares  paid and (ii) the  number  of  shares  covered  by
options  granted  may not exceed  7,500 (as such  number may be adjusted to take
into account any change in the capital structure of the Company by reason of any
stock  split,  stock  dividend  or  recapitalization).  If a director  elects to
receive shares of Common Stock  currently,  then 40% of this annual retainer (or
$20,000) is paid in cash to offset the tax liability  related to such  election.
If a director  elects to receive cash,  this cash must be  contributed  into the
Common Stock account of the Company's  Deferred  Compensation  Plan,  unless the
director has already  satisfied the Company's  Common Stock ownership  objective
described below, in which case the funds may be invested in an  interest-bearing
account in the Company's Deferred Compensation Plan.

     For purposes of calculating  the number of shares of Common Stock or number
of options  into which the fixed sum  translates,  Common Stock is valued at its
closing price on the NYSE on the payment or grant date (the first trading day of


any year or any other  applicable  date).  In respect of options that a director
elects to  receive,  the price of the  Common  Stock,  determined  as above,  is
adjusted to reflect  year-to-year  volatility  in the market price of the Common
Stock.  This adjusted price is the value of the underlying option at the time of
grant.  For 2004 the options  were valued at 25% of fair market  value of Common
Stock on the date of  grant.  Options  vest  immediately  upon  grant and have a
ten-year term.

     Directors  receive  a fee of $1,000  for each  Board or  committee  meeting
attended  in  person  and $500 for each  Board  or  committee  meeting  attended
telephonically.  In  addition,  each  director  who serves as  chairperson  of a
committee of the Board receives an annual retainer of $10,000,  payable in cash,
and each director who serves as a member of a committee (including any committee
that the  director  chairs)  receives an annual  retainer of $5,000,  payable in
cash.  For a director  whose  service  begins other than on the first day of the
year,  any  retainer  is  prorated.  Directors  may  elect to defer  receipt  of
retainers for committee service into the Company's Deferred Compensation Plan.

     Any Board or committee  retainers  that are deferred  into the Common Stock
account  receive a matching 25%  contribution  from the Company in Common Stock.
Board  retainers,  committee  retainers and meeting fees (or portions of either)
may also be deferred to an interest-bearing account under the Company's Deferred
Compensation Plan and earn interest,  which is compounded annually.  The rate of
interest at December 31, 2003 was approximately 6.28% per annum.  Payment of any
deferral  (whether  in Common  Stock or cash) is deferred  until the  director's
termination  of service or such  earlier  date as the  director  specifies  when
electing the applicable deferral.

     The Company's director compensation program also establishes a Common Stock
ownership  objective  for  outside  directors.  Each  director  is  expected  to
accumulate, over the three-year period commencing January 1, 2000, or, if later,
the first three years of Board  service  beginning on or after  January 1, 2000,
the  number of shares of  Common  Stock  that is equal in market  value to three
times the annual  retainer for Board  service  ($150,000).  Once this  ownership
objective  is  achieved,  the  director is expected  to  maintain  such  minimum
ownership level. The intent is to encourage  acquisition and retention of Common
Stock  by  directors,  evidencing  the  alignment  of their  interests  with the
interests of stockholders.  To this end, each new director will receive an award
of shares of Common  Stock  having a market  value of $25,000 on the date of the
award.  Each new director  must defer  receipt of this award under the Company's
Deferred Compensation Plan.

     For additional  information with respect to compensation of directors,  see
"Proposal 7: Approval of the Arrangement for  Compensation of Outside  Directors
of Terex Corporation."

Employment   Contracts,   Termination   of  Employment   and   Change-in-Control

     The Company and Ronald M. DeFeo entered into a Second  Amended and Restated
Employment  and  Compensation  Agreement  as of  January  1,  2002  (the  "DeFeo
Agreement").  Pursuant to the DeFeo  Agreement,  Mr.  DeFeo's term of employment
with the Company as Chief  Executive  Officer,  reporting to the Board,  extends
through  December 31, 2004. In the event of a Change in Control (as such term is
defined in the DeFeo  Agreement) on or prior to December 31, 2004,  Mr.  DeFeo's
term of employment would continue for 36 months after such Change in Control.

     Under the DeFeo  Agreement,  Mr. DeFeo is to receive an initial annual base
salary of $655,000,  subject to increase by the Board, as well as annual bonuses
and long-term incentive compensation during his term of employment in accordance
with any plan or plans  established  by the Company.  The Company also agrees to
use its best efforts to have Mr.  DeFeo  elected as a member and Chairman of the
Board during the term of the DeFeo Agreement.


     If Mr.  DeFeo's  employment  with the Company is  terminated by the Company
without  Cause or by Mr.  DeFeo for Good  Reason  (each as  defined in the DeFeo
Agreement),  or if the Company  elects not to extend the DeFeo  Agreement at the
end of its term, Mr. DeFeo is to receive,  in addition to his salary,  bonus and
other  compensation  earned through the time of such termination,  (i) two times
his base  salary,  (ii) two times the average of his annual  bonuses for the two
calendar years preceding termination,  (iii) a prorated portion of his bonus for
the fiscal year during which such termination occurs, (iv) continuing  insurance
coverage for up to two years from termination, (v) immediate vesting of unvested
stock options and stock grants with a period of one year  following  termination
to exercise his options,  and (vi)  continuation of all other benefits in effect
at the  time of  termination  for up to two  years  from  termination.  The cash
portion of this payment is spread over a 13-month  period  following the date of
termination,  except if such  termination  occurs  within 24 months  following a
Change in Control,  in which event the cash portion is to be paid in a lump sum.
In addition,  if Mr.  DeFeo's  employment is  terminated by the Company  without
Cause or by Mr.  DeFeo for Good  Reason  within 24 months  following a Change in
Control,  Mr. DeFeo is entitled to immediate vesting of any unvested performance
stock options,  stock grants,  LTIP awards and other similar  awards.  The DeFeo
Agreement also provides for  additional  payments to Mr. DeFeo in the event that
any  payments  under the DeFeo  Agreement  are  subject  to excise tax under the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),  such that Mr. DeFeo
retains an amount of such additional payments equal to the amount of such excise

     If Mr.  DeFeo's  employment  with the Company is terminated for any reason,
including for Cause,  due to Mr.  DeFeo's death or  disability,  or by Mr. DeFeo
voluntarily, or if Mr. DeFeo elects not to extend the DeFeo Agreement at the end
of its term,  Mr.  DeFeo or his  beneficiary  is to receive,  in addition to his
salary,   bonus  and  other  compensation   earned  through  the  time  of  such
termination,  (i) any  deferred  compensation  then in  effect,  (ii) any  other
compensation  or benefits that have vested through the date of termination or to
which Mr. DeFeo may then be  entitled,  including  LTIP,  stock and stock option
awards,  and (iii)  reimbursement of expenses  incurred by Mr. DeFeo through the
date of termination but not yet reimbursed.  If Mr. DeFeo's  employment with the
Company is terminated as the result of Mr. DeFeo's death or disability, then Mr.
DeFeo or his beneficiary would also be entitled to receive a prorated portion of
his bonus for the fiscal year during which such termination occurs.

     The DeFeo Agreement  requires Mr. DeFeo to keep certain  information of the
Company  confidential during his employment and thereafter.  The DeFeo Agreement
also  contains an agreement by Mr. DeFeo not to compete with the business of the
Company  during his term of  employment  with the Company and for a period of 18
months thereafter (24 months thereafter,  if the date of Mr. DeFeo's termination
is within 24 months following a Change in Control).

     The Company and each of Robert R.  Wilkerson,  Phillip C. Widman and Eric I
Cohen (each an "Executive") has a Change in Control and Severance Agreement (the
"Executive  Agreements").  The Company  and Mr.  Widman are party to a Change in
Control and Severance  Agreement dated as of March 24, 2004, the Company and Mr.
Wilkerson are party to a Change in Control and Severance  Agreement  dated as of
September  18,  2002,  and the  Company  and Mr.  Cohen are party to a Change in
Control and Severance Agreement dated as of April 1, 2002. Mr. Wilkerson and Mr.
Cohen each signed an extension of his Executive Agreement on March 15, 2004.

     If an  Executive's  employment  with the  Company is  terminated  within 24
months following a Change in Control (or, in the case of Mr. Widman,  concurrent
with, or in  contemplation  of, a Change in Control),  other than for Cause,  by
reason of death or Permanent Disability, or by the Executive without Good Reason
(each as defined in the Executive  Agreements),  the Executive is to receive (i)
two times his base salary, (ii) two times his annual bonus for the last calendar
year preceding termination,  and (iii) any accrued vacation pay. This payment is
to be paid in a lump sum simultaneously  with the Executive's  termination.  The


Executive  Agreements also provide for additional  payments to the Executives in
the event that any payments under the Executive Agreements are subject to excise
tax under the Code, such that the Executive retains an amount of such additional
payments equal to the amount of such excise tax.

     In addition,  if an Executive is so terminated within 24 months following a
Change  in  Control  (or,  in the case of Mr.  Widman,  concurrent  with,  or in
contemplation  of, a Change in  Control),  the  Executive  also will receive (a)
immediate  vesting of unvested stock options and stock grants,  with a period of
six months following  termination to exercise his options, (b) immediate vesting
of all unvested units granted under the LTIP, (c) continuing  insurance coverage
for up to 24 months from termination, and (d) continuation of all other benefits
in effect at the time of termination for up to 24 months from termination.

     In the event an  Executive's  employment  with the Company is terminated by
the Company  without  Cause or by the  Executive  for Good Reason (other than in
connection  with a Change in Control),  the Company is to pay the  Executive (i)
two times his base salary, (ii) two times his annual bonus for the last calendar
year  preceding  termination  and (iii)  any  accrued  vacation  pay in 24 equal
monthly  payments.  In such event,  the  Executive  would also have the right to
exercise  any stock  options,  LTIP  awards or  similar  awards for at least six
months  following  termination,  and would continue to vest in options and stock
awards granted under the Company's  incentive  plans for 24 months from the date
of termination. In addition, the Company would also provide continuing insurance
coverage  and  continuation  of all  other  benefits  in  effect  at the time of
termination for up to 24 months from termination.

     As  part  of  the  Executive  Agreements,  the  Executives  agree  to  keep
confidential  certain Company  information and not to disparage the Company.  In
addition,  in the cases of Mr. Widman and Wilkerson,  the Executive agrees that,
for  a  period  of 12  and  18  months,  respectively,  following  his  date  of
termination (or 24 months  following such  termination,  if such  termination is
within 24 months following a Change in Control), the Executive will not, without
the prior written consent of the Company,  directly or indirectly  engage in any
Competitive  Business  (as  such  term  is  defined  in  Mr.  Widman's  and  Mr.
Wilkerson's  Executive Agreement) nor solicit,  induce or entice any employee of
the Company to leave the Company.  Each  Executive  Agreement  remains in effect
until the earliest of: (i) termination of the Executive's  employment prior to a
Change  in  Control  (other  than  termination  in  anticipation  of a Change in
Control) by the Company for Cause,  by the  Executive  for any reason other than
Good Reason or by reason of the Executive's death or Permanent Disability;  (ii)
termination of the Executive's employment with the Company following a Change in
Control, by reason of death or Permanent Disability, by the Company for Cause or
by the  Executive  for any reason other than Good  Reason;  or (iii) three years
after  the  date of a Change  in  Control;  however,  each  Executive  Agreement
terminates  two years after its effective  date if the Executive is still in the
employ of the Company at such time and a Change in Control has not yet  occurred
and is not reasonably expected to occur within six months thereafter.

     The Company and Fil Filipov  entered  into a Contract of  Employment  as of
September  1, 1999,  which was  supplemented  as of April 1, 2000 (the  "Filipov
Agreement"). The term of the Filipov Agreement was scheduled to expire on August
31, 2004.  Pursuant to the Filipov  Agreement,  Mr.  Filipov  agreed to continue
managing the Company's lifting business and to take on other special assignments
from time to time.  The  Filipov  Agreement  provided  for an  annual  salary of
$360,000 for Mr.  Filipov,  eligibility  for stock option grants and  restricted
stock  awards  and a  performance  bonus  scheme  with a  target  of 75% of base
compensation.  As part of the  Filipov  Agreement,  Mr.  Filipov  agreed  not to
compete with the business of the Company  through  August 31, 2004.  The Filipov
Agreement  contained  certain  provisions  requiring Mr. Filipov to keep certain
information of the Company confidential during his employment and thereafter. In
addition,  Mr. Filipov had the right under the Filipov Agreement to continue his
service to the Company on a part-time consulting basis for a period of 36 months
following notice of termination of employment to the Company.  Mr. Filipov would
receive 60% of his base salary as  consideration  for such services and would be
allowed to receive and contribute to certain Company benefits.


     The Filipov Agreement has been superseded by a Retirement Agreement entered
into by Mr.  Filipov  and the  Company on  November  13,  2003 (the  "Retirement
Agreement"). Pursuant to the Retirement Agreement, Mr. Filipov elected to retire
as an  employee of the Company  effective  December  31,  2003.  The  Retirement
Agreement  clarifies  that Mr.  Filipov  will be entitled to receive a bonus for
calendar year 2003 with a target bonus  percentage  of 75% of base  compensation
and will be reimbursed  up to $50,000 for the cost of his moving to Europe.  Mr.
Filipov  will  continue  to vest  in his  option  and  restricted  stock  awards
previously  granted to him until  December 31, 2006.  Mr. Filipov is entitled to
payment of all amounts vested in connection  with the 60,000 units issued to him
in 1999 under the LTIP, but Mr. Filipov will not be entitled to the 55,000 units
issued to him in 2002  under the LTIP and his  participation  in the LTIP  shall
terminate as of December  31, 2003.  As part of the  Retirement  Agreement,  Mr.
Filipov agrees not to compete with the business of the Company through  December
31,  2006 and  thereafter  for as long as either he or any  affiliate  of his is
receiving  payments from the Company.  The  Retirement  Agreement  also contains
certain  provisions  requiring Mr.  Filipov to keep certain  information  of the
Company  confidential  during  the term of the  agreement  and  thereafter.  See
"Certain  Relationships  and  Related  Transactions"  for a  description  of the
consulting services that Mr. Filipov is providing the Company commencing January
1, 2004.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     The  Compensation  Committee of the Board,  recommending  compensation  for
executive  officers,   including  the  Named  Executive  Officers,  during  2003
consisted of G. Chris Andersen, William H. Fike and David A. Sachs. There are no
Compensation  Committee interlocks or insider participation with respect to such

Compensation Committee Report

     Executive Compensation Philosophy

     The objectives of the Company's executive  compensation program are to: (i)
attract and retain  executives with the skills critical to the long-term success
of the Company,  (ii) motivate and reward  individual  and team  performance  in
attaining business objectives and maximizing  stockholder value and (iii) link a
significant  portion  of  compensation  to  appreciation  in  the  price  of the
Company's  stock,  so as to align the interests of the  executive  officers with
those of the stockholders.

     To meet these objectives,  the total compensation program is designed to be
competitive with the programs of other  corporations of comparable  revenue size
in industries  with which the Company  competes for customers and executives and
to be fair and equitable to both the executive and the Company. Consideration is
given to the executive's overall responsibilities,  professional qualifications,
business experience,  job performance,  technical expertise and career potential
and the combined value of these factors to the Company's  long-term  performance
and growth.

     Executive Compensation Program

     Each year the Compensation Committee (the "Committee"),  which is comprised
entirely of independent directors,  determines the compensation arrangements for
the Company's executive  officers,  including the individuals whose compensation
is detailed in this Proxy  Statement.  The  executive  compensation  program has
three principal components:  salary,  short-term incentive  compensation (annual
bonus) and long-term incentive  compensation,  each of which is described below.
While the components of compensation  are considered  separately,  the Committee
takes into account the full compensation  package afforded by the Company to the
individual executive.


     Salary is  determined by evaluating  the  responsibilities  of the position
held, the individual's past experience,  current performance and the competitive
marketplace  for executive  talent.  Salary  ranges for the Company's  executive


officers are  comparable  to salary ranges of executives at companies of similar
size, as reported in data available to the Committee.

     Annual Bonus

     In addition to salary,  each  executive  officer is eligible  for an annual
bonus under the Company's  general executive bonus plan. As discussed below, the
bonus of the Chief Executive  Officer (the "CEO") in 2003 was determined under a
different plan.  Bonuses are paid for attainment of (i) Company operating profit
and cash flow goals  established  annually and (ii) specific  performance  goals
established  for each  executive  officer at the  beginning  of each  year.  The
Committee believes that bonuses paid to these individuals, including those whose
compensation is reported in the Summary Compensation Table, reflect the level of
achievement of Company goals and individual performance goals during 2003.

     Long-Term Incentive Compensation

     The purpose of long-term  awards,  currently in the form of stock  options,
grants of Common Stock including Restricted Stock, and grants under the LTIP, is
to align the  interests  of the  executive  officers  with the  interests of the
stockholders.   Additionally,  long-term  awards  offer  executive  officers  an
incentive for the achievement of superior  performance  over time and foster the
retention of key management personnel. In determining stock option, Common Stock
and  LTIP  grants,   the  Committee  bases  its  decision  on  the  individual's
performance and potential to improve  stockholder  value and on the relationship
of  equity  and  objective  performance  goals to the  other  components  of the
individual's compensation.

     CEO Compensation

     The compensation of the CEO is determined pursuant to the principles stated
above.  Specific  consideration  is  given  to the  CEO's  responsibilities  and
experience  in the  industry  and the  compensation  package of chief  executive
officers of comparable  companies.  In order to determine an appropriate overall
level of compensation for Mr. DeFeo for 2003, the Committee  retained an outside
consultant and also considered  information relating to the compensation of CEOs
at comparable companies.

     In appraising the CEO's  performance  during 2003, the Committee noted that
net sales for the Company for 2003 were approximately $3.9 billion,  an increase
of 39.3% from the Company's 2002 net sales of  approximately  $2.8 billion.  The
Committee  also took into account  that the Company  exceeded its 2003 goals for
cash from operations by generating  approximately  $384 million from operations,
and was able to reduce its net debt (consisting of long-term debt, including the
current  portion  of  long-term  debt,  less  cash  and  cash   equivalents)  by
approximately  $315 million in 2003 to a total of approximately  $894 million at
the end of 2003.

     The  Committee  considered  the  Company's  earnings per share for 2003 and
2002,  both including and excluding the impact of special items.  As part of its
review,  the Committee  compared the Company's  performance with that of various
other companies in the construction, infrastructure and surface mining equipment
manufacturing sector, and noted that the Company performed favorably, especially
with respect to its return on invested capital, increase in enterprise value and
growth of market  capitalization  as compared to the  performance of these other
companies.  Among other things,  these  comparisons  indicated  that the Company
maintained  a higher  operating  margin  and a  smaller  percentage  decline  in
operating  profit than did most of such comparable  companies,  even when taking
into  consideration  the difficult  economic  conditions  affecting  many of the
Company's end markets during 2003.

     The  Committee  noted  that the CEO  advanced  the goals of  improving  the
Company's capital structure and financial flexibility in 2003, as he oversaw the
issuance and sale of new 7.375% Senior  Subordinated  Notes due 2013 and the use
of the  proceeds of that  offering,  together  with cash on hand,  to redeem the
Company's 8.875% Senior  Subordinated  Notes due 2008 and to prepay $200 million


principal  amount of bank term loans.  The CEO also  oversaw an amendment to the
Company's  bank  credit  facility  that,  among  other  things,   eases  certain
restrictive  financial  covenants on the Company in order to provide the Company
greater  flexibility and permits the repurchase of up to $200 million  principal
amount of the Company's 10.375% Senior  Subordinated  Notes on or after April 1,

     The Committee  reviewed the CEO's launch of the Terex  Improvement  Program
("TIP")  initiative  in late 2003.  TIP will focus on  improving  the  Company's
internal  processes and helping the Company  become more  customer-centric,  and
will  emphasize such areas as leadership  and talent  development,  the customer
experience, the Company's product value proposition and returns delivered to the
Company's investors.

     The  Committee  noted  that the CEO guided  the  Company in making  further
acquisitions in 2003. The CEO oversaw the acquisition of a controlling  interest
in Tatra, a.s. and the American Truck Company as part of the Company's move into
the  military  supply  industry.  The  CEO  also  oversaw  the  acquisitions  of
Commercial  Body  Corporation  and  Combatel  Distribution,  Inc. as part of the
continued  consolidation of the distribution  network for the Company's  utility
business.  In  addition,  the CEO  invested a  considerable  amount of time in a
potential transaction with Caterpillar Inc. and significantly contributed to the
ultimate determination not to pursue that transaction.

     The Committee  considered the CEO's supervision of the Company's  continued
dedication to corporate  governance,  reporting,  disclosure and compliance with
evolving SEC and NYSE regulations,  including the  implementation of a reporting
system for complaints through  Ethicspoint,  a leading  independent  third-party
that offers a comprehensive, confidential and, upon request, anonymous reporting
system for receipt of complaints, grievances and communications.

     The Committee also recognized  that,  since becoming CEO in 1995, Mr. DeFeo
continues to be the principal  architect in  transforming  Terex and positioning
the Company for the future.

     Mr.  DeFeo earned a formula  bonus for 2003,  based on his  achievement  of
predetermined performance goals, in the total amount of $1,400,000.

     Deductibility of Executive Compensation

     Section 162(m) of the Code limits to $1 million a year the deduction that a
publicly held  corporation may take for  compensation  paid to each of its chief
executive  officer and four other most highly  compensated  employees unless the
compensation  is  "performance-based."  Performance-based  compensation  must be
based on the achievement of preestablished,  objective performance goals under a
plan approved by stockholders.

     In order to reduce or eliminate the amount of  compensation  that would not
qualify for a tax  deduction,  should the  compensation  of the CEO or any other
executive  officer  exceed  $1  million  in any  year,  the  Company's  LTIP was
submitted to and approved by stockholders at the Company's 1999 meeting, so that
amounts   earned    thereunder   by   certain    employees   will   qualify   as

                                                    COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

                                                    G. CHRIS ANDERSEN
                                                    WILLIAM H. FIKE
                                                    DAVID A. SACHS


Performance Graph

     The  following  stock  performance  graph is intended to show the Company's
stock  performance  compared  with  that  of  comparable  companies.  The  stock
performance  graph  shows the  change in market  value of $100  invested  in the
Company's  Common Stock,  the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index and a peer group
of comparable  companies  ("Index") for the period commencing  December 31, 1998
through  December 31, 2003.  The  cumulative  total  stockholder  return assumes
dividends are reinvested. The stockholder return shown on the graph below is not
indicative of future performance.

     The Index consists of the following  companies,  which are in similar lines
of business as the Company: Astec Industries, Inc., Caterpillar Inc., CNH Global
N.V.,  Deere & Co.,  JLG  Industries,  Inc.,  Joy Global Inc.  (since  2001) and
Manitowoc Co. The companies in the Index are weighted by market capitalization.

[Graphic - Graph  illustrating  Cumulative  Total  Return  using the data below:
Source Georgeson Shareholder Communications Inc.]

-------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
                              Dec-98       Dec-99      Dec-00      Dec-01      Dec-02      Dec-03
-------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Terex Corp.                    $100         $97          $57         $61         $39        $100
-------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
S&P 500(R)                     $100         $121        $110         $97         $76         $97
-------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Custom Composite Index
(7 Stocks)                     $100         $112        $111        $116        $108        $176
-------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

The Custom Composite Index consists of Astec Industries, Inc., Caterpillar Inc.,
CNH Global N.V., Deere & Co.,
JLG Industries, Inc., Joy Global Inc. (since 3Q01) and Manitowoc Co.
Copyright(C)2004,  Standard & Poor's,  a division of the McGraw-Hill  Companies,
Inc. All rights reserved.


Equity Compensation Plan Information

     The following  table  summarizes  information  about the  Company's  equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2003.

                                                                                        Number of securities
                                     Number of securities to be  Weighted average       remaining available for  future
                                     issued upon exercise of     exercise price of      issuance under equity compensation
                                     outstanding options,        outstanding options,   plans (excluding securities
Plan Category                        warrants and rights (a)     warrants and rights(b) reflected in column (a))  (c)
------------------------------------ -------------------------   ---------------------  -----------------------------------
Equity compensation plans approved
by shareholders                           2,518,090                   $17.34                           860,208
Equity compensation plans not
approved by shareholders (1)                   ---                    ---                              ---
                                     -------------------------                          -----------------------------------
Total                                     2,518,090                   $17.34                           860,208
                                     =========================                          ===================================


     (1) Does not  include  options  assumed in  connection  with the  Company's
acquisition of CMI Corporation  ("CMI") in 2001. As of December 31, 2003,  there
were 22,400  options  outstanding  as a result of the  Company's  assumption  of
options granted by CMI, with a  weighted-average  exercise price of $24.83.  The
Company  has not made,  and will not make,  any  grants or awards  under the CMI
equity compensation plan.


     On March 2, 2000, the Company made a loan to Ronald M. DeFeo, the Chairman,
Chief Executive  Officer,  President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company,
in the amount of $3 million.  The purpose of the loan was to enable Mr. DeFeo to
purchase a house at a time when he was not  permitted  to sell any shares of his
Common Stock.  Further, at such time, the Board of Directors  determined that it
did not desire that Mr.  DeFeo be required to sell his Common  Stock when he was
able to do so in order to satisfy his other  obligations,  and preferred instead
to grant him this loan, secured by his shares of Common Stock and amounts earned
by Mr. DeFeo under the LTIP. Mr. DeFeo repaid  $950,000 of the principal  amount
of the loan in October 2000. Mr. DeFeo repaid the remaining $2,050,000 principal
amount of the loan in April 2004.

     The Company acquired Genie on September 18, 2002. Prior to the acquisition,
Genie,  which became part of the Terex Aerial Work Platforms  group, had entered
into  long-term  operating  leases for two  buildings  and a parcel of land with
partnerships  in which Robert R.  Wilkerson,  President of the Terex Aerial Work
Platforms  group and  former  president  of Genie,  is a partner.  These  leases
continued in effect following the acquisition. The buildings are used for office
and production purposes,  and the land is used for a parking lot. In November of
2003, the partnership in which Mr. Wilkerson is a partner sold the properties to
an unrelated  third party.  During 2003,  the Company paid  approximately  $1.93
million under the leases to the partnership in which Mr.  Wilkerson is a partner
before the partnership's sale of the properties.

     On November 13, 2003, the Company entered into an agreement with FIVER S.A.
("FIVER"), an entity affiliated with Fil Filipov, the President of the Company's
Terex Cranes segment until his retirement from the Company  effective January 1,
2004.  Pursuant to this  agreement,  FIVER provides  consulting  services to the
Company as assigned by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company,  including an
initial  assignment to assist with the operations of Tatra, a.s. The term of the
agreement is for three years  commencing  January 1, 2004,  with an initial base
consulting  fee of $480,000 per year,  subject to  adjustment  based on usage of
FIVER's  services and FIVER's  performance  (determined at the discretion of the
Company), plus reimbursement of certain expenses.

     The Company  intends that all  transactions  with  affiliates  are to be on
terms no less  favorable  to the Company  than could be  obtained in  comparable
transactions with an unrelated  person.  The Board will be advised in advance of


any such proposed  transaction or agreement and will utilize such  procedures in
evaluating their terms and provisions as are appropriate in light of the Board's
fiduciary  duties  under  Delaware  law. In  addition,  the Company has an Audit
Committee   consisting   solely   of   independent   directors.   One   of   the
responsibilities of the Audit Committee is to review related party transactions.
See "Audit Committee Report." All of the transactions with affiliates  described
above have been reviewed and approved by the Board and/or the Audit Committee.


     Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act requires  the  Company's  directors  and
executive officers, and each person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10%
of the Company's  outstanding  equity  securities,  to file with the SEC initial
reports of  ownership  and  changes in  ownership  of equity  securities  of the
Company.  Specific due dates for these reports have been  established by the SEC
and the Company is required to disclose in this Proxy  Statement  any failure to
file such reports by the prescribed dates during 2003.  Officers,  directors and
greater than 10% beneficial owners are required by SEC regulation to furnish the
Company with copies of all reports  filed with the SEC pursuant to Section 16(a)
of the Exchange Act.

     To the Company's knowledge, based solely on review of the copies of reports
furnished to the Company and written  representations that no other reports were
required,  all filings  required  pursuant to Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act
applicable to the Company's officers,  directors and greater than 10% beneficial
owners were complied with during the year ended December 31, 2003,  except for a
Form 4 for Robert  Wilkerson  that was  required to be filed by October 23, 2003
and was filed on March 1,  2004 and a  transaction  for  Ronald  DeFeo  that was
required to be filed by September 2, 2003 and was filed on March 9, 2004.


                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Audit  Committee of the Board has reviewed and  discussed the Company's
audited  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003, with
the  management  of the  Company  and  the  Company's  independent  accountants,
PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP.   The   Audit   Committee   has   discussed   with
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP the matters required to be discussed by Statement on
Auditing  Standards  61  (Codification  of  Statements  on  Auditing  Standards,
Communication with Audit Committees).  The Audit Committee also has received the
written disclosures and the letter from the independent  accountants required by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees) and has discussed with  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP the independence
of such  independent  accounting  firm. The Audit  Committee also has considered
whether  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP's  provision of  non-audit  services to the
Company is compatible with the accountants' independence.

     Based on its review and discussions referred to in the preceding paragraph,
the  Audit  Committee  recommended  to the  Board  that  the  audited  financial
statements for the Company's  fiscal year ended December 31, 2003 be included in
the Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the  Company's  fiscal year ended
December 31, 2003 for filing with the SEC.

     The Audit  Committee's  responsibility  is to monitor and oversee the audit
processes.  However, the members of the Audit Committee are not certified public
accountants,  professional  auditors or experts in the fields of accounting  and
auditing and rely, without independent verification, on the information provided
to them  and on the  representations  made  by  management  and the  independent

                                                     AUDIT COMMITTEE

                                                     DAVID A. SACHS
                                                     DON DEFOSSET
                                                     DR. DONALD P. JACOBS
                                                     HELGE WEHMEIER



     The  firm  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  has  audited  the  consolidated
financial  statements of the Company for 2003.  The Board of  Directors,  at the
recommendation  of the Audit Committee,  desires to continue the service of this
firm  for  2004.   Accordingly,   the  Board  of  Directors  recommends  to  the
stockholders ratification of the retention of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the
Company's independent  accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004.
If the stockholders do not approve  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the Company's
independent  accountants,  the Board of Directors and the Audit  Committee  will
reconsider this selection.

     Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are expected to be present at
the Meeting  with the  opportunity  to make a statement if they desire to do so,
and they are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.

Audit Fees

     During the last two fiscal  years ended  December 31, 2003 and December 31,
2002,  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP charged the Company $4,060,000 and $2,942,000,
respectively  for professional  services  rendered by such firm for the audit of
the Company's annual financial  statements and review of the Company's financial
statements  included in the  Company's  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q for that
fiscal year.

Audit-Related Fees

     Audit-Related  Fees consist of fees for assurance and related services that
are  reasonably  related  to the  performance  of the  audit  or  review  of the
Company's financial  statements.  This category includes fees related to various
audit and attest services,  due diligence  related to mergers,  acquisitions and
investments,  and consultations  concerning  financial  accounting and reporting
standards.  The  aggregate  fees billed by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP for such
audit-related services for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003 and December
31, 2002, were $212,000 and $920,000, respectively.

Tax Fees

     The    aggregate    fees    billed   for   tax    services    provided   by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in connection with tax compliance, tax consulting and
tax planning  services for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003 and December
31, 2002, were $412,000 and $430,000, respectively.

All Other Fees

     The aggregate  fees billed for services not included in the above  services
for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, were $81,000
and $0, respectively and were primarily related to foreign government filings.

     All of the  services  related to the  Audit-Related  Fees,  Tax Fees or All
Other Fees described above were approved by the Audit Committee  pursuant to the
general pre-approval provisions set forth in the Audit Committee's  pre-approval
policies described in "Audit Committee Meetings and Responsibilities."

The  Board  of  Directors   recommends  that  the  stockholders   vote  FOR  the
ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants for 2004.




     Stockholders are being asked to approve an increase in the number of shares
of  Common  Stock  ("Shares")  authorized  for  issuance  pursuant  to the Terex
Corporation  2000  Incentive  Plan (the "2000  Plan") from  3,500,000  Shares to
6,000,000  Shares.  The amendment to Section 3.1 of the 2000 Plan is attached to
this Proxy  Statement  as  Appendix A. The 2000 Plan was adopted by the Board of
Directors  of the Company on March 8, 2000 and approved by the  stockholders  of
the Company on May 11,  2000.  An  amendment  to the 2000 Plan to  increase  the
number of Shares  authorized  for issuance was adopted by the Board of Directors
on March 28, 2002 and was approved by the stockholders of the Company on May 16,

     The  purpose of the 2000 Plan is to assist the  Company in  attracting  and
retaining  selected  individuals to serve as directors,  officers,  consultants,
advisors and employees of the Company and its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates who
will  contribute to the Company's  success and to achieve  long-term  objectives
which will inure to the benefit of all  stockholders  of the Company through the
additional  incentive  inherent in the ownership of the Common  Stock.  The 2000
Plan authorizes the granting of (i) options ("Options") to purchase Shares, (ii)
stock appreciation rights ("SARs"), (iii) stock purchase awards, (iv) restricted
stock awards and (v) performance awards.

     To ensure that there are sufficient Shares available under the 2000 Plan to
enable the  Company to achieve  the  objectives  of the 2000 Plan,  the  Company
proposes to increase the  aggregate  number of Shares  available  under the 2000
Plan from  3,500,000 to 6,000,000.  The Board of Directors  adopted the proposed
amendment to the 2000 Plan on March 11, 2004,  subject to stockholder  approval,
and  directed  that  the  amendment  to  the  2000  Plan  be  submitted  to  the
stockholders of the Company for their approval. Approval of the amendment to the
2000 Plan will require the affirmative  vote of a majority of the Shares present
in person or by proxy at the Meeting.

     The  following  summary  of the  material  features  of the  2000  Plan  is
qualified  in its  entirety by the terms of the 2000 Plan as filed with the SEC.
Stockholders  may,  without  charge,  obtain  copies  of the 2000  Plan from the
Company.  Requests  for the 2000  Plan  should  be  addressed  to the  Company's

Common Stock Authorized

     The maximum  number of Shares  that may be the subject of awards  under the
2000 Plan is proposed to be increased to 6,000,000 Shares. Shares covered by any
unexercised portions of terminated Options, Shares forfeited by participants and
Shares  subject to any awards that are  otherwise  surrendered  by a participant
without receiving any payment or other benefit with respect thereto may again be
subject to new awards under the 2000 Plan. In the event the purchase price of an
Option is paid in whole or in part through the delivery of Shares, the number of
Shares issuable in connection with the exercise of the Option shall not again be
available  for the  grant of awards  under  the 2000  Plan.  Shares  subject  to
Options,  or portions thereof,  with respect to which SARs are exercised are not
again available for the grant of awards under the 2000 Plan.

     No  participant  may be  granted in any  fiscal  year  awards for more than
750,000 Shares under the 2000 Plan.  The Shares to be issued or delivered  under
the 2000 Plan are  authorized  and unissued  Shares,  or issued Shares that have
been acquired by the Company, or both.


2000 Plan Administration

     The 2000 Plan provides that a committee (the "Plan Committee") of the Board
of  Directors,  consisting  of not fewer than two members  who are  non-employee
directors and outside  directors,  shall administer the 2000 Plan. The Board may
remove from, add members to, or fill vacancies in the Plan  Committee.  The Plan
Committee  is  authorized,  subject  to the  provisions  of the  2000  Plan,  to
establish such rules and  regulations as it may deem  appropriate for the proper
administration of the 2000 Plan. Subject to the provisions of the 2000 Plan, the
Plan Committee shall have  authority,  in its sole  discretion,  to grant awards
under the 2000 Plan, to interpret the  provisions of the 2000 Plan and,  subject
to the  requirements of applicable law, to prescribe,  amend,  and rescind rules
and regulations relating to the 2000 Plan or any award thereunder as it may deem
necessary  or  advisable.  In general,  the Plan  Committee  may delegate to the
Chairman  of the Board  and/or the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company the
right to grant  awards under the 2000 Plan on such terms and  conditions  as the
Plan Committee may from time to time establish.


     Officers, employees,  consultants, advisors and directors of the Company or
any of its  subsidiaries  or affiliates as the Plan Committee  shall select from
time to time are eligible to receive  awards under the 2000 Plan. As of March 1,
2004,  approximately  15,000 people would be eligible to  participate  under the
terms of the 2000 Plan. As of March 1, 2004, 241 people have outstanding  awards
under the 2000 Plan.

Stock Option Awards

     Options  granted  under  the 2000  Plan may be  "Incentive  Stock  Options"
meeting requirements of Section 422 of the Code or "Non-Qualified Stock Options"
that do not meet such requirements.  Only employees of the Company or certain of
its  subsidiaries  may receive  Incentive Stock Options under the 2000 Plan. The
Committee  may grant  Options to  purchase  Shares at a price per share not less
than 100% of the fair  market  value of such  Share on the date of grant of such
Option. For so long as the Common Stock is listed on the NYSE, fair market value
is the  closing  price  of a Share on the NYSE on the  trading  day  immediately
preceding the date of the award.  The exercise price of any Option granted under
the 2000 Plan cannot be reduced  below its original  exercise  price without the
approval  of the  Company's  stockholders.  The  term  of  each  Option  will be
determined by the Plan  Committee,  but generally will not exceed ten years from
the date of grant.


     The 2000 Plan  provides  that SARs may be  granted in  connection  with the
grant of Options. Each SAR must be associated with a specific Option and must be
granted at the time of grant of such Option.  A SAR is  exercisable  only to the
extent the  related  Option is  exercisable.  Upon the  exercise  of a SAR,  the
recipient is entitled to receive  from the  Company,  without the payment of any
cash (except for any applicable  withholding taxes), up to, but no more than, an
amount in cash or Shares equal to the excess of (A) the fair market value of one
Share on the date of such  exercise  over (B) the exercise  price of any related
Option,  multiplied  by the  number of Shares in respect of which such SAR shall
have been  exercised.  Upon the  exercise of a SAR, the related  Option,  or the
portion thereof in respect of which such SAR is exercised,  will terminate. Upon
the  exercise of an Option  granted in tandem  with a SAR,  such tandem SAR will

Stock Purchase Awards

     The 2000 Plan also permits the grant of stock purchase awards. Participants
who are granted a stock  purchase  award are provided with a stock purchase loan
made by the  Company  to enable  them to pay the  purchase  price for the Shares


acquired  pursuant to the award. A stock purchase loan will have a term of years
to be determined by the Plan  Committee and may be used only for the purchase of
Shares pursuant to a stock purchase award. The purchase price of Shares acquired
with a stock purchase loan is the fair market value of the Shares on the date of
the award.  The Plan  Committee  will  determine  the  interest  rate on a stock
purchase loan.

Restricted Stock Awards

     The Company may grant  restricted  stock awards under the 2000 Plan. Such a
grant  gives a  participant  the right to receive  Shares,  subject to a risk of
forfeiture based upon certain conditions,  such as performance standards, length
of service or other  criteria as the Plan  Committee  may  determine.  Until all
restrictions are satisfied,  lapsed or waived, the Company will maintain custody
over the restricted  Shares but the participant  will be able to vote the Shares
and  generally  will be entitled to all  distributions  paid with respect to the
Shares, as provided by the Plan Committee.  During such restrictive  period, the
restricted Shares may not be sold, assigned,  transferred,  pledged or otherwise
encumbered,  other than by will or the laws of descent  and  distribution.  If a
participant  terminates  employment  with the Company prior to expiration of the
forfeiture period, the participant forfeits all rights to the Shares.

Performance Awards

     The Plan  Committee may grant,  either alone or in addition to other awards
granted under the 2000 Plan,  performance  awards based upon a participant's job
performance.  Performance  awards  entitle  the  participant  to  receive  cash,
Options, SARs, stock purchase awards, restricted stock awards, or any other form
of property as the Plan Committee shall determine,  if such participant achieves
the measures of performance or other criteria  established by the Plan Committee
in its absolute discretion. The Plan Committee may designate certain performance
awards  as  "Qualifying  Performance  Awards"  intended  to  qualify  for  a tax
deduction  under the Code. The maximum amount of Qualifying  Performance  Awards
that may be granted  to any  participant  with  respect  to each  calendar  year
(whether or not then vested) cannot exceed  $5,000,000.  Qualifying  Performance
Awards shall be made in a manner that satisfies Section 162(m) of the Code.

Amendment and Termination

     The Board of  Directors  may amend or modify the 2000 Plan,  subject to any
required stockholder approval. However, the Board may not amend the 2000 Plan to
increase  the number of Shares that may be the subject of awards  under the 2000
Plan  (other than for  antidilution  adjustments)  without  the  approval of the
Company's  stockholders.  The 2000 Plan will  terminate by its terms and without
any further action on March 8, 2010. No awards may be made after that date under
the 2000 Plan, although awards outstanding under the 2000 Plan on such date will
remain valid in accordance with their terms.

Antidilution Adjustments

     The  number  of  Shares  authorized  to be  issued  under the 2000 Plan and
subject to  outstanding  awards (and the grant or exercise price thereof) may be
adjusted  to  prevent  dilution  or  enlargement  of  rights in the event of any
dividend or other  distribution,  recapitalization,  stock split,  reverse stock
split, reorganization,  merger, consolidation,  split-up, spin-off, combination,
repurchase or exchange of Shares or other  securities,  the issuance of warrants
or other  rights  to  purchase  Shares  or other  securities,  or other  similar
capitalization change.


Federal Income Tax Consequences of Options

     The  following  is a brief  summary of certain  of the  federal  income tax
consequences of certain transactions under the 2000 Plan based on federal income
tax laws currently in effect.  This summary is not intended to be exhaustive and
does not describe state, local or foreign tax consequences.

Tax Consequences to Participants

     Non-Qualified Stock Options.  In general:  (i) no income will be recognized
by an optionee at the time a Non-Qualified Stock Option is granted;  (ii) at the
time of  exercise  of a  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option,  ordinary  income will be
recognized  by the  optionee in an amount  equal to the  difference  between the
option price paid for the Shares and the fair market value of the Shares if they
are  non-restricted  on the date of  exercise;  and (iii) at the time of sale of
Shares acquired  pursuant to the exercise of a Non-Qualified  Stock Option,  any
appreciation  (or  depreciation)  in the value of the  Shares  after the date of
exercise  will be treated as either  short-term  or  long-term  capital gain (or
loss) depending on how long the Shares have been held.

     Incentive  Stock  Options.  No income  generally  will be  recognized by an
optionee upon the grant or exercise of an Incentive  Stock Option.  For purposes
of the alternative minimum tax, however, the difference between the option price
and the fair  market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of  exercise  is an
adjustment in computing the optionee's  alternative  minimum taxable income.  If
Shares are issued to an optionee  pursuant to the exercise of an Incentive Stock
Option and no disposition of the Shares is made by the optionee within two years
after the date of grant or within one year after the  transfer  of the Shares to
the optionee (such disposition,  a "Disqualifying  Disposition"),  then upon the
sale of the  Shares any amount  realized  in excess of the option  price will be
taxed to the optionee as long-term capital gain and any loss sustained will be a
long-term capital loss.

     If Shares  acquired  upon the  exercise of an  Incentive  Stock  Option are
disposed of in a  Disqualifying  Disposition,  then the optionee  generally will
recognize  ordinary  income in the year of disposition in an amount equal to any
excess of the fair market  value of the Shares at the time of  exercise  (or, if
less,  the  amount  realized  on the  disposition  of the  Shares  in a sale  or
exchange) over the option price paid for the Shares.

     Special  Rules   Applicable   to  Directors   and   Officers.   In  limited
circumstances where the sale of Common Stock that is received as the result of a
grant of an award could  subject a director or an officer to suit under  Section
16(b) of the Exchange Act, the tax  consequences  to the director or officer may
differ from the tax consequences described above.

Tax Consequences to the Company or Subsidiary

     To  the  extent  that  a  participant  recognizes  ordinary  income  in the
circumstances   described  above,  the  Company  or  subsidiary  for  which  the
participant  performs  services  will be entitled to a  corresponding  deduction
provided that,  among other things,  (i) such deduction is reasonable in amount,
constitutes an ordinary and necessary  business  expense,  is not subject to the
$1,000,000  annual  compensation  limitation  set forth in Section 162(m) of the
Code and does not constitute an "excess parachute payment" within the meaning of
Section 280G of the Code, and (ii) any applicable  withholding  obligations  are

     The foregoing summary of the income tax consequences in respect of the 2000
Plan is for general  information only.  Interested  parties should consult their
own advisors as to specific tax  consequences,  including  the  application  and
effect of foreign, state, and local tax laws.


Grants Under the 2000 Plan

     Because  benefits  under the 2000 Plan will depend on the discretion of the
Plan  Committee and the fair market value of the Common Stock at various  future
dates, it is not possible to determine the benefits that will be received if the
2000 Plan is approved by stockholders.

     During 2003,  Options and  restricted  stock awards were granted  under the
2000 Plan as follows:

     o    Options to purchase  125,000  Shares and  restricted  stock awards for
          125,000  Shares were granted to the Named  Executive  Officers (one of
          whom  was also a  Director)  as a group.  For  more  details  on these
          grants,  including  the  allocation  of Options and  restricted  stock
          awards among the Named Executive Officers, see "Executive Compensation
          - Summary  Compensation  Table - Long Term  Compensation  Awards"  and
          "Executive Compensation - Stock Option Grants in 2003."

     o    Additional  Options to purchase  127,773 Shares and  restricted  stock
          awards  for  56,000  Shares  were  granted  to all  current  executive
          officers of the Company (not including the Named  Executive  Officers)
          as a group.

     o    Additional  Options to  purchase  31,773  Shares  were  granted to the
          Directors (not  including one Director who was also a Named  Executive
          Officer) as a group.

     o    Additional  Options to purchase  474,000 Shares and  restricted  stock
          awards for 152,250 Shares were granted to all employees of the Company
          (not  including  all current  executive  officers and Named  Executive
          Officers of the Company) as a group.

     During 2003,  under the 2000 Plan,  Options were granted at exercise prices
ranging from $11.17 per share to $24.55 per share. On March 1, 2004, the closing
price of a Share on the NYSE was $36.51.

     No SARs, stock purchase awards or performance awards were granted under the
2000 Plan during 2003.


     The Board of Directors  believes  that the approval of the amendment of the
2000 Plan to increase  the number of Shares  authorized  for  issuance is in the
best interests of the Company and its  stockholders  because  having  sufficient
Shares  for award  under  the 2000  Plan will  enable  the  Company  to  provide
competitive equity incentives to directors, officers, consultants, advisors, and
employees to enhance the  profitability of the Company and increase  stockholder

The Board of Directors recommends that the stockholders vote FOR approval of the
amendment of the Terex Corporation 2000 Incentive Plan.

                               COMPENSATION PLAN

     The Company is asking  stockholders to approve the Terex  Corporation  2004
Annual  Incentive   Compensation  Plan  (the  "Annual  Plan"),   which  contains
performance  measures  similar  to  performance  measures  that were  previously
approved  by  the  Company's  stockholders  at  the  May  19,  1998  meeting  of
stockholders. The Board of Directors believes that it is in the best interest of
the Company and the  stockholders  to adopt a plan that  provides for  incentive


compensation  in the form of an annual bonus to key executives  responsible  for
the success of the  Company and that can help to attract and retain  outstanding
executives.  Compensation  payable  under  the  Annual  Plan is based on  annual
corporate performance.

     Stockholder approval of the Annual Plan is necessary for the Company to
meet the requirements for tax deductibility under Section 162(m) of the Code for
incentive compensation in the form of an annual bonus to key executives
responsible for the success of the Company. The Annual Plan is designed so that
all compensation payable thereunder will be fully deductible. The Annual Plan is
effective as of January 1, 2004. If the stockholders fail to approve the Annual
Plan, certain awards under the Annual Plan may not qualify as performance-based
compensation and, in some circumstances, the Company may be denied a business
expense deduction for compensation paid under the Annual Plan.

     The  following  summary of the  material  features  of the  Annual  Plan is
qualified in its entirety by the terms of the Annual Plan,  which is attached to
this Proxy Statement as Appendix B.


     Participation  in the Annual Plan will be limited to key  employees  of the
Company designated by the Compensation Committee of the Board (the "Committee").

Plan Administration

     The Annual Plan will be administered by the Committee, which has full power
and  authority  to  determine  which key  employees  of the Company will receive
awards under the Annual Plan, to set  performance  goals and bonus targets as of
the  commencement of any fiscal year, to interpret and construe the terms of the
Annual  Plan  and  to  make  all   determinations  it  deems  necessary  in  the
administration of the Annual Plan,  including any determination  with respect to
the achievement of performance  goals and the application of such achievement to
the bonus targets.

Bonus Formula

     The Annual Plan is designed to pay an annual  bonus based on  predetermined
percentages  and the degree of achievement of  predetermined  performance  goals
with  respect  to  specific  business   criteria.   The  Annual  Plan  sets  out
quantitative  and  qualitative   categories  of  business  criteria  upon  which
performance  goals will be based.  The business  criteria  measures  within each
category are assigned  weightings based upon their relative degree of importance
as determined by the Committee.

     In the  quantitative  category,  one or  more  of  the  following  business
criteria may be used as  performance  measures:  (i) net sales,  (ii)  operating
income,  (iii) net  income,  (iv)  earnings  per share of  common  stock  (fully
diluted),  (v) cash flow  generation,  (vi)  working  capital,  (vii)  return on
invested capital, (viii) return on equity and (ix) debt reduction.  Quantitative
criteria used to measure the performance of a participant employed in a business
unit (i.e.,  subsidiary  or division) of the Company may be based in whole or in
part on results for the fiscal year of such business  unit.  In the  qualitative
category,  the business  criteria  relate to objective  individual  performance,
taking into account individual goals and objectives.

     The  performance  goals with respect to each category of business  criteria
are  established  by the Committee  within 90 days of the  commencement  of each
fiscal year.  In  addition,  within 90 days of the  commencement  of each fiscal
year, a performance  threshold for each  performance  goal is  established  with
respect to each participant,  representing the minimum level of achievement that
the participant must attain in order to receive a bonus under the Annual Plan.


Bonus Targets

     Annual bonus targets are either expressed as a percentage of current salary
or a fixed  monetary  amount with respect to each category of business  criteria
applied. The Committee determines the target percentages or amounts annually for
each  individual  participating  in  the  Annual  Plan  within  90  days  of the
commencement of the fiscal year.

Bonus Payments

     At the  end of any  fiscal  year  for  which  a bonus  may be  earned,  the
Committee  determines each participant's level of achievement of the performance
goals.  The  percentage of  achievement  is then applied to the bonus targets to
determine the amount of bonus for each participant.  However,  the maximum bonus
that any  individual  may  receive for any fiscal year is the greater of (i) 200
percent of the  Participant's  base salary (not to exceed $2.0 million) for such
fiscal year or (ii) 5% of the  Company's  earnings  before income taxes for such
fiscal  year  as  reported  in  the  Company's  audited  consolidated  financial
statements,  before  taking into  account any special  items and the  cumulative
effect of accounting changes.

Termination and Amendment

     The Committee may amend or terminate the Annual Plan at any time,  provided
that  no  amendment  will  be  effective  prior  to  approval  by the  Company's
stockholders  to the extent such approval is required to preserve  deductibility
of  compensation  paid pursuant to the Annual Plan under  Section  162(m) of the
Code or otherwise required by law.

New Plan Benefits

     Because the payment of a bonus under the Annual Plan for any fiscal year is
contingent on the  achievement of performance  goals as of the end of the fiscal
year, the Company cannot determine the amounts that will be payable or allocable
for fiscal  year 2004 or in the future.  For details on the bonuses  received in
2003 by the Named  Executive  Officers,  see  "Executive  Compensation - Summary
Compensation  Table"  and  "Executive   Compensation  -  Compensation  Committee


     The Board of Directors  believes that the approval of the Annual Plan is in
the best  interests of the Company and its  stockholders.  If the Annual Plan is
approved,  then  certain  awards  under the  Annual  Plan will  qualify  for tax
deductibility  under Section  162(m) of the Code and the Company will be allowed
to take a business expense deduction for such compensation paid under the Annual

The Board of Directors recommends that the stockholders vote FOR approval of the
Terex Corporation 2004 Annual Incentive Compensation Plan.



     On August 1, 1994, the Board of Directors  unanimously approved and adopted
the Terex  Corporation  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan (as amended,  the "Stock
Purchase  Plan") to encourage and facilitate the purchase of Shares by employees
and outside directors of the Company,  thereby providing an additional incentive


to them to promote the best  interests  of the Company  and the  opportunity  to
participate  directly in the Company's future.  The Stock Purchase Plan provides
employees and outside  directors the  opportunity to purchase Shares and receive
additional Shares from a Company matching contribution.  The Stock Purchase Plan
is not intended to qualify under  Section 423 of the Code.  Under new NYSE rules
with respect to equity  compensation  plans adopted on June 30, 2003,  the Stock
Purchase  Plan is now being  submitted to the Company's  stockholders  for their

     The following  summary of the material  features of the Stock Purchase Plan
is qualified in its  entirety by the terms of the Stock  Purchase  Plan as filed
with the SEC, which has since been amended by the Board on March 11, 2004 to add
a termination  date for the Stock Purchase Plan to March 10, 2014.  Stockholders
may, without charge,  obtain copies of the Stock Purchase Plan from the Company.
Requests  for the Stock  Purchase  Plan  should be  addressed  to the  Company's


     Most U.S.  employees  and outside  directors of the Company  (each an "ESPP
Participant"  and  collectively,   the  "ESPP  Participants")  are  eligible  to
participate in the Stock  Purchase Plan. As of December 31, 2003,  approximately
3,750 people were  eligible to  participate  in the Stock  Purchase Plan and 631
were participating in the plan.

ESPP Participant Contributions

     Any purchase that an ESPP  Participant  makes under the Stock Purchase Plan
via payroll  deduction is used to purchase  Shares on the open market on the day
of such payroll deduction or as soon as administratively possible thereafter. In
addition,  any ESPP  Participant  may make  strategic-timed  purchases under the
Plan, either in addition to or in lieu of any payroll-deducted purchases, at any
time  during the  calendar  year by  purchasing  Shares on the open  market on a
specific day that the ESPP Participant  chooses through the plan custodian.  The
purchase  price that is paid for each Share that is purchased  under the plan is
the price per share actually paid for the Shares on the NYSE.

     The minimum ESPP Participant  contribution via payroll deduction is $20 per
month and $240 per strategic  investment,  with a maximum total ESPP Participant
contribution  of $25,000 per year. An ESPP  Participant  is required to hold any
Shares purchased for a minimum of six (6) months before the Shares may be sold.

Company Contributions

     The  Company  makes  a  contribution  of  five  (5)  Shares  to  each  ESPP
Participant who has purchases of $240 annually  through the Stock Purchase Plan,
either through payroll deductions or strategic purchases.  For purchases through
the Stock  Purchase  Plan  totaling  greater  than $480,  the  Company  makes an
additional  contribution  of  Shares  equal  to 15% of  the  ESPP  Participant's
purchases  above $480. The Company  purchases  Shares on the open market to fund
the Company  contributions.  The purchase price that is paid for each Share that
is  contributed  under the plan is the price  per  share  actually  paid for the
Shares on the NYSE.

     The Company pays for all front-end  administration  fees,  including broker
commission and recordkeeping fees, on purchases of Shares for both the automatic
payroll  deduction  and most  front-end  administration  fees for the  strategic
investment  options.  If the ESPP Participant chooses to sell any portion of his
or her  Shares  held in the  plan,  the  ESPP  Participant  will  incur a broker



     The Stock Purchase Plan is administered by the Administrative  Committee, a
committee  of at  least  three  persons  who are  appointed  by the  Board.  The
Administrative Committee may appoint agents as it deems necessary or appropriate
to assist it with the operation and  administration  of the Stock Purchase Plan.
The  Administrative  Committee's  determination as to any issue that arises with
respect to the conduct or operation of the Stock Purchase Plan is final.

     The Plan is not subject to the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of

Term, Termination and Amendment of the Stock Purchase Plan

     The Stock  Purchase  Plan will  terminate on March 10,  2014.  The Company,
through the Board,  reserves the right to amend the Stock  Purchase  Plan at any
time, subject to any required stockholder approval.

Company Contributions Under the Stock Purchase Plan

     Because  benefits  under  the  Stock  Purchase  Plan  will  depend  on ESPP
Participant  elections  and the  fair  market  value  of the  Shares,  it is not
possible to determine the benefits that will be received if the plan is approved
by stockholders.

     During 2003, Company  contributions were made under the Stock Purchase Plan
as follows:

     o    131  Shares  were  provided  as  matching  contributions  to the Named
          Executive  Officers (one of whom was also a Director) as a group.  For
          more  details  on  these   matching   contributions,   see  "Executive
          Compensation - Summary Compensation Table - All Other Compensation."

     o    172 Shares  were  provided as  matching  contributions  to all current
          executive  officers of the Company (not including the Named  Executive
          Officers) as a group.

     o    1,079 Shares were provided as matching  contributions to the Directors
          (not including one Director who was also a Named Executive Officer) as
          a group.

     o    4,623 Shares were provided as matching  contributions to all employees
          of the Company (not including all current executive officers and Named
          Executive Officers of the Company) as a group.


     The Board of  Directors  believes  that the approval of the  amendment  and
restatement  of the Stock  Purchase Plan is in the best interests of the Company
and its stockholders  because the Stock Purchase Plan will enable the Company to
provide  competitive  equity  incentives to the ESPP Participants to enhance the
profitability of the Company and increase stockholder value.

The Board of Directors recommends that the stockholders vote FOR approval of the
Terex Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan.


                                COMPENSATION PLAN


     Effective January 1, 1997, the Board of Directors  unanimously approved and
adopted  the Terex  Corporation  Deferred  Compensation  Plan (as  amended,  the
"Deferred  Compensation Plan"). The purpose of the Deferred Compensation Plan is
to assist the Company in attracting and retaining selected  individuals to serve
as  directors,  officers and employees of the Company and its  subsidiaries  and
affiliates who will contribute to the Company's success and to achieve long-term
objectives  which will inure to the benefit of all  stockholders  of the Company
through the additional  incentive inherent in the ownership of the Common Stock.
Under new NYSE rules with respect to equity  compensation  plans adopted on June
30, 2003, the Deferred Compensation Plan is now being submitted to the Company's
stockholders for their approval.

     The following summary of the material features of the Deferred Compensation
Plan is  qualified  in its  entirety by the terms of the  Deferred  Compensation
Plan, which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix C.


     A select group of the Company's  senior managers and the outside  directors
of  the  Company  (each  a  "Plan  Participant"  and  collectively,   the  "Plan
Participants") are eligible to participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan. As
of December 31, 2003,  approximately  123 people were eligible to participate in
the Deferred Compensation Plan and 87 were participating in the plan.

Participant Deferrals

     On an  annual  basis,  a Plan  Participant  may  defer  into  the  Deferred
Compensation  Plan up to (i) 20% of his/her salary,  (ii) 100% of his/her bonus,
(iii) 100% of his/her  vested  restricted  stock awards and (iv) 100% of his/her
director  fees.  While  there is no  minimum  deferral  requirement,  an  annual
deferral of at least $1,000 is recommended.

     The Plan  Participant's  deferrals  may be  invested in Shares or in a bond
index.  The Company has been in the  practice of  purchasing  Shares on the open
market to fund Plan  Participants'  deferrals  invested in Shares.  The value of
each Share that is purchased  and deferred  under the plan is the closing  price
per Share on the NYSE on the day it is posted to the Plan Participant's account.
The Company  credits the deferrals in the bond index with an interest rate equal
to a bond fund  that  mirrors  an  investment  strategy  in  corporate  bonds of
companies rated Baa or higher.

Company Contributions

     The Company makes a contribution of 25% of the Plan  Participant's  salary,
bonus and/or director fee deferral that is invested in Shares.  The Company does
not make a  contribution  with respect to the deferral of any vested  restricted
stock awards or any deferrals  into the bond index.  The Company has been in the
practice  of  purchasing   Shares  on  the  open  market  to  fund  the  Company
contributions. The value of each Share that is contributed under the plan by the
Company  is the  closing  price per Share on the NYSE on the day it is posted to
the Plan Participant's account.


Benefit Payments

     Plan Participants may receive payments under the Deferred Compensation Plan
after their employment or service as an outside director terminates,  upon their
death or if they have an  unforeseeable  emergency  (as defined in the  Deferred
Compensation Plan). In addition, Plan Participants may elect to receive all or a
portion of their deferral, including the Company's matching contribution,  after
the  deferral  has been in the  Deferred  Compensation  Plan for at least  three
years.  Furthermore,  if a Plan Participant receives an accelerated distribution
under the Deferred Compensation Plan, the Plan Participant shall (i) forfeit 10%
of the amount of the  distribution  to the  Company,  (ii)  forfeit  any Company
matching contribution that has not been in the plan for at least one year due to
the accelerated  distribution and (iii) be unable to make further deferrals into
the plan for at least 12 months. Any payment from a Plan  Participant's  account
that is invested in Shares will be distributed in Shares,  except for fractional
Shares,  which  will be paid in  cash.  Any  payment  from a Plan  Participant's
account that is invested in the bond index will be paid in cash.


     The Deferred  Compensation Plan is administered by the Company. The Company
may appoint  agents as it deems  necessary or  appropriate to assist it with the
operation and  administration of the Deferred  Compensation  Plan. The Company's
determination  as to any issue  that  arises  with  respect  to the  conduct  or
operation of the Deferred Compensation Plan is binding and conclusive.

Term, Termination and Amendment of the Deferred Compensation Plan

     The Company may amend or modify the Deferred  Compensation Plan, subject to
any  required  stockholder  approval.  The  Company  will be unable  to  provide
matching  contributions  in Shares  after  March 10,  2014.  Although no Company
contributions may be made after that date, the plan will continue to exist after
that date.

Company Contributions Under the Deferred Compensation Plan

     Because benefits under the Deferred  Compensation  Plan will depend on Plan
Participant elections, the fair market value of the Shares and the return on the
bond index,  it is not possible to determine  the benefits that will be received
if the plan is approved by stockholders.

     During   2003,   Company   contributions   were  made  under  the  Deferred
Compensation Plan as follows:

     o    2,863  Shares were  provided as  matching  contributions  to the Named
          Executive  Officers (one of whom was also a Director) as a group.  For
          more  details  on  these   matching   contributions,   see  "Executive
          Compensation   -   Summary   Compensation   Table   -   Other   Annual

     o    1,713 Shares were  provided as matching  contributions  to all current
          executive  officers of the Company (not including the Named  Executive
          Officers) as a group.

     o    7,710 Shares were provided as matching  contributions to the Directors
          (not including one Director who was also a Named Executive Officer) as
          a group.

     o    5,149 Shares were provided as matching  contributions to all employees
          of the Company (not including all current executive officers and Named
          Executive Officers of the Company) as a group.



     The  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  the  approval  of  the  Deferred
Compensation  Plan is in the best interests of the Company and its  stockholders
because  the  Deferred   Compensation   Plan  enables  the  Company  to  provide
competitive   equity   incentives  to  the  Plan  Participants  to  enhance  the
profitability of the Company and increase stockholder value.

The Board of Directors recommends that the stockholders vote FOR approval of the
Terex Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan.



     As described in this Proxy  Statement  in the section  entitled  "Executive
Compensation - Compensation of Directors,"  the Company  currently pays all or a
portion  of the  annual  compensation  of the  outside  members  of its Board of
Directors in Terex common stock (the "Director  Compensation Plan"). The purpose
of the Director  Compensation  Plan is to assist the Company in  attracting  and
retaining highly qualified individuals to serve as directors of the Company. The
Director  Compensation Plan is designed primarily to encourage outside directors
to receive  their annual  retainer for Board service in Shares or in Options for
Shares,  or both, to enable outside directors to defer receipt of their fees and
to satisfy the Company's Common Stock ownership objective for outside directors.
Under new NYSE rules with respect to equity  compensation  plans adopted on June
30, 2003, the Director Compensation Plan is now being submitted to the Company's
stockholders for their approval.

     The following is a description of the Director Compensation Plan.


     The outside  directors  of the Company are eligible to  participate  in the
Director  Compensation  Plan.  As of December 31,  2003,  seven  directors  were
eligible to  participate  in the Director  Compensation  Plan and all seven were
participating in the plan.

Director Compensation

     Under the Director  Compensation  Plan,  outside directors receive annually
the equivalent of $50,000 for service as a Board member (or a prorated amount if
an outside director's service begins other than on the first day of the year) in
the manner  described above in the section  entitled  "Executive  Compensation -
Compensation  of  Directors."  Outside  directors  also receive  Shares having a
market  value of  $25,000  upon  joining  the Board and  receive  fees for their
service  on  Committees  of the Board and for each Board and  Committee  meeting
attended as described above in the section  entitled  "Executive  Compensation -
Compensation of Directors."

Term, Termination and Amendment of the Director Compensation Plan

     The Director  Compensation Plan will terminate by its terms and without any
further  action on March 10,  2014.  The Board may amend or modify the  Director
Compensation Plan, subject to any required stockholder approval.


Compensation Under the Director Compensation Plan

     Because  benefits  under the  Director  Compensation  Plan  will  depend on
outside  director  elections and the fair market value of the Shares,  it is not
possible to determine the benefits that will be received if the plan is approved
by stockholders.

     During 2003,  outside  directors  received  equity  compensation  under the
Director Compensation Plan as follows:

     o    33,722 Shares and Options to purchase 31,773 Shares were paid
                   as compensation to the outside directors (not including one
                   director who was also a Named Executive Officer) as a group.

     No  compensation  under the Director  Compensation  Plan was given to Named
Executive  Officers,  executive  officers of the Company or any employees of the
Company during 2003.


     The  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  the  approval  of  the  Director
Compensation  Plan is in the best interests of the Company and its  stockholders
because  the  Director  Compensation  Plan will  enable  the  Company to provide
competitive  equity incentives to the outside directors to enable the Company to
attract and retain highly qualified outside members of the Board.

The Board of Directors recommends that the stockholders vote FOR approval of the
arrangement for compensation of outside directors of Terex Corporation.


     The Board  does not know of any other  business  to be  brought  before the
Meeting.  In the event any such  matters are  brought  before the  Meeting,  the
persons  named in the enclosed  Proxy will vote the Proxies  received by them as
they deem best with respect to all such matters.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     All  proposals  of  stockholders  intended  to be  included  in  the  proxy
statement  to be presented at the 2005 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  must be
received at the Company's offices at 500 Post Road East,  Westport,  Connecticut
06880, no later than December 14, 2004. All proposals must meet the requirements
set forth in the rules and  regulations  of the SEC in order to be eligible  for
inclusion in the proxy statement for that meeting.

     In  addition,  the  Bylaws  of the  Company  provide  that in  order  for a
stockholder  to  nominate a  candidate  for  election as a director at an annual
meeting of stockholders or propose business for consideration at such a meeting,
notice  must be given to the  Secretary  of the Company no more than 90 days nor
less than 60 days prior to the first  anniversary of the preceding year's annual
meeting.  Accordingly, to nominate a candidate for election as a director at the
Company's 2005 annual meeting or to propose  business for  consideration at such
meeting,  notice must be given between February 25, 2005 and March 26, 2005. The
fact that the  Company may not insist upon  compliance  with these  requirements
should not be  construed as a waiver by the Company of its right to do so at any
time in the future.


                          ANNUAL REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS

     The Company's  2003 Annual  Report,  which  includes the  Company's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year ended  December  31, 2003 as filed with
the SEC and the Company's  financial  statements  for that fiscal year, is being
mailed to  stockholders  of the Company  with this Proxy  Statement.  The Annual
Report  does  not  constitute  a  part  of  the  Proxy  solicitation  materials.
Stockholders  may, without charge,  obtain copies of the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K filed with the SEC. Requests for this report should be addressed to
the Company's Secretary.


                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              Eric I Cohen
April 12, 2004
Westport, Connecticut


                                                                      Appendix A

                               2000 INCENTIVE PLAN

                                    ARTICLE 3
                            SHARES SUBJECT TO AWARDS

3.1.  Number of Shares.  Subject to the  adjustment  provisions of Section 10.11
hereof,  the  maximum  number of Shares  that may be  delivered  pursuant to all
Awards granted under this Plan shall be 6,000,000  Shares.  This aggregate Share
limit,  as adjusted,  shall  constitute and be referred to as the "Share Limit."
For purposes of this  Section  3.1, the Shares that shall be counted  toward the
Share Limit shall include all Shares:

(1)  issued or issuable pursuant to Options that have been or may be exercised;

(2)  issued or issuable pursuant to Share Purchase Awards; and

(3)  issued as, or subject to issuance as, a Restricted Share Award.

                                     A - 1

                                                                      Appendix B


                                    ARTICLE I


     The purpose of the 2004 Annual Incentive  Compensation Plan (the "Plan") is
to advance the  interests  of Terex  Corporation  (the  "Company")  by rewarding
employees of the Company for their  contributions  to the growth,  profitability
and success of the Company from year to year.

     The Company intends that certain  compensation  payable under the Plan will
constitute  "qualified  performance-based  compensation" under Section 162(m) of
the   Internal   Revenue   Code  of  1986,   as  amended.   The  Plan  shall  be
administratively  interpreted  and  construed in a manner  consistent  with such

     The Plan is effective as of January 1, 2004.

                                   ARTICLE II


2.1  Applicable Employee Remuneration: The meaning given to such term in Section
     162(m)(4) of the Code.

2.2  Base  Salary  Percentage:   For  any  Performance   Period,  a  percentage,
     determined by the Committee,  of a  Participant's  base salary as in effect
     immediately  prior  to  establishment  of the  Performance  Goals  for that
     Performance Period.

2.3  Board: The Board of Directors of the Company.

2.4  Bonus  Award:  For  any  Performance   Period,   the  amount  of  incentive
     compensation  payable  under  the  Plan  to a  Participant,  determined  in
     accordance with Section 6.1 hereof.

2.5  Business Unit: A subsidiary, division or line of business of the Company.

2.6  Code: The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.

2.7  Committee:  The  Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board,  which  shall  be
     comprised solely of individuals,  at least three in number,  who qualify as
     "outside directors" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code and as
     "independent  directors"  under the Corporate  Governance  Rules of the New
     York  Stock  Exchange.  References  to the  Committee  in this  Plan  shall
     include,   as  applicable  in  accordance  with  Section  3.2  hereof,  the
     Committee's delegate.

2.8  Company: Terex Corporation,  a Delaware corporation,  and its Subsidiaries,
     or any successor thereto.

2.9  Covered  Employee:  The meaning given to such term in Section  162(m)(3) of
     the Code; provided,  however, that an employee will be considered a Covered

                                     B - 1

     Employee  for purposes of the Plan only if his or her  Applicable  Employee
     Remuneration for the relevant Year is expected to exceed $1,000,000.

2.10 Financial  Criteria:  The  meaning  given to such  term in  Section  4.1(a)

2.11 Participant:  For any Performance Period, an employee of the Company or one
     of its Business Units who receives  compensation  in such capacity during a
     Performance Period and who has been designated to participate in the Plan.

2.12 Performance  Goals: For any Performance  Period,  the performance  measures
     applicable to a  Participant,  established  in accordance  with Section 4.1

2.13 Performance  Period: A Year or such lesser period of time, as determined by
     the Committee in its  discretion,  over which a  Participant's  Performance
     Threshold is to be achieved.  The Performance  Period need not be identical
     for all Bonus Awards.  Within one Year the Committee may establish multiple
     Performance Periods.

2.14 Performance  Threshold:  The percentage  determined by the Committee in its
     sole  discretion  for  each  Year,   representing   the  minimum  level  of
     achievement of Participants' respective Performance Goals for the Year that
     each Participant must attain to be entitled to a Bonus Award for such Year.

2.15 Plan: This Terex  Corporation 2004 Annual Incentive  Compensation  Plan, as
     herein set forth and as it may be amended from time to time.

2.16 Subsidiary:  Any corporation that is a direct or indirect subsidiary of the
     Company in which the Company owns or majority equity interest.

2.17 Year: The calendar year, which is the fiscal year of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE III


3.1  The  Plan  shall  be  administered  by the  Committee.  A  majority  of the
     Committee shall constitute a quorum. Committee decisions and determinations
     shall  be made  by a  majority  of its  members  present  in  person  or by
     telephone at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  To the maximum extent
     permitted  by law,  the actions of the  Committee  with respect to the Plan
     shall be final and binding on all  affected  Participants.  Any decision or
     determination  reduced to writing  and signed by all of the  members of the
     Committee  shall be fully  effective  as if it had been made by a vote at a
     meeting  duly  called and held.  The  Committee  shall keep  minutes of its
     meetings and a written record of any determination required by Code Section
     162(m).  It shall make such rules and  regulations  for the  conduct of its
     business as it shall deem advisable.

3.2  As it deems  appropriate,  the Committee may delegate its  responsibilities
     for  administering  the Plan to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company;
     provided,  however,  that it shall not delegate its responsibilities  under
     the Plan  relating  to the Chief  Executive  Officer  or any other  Covered

3.3  The Committee shall have full  authority,  subject to the provisions of the
     Plan (i) to select Participants and determine the extent and terms of their
     participation;  (ii) to adopt, amend and rescind such rules and regulations
     as, in its opinion,  may be advisable  in the  administration  of the Plan,

                                     B - 2

     (iii) to construe and interpret the Plan, the rules and regulations adopted
     thereunder and any notice or award certificate given to a Participant;  and
     (iv) to make all other  determinations that it deems necessary or advisable
     in the administration of the Plan.

3.4  The  Committee  may employ  attorneys,  consultants,  accountants  or other
     persons, and the Committee, the Company and its officers directors may rely
     on the advice, opinions or valuations of any such persons. No member of the
     Committee  shall be  personally  liable for any  action,  determination  or
     interpretation taken or made in good faith by the Committee with respect to
     the Plan or any Bonus Award  hereunder,  and all  members of the  Committee
     shall be fully  indemnified  and protected by the Company in respect of any
     such action, determination or interpretation.

3.5  For any Performance Period, the Committee shall designate the employees who
     shall  participate  in the Plan,  taking into  account  such factors as the
     individual's position, experience, knowledge, responsibilities, advancement
     potential and past and anticipated contribution to Company performance.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                PERFORMANCE GOALS

4.1  Within 90 days after the beginning of a  Performance  Period that is a full
     Year (or,  if the  Period is  shorter,  before 25 percent of the Period has
     elapsed),  the Committee shall establish  Performance  Goals in writing for
     each Participant for such Performance Period. Performance Goals established
     by the Committee for any Performance Period may differ among Participants.

     (a)  Performance Goals of a Participant Who Is a Covered Employee.

     The Performance  Goals of a Participant who is a Covered  Employee shall be
based on any one or a  combination  of the  following  business  criteria  on an
absolute or relative basis (including comparisons of results for the Performance
Period  either to results  for a prior  Performance  Period or to the  Company's
business plan or forecast for the Performance Period), measured by excluding any
extraordinary  items  and  special  items  as  determined  by  the  Company,  in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent
basis, all as derived from the Company's audited financial  statements:  (i) net
sales,  (ii)  operating  income,  (iii) net income,  (iv)  earnings per share of
common stock (fully diluted),  (v) cash flow  generation,  (vi) working capital,
(vii)  return  on  invested  capital,  (viii)  return  on  equity  and (ix) debt
reduction  (collectively,  "Financial  Criteria")  and (x) objective  individual
performance,  taking into account individual goals and objectives.  With respect
to a Participant who is employed in a Business Unit,  Financial  Criteria may be
based on the Unit's  results for the  Performance  Period or on a combination of
those results and Financial Criteria for the Company.

     (b)  Performance Goals of a Participant Who Is Not a Covered Employee.

     The Performance  Goals of a Participant who is not a Covered Employee shall
be based on (i) any one or a combination of  quantitative  criteria  (including,
without limitation,  Financial Criteria) or (ii) qualitative  criteria measuring
individual  performance,  taking into account  individual  goals and  objectives
(collectively,  "Individual  Criteria") or (iii) a combination  of  quantitative
criteria and Individual Criteria;  provided,  however,  that with respect to any
such Participant who is employed in a Business Unit,  quantitative  criteria may
be based on results  for the  Performance  Period of the  Business  Unit or on a
combination of those results and Financial Criteria for the Company.

4.2  In establishing Performance Goals for any Performance Period, the Committee
     shall determine, in its discretion but subject to Section 4.1(a) or

                                     B - 3

Section  4.1(b)  as  applicable,  the  categories  and  criteria  to be  used in
measuring each Participant's  performance and the percentage allocation for each
of the  categories and for each of the criteria,  the sum of which  allocations,
respectively, shall equal 100 percent.

                                    ARTICLE V

                           AND BASE SALARY PERCENTAGE

5.1  Within 90 days after the beginning of a  Performance  Period that is a full
     Year (or,  if the  Period is  shorter,  before 25 percent of the Period has
     elapsed),  the  Committee  shall  determine  each of the following for each

     (a)  a  Performance  Threshold  with  respect  to  each  Performance  Goal,
          representing  the minimum level of  achievement  that the  Participant
          must attain in order to receive a Bonus Award;

     (b)  either a Base Salary  Percentage or a fixed monetary amount payable as
          a Bonus Award if the  Participant  achieves  100 percent of his of her
          Performance Goals; and

     (c)  a mathematical  formula or matrix that weights each  Performance  Goal
          and  indicates the extent of the  Participant's  Bonus Award if his or
          her level of  achievement  of such Goal  exceeds  the  amount  payable
          pursuant to  subsection  (a) or (b) of this Section 5.1 or falls short
          of the amount payable pursuant to said subsection (b).

5.2  Subject to the  restrictions  in Section 7.3, the Committee shall make such
     adjustments,  to the extent it deems appropriate,  to the Performance Goals
     and  Performance  Thresholds  to  compensate  for or reflect  any  material
     changes that may have occurred in  accounting  practices,  tax laws,  other
     laws or regulations,  the financial structure of the Company,  acquisitions
     or dispositions of Business Units or any unusual  circumstances  outside of
     management's control that, in the sole judgment of the Committee,  alter or
     affect computation of such Performance Goals and Performance  Thresholds or
     the  performance  of the  Company or any  relevant  Business  Unit (each an
     "Extraordinary Event").

                                   ARTICLE VI


6.1  As soon as practicable after the end of the Performance Period, and subject
     to  verification  by the Company's  independent  auditors of the applicable
     Financial  Criteria,  the Committee  shall determine (and, in the case of a
     Covered Employee, certify) with respect to each Participant whether and the
     extent  to  which  the  Performance  Thresholds  applicable  to  his or her
     Performance Goals were achieved or exceeded. The Participant's Bonus Award,
     if any, shall be calculated in accordance with the mathematical  formula or
     matrix  determined  pursuant to Section 5.1(c),  subject to the limitations
     set forth in Section 7.1 hereof. The Committee shall certify in writing the
     amount of such  Bonus  Award and  whether  each  material  term of the Plan
     relating  to such Bonus  Award has been  satisfied.  Subject to Section 7.1
     hereof,  such Bonus  Award  shall  become  payable in cash as  promptly  as
     practicable thereafter.

6.2  Notwithstanding  Section 6.1 hereof, from time to time, prior to the end of
     a Performance  Period,  the Committee  may, in its sole  discretion  (under
     uniform  rules  and in  compliance  with  applicable  law in effect at such
     time),  offer  Participants  the  opportunity  to defer receipt of all or a
     portion of any Bonus Award that is made for such Performance Period.

                                     B - 4

                                   ARTICLE VII

                          LIMITATION, MODIFICATION AND
                           FORFEITURE OF BONUS AWARDS

7.1  Each Bonus Award determined pursuant to Section 6.1 hereof shall be subject
     to limitation, modification or forfeiture in accordance, respectively, with
     the following sections of this Article VII.

7.2  The  aggregate  amount  of any  Bonus  Award  to any  Participant  for  any
     Performance   Period,  as  finally  determined  by  the  Committee,   shall
     constitute the Participant's Bonus Award for that Period;  provided however
     that his or her  aggregate  Bonus  Award for any Year  shall not exceed the
     greater of (i) 200 percent of the Participant's  base salary (not to exceed
     $2.0  million)  for such fiscal year or (ii) 5% of the  Company's  earnings
     before  income  taxes for such fiscal  year as  reported  in the  Company's
     audited consolidated  financial statements,  before taking into account any
     special items and the cumulative effect of accounting changes.

7.3  At any time prior to the payment of a Bonus Award,  the  Committee  may, in
     its sole  discretion,  (i) increase,  decrease or eliminate the Bonus Award
     payable to any Participant who is not a Covered  Employee and who would not
     become a Covered Employee as a result of any such increase or (ii) decrease
     or  eliminate  the Bonus Award  payable to a  Participant  who is a Covered
     Employee,   in  each  case  to  reflect  the  individual   performance  and
     contribution  of, and other  factors  relating  to, such  Participant.  The
     Committee may make such adjustments, to the extent it deems appropriate, to
     any Bonus Award to compensate for, or to reflect,  any Extraordinary  Event
     (as defined in Section 5.2 hereof).  The  determination of the Committee in
     this regard shall be final and conclusive.

7.4  No Participant  shall have any right to receive  payment of any Bonus Award
     unless such Participant  remains in the employ of the Company or a Business
     Unit through the end of the relevant Performance Period; provided, however,
     that the Committee  may, in its sole  discretion,  pay all or any part of a
     Bonus  Award to any  Participant  who prior to such date  retires,  dies or
     becomes  permanently  disabled,  or when special  circumstances  exist with
     respect  to  such  Participant,  so  long  as  the  Performance  Thresholds
     applicable to his or her Performance  Goals were achieved or exceeded.  The
     maximum  amount of such  payment,  if any, will be  calculated,  and to the
     extent determined by the Committee, paid as provided in Section 6.1 hereof.
     The determination of the Committee shall be final and conclusive.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

8.1  Nothing in the Plan shall  confer upon any  employee a right to continue in
     the  employment  of the  Company  or  affect  any right of the  Company  to
     terminate a Participant's employment.

8.2  The Plan is not a contract between the Company and any Participant or other
     employee, and participation in the Plan during one Year shall not guarantee
     participation during any subsequent Year.

8.3  A Participant may not alienate, assign, pledge, encumber, transfer, sell or
     otherwise  dispose of any rights or benefits awarded hereunder prior to the
     actual  receipt  thereof  (other  than by will or the laws of  descent  and
     distribution);  and any attempted  assignment or transfer shall be null and

8.4  The Plan shall at all times be entirely unfunded, and no provision shall at
     any time be made to  segregate  assets of the  Company  for  payment of any
     amounts hereunder.  No Participant,  beneficiary or other person shall have

                                     B - 5

     any interest in any particular assets of the Company by reason of the right
     to  receive  incentive  compensation  under  the  Plan.   Participants  and
     beneficiaries shall have only the rights of a general unsecured creditor of
     the Company.

8.5  The Committee may at any time and from time to time alter,  amend,  suspend
     or terminate the Plan in whole or in part. No amendment  shall be effective
     that alters the Bonus Award, Performance Goals or other factors relating to
     a Bonus Award applicable to a Covered  Employee for the Performance  Period
     in which such amendment is made or any prior Performance Period, other than
     any amendment that may be made without causing such Bonus Award to cease to
     qualify as performance-based compensation under Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the

8.6  The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the laws of
     the State of Delaware without reference to principles of conflict of laws.

8.7  If any  provision  of the Plan  would  cause any  Bonus  Award to a Covered
     Employee not to constitute "qualified performance-based compensation" under
     Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code, it shall be severed from and thereupon be
     deemed not to be a part of the Plan,  but the other  provisions of the Plan
     shall remain in full force and effect.

8.8  The Company or a Subsidiary, as appropriate,  shall deduct from any payment
     of a Bonus Award to a Participant or beneficiary any taxes or other amounts
     required by law to be withheld.

8.9  To the extent  required by Section  162(m) of the Code and the  regulations
     thereunder,  (i) any change to the material terms of the Financial Criteria
     shall be  disclosed to and approved by the  Company's  stockholders  at the
     next annual meeting of stockholders  to be held following such change,  and
     (ii) the material terms of the Financial Criteria shall be disclosed to and
     reapproved  by the  stockholders  no later than at the annual  meeting that
     occurs in the fifth year following the year in which  stockholders  approve
     the Financial Criteria.

8.10 All notices or other communications required or given hereunder shall be in
     writing,  delivered  personally  or by  overnight  courier,  (i)  if to the
     Company,  at the address at the time of the corporate  headquarters  of the
     Company, Attention: General Counsel, and (ii) if to the Participant, at his
     or her address last appearing on the books of the Company.

                                     B - 6

                                                                      Appendix C


dated  as of March  11,  2004,  established  by TEREX  CORPORATION,  a  Delaware
corporation authorized to do business in the State of Connecticut, 500 Post Road
East,  Suite  320,  Westport,   CT  06880   (hereinafter   referred  to  as  the

                                WITNESSETH THAT:

     WHEREAS, the Corporation  established the Terex Deferred  Compensation Plan
effective  January  1, 1997 as  amended as of  February  1, 1997 (the  "Original
Plan"),  and the Original Plan provided that the  Corporation may amend the Plan
at any time;

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  amended and restated  the  Original  Plan as of
December  1, 1997,  January 1, 2002 and  January 1, 2004 (the  Original  Plan as
amended and restated shall be referred to as the "Plan");

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  recognizes  the  valuable  services  heretofore
performed  for it by the employees and the outside  directors  participating  in
this Plan (the "Participants");

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation has established  this Plan to provide  retirement
and death  benefits,  and  benefits  in the event of any  other  termination  of
employment  or service as an outside  director,  as provided  herein to a select
group of management or highly  compensated  employees (the  "Employees") and the
outside directors;

     WHEREAS,  each Participant  desires to receive such benefits and to defer a
portion of his or her compensation;

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  has  established a trust dated as of January 1,
1997 (the "Trust") to assist in providing the benefits under this Plan; and

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation  desires to provide the terms and conditions upon
which the Corporation shall pay such additional  compensation  through the Trust
to the Participants;

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of these premises, the Corporation amends
and restates the Plan as follows:

1.   Establishment and Purposes.

     a.  Establishment.  The  Corporation  established the Plan as of January 1,
1997, and amended the Plan as of February 1, 1997,  December 1, 1997, January 1,
2002 and January 1, 2004.

     b. Name. The Plan shall be known as the "Terex Deferred Compensation Plan."

     c. Purpose. The purpose of the Plan is to defer the payment of a portion of
the  compensation of the  Participants,  including the portion  deferred by each
Participant in accordance with an annual Deferral Election,  so that such amount
may be paid to the  Participants  (or their  beneficiaries)  upon  retirement or
death or other termination of employment as specified herein.

                                     C - 1

2.   Definitions.

     Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  the following  terms shall have the
definitions  hereinafter  indicated  wherever  used in this  Plan  with  initial
capital letters:

     a. Beneficiary:  Any person,  entity, or any combination thereof designated
by  the  Participant,  on a  Beneficiary  Designation  Form  acceptable  to  the
Corporation,   to  receive  benefits  under  this  Plan  in  the  event  of  the
Participant's  death,  or in the  absence  of any such  designation,  his or her

     b.  Beneficiary  Designation:  The designation by the Participant of his or
her  Beneficiary or  Beneficiaries,  as amended from time to time, and in a form
acceptable to the Corporation.

     c. Code: The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     d. Compensation: All wages, salaries, bonuses, director fees and Restricted
Stock  Awards  to  be  paid  to a  Participant  for  services  rendered  to  the
Corporation,  other than stock  options  issued to a  Participant  pursuant to a
qualified  stock  option  plan  (not  including  any  amounts  deferred  by  the
Corporation  under the provisions of this Plan).  Compensation  may also include
severance pay, pursuant to Section 2i of the Plan.

     e. Deferral  Election:  The form or other method of deferral  acceptable to
the Corporation that provides for the Participant to elect to defer a portion of
his or her Compensation or other amounts or items.

     f.  Deferred  Compensation  Account:  Shall have the  meaning  set forth in
Section 4 of this Plan.

     g.  Earnings:   The  amount   credited  to  each   Participant's   Deferred
Compensation Account as earnings, as provided in Section 4 hereof.

     h. Effective Date of the Plan: January 1, 1997.

     i.  Employee:  An  employee  of  the  Corporation  who is  selected  by the
Corporation  to  participate in this Plan, and who elects to participate in this
Plan by executing and delivering to the Corporation a Deferral Election which is
satisfactory  to the  Corporation.  At the  discretion  of the  Corporation,  an
employee may also include an individual who is receiving severance payments from
the Corporation. The ability of such an individual to make deferrals to the Plan
will cease when the individual no longer  receives  severance  payments from the

     j.  Investment  Designation:   The  provisions  of  the  Deferral  Election
providing for the  investment  designation  by the  Participant  as described in
Section 4 of this Plan,  as amended from time to time,  and as acceptable to the

     k. Normal Retirement Age: Fifty-five (55) years of age.

     l. Plan: This Terex Deferred Compensation Plan.

     m. Plan Year: January 1 through December 31.

     n.  Retirement:  The  termination of a  Participant's  employment  with the
Corporation after attaining Normal Retirement Age.

                                     C - 2

     o. Year of Participation.  A Plan Year during which an Employee is employed
on a full-time basis with the  Corporation or an outside  director serves on the
Corporation's  Board of  Directors.  An Employee  who is employed on a full-time
basis for any  portion  of a Plan Year and an outside  director  who sits on the
Corporation's  Board  of  Directors  for any  portion  of a Plan  Year  shall be
credited with a Year of Participation for that Plan Year.

3.  Participant's  Deferrals.  As a condition to  participating  in this Plan, a
Participant  shall execute and file with the Corporation,  a Deferral  Election,
designating  the  portion of his or her  Compensation  or other  amount or items
which shall be deferred hereunder; provided, however, that the Participant shall
not  defer  more  than a  certain  percentage  of his or her  regular  salary as
designated by the  Corporation  from time to time (the initial  maximum shall be
twenty percent (20%) of his or her regular salary), and further provided that no
amount shall be deferred  from any amount  which was payable to the  Participant
before the Participant  executed the Deferral Election.  A Participant may defer
up to  one  hundred  percent  (100%)  of  his or her  bonus,  director  fees  or
Restricted Stock Awards.  All deferrals of salary,  director fees or bonus shall
be in increments of one percent (1%) or, if  acceptable  to the  Corporation,  a
specific  dollar  amount (or the  Participant  can elect to receive a  specified
dollar  amount of his or her bonus and  defer  the  remainder).  Furthermore,  a
Participant may defer any other amount or item which the Corporation  permits to
be deferred as provided under a Deferral  Election  executed by the  Participant
and acceptable to the  Corporation.  Unless  otherwise agreed by the Corporation
and the Participant, all Deferral Elections shall apply to Compensation or other
amounts or items for one Plan Year, and a new Deferral  Election may be executed
for each Plan Year.  If an  individual,  such as a new  employee  or new outside
director of the  Corporation,  becomes a  Participant  under this Plan after the
beginning  of a Plan  Year,  the  Participant  may  execute  and  file  with the
Corporation,  prior to becoming a Participant in this Plan, a Deferral Election,
in a form  acceptable  to the  Corporation,  that  will  be  effective  for  the
remainder of that Plan Year.

4.  Deferred   Compensation   Account,   Earnings,   and  Corporation   Matching

     a. Deferred  Compensation  Account.  Any  Compensation  or other amounts or
items  deferred by a  Participant  shall be credited to a deferred  compensation
bookkeeping account maintained by the Plan recordkeeper for the Participant. The
Plan recordkeeper shall update the Participant's  Deferred  Compensation Account
(including Earnings) on a daily basis.

     b.  Earnings.  Earnings with respect to each deferral  shall be credited to
the Participant's  Deferred  Compensation  Account as measured by the applicable
Investment Designation. The two available options for the Investment Designation
shall be (i) Terex stock, and (ii) a bond index (the "Bond Index"),  selected by
the  Corporation,  which  shall  provide  an  interest  rate  which  mirrors  an
investment  in the  corporate  bonds  of  companies  rated  Baa or  higher.  The
Corporation may change the options  available and the applicable bond index from
time to time.  With  respect  to a Bond Index  designation,  any  interest  rate
credited to the Participant's  Deferred  Compensation Account in any given month
shall be the interest rate for the  penultimate  month.  With respect to a Terex
stock  designation,  the deemed purchase price for measuring  Earnings hereunder
will be the closing  price of Terex stock  listed in The Wall Street  Journal on
the day it is posted to the Participant's  Deferred  Compensation  Account.  All
designations of a particular Investment Designation must constitute at least ten
percent  (10%)  of  the  deferral.   The  Earnings   credited  to  the  Deferred
Compensation  Account  shall be an amount  equal to the amount  which would have
been earned if the Participant's  Deferred Compensation Account had been applied
or invested in accordance with the Investment  Designation.  In the event of any
losses  based  on  an  Investment   Designation,   the  Participant's   Deferred
Compensation  Account shall be reduced  accordingly,  and the Corporation  shall
have no obligation or responsibility with respect to any such losses.

                                     C - 3

     c. Corporation's Matching Contributions.

          (1) In addition, the Corporation shall match twenty-five percent (25%)
     of the  Participant's  deferrals  for  which the  Participant's  Investment
     Designation  is Terex stock  (herein the "Terex  Matching  Contributions").
     This  is  the  only  matching  contribution  the  Corporation  shall  make.
     Notwithstanding  any contrary  provision  contained herein,  Terex Matching
     Contributions  shall not apply to Restricted Stock (as such term is defined
     in any Terex  Incentive  Compensation  Plan)  deferred by a Participant  in
     accordance with the provisions of this Plan.

          (2) Terex Matching Contributions will cease to be made after March 10,

     d. Change of Control. In the event of a "Change of Control" as such term is
defined in Section 13(d) of the Trust, the Corporation shall make  contributions
to the Trust in  connection  with such  Change of Control so that the Trust will
have sufficient  funds to pay all benefits earned or accrued as of such date and
all  benefits  reasonably  expected  to  be  earned  or  accrued  thereafter  as
calculated by the Corporation based on reasonable assumptions.

     e. No Rights in Specific Assets. The Corporation,  in its sole and absolute
discretion,  may (or may not) acquire any item  indicated  in the  Participant's
Investment Designation, and any investment product or other item so acquired for
the convenience of the Corporation  shall be the sole and exclusive  property of
the Corporation (or a trust established by the Corporation) with the Corporation
(or a trust  established  by the  Corporation)  named as owner  and  beneficiary
thereof.  To the extent that a Participant or his or her Beneficiary  acquires a
right to receive payments from the Corporation under the provisions hereof, such
right shall be no greater than the right of any  unsecured  general  creditor of
the Corporation.

     f. Change in Investment  Designations.  A Participant may not change his or
her  Investment  Designation  with  respect to any portion of the  Participant's
Deferred Compensation Account.

5. Benefit Payments.

     a. Amount. At such time as a pre-retirement or accelerated  distribution is
due,  or  upon a  Participant's  Retirement,  death,  or  other  termination  of
employment or service as an outside director, the Corporation shall pay benefits
as follows:

          (1)  Retirement  or  Termination  of  Employment  After  Five Years of
     Participation.  If the  Participant's  employment  or service as an outside
     director  terminates after he or she attains Normal Retirement Age or after
     he or she has attained five Years of Participation,  such Participant shall
     receive payments:

               (i) as designated in his or her Deferral Elections as applicable;
          provided,  however,  that  any  changes  shall  be  effective  only if
          received  prior  to the  last  day of  the  Plan  Year  in  which  the
          employment terminates, or

               (ii) if such  Participant has failed to make any such designation
          for any amount,  with respect to such amount,  such Participant  shall
          receive  the  amount  of  his  or her  Deferred  Compensation  Account
          balance,  payable in a lump sum in the Plan Year  following his or her

The Participant may request to receive such payments in (i) a lump sum, based on
the  value  of the  Participant's  Deferred  Compensation  Account  on the  last
business day of the year in which the termination or retirement  occurs, or (ii)
in five (5),  ten (10) or fifteen  (15)  substantially  equal  annual  payments,
provided  that such  payment  terms  shall  only  apply if the  Corporation  and

                                     C - 4

Participant  enter into a bona fide agreement  regarding such payment terms, and
further provided that if the Employee becomes a full-time employee for any other
entity or  individual  within a  reasonable  time after the  termination  of the
Employee's  employment with the  Corporation,  the payments  hereunder shall not
commence until the Employee is no longer a full-time  employee for any entity or
individual.   Any  installment   payment  hereunder  shall  equal  the  quotient
determined by dividing the Participant's remaining Deferred Compensation Account
balance  at  the  time  of  payment  by the  number  of  remaining  installments
(including the current installment), provided that in the event of an Investment
Designation  of  the  Bond  Index,  the  portion  relating  to  the  Bond  Index
designation  shall be paid assuming level  remaining  payments at the prevailing
year-end rates.

          (2) Termination of Employment  Before Attaining Normal  Retirement Age
     and Five  Years  of  Participation.  In the  event  that the  Participant's
     employment  or  service  as  an  outside   director  with  the  Corporation
     terminates before he or she attains Normal Retirement Age, and before he or
     she has attained five Years of Participation, the Corporation shall pay, in
     a lump sum to the  Participant,  the entire  amount of his or her  Deferred
     Compensation  Account in the Plan Year after the  Participant's  employment
     terminates.  The Corporation shall have no further  liability  hereunder to
     the  Participant  or his or her  Beneficiary,  assigns or other  successors
     after making any lump sum payment under this Section 5a(2).

          (3) Pre-Retirement.  A Participant may elect to receive payment of all
     or a portion  of a  deferral  before  the  Participant  retires.  Except as
     provided  in  Sections  5c  and  5d,  all  deferrals  must  remain  in  the
     Participant's  Deferred Compensation Account for at least portions of three
     Plan  Years.   The   Participant   may  make  the  election  to  receive  a
     pre-retirement payment when the Participant completes the Deferral Election
     for the given Plan Year. The  pre-retirement  payment may be paid in a lump
     sum or in a four (4) year stream,  which will be paid in the same manner as
     an installment payment payable under Section 5a(1).

          (4) Death.  In the event of the  Participant's  death before he or she
     has received all amounts  under his or her Deferred  Compensation  Account,
     upon the  Participant's  death,  any benefits  payable in the year of death
     will  remain   payable  in  that  year.   The  remaining   balance  in  the
     Participant's   Deferred   Compensation   Account  shall  be  paid  to  the
     Participant's Beneficiary in the Plan Year after the Participant's death in
     a  lump  sum,  or in  accordance  with  new  written  payment  instructions
     established  by  the  Beneficiary,  at  the  Beneficiary's  option.  If the
     Beneficiary  files new written  payment  instructions,  the Beneficiary may
     choose  among  any   distribution   schedule  that  was  available  to  the
     Participant at the time of the  Participant's  death. To be effective,  any
     distribution  schedule  established by the Beneficiary  must be received by
     the  Trustee  prior to the  last  business  day of the  year in  which  the
     Participant dies. After the payment of the distribution(s), the Corporation
     shall have no further  obligations  hereunder to the  Participant or his or
     her Beneficiary, assigns or other successors.

          (5) Corporation's Lump Sum Payment Option.  Notwithstanding  any other
     provision herein, in all cases whenever benefits are payable hereunder, the
     Corporation,  at its option,  may elect to pay the entire remaining balance
     of the Participant's  Deferred Compensation Account at any time (whether or
     not any  installment  or other  payments have already been made),  and upon
     making  such  lump sum  payment,  the  Corporation  shall  have no  further
     obligation  to such  Participant  or his or her  Beneficiary  or assigns or
     other successors hereunder.

          b. Form of  Distribution.  Any  portion  of a  Participant's  Deferred
     Compensation Account that has an Investment Designation of Terex stock will
     be distributed in Terex shares,  except for fractional  shares,  which will
     distributed in cash. Any portion of a Participant's  Deferred  Compensation
     Account that has an Investment  Designation of the Bond Index shall be paid
     in cash.

          c.  Hardship  Withdrawals.  A Participant  may request a  distribution

                                     C - 5

     hereunder in response to an "unforeseeable emergency," defined herein as an
     unanticipated  emergency  that is caused by an event  beyond the control of
     the Participant and that would result in severe  financial  hardship to the
     individual if early withdrawal were not permitted.  Any early withdrawal on
     account of hardship  shall be paid in the form  described in Section 5b and
     limited  to the  amount  necessary  to meet the  emergency,  and the amount
     otherwise payable hereunder shall be reduced accordingly. The purchase of a
     primary residence or tuition payments by themselves would not qualify as an
     "unforeseeable emergency" and, therefore, no hardship distribution would be
     made in such events.  A request for a hardship  withdrawal must be reviewed
     and approved by the administrative committee represented by Corporate Human
     Resources,  Legal and  Finance  departments  of the  Corporation,  before a
     hardship  distribution  shall be made  hereunder.  A hardship  distribution
     shall  be made  as  soon  as  practicable  following  the  approval  of the
     distribution by the administrative committee.

          d.  Acceleration of Distribution.  In the absence of an "unforeseeable
     emergency,"  a  Participant   or   Beneficiary   may  still   accelerate  a
     distribution. Any acceleration of a distribution under this subsection will
     be paid in the form  described  in Section 5b, shall result in a forfeiture
     of 10% of the amount of the distribution, and such forfeiture shall default
     to the  Corporation.  The Participant or Beneficiary  will also forfeit any
     matching  contribution  which is  attributable to any deferral that, due to
     the  acceleration  of a  distribution,  stays in the Plan for less than one
     full  Plan  Year.  For  these  purposes,   deferrals  will  be  treated  as
     distributed on a "first in, first out" basis. In addition,  any Participant
     who receives an accelerated  distribution  shall be prohibited  from making
     further  deferrals under the Plan until the annual  enrollment period which
     next  follows the  expiration  of twelve  months from the date on which the
     Participant   requested  the  accelerated   distribution.   An  accelerated
     distribution  shall be made as soon as  practicable  following  the date on
     which  the   Corporation   receives   the  request   for  the   accelerated

          e. Payment Only from Corporation  Assets. Any payment of benefits to a
     Participant or his or her Beneficiary shall be made from assets which shall
     continue,  for all  purposes,  to be a part of the  general  assets  of the
     Corporation; no person shall have or acquire any interest in such assets by
     virtue of the  provisions of this Plan. To the extent that a Participant or
     his or her  Beneficiary  acquires  a right  to  receive  payments  from the
     Corporation  under the  provisions  hereof,  such right shall be no greater
     than the right of any unsecured general creditor of the Corporation.

          f.  Beneficiaries.  A Participant may designate his or her Beneficiary
     or Beneficiaries to receive the amounts as provided herein after his or her
     death in accordance  with the  Beneficiary  Designation.  In the absence of
     such a  designation,  the  Corporation  shall  pay any such  amount  to the
     Participant's estate.

          g. No Trust.  Nothing  contained  in this  Plan,  and no action  taken
     pursuant to its provisions shall create, or be construed to create, a trust
     of any kind.

6. Determination of Benefits, Claims Procedure and Administration.

          a. Determinations. The Corporation shall make all determinations as to
     rights to benefits under this Plan. Any decision by the Corporation denying
     a claim for benefits under this Plan by a Participant or any other claimant
     shall be stated in writing by the  Corporation  and  delivered or mailed to
     the claimant. Each such notice shall set forth the specific reasons for the
     denial,  written to the best of the Corporation's  ability in a manner that
     may be understood without legal or actuarial counsel. The Corporation shall
     afford a reasonable  opportunity  to the claimant  whose claim for benefits
     has been denied for a review of the decision denying such claim.

          b. Interpretation. Subject to the foregoing: (i) the Corporation shall
     have full power and authority to interpret,  construe and  administer  this

                                     C - 6

     Plan;  and (ii) the  interpretation  and  construction  of this Plan by the
     Corporation,   and  any  action  taken  hereunder,  shall  be  binding  and
     conclusive upon all parties in interest.

          c. Reports.  The Corporation shall have the Plan recordkeeper  provide
     the Participant with a statement reflecting the amount of the Participant's
     Deferred  Compensation  Account  and a  projection  of  benefits  using the
     current earning(s) rates, on a quarterly basis.

          d. No Liability. No employee,  agent, officer,  trustee or director of
     the   Corporation   shall  incur  any  liability  for  the  breach  of  any
     responsibility,  obligation  or duty in  connection  with  any act  done or
     omitted  to be done  in good  faith  in the  interpretation,  construction,
     administration  or management of the Plan and shall be indemnified and held
     harmless by the Corporation from and against any such liability,  including
     all expenses  reasonably incurred in their defense if the Corporation fails
     to provide such defense.

7.  Non-Assignability  of Benefits.  Neither any Participant nor any Beneficiary
under this Plan shall have any power or right to transfer,  assign,  anticipate,
hypothecate  or  otherwise  encumber  any  part  or all of the  amounts  payable
hereunder.  Such  amounts  shall not be subject to seizure by any  creditor of a
Participant or any Beneficiary  hereunder,  by a proceeding at law or in equity,
nor  transferable  by  operation  of law  in the  event  of  the  bankruptcy  or
insolvency of any Participant or any Beneficiary  hereunder.  Any such attempted
assignment  or  transfer  shall be void and shall  terminate  the  Participant's
participation  in this Plan;  the  Corporation  shall  thereupon have no further
liability hereunder with respect to such Participant and his or her Beneficiary.

8.  Amendment.  This Plan may not be amended,  altered,  modified or terminated,
except  by a  written  instrument  signed  by the  Corporation,  subject  to any
requirement  for stockholder  approval  imposed by applicable law or any rule of
any stock exchange or quotation system on which Terex common stock is listed and
quoted; provided that no such termination shall adversely affect a Participant's
entitlement to benefits  attributable to amounts credited to his or her Deferred
Compensation Account prior to the termination of this Plan.

9. Impact on Other  Benefits.  Except as  otherwise  required by the Code or any
other applicable law, this Plan and the benefits provided herein are in addition
to  all  other  benefits  which  may  be  provided  by  the  Corporation  to the
Participants from time to time, and shall not reduce, replace or otherwise cause
any reduction, in any manner, with regard to any of such other benefits.

10.  Notices.  Any notice,  consent or demand  required or permitted to be given
under the  provisions  of this Plan by the  Corporation  or any  Participant  or
Beneficiary  shall be in  writing,  and shall be signed by the  person or entity
giving or making the same. If such notice, consent or demand is mailed, it shall
be sent by United  States  certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,  addressed to the
principal  office of the  Corporation,  or if to a Participant or Beneficiary to
such  individual  or entity's  last known address as shown on the records of the
Corporation.  The date of such  mailing  shall  be  deemed  the date of  notice,
consent or demand.

11. Tax  Withholding.  The  Corporation  shall have the right to deduct from all
payments made under this Plan any federal,  state or local taxes required by law
to be withheld with respect to such payments.

12.  Governing  Law.  This Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Connecticut.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Corporation has executed and adopted this Plan as
of the date first above written.

                                     C - 7


                                TEREX CORPORATION

                              TUESDAY MAY 25, 2004

                            PROXY VOTING INSTRUCTIONS

MAIL - Date,  sign and mail your proxy             COMPANY NUMBER_______________
card in the envelope  provided as soon as
possible.                                          ACCOUNT NUMBER_______________
                        - or -
TELEPHONE - Call  toll-free  1-800-PROXIES         NUMBER OF SHARES_____________
from any  touch-tone  telephone  and
follow the instructions. Have your control         CONTROL NUMBER_______________
number a nd proxy card available when
you call.
                        - or -
INTERNET - Access www.voteproxy.com and
follow the on-screen instructions.  Have
your control number available when you
access the web page.

Please  detach  and mail in the  envelope  provided  if you are not  voting  via
telephone or the Internet.


1.ELECTION OF DIRECTORS                           |  FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                  |2. RATIFICATION OF SELECTION
                           NOMINEES               |OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS
|_| FOR ALL NOMINEES      0 Ronald M. DeFeo       |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                          0 G. Chris Andersen     |
                          0 Dr. Donald P. Jacobs  |2000 INCENTIVE PLAN
|_|   FOR ALL EXCEPT      0 David A. Sachs        |  |_|        |_|       |_|
(See instructions below)  0 J.C. Watts, Jr.       |
                          0 Helge H. Wehmeier     |4. APPROVAL OF THE TEREX
                                                  |CORPORATION 2004 ANNUAL
                                                  |INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for    |  |_|        |_|       |_|
any individual nominee(s), mark "FOR ALL EXCEPT"  |
and fill in the circle next to each nominee you   |5. APPROVAL OF THE TEREX
wish to withhold, as shown here:                  |CORPORATION EMPLOYEE
                                                  |STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                                                  |6. APPROVAL OF THE
                                                  |TEREX CORPORATION
                                                  |DEFERRED PLAN COMPENSATION
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                                                  |7. APPROVAL OF THE
                                                  |COMPENSATION ARRANGEMENT
                                                  |FOR OUTSIDE DIRECTORS OF
                                                  |TEREX CORPORATION
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                                                  |8. Upon such other
                                                  |business as may properly
                                                  |come before  the meeting or
                                                  |any adjournments or
                                                  |postponements, hereby
                                                  |revoking any proxy
                                                  |heretofore given.
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
To change the address on your  account,  |        |
please  check  the  box  at  right  and  |  |_|   |
indicate   your  new   address  in  the  |        |
address  space above.  Please note that  |        |
changes  to the  registered  name(s) on  |        |
the  account may not be  submitted  via  |        |
this method.                             |        |

Signature of Stockholder __________________  Date___________

Signature of Stockholder __________________  Date:__________

Note:    This proxy must be signed exactly as the name appears hereon. When
         shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as
         executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please give
         full title as such. If the signer is a corporation, please sign full
         corporate name by duly authorized officer, giving full title as such.
         If signer is a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
         authorized person.


                                TEREX CORPORATION

                              TUESDAY MAY 25, 2004


Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders,  you can
ensure that your shares are  represented at the meeting by  completing,  signing
and returning your proxy card below.

           Please date, sign and mail your proxy card in the envelope
                         provided as soon as possible.

                Please detach and mail in the envelope provided.


1.ELECTION OF DIRECTORS                           |  FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                  |2. RATIFICATION OF SELECTION
                           NOMINEES               |OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS
|_| FOR ALL NOMINEES      0 Ronald M. DeFeo       |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                          0 G. Chris Andersen     |
                          0 Dr. Donald P. Jacobs  |2000 INCENTIVE PLAN
|_|   FOR ALL EXCEPT      0 David A. Sachs        |  |_|        |_|       |_|
(See instructions below)  0 J.C. Watts, Jr.       |
                          0 Helge H. Wehmeier     |4. APPROVAL OF THE TEREX
                                                  |CORPORATION 2004 ANNUAL
                                                  |INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for    |  |_|        |_|       |_|
any individual nominee(s), mark "FOR ALL EXCEPT"  |
and fill in the circle next to each nominee you   |5. APPROVAL OF THE TEREX
wish to withhold, as shown here:                  |CORPORATION EMPLOYEE
                                                  |STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                                                  |6. APPROVAL OF THE
                                                  |TEREX CORPORATION
                                                  |DEFERRED PLAN COMPENSATION
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                                                  |7. APPROVAL OF THE
                                                  |COMPENSATION ARRANGEMENT
                                                  |FOR OUTSIDE DIRECTORS OF
                                                  |TEREX CORPORATION
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
                                                  |8. Upon such other
                                                  |business as may properly
                                                  |come before  the meeting or
                                                  |any adjournments or
                                                  |postponements, hereby
                                                  |revoking any proxy
                                                  |heretofore given.
                                                  |  |_|        |_|       |_|
To change the address on your  account,  |        |
please  check  the  box  at  right  and  |  |_|   |
indicate   your  new   address  in  the  |        |
address  space above.  Please note that  |        |
changes  to the  registered  name(s) on  |        |
the  account may not be  submitted  via  |        |
this method.                             |        |

Signature of Stockholder _____________________  Date____________

Signature of Stockholder _____________________  Date:___________

Note:This proxy must be signed exactly as the name appears  hereon.  When shares
     are held  jointly,  each holder  should  sign.  When  signing as  executor,
     administrator,  attorney,  trustee or  guardian,  please give full title as
     such. If the signer is a  corporation,  please sign full  corporate name by
     duly  authorized  officer,  giving  full  title as  such.  If  signer  is a
     partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

                                TEREX CORPORATION

                               2004 Annual Meeting


     The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Ronald M.  DeFeo and Eric I Cohen,  and
either one of them,  proxies with the power of substitution to act, by unanimous
vote, or if only one votes or acts then by that one, to vote for the undersigned
at the Annual  Stockholders'  Meeting of Terex Corporation,  to be held at 10:00
A.M., local time, on May 25, 2004, at the offices of Terex Corporation, 500 Post
Road East, Suite 320, Westport, Connecticut, and any adjournment or postponement
thereof, as follows:


                (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)