Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary Proxy Statement
o Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
þ Definitive Proxy Statement
o Definitive Additional Materials
o Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange
Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
was determined): |
4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing
by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the
date of its filing. |
1) |
Amount previously paid: |
2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
3) |
Filing Party: |
4) |
Date Filed: |
One IDEXX Drive
Westbrook, Maine 04092
March 27, 2008
Dear Stockholder:
We invite you to attend our annual meeting of stockholders on Wednesday, May 7, 2008, beginning at
10:00 a.m., local time, at the Portland Marriott Hotel in South Portland, Maine. At the annual
meeting, we will conduct the business described in the attached notice and proxy statement. In
addition, we will report on our business and introduce you to our directors and executive officers.
Pursuant to new rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, we have elected to
provide access to our proxy materials over the Internet. Accordingly, we will mail, on or about
March 28, 2008, a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the Notice of Internet
Availability) to our stockholders of record and beneficial owners at the close of business on
March 10, 2008. All stockholders and beneficial owners will have the ability to access all of the
proxy materials on a website referred to in the Notice of Internet Availability or request to
receive a printed set of proxy materials. These proxy materials will be available free of charge.
Whether you own few or many shares of stock, it is important that your shares be represented and
voted at the annual meeting. Stockholders can vote their shares by telephone or via the Internet.
Instructions for using these convenient services are provided in the proxy statement. You also can
vote your shares by requesting a paper proxy card to complete, sign and return by mail. If you
decide to attend the annual meeting, you will be able to vote in person, even if you previously
have voted by another means.
If you are unable to attend the annual meeting, you can listen to a live Webcast of the meeting on
the Internet. You can access the Webcast from the home page of our Web site, However,
since you cannot vote your shares via the Webcast, it is important that you timely vote your shares
in advance, using one of the procedures mentioned above and as more fully described in the proxy
We look forward to your participation in the annual meeting.
Jonathan W. Ayers
President, Chief Executive Officer and
Chairman of the Board of Directors
One IDEXX Drive
Westbrook, Maine 04092
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of stockholders of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.,
will be held on Wednesday, May 7, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Portland Marriott Hotel,
200 Sable Oaks Drive, South Portland, Maine, for the following purposes:
1. |
Election of Directors. To elect three Class II directors for three-year terms (Proposal
One); |
2. |
Adoption of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan. To approve and
adopt the IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan (Proposal Two); |
3. |
Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. To ratify
the selection by the audit committee of the board of directors of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year
(Proposal Three); and |
4. |
Other Business. To conduct such other business as may properly come before the annual
meeting. |
Pursuant to the companys amended and restated bylaws, the board of directors has fixed the
close of business on March 10, 2008 as the record date for the determination of stockholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the annual meeting.
If you would like to attend the annual meeting, you must also bring a form of personal
identification. If your shares are held by a broker, bank or other nominee, you also must bring to
the annual meeting a letter from the nominee confirming your beneficial ownership of such shares.
By order of the board of directors,
Conan R. Deady,
Westbrook, Maine
March 27, 2008
It is important that your shares be represented and voted at the annual meeting. You can submit a
proxy by telephone or Internet. Alternatively, you may request a paper proxy card, which you may
complete, sign and return by mail.
May 7, 2008
This proxy statement and the accompanying materials are being provided to you in connection
with the solicitation by the board of directors of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. of proxies to be voted
at our 2008 annual meeting of stockholders and at any adjournment or postponement thereof.
References in this proxy statement to we, us, the company or IDEXX refer to IDEXX
Laboratories, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries.
We are a Delaware corporation and were incorporated in 1983. Our principal executive offices
are located at One IDEXX Drive, Westbrook, Maine 04092. References to our Web site in this notice
and proxy statement are inactive textual references only and the contents of our Web site should
not be deemed incorporated by reference into this notice or proxy statement for any purpose.
In accordance with rules and regulations recently adopted by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, or SEC, instead of mailing a printed copy of our proxy materials to each stockholder of
record, we are now furnishing proxy materials to our stockholders via the Internet. If you received
a Notice of Internet Availability by mail, you will not receive a printed copy of the proxy
materials unless you specifically request a printed copy. Instead, the Notice of Internet
Availability will instruct you as to how you may access and review all of the important information
contained in the proxy materials. The Notice of Internet Availability also instructs you as to how
you may submit your proxy on the Internet. If you would like to receive a printed copy of our proxy
materials, you should follow the instructions for requesting such materials included in the Notice
of Internet Availability.
The Notice of Internet Availability is first being sent to stockholders on or about March 28,
2008. Also on March 28, 2008, the proxy statement and the form of proxy relating to the 2008 annual
meeting, as well as our annual report for the year ended December 31, 2007, or 2007 annual report,
are first being made available to stockholders.
On October 25, 2007, the companys board declared a 2-for-1 stock split effected in the form
of a 100% stock dividend. The additional shares were distributed on November 26, 2007, to
stockholders of record on November 5, 2007. All share amounts and share prices in this proxy
statement, and in the accompanying annual report, have been adjusted to give effect to this stock
split unless otherwise indicated.
How Proxies Work
IDEXXs board of directors is asking for your proxy. Giving us your proxy means that you
authorize us to vote your shares at the annual meeting in the manner that you direct, or if you do
not direct us, in the manner as recommended by the board of directors in this proxy statement. You
can vote for the director nominees or withhold your vote for one or all nominees. You also can vote
for or against the other proposals or abstain from voting. If you request a proxy card, and return
your signed proxy card, but do not give voting instructions, the shares represented by that proxy
will be voted as recommended by the board of directors.
Who Can Vote
Holders of IDEXX common stock at the close of business on March 10, 2008 are entitled to
receive notice of and to vote their shares at the annual meeting. As of March 10, 2008, there were
60,502,179 shares of common stock outstanding. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote
on each matter properly brought before the annual meeting.
Most IDEXX stockholders hold their shares through a stockbroker, bank, trustee, or other
nominee rather than directly in their own name. As summarized below, there are some distinctions
between shares held of record and those owned beneficially:
Stockholder of Record: If your shares are registered directly in your name with IDEXXs
transfer agent,
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, you are considered the stockholder of record of
those shares and these proxy materials are being made available directly to you by IDEXX. As
the stockholder of record, you have the right to grant your voting proxy directly to IDEXX
or to vote in person at the meeting. |
Beneficial Owner: If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account, by a bank,
broker, trustee, or other nominee, you are considered the beneficial owner of shares held
in street name and these proxy materials are being made available to you through your bank,
broker, trustee, or nominee, who is considered the stockholder of record of those shares.
As the beneficial owner, you have the right to direct your bank, broker, trustee, or
nominee on how to vote and are also invited to attend the meeting. Your bank, broker,
trustee, or nominee is obligated to provide you with voting instructions for use in
instructing the bank, broker, trustee or nominee how to vote these shares. However, since
you are not the stockholder of record, you may not vote these shares in person at the
meeting unless you have a proxy from the bank, broker, trustee or nominee that holds the shares giving you the right as beneficial owner to vote your shares at the meeting. |
How to Vote
You can vote in person at the annual meeting or by proxy. We recommend that you submit a proxy
even if you plan to attend the annual meeting. You can revoke your proxy and change your vote at
the annual meeting in one of the ways described below. All shares represented by proxies that have
been properly voted and not revoked will be voted at the annual meeting.
We are offering stockholders four methods of voting:
You may vote by the Internet. |
You may vote by telephone. |
You may request a paper proxy card from us, and indicate your vote by completing,
signing and dating the card where indicated and by mailing or otherwise returning the
card in the accompanying prepaid envelope. |
You may vote in person at the annual meeting. If you attend the annual meeting, you
will be able to vote your shares, even if you already voted by Internet, telephone or
mail. If you are the beneficial owner of shares held in street name, you must obtain a
proxy, executed in your favor, from the bank, broker, trustee or other nominee to be
able to vote at the annual meeting. |
Revoking a Proxy
You can revoke your proxy, whether it was given by Internet, telephone or mail, before it is
voted by:
Providing written notice to the corporate secretary of IDEXX before or at the annual
meeting prior to the voting on any proposal; |
Submitting a new proxy with a later date, including a proxy given via the Internet
or by telephone; or |
Voting by ballot at the annual meeting. |
The last vote you submit chronologically (by any means) will supersede your prior vote(s).
Your attendance at the annual meeting will not, by itself, revoke your proxy.
In order to transact business at the annual meeting, we must have a quorum. This means that at
least a majority of the outstanding shares eligible to vote must be represented at the annual
meeting, either by proxy or in person. Abstentions and broker nonvotes are counted as present and
entitled to vote for purposes of determining a quorum. Broker nonvotes occur when a broker returns
a proxy, but indicates that it does not have authority to vote on a particular proposal. Treasury
shares, which are shares owned by IDEXX itself, are not voted and do not count towards establishing
a quorum.
Votes Needed
The director nominees who receive the most votes at the meeting will be elected to fill the
seats on the board. Approval of the other proposals requires the favorable vote of a majority of
the votes cast. Only votes for or against a proposal count as votes cast. Abstentions and broker
nonvotes are not counted as votes cast and, therefore, will have no effect on the outcome of the
matters to be voted on at the annual meeting.
Conduct of the Annual Meeting
Rules for the conduct of the annual meeting will be available at the annual meeting. Under our
amended and restated bylaws, the chairman may adopt rules and procedures that he believes are
appropriate to ensure that the annual meeting is conducted properly.
Webcast of Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting will be Webcast live on the Internet at 10:00 a.m. ET on May 7, 2008. The
Webcast will include consideration of the proposals and our chief executive officers presentation
regarding our business, and will provide audio and the accompanying graphic presentation, but will
not include the question-and-answer session that follows the presentation. People accessing the
Webcast will not be able to ask questions or otherwise participate during the meeting. You can
access the Webcast from the home page of our Web site, Since you cannot vote your shares
via the Webcast, it is important that you vote your shares in advance of the annual meeting, using
one of the procedures described above.
Voting on Other Matters
If other matters are properly presented at the annual meeting for consideration, the persons
named in the proxy will have the discretion to vote on those matters for you. At the date of this
proxy statement, we did not know of any other matters to be raised at the annual meeting and,
pursuant to our amended and restated bylaws, the date by which other matters must have been
submitted by our stockholders has passed.
Solicitation of Proxies
IDEXX will pay the expenses of the board of directors solicitation of proxies. Proxies can be
solicited on our behalf by directors, officers or employees, without additional remuneration, in
person or by telephone, by mail, electronic transmission and facsimile transmission. We have hired
MacKenzie Partners, Inc., to distribute and solicit proxies. We will pay MacKenzie Partners, Inc. a
fee of approximately $6,000, plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, for its services.
Brokers, banks, trustees and other nominees will be requested to make available
proxy-soliciting material to the owners of common stock held in their names and, as required by
law, IDEXX will reimburse them for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for this service.
Householding of Annual Meeting Materials
Some beneficial holders may be participating in the practice of householding proxy
statements and annual reports. This means that only one copy of our Notice of Internet Availability
may have been sent to multiple stockholders in your household. We will promptly deliver a separate
copy of the Notice of Internet Availability, proxy statement or annual report if you call or write
us at the following address or telephone number: Investor Relations, IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., One
IDEXX Drive, Westbrook, Maine, 04092, Telephone: 207-556-8155. If you want to receive separate
copies of the Notice of Internet Availability, proxy statement and annual report, or if you are
receiving multiple copies and would like to receive only one copy for your household, you should
your bank, broker or other nominee record holder, or you may contact us at the above address
and telephone number.
Board of Directors
Our board of directors, which we refer to as the board of directors or the board, consists of
eight members. The board meets throughout the year on a set schedule, and also holds special
meetings and acts by written consent from time to time as appropriate. The board has delegated
various responsibilities and authority to different board committees as described below under the
heading Committees of the Board.
The board of directors is responsible for monitoring the overall performance of IDEXX. Among
other things, the board of directors, directly and through its committees, establishes corporate
policies, oversees compliance and ethics, reviews the performance of the chief executive officer,
reviews and approves the annual budget, reviews and approves certain transactions, and reviews the
companys long-term strategic plans. You can access a description of the boards involvement in
IDEXXs strategic planning process on the Internet at, or by contacting our corporate
secretary at the companys headquarters address.
In accordance with general corporate legal principles applicable to corporations organized
under the laws of Delaware, the board of directors does not control the day-to-day management of
IDEXX. Members of the board of directors keep informed about IDEXXs business by participating in
board and committee meetings, by reviewing analyses and reports regularly sent to them by
management, and through discussions with the chief executive officer and other officers.
Directors are responsible for attending board meetings and meetings of committees on which
they serve, and for devoting the time needed and meeting as frequently as necessary to discharge
their responsibilities properly. The board of directors held six meetings and board committees held
20 meetings in 2007. Each of our directors attended 75 percent or more of the meetings of the board
and board committees on which he or she served in 2007. It is our policy to schedule board and
committee meetings to coincide with the annual meeting of stockholders, and directors are expected
to attend the annual meeting. Last year, all of the individuals then serving as directors attended
our annual meeting.
Director Independence
Under our corporate governance guidelines, a substantial majority of our directors must be
independent as defined by the rules of the NASDAQ Global Market. Under the charters of each of
the committees of our board, each of the members of those committees is required to be independent
as defined by those rules. In addition, under the audit committee charter, each member of the audit
committee is required to satisfy the independence criteria set forth in Rule 10A-3(b)(1) under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the 1934 Act. Our nominating and governance
committee annually determines the independence of each director. In February 2008, the nominating
and governance committee determined that each director other than Mr. Ayers was independent under
the rules of the NASDAQ Global Market and that each member of the audit committee satisfied the
independence criteria of Rule 10A-3(b)(1) under the 1934 Act.
Related Party Transactions
Our board has adopted a written related person transaction policy under which the audit
committee is required to review and approve any transaction that the company proposes to enter into
that would be required to be disclosed under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K. The audit committee may
approve any such transaction only if it determines that, under all of the circumstances, the
transaction is not inconsistent with the best interests of the company.
Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K requires the company to disclose in its proxy statement any
transaction involving more than $120,000 in which the company is a participant and in which any
related person has or will have a direct or indirect material interest. A related person is any
executive officer, director, nominee for director, or holder of 5% or more of the companys common
stock, or an immediate family member of any of those persons.
Since January 1, 2007, the company has not been a participant in any transaction with a
related person.
Committees of the Board
The board of directors has established audit, compensation, nominating and governance, and
finance committees, each of which is described briefly below. Each of these committees acts
pursuant to a written charter that is approved by the board and reviewed annually by the applicable
committee and the nominating and governance committee. Current copies of each of these committees
charter can be accessed on the Internet at, or by
contacting the corporate secretary at the companys headquarters address. In October 2007, the
board also designated a stock split committee for purposes of determining the terms of a stock
Audit Committee
The audit committee is a separately designated standing audit committee established in
accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the 1934 Act, and is responsible for overseeing the
accounting, internal control, financial reporting and audit processes of the company, including the
selection and retention of IDEXXs independent auditors. The audit committee oversees the companys
risk management policies and also reviews on an ongoing basis all related party transactions
(defined as transactions required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K), and
all such transaction must be approved by the audit committee. The audit committee meets from time
to time with IDEXXs financial personnel, other members of management, internal audit staff and
independent auditors regarding these matters. The audit committee met nine times in 2007. The
committee has adopted procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by
the company regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters, and the
confidential, anonymous submission by employees of any concerns regarding questionable accounting
or auditing matters. The audit committee may retain independent counsel, accountants, or others to
assist it in the conduct of any investigation, and the company will provide appropriate funding for
payment of such services, as determined by the audit committee. The current audit committee members
are Mr. McKeon (chairman) and Drs. De Souza and Johnson, each of whom has been determined by our
board of directors to satisfy the heightened criteria for independence and other requirements
applicable to members of audit committees under the rules of the NASDAQ Global Market and the
independence rules contemplated by Rule 10A-3 under the 1934 Act. The nominating and governance
committee of the board has determined that each of the members of the committee are audit
committee financial experts as defined by the SEC and each has the financial or accounting
experience or background required by the rules of NASDAQ. The responsibilities and activities of
the audit committee are described in greater detail under the heading Report of the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors on page 33.
Compensation Committee
Committee Responsibilities. The compensation committee oversees the management
compensation philosophy and practices of IDEXX, evaluates the performance of the chief executive
officer, determines the compensation of the chief executive officer and approves the compensation
of the other executive officers, reviews succession plans for executive officers and managements
overall leadership development plan, oversees the companys equity compensation and benefit plans,
reviews compliance by executive officers with the companys stock ownership and retention
guidelines, and reviews the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required to be included in the
annual proxy statement. The compensation committee charter does not provide for any delegation of
these compensation committee duties except to a sub-committee or individual members of the
committee as it may determine. The committee has delegated to the chairman of the compensation
committee the authority to grant equity awards to new officers of the company between scheduled
meetings of the committee following consultation with the chief executive officer.
The compensation committee annual reviews director compensation and makes a recommendation to
the board. The chief executive officer generally will make recommendations to the committee
regarding director compensation, however, all decisions regarding director compensation are made
solely by the committee and the board. The general counsel and vice president of human resources
assist the committee in its review of director compensation by providing information and preparing
meeting materials. No other executive officers of the company are involved in the boards review
and determination of director compensation.
Committee Procedures. Compensation committee meetings are scheduled and agendas
determined through consultation among the chief executive officer, the general counsel, the vice
president of human resources, and the committee chair. In February of each year, the committee
meets to award the chief executive officers bonus, and to review and approve the chief executive
officers recommended bonuses for other executive officers, for the year just concluded. At this
meeting, the committee also determines the annual equity award and current year base salary for
the chief executive officer and reviews and approves the chief executive officers
recommendations for equity awards and current year base salaries for the other executive officers,
making such changes to the chief executive officers recommendations as it deems appropriate. The
committee meets at other times during the year as needed to review executive compensation and
otherwise to perform the duties described in its charter. During 2007, the committee met three
times and the committee also met in February 2008 to determine 2007 bonus awards, 2008 equity
awards and 2008 base salary for executive officers.
Use of Compensation Consultants. The compensation committee has authority to engage
advisers to support its work at the companys expense. The committee has engaged Frederic W. Cook &
Co., Inc., or FW Cook, to serve as consultant to the committee, with the following duties:
providing the committee with analysis pertaining to executive and director
compensation program design, including explanation of trends, best practices, and
regulatory changes; |
recommending a relevant group of peer companies against which to assess
competitiveness and appropriateness of IDEXXs executive and director compensation; |
analyzing peer companies annual executive and director compensation to assist
the committee in determining the appropriateness of IDEXXs executive and director
compensation; |
reviewing any proposed changes to executive and director compensation program
design; and |
providing specific analysis periodically as requested by the committee. |
During 2007, the committee engaged FW Cook to analyze and modify the relevant group of peer
companies used to assess competitiveness and appropriateness of IDEXXs executive compensation; to
review competitiveness and appropriateness of the total compensation of the companys executive
officers relative to the peer group; to advise on modifications to the 2003 Stock Incentive Plan,
or 2003 Plan, which were approved by the stockholders at the 2007 annual meeting of stockholders;
to analyze peer companies annual director compensation and recommend changes to IDEXXs director
compensation; to review development of compensation disclosure materials; to assist in responding
to SEC comments regarding compensation disclosure in our 2007 proxy statement; and to update the
committee on general trends in executive and director compensation with respect to total
compensation, forms of compensation and stock compensation.
FW Cook is engaged by the compensation committee and provides consulting support to the
compensation committee. The chair of the compensation committee reviews and approves all invoices
pertaining to services provided by FW Cook. Members of management work with FW Cook to the extent
necessary to provide FW Cook with information necessary for its consulting work and to prepare
materials for committee and board review. Management engages a second compensation consulting firm,
Towers Perrin, to develop overall compensation programs for the company. The vice president of
human resources, with the approval of the chief executive officer, has the authority to select and
retain the management consultant.
Role of Company Executives. As provided by the compensation committee charter,
IDEXXs chief executive officer is responsible for recommending to the compensation committee
annual compensation for the rest of the executive officers, all of whom report to him. The
compensation committee approves compensation for these executive officers and may make such changes
to the compensation recommended by the chief executive officer as it deems appropriate.
In addition to the chief executive officer, the companys vice president of human resources,
general counsel and vice president of finance also work with the committee chair to set committee
agendas, prepare materials for committee meetings, and generally attend meetings and prepare
meeting minutes. However, members of management, including the chief executive officer, are not
present in committee meetings when matters related to their individual compensation are under
discussion. No other executive officer is involved in supporting compensation committee activities
or executive compensation recommendations.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
During our 2007 fiscal year, the compensation committee was comprised of Messrs. Murray
(chairman), Craig and End, and Dr. De Souza. None of the members of the compensation committee has
ever been an officer or employee of the company or any of its subsidiaries, nor have they had any
relationship requiring disclosure under Item 404 of Regulation S-K. None of the executive officers
of the company served as a member of the compensation committee or board of directors of any other
company in 2007.
Nominating and Governance Committee
The nominating and governance committee advises and makes recommendations to the board of
directors with respect to corporate governance practices, including board organization, function,
membership, performance and compensation. The nominating and governance committee may retain, at
the companys expense, independent counsel or other advisors as it deems necessary. The current
nominating and governance committee members are Messrs. End (chairman) and Murray, and Dr.
Henderson, each of whom is an independent director as defined by the rules of the NASDAQ Global
Market. The nominating and governance committee met three times in 2007.
In performing its nominating function, the committee identifies, evaluates, recruits and
nominates candidates to fill vacancies on the board, using criteria set forth in the companys
corporate governance guidelines as discussed below. The process followed by the nominating and
governance committee to identify and evaluate candidates includes receiving recommendations from
our directors, management and stockholders, holding meetings to evaluate biographical information
and background material relating to potential candidates, and interviewing selected candidates.
In addition to receiving recommendations from our directors, management and stockholders, the
nominating and governance committee, in some instances, will engage an executive search firm to
assist in recruiting director candidates. In such cases, the search firm assists the nominating and
governance committee in identifying potential candidates that fit the boards search criteria;
obtaining candidate resumes and other biographic information; conducting initial interviews to
assess candidates qualifications, fit and interest in serving on the board; scheduling interviews
with the nominating and governance committee, other members of the board, and management;
performing reference checks; and assisting in finalizing arrangements with candidates who receive
an offer to join the board.
Stockholders who want to recommend a nominee for director should submit the name of such
nominee to the corporate secretary of IDEXX at the companys headquarters address, together with
biographical information and background material sufficient for the committee to evaluate the
nominee based on its selection criteria, and a statement as to whether the stockholder or group of
stockholders making the recommendation has beneficially owned more than 5% of the companys common
stock for at least a year as of the date such recommendation is made. Assuming that appropriate
biographical and background material has been provided on a timely basis, the nominating and
governance committee will apply the same criteria, and follow substantially the same process, in
considering stockholder nominations that comply with these procedures as it does in considering
other nominations. Stockholders also have the right under the companys amended and restated bylaws
to nominate director candidates directly, without any action or recommendation on the part of the
nominating and governance committee or the board, by following the procedures set forth under
Requirements, including Deadlines, for Submission of Proxy Proposals, Nomination of Directors and
Other Business of Stockholders on page 34 of this proxy statement. If the board determines to
nominate a stockholder-recommended candidate and recommends his or her election, then his or her
name will be included on the companys proxy card for the next annual meeting. Candidates nominated
by stockholders in accordance with the procedures set forth in the amended and restated bylaws will
not be included on the companys proxy card for the next annual meeting, but may be included on
proxies the nominating stockholders may seek independently.
The nominating and governance committee is responsible for annually reviewing with the board
the requisite skills and criteria for new board members, as well as the composition of the board as
a whole. The nominating and governance committee also annually reviews the performance of the
board, its committees and each of the directors.
Finance Committee
The finance committee advises the board of directors with respect to financial matters,
including capital structure and strategies, financing strategies, investment practices, major
financial commitments, financial risk management, acquisitions and divestitures, and stock
repurchase activities. In addition, the finance committee reviews and approves proposed
acquisitions and divestitures having values up to $20 million. The current finance committee
members are Messrs. Craig (chairman) and McKeon and Drs. Henderson and Johnson. The finance
committee met four times during 2007.
Corporate Governance Guidelines and Code of Ethics
The board has adopted corporate governance guidelines, which you can access on the Internet at The board also has adopted a code of ethics
that applies to all of our employees, officers and directors, which you can access on the Internet
at You can also receive copies of the
guidelines or the code by contacting the corporate secretary at the companys headquarters address.
In addition, we intend to post on our Web site,, all disclosures that are required by law
or the NASDAQ Global Market listing standards concerning any amendments to, or waivers from, any
provision of the code of ethics.
Among other matters, the guidelines provide as follows:
A substantial majority of the members of the board are independent directors, as defined
by NASDAQ rules. |
The audit, nominating and governance, compensation, and finance committees consist
entirely of independent directors. |
The nominating and governance committee recommends to the board for nomination all
nominees for election to the board, except where the company is legally required by
contract, by law or otherwise to provide third parties with the right to nominate
directors. |
The nominating and governance committees annual review of the requisite skills and
criteria for board members, as well as the composition of the board as a whole, includes
appropriate consideration of demonstrated experience, judgment, integrity, commitment and
skills that are relevant to the company and its operations, including familiarity with
science and technology, finance and accounting, marketing, product development, strategy,
government regulation and affairs, and corporate governance. |
The nominating and governance committee is responsible for annually assessing the
performance of the board, its committees and each individual director. |
When the chairman of the board is not an independent director, the independent directors
elect a lead director from among the independent directors. The lead director, among other
responsibilities, chairs meetings of the independent directors and consults with the
chairman of the board regarding meeting agendas. The lead director is currently Mr. End. |
Independent directors meet on a regular basis, but not less than twice annually, apart
from management board members and other management representatives. |
At least annually, the board reviews the companys corporate strategy. |
The board approves the chief executive officers goals annually. |
At least annually, the compensation committee, in consultation with all independent
directors, evaluates the performance of the chief executive officer. |
The chief executive officer reports to the board at least annually on succession
planning and management development. |
Board members have complete access to management and are encouraged to make regular
contact. |
The board will give appropriate attention to written communications that are submitted
to the board by our stockholders. The process for submitting such communications to the
board is described below under the heading Communications from Stockholders. |
Individual directors whose professional responsibilities outside of their involvement
with the company change from those held when they were last elected to the board (except
for promotions) should volunteer to resign from the board, giving the board an opportunity
to review the appropriateness of their continued board membership under the changed
circumstances. |
Any director who turns age 73 while serving as a director is expected to retire from the
board effective at the next annual meeting of stockholders following the date on which he
or she turns 73. |
Directors cannot serve on more than four other public company boards, audit committee
members cannot serve on more than two other public company audit committees, and directors
who are chief executive |
officers of other companies cannot serve on more than two other public company boards
(including the board of their employer). |
Directors must inform the chairman of the board and the chairman of the nominating and
governance committee of any public company directorship they have been offered before
accepting such offer to ensure that acceptance of such directorship would not create a
conflict with the directors duties as a director of the company. |
Communications from Stockholders
Written communications to the board can be submitted by electronic mail on our Web site at, or by writing to our general counsel at the
companys headquarters address. Under procedures approved by a majority of the independent
directors, the general counsel will review such communications and will forward them to the lead
director or the other members of the board if they relate to important substantive matters and
include suggestions or comments considered to be important for the directors to know. In general,
the general counsel will forward communications to the lead director if they are relevant to
IDEXXs governance, ethics and policies.
Director Compensation
The following describes compensation earned by our nonemployee directors during 2007, as well
as the compensation that will be paid to our nonemployee directors for board service during 2008
pursuant to changes adopted by the board in December 2007. Directors who are employees receive no
additional compensation for serving on the board.
Director Compensation
The table below sets forth compensation of the companys nonemployee directors for 2007.
Fees Earned |
Stock |
Option |
All |
Or Paid |
Awards $ |
Awards $ |
Other |
Total |
Name |
In Cash |
(6) |
(8) |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Thomas Craig |
$ |
42,000 |
(1) |
$ |
65,809 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
107,809 |
Errol B. De Souza, PhD |
42,000 |
(2) |
65,809 |
107,809 |
William T. End |
54,500 |
65,809 |
120,309 |
Rebecca M Henderson, PhD |
37,000 |
(3) |
65,809 |
102,809 |
Barry C. Johnson, PhD |
39,500 |
65,809 |
105,309 |
Brian P. McKeon |
47,000 |
(4) |
65,809 |
112,809 |
Robert J. Murray |
45,750 |
(5) |
65,809 |
(7) |
111,559 |
(1) |
Includes compensation in the amount of $40,750 deferred and issued as 842 deferred
stock units, or DSUs, pursuant to the director deferred compensation plan, or Director
Plan. |
(2) |
Includes compensation in the amount of $40,750 deferred and issued as 842 DSUs pursuant
to the Director Plan. |
(3) |
Includes compensation in the amount of $37,000 deferred and issued as 768 DSUs pursuant
to the Director Plan. |
(4) |
Includes compensation in the amount of $44,500 deferred and issued as 916 DSUs pursuant
to the Director Plan. |
(5) |
Includes compensation in the amount of $44,500 deferred and issued as 916 DSUs pursuant
to the Director Plan. |
(6) |
With the exception of Mr. Murray (see footnote 7), issued as DSUs pursuant to the
Director Plan. Excludes DSUs received in lieu of deferred compensation as described in
footnotes (1)-(5). Reflects the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting
purposes for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 in accordance with FAS 123(R). See
Note 4 in the notes to consolidated financial statements included in the 2007 annual report
for the relevant assumptions used to determine the valuation of our stock awards. The grant
date fair value of each stock award is $75,064 (calculated by rounding $75,000 to the
nearest share on the date of deferral). As of December 31, 2007, the following are the
aggregate number of DSUs accumulated in each nonemployee directors deferral account for
all years of service as a director: Mr. Craig, 6,832; Dr. De Souza, 9,268; Mr. End, 5,338;
Dr. Henderson, 8,784; Dr. Johnson, 3,444; Mr. McKeon, 9,582; Mr. Murray, 4,482. |
(7) |
Issued as restricted stock units, or RSUs, pursuant to Mr. Murrays election to receive
RSUs in lieu of DSUs, upon his meeting the stock ownership guidelines described on page 11
in 2007. See Director Compensation Equity Compensation. |
(8) |
No options were awarded to nonemployee directors in 2006 or 2007 and all option awards
granted prior to 2006 are fully vested and have been previously expensed. Therefore, no
amounts were recognized for financial statement reporting purposes for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2007 in accordance with FAS 123(R). As of December 31, 2007, each
nonemployee director had the following number of stock options outstanding: Mr. Craig,
56,800; Dr. De Souza, 21,050; Mr. End, 30,800; Dr. Henderson, 16,466; Dr. Johnson, 0; Mr.
McKeon, 16,466; Mr. Murray, 6,200. |
Cash Compensation
During 2007, each of our directors who was not an officer or employee of IDEXX received an
annual fee of $37,000. Each director could elect to defer all, but not less than all, of this
annual fee in the form of deferred stock units, or DSUs, under our director deferred compensation
plan, or Director Plan. In addition, nonemployee directors received the following annual committee
fees: $10,000 for the audit committee chairman and compensation committee chairman, $5,000 for
other audit committee members, and $5,000 for the chairmen of other committees. The lead director
received an additional $10,000 fee. There are no additional fees for board meeting attendance.
Effective January 1, 2008, each of our nonemployee directors will receive an annual fee of
$45,000. The director may elect to defer any amount of this annual fee in the form of DSUs. In
addition, nonemployee directors will receive the following annual committee fees: $15,000 for the
audit committee chairman and the compensation committee chairman, $5,000 for other audit committee
members, $10,000 for the chairmen of other committees, and $15,000 for the lead director. Directors
may elect to defer any amount of these committee fees in the form of DSUs. There will be no
additional fees for board meeting attendance.
Equity Compensation
During 2007, each of our nonemployee directors received an annual grant of DSUs with a value
of approximately $75,000 (calculated by rounding to the nearest share on the date of deferral). The
number of DSUs is determined by dividing such amount by the price of the companys common stock on
the date of grant of the award, which generally is in February of each year. New nonemployee
directors joining the board after the February grants are granted a pro rata number of DSUs based
on the number of months remaining until the next years annual grant. The DSUs vest one year from
the February grant date. Any director who meets the stock ownership guidelines described below at
the time of the annual equity award grant may elect, in lieu of receiving DSUs, to receive a grant
of restricted stock units valued at $75,000, which would vest one year from the date of grant.
Effective January 1, 2008, each of our nonemployee directors will receive an annual grant of
DSUs with a value of approximately $45,000 (calculated by rounding to the nearest share on the date
of grant). The number of DSUs is determined by dividing such amount by the price of the companys
common stock on the date of grant of the award, which generally is in February of each year. In
addition, in February of each year, each nonemployee director will receive a nonqualified stock
option to purchase shares of common stock, which option is granted under the 2003 Plan. The option
is equal to $45,000 in Black-Scholes value consistent with the valuation approach used to make
executive awards. The option exercise price per share for each director stock option is equal to
the last reported sale price for a share of the companys common stock on the NASDAQ Global Market
on the date the option was granted. The options vest and become fully exercisable on the first
anniversary of the date of grant. Upon a change in control (as defined in the 2003 Plan), options
granted to all optionees, including to nonemployee directors, are subject to the following vesting
provisions: 25% of the unvested options vest and become exercisable, unless the successor company
in a corporate transaction (as defined in the 2003 Plan) does not assume or substitute option
awards, in which case all options granted under the 2003 Plan become fully vested and exercisable.
In addition, if an optionee, including any nonemployee director, is terminated by the successor
company without cause within two years following a change in control, then all options held by such
optionee become fully vested and exercisable.
In general, options granted under the 2003 Plan are not transferable, except by will or the
laws of descent and distribution, and are exercisable during the lifetime of the director only
while he or she is serving as a director of the company or within three months after he or she
ceases to serve as a director of the company; provided, however, that the board has the discretion
to allow a director to designate a beneficiary to exercise the options upon the directors death.
If a nonemployee director dies or becomes disabled (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, or the Code) while serving as a director, or dies within three months after
ceasing to serve as a director, options are exercisable within one year following the date of death
or disability. No option is exercisable after seven years from the date of grant.
Director Deferred Compensation Plan
DSUs are subject to the terms of the Director Plan. The payment of fees in the form of DSUs is
considered deferred compensation for federal income tax purposes. Any compensation deferred by a
director is credited to an account established in the directors name that is denominated as a
number of DSUs having an aggregate value equal to the compensation deferred into such account
divided by the price of a share of IDEXX common stock on the date of the applicable deferral. DSUs
granted as described in the first and second paragraphs under Equity Compensation above also are
credited to this account. Director Plan account balances are not subject to any interest or other
investment returns, other than returns produced by fluctuations in the price of a share of IDEXX
common stock affecting the value of the DSUs in the account. One year after a director ceases to
serve on the board for any reason, he or she will receive shares of common stock equal to the
number of DSUs in his or her account. In addition, if the plan administrator of the Director Plan
determines that a director has suffered an unforeseeable emergency (as defined in the Director
Plan), the plan administrator may authorize the distribution of all or a portion of the directors
DSUs. Upon a change in control of the company (as defined in the Director Plan), any applicable
deferral limitations or other restrictions on each directors account will lapse, and the shares of
IDEXX common stock distributed from such account will be deemed to have been outstanding
immediately prior to the change in control.
Other Compensation
All directors are reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses incurred in connection with board
and committee meetings. The company does not provide any other benefits including retirement
benefits or perquisites to its directors. Except as described in this Director Compensation
section, the company does not have any other arrangements for compensation or consulting agreements
with its directors, other than compensation in consideration of employment paid to directors who
are officers or employees of the company.
Director Stock Ownership Guidelines
The board has adopted stock ownership guidelines for directors. Under the guidelines,
nonemployee directors are expected to own a number of shares of the companys common stock having a
value of $500,000 by the later of December 31, 2010 or seven years after joining the board.
Directors compliance with these guidelines is measured annually on September 30. As of the first
such measurement date on which a director holds shares with a value of at least $500,000, he or she
shall be deemed to have satisfied the stock ownership guidelines in all future periods, provided
that he or she continues to own at least the number of shares owned as of such measurement date.
DSUs credited to a directors deferred compensation investment account, as described above, are
included in calculating stock ownership pursuant to these guidelines.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Under Section 16(a) of the 1934 Act, IDEXXs directors, executive officers and any persons
holding more than ten percent of our outstanding common stock are required to report their initial
ownership of common stock and any subsequent changes in their ownership to the SEC. The SEC has
established specific due dates and IDEXX is required to disclose in this proxy statement any
failure to file by those dates.
Based solely on our review of (i) copies of Section 16(a) reports that IDEXX received from
such persons for their transactions during IDEXXs 2007 fiscal year and (ii) written
representations received from one or more of such persons that no annual Form 5 reports were
required to be filed by them for IDEXXs 2007 fiscal year, IDEXX believes that none of such persons
failed to file on a timely basis reports required by Section 16(a).
The table below shows the number of shares of our common stock beneficially owned as of March
10, 2008 by (a) each of our directors; (b) each of our executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table shown on page 26, whom we refer to as the named executive officers, and (c)
directors and executive officers of IDEXX as a group. Unless otherwise indicated, each person
listed below has sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares listed.
Total |
Percentage of |
Number of Shares |
Options |
Number of Shares |
Common Stock |
Beneficial Owner |
Owned (1) |
Exercisable (2) |
Beneficially Owned (3) |
Outstanding (4) |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
80,452 |
1,234,320 |
1,314,772 |
2.1 |
% |
Thomas Craig |
2,920 |
56,800 |
59,720 |
* |
Errol B. De Souza, PhD |
21,050 |
21,050 |
* |
William T. End |
24,470 |
30,800 |
55,270 |
* |
Rebecca M. Henderson, PhD |
2,000 |
16,466 |
18,466 |
* |
Barry C. Johnson, PhD |
* |
Brian P. McKeon |
5,000 |
16,466 |
21,466 |
* |
Robert J. Murray |
27,790 |
6,200 |
33,990 |
* |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
21,402 |
108,954 |
130,356 |
* |
Merilee Raines |
105,807 |
244,808 |
350,615 |
* |
Conan R. Deady |
12,272 |
139,514 |
151,786 |
* |
Thomas J. Dupree |
1,983 |
39,020 |
41,003 |
* |
All current directors and executive officers
as a group (18 persons) |
342,220 |
2,164,222 |
2,506,442 |
4.0 |
% |
* |
Less than 1% |
(1) |
Does not include DSUs. See Director Compensation on pages 9-11 for a description of DSUs
issued to our nonemployee directors under the Director Plan as annual equity grants and
voluntary deferrals of annual fees. See Executive Deferred Compensation Plan on page 29 for
a description of DSUs issued to our officers upon an officers voluntary deferral of his
annual bonus. The individuals holding fully vested DSUs are at risk as to the price of IDEXX
common stock in their investment accounts. DSUs carry no voting rights, but are included in
calculating stock ownership required by the company pursuant to its guidelines for directors
and executive officers. The following directors and executive officers and the following group
hold the indicated number of fully vested DSUs, resulting in the following total number of
shares owned including DSUs: |
Total Number of Shares |
DSUs |
Owned Including DSUs |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
29,582 |
110,034 |
Thomas Craig |
7,080 |
10,000 |
Errol B. De Souza, PhD |
9,493 |
9,493 |
William T. End |
5,339 |
29,809 |
Rebecca M. Henderson, PhD |
8,986 |
10,986 |
Barry C. Johnson, PhD |
3,444 |
3,444 |
Brian P. McKeon |
9,852 |
14,852 |
Robert J. Murray |
4,752 |
32,542 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
21,402 |
Merilee Raines |
105,807 |
Conan R. Deady |
12,272 |
Thomas J. Dupree |
1,983 |
All current directors and executive officers
as a group (18 persons) |
88,266 |
430,486 |
(2) |
Consists of options to purchase common stock exercisable on or within 60 days of March 10,
2008. |
(3) |
The number of shares beneficially owned by each person or group as of March 10, 2008 includes
shares of common stock that such person or group had the right to acquire on or within 60 days
after March 10, 2008, including but not limited to, upon the exercise of stock options or
vesting of RSUs, but does not include DSUs. |
(4) |
For each individual and group included in the table, percentage of ownership is calculated by
dividing the number of shares beneficially owned by such person or group as described above by
the sum of the 60,502,179 shares of common stock outstanding on March 10, 2008 and the number
of shares of common stock that such person or group had the right to acquire on or within 60
days after March 10, 2008, including but not limited to, upon the exercise of stock options. |
The table below shows the number of shares of our common stock beneficially owned as of
December 31, 2007 by each person or group known by us to own beneficially more than 5% of the
outstanding shares of IDEXX common stock.
Number of |
Shares |
Percentage of |
Beneficially |
Common Stock |
Beneficial Owner |
Owned |
Outstanding (1) |
Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc. (2) |
8,972,438 |
14.83 |
% |
767 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4701
New York, New York 10153-4798 |
Neuberger Berman, Inc. (3) |
4,236,322 |
7.00 |
% |
605 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10158-3698 |
(1) |
For each group included in the table, percentage ownership is calculated by dividing the
number of shares beneficially owned by such group by the 60,502,179 shares of common stock
outstanding on March 10, 2008. |
(2) |
Based solely upon information derived from a Schedule 13G/A filed by Ruane Cunniff &
Goldfarb, Inc., or Ruane Cunniff, pursuant to Section 13 of the Exchange Act and the rules
promulgated thereunder reporting its beneficial ownership of shares as of December 31, 2007.
According to the Schedule 13G/A, Ruane Cunniff has the sole power to vote 6,227,836 shares and
sole power to dispose of 8,972,438 shares. |
(3) |
Based solely upon information derived from a Schedule 13G/A filed by Neuberger Berman, Inc.,
or Neuberger Berman, pursuant to Section 13 of the Exchange Act and the rules promulgated
thereunder reporting its beneficial ownership of shares as of December 31, 2007. According to
the Schedule 13G/A, Neuberger Berman has the sole power to vote 239,948 shares, shared power
to vote 3,324,368 shares and shared power to dispose of 4,236,322 shares. Of the 3,324,368
shares over which Neuberger Berman has shared voting power, Neuberger Berman, LLC and
Neuberger Berman Management Inc. (which are each 100% owned by Neurberg Berman) are deemed to
be beneficial owners of these shares since they both have shared power to dispose of these
shares. Of the 3,324,368 shares over which Neuberger Berman has shared voting power, 3,218,962
shares are beneficially owned by Neuberger Berman Equity Funds. Neuberger Berman, LLC and
Neuberger Berman Management Inc. serve as sub-advisor and investment manager, respectively, of
Neuberger Bermans various Mutual Funds. The holdings of Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC,
an affiliate of Neuberger Berman, LLC are also aggregated to comprise the holdings referenced
herein. The 672,006 share difference in voting and investment power is a result of client
accounts over which Neuberger Berman has shared power to dispose of, but not vote, the shares. |
The board of directors is divided into three classes, designated as Class I directors, Class
II directors and Class III directors. Members of each class hold office for three-year terms. Class
II consists of three directors whose terms expire at the 2008 annual meeting of stockholders, Class
I consists of three directors whose terms expire at the 2009 annual meeting of stockholders, and
Class III consists of two directors whose terms expire at the 2010 annual meeting of stockholders.
The board, upon recommendation of the nominating and governance committee, has nominated
Thomas Craig, Errol B. De Souza, PhD and Rebecca M. Henderson, PhD to serve as Class II directors
with a term expiring at the 2011 annual meeting of stockholders. Mr. Craig and Drs. De Souza and
Henderson are currently Class II directors and have indicated a willingness to serve, if elected.
If any of the director nominees is unable to serve, proxies can be voted for a substitute nominee,
unless the board chooses to reduce the number of directors on the board.
There are no family relationships among the executive officers or directors of IDEXX.
Nominees for Class II Directors Whose Terms Would Expire in 2011
Thomas Craig, age 53, has been a director of IDEXX since December 1999. Mr.
Craig is a Partner and co-founder, and has served as a director since 1983, of
Monitor Group, a family of consulting investment and software companies focusing
on helping clients improve their competitiveness. |
Errol B. De Souza, PhD, age 54, has been a director of IDEXX since February
2003. Dr. De Souza is President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of
Archemix Corp., a private biopharmaceutical company developing aptamer
therapeutics. Dr. De Souza was President and Chief Executive Officer of Synaptic
Pharmaceutical Corporation, a GPCR-based drug discovery and development company,
from 2002 until the completion of its merger with Lundbeck (a Danish
Pharmaceutical Company) in 2003. From 1998 to 2002, Dr. De Souza was Senior Vice
President and Site Head, U.S. Drug Innovation and Approval (R&D) of Aventis
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and its predecessor company Hoechst Marion Roussel, a
global pharmaceutical company. While at Aventis, Dr. De Souza was Chairman of the
Technology Committee of Merial Ltd., an animal health joint venture between Merck
and Aventis. Prior to that, from 1992 to 1998, Dr. De Souza was a co-founder,
Executive Vice President of R&D and a director of Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc., a
biopharmaceutical company. Dr. De Souza is also a director of Palatin
Technologies, Inc., Targacept, Inc. and Bionomics.Limited. |
Rebecca M. Henderson, PhD, age 47, has been a director of IDEXX since July
2003. Dr. Henderson has served as the Eastman Kodak Professor of Management at the
Sloan School of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1988, where she
specializes in technology strategy and the broader strategic problems faced by
firms in high technology industries. Dr. Henderson has also been a research fellow
at the National Bureau of Economic Research since 1995. Dr. Henderson is a
director of Ember Corporation and also sits on the editorial boards of Management
Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, Research Policy, The Economics of
Innovation and New Technology, and the Strategy Management Journal. |
Class III Directors Whose Terms Expire in 2010
Jonathan W. Ayers, age 52, has been Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
Officer and President of IDEXX since January 2002. Prior to joining IDEXX, from
1999 to 2001, Mr. Ayers was President of Carrier Corporation, the then-largest
business unit of United Technologies Corporation, and from 1997 to 1999, he was
President of Carrier Asia Pacific Operations. From 1995 to 1997, Mr. Ayers was
Vice President, Strategic Planning at United Technologies. Before joining United
Technologies, from 1986 to 1995, Mr. Ayers held various positions at Morgan
Stanley & Co. in mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance. Prior to Morgan
Stanley, Mr. Ayers worked as a strategy consultant for Bain & Company from 1983 to
1986 and was in the field sales organization of IBMs Data Processing Division
from 1978 to 1981. Mr. Ayers holds an undergraduate degree in molecular biophysics
and biochemistry from Yale University and graduated from Harvard Business School
in 1983. |
Robert J. Murray, age 66, has been a director of IDEXX since February 2005.
Mr. Murray was Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of New England
Business Service, Inc., a business-to-business direct marketing company, from 1995
until his retirement in 2004. Prior to that, from 1961 to 1995, Mr. Murray held
various executive positions at The Gillette Company, including as Executive Vice
President, North Atlantic Group from 1991 to 1995, and as Chairman of the Board of
Management of Braun AG, a subsidiary of Gillette headquartered in Germany, from
1985 to 1990. Mr. Murray is also a director of The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.,
LoJack Corporation, Tupperware Brands Corporation and Delhaize Group. |
Class I Directors Whose Terms Expire in 2009
William T. End, age 60, has been a director of IDEXX since July 2000. Mr. End
was the Executive Chairman of the Board of Cornerstone Brands, Inc., a catalog
retailer, from March 2001 until his retirement in June 2002, and served as
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cornerstone Brands, Inc. from 1995 until
March 2001. From 1991 to 1995, Mr. End was employed by Lands End, Inc., including
as President and Chief Executive Officer, and from 1975 to 1991 he was employed by
L.L. Bean, Inc., including as Executive Vice President. Mr. End is a director of
Eddie Bauer Holdings, Inc. |
Barry C. Johnson, PhD, age 64, has been a director of IDEXX since March 2006.
Dr. Johnson was Dean, College of Engineering, Villanova University from August
2002 until April 2006. He served as Chief Technology Officer of Honeywell
International Inc., a diversified technology and manufacturing company, from July
2000 to April 2002. Prior to that, Dr. Johnson served as Corporate Vice President
of Motorola, Inc., a global communications company, and Chief Technology Officer
for that companys Semiconductor Product Sector. Dr. Johnson also serves as a
director of Rockwell Automation, Inc. and Cytec Industries, Inc. |
Brian P. McKeon, age 45, has been a director of IDEXX since July 2003. Mr.
McKeon has been Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Iron
Mountain Incorporated, a provider of information protection and storage services,
since 2007. Prior to joining Iron Mountain, from 2000 to 2007, Mr. McKeon was
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of The Timberland Company, a
provider of premium outdoor footwear, apparel and accessories. From 1991 to 2000,
Mr. McKeon held several finance and strategic planning positions with PepsiCo,
Inc., serving most recently as Vice President Finance of Pepsi-Cola, North
America. Prior to joining PepsiCo, Mr. McKeon worked as a strategy consultant with
the Alliance Consulting Group and as an auditor with Coopers & Lybrand. |
Recommendation of the Board of Directors
The board of directors recommends that you vote FOR the election of the three Class II
Director nominees listed above.
On February 13, 2008, our board of directors adopted, subject to stockholder approval, the
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan, or 2008 Plan.
The 2008 Plan is intended to comply with the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code, so
that the company is able to fully deduct for federal income tax purposes payments of annual
incentive compensation made to its chief executive officer and other executive officers. In
general, Section 162(m) imposes a limit on the amount that may be deducted for federal income tax
purposes on compensation paid to a corporations chief executive officer and three other officers
(other than the chief financial officer) whose compensation is required to be reported to our
stockholders under the 1934 Act by reason of being among the four most highly compensated executive
officers (covered employees). This limit does not apply to compensation that is considered
performance-based for purposes of Section 162(m). One of the conditions for compensation to be
considered performance-based under Section 162(m) is that the material terms under which such
compensation will be paid, including the performance goals, be disclosed to and approved by
The 2008 Plan was effective on February 13, 2008. However, no award under the 2008 Plan will
be payable to a covered employee until the 2008 Plan has been approved by the stockholders.
The following is a brief description of the 2008 Plan. This summary is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the 2008 Plan, a copy of which is attached to this proxy statement as
Appendix A. You may also obtain a copy of the 2008 Plan by accessing this proxy statement as
filed with the SEC on the Internet at, by accessing the Investor Relations section of the
companys Web site,, or by contacting the corporate
secretary of the company at the companys headquarters.
The purpose of the 2008 Plan is to assist the company in attracting and retaining executive
officers by providing incentive compensation that provides appropriate financial rewards for
individual performance.
The compensation committee, which consists solely of outside directors as defined by Section
162(m), will administer the 2008 Plan. The committee has full power and authority, subject to the
provisions of the 2008 Plan, to select the participants to whom incentive awards may be granted
under the 2008 Plan; determine the terms and conditions of each incentive award, including the
length of the performance period; certify the calculation of operating income and the amount of the
incentive award payable to each participant for each performance period; determine the time when
incentive awards will be paid; in connection with the determination of the amount of each award,
determine whether and to what extent the incentive award shall be reduced based on such factors as
the committee deems appropriate in its discretion; determine whether payment of awards may be
deferred by participants; interpret and administer the 2008 Plan and any instrument or agreement
entered into in connection with the 2008 Plan; correct any defect, supply any omission or reconcile
any inconsistency in the 2008 Plan or any incentive award in the manner and to the extent that the
committee deems desirable to carry it into effect; establish such rules and regulations and appoint
such agents as it shall deem appropriate for the proper administration of the 2008 Plan; and make
any other determination and take any other action that the committee deems necessary or desirable
for administration of the 2008 Plan. The committee may delegate to one of more officers, or a
committee of officers, of the company the authority to take actions on behalf of the committee
pursuant to the 2008 Plan, to the extent such delegation is not inconsistent with applicable law or
the rules of the NASDAQ Global Market or Section 162(m).
Individuals eligible to participate in the 2008 Plan are the chief executive officer and any
other executive officer of the company or a subsidiary selected by the committee to participate in
the 2008 Plan. The compensation committee has designated Mr. Ayers as the sole participant in the
2008 Plan for the 2008 fiscal year.
Not later than the earlier of 90 days after the beginning of each fiscal year and the
expiration of 25% of the applicable performance period, the committee will (i) designate one of
more performance periods, which shall be the companys fiscal year or such other period, not to
exceed five years, as the committee may establish; (ii) specify any adjustments to operating income
for the performance period, and (iii) determine the participants for each performance period.
The 2008 Plan establishes limits on the maximum incentive payable to any participating
individual for any performance period. For the chief executive officer, this limit is
three-quarters of one percent (0.75%) of the operating income of the company for each full calendar
year in the performance period. For all other individuals participating in the 2008 Plan, this
limit is one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) of the operating income of the company for each full
calendar year in the performance period. Subject to these limits, the committee determines the
amount of each individuals annual incentive opportunity for each year and has the discretion to
reduce the annual incentive payable to such individual below the applicable limit. Operating income
is the companys consolidated operating income determined in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles in the United States and as reported in the companys income statement
included in the companys Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC covering the applicable
performance period. Operating income may be adjusted by the committee to eliminate the effects of
differences between actual foreign currency exchange rates in the applicable performance period and
currency exchange rates budgeted for such period, and to eliminate the effects of discrete items.
Discrete items may include, without limitation, acquisition integration expenses, restructuring
charges, acquisition purchase accounting adjustments, acquisition-related transaction costs,
adjustments to finalized pre-acquisition contingencies, litigation-related expenses and payments,
gains and losses on the disposition of assets, and non-cash write-downs.
The amount of an incentive award actually paid to a participant is determined by the committee
in its sole discretion based on such factors as it deems appropriate, provided that the actual
award shall not exceed the maximum incentive award with respect to such participant. Following the
conclusion of each performance period, the committee will certify in writing the amount of the
incentive award for each participant. The award amount shall be paid in cash or as a stock award
under the 2003 Plan. Payment to each participant shall be made not later than March 15 following
the end of the fiscal year in which the performance period ends, unless payment is deferred
pursuant to a plan satisfying the requirements of Section 409A of the Code.
Partial Employment During Performance Period
If a person becomes a participant during a performance period through promotion or
commencement of employment, or if a participant dies, retires or becomes disabled, or his
employment is otherwise terminated during a performance period (other than for cause as determined
in the sole discretion of the committee), the incentive award payable to such participant may, in
the discretion of the committee, be reduced, including a proportionate reduction, based on the
period of actual employment during the performance period.
Amendment and Termination of 2008 Plan
The board may alter, amend, suspend or terminate the 2008 Plan as it will deem advisable,
subject to any requirement for stockholder approval imposed by applicable law, including Section
162(m) or the NASDAQ Global Market. No amendments to, or termination of, the 2008 Plan will,
without the consent of the participant, in any way impair the rights of a participant under any
incentive award granted.
Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following is a summary of certain federal income tax consequences of awards made under the
2008 Plan, based upon the laws in effect on the date hereof. The discussion is general in nature
and does not take into account a number of considerations which may apply in light of the
circumstances of a particular participant under the 2008 Plan. The income tax consequences under
applicable state and local tax laws may not be the same as under federal income tax laws. This
general tax discussion is intended for the information of stockholders considering how to vote with
respect to this proposal and not as tax guidance to participants in the 2008 Plan. This discussion
assumes that the 2008 Plan complies with or is exempt from Section 409A of the Code. Participants
are strongly urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the federal, state, local, foreign
and other tax consequences to them of participating in the 2008 Plan.
If an award under the 2008 Plan is paid in cash, a participant will recognize compensation
taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding) at the time the award is paid in
an amount equal to the cash or the fair market value of its equivalent. In accordance with the
exercise of committee discretion, a portion or all of an award under the 2008 Plan may be paid to a
participant in stock, restricted stock, stock options, or other stock-based or stock-denominated
units, pursuant to the 2003 Plan. In such case, the federal income tax consequences of such payment
to the participant will depend on the type of equity award granted. Assuming that IDEXXs
stockholders approve the 2008 Plan and that the other requirements of Section 162(m) are satisfied,
the company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction for federal income tax purposes equal to
the amount of income recognized by participants in the 2008 Plan in each year that such income is
New Plan Benefits
The amounts of awards for fiscal year 2008 or subsequent years will be determined based upon
IDEXXs operating income and, in addition, will be subject to the committees right to reduce any
participants award by any amount in its sole discretion. As a result, it is not possible to
determine the amounts of awards for fiscal year 2008 or subsequent years at this time. Moreover,
because the committee can reduce each participants award under the 2008 Plan by any amount in its
discretion, it is also not possible to determine the amounts that would have been paid for fiscal
year 2007 had the 2008 Plan been in effect during such year. If the 2008 Plan had been in effect
during fiscal year 2007, the maximum award payable under the 2008 Plans formula would have been
$1,116,022 for the chief executive officer, assuming the committee adjusted 2007 operating income
in the same manner as the committee expects to adjust operating income for 2008. We believe that if
the 2008 Plan had been in effect for the 2007 fiscal year, the committee would have exercised its
discretion to reduce the chief executive officers award. See the Summary Compensation Table on
page 26 of this proxy statement for the awards the committee actually determined to pay our named
executive officers for the 2007 fiscal year.
Recommendation of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the proposal to approve and adopt the 2008
The audit committee has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as our independent
registered public accounting firm for 2008.
Although stockholder approval of the audit committees selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
is not required by law, the board of directors believes that it is advisable to give stockholders
an opportunity to ratify this selection. Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will be
present at the annual meeting, will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do
so and will be available to respond to appropriate questions. If this proposal is not approved at
the annual meeting, the audit committee will reconsider its selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP. Even if the appointment is ratified, the audit committee, in its discretion, can direct the
appointment of a different firm at any time during the year if the audit committee determines that
such a change would be in the companys and the stockholders best interests.
Independent Auditors Fees
The following table summarizes the fees of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP billed to us for each of
the last two fiscal years for audit services and billed to us in each of the last two fiscal years
for other services. For fiscal year 2007, audit fees also include an estimate of amounts not yet
Fiscal Years Ended December 31, |
2007 |
2006 |
Audit fees |
$ |
1,565,940 |
$ |
1,393,894 |
Audit-related fees |
76,500 |
36,597 |
Tax fees |
436,354 |
208,171 |
All other fees |
$ |
2,078,794 |
$ |
1,638,662 |
Audit Fees. Consists of fees billed for professional services rendered for the audit of
IDEXXs annual financial statements and review of the interim financial statements included in
quarterly reports; audits of managements assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over
financial reporting and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting; statutory
audits or financial audits for subsidiaries or affiliates of IDEXX; services associated with
periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC; consultation concerning accounting or
disclosure treatment of transactions or events and actual or potential impact of final or proposed
rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, or other
regulatory or standard setting bodies; and assistance with and review of documents provided to the
SEC in responding to SEC comments.
Audit-Related Fees. Consists of fees billed for assurance and related services that are
reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of IDEXXs financial statements and
are not reported under Audit Fees. These services include due diligence services pertaining to
potential acquisitions and access to the auditors global accounting literature database.
Tax Fees. Consists of tax compliance ($102,769 and $72,112 in 2007 and 2006, respectively),
and tax advice and tax planning ($333,585 and $136,059 in 2007 and 2006, respectively). These
services included United States federal, state and local tax planning, advice and compliance;
international tax planning, advice and compliance; and review of federal, state, local and
international income, franchise and other tax returns.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses and Value Added Taxes. Included in the fee schedule above are amounts
billed by the independent auditors for out of pocket expenses ($62,579 and $68,652 in 2007 and
2006, respectively), and value added taxes ($50,849 and $20,973 in 2007 and 2006, respectively).
Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policy
The audit committee has adopted a policy for the pre-approval of audit and nonaudit services
performed by our independent auditor, and the fees paid by the company for such services, in order
to assure that the provision of such services does not impair the auditors independence. Under the
policy, at the beginning of the fiscal year, the audit committee pre-approves the engagement terms
and fees for the annual audit. Under the policy, certain types of other audit services,
audit-related services and tax services have been pre-approved by the audit committee. Any services
that have not been pre-approved by the audit committee as previously described, must be separately
approved by the audit committee prior to the performance of such services.
Pre-approved fee levels for all pre-approved services are established periodically by the
audit committee. The audit committee then periodically reviews actual and anticipated fees for the
pre-approved services against the pre-approved fee levels. Any anticipated fees exceeding the
pre-approved fee levels require further pre-approval by the audit committee.
With respect to each service for which separate pre-approval is proposed, the independent
auditor will provide a detailed description of the services to permit the audit committee to assess
the impact of the services on the independence of the independent auditor.
The audit committee may delegate pre-approval authority to one or more of its members and has
delegated such authority to the chairman of the audit committee. The audit committee member to whom
such authority is delegated must report any pre-approval decisions to the audit committee at the
next scheduled meeting. The audit committee does not delegate its pre-approval responsibilities to
management of the company.
During the last fiscal year, no services were provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP that were
approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception to pre-approval contained in
the SECs rules.
Recommendation of the Board of Directors
The board of directors recommends that you vote FOR the ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2008.
The following discussion summarizes the companys compensation philosophy and programs
generally, as well as their application and relationship to compensation awards and decisions made
with respect to the year ended December 31, 2007. This discussion should be read in conjunction
with the other compensation information contained in this proxy statement.
Compensation Administration
The companys executive compensation policies and programs are established and administered by
the compensation committee, with advice and assistance from certain members of management and the
committees compensation consultants. A full description of the administration of the companys
compensation programs is set forth under Compensation Committee on page 5 above.
Compensation Philosophy
Objectives. The fundamental objectives of the companys executive compensation
program are to:
(i) |
attract, motivate and retain exceptionally talented employees in a competitive
employment environment; |
(ii) |
align employee interests with shareholder interests by providing that a
significant percentage of compensation is contingent on both near-term and long-term
corporate performance; |
(iii) |
maintain a simple, consistent, equitable and transparent framework that
permits flexibility and room for judgment; and |
(iv) |
use compensation judiciously, including equity plan compensation, to achieve
business objectives without transfer of value from shareholders to employees beyond
what is required by the market for executive, managerial and technical talent. |
The various elements comprising the companys executive compensation program, and the relative
value of each element, are selected by the compensation committee to achieve these objectives.
The company generally chooses to employ common compensation elements across the management
team, differentiating primarily by size of award rather than by types of compensation or benefits.
The company believes that this approach provides simplicity of administration, promotes fairness
and transparency, and finally reinforces collaboration throughout the team. For these reasons the
company also maintains a straightforward compensation structure, which consists almost entirely of
salary, annual discretionary bonus, and annual equity award grants.
The company does not maintain post-retirement benefit plans for executives and, with limited
exceptions described below, there are no compensation or other benefit plans available to executive
officers that are not available on the same terms to other company employees. The company does not
generally enter into employment agreements (other than change in control agreements) with
executives other than the chief executive officer and chief scientific officer.
Mix of fixed and contingent compensation. Consistent with the companys objective of
aligning executive interests with shareholder interests, the company believes that a majority of
total target compensation for executive officers should be contingent on corporate performance. The
company believes that by having a majority of total compensation tied to performance, executive
officers will be appropriately motivated to maximize shareholder value. Contingent compensation
comprises annual discretionary bonuses and equity awards. Annual discretionary cash bonuses are
awarded by the compensation committee based on its subjective evaluation of each executives
performance during the year and therefore provide relatively short-term performance related
incentives. Equity awards, which typically vest over a five-year period, provide incentives to
executives to maximize longer term company performance. The company believes that the combination
of these short- and long-term performance-related elements, together with a market-competitive base
salary, provides the desired mix of incentives to executives.
The relationship of cash bonus opportunity to base salary and equity award value to cash
compensation will vary somewhat based on the level of responsibilities of a company executive. The
companys philosophy generally is that executive officers are in positions that have the most
direct impact on corporate performance and should bear the higher risk, and have the higher
potential reward, associated with corporate performance. Therefore, bonus opportunity is a higher
percentage of base salary and equity award size is greater relative to cash compensation for
executive officers than for other management employees. In the case of the chief executive officer,
the compensation committee believes that this position has the highest impact on shareholder value
creation, and should thus have the greatest percentage of risk and consequent reward.
Base salary. The companys principal objective in setting base salary is to be
competitive with the market. The company has found that it is difficult to attract talent unless
the company can pay a base salary that is generally competitive with the salaries that executives
can earn in comparable positions at similar companies. To determine market competitiveness, the
company evaluates market data from general manufacturing, medical, biotechnology, and life sciences
companies, and companies within the peer group described under Benchmarking below. The market
data is drawn from market surveys conducted by Towers Perrin, Hewitt Associates, and Radford and
the peer group data is compiled by FW Cook, the committees compensation consultant, from proxy
statement data. While competitiveness of base salary is an important criterion used by the
compensation committee, the committee will also consider other factors such as wealth accumulation
and performance in setting base salaries for executive officers.
The company annually budgets total cash compensation to increase by roughly the amount
reported by general US industry surveys on projected salary trends. The company looks at surveys
prepared by WorldatWork, Economic Research Institute, Mercer, and Radford. This budgeted rate
applies to all employees, including executives. The actual salary increase for any employee,
including any executive, may be higher or lower than the budgeted increase as a result of
performance or adjustments deemed to be necessary to remain market competitive. Generally, salary
increases of more than one to three percentage points above the budgeted increase are made only to
ensure that the employees salary remains market competitive or in the event of a promotion or
material expansion of job scope.
Annual cash bonus. The company pays an annual discretionary cash bonus to management
employees, including executive officers, which is intended to reward executives for annual
performance. The company uses a target bonus framework under which each employee has a target bonus
opportunity equal to a specified percentage
of base salary. Among the executive officer group, the chief executive officer has a target
bonus of 100% of base salary, the chief scientific officer has a target bonus of 70% of base
salary, and the remaining corporate officers have a target bonus of 60% of base salary. These
specific percentages are consistent with the companys philosophy, described above, regarding the
relative weighting of fixed and contingent compensation. Based on benchmarking data reviewed by
the compensation committee, the committee believes that these targets also are adequate to cause
total cash compensation to remain market competitive.
The percentage of target bonus paid to any executive officer can range from zero to two times
the target and in each case is a subjective determination made by the compensation committee based
on those factors that it deems relevant to evaluating the executives performance over the year. In
the case of executive officers reporting to the chief executive officer, the chief executive
officer makes specific bonus recommendations to the committee. Factors relevant to bonus paid
could include the executives performance against the individual goals established at the beginning
of the year as part of the companys performance management process applicable to all management
employees, and the companys performance against the operating budget approved by the board of
directors at the beginning of the year. However, there is no specific link between the achievement
of individual performance goals or budget targets and the percentage of target bonus that the
executive receives. The compensation committee may elect to award a cash bonus that is greater
than, less than, or equal to target without regard to whether the company or the individual
achieves any particular performance goal.
The committee believes that discretionary bonus awards are preferable to formulaic awards
because they permit the committee to consider and weigh all factors that it may deem relevant to an
executives performance in a particular period, which factors and weighting may differ from period
to period. The committee believes that a formulaic approach, on the other hand, would skew the
focus of executives toward short-term financial performance, which is more easily measured, at the
expense of building the business and the organization for the long term. Similarly, such an
approach would provide a disincentive for management to change course or reallocate resources where
necessary to respond to new issues or opportunities, because management would be reluctant to stop
pursuing the pre-established objectives on which their performance would be measured.
In February 2008 the board of directors adopted, subject to stockholder approval, the 2008
Incentive Compensation Plan. See Adoption of 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan at page 15 above.
The compensation committee has designated Mr. Ayers as the sole participant in the plan for the
2008 fiscal year, and has determined that, for purposes of determining the maximum incentive
payment under the 2008 Plan, operating income shall be adjusted to eliminate the effects of changes
in currency exchange rates and discrete items described above under Adoption of 2008 Incentive
Compensation Plan Awards.
Equity compensation. The companys equity compensation comprises stock options and
restricted stock unit awards, or RSUs, which are intended to provide long-term incentives to
management employees. Executive officers receive 75% of equity award value in the form of stock
options and 25% of award value in RSUs. RSUs are regarded as a lower risk award, since they will
always have value upon vesting, whereas vested stock options will have value only to the extent
that the market price for the companys stock is higher than the exercise price of the option,
which equals at least the fair market value on the grant date. Given the different risk/reward
characteristics of the two types of awards, the committee believes that the grant to executive
officers of equity awards comprising a greater proportion of stock options relative to RSUs is
consistent with its philosophy that employees in positions that have the most direct impact on
corporate performance should bear the highest risk, and have the highest potential reward,
associated with corporate performance.
In determining the size of equity awards to each executive officer, the committee begins with
a target dollar award value. The target value is set based upon the responsibilities inherent in
each executive officers position and, relative to cash compensation, is intended to give effect to
the companys philosophy regarding mix of fixed versus contingent compensation. The target value of
equity awards is not established as a specific percentage of any benchmark and is not related to
the companys historical performance versus comparator companies.
In 2007, target equity award values were $825,000 for the chief executive officer, $280,000
for the chief scientific officer, and $225,000 for all other executive officers. Although target
equity award sizes are set for each position, the actual size of annual dollar award value is a
subjective determination based on the executives job scope relative to other officers, the
executives long-term leadership potential, the size of prior awards to the executive, the value
already derived from those awards, and the executives total compensation relative to median total
compensation for comparable positions as derived from the benchmarking data.
The board of directors has adopted an equity award granting policy that provides when and how
equity awards are granted by the compensation committee. This policy provides for fixed award dates
that are, to the extent possible, tied to compensation committee meetings and occur outside the
quarterly quiet periods during which the companys executive officers and directors are precluded
from selling shares. Most equity awards, including all annual awards to executive officers, are
made on February 14 of each year (or the next following business day if February 14 is not a
business day), which shortly follows both the February compensation committee meeting at which
prior year bonuses and current year salary determinations are made, and the companys earnings
announcement for the fourth quarter of the prior year. The exercise price of all stock options
granted by the committee generally equals the closing sale price of the common stock on the date of
grant and in any case will not be less than such price. All stock options vest ratably over five
years and, with awards beginning in February 2007, have a seven-year term. RSUs vest ratably over a
five-year period.
Benchmarking. The compensation committee has found that benchmarking data is useful
in connection with the committees design of a compensation program and determination of salaries
and equity and bonus award targets for executive officers. Benchmarking data permits the committee
to determine the competitiveness of the companys compensation packages relative to similar
companies. However, the committee does not target any particular percentage of total compensation
or any element of compensation to the survey data. Instead, the committee uses the data as a
reference point to ensure that the companys compensation packages remain competitive overall with
the market.
The compensation committee annually determines a peer group of publicly traded companies with
input from FW Cook. The peer group comprises companies in medical technology, medical device, and
life sciences businesses that are deemed by the committee to be reasonably comparable to the
company based on revenue, net income, total employees, market capitalization and business model. In
February 2007, when the compensation committee set 2007 base salaries and made 2007 equity awards,
the companies in the peer group were: Beckman Coulter, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Biosite, Cambrex,
CONMED, Cytyc, Dade Behring Holdings, Diagnostic Products Company, Edwards Life Sciences,
PerkinElmer, and VCA Antech. This peer group differed from the peer group used in 2006 only by the
omission of LabOne, which was acquired by Quest Diagnostics, and Zoll Medical, which was deemed to
be too small to meet the parameters established for inclusion in the peer group.
Personal benefits and perquisites. As noted above, the provision of special
perquisites and benefits to executives is inconsistent with the companys philosophy to maintain a
simple, transparent compensation structure where distinctions are made in the amount, but not the
type, of compensation. Accordingly, the only benefits available exclusively to executive officers
are company-funded, elective supplemental disability coverage and annual executive physical exams,
which have a combined value of under $10,000 per executive. The company does not provide cars,
private air travel, family travel reimbursement or other special travel benefits to executive
officers. The company does not maintain lodging for the benefit of executive officers or reimburse
executive officers for lodging expenses except in connection with business travel. The company does
not provide personal services to executive officers or reimburse executive officers for any such
services except that it reimburses the chief executive officer for tax return preparation and
planning services not to exceed $10,000 annually without compensation committee approval. The
company does not provide club memberships or other personal social or entertainment benefits to
executive officers, nor does it reimburse executive officers for any such costs.
Stock ownership and retention guidelines. The company maintains stock ownership
guidelines to ensure that the interests of executives and directors are aligned with those of
shareholders. Under these guidelines, the companys chief executive officer is expected to hold
shares of common stock having an aggregate value equal to or greater than three times his or her
annual base salary, and other executive officers are expected to hold shares having an aggregate
value equal to or greater than one times their annual base salaries. The compensation committee
believes that the higher multiple applicable to the chief executive officer is appropriate given
the greater relative scope of responsibilities and greater compensation associated with this
position. In addition, executives are required to retain certain shares of common stock acquired
upon exercise of stock options. Executive officers who do not yet satisfy the ownership guidelines
must retain at least 50% of the shares remaining from an option exercise after payment of the
exercise price and taxes, and executive officers who already satisfy the guidelines must retain at
least 25% of such shares.
Executives are expected to comply with the share ownership guidelines within five years after
their date of hire or promotion to executive officer. The compensation committee annually reviews
the compliance of each executive officer with the guidelines. As of March 31, 2007, the committee
determined that all executive officers were in compliance with the guidelines.
Change in Control Agreements. The committee believes that executive officers have a
greater risk of job loss or modification as a result of a change in control transaction than other
employees. Accordingly, the company has entered into change in control agreements with each of its
executive officers under which they will receive certain payments and benefits upon qualifying
terminations that follow a change in control. The principal purpose of these agreements is to
provide executives with appropriate incentive to remain with the company before, during and after
any change in control transaction by providing them with security in the event their employment is
terminated or materially changed following a change in control. By providing this security, the
agreements help ensure that the executives support any potential change in control transaction that
may be in the best interests of the companys shareholders, even while the transaction may create
uncertainty in the executives personal employment situation. The committee believes that the
payment of salary and benefits for two years following a qualifying termination (three years in the
case of the chief executive officer) is reasonable and appropriate to achieve the desired
objectives of the agreements and is consistent with market practices. The specific terms of these
agreements as well as estimates of amounts that would have been payable to the named executive
officers if a qualifying termination had occurred as of December 31, 2007 are described on page 31
under Change in Control Agreements.
The current forms of change in control agreements became effective as of January 1, 2007 and,
for those executive officers employed by the company at that time, superseded change in control
agreements previously entered into between the company and its executive officers. The forms of the
current agreements were determined solely by the compensation committee, and executive officers did
not negotiate any element of the agreements with the company, except that payment of three years
compensation and benefits following a qualifying termination was specifically negotiated by Mr.
Ayers when he joined the Company in 2002 and was incorporated in his new agreement. The committee
determined the form of agreement following receipt of advice from FW Cook regarding best practices
in structuring these types of agreements. This advice included an analysis of the terms of change
in control agreements adopted by companies within the peer group of companies. The compensation
committee considered this comparison in evaluating the appropriateness of the new change in control
agreements since these agreements are part of the typical employment arrangements for executives
within the companys peer group and within industry generally. However, the committee made its own
determination of the terms to be included in the companys agreements.
Section 162(m) considerations. Section 162(m) of the Code disallows a tax deduction to
public companies for certain compensation in excess of $1,000,000 paid to the corporations chief
executive officer and three other officers (other than the chief financial officer) whose
compensation is required to be reported to our stockholders pursuant to the 1934 Act. Certain
performance-based compensation approved by the companys stockholders, including option grants
under the companys 2003 Plan, generally is not subject to the deduction limit. Generally, section
162(m) has not been relevant to the compensation of any of the executive officers other than the
chief executive officer. In awarding the chief executive officers bonus for 2007, the compensation
committee considered the impact of Section 162(m), which would disallow a deduction for a portion
of the chief executive officers compensation. However, the committee believed this impact was
minimal and therefore did not weigh heavily the Section 162(m) limitation in determining the size
of the award. The board of directors has adopted, subject to stockholder approval, the 2008
Incentive Compensation Plan, which would cause annual bonus awards to executive officers designated
by the compensation committee to be performance-based compensation that would not be subject to the
deduction limit. See Adoption of 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan beginning on page 15 above.
Analysis of 2007 Compensation
Base salary. In 2007 the named executive officers other than the chief executive
officer received an average base salary increase of 5.0%. This increase was higher than the 3.8%
company-wide increase because the compensation committee determined that the base salaries of Ms.
Raines and Mr. Deady were below the median salaries in the peer group and as reflected in the
general industry surveys for executives in those positions. While the committee did not
specifically target the base salaries of these executive officers to the applicable peer group and
general industry medians, the committee believed that their base salaries should be increased more
than the companys budgeted amount so that they would be closer to the median. The committee did
not believe it was necessary to raise the salaries of Ms. Raines and Mr. Deady up to the median
because the companys stock price performance had caused previous equity awards to have a value
above the grant date value of those awards, thus partially offsetting any inequity in base salary.
Mr. Dupree did not receive a base salary increase in 2007 because he received a 15% increase upon
becoming a corporate officer in October 2006.
Annual Cash Bonus. In February 2008, the compensation committee awarded discretionary
bonuses for 2007 performance to the named executive officers. In determining bonus awards payable
to all of the named executive officers, the committee evaluated the companys financial performance
during 2007 relative to its budget. Specifically, the committee considered that the company
exceeded its budget for revenues and earnings per share (after adjustment for discrete items), but
fell slightly below its budget for operating margin. The committee also considered Mr. Ayerss
evaluation of the performance of each of the other named executive officers relative to their
individual goals developed at the beginning of 2007 as a part of the companys performance
management process. The committee then made a subjective determination of each officers bonus.
Bonuses awarded to Dr. Wallen and Mr. Deady were not materially different from the target awards
described above. Ms. Raines was awarded a bonus equal to 78% of base salary, relative to a target
of 60%, based upon her success in reducing the companys effective tax rate (net of discrete items)
in 2007, implementing financing strategies that enhanced shareholder value, building a worldwide
finance organization, enhancing corporate decision-making through financial analysis, and building
increased investor relations capabilities. Mr. Dupree received a bonus equal to 82% of base salary,
relative to a target of 60%, based upon his leadership in developing, integrating, and enhancing
the performance of the companys North American sales, marketing, and customer service organization
for the Companion Animal Group, which was instrumental in delivering above plan revenue performance
and above target instrument placements during 2007. In approving bonus awards for Ms. Raines and
Mr. Dupree that were above target, the committee also considered the compensation survey data,
which indicated that total compensation of these named executives fell below market and peer group
Equity Awards. In determining the size of equity awards granted to named executive
officers in 2007 the compensation committee reviewed tally sheets prepared by the companys Human
Resources department that summarized for each named executive officer the value of outstanding
vested and unvested stock options and the cumulative value realized by the executives upon exercise
of stock options since commencement of employment. The committee also considered the total direct
compensation of each of the executive officers relative to the median total direct compensation in
the peer group and as reflected in the general industry surveys. The committee considered this
information as well as the prospects for long-term contribution by each of the named executive
officers in making the 2007 equity awards, which were 178% of target for Ms. Raines, Mr. Deady, and
Mr. Dupree, and 80% of target for Dr. Wallen. The above-target awards to Ms. Raines, Mr. Deady,
and Mr. Dupree were based on anticipated long-term contributions to the company as well as the
committees desire to bring their total direct compensation closer to the median, although the
committee did not target any particular percentage of the median total direct compensation in
making these awards. The committee made an equity award lower than target to Dr. Wallen based on
the significant value derived by Dr. Wallen from his hiring grant in 2003 and his closer proximity
to retirement.
Chief Executive Officer compensation. In February 2007, the Committee reviewed a
benchmark analysis compiled by FW Cook consisting of (i) an analysis of the proxy statement
compensation data of the peer group of companies, and (ii) national survey data described above.
The analysis showed that Mr. Ayerss total direct compensation excluding the annualized value of
his 2002 new hire stock option grant fell to approximately the 25th percentile of chief
executive officers at the peer group of companies. The committee excluded the value of Mr. Ayerss
hiring grant from this analysis because the grant became fully vested in January 2007, and
therefore Mr. Ayers would cease to derive value from additional vesting in future years.
The committee discussed where to position Mr. Ayerss total compensation relative to the peer
group median. Because IDEXXs size was deemed to be close to the peer group median, and because the
committee believed that Mr. Ayers had been successful in delivering above-plan growth and
above-market share price appreciation, the committee decided that Mr. Ayerss total compensation
should be at approximately the peer group median. Given the relationship of other executive officer
total direct compensation to the peer group median, as discussed above, the committee determined
that Mr. Ayerss total direct compensation should not exceed that median.
The committee believed the increase in Mr. Ayerss total direct compensation was necessary in
order for Mr. Ayerss compensation to have the desired retention effect. In order to help raise Mr.
Ayerss total compensation to this level, the committee chose to make a one-time special option
grant, consisting of options to acquire 200,000 shares of stock priced at $50 per share (which
share amount and exercise price reflect adjustment for the two-for-one stock split effected in
November 2007) and vesting over five years with a seven-year term. In deciding to award stock
options with an exercise price approximately 19% above the market price on the grant date, the
committee sought to achieve the desired retention effect while at the same time aligning Mr.
Ayerss ability to realize actual value from the grant with his success in leading the company to
create shareholder value through stock price appreciation.
In February 2007, the compensation committee increased Mr. Ayerss base salary 8% to $650,000.
This increase, which was above executive officer and company average, was intended to reward Mr.
Ayers for continued success in delivering above market returns to the companys shareholders. In
February 2007, the committee granted Mr. Ayers an annual equity award consisting of stock options
to purchase 30,000 shares and 3,000 RSUs, which have an aggregate value of 137% of the target
equity award value for the chief executive officer. The above target award also was granted by the
committee to help bring Mr. Ayerss total direct compensation up to the median of the total direct
compensation for chief executive officers within the peer group.
In February 2008 the committee awarded Mr. Ayers a bonus of $650,000 for performance during
2007. Mr. Ayerss bonus was equal to his annual target bonus. The committee believed that a target
bonus award was appropriate given that the company met or exceeded budgeted revenues and earnings
per share (adjusted to reflect the impact of certain acquisitions completed in late 2006 and early
2007), delivered accelerating revenue growth, continued to make progress against long-term
strategic objectives including new product development, and provided a return to stockholders of
48% during the year.
The compensation committee has reviewed and discussed with management the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2007. Based on this review and discussion,
the compensation committee recommended to the board, and the board has approved, that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the proxy statement for the year ended December
31, 2007.
By the compensation committee of the board of directors,
Robert J. Murray, Chairman |
Thomas Craig |
Errol B. De Souza, PhD |
William T. End |
Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets forth the compensation earned during 2007 and 2006 by IDEXXs chief
executive officer, chief financial officer and the three other highest-paid executive officers for
IDEXXs 2007 and 2006 fiscal year.
Stock |
Option |
All Other |
Total |
Name and Principal Position |
Year |
Salary |
Bonus |
Awards (1) |
Awards (1) |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Jonathan W. Ayers (2) |
2007 |
$ |
650,000 |
$ |
650,000 |
$ |
82,452 |
$ |
1,173,788 |
$ |
13,773 |
(3) |
$ |
2,570,013 |
President and Chief |
2006 |
600,000 |
650,000 |
$ |
33,609 |
1,155,216 |
$ |
16,295 |
(4) |
2,455,120 |
Executive Officer |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
2007 |
365,000 |
275,000 |
17,517 |
345,128 |
10,487 |
(5) |
1,013,132 |
Senior Vice President & |
2006 |
350,000 |
255,000 |
6,655 |
506,815 |
11,887 |
(6) |
1,130,357 |
Chief Scientific Officer |
Merilee Raines |
2007 |
290,000 |
225,000 |
27,004 |
210,928 |
2,021 |
(7) |
754,953 |
Corporate Vice President |
2006 |
260,000 |
200,000 |
8,268 |
231,837 |
2,021 |
(7) |
702,126 |
and Chief Financial Officer |
Conan R. Deady |
2007 |
260,000 |
180,000 |
25,164 |
181,947 |
8,746 |
(8) |
655,857 |
Corporate Vice President |
2006 |
230,000 |
175,000 |
6,655 |
198,797 |
8,596 |
(9) |
619,048 |
General Counsel & Secretary |
Thomas J. Dupree (10) |
2007 |
225,000 |
185,000 |
27,771 |
127,787 |
6,750 |
(11) |
572,308 |
Corporate Vice President,
Companion Animal Group |
(1) |
Reflects the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting purposes for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 in accordance with FAS 123(R). See Note 4 in the notes to
consolidated financial statements included in the 2007 annual report for the relevant
assumptions used to determine the valuation of our stock awards and stock options. |
(2) |
Reflects compensation Mr. Ayers received as an employee. Mr. Ayers received no additional
compensation for his service as a director. |
(3) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,750, supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX in the
amount of $1,933, an executive physical paid by IDEXX in the amount of $2,000 and
reimbursement for tax preparation services in the amount of $3,090. |
(4) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,600, supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX in the
amount of $1,933 and reimbursement for tax preparation services in the amount of $7,763. |
(5) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,750 and supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX in
the amount of $3,737. |
(6) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,600, supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX in the
amount of $3,737 and an executive physical paid by IDEXX in the amount of $1,550. |
(7) |
Consists of supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX. |
(8) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,750 and supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX in
the amount of $1,996. |
(9) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,600 and supplemental disability insurance premiums paid by IDEXX in
the amount of $1,996. |
(10) |
Since Mr. Dupree first became a named executive office in 2007, this table includes only his
2007 compensation. |
(11) |
Consists of IDEXXs matching contribution under the IDEXX retirement and incentive savings
plan in the amount of $6,750. |
Grants of Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth each grant of an award made to the named executive officers
during IDEXXs 2007 fiscal year. All awards were made under the 2003 Stock Incentive Plan.
All Other |
All Other |
Stock |
Option |
Grant |
Awards |
Awards: |
Exercise/ |
Date |
# of |
# of |
Base |
Fair |
Shares of |
Securities |
Price of |
Value of |
Stock/ |
Underlying |
Option |
Stock |
Grant |
Action |
Units |
Options |
Awards |
Option |
Name |
Date |
Date (1) |
(2)(4) |
(3)(4) |
(5) |
Awards (7) |
Jonathan W. Ayers (8) |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
6,000 |
$ |
251,610 |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
60,000 |
$ |
41.935 |
867,381 |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
200,000 |
50.000 |
(6) |
2,305,900 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
1,342 |
56,277 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
11,498 |
41.935 |
166,219 |
Merilee Raines |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
2,384 |
99,973 |
Merilee Raines |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
20,440 |
41.935 |
295,488 |
Conan R. Deady |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
2,384 |
99,973 |
Conan R. Deady |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
20,440 |
41.935 |
295,488 |
Thomas J. Dupree |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
2,384 |
99,973 |
Thomas J. Dupree |
2/14/2007 |
2/13/2007 |
20,440 |
41.935 |
295,488 |
(1) |
On February 13, 2007, the compensation committee approved the grant of the above stock
options and restricted stock units at the closing sale price of the common stock on the NASDAQ
Global Market on February 14, 2007. |
(2) |
Granted as restricted stock units that vest in equal annual installments over a five-year
period commencing on the first anniversary of the date of grant. |
(3) |
Options become exercisable in equal annual installments over a five-year period commencing on
the first anniversary of the date of grant. |
(4) |
Pursuant to the 2003 Plan, upon a change in control of IDEXX, each outstanding stock option
or restricted stock unit award held by all employees of IDEXX, including executive officers,
shall become exercisable and vested and free from restrictions as to 25% of the number of
shares as to which such award would otherwise be subject to vesting or restrictions, unless
the successor company in a corporate transaction (as defined in the 2003 Plan) does not assume
or substitute such awards, in which case all awards granted under the 2003 Plan become fully
vested and exercisable and free from restrictions. Under the change in control agreements
between the company and each of its executive officers, vesting of options and restricted
stock units held by each executive officer may accelerate in full in the event of a change in
control of the company followed by a qualifying termination of the executive officers
employment. See Change in Control Agreements on page 31. |
(5) |
Except for the 200,000 option award granted to Mr. Ayers in February 2007, the exercise price
per share of each option is equal to the closing sale price of the common stock on the NASDAQ
Global Market on the date of grant. |
(6) |
The exercise price for this grant to Mr. Ayers was approximately 119% of the fair market
value of common stock on the date of grant. |
(7) |
See Note 4 in the notes to consolidated financial statements included in the 2007 annual
report for the relevant assumptions used to determine the valuation of our stock options. |
(8) |
In the event of termination of Mr. Ayerss employment by the company other than for cause
except following a change in control, his stock options and RSUs will continue to vest in
accordance with their terms for two years (see Employment Agreements on page 30). |
In addition to the footnotes to the Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards
table above, the following sections of this proxy statement further describe other material factors
of the compensation and awards described in those tables. For a description of the material terms
of Mr. Ayerss and Dr. Wallens employment agreements and the change in control agreements for each
of the executive officers, see Employment Agreements on page 30 and Change in Control
Agreements on page 31; for an explanation of the amount of salary and bonus in proportion to total
compensation, and a description of the criteria applied in determining grants of plan-based awards,
see the Compensation Discussion and Analysis beginning on page 19.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End
The table below sets forth information with respect to unexercised options and stock that has
not vested for each of the named executive officers as of the end of IDEXXs 2007 fiscal year.
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
# of |
# of |
Market |
Securities |
Securities |
# of |
Value of |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Shares/ |
Shares or |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Units |
Units of |
Options |
Options |
Option |
Option |
of Stock |
Stock that have |
Exercisable |
Unexercisable |
Exercise |
Expiration |
Not |
Not |
(1) |
(1) |
Price |
Date |
Vested (2) |
Vested (3) |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
860,320 |
$ |
12.6000 |
1/28/2012 |
10,000 |
$ |
586,300 |
120,000 |
30,000 |
17.1350 |
2/06/2013 |
12,000 |
48,000 |
38.3350 |
2/13/2013 |
66,000 |
44,000 |
25.4500 |
2/04/2014 |
200,000 |
50.0000 |
2/13/2014 |
60,000 |
41.9350 |
2/13/2014 |
40,000 |
60,000 |
28.6550 |
2/02/2015 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
2,368 |
9,472 |
38.3350 |
2/13/2013 |
2,128 |
124,765 |
85,918 |
44,000 |
21.3000 |
9/08/2013 |
11,498 |
41.9350 |
2/13/2014 |
12,000 |
18,000 |
28.6550 |
2/02/2015 |
Merilee Raines |
40,000 |
12.2500 |
2/03/2009 |
3,368 |
197,466 |
40,000 |
8.8438 |
2/04/2010 |
40,000 |
11.3438 |
2/07/2011 |
40,000 |
13.3150 |
2/12/2012 |
32,000 |
8,000 |
17.1350 |
2/06/2013 |
2,960 |
11,840 |
38.3350 |
2/13/2013 |
14,400 |
9,600 |
25.4500 |
2/04/2014 |
20,440 |
41.9350 |
2/13/2014 |
10,400 |
15,600 |
28.6550 |
2/02/2015 |
Conan R. Deady |
6,192 |
12.2500 |
2/02/2009 |
3,170 |
185,857 |
21,968 |
11.3438 |
2/07/2011 |
40,000 |
13.3150 |
2/12/2012 |
25,600 |
6,400 |
17.1350 |
2/06/2013 |
2,368 |
9,472 |
38.3350 |
2/13/2013 |
13,200 |
8,800 |
25.4500 |
2/04/2014 |
20,440 |
41.9350 |
2/13/2014 |
8,800 |
13,200 |
28.6550 |
2/02/2015 |
Thomas J. Dupree |
1,066 |
4,260 |
38.3350 |
2/13/2013 |
3,446 |
202,039 |
10,600 |
4,000 |
18.0250 |
3/10/2013 |
7,800 |
5,200 |
25.4500 |
2/04/2014 |
20,440 |
41.9350 |
2/13/2014 |
5,200 |
7,800 |
28.6550 |
2/02/2015 |
(1) |
Options become exercisable in equal annual installments over a five-year period commencing on
the first anniversary of the date of grant. |
(2) |
Restricted stock units vest in equal installments over a five-year period commencing on the
first anniversary of the date of grant. |
(3) |
Market value is determined by multiplying the number of shares by the closing sale price of
the companys common stock at December 31, 2007. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested
The table below sets forth information with respect to exercises of stock options and vesting
of restricted stock for the named executive officers during the 2007 fiscal year.
# Shares |
Value |
Value |
Acquired on |
Realized |
# Shares Acquired |
Realized |
Exercise |
on Exercise |
on Vesting |
on Vesting |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
7,936 |
$ |
242,524 |
1,000 |
(1) |
$ |
41,935 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
56,000 |
2,099,581 |
198 |
8,303 |
Merilee Raines |
51,200 |
2,378,378 |
246 |
(2) |
10,316 |
Conan R. Deady |
12,558 |
500,603 |
198 |
8,303 |
Thomas J. Dupree |
5,400 |
143,309 |
266 |
(3) |
11,155 |
(1) |
Reflects the number of shares acquired upon vesting prior to the withholding of 322 shares to
satisfy Mr. Ayerss tax obligations related to such vesting. |
(2) |
Reflects the number of shares acquired upon vesting prior to the withholding of 92 shares to
satisfy Ms. Rainess tax obligations related to such vesting. |
(3) |
Reflects the number of shares acquired upon vesting prior to the withholding of 100 shares to
satisfy Mr. Duprees tax obligations related to such vesting. |
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
The table below sets forth information with respect to voluntary contributions, earnings and
distributions for the named executive officers under our executive deferred compensation plan, or
Executive Plan. Cash compensation voluntarily deferred by the executive under the Executive Plan is
invested in IDEXX common stock. For a description of the other material features of the Executive
Plan, see Executive Deferred Compensation Plan below.
Aggregate |
Executive |
Registrant |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Balance at |
Contribution |
Contributions |
Earnings in |
Withdrawals/ |
December 31, |
in 2007 |
in 2007 |
2007 |
Distributions |
2007 |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
561,477 |
$ |
$ |
1,734,427 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
Merilee Raines |
Conan R. Deady |
Thomas J. Dupree |
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan
Under the companys Executive Plan, officers of the company can elect to defer up to 100% of
their annual bonus into an account deemed to be invested in a particular hypothetical investment.
As of this date, the only hypothetical investment available under the Executive Plan is IDEXX
common stock. Therefore, each participating officers investment account is denominated as a number
of DSUs, equal to the compensation deferred into such account divided by the closing sale price of
a share of our common stock on the date of the applicable deferral. Investment accounts are not
subject to any interest or other investment returns, other than returns produced by fluctuations in
the price of a share of IDEXX common stock affecting the value of the DSUs in the account. The DSUs
are fully vested and nonforfeitable, since they represent compensation already earned and
voluntarily deferred. Upon distribution, an officer receives a number of shares of IDEXX common
stock equal to the number of DSUs in his or her account. DSUs are issued under the
stockholder-approved 2003 Plan. DSUs count toward the executives stock ownership in determining
compliance with the executive stock ownership guidelines.
An officer can elect to receive his or her distribution in either a lump sum amount or in a
fixed schedule. However, except upon a change in control or in the event of an unforeseeable
emergency (as defined in the Executive Plan), an officer cannot receive shares of IDEXX common
stock equal to the number of DSUs in his or her account sooner than one year following termination
of his or her employment with the company for any reason.
Upon a change in control of the company (as defined in the Executive Plan), any applicable
deferral limitations or other restrictions on each officers investment account will lapse and the
shares of IDEXX common
stock distributed from such accounts will be deemed to have been outstanding immediately prior to
the change in control.
Employment Agreements
In connection with the hiring of Mr. Ayers as president, chief executive officer and chairman
of IDEXX, the company granted Mr. Ayers options to purchase 900,000 shares of IDEXX common stock
and entered into an agreement with Mr. Ayers that provided for a target bonus equal to 100% of his
base salary, with actual bonus dependent on the achievement of personal and corporate goals. Mr.
Ayerss base salary for 2008 is $700,000. Under the agreement with Mr. Ayers, if Mr. Ayerss
employment is terminated at any time by the company other than for cause (except within two years
following a change in control), the company will pay Mr. Ayers his base salary and continue to
provide him with benefits (medical, dental and life insurance) for two years following such
termination. In addition, his stock options and RSUs will continue to vest in accordance with their
terms during such two-year period. Under Mr. Ayerss employment agreement, cause is defined as
willful, material misconduct, gross negligence in the performance of his duties, or breach of
either his invention and non-disclosure agreement or non-compete agreement with the company. If Mr.
Ayerss employment is terminated by the company other than for cause or by Mr. Ayers for good
reason (each as defined in his change in control agreement as described on page 31) within two
years following a change in control, he will receive the payments and benefits described under
Change in Control Agreements on page 31.
William C. Wallen, PhD, joined the company in September 2003 as senior vice president and
chief scientific officer. In connection with his hiring, the company granted Dr. Wallen options to
purchase 220,000 shares of common stock and entered into an agreement that provided for a target
bonus equal to 70% of his base salary, with actual bonus dependent on the achievement of personal
and corporate goals. Dr. Wallens base salary for 2008 is $375,000. Under this agreement, if Dr.
Wallens employment is terminated at any time by the company other than for cause (except within
two years following a change in control), the company will pay Dr. Wallen his base salary and
continue to provide him with benefits (medical, dental and life insurance) for two years following
such termination. Under Dr. Wallens employment agreement, cause is defined as willful, material
misconduct, gross negligence in the performance of his duties, or breach of either his invention
and non-disclosure agreement or non-compete agreement with the company. If Dr. Wallens employment
is terminated by the company other than for cause or by Dr. Wallen for good reason (each as defined
in his change in control agreement as described on page 31) within two years following a change in
control, he will receive the payments and benefits described under Change in Control Agreements
on page 31.
Except for the change in control agreements described below, the company does not have any
agreements with any other executive officers providing for the payment of severance benefits to
such officers upon a termination of employment with the company for any reason.
The following table describes potential payments to Mr. Ayers and Dr. Wallen under the
employment agreements described above, assuming each of them was terminated without cause on
December 31, 2007. The actual amounts to be paid out can only be determined in the event of and at
the time of such executives actual termination.
Potential Termination Payments
Accelerated |
Vesting of |
Equity |
Salary (1) |
Benefits (1) |
Awards(2) |
Total |
Jonathan W. Ayers |
$ |
1,300,000 |
$ |
30,312 |
$ |
5,739,902 |
$ |
7,070,214 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
730,000 |
30,509 |
760,509 |
(1) |
The executives salary and benefits will be paid by the company. Salary and benefits are
calculated by multiplying by two the salary and benefits in effect on December 31, 2007. |
(2) |
Mr. Ayerss stock options and RSUs would continue to vest in accordance with their terms for
two years following termination. Represents the intrinsic value of accelerated equity awards
(stock options and RSUs) that would vest in the event of a termination without cause,
calculated based on the exercise price of the underlying awards and the closing sale price of
the companys common stock as of December 31, 2007. |
Change in Control Agreements
As of January 1, 2007, the Company entered into new executive employment agreements (the
change in control agreements) with its then current executive officers providing for the company
to make certain payments and provide certain benefits to the executive officers upon a qualifying
termination of employment that follows a change in control of the company, as described further
below. The change in control agreements supersede similar agreements previously entered into by the
company and its executive officers. The company also entered into change in control agreements with
two new executive officers during 2007. The change in control agreements for all of the executive
officers are identical except as described below. For a further discussion of the companys reasons
for having change in control agreements, refer to the discussion of change in control agreements in
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis on page 23.
The change in control agreements become effective upon a change in control of the company,
which will occur generally upon (a) the acquisition by any person of 30% or more of the shares of
common stock or combined voting power of the companys outstanding securities, (b) a change in the
composition of the companys board of directors over a 24-month period such that a majority of the
board no longer consists of incumbent directors or directors nominated or elected by incumbent
directors, (c) a reorganization, merger, consolidation, or sale or other disposition of all or
substantially all of the assets of the company where the stockholders of the company immediately
prior to such transaction cease to own a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock and the
combined voting power of the companys outstanding voting securities in substantially the same
proportion as their ownership immediately prior to the transaction, or (d) approval by the
stockholders of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the company or sale of substantially all
of the assets of the company.
Following a change in control, the company may not generally reduce an executive officers
base salary or target bonus, or the aggregate benefits to which the executive officer is entitled
under incentive plans and welfare benefit plans, below the level to which the executive officer was
entitled prior to the change in control.
For a period of two years following a change in control, if the employment of an executive
officer is terminated by the company without cause, as defined below, or by the executive officer
for good reason, as defined below, then the company shall provide the following payments and
benefits to the executive officer: (1) a prorated payment of the executive officers target bonus
for the portion of the year of termination prior to the date of termination, (2) an amount equal to
two times (three times in the case of Mr. Ayers) the sum of the executive officers base salary
plus the average bonus received by the executive officer for the three full fiscal years preceding
the change in control, and (3) the continuation of life insurance, disability insurance, medical
and dental coverage, and other benefits for a period of two years (three years in the case of Mr.
Ayers) following the date of termination.
Upon a change in control, each outstanding stock option, restricted stock unit, or other
equity award, each of which is referred to as an equity award, held by an executive officer shall
become immediately exercisable or vested as to 25% of the number of shares as to which such equity
award otherwise would not then be exercisable or vested. Following a termination of the executive
officers employment by the company within two years following a change in control other than for
cause or by the executive officer other than for good reason, all equity awards held by the
executive officer shall become fully exercisable and vested.
Under the change in control agreements, cause is defined as the willful failure of the
executive to substantially perform the executives duties with the company, or the willful engaging
by the executive in illegal conduct or gross misconduct which is materially and demonstrably
injurious to the company. Under the change in control agreements, good reason is defined as (a)
any material diminution in the executive officers duties or responsibilities, (b) any reduction in
the executive officers base salary or target bonus, or the aggregate benefits to which the
executive officer is entitled under incentive plans and welfare benefit plans, below the level to
which the executive officer was entitled prior to the change in control, (c) a reduction in
vacation benefits, (d) relocation or a requirement of substantially greater travel, or (e) certain
breaches by the company of the change in control agreement. Under the change in control agreements
with Messrs. Ayers, Wallen and Deady and Ms. Raines, if any of such executive officers does not
hold the same position with the entity surviving any change in control, then good reason shall be
deemed to exist.
If payments to an executive officer under their change in control agreement cause the
executive officer to be subject to an excise tax under Section 4999 of the Code, the company will
pay the officer an additional amount that would, net of any taxes or penalties (including excise
taxes) on such additional amount, allow the executive officer to retain the amount he or she would
have received had he or she not been subject to the excise tax under Section 4999. However, if the
payments to the executive officer are no more than 110% of the maximum amount of
payments that the executive officer could receive under the change in control agreement
without becoming subject to the excise tax, then no gross-up payment will be made and the
payments to the executive officer shall be reduced to such maximum amount.
The change in control agreements have an initial term expiring on September 30, 2008.
Commencing on October 1, 2008 and on each anniversary of such date (each of such dates is referred
to as a renewal date), each of the change in control agreements shall automatically renew for a
period of one year, unless the company shall have provided notice to the executive officer within
120 days prior to the renewal date indicating that the change in control agreement will not be
The change in control agreements do not supersede the standard non-compete agreements and
invention and non-disclosure agreements between each executive and the company. The non-compete
agreements provide that for a period of two years after voluntary termination by the executive or
termination by the company with or without cause, the executive may not engage in any business
enterprise which competes with the company or recruit, solicit or induce any employee of the
company to terminate their employment with the company. The invention and non-disclosure agreements
include standard provisions that all developments made or conceived by the executive during his or
her employment by the company shall be the sole property of the company and that the executive will
not disclose or use for his or her own benefit or the benefit of others the companys proprietary
The following table describes potential payments to each of our named executive officers under
the change in control agreements described above. The table assumes a change in control occurred
and the officers employment was terminated by the company without cause or by the officer for good
reason on December 31, 2007. The actual amounts to be paid out can only be determined in the event
of and at the time of such executives termination.
Potential Change in Control Payments
Accelerated |
Multiple of |
Vesting of |
Excise |
Average |
Pro-rated |
Benefits |
Equity |
Tax |
Salary(1) |
Bonus (1) |
Bonus (1) |
(1) |
Outplacement |
Awards (3) |
Gross-Up |
Total |
Jonathan W. Ayers (2) |
$ |
1,950,000 |
$ |
1,877,500 |
$ |
650,000 |
$ |
45,468 |
$ |
25,000 |
$ |
8,791,428 |
$ |
2,834,950 |
$ |
16,174,346 |
William C. Wallen, PhD |
730,000 |
443,333 |
255,500 |
30,509 |
25,000 |
2,691,028 |
4,175,370 |
Merilee Raines |
580,000 |
364,667 |
174,000 |
9,927 |
25,000 |
1,897,102 |
3,050,696 |
Conan R. Deady |
520,000 |
315,333 |
156,000 |
30,439 |
25,000 |
1,672,559 |
2,719,331 |
Thomas J. Dupree |
450,000 |
195,333 |
135,000 |
26,447 |
25,000 |
1,198,502 |
435,886 |
2,466,168 |
(1) |
Salary and bonus payments shall be paid in a lump sum within 30 days of the date of
termination. Benefits shall be paid by the company over the period stated in note (2). |
(2) |
Amounts for Mr. Ayers are three times his salary, three times his average annual bonus for
the prior three years, and payment of benefits for three years. The amounts for all other
executive officers represent two years of such payments and benefits. |
(3) |
Represents the intrinsic value of accelerated equity awards (stock options and RSUs),
calculated based on the exercise price of the underlying awards and the closing sale price of
the companys common stock as of December 31, 2007. |
The audit committee oversees the companys financial reporting process, internal controls, and
audit functions on behalf of the board of directors and operates under a written charter adopted by
the board. The members of the audit committee are independent directors, as defined by its charter
and the rules of the NASDAQ Global Market.
Management is responsible for the financial statements and the reporting process, including
the system of internal controls. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, or PwC, the companys independent
registered public accounting firm, is responsible for expressing an opinion as to whether these
financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In addition, PwC will express its
own opinion on the effectiveness of the companys internal control over financial reporting.
In performing its oversight responsibilities, the audit committee reviewed and discussed with
management and PwC the audited consolidated financial statements of the company as of and for the
year ended December 31, 2007, managements assessment of the effectiveness of the companys
internal control over financial reporting, and PwCs evaluation of the companys internal control
over financial reporting. The audit committee also discussed with PwC their judgment as to the
quality, not just the acceptability, of the companys accounting principles and such other matters
as are required by generally accepted auditing standards, including those described in Statement on
Auditing Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit Committees.
In addition, the audit committee has discussed with the independent auditors the auditors
independence from management and the company, including the matters in the written disclosures and
letter from the independent auditors to the audit committee required by Independence Standard
Boards Standards No. 1, as amended, Independent Discussions with Audit Committees. The audit
committee also has considered whether the provision of nonaudit related services by the independent
auditors is compatible with maintaining the independent auditors independence.
Based on the reviews, discussions and representations from management referred to above, the
audit committee recommended to the board of directors (and the board has approved) that the audited
financial statements be included in the companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2007 for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
By the audit committee of the board of directors,
Brian P. McKeon, Chairman |
Errol B. De Souza, PhD |
Barry C. Johnson, PhD |
Stockholder proposals submitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the SEC rules for inclusion in
our proxy materials for our 2009 annual meeting of stockholders must be received by our corporate
secretary at the address written in the next paragraph, by November 28, 2008. The deadline to
submit a proposal for inclusion in our proxy materials for the 2008 annual meeting has passed.
Our amended and restated bylaws also establish an advance notice procedure that a stockholder
must follow to nominate persons for election as directors or to introduce an item of business at an
annual meeting of stockholders outside of the process under Rule 14a-8 described above. These
procedures provide that nominations for director and/or an item of business to be introduced at an
annual meeting of stockholders must be submitted in writing to the corporate secretary of IDEXX at
One IDEXX Drive, Westbrook, Maine 04092. Our amended and restated bylaws provide that stockholder
proposals must include certain information regarding the nominee for director and/or the item of
business. We must receive the notice of your intention to introduce a nomination or proposed item
of business, and all supporting information, at our 2009 annual meeting no later than February 25,
2009 or 60 days before the 2009 annual meeting of stockholders, whichever is later. If you fail to
provide timely notice of a proposal to be presented at the 2009 annual meeting, the proxies
designated by the board of directors will have discretionary authority to vote on any such proposal
that may come before the meeting.
The board of directors knows of no other matters to be presented for stockholder action at the
annual meeting. If, however, other matters do properly come before the annual meeting or any
adjournments or postponements thereof, the board intends that the persons named in the proxies will
vote upon such matters in accordance with their best judgment.
The board of directors hopes that you will attend the annual meeting. Whether or not you plan
to attend the annual meeting, you are urged to complete, date, sign and return the enclosed proxy
in the accompanying envelope, or vote via the Internet or by telephone at your earliest
convenience. If you attend the annual meeting, you can still vote your stock personally even though
you may have already sent in your proxy.
By order of the board of directors, |
Conan R. Deady, Secretary |
March 27, 2008
Appendix A
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. (the Company), a Delaware corporation, hereby establishes and
adopts the following 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan (the Plan) to provide incentive awards that
are intended to qualify as performance-based compensation within the meaning of Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The purposes of the Plan are to advance the interests of the Company and its shareholders and
assist the Company in attracting and retaining executive officers of the Company and its
Subsidiaries who, because of the extent of their responsibilities can make significant
contributions to the Companys success by their ability, industry, loyalty and exceptional
services, by providing incentives and financial rewards to such executive officers.
2.1. Award shall mean the amount of the Incentive Award paid to a Participant pursuant to
the Plan.
2.2. Board shall mean the board of directors of the Company.
2.3. Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and
any successor thereto.
2.4. Committee shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board or any subcommittee
thereof formed by the Compensation Committee to act as the Committee hereunder. For purposes of
satisfying the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code and the regulations thereunder, the
Committee is intended to consist solely of outside directors as such term is defined in Section
162(m) of the Code.
2.5 Disability means any physical or mental condition of a Participant that in the opinion
of the Committee renders the Participant incapable of continuing to be an employee of the Company
and its Subsidiaries.
2.6. Incentive Award shall mean an amount equal to 0.75%, in the case of the Companys Chief
Executive Officer and 0.25%, in the case of each other Participant, of the Companys Operating
Income for each full calendar year in the Performance Period (proportionately adjusted for any
portion of the Performance Period that is less than a full calendar year).
2.7. Operating Income shall mean the Companys consolidated operating income determined in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States and as reported in
the Companys income statement included in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission covering the applicable Performance Period. Operating
income may be adjusted by the Committee to eliminate the effects of differences between actual
foreign currency exchange rates in the applicable Performance Period and currency exchange rates
budgeted for such period, and to eliminate the effects of discrete items. Discrete items may
include, without limitation, acquisition integration expenses, restructuring charges, acquisition
purchase accounting adjustments, acquisition-related transaction costs, adjustments to finalized
pre-acquisition contingencies, litigation-related expenses and payments, gains and losses on the
disposition of assets, and non-cash write-downs.
2.8. Participant shall mean the Companys Chief Executive Officer and each other executive
officer of the Company selected by the Committee pursuant to Section 4.1 to participate in this
2.9. Performance Period shall mean the Companys fiscal year or such other period that the
Committee, in its sole discretion, may establish, provided no Performance Period shall be more than
five years in length.
2.10. Subsidiary shall mean any corporation, partnership or other organization of which the
Company owns or controls, directly or indirectly, not less than 50% of the total combined voting
power of all classes of stock or other equity interests.
3.1. Eligibility. The individuals eligible to participate in the Plan shall be the Companys
Chief Executive Officer and any other executive officer of the Company or a Subsidiary selected by
the Committee to participate in the Plan (each, a Participant).
3.2. Administration. (a) The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. The Committee shall
have full power and authority, subject to the provisions of the Plan and subject to such orders or
resolutions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan as may from time to time be adopted by
the Board, to: (i) select the Participants to whom Incentive Awards may from time to time be
granted hereunder; (ii) determine the terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of
the Plan, of each Incentive Award, including the length of the Performance Period; (iii) certify
the calculation of Operating Income and the amount of the Incentive Award payable to each
Participant in respect of each Performance Period; (iv) determine the time when Incentive Awards
will be paid; (v) in connection with the determination of the amount of each Award, determine
whether and to what extent the Incentive Award shall be reduced based on such factors as the
Committee deems appropriate in its discretion; (vi) determine whether payment of Awards may be
deferred by Participants; (vii) interpret and administer the Plan and any instrument or agreement
entered into in connection with the Plan; (viii) correct any defect, supply any omission or
reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or any Incentive Award in the manner and to the extent that
the Committee shall deem desirable to carry it into effect; (ix) establish such rules and
regulations and appoint such agents as it shall deem appropriate for the proper administration of
the Plan; and (ix) make any other determination and take any other action that the Committee deems
necessary or desirable for administration of the Plan.
(b) Decisions of the Committee shall be final, conclusive and binding on all persons or
entities, including the Company, any Subsidiary, any Participant and any person claiming any
benefit or right under an Incentive Award or under the Plan.
(c) To the extent not inconsistent with applicable law or the rules and regulations of the
NASDAQ Stock Market (or such other principal securities market on which the Companys securities
are listed or qualified for trading), including the applicable provisions of Section 162(m) of the
Code, the Committee may delegate to one or more officers of the Company or a committee of officers
the authority to take actions on its behalf pursuant to the Plan.
4.1. Performance Period; Participants. Not later than the earlier of (i) 90 days after the
commencement of each fiscal year of the Company and (ii) the expiration of 25% of the Performance
Period, the Committee shall, in writing, designate one or more Performance Periods, specify any
adjustments to Operating Income for the Performance Period, and determine the Participants for each
Performance Period.
4.2. Certification. At such time as it shall determine appropriate following the conclusion
of each Performance Period, the Committee shall certify, in writing, the amount of the Incentive
Award for each Participant for such Performance Period.
4.3. Payment of Incentive Awards. The amount of the Incentive Award actually paid to a
Participant shall be determined by the Committee in its sole discretion based on such factors as it
deems appropriate, provided that the actual Award shall not exceed the Incentive Award with respect
to such Participant. The Award amount determined by the Committee for a Performance Period shall be
paid in cash or, to the extent provided in such plan, share-based awards under a
shareholder-approved stock plan of the Company. Payment to each Participant shall be made no later
than the fifteenth day of the third month following the end of the fiscal year of the Company in
which the applicable Performance Period ends, unless payment is deferred pursuant to a plan or
arrangement satisfying the requirements of Section 409A of the Code.
4.4. Commencement or Termination of Employment. Without intending to limit the generality of
Section 4.3 or the date for payment of Incentive Awards stated therein, if a person becomes a
Participant during a Performance Period (whether through promotion or commencement of employment)
or if a person who otherwise would have been a Participant dies, retires or is Disabled, or if the
persons employment is otherwise terminated, during a Performance Period (except for cause, as
determined by the Committee in its sole discretion), the Incentive Award payable to such a
Participant may, in the discretion of the Committee, be reduced, including without limitation a
proportionate reduction, based on the period of actual employment during the applicable Performance
5.1. Amendment and Termination of the Plan. The Board may, from time to time, alter, amend,
suspend or terminate the Plan as it shall deem advisable, subject to any requirement for
shareholder approval imposed by applicable law, including Section 162(m) of the Code, or by the
NASDAQ Stock Market (or such other principal securities market on which the Companys securities
are listed or qualified for trading). No amendments to, or termination of, the Plan shall in any
way impair the rights of a Participant under any Incentive Award previously granted without such
Participants consent.
5.2. Section 162(m) of the Code. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, the provisions
of this Plan shall be administered and interpreted in accordance with Section 162(m) of the Code to
ensure the deductibility by the Company of the payment of Incentive Awards.
5.3. Tax Withholding. The Company or a Subsidiary shall have the right to make all payments
or distributions pursuant to the Plan to a Participant, net of any applicable federal, state and
local taxes required to be paid or withheld. The Company or a Subsidiary shall have the right to
withhold from wages, Awards or other amounts otherwise payable to such Participant such withholding
taxes as may be required by law, or to otherwise require the Participant to pay such withholding
taxes. If the Participant shall fail to make such tax payments as are required, the Company or a
Subsidiary shall, to the extent permitted by law, have the right to deduct any such taxes from any
payment of any kind otherwise due to such Participant or to take such other action as may be
necessary to satisfy such withholding obligations.
5.4. Right of Discharge Reserved; Claims to Incentive Awards. Nothing in this Plan shall
provide any Participant a right to receive any Incentive Award or payment under the Plan with
respect to a Performance Period. Nothing in the Plan nor the grant of an Incentive Award hereunder
shall confer upon any Participant the right to continue in the employment of the Company or a
Subsidiary or affect any right that the Company or a Subsidiary may have to terminate the
employment of (or to demote or to exclude from future Incentive Awards under the Plan) any such
Participant at any time for any reason. Except as specifically provided by the Committee, the
Company shall not be liable for the loss of existing or potential profit from an Incentive Award
granted in the event of the termination of employment of any Participant. No Participant shall have
any claim to be granted any Incentive Award under the Plan, and there is no obligation for
uniformity of treatment of Participants under the Plan.
5.5. Nature of Payments. All Incentive Awards made pursuant to the Plan are in consideration
of services performed or to be performed for the Company or a Subsidiary, division or business unit
of the Company. Any income or gain realized pursuant to Incentive Awards under the Plan constitute
a special incentive payment to the Participant and shall not be taken into account, to the extent
permissible under applicable law, as compensation for purposes of any of the employee benefit plans
of the Company or a Subsidiary except as may be determined by the Committee or by the Board or
board of directors of the applicable Subsidiary.
5.6. Other Plans. Nothing contained in the Plan shall prevent the Board from adopting other
or additional compensation arrangements, subject to shareholder approval if such approval is
required; and such arrangements may be either generally applicable or applicable only in specific
5.7. Severability. If any provision of the Plan shall be held unlawful or otherwise invalid
or unenforceable in whole or in part by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall (a)
be deemed limited to the extent that such court of competent jurisdiction deems it lawful, valid
and/or enforceable and as so limited shall remain in full force and effect, and (b) not affect any
other provision of the Plan or part thereof, each of which shall remain in full force and effect.
If the making of any payment or the provision of any other benefit required under the Plan shall be
held unlawful or otherwise invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
unlawfulness, invalidity or unenforceability shall not prevent any other payment or benefit from
being made or provided under the Plan, and if the making of any payment in full or the provision of
any other benefit required under the Plan in full would be unlawful or otherwise invalid or
unenforceable, then such unlawfulness, invalidity or unenforceability shall not prevent such
payment or benefit from being made or provided in part, to the extent that it would not be
unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, and the maximum payment or benefit that would not be unlawful,
invalid or unenforceable shall be made or provided under the Plan.
5.8. Construction. As used in the Plan, the words include and including, and variations
thereof, shall not be deemed to be terms of limitation, but rather shall be deemed to be followed
by the words without limitation.
5.9. Unfunded Status of the Plan. The Plan is intended to constitute an unfunded plan for
incentive compensation. With respect to any payments not yet made to a Participant by the Company,
nothing contained herein shall give any such Participant any rights that are greater than those of
a general creditor of the Company.
5.10. Governing Law. The Plan and all determinations made and actions taken thereunder, to
the extent not otherwise governed by the Code or the laws of the United States, shall be governed
by the laws of the State of Delaware, without reference to principles of conflict of laws that
might result in the application of the laws of another jurisdiction, and shall be construed
5.11. Effective Date of Plan. The Plan shall be effective on the date of the approval of the
Plan by the holders of the then outstanding securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in
the election of directors. The Plan shall be null and void and of no effect if the foregoing
condition is not fulfilled.
5.12. Captions. The captions in the Plan are for convenience of reference only, and are not
intended to narrow, limit or affect the substance or interpretation of the provisions contained
May 7, 2008
MAIL - Date, sign and mail your proxy card in the envelope provided as soon as possible.
- or -
Call toll-free 1-800-PROXIES
(1-800-776-9437) from
any touch-tone telephone and follow the instructions.
Have your proxy card available when you call.
- OR
INTERNET - Access and follow
the on-screen instructions. Have your proxy card
available when you access the web page.
You may enter your voting instructions at 1-800-PROXIES (1-800-776-9437) or up
until 11:59 Eastern Time the day before the cut-off or meeting date.
â Please
detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided
IF you are not voting via telephone or the Internet. â
n 20330030000000000000 6
Election of Directors. To elect three Class II directors for three-year
terms (Proposal One); |
2. |
Adoption of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan. To approve and adopt the IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. 2008 Incentive Compensation Plan (Proposal Two);
o |
o |
o |
¡ |
Thomas Craig
¡ |
Errol B. DeSouza, PhD
o |
FOR ALL EXCEPT (See instructions below)
¡ |
Rebecca M. Henderson, PhD |
3. |
Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. To ratify the selection by the audit committee of the board of directors of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year (Proposal Three); and
o |
4. |
Other Business. To conduct such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s),
mark FOR ALL EXCEPT and fill in the circle next to
each nominee you wish to
withhold, as shown here: =
To change the address on your account, please check the box
at right and indicate your new address in the address space
above. Please note that changes to the registered name(s)
on the account may not be submitted
via this method.
o |
of Stockholder
of Stockholder
Note: |
Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this Proxy.
When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as
executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full
title as such. If the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate name
by duly authorized officer, giving full title as such. If signer is a partnership,
please sign in partnership name by authorized person. |
Proxy for Annual Meeting of Stockholders
To Be Held on May 7, 2008
The undersigned, revoking all prior proxies, hereby appoint(s) Jonathan W. Ayers, William T.
End and Conan R. Deady, and each of them, with full power of substitution, as proxies to represent
and vote, as designated herein, all shares of Common Stock of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. (the
Company) which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present at the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held at the Portland Marriott Hotel, 200 Sable Oaks
Drive, South Portland, Maine, on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 10:00 a.m., local time, and at any
adjournment thereof.
In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other matters as may
properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)