Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)
and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
National Financial, Inc.
Riverside Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
April 15, 2008
Dear Stockholder:
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I cordially invite you to
attend the annual meeting of stockholders of Fidelity National
Financial, Inc. The meeting will be held on May 29, 2008 at
11:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, in the Peninsular
Auditorium at 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32204.
The formal Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement for this
meeting are attached to this letter.
The Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement contain more
information about the annual meeting, including:
who can vote; and
the different methods you can use to vote, including the
telephone, Internet and traditional paper proxy card.
Whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting, please
vote by one of these outlined methods to ensure that your shares
are represented and voted in accordance with your wishes. This
will help us avoid the expense of sending
letters to ensure that a quorum is represented at the annual
meeting, and will assure that your vote is counted if you are
unable to attend.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for your
Alan L. Stinson
Chief Executive Officer
National Financial, Inc.
Riverside Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
To the Stockholders of Fidelity National Financial, Inc.:
Notice is hereby given that the 2008 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Fidelity National Financial, Inc. will be held
on May 29, 2008 at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time,
in the Peninsular Auditorium at 601 Riverside Avenue,
Jacksonville, Florida 32204 for the following purposes:
to elect four Class III directors to serve until the 2011
annual meeting of stockholders or until their successors are
duly elected and qualified or until their earlier death,
resignation or removal;
to ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for the 2008 fiscal year;
to consider and approve the Fidelity National
Financial, Inc. Amended and Restated 2005 Omnibus Incentive
Plan; and
4. to transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
The Board of Directors set March 31, 2008 as the record
date for the meeting. This means that owners of Fidelity
National Financial, Inc. common stock at the close of business
on that date are entitled to:
receive notice of the meeting; and
vote at the meeting and any adjournments or postponements of the
All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the meeting in
person. However, even if you plan to attend the annual meeting
in person, please read these proxy materials and cast your vote
on the matters that will be presented at the meeting. You may
vote your shares through the Internet, by telephone, or by
mailing the enclosed proxy card. Instructions for our registered
stockholders are described under the question How do I
vote? on page 2 of the proxy statement.
Todd C. Johnson
Corporate Secretary
Jacksonville, Florida
April 15, 2008
National Financial, Inc.
Riverside Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors (the
Board) of Fidelity National Financial, Inc. (the
Company or FNF) for use at the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 29, 2008 at
11:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, or at any adjournment
thereof, for the purposes set forth herein and in the
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The
meeting will be held in the Peninsular Auditorium at 601
Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida.
It is anticipated that such proxy, together with this proxy
statement, will be first mailed on or about April 15, 2008
to all stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting.
The Companys principal executive offices are located at
601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32204, and its
telephone number at that address is
(904) 854-8100.
Prior to October 17, 2005, the Company was known as
Fidelity National Title Group, Inc. (FNT) and
was a wholly-owned subsidiary of another publicly traded
company, also called Fidelity National Financial, Inc.
(old FNF). On October 17, 2005, old FNF
distributed to its stockholders a minority interest in the
Company, making it a majority-owned, publicly traded company
(the Partial Spin-Off). On October 24, 2006,
old FNF transferred certain assets to the Company in return for
the issuance of 45,265,956 shares of Company common stock
to old FNF. Old FNF then distributed to its stockholders all of
its shares of Company common stock, making the Company a stand
alone public company (the Full Spin-Off). In
November 2006, old FNF was then merged with and into another of
its subsidiaries, Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.
(FIS), after which the Company changed its name to
Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Unless stated otherwise or the
context otherwise requires, all references in this proxy
statement to us, we, our,
the Company or FNF are to Fidelity
National Financial, Inc.
Your shares can be voted at the annual meeting only if you vote
by proxy or if you are present and vote in person. Even if you
expect to attend the annual meeting, please vote by proxy to
assure that your shares will be represented.
Who is
entitled to vote?
All record holders of FNF common stock as of the close of
business on March 31, 2008 are entitled to vote. On that
day, 213,901,531 shares were issued and outstanding and
eligible to vote. Each share is entitled to one vote on each
matter presented at the annual meeting.
shares are covered by the proxy card?
The proxy card covers all shares held by you of record (i.e.,
shares registered in your name), and any shares held for your
benefit in FNFs 401(k) plan and Employee Stock Purchase
What if I
am a beneficial holder rather than an owner of record?
If you hold your shares through a broker, bank, or other
nominee, you will receive separate instructions from the nominee
describing how to vote your shares.
How do I
There are three ways to vote by proxy, other than by attending
the annual meeting and voting in person:
by mail, using the enclosed proxy card and return envelope;
by telephone, using the telephone number printed on the proxy
card and following the instructions on the proxy card; or
by the Internet, using a unique password printed on your proxy
card and following the instructions on the proxy card.
What does
it mean to vote by proxy?
It means that you give someone else the right to vote your
shares in accordance with your instructions. In this case, we
are asking you to give your proxy to our Chairman of the Board
and to our Vice Chairman of the Board, who are sometimes
referred to as the proxy holders. By giving your
proxy to the proxy holders, you assure that your vote will be
counted even if you are unable to attend the annual meeting. If
you give your proxy but do not include specific instructions on
how to vote on a particular proposal described in this proxy
statement, the proxy holders will vote your shares in accordance
with the recommendation of the Board for such proposal.
On what
am I voting?
You will be asked to consider three proposals at the annual
Proposal No. 1 asks you to elect four Class III
directors to serve until the 2011 annual meeting of stockholders.
Proposal No. 2 asks you to ratify the appointment of
KPMG LLP as the Companys independent registered public
accounting firm for the 2008 fiscal year.
Proposal No. 3 asks you to approve the Fidelity
National Financial, Inc. Amended and Restated 2005 Omnibus
Incentive Plan, or the omnibus incentive plan.
happens if other matters are raised at the meeting?
Although we are not aware of any matters to be presented at the
annual meeting other than those contained in the Notice of
Annual Meeting, if other matters are properly raised at the
meeting in accordance with the procedures specified in
FNFs certificate of incorporation and bylaws, all proxies
given to the proxy holders will be voted in accordance with
their best judgment.
What if I
submit a proxy and later change my mind?
If you have submitted your proxy and later wish to revoke it,
you may do so by doing one of the following: giving written
notice to the Corporate Secretary; submitting another proxy
bearing a later date (in any of the permitted forms); or casting
a ballot in person at the annual meeting.
Who will
count the votes?
Broadridge Investor Communications Services will serve as proxy
tabulator and count the votes, and the results will be certified
by the inspector of election.
How many
votes must each proposal receive to be adopted?
The following votes must be received:
For Proposal No. 1 regarding the election of
directors, the four people receiving the largest number of votes
cast at the annual meeting will be elected as directors.
For Proposal No. 2, under Delaware law the affirmative
vote of a majority of the shares present or represented by proxy
and entitled to vote would be required for approval.
For Proposal No. 3 regarding the approval of the
omnibus incentive plan, in order to satisfy the listing
standards of the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE, the
total vote cast with respect to the proposal concerning the
omnibus incentive plan must represent more than 50% of the total
number of shares entitled to vote on the proposal, and a
majority of the shares voted must be voted in favor of the
proposal. In addition, under Delaware law the affirmative vote
of a majority of the shares present or represented by proxy and
entitled to vote would be required for approval.
constitutes a quorum?
A quorum is present if a majority of the outstanding shares of
common stock entitled to vote is represented. Broker non-votes
and abstentions will be counted for purposes of determining
whether a quorum is present.
What are
broker non-votes?
Broker non-votes occur when nominees, such as banks and brokers
holding shares on behalf of beneficial owners, do not receive
voting instructions from the beneficial holders at least ten
days before the meeting. If that happens, the nominees may vote
those shares only on matters deemed routine by the
NYSE, such as election of directors or ratification of auditors.
Nominees cannot vote on non-routine matters, unless they receive
voting instructions from beneficial holders, resulting in
so-called broker non-votes. With respect to
Proposal No. 3, a broker non-vote is not a vote
cast for purposes of the NYSE listing standard that
requires that the total vote cast on Proposal No. 3
must represent more than 50% of the total number of shares
entitled to vote on the proposal. For purposes of the Delaware
law requirement that a proposal receive the affirmative vote of
a majority of the shares present or represented by proxy and
entitled to vote, broker non-votes will have no effect.
effect does an abstention have?
With respect to Proposal No. 1, abstentions or
directions to withhold authority will not be included in vote
totals and will not affect the outcome of the vote. For purposes
of the Delaware law requirement that a proposal receive the
affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present or
represented by proxy and entitled to vote, abstentions will have
the effect of a vote against the proposals. With respect to
Proposal No. 3, an abstention or direction to withhold
authority is a vote cast for purposes of the NYSE
listing standard that requires that the total vote cast on
Proposal No. 3 must represent more than 50% of the
total number of shares entitled to vote on the proposal.
Who pays
the cost of soliciting proxies?
We pay the cost of the solicitation of proxies, including
preparing and mailing the Notice of Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, this proxy statement and the proxy card. Following
the mailing of this proxy statement, directors, officers and
employees of the Company may solicit proxies by telephone,
facsimile transmission or other personal contact. Such persons
will receive no additional compensation for such services.
Brokerage houses and other nominees, fiduciaries and custodians
who are holders of record of shares of common stock will be
requested to forward proxy soliciting material to the beneficial
owners of such shares and will be reimbursed by the Company for
their charges and expenses in connection therewith at customary
and reasonable rates. In addition, the Company has retained
Morrow & Co. to assist in the solicitation of proxies
for an estimated fee of $12,000 plus reimbursement of expenses.
What if I
share a household with another stockholder?
We have adopted a procedure approved by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, or SEC, called
householding. Under this procedure, stockholders of
record who have the same address and last name and do not
participate in electronic delivery of proxy materials will
receive only one copy of our Annual Report and Proxy Statement
unless one or more of these stockholders notifies us that they
wish to continue receiving individual copies. This procedure
will reduce our printing costs and postage fees. Stockholders
who participate in householding will continue to receive
separate proxy cards. Also, householding will not in any way
affect dividend check mailings. If you are eligible for
householding, but you and other stockholders of record with whom
you share an
address currently receive multiple copies of our Annual Reports
and/or Proxy
Statements, or if you hold stock in more than one account, and
in either case you wish to receive only a single copy of the
Annual Report or Proxy Statement for your household, please
contact our transfer agent, Continental Stock
Transfer & Trust (in writing: 17 Battery Place,
8th Floor, New York, NY 10004; by telephone:
(212) 509-4000).
If you participate in householding and wish to receive a
separate copy of the 2007 Annual Report or this Proxy Statement,
or if you do not wish to participate in householding and prefer
to receive separate copies of future Annual Reports
and/or Proxy
Statements, please contact Continental Stock
Transfer & Trust as indicated above. Beneficial
stockholders can request information about householding from
their banks, brokers or other holders of record. We hereby
undertake to deliver promptly upon written or oral request, a
separate copy of the annual report to stockholders, or proxy
statement, as applicable, to a stockholder at a shared address
to which a single copy of the document was delivered.
About the Nominees for Election
The names of the nominees proposed for election at the annual
meeting as Class III directors of the Company and certain
biographical information concerning each of them is set forth
below. Expiration terms of nominees for election at the annual
meeting are given assuming the nominees are elected.
for Class III Directors Term Expiring
Position with FNF
William P. Foley, II
Chairman of the Board
Chairman of the Executive Committee
Douglas K. Ammerman
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Thomas M. Hagerty
Chairman of the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee, Member of the Executive Committee
Peter O. Shea, Jr.
Member of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
(1) |
As of April 1, 2008. |
(2) |
Includes the period of time during which the director served as
a director of old FNF. |
William P. Foley, II. William P.
Foley, II has served as a director of the Company since its
formation on May 24, 2005 and, since October 2006, has
served as the executive Chairman of the Company. Mr. Foley
also served as Chief Executive Officer of the Company from
October 2006 until May 2007. Mr. Foley was the Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer of old FNF, and served in
both capacities since that companys formation in 1984.
Mr. Foley also served as President of old FNF from 1984
until December 31, 1994. Mr. Foley also serves as the
Executive Chairman of FIS.
Douglas K. Ammerman. Douglas K. Ammerman has
served as a director of the Company since the Full Spin-Off in
October 2006. Mr. Ammerman is a retired partner of KPMG
LLP, where he became a partner in 1984. Mr. Ammerman
formally retired from KPMG in 2002. He also serves as a director
of Quiksilver, Inc., William Lyon Homes and El Pollo Loco, Inc.
Thomas M. Hagerty. Thomas M. Hagerty has
served as a director of the Company since the Full Spin-Off in
October 2006. Mr. Hagerty has also served as a director of
FIS since 2006. Mr. Hagerty is a Managing Director of
Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. Mr. Hagerty has been employed
by Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. and its predecessor, Thomas H.
Lee Company, since 1988. Mr. Hagerty currently serves as a
director of MGIC Investment Corporation and FIS.
Peter O. Shea, Jr. Peter O.
Shea, Jr. has served as a director of the Company since
April 2006. Mr. Shea is also the President and Chief
Executive Officer of J.F. Shea Co., Inc. and he previously
served as Chief Operating Officer of J.F. Shea Co., Inc. for
more than five years. J.F. Shea Co., Inc. is a private company
with operations in home construction, commercial property
development and management and heavy civil construction.
About Our Directors Continuing in Office
The names of the incumbent directors of the Company who are not
up for election at the annual meeting and certain biographical
information concerning each of them is set forth below.
Expiration terms of the incumbent directors are also provided.
Class I Directors Term Expiring
Position with FNF
John F. Farrell, Jr.
Member of the Audit Committee
Frank P. Willey
Vice Chairman of the Board
Willie D. Davis
Member of the Audit Committee
Philip G. Heasley
Member of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
(1) |
As of April 1, 2008. |
(2) |
Includes the period of time during which the director served as
a director of old FNF. |
John F. Farrell, Jr. John F.
Farrell, Jr. has served as a director of the Company since
the Partial Spin-Off in October 2005. Mr. Farrell is a
private investor and has been since 1997. From 1985 through 1997
he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of North American
Mortgage Company.
Frank P. Willey. Frank P. Willey has served as
a director and Vice Chairman of the Company since the Partial
Spin-Off in October 2005. Mr. Willey served as the Vice
Chairman of the Board of Directors of old FNF prior to joining
the Board of the Company. Mr. Willey also was the President
of old FNF from January 1, 1995 through March 20,
2000. Mr. Willey also serves as a director of CKE
Restaurants, Inc.
Willie D. Davis. Willie D. Davis has served as
a director of the Company since the Partial Spin-Off in October
2005. Mr. Davis has served as the President and a director
of All-Pro Broadcasting, Inc., a holding company that operates
several radio stations, since 1976. Mr. Davis currently
also serves on the Board of Directors of MGM Mirage, Inc.,
Alliance Bank and Manpower, Inc.
Philip G. Heasley. Philip G. Heasley has
served as a director of the Company since the Partial Spin-Off
in October 2005. Mr. Heasley has served as the President
and CEO of ACI Worldwide, Inc., formerly known as Transaction
Systems Architects, Inc., since May 2005. From 2003 until May
2005, Mr. Heasley served as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Paypower LLC. Prior to that, Mr. Heasley served
as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of First USA Bank from
2000 to 2003. Before First USA, Mr. Heasley spent
13 years in executive positions at U.S. Bancorp,
including six years as Vice Chairman and two years as President
and Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Heasley also serves as a
director of ACI Worldwide, Inc. and Kintera, Inc.
Class II Directors Term Expiring
Position with FNF
Daniel D. (Ron) Lane
Chairman of the Compensation Committee
General William Lyon
Richard N. Massey
Member of the Compensation Committee
Cary H. Thompson
Member of the Compensation Committee and the Executive Committee
(1) |
As of April 1, 2008. |
(2) |
Includes the period of time during which the director served as
a director of old FNF. |
Daniel D. (Ron) Lane. Daniel D. (Ron) Lane has
served as a director of the Company since the Full Spin-Off.
Since February 1983, Mr. Lane has been a principal,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lane/Kuhn Pacific, Inc.,
a corporation that comprises several community development and
home building partnerships, all of which are headquartered in
Newport Beach, California. Mr. Lane also serves as a
director of FIS and CKE Restaurants, Inc.
General William Lyon. General Lyon has served
as a director of the Company since the Partial Spin-Off in
October 2005. General Lyon has served as the Chairman of the
Board of William Lyon Homes, Inc. and affiliated companies,
where he also serves as Chief Executive Officer, since November
1999. General Lyon also serves as the Chairman of the Board,
President and Chief Executive Officer of the former William Lyon
Homes, which sold substantially all of its assets in 1999 and
subsequently changed its name to Corporate Enterprises, Inc.
Richard N. Massey. Richard N. Massey has
served as a director of the Company since the Full Spin-Off.
Mr. Massey is currently Executive Vice President and
General Counsel of Alltel Corporation and has been since January
2006. From 2000 until 2006, Mr. Massey served as Managing
Director of Stephens Inc., a private investment bank, during
which time his financial advisory practice focused on software
and information technology companies. Mr. Massey also
serves as a director of FIS.
Cary H. Thompson. Cary H. Thompson has served
as a director of the Company since the Full Spin-Off.
Mr. Thompson currently is a Senior Managing Director with
Bear Stearns & Co. Inc. and has been since 1999. From
1996 to 1999, Mr. Thompson was a director and Chief
Executive Officer of Aames Financial Corporation.
Mr. Thompson also serves on the Board of Directors of FIS
and SonicWall Corporation.
The certificate of incorporation and the bylaws of the Company
provide that our Board shall consist of at least one and no more
than fourteen directors. Our directors are divided into three
classes, each class as nearly equal in number as possible. The
Board determines the number of directors within these limits.
The term of office of only one class of directors expires in
each year. The directors elected at this annual meeting will
hold office for a term of three years or until their successors
are elected and qualified. The current number of directors is
At this annual meeting, the following persons, each of whom is a
current Class III director of the Company, have been
nominated to stand for election to the Board for a three-year
term expiring in 2011:
William P. Foley, II
Douglas K. Ammerman
Thomas M. Hagerty
Peter O. Shea, Jr.
The Board believes that each of the nominees will stand for
election and will serve if elected as a director.
Information About KPMG LLP
Although stockholder ratification of the appointment of our
independent registered public accounting firm is not required by
our bylaws or otherwise, we are submitting the selection of KPMG
LLP to our stockholders for ratification as a matter of good
corporate governance practice. Even if the selection is
ratified, the audit committee in its discretion may select a
different independent registered public accounting firm at any
time if it determines that such a change would be in the best
interests of the Company and our stockholders. If our
stockholders do not ratify the audit committees selection,
the audit committee will take that fact into consideration,
together with such other factors it deems relevant, in
determining its next selection of independent registered public
accounting firm.
In choosing our independent registered public accounting firm,
our audit committee conducts a comprehensive review of the
qualifications of those individuals who will lead and serve on
the engagement team, the quality control procedures the firm has
established, and any issue raised by the most recent quality
control review of the firm. The review also includes matters
required to be considered under the SEC rules on Auditor
Independence, including the nature and extent of non-audit
services to ensure that they will not impair the independence of
the accountants.
Representatives of KPMG LLP are expected to be present at the
annual meeting. These representatives will have an opportunity
to make a statement if they so desire and will be available to
respond to appropriate questions.
Accountant Fees and Services
The audit committee has appointed KPMG LLP to audit the
consolidated financial statements of the Company for the 2008
fiscal year. KPMG LLP or its predecessors have continuously
acted as the independent registered public accounting firm for
the Company (including old FNF) commencing with the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1988. For services rendered to us during
or in connection with our years ended December 31, 2007 and
2006, we were billed the following fees by KPMG LLP:
(In thousands)
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
In accordance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002, all audit and audit-related work and all non-audit work
performed by KPMG LLP is approved in advance by the audit
committee, including the proposed fees for such work.
Audit Fees. Audit fees consisted principally
of fees for the audits, registration statements and other
filings related to the Companys 2007 and 2006 financial
statements, and audits of the Companys subsidiaries
required for regulatory reporting purposes, including billings
for out of pocket expenses incurred.
Audit-Related Fees. Audit-related fees in 2007
and 2006 consisted principally of fees for audits of employee
benefit plans.
Tax Fees. Tax fees for 2007 and 2006 consisted
principally of fees for tax compliance, tax planning and tax
All Other Services. The Company incurred no
other fees in 2007 or 2006.
of Accountants Services
In accordance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002, all audit and audit-related work and all non-audit work
performed by KPMG LLP is approved in advance by the audit
committee, including the proposed fees for such work. Our
pre-approval policy provides that, unless a type of service to
be provided by
KPMG LLP has been generally pre-approved by the audit committee,
it will require specific pre-approval by the audit committee. In
addition, any proposed services exceeding pre-approved maximum
fee amounts also require pre-approval by the audit committee.
Our pre-approval policy provides that specific pre-approval
authority is delegated to our audit committee chairman, provided
that the estimated fee for the proposed service does not exceed
a pre-approved maximum amount set by the committee. Our audit
committee chairman must report any pre-approval decisions to the
audit committee at its next scheduled meeting.
of the Plan and Description of the Proposal
Our board of directors has adopted and recommends that our
stockholders approve the Fidelity National Financial, Inc.
Amended and Restated 2005 Omnibus Incentive Plan, or omnibus
plan. The primary purpose of the amendments to the omnibus
plan is to increase the authorized shares available for issuance
under the plan by 11,000,000 shares in order to assure that
we have adequate means to provide equity incentive compensation
to our employees on a going-forward basis. As of March 31,
2008, there are approximately 283,000 shares previously
authorized under the omnibus plan which remain available for
Prior to October 17, 2005, the Company was known as
Fidelity National Title Group, Inc. and was a wholly-owned
subsidiary of old FNF. On October 17, 2005, old FNF
distributed to its stockholders a minority interest in the
Company, making us a majority-owned, publicly traded company
(the Partial Spin-Off). On October 24, 2006,
old FNF transferred certain assets to us in return for the
issuance of shares of our common stock to old FNF. Old FNF then
distributed to its stockholders all of its shares of our common
stock, making us a stand alone public company (the Full
Spin-Off). In November 2006, old FNF was then merged with
and into another of its subsidiaries, Fidelity National
Information Services, Inc., after which we changed our name to
Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Accordingly, we have made
certain amendments to the omnibus plan to reflect our name
change from Fidelity National Title Group, Inc. to Fidelity
National Financial, Inc., and to delete certain language which
related to our status as a majority-owned subsidiary of old FNF
which is no longer relevant.
Grants under the omnibus incentive plan may be made in the form
of stock options, stock appreciation rights, which we refer to
as SARs, restricted stock, restricted stock units, which
we refer to as RSUs, performance shares, performance
units, and other cash or stock-based awards. All of the shares
will be available for grants of full value awards,
meaning awards other than stock options, SARs or other awards
for which the recipient pays the exercise price. We had
18,008,834 stock options outstanding as of December 31,
2007, with a weighted average exercise price of $14.57 and a
weighted average remaining term of 6.47 years. We also had
2,076,052 full-value awards outstanding as of December 31,
2007. On March 31, 2008, the closing price of our common
stock was $18.33 per share.
The future benefits that will be received under the plan by
particular individuals or groups are not determinable at this
time. As of March 31, 2008, William P. Foley, II had
1,825,769 options outstanding under the plan, Alan L. Stinson
had 674,760 options outstanding under the plan, Anthony J. Park
had 326,485 options outstanding under the plan, Raymond R. Quirk
had 980,943 options outstanding under the plan, and Brent B.
Bickett had 394,760 options outstanding under the plan. All
current executive officers as a group had 6,308,415 options
outstanding under the plan. All current directors who are not
executive officers as a group had 1,216,239 options outstanding
under the plan. The nominees for election as directors, other
than Mr. Foley, had the following number of options
outstanding under the plan: Douglas K. Ammerman 65,295 options;
Thomas M. Hagerty 43,315 options; and Peter O. Shea, Jr.
21,333 options. No associates of such directors, executive
officers or nominees have received options under the plan. All
employees, including all current officers who are not executive
officers, as a group had 10,081,553 options outstanding under
the plan.
The purpose of the omnibus incentive plan is to optimize our
profitability and growth through incentives that are consistent
with our goals and that link the personal interests of
participants to those of our stockholders. The omnibus incentive
plan is further intended to provide us flexibility in our
ability to motivate, attract and retain the services of
employees, directors and consultants who make significant
contributions to our success and to allow such individuals to
share in our success.
Our general compensation philosophy is that long-term incentive
compensation should closely align the interests of our officers,
directors and key employees with the interests of our
stockholders, as more fully described under Compensation
Discussion and Analysis and Executive and Director
Compensation. We believe that stock ownership has focused
our key employees on improving our performance, and has helped
to create a culture that encourages employees to think and act
as stockholders. Participants in our long-term incentive
compensation program generally include our officers, directors
and certain key employees.
We believe that our equity programs and our emphasis on employee
stock ownership have been integral to our success in the past
and are important to our ability to achieve our corporate
performance goals in the years ahead. We believe that the
ability to attract, retain and motivate talented employees is
critical to long-term company performance and stockholder
returns. We believe that the omnibus incentive plan will enable
us to continue to align executive and stockholder interests
consistent with our long-term incentive compensation philosophy.
For these reasons, we consider approval of the omnibus incentive
plan important to our future success.
of the Omnibus Incentive Plan
The complete text of the omnibus incentive plan is set forth as
Annex A hereto. The following is a summary of the
material features of the omnibus incentive plan and is qualified
in its entirety by reference to Annex A.
Date and Duration
If approved by our stockholders, the omnibus incentive plan, as
amended and restated, will become effective on May 29,
2008, and will authorize the granting of awards for up to ten
years. The omnibus incentive plan will remain in effect with
respect to outstanding awards until no awards remain outstanding.
and Termination
The omnibus incentive plan may be amended or terminated by our
board at any time, subject to certain limitations, and, subject
to limitations under the plan, the awards granted under the plan
may be amended by the compensation committee of our board of
directors at any time, provided that no such action to the plan
or an award may, without a participants written consent,
adversely affect in any material way any previously granted
award. No amendment that would require stockholder approval
under the New York Stock Exchanges listing standards or to
comply with securities laws may become effective without
stockholder approval.
of the Omnibus Incentive Plan
The omnibus incentive plan will be administered by our
compensation committee or another committee selected by our
board, any of which we refer to as the committee. The members of
the committee are appointed from time to time by, and serve at
the discretion of, the board. The committee has the full power
to select employees, directors and consultants who will
participate in the plan; determine the size and types of awards;
determine the terms and conditions of awards; construe and
interpret the omnibus incentive plan and any award agreement or
other instrument entered into under the omnibus incentive plan;
establish, amend and waive rules and regulations for the
administration of the omnibus incentive plan; and, subject to
certain limitations, amend the terms and conditions of
outstanding awards. The committees determinations and
interpretations under the omnibus incentive plan are binding on
all interested parties. The committee is empowered to delegate
its administrative duties and powers as it may deem advisable,
to the extent permitted by law.
Subject to the Omnibus Incentive Plan
Awards under the omnibus incentive plan may be made in FNF
common stock. The maximum number of shares with respect to which
awards may be granted under the plan is 34,500,000 (which
includes 11,000,000 newly authorized shares and a maximum of
300,000 shares which were previously authorized under the
omnibus plan but not granted). All of these shares may be issued
pursuant to incentive stock options, and all of the shares will
be available for grants of full value awards.
If an award under the omnibus incentive plan is canceled,
forfeited, terminates or is settled in cash, the shares related
to that award will not be treated as having been delivered under
the omnibus incentive plan.
For purposes of determining the number of shares available for
grant as incentive stock options, only shares that are subject
to an award that expires or is cancelled, forfeited or settled
in cash shall be treated as not having been issued under the
omnibus incentive plan.
In the event of any equity restructuring, such as a stock
dividend, stock split, spinoff, rights offering or
recapitalization through a large, nonrecurring cash dividend,
the committee shall cause an equitable adjustment to be made
(i) in the number and kind of shares of our common stock
that may be delivered under the omnibus incentive plan,
(ii) in the individual annual limitations on each type of
award under the omnibus incentive plan and (iii) with
respect to outstanding awards, in the number and kind of shares
subject to outstanding awards, the exercise price, grant price
or other price of shares subject to outstanding awards, any
performance conditions relating to shares, the market price of
shares, or per-share results, and other terms and conditions of
outstanding awards, in the case of (i), (ii) and
(iii) to prevent dilution or enlargement of rights. In the
event of any other change in corporate capitalization, such as a
merger, consolidation or liquidation, the committee may, in its
sole discretion, cause an equitable adjustment as described in
the foregoing sentence to be made, to prevent dilution or
enlargement of rights.
Neither FNF nor our compensation committee may (i) reduce
the exercise price of outstanding options (except to the extent
described above in the event of an equity restructuring or other
change in corporate capitalization), (ii) cancel options
and grant substitute options with a lower exercise price, or
(iii) purchase outstanding underwater options from
participants for cash.
and Participation
Eligible participants include all employees, directors and
consultants of FNF and our subsidiaries, as determined by the
under the Omnibus Incentive Plan
Grants under the omnibus incentive plan may be made in the form
of stock options, stock appreciation rights, which we refer to
as SARs, restricted stock, restricted stock units, which we
refer to as RSUs, performance shares, performance units, and
other cash or stock-based awards.
Grants under the Omnibus Incentive Plan
For purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code, (i) the maximum number of our shares with respect to
which stock options or SARs may be granted to any participant in
any fiscal year is 4,000,000 shares; (ii) the maximum
number of our shares of restricted stock that may be granted to
any participant in any fiscal year is 2,000,000 shares;
(iii) the maximum number of our shares with respect to
which RSUs may be granted to any participant in any fiscal year
is 2,000,000 shares; (iv) the maximum number of our
shares with respect to which performance shares may be granted
to any participant in any fiscal year is 2,000,000 shares;
(v) the maximum amount of compensation that may be paid
with respect to performance units or other cash or stock-based
awards awarded to any participant in any fiscal year is
$25,000,000 or a number of shares having a fair market value not
in excess of that amount; and (vi) the maximum dividend or
dividend equivalent that may be paid to any one participant in
any one fiscal year is $25,000,000.
of Awards
Following is a general description of the types of awards that
may be granted under the omnibus incentive plan. Terms and
conditions of awards will be determined on a
basis by the committee, subject to limitations contained in the
omnibus incentive plan.
Stock Options. The committee may grant
incentive stock options, which we refer to as ISOs, nonqualified
stock options, which we refer to as NQSOs or a combination
thereof under the omnibus incentive plan. The exercise price for
each such award will be at least equal to 100% of the fair
market value of a share of common stock on the date of grant
(110% of fair market value in the case of an ISO granted to a
person who owns more than 10% of the voting power of all classes
of stock of FNF or any subsidiary). Options will expire at such
times and will have such other terms and conditions as the
committee may determine at the time of grant; provided, however,
that no option may be exercisable later than the tenth
anniversary of its grant (fifth anniversary in the case of an
ISO granted to a person who owns more than 10% of the voting
power of all classes of stock of FNF or any subsidiary).
The exercise price of options granted under the omnibus
incentive plan may be paid in cash, by tendering previously
acquired shares of common stock having a fair market value equal
to the exercise price, through broker-assisted cashless exercise
or any other means permitted by the committee consistent with
applicable law or by a combination of any of the permitted
Stock options may not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned,
or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by
the laws of descent and distribution, and are exercisable during
a participants lifetime only by the participant. Stock
options may not be transferred for consideration.
The committee may also award dividend equivalent payments in
connection with a stock option.
Stock Appreciation Rights. SARs granted
under the omnibus incentive plan may be in the form of
freestanding SARs (SARs granted independently of any option),
tandem SARs (SARS granted in connection with a related option)
or a combination thereof. The grant price of a freestanding SAR
will be equal to the fair market value of a share of common
stock on the date of grant. The grant price of a tandem SAR will
be equal to the exercise price of the related option.
Freestanding SARs may be exercised upon such terms and
conditions as are imposed by the committee and set forth in the
SAR award agreement. Tandem SARs may be exercised only with
respect to the shares of common stock for which its related
option is exercisable.
Upon exercise of a SAR, a participant will receive the product
of the excess of the fair market value of a share of common
stock on the date of exercise over the grant price multiplied by
the number of shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised.
Payment upon SAR exercise may be in cash, in shares of common
stock of equivalent value, or in some combination of cash and
shares, as determined by the committee. The committee may also
award dividend equivalent payments in connection with SARs.
Restricted Stock. Restricted stock is
an award that is non-transferable and subject to a substantial
risk of forfeiture until vesting conditions, which can be
related to continued service or other conditions established by
the committee, are satisfied. Prior to vesting, holders of
restricted stock may receive dividends and voting rights. If the
vesting conditions are not satisfied, the participant forfeits
the shares.
Restricted Stock Units and Performance
Shares. RSUs and performance shares represent
a right to receive a share of common stock, an equivalent amount
of cash, or a combination of shares and cash, as the committee
may determine, if vesting conditions are satisfied. The initial
value of an RSU or performance share granted under the omnibus
incentive plan shall be at least equal to the fair market value
of our common stock on the date the award is granted. The
committee may also award dividend equivalent payments in
connection with such awards. RSUs may contain vesting conditions
based on continued service or other conditions established by
the committee. Performance shares may contain vesting conditions
based on attainment of performance goals established by the
committee in addition to service conditions.
Performance Units. Performance units
are awards that entitle a participant to receive shares of
common stock, cash or a combination of shares and cash if
certain performance conditions are satisfied. The amount
depends upon the value of the performance units and the number
of performance units earned, each of which is determined by the
committee. The committee may also award dividend equivalent
payments in connection with such awards.
Other Cash and Stock-Based
Awards. Other cash and stock-based awards are
awards other than those described above, the terms and
conditions of which are determined by the committee. These
awards may include, without limitation, the grant of shares of
our common stock based on attainment of performance goals
established by the committee, the payment of shares as a bonus
or in lieu of cash based on attainment of performance goals
established by the committee, and the payment of shares in lieu
of cash under an incentive or bonus program. Payment under or
settlement of any such awards will be made in such manner and at
such times as the committee may determine.
Dividend Equivalents. Dividend
equivalents granted to participants will represent a right to
receive payments equivalent to dividends with respect to a
specified number of shares.
Replacement Awards. Replacement awards
are awards issued in substitution of awards granted under
equity-based incentive plans sponsored or maintained by an
entity with which we engage in a merger, acquisition or other
business transaction, pursuant to which awards relating to
interests in such entity are outstanding immediately prior to
such transaction. Replacement awards shall have substantially
the same terms and conditions as the award it replaces;
provided, however, that the number of shares, the exercise
price, grant price or other price of shares, any performance
conditions, or the market price of underlying shares or
per-share results may differ from the awards they replace to the
extent such differences are determined to be appropriate and
equitable by the committee, in its sole discretion.
Performance goals, which are established by the committee, will
be chosen from among the following performance measures:
earnings per share, economic value created, market share (actual
or targeted growth), net income (before or after taxes),
operating income, adjusted net income after capital charge,
return on assets (actual or targeted growth), return on capital
(actual or targeted growth), return on equity (actual or
targeted growth), return on investment (actual or targeted
growth), revenue (actual or targeted growth), cash flow,
operating margin, share price, share price growth, total
stockholder return, and strategic business criteria consisting
of one or more objectives based on meeting specified market
penetration goals, productivity measures, geographic business
expansion goals, cost targets, customer satisfaction or employee
satisfaction goals, goals relating to merger synergies,
management of employment practices and employee benefits, or
supervision of litigation and information technology, and goals
relating to acquisitions or divestitures of subsidiaries,
affiliates or joint ventures. The targeted level or levels of
performance with respect to such performance measures may be
established at such levels and on such terms as the committee
may determine, in its discretion, including in absolute terms,
as a goal relative to performance in prior periods, or as a goal
compared to the performance of one or more comparable companies
or an index covering multiple companies.
The committee may make adjustments in the terms and conditions
of, and the criteria included in, awards in recognition of
unusual or nonrecurring events, including, for example, events
affecting us or our financial statements or changes in
applicable laws, regulations, or accounting principles, whenever
the committee determines that such adjustments are appropriate
in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or
potential benefits intended to be made available under the plan.
With respect to any awards intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code, any such exception shall be specified at
such times and in such manner as will not cause such awards to
fail to so qualify.
of Employment or Service
Each award agreement will set forth the participants
rights with respect to the award following termination of
employment or service.
in Control
Except as otherwise provided in a participants award
agreement, upon the occurrence of a change in control (as
defined below), unless otherwise specifically prohibited under
applicable laws or by the rules and regulations of any governing
governmental agencies or national securities exchanges, any and
all outstanding options and SARs granted under the omnibus
incentive plan will become immediately exercisable, any
restriction imposed on restricted stock, RSUs and other awards
granted under the omnibus incentive plan will lapse, and any and
all performance shares, performance units and other awards
granted under the omnibus incentive plan with performance
conditions will be deemed earned at the target level, or, if no
target level is specified, the maximum level.
For purposes of the omnibus incentive plan, the term
change in control is defined as the occurrence of
any of the following events:
an acquisition immediately after which any person, group or
entity possesses direct or indirect beneficial ownership (within
the meaning of
Rule 13d-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or the Exchange
Act) of 25% or more of either our outstanding common stock
or our outstanding voting securities, excluding any acquisition
directly from us, by us, or by any of our employee benefit plans
and certain other acquisitions;
during any period of two consecutive years, the individuals who,
as of the beginning of such period, constituted our board, or
incumbent board, cease to constitute at least a majority of the
board, provided that any individual who becomes a member of our
board subsequent to the beginning of such period and whose
election or nomination was approved by at least two-thirds of
the members of the incumbent board will be considered as though
he or she were a member of the incumbent board;
the consummation of a reorganization, merger, share exchange or
consolidation or sale or other disposition of all or
substantially all of our assets unless (a) our stockholders
immediately before the transaction continue to have beneficial
ownership of 50% or more of the outstanding shares of our common
stock and the combined voting power of our then outstanding
voting securities resulting from the transaction in
substantially the same proportions as their ownership
immediately prior to the transaction of our common stock and
outstanding voting securities; (b) no person (other than
us, an employee benefit plan sponsored by us or the resulting
corporation, or any entity controlled by us or the resulting
corporation) has beneficial ownership of 25% or more of the
outstanding common stock of the resulting corporation or the
combined voting power of the resulting corporations
outstanding voting securities; and (c) individuals who were
members of the incumbent board continue to constitute a majority
of the members of the board of directors of the resulting
corporation; or
our stockholders approve a plan or proposal for the complete
liquidation or dissolution of the Company.
Awards generally will be non-transferable except upon the death
of a participant, although the committee may permit a
participant to transfer awards (for example, to family members
or trusts for family members) subject to such conditions as the
committee may establish.
The committee may permit the deferral of vesting or settlement
of an award and may authorize crediting of dividends or interest
or their equivalents in connection with any such deferral. Any
such deferral and crediting will be subject to the terms and
conditions established by the committee and any terms and
conditions of the plan or arrangement under which the deferral
is made.
We may deduct or withhold, or require a participant to remit, an
amount sufficient to satisfy federal, state, local, domestic or
foreign taxes required by law or regulation to be withheld with
respect to any taxable event arising as a result of the omnibus
incentive plan. The committee may require or permit participants
to elect that the
withholding requirement be satisfied, in whole or in part, by
having us withhold, or by tendering to us, shares of our common
stock having a fair market value equal to the minimum
withholding obligation.
Income Tax Consequences
The following is a brief description of the principal federal
income tax consequences relating to options awarded under the
omnibus incentive plan. This summary is based on our
understanding of present federal income tax law and regulations.
The summary does not purport to be complete or applicable to
every specific situation.
to the Optionholder
Grant. There are no federal income tax
consequences to the optionholder solely by reason of the grant
of ISOs or NQSOs under the omnibus incentive plan.
Exercise. The exercise of an ISO is not
a taxable event for regular federal income tax purposes if
certain requirements are satisfied, including the requirement
that the optionholder generally must exercise the ISO no later
than three months following the termination of the
optionholders employment with FNF. However, such exercise
may give rise to alternative minimum tax liability (see
Alternative Minimum Tax below).
Upon the exercise of an NQSO, the optionholder will generally
recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the excess of
the fair market value of the shares of common stock at the time
of exercise over the amount paid therefor by the optionholder as
the exercise price. The ordinary income, if any, recognized in
connection with the exercise by an optionholder of an NQSO will
be subject to both wage and employment tax withholding.
The optionholders tax basis in the shares acquired
pursuant to the exercise of an option will be the amount paid
upon exercise plus, in the case of an NQSO, the amount of
ordinary income, if any, recognized by the optionholder upon
exercise thereof.
Qualifying Disposition. If an
optionholder disposes of shares of common stock acquired upon
exercise of an ISO in a taxable transaction, and such
disposition occurs more than two years from the date on which
the option was granted and more than one year after the date on
which the shares were transferred to the optionholder pursuant
to the exercise of the ISO, the optionholder will recognize
long-term capital gain or loss equal to the difference between
the amount realized upon such disposition and the
optionholders adjusted basis in such shares (generally the
option exercise price).
Disqualifying Disposition. If the
optionholder disposes of shares of common stock acquired upon
the exercise of an ISO (other than in certain tax free
transactions) within two years from the date on which the ISO
was granted or within one year after the transfer of shares to
the optionholder pursuant to the exercise of the ISO, at the
time of disposition the optionholder will generally recognize
ordinary income equal to the lesser of (i) the excess of
each such shares fair market value on the date of exercise
over the exercise price paid by the optionholder or
(ii) the optionholders actual gain (i.e., the excess,
if any, of the amount realized on the disposition over the
exercise price paid by the optionholder). If the total amount
realized in a taxable disposition (including return of capital
and capital gain) exceeds the fair market value on the date of
exercise of the shares of common stock purchased by the
optionholder under the option, the optionholder will recognize a
capital gain in the amount of such excess. If the optionholder
incurs a loss on the disposition (i.e., if the total amount
realized is less than the exercise price paid by the
optionholder), the loss will be a capital loss.
Other Disposition. If an optionholder
disposes of shares of common stock acquired upon exercise of an
NQSO in a taxable transaction, the optionholder will recognize
capital gain or loss in an amount equal to the difference
between the optionholders basis (as discussed above) in
the shares sold and the total amount realized upon disposition.
Any such capital gain or loss (and any capital gain or loss
recognized on a disqualifying disposition of shares of common
stock acquired upon exercise of ISOs as discussed above) will be
short-term or long-term depending on whether the shares of
common stock were held for more than one year from the date such
shares were transferred to the optionholder.
Alternative Minimum Tax. Alternative
minimum tax, or AMT, is payable if and to the extent the
amount thereof exceeds the amount of the taxpayers regular
tax liability, and any AMT paid generally may be credited
against future regular tax liability (but not future AMT
liability). AMT applies to alternative minimum taxable income.
For AMT purposes, the spread upon exercise of an ISO (but not an
NQSO) will be included in alternative minimum taxable income,
and the taxpayer will receive a tax basis equal to the fair
market value of the shares of common stock at such time for
subsequent AMT purposes. However, if the optionholder disposes
of the ISO shares in the year of exercise, the AMT income cannot
exceed the gain recognized for regular tax purposes, provided
that the disposition meets certain third-party requirements for
limiting the gain on a disqualifying disposition. If there is a
disqualifying disposition in a year other than the year of
exercise, the income on the disqualifying disposition is not
considered alternative minimum taxable income.
to FNF
There are no federal income tax consequences to FNF by reason of
the grant of ISOs or NQSOs or the exercise of an ISO (other than
disqualifying dispositions).
At the time the optionholder recognizes ordinary income from the
exercise of an NQSO, we will be entitled to a federal income tax
deduction in the amount of the ordinary income so recognized (as
described above), provided that we satisfy our reporting
obligations described below. To the extent the optionholder
recognizes ordinary income by reason of a disqualifying
disposition of the stock acquired upon exercise of an ISO, we
will be entitled to a corresponding deduction in the year in
which the disposition occurs.
We will be required to report to the Internal Revenue Service
any ordinary income recognized by any optionholder by reason of
the exercise of an NQSO or upon a disqualifying disposition of
an ISO. We will be required to withhold income and employment
taxes (and pay the employers share of employment taxes)
with respect to ordinary income recognized by the optionholder
upon the exercise of an NQSO, but not upon a disqualifying
disposition of an ISO.
Appreciation Rights
A participant generally will not realize taxable income at the
time a SAR is granted. Upon settlement of a SAR, the participant
will recognize as ordinary income the amount of cash received
or, if the right is paid in shares of our common stock, the fair
market value of such shares at the time of payment. We will
generally be allowed a tax deduction in the taxable year the
participant includes the amount in income.
A participant generally does not realize taxable ordinary income
as a result of receiving a restricted stock grant, and we are
not entitled to a deduction for federal income tax purposes at
the time of the grant, provided that the shares are not
transferable and are subject to restrictions constituting a
substantial risk of forfeiture. When the
restrictions lapse, the participant will be deemed to have
received taxable ordinary income equal to the fair market value
of the shares underlying the award at the time of lapse. An
amount equal to the compensation included in the
participants income will generally be deductible by us in
the taxable year of inclusion. The participants tax basis
in the shares will be equal to the fair market value of such
shares on the date the restrictions lapse. Any gain realized
upon disposition of such shares is taxable as capital gain
income, with the applicable tax rate depending upon, among other
things, how long such shares were held following the lapse of
the restrictions.
Under certain circumstances, a participant may, within thirty
days after transfer of the restricted shares, irrevocably elect
under section 83(b) of the Code to include in the year in
which such restricted shares are transferred as gross income,
the fair market value of such shares, which is determined as of
the date of transfer and without regard to any restriction other
than a restriction that by its terms will never lapse. A copy of
this election must be provided to us. The basis of such shares
will be equal to the amount included in income. The holding
period for capital gains purposes begins when the shares are
transferred to the participant. If such shares are forfeited
before the restrictions lapse, the forfeiture will be treated as
a sale or exchange and no tax deduction will be allowed for the
amount included in income as a result of the original election.
Stock Units and Other Awards
Restricted stock units and other awards granted under the
omnibus incentive plan are generally not subject to tax at the
time of the award but are subject to ordinary income tax at the
time of payment, whether paid in cash or shares of our common
stock. With respect to such awards, we generally will be allowed
a tax deduction for the amount included in the taxable income of
the participant in the taxable year of inclusion.
Tax Consequences
The foregoing discussion is not a complete description of the
federal income tax aspects of awards granted under the omnibus
incentive plan. In addition, administrative and judicial
interpretations of the application of the federal income tax
laws are subject to change. Furthermore, the foregoing
discussion does not address state or local tax consequences.
The number of our common shares beneficially owned by each
individual or group is based upon information in documents filed
by such person with the SEC, other publicly available
information or information available to us. Percentage ownership
in the following tables is based on 213,901,531 shares of
FNF common stock outstanding as of March 31, 2008. Unless
otherwise indicated, each of the stockholders has sole voting
and investment power with respect to the shares of common stock
beneficially owned by that stockholder. The number of shares
beneficially owned by each stockholder is determined under rules
issued by the SEC.
Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
The following table sets forth information regarding beneficial
ownership of our common stock by each stockholder who is known
by the Company to beneficially own 5% or more of our common
Number of Shares
Percent of
Beneficially Owned
AXA Financial, Inc.(1)
(1) |
According to a Schedule 13G filed February 14, 2008,
each of AXA Financial, Inc., whose address is 1290 Avenue of the
Americas, New York, New York 10104; AXA Assurances I.A.R.D.
Mutuelle, AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle and AXA Courtage Assurance
Mutuelle, whose address is 16 rue Drouot, 75009 Paris, France;
and AXA, whose address is 25 avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris,
France, may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of
16,405,357 shares. This amount consists of
3,977 shares held for investment purposes by AXA Investment
Managers Paris (France); 16,397,480 held for investment purposes
by AllianceBernstein L.P.; and 3,900 shares held for
investment purposes by AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company. |
Ownership of Management and Directors
The following table sets forth information regarding beneficial
ownership of our common stock by:
each of our directors and nominees for director;
each of the named executive officers as defined in
Item 402(a)(3) of
Regulation S-K
promulgated by the SEC; and
all of our executive officers and directors as a group.
The mailing address of each director and executive officer shown
in the table below is
c/o Fidelity
National Financial, Inc., 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville,
Florida 32204.
Number of
of Options(2)
of Total
Douglas K. Ammerman
Brent B. Bickett
Willie D. Davis
John F. Farrell Jr.
William P. Foley, II
Thomas M. Hagerty
Philip G. Heasley
Daniel D. (Ron) Lane
General William Lyon
Richard N. Massey
Anthony J. Park
Raymond R. Quirk
Peter O. Shea, Jr.
Alan L. Stinson
Cary H. Thompson
Frank P. Willey
All directors and officers (21 persons)
* |
Represents less than 1% of our common stock. |
(1) |
Includes the following pledged shares:
Mr. Foley 272,777 shares;
Mr. Quirk 212,113 shares;
Mr. Willey 1,437,288 shares; and all
directors and officers as a group
(2) |
Represents shares subject to stock options that are exercisable
on March 31, 2008 or become exercisable within 60 days
of March 31, 2008. |
(3) |
Included in this amount are 2,995,122 shares held by Folco
Development Corporation, of which Mr. Foley and his spouse
are the sole stockholders, and 708,106 shares held by Foley
Family Charitable Foundation. |
(4) |
Included in this amount are 470,988 shares held by the
Quirk 2002 Trust and 47,193 shares held by the Raymond
Quirk 2004 Trust. |
Authorized for Issuance Under Equity Compensation
The following table provides information as of December 31,
2007, about our common stock which may be issued under our
equity compensation plans:
Number of Securities
Remaining Available
for Future Issuance
Number of Securities to
Exercise Price of
Under Equity
be Issued Upon Exercise
Compensation Plans
of Outstanding Options,
Options, Warrants
(Excluding Securities
Warrants and Rights
and Rights
Reflected in Column
Plan Category
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
The executive officers of the Company as of the date of this
proxy statement are set forth in the table below. Certain
biographical information with respect to those executive
officers who do not also serve as directors follows the table.
Position with FNF
William P. Foley, II
Chairman of the Board
Alan L. Stinson
Chief Executive Officer
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance
Anthony J. Park
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Chris Abbinante
Executive Vice President
Erika Meinhardt
Executive Vice President
Roger Jewkes
Executive Vice President
Michael L. Gravelle
Executive Vice President
Peter T. Sadowski
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Alan L. Stinson. Mr. Stinson is the Chief
Executive Officer of FNF and he has served in that position
since May 2007. Previously, Mr. Stinson served as Co-Chief
Operating Officer from the Full Spin-Off in October 2006 until
May 2007. Mr. Stinson joined old FNF in October 1998 as
Executive Vice President, Financial Operations and served as
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of old FNF
from January 1999 until the merger with FIS in November 2006.
Mr. Stinson was also named Chief Operating Officer of old
FNF in February 2006. Mr. Stinson is also the Executive
Vice President, Finance of FIS.
Raymond R. Quirk. Mr. Quirk is the
Co-President of FNF and he has served in that position since May
2007. Previously, Mr. Quirk served as Co-Chief Operating
Officer of FNF from the Full Spin-Off in October 2006 until May
2007. Mr. Quirk was appointed as President of old FNF in
2002 and served in that role until the Partial Spin-Off in
October 2005 when he was named our Chief Executive Officer.
Since joining old FNF in 1985, Mr. Quirk has served in
numerous executive and management positions, including Executive
Vice President, Co-Chief Operating Officer and
Division Manager and Regional Manager, with
responsibilities for managing direct and agency operations
Brent B. Bickett. Mr. Bickett has served
as Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance of FNF since
April 2008. He served as President or Co-President of FNF
from the Full Spin-Off in October 2006 until April 2008, at
which time he agreed to change his title in recognition of his
ongoing responsibilities at FIS where he serves as Executive
Vice President, Strategic Planning. He joined old FNF in 1999 as
a Senior Vice President, Corporate
Finance and served as Executive Vice President, Corporate
Finance of old FNF from 2002 until January 2006.
Mr. Bickett also served as President of old FNF from
February 2006 until the merger of old FNF with FIS in November
Anthony J. Park. Mr. Park is the
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of FNF and
he has served in that position since the Partial Spin-Off in
October 2005. Prior to being appointed CFO of FNF, Mr. Park
served as Controller and Assistant Controller of old FNF from
1991 to 2000 and served as the Chief Accounting Officer of old
FNF from 2000 to 2005.
Chris Abbinante. Mr. Abbinante is
Executive Vice President, Eastern Operations of FNF and he has
served in that position since the Full Spin-Off in October 2006.
Prior to that, Mr. Abbinante served as the President of
Eastern Operations for FNF since the Partial Spin-Off in October
2005. From January 2002 to October 2005, Mr. Abbinante
served as an Executive Vice President and Co-Chief Operating
Officer for old FNF. Mr. Abbinante joined old FNF in 2000
in connection with old FNFs acquisition of Chicago
Title Corporation.
Erika Meinhardt. Erika Meinhardt is Executive
Vice President, National Agency Operations of FNF and she has
served in that position since the Full Spin-Off in October 2006.
Prior to that, Ms. Meinhardt served as the President of
National Agency Operations for FNF since the Partial Spin-Off in
October 2005. From 2002 until October 2005, Ms. Meinhardt
served as Executive Vice President and Division Manager for
old FNF, with responsibility for direct and agency operations in
the Southeast and Northeast. Ms. Meinhardt has held various
other positions with old FNF and its subsidiary companies since
Roger Jewkes. Mr. Jewkes is Executive
Vice President, Western Operations of FNF and he has served in
that position since the Full Spin-Off in October 2006. Prior to
that, Mr. Jewkes served as the President of Western
Operations for FNF since the Partial Spin-Off in October 2005.
Mr. Jewkes served as a Division Manager for old FNF
from May 2003 to October 2005, and as Regional Manager with old
FNF from May 2001 to 2003. Mr. Jewkes has held various
other operational management positions with old FNF since he
joined old FNF in 1987.
Michael L. Gravelle. Mr. Gravelle is the
Executive Vice President, Legal of FNF and he has served in that
position since May 2006. Mr. Gravelle joined old FNF in
2003, serving as Senior Vice President of old FNF and as Senior
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of a subsidiary of
old FNF which merged into FIS in 2006. Mr. Gravelle joined
that entity in 1993, where he served as Vice President, General
Counsel and Secretary beginning in 1996 and as Senior Vice
President, General Counsel and Secretary beginning in 2000. Mr.
Gravelle also serves as Executive Vice President, Legal of FIS.
Peter T. Sadowski. Mr. Sadowski is
Executive Vice President and General Counsel of FNF and he has
served in that position since the Full Spin-Off in October 2006.
Prior to the merger of old FNF with FIS, Mr. Sadowski was
the Executive Vice President and General Counsel for old FNF and
had been since 1999. He has also served as Executive Vice
President of FNF since the Partial Spin-Off in October 2005.
Discussion and Analysis
In this compensation discussion and analysis, we provide an
overview of our compensation programs, including the objectives
of such programs and the rationale for each element of
compensation, for William P. Foley, II, our executive
Chairman; Alan L. Stinson, our Chief Executive Officer; Anthony
J. Park, our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer; and Raymond R. Quirk and Brent B. Bickett, who served
as Co-Presidents during 2007 and were our two other most highly
compensated executive officers during 2007 (together, the
named executive officers).
of our Compensation Program
Our compensation programs are designed to attract and motivate
high performing executives with the objective of delivering
long-term shareholder value and financial results. Retaining our
key employees also is a high priority,
as there is significant competition in our industry for talented
managers. We think the most effective way of accomplishing these
objectives is to link the compensation of our named executive
officers to specific annual and long-term strategic goals,
thereby aligning the interests of our executives with those of
our stockholders. We have a history of delivering strong results
for our stockholders, and we believe our practice of linking
compensation with corporate performance has contributed
significantly to that track record.
We link a significant portion of each named executive
officers total annual compensation to performance goals
that are intended to deliver measurable results. Executives are
generally rewarded only when and if the pre-established
performance goals are met or exceeded. We also believe that
material stock ownership by executives assists in aligning our
executives interests with those of our stockholders and
strongly motivates executives to build long-term stockholder
value. We structure our stock-based compensation programs to
assist in creating this link. Finally, we provide our executives
with total compensation that we believe is competitive relative
to the compensation paid to similarly situated executives from
similarly sized companies, and which is sufficient to motivate,
reward and retain those individuals with the leadership
abilities and skills necessary for achieving our ultimate
objective: the creation of long-term stockholder value.
Role of
Compensation Committee and Executive Officers in Determining
Executive Compensation
Our compensation committee has the responsibility to approve and
monitor all compensation for our named executive officers. Our
Chief Executive Officer also plays an important role in
determining executive compensation levels, by making
recommendations to our compensation committee regarding salary
adjustments and incentive awards for his direct reports. Our
executive Chairman may also make recommendations with respect to
equity-based incentive compensation awards. These
recommendations will be based on a review of an executives
performance and job responsibilities and potential future
performance. Our compensation committee may exercise its
discretion in modifying any recommended salary adjustments or
incentive awards for our executives. Our executive Chairman and
our Chief Executive Officer do not make recommendations to the
compensation committee with respect to their own compensation.
Executive Compensation Levels
We operate in a highly competitive industry, and compete with
our peers and competitors to attract and retain highly skilled
executives within that industry. In order to attract talented
executives with the leadership abilities and skills necessary
for building long-term stockholder value, motivate our
executives to perform at a high level, reward outstanding
achievement and retain our key executives over the long-term,
the compensation committee sets total compensation at levels it
determines to be competitive in our market.
When determining the overall compensation of our executive
officers, including base salaries and annual and long-term
incentive amounts, the compensation committee considers a number
of factors it deems important. These factors include financial
performance, individual performance, and an executives
experience, knowledge, skills, level of responsibility and
expected impact on our future success. The compensation
committee also considers corporate governance and regulatory
factors related to executive compensation and marketplace
compensation practices.
When considering marketplace compensation practices, our
compensation committee considers data on base salary, annual
incentive targets and long-term incentive targets, focusing on
levels of compensation from the
to the
percentiles of market data. These levels of total compensation
provide a point of reference for the committee, but the
compensation committee ultimately makes compensation decisions
based on all of the factors described above.
To further the objectives of our compensation program, the
compensation committee engaged Strategic Apex Group, an
independent compensation consultant, to conduct an annual review
of our compensation programs for the named executive officers,
as well as for other key executives. Strategic Apex Group
provided the compensation committee with relevant market data
and alternatives to consider when making compensation decisions
for our key executives, including the named executive officers.
To assist the compensation committee in determining 2007
compensation levels, Strategic Apex Group gathered marketplace
compensation data on total compensation, which consisted of
annual salary, annual incentives, long-term incentives and pay
mix. Strategic Apex Group used two different marketplace data
sources: (1) surveys prepared by Hewitt Associates and
Towers Perrin, which together contain data on approximately
700 companies, and (2) a group of 19 publicly-traded
companies. The 19 companies were:
Affiliated Computer Services Inc.
Aon Corp.
Assurant Inc.
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
W.R. Berkley Corp.
First American Corporation
First Data Corporation
Fiserv Inc.
LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc.
Lincoln National Corporation
Marsh & McLennan Companies
NVR Incorporated
Old Republic International Corporation
Principal Financial Group
Realogy Corporation
Safeco Corporation
Toll Brothers, Inc.
White Mountains Insurance Group
XL Capital Ltd.
These companies were selected because they are in the same
general industry as us and/or they have comparable annual
revenues or because they compete directly with us for key
employees. This compensation information provided by Strategic
Apex Group provided a basis for the evaluation of total
executive compensation paid to our executive officers, but many
other factors were considered by our compensation committee.
of Total Compensation
We compensate our executives through a mix of base salary,
annual cash incentives and long-term equity-based incentives. We
also maintain standard employee benefit plans for our employees
and executive officers and provide some limited perquisites.
These benefits and perquisites are described later. The
compensation committee generally allocates our executive
officers compensation based on its determination of the
appropriate ratio of performance-based compensation to other
forms of regularly-paid compensation. In making this
determination, the compensation committee considers how other
companies allocate compensation, based on the marketplace data
provided by Strategic Apex Group, and each executives
level of responsibility, the individual skills, experience and
contribution of each executive, and the ability of each
executive to impact company-wide performance and create
long-term stockholder value.
In 2007, our named executive officers compensation was
allocated among annual salary, annual cash incentives and
long-term equity-based incentives, with a heavy emphasis on the
at-risk, performance-based components of annual cash incentives
and long-term equity-based incentives.
The compensation committee believes performance-based incentive
compensation comprising 60% to 90% of total target compensation
is appropriate. The compensation committee also believes a
significant portion of an executive officers compensation
should be allocated to equity-based compensation in order to
effectively align the interests of our executives with the
long-term interests of our stockholders. Consequently, for 2007,
a majority of our named executive officers total
compensation was provided in the form of restricted stock and
nonqualified stock options.
When allocating Mr. Foleys compensation among base
salary and annual and long-term incentives, the compensation
committee considers that Mr. Foley is not employed
exclusively by us. Because Mr. Foley does not dedicate 100%
of his time on a
basis to FNF matters, the compensation committee has allocated a
smaller portion of his annual compensation to base salary.
Rather, because of Mr. Foleys unique experience and
his contributions to and impact on our long-term strategy and
success, the compensation committee has heavily weighted
Mr. Foleys compensation toward at-risk,
performance-based annual and long-term incentive opportunities.
Executive Compensation Components
For 2007, the principal components of compensation for our named
executive officers consisted of:
base salary,
performance-based annual cash incentive, and
long-term equity-based incentive awards.
We also provided our executives with certain retirement and
employee benefit plans as well as limited perquisites, although
these items are not significant components of our compensation
Below is a summary of each element of our 2007 compensation
We seek to provide each of our named executive officers with a
level of assured cash compensation for services rendered during
the year sufficient, together with performance-based incentive
awards, to motivate the executive to consistently perform at a
high level. However, base salary is a relatively small component
of our total compensation package, as our emphasis is on
performance-based, at-risk pay. The compensation committee
typically reviews salary levels at least annually as part of our
performance review process, as well as in the event of
promotions or other changes in executive officers
positions with the Company.
Performance-Based Cash Incentive
We award annual cash incentives based upon the achievement of
performance goals that are specified in the first quarter of the
year. We provide the annual incentives to our executive officers
under an annual incentive plan that is designed to allow the
annual incentives to qualify as deductible performance-based
compensation, as that term is used in Section 162(m) of the
Code. The annual incentive plan includes a set of performance
goals that can be used in setting incentive awards under the
plan. We use the annual incentive plan to provide a material
portion of the executives total compensation in the form
of at-risk, performance-based pay.
In the first quarter of 2007, annual incentive award targets
were established by the compensation committee as described
above for our named executive officers as a percentage of the
individuals base salary. For 2007, Mr. Foleys
annual incentive target was 250% of base salary,
Messrs. Stinsons, Quirks and Bicketts
target was 150% of base salary, and Mr. Parks target
was 100% of base salary.
Actual payout can range from zero to two times (three times for
Mr. Foley) the target incentive opportunity, depending on
achievement of the pre-established goals. However, no annual
incentive payments are payable to an executive officer if the
pre-established, minimum performance thresholds are not met. The
ranges of possible payments under the annual incentive plan are
set forth in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table under the
column Estimated Possible Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive
Plan Awards.
During the first quarter of 2007, our compensation committee
established performance goals relating to the incentive targets
described below and set a threshold performance level that
needed to be achieved before any awards could be paid. These
performance goals were specific, table driven measures. The
committee retained discretion to reduce, but not to increase,
such amounts.
Annual incentive awards for 2007 for the named executive
officers were based on meeting an objective for return on
equity, or ROE, for FNF (2007 target of 11.5%). ROE is
calculated by taking GAAP net income for 2007 and dividing it by
total shareholders equity as of the beginning of 2007. For
purposes of determining whether the targets under the annual
incentive plan have been met, we adjust net income to exclude
the financial impact of certain events, including loss charges
taken with respect to adverse development with respect to prior
year claims. For 2007, our actual ROE result was below threshold
performance (2007 actual ROE, as adjusted as described above,
was 8.36%). Consequently, we did not pay incentive awards to our
named executive officers with respect to 2007 performance under
our annual incentive plan.
Equity Incentive Awards
We have a stockholder-approved 2005 Omnibus Incentive Plan, or
omnibus plan, for long-term incentive awards. The plan
allows us to grant stock options, stock appreciation rights,
restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares,
performance units and other cash or stock-based awards. In 2007,
we granted both restricted stock and stock options under the
omnibus plan. We believe these awards help us create long-term
stockholder value by linking the interests of our named
executive officers, who are in positions to directly influence
stockholder value, with the interests of our stockholders. A
description of our omnibus plan can be found in the narrative
following the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.
Our general practice is for our compensation committee to make
awards during the fourth quarter of each year following the
release of our financial results for the third quarter. We also
may grant awards in connection with significant new hires or
In 2007, the compensation committee approved grants of
restricted stock to each of our named executive officers
pursuant to our omnibus plan. The restricted stock awards were
granted in November 2007 and vest proportionately each year over
four years based on continued employment with us.
The compensation committee also approved a grant of stock
options to each of our named executive officers in 2007 pursuant
to our omnibus plan. The stock options awards were granted in
November 2007, have an eight-year term and vest proportionately
each year over four years based on continued employment with us.
The number of shares subject to the restricted stock and option
awards, and the exercise prices of the options, are disclosed in
the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.
The restricted stock and option award amounts were determined
based on the following:
an analysis of competitive marketplace compensation data
provided to the compensation committee by Strategic Apex Group;
the executives level of responsibility and ability to
influence our performance;
the executives level of experience and skills;
the need to retain and motivate highly talented
executives; and
the Companys business environment, objectives and strategy.
In addition to aligning the executives interest with the
interests of our stockholders, our compensation committee
believes these restricted stock and option awards aid in
retention, because the executive must remain with FNF for four
years before the restricted stock fully vests and the options
become fully exercisable.
In addition, in May 2007, certain of our executive officers,
including Messrs. Foley, Stinson, Quirk and Bickett, were
awarded options to purchase shares of FNRES Holdings, Inc., or
FNRES, a subsidiary of the Company. The options were
granted under the FNRES Holdings, Inc. 2007 Stock Incentive
Plan, or the FNRES stock plan, with performance-based
vesting conditions. The grants were approved by the FNRES board
and by our
compensation committee. The options were granted in
consideration of services to be provided by the executive
officers to FNRES, to encourage the executive officers to work
toward increasing FNRESs stock price and to achieve the
performance goals upon which the vesting of the stock options is
contingent. Further details of the FNRES option grants made in
2007 to our named executive officers are provided in the Grants
of Plan-Based Awards table and the related footnote. A
description of the FNRES stock plan can be found in the
narrative following the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.
and Employee Benefit Plans
We provide retirement and other benefits to our
U.S. employees under a number of compensation and benefit
plans. Our named executive officers generally participate in the
same compensation and benefit plans as our other executives and
employees. All employees in the United States, including our
named executive officers, are eligible to participate in our
401(k) plan and our Employee Stock Purchase Plan, or
ESPP. In addition, our named executive officers generally
participate in the same health and welfare plans as our other
employees. We do not offer pensions or supplemental executive
retirement plans for our named executive officers.
We sponsor a defined contribution savings plan that is intended
to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code. The plan contains a cash or deferred arrangement
under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, as well
as an employee stock ownership plan feature. Participating
employees may contribute up to 40% of their eligible
compensation, but not more than statutory limits (generally
$15,500 in 2007). During 2007, we contributed an amount equal to
50% of each participants voluntary contributions under the
plan, up to a maximum of 6% of eligible compensation for each
participant. Matching contributions are initially invested in
shares of our common stock, although a participant may
subsequently direct the trustee to invest those funds in any
other investment option available under the plan.
A participant may receive the value of his or her vested account
balance upon termination of employment. A participant is always
100% vested in his or her voluntary contributions. Vesting in
matching contributions occurs on a pro rata basis over an
employees first three years of employment with the Company.
Compensation Plan
We also provide our named executive officers, as well as other
key employees, with the opportunity to defer receipt of their
compensation under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan.
Mr. Park is the only named executive officer who elected to
defer 2007 compensation into the plan. A description of the plan
and information regarding the named executive officers
interests under the plan can be found in the Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation table and accompanying narrative.
Stock Purchase Plan
We also sponsor an ESPP, which provides a program through which
our executives and employees can purchase shares of our common
stock through payroll deductions and through matching employer
contributions. Participants may elect to contribute between 3%
and 15% of their salary into the ESPP through payroll deduction.
At the end of each calendar quarter, we make a matching
contribution to the account of each participant who has been
continuously employed by us or a participating subsidiary for
the last four calendar quarters. For most employees, matching
contributions are equal to
of the amount contributed during the quarter that is one year
earlier than the quarter in which the matching contribution is
made. For certain officers, including our named executive
officers, and for employees who have completed at least ten
consecutive years of employment with us, the matching
contribution is
of such amount. The matching contributions, together with the
employee deferrals, are used to purchase shares of our common
stock on the open market.
and Welfare Benefits
We sponsor various broad-based health and welfare benefit plans
for our employees. Certain executives, including the named
executive officers, are provided with additional life insurance.
The taxable portion of the
premiums on this additional life insurance is reflected in the
Summary Compensation Table under the column All Other
Compensation and related footnote.
and Other Benefits
We provide few perquisites to our executives. In general, the
perquisites provided are intended to help our executives be more
productive and efficient and to protect us and the executive
from certain business risks and potential threats. In 2007,
certain executive officers received the following perquisites:
assistance with financial planning, automobile allowance,
personal use of corporate aircraft and club membership fees. We
recently stopped providing club membership fees and, except with
respect to Mr. Foley, financial planning assistance. The
compensation committee regularly reviews the perquisites granted
to our executive officers and believes they are reasonable and
within market practice. Further detail regarding executive
perquisites in 2007 can be found in the Summary Compensation
Table under the column All Other Compensation and related
Compensation and Benefits
We have entered into employment agreements with each of our
named executive officers. These agreements provide us and the
executives with certain rights and obligations following a
termination of employment, and in some instances, following a
change in control. We believe these agreements are necessary to
protect our legitimate business interests, as well as to protect
the executives in the event of certain termination events. A
description of the material terms of the agreements can be found
in the narrative following the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table
and in the Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control section.
Ownership Guidelines
We established formal stock ownership guidelines on
March 14, 2006 for all corporate officers, including the
named executive officers, and members of our board of directors
to encourage such individuals to hold a multiple of their base
salary (or annual retainer) in our common stock. The guidelines
call for the executive to reach the ownership multiple within
five (5) years. Shares of restricted stock and gain on
stock options count toward meeting the guidelines. The
guidelines, including those applicable to non-employee
directors, are as follows:
Minimum Aggregate Value
Chairman and CEO
5 × base salary
Other Officers
2 × base salary
Members of the Board
5 × annual retainer
Each of our named executive officers and non-employee directors,
except Peter Shea (who joined the board in 2006) met the
stock ownership guidelines as of December 31, 2007. The
compensation committee may consider the guidelines and the
executives satisfaction of such guidelines in determining
executive compensation.
Tax and
Accounting Considerations
The compensation committee considers the impact of tax and
accounting treatment when determining executive compensation.
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code places a limit
of $1,000,000 on the amount that can be deducted in any one year
for compensation paid to certain executive officers. There is,
however, an exception for certain performance-based
compensation. The compensation committee takes the deduction
limitation under Section 162(m) into account when
structuring and approving awards under our annual incentive plan
and the omnibus plan.
Compensation paid under our annual incentive plan and awards
granted under the omnibus plan are generally intended to qualify
as performance-based compensation. However, in certain
situations, the compensation committee may approve compensation
that will not meet these requirements.
The compensation committee also considers accounting impact when
structuring and approving awards. We account for stock-based
payments, including stock option grants, in accordance with
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123
(revised), Share Based Payment, which we refer to as
FAS 123(R).
Committee Report on Executive Compensation
The compensation committee has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by
Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
with management and, based on such review and discussions, the
compensation committee recommended to the board that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy
Daniel D. Lane (Chair)
Cary H. Thompson
Richard N. Massey
The following table contains compensation information for our
named executive officers for the years ended December 31,
2007 and 2006, as defined in Item 402(a)(3) of
Regulation S-K
as promulgated by the SEC. William P. Foley, II served as
our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer until May
2007, at which time Alan L. Stinson, who was serving as our
Co-Chief Operating Officer, was appointed Chief Executive
Officer. Mr. Foley continues to serve as our executive
Chairman. In addition, Raymond R. Quirk served as our Co-Chief
Operating Officer until May 2007, at which time he was appointed
to serve as Co-President of the Company. Mr. Bickett served
as our Co-President until April 2008, at which time he agreed to
change his title in recognition of his responsibilities as
Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning of FIS. The
information in this table includes compensation earned by the
individuals for services with FNF. With respect to 2006 amounts,
it also includes the portion of compensation paid by old FNF and
allocated to us while we were still a majority-owned subsidiary
of old FNF, as discussed above, as well as compensation paid by
old FNF that was not allocated to us or FIS. The amounts of
compensation shown below do not necessarily reflect the
compensation such person will receive in the future, which could
be higher or lower.
Compensation Table
All Other
Name and Principal Position
William P. Foley, II
Chairman of the Board
Alan L. Stinson
Chief Executive Officer
Anthony J. Park
Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance
(1) |
Amounts shown are not reduced to reflect the named executive
officers elections, if any, to defer receipt of salary
into our 401(k) plan, ESPP or deferred compensation plans. |
(2) |
Represents a transaction bonus paid by old FNF to
Messrs. Foley, Stinson and Bickett relating to the Full
Spin-Off and FIS merger transactions. |
(3) |
Represents the dollar amount recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes for the fiscal years ended December 31,
2007 and 2006, in accordance with FAS 123(R), of restricted
stock awards granted in and prior to 2007 and 2006,
respectively. These awards consisted of our restricted shares
and restricted shares of old FNF which were reissued as
restricted shares under our omnibus plan. Disclosures related to
these amounts are included in Footnote M to our audited
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2007 included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on February 29, 2008. |
(4) |
Represents the dollar amount recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes in accordance with FAS 123(R) for the
fiscal years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, of stock
option awards granted in and prior to 2007 and 2006,
respectively. These awards consisted primarily of options issued
as part of our 2006 and 2007 long-term incentive compensation
programs, and options granted to acquire shares of old FNF that
have either been exercised or reissued as options under our
omnibus plan to acquire our shares under the terms of the
agreement between us and old FNF for the Full Spin-Off.
Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are
included in Footnote M to our audited financial statements for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 included in our
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on February 29, 2008. 2007 and 2006
amounts also include aggregate amounts of $92,226, $23,057 and
$29,974 with respect to Messrs. Foley, Stinson and Bickett,
respectively, which represent approximately 40% of the
FAS 123(R) cost recorded by Fidelity Sedgwick Holdings,
Inc., or Sedgwick, relating to the April 1, 2006
grant of options to purchase shares of Sedgwick. We own
approximately 40% of Sedgwicks common stock and account
for it under the equity method. |
(5) |
Represents amounts earned in 2006 and paid in 2007 under our
annual incentive plan. Amounts also include an allocated portion
of amounts earned under old FNFs annual incentive plan. |
(6) |
Amounts shown for 2007 include matching contributions to our
401(k) plan and our ESPP; dividends paid on restricted stock;
life insurance premiums paid by us; personal use of a company
airplane; club membership fees; and financial planning services
as set forth below: |
401(k) Matching Contributions
ESPP Matching Contributions
Restricted Stock Dividends
Life Insurance Premiums
Personal Airplane Use
Club Membership Fees
Financial Planning Services
The following table sets forth information concerning awards
granted to the named executive officers during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2007.
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
All other
All other
Grant Date
Estimated Possible Payouts Under
Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Number of
Number of
Or Base
of Stock
Shares of
Price of
Stock or
William P. Foley, II
Alan L. Stinson
Anthony J. Park
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
(1) |
The amounts shown in column (c) reflect the minimum payment
level under the annual incentive plans which are 50% of the
target amount shown in column (d). The amount shown in column
(e) for everyone except Mr. Foley is 200% of such
target amount. For Mr. Foley, the amount in column
(e) is 300% of such target amount. These amounts are based
on the individuals 2007 salary and position. |
(2) |
The amounts shown in column (f) reflect the number of
shares of our restricted stock granted to each named executive
officer under the omnibus plan. |
(3) |
The amounts shown in column (g) reflect (i) the number
of stock options granted to each named executive officer under
the omnibus plan on November 8, 2007 (grant date fair value
per option is $2.36 per option granted); and (ii) with
respect to Messrs. Foley, Stinson, Quirk and Bickett, the
number of options granted to each named executive officer under
the FNRES stock plan on May 14, 2007 (grant date fair value
per option is $0.52 per option granted). We own approximately
61% of FNRESs common stock and consolidate its operations
for financial reporting purposes. |
We have entered into employment agreements with our Chief
Executive Officer and a limited number of our senior executives,
including our named executive officers. Additional information
regarding post-termination benefits provided under these
employment agreements can be found in the Potential
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control section.
P. Foley
We entered into a three-year employment agreement with
Mr. Foley, effective October 24, 2006, to serve as our
Chief Executive Officer, with a provision for automatic annual
extensions beginning on the first anniversary of the effective
date and continuing thereafter unless either party provides
timely notice that the term should not be extended.
Mr. Foley ceased to serve as Chief Executive Officer in May
2007, but continues to serve as our executive Chairman and his
employment agreement remains in effect. Under the terms of the
agreement, Mr. Foleys minimum annual base salary is
$500,000, with an annual cash bonus target equal to 250% of his
annual base salary, with higher or lower amounts payable
depending on performance relative to targeted results.
Mr. Foley is entitled to supplemental disability insurance
sufficient to provide at least 2/3 of his pre-disability base
salary, and Mr. Foley and his eligible dependents are
entitled to medical and other insurance coverage we provide to
our other top executives as a group. Mr. Foley is also
entitled to the payment of initiation and membership dues in any
social or recreational clubs that we deem appropriate to
maintain our business relationships, and he is eligible to
receive equity grants under our equity incentive plans, as
determined by our compensation committee.
Mr. Foleys employment agreement contains provisions
related to the payment of benefits upon certain termination
events. The details of these provisions are set forth in the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control section.
Alan L.
We entered into a three-year employment agreement with
Mr. Stinson, effective October 24, 2006, to serve as
our Co-Chief Operating Officer, with a provision for automatic
annual extensions. Mr. Stinson was appointed Chief
Executive Officer in May 2007 and his employment agreement
remains in effect. Under the terms of the agreement,
Mr. Stinsons minimum annual base salary is $300,000,
with an annual cash bonus target equal to 150% of his annual
base salary, with higher or lower amounts payable depending on
performance relative to targeted results. Mr. Stinson is
entitled to supplemental disability insurance sufficient to
provide at least 2/3 of his pre-disability base salary, and
Mr. Stinson and his eligible dependents are entitled to
medical and other insurance coverage we provide to our other top
executives as a group. Mr. Stinson is also entitled to the
payment of initiation and membership dues in any social or
recreational clubs that we deem appropriate to maintain our
business relationships, and he is eligible to receive equity
grants under our equity incentive plans, as determined by our
compensation committee.
Mr. Stinsons employment agreement contains provisions
related to the payment of benefits upon certain termination
events. The details of these provisions are set forth in the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control section.
J. Park
We entered into a three-year employment agreement with
Mr. Park, effective December 22, 2006, to serve as our
Chief Financial Officer, with a provision for automatic annual
extensions. Under the terms of the agreement,
Mr. Parks minimum annual base salary is $325,000,
with an annual cash bonus target equal to at least 75% of his
annual base salary, with higher or lower amounts payable
depending on performance relative to targeted results.
Mr. Park is entitled to supplemental disability insurance
sufficient to provide at least 2/3 of his pre-disability base
salary, and Mr. Park and his eligible dependents are
entitled to medical and other insurance coverage we provide to
our other top executives as a group. Mr. Park is also
entitled to the payment of initiation and membership dues in any
social or recreational clubs that we deem appropriate to
maintain our business relationships, and he is eligible to
receive equity grants under our equity incentive plans, as
determined by our compensation committee.
Mr. Parks employment agreement contains provisions
related to the payment of benefits upon certain termination
events. The details of these provisions are set forth in the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control section.
R. Quirk
We entered into a three-year employment agreement with
Mr. Quirk, effective October 24, 2006, to serve as our
Co-Chief Operating Officer, with a provision for automatic
annual extensions. Mr. Quirk was appointed Co-
President in May 2007 and his employment agreement remains in
effect. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Quirks
minimum annual base salary is $700,000, with an annual cash
bonus target equal to 150% of his annual base salary, with
higher or lower amounts payable depending on performance
relative to targeted results. Mr. Quirk is entitled to
supplemental disability insurance sufficient to provide at least
2/3 of his pre-disability base salary, and Mr. Quirk and
his eligible dependents are entitled to medical and other
insurance coverage we provide to our other top executives as a
group. Mr. Quirk is also entitled to the payment of
initiation and membership dues in any social or recreational
clubs that we deem appropriate to maintain our business
relationships, and he is eligible to receive equity grants under
our equity incentive plans, as determined by our compensation
Mr. Quirks employment agreement contains provisions
related to the payment of benefits upon certain termination
events. The details of these provisions are set forth in the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control section.
Brent B.
We entered into a three-year employment agreement with
Mr. Bickett, effective October 24, 2006, to serve as
our President, with a provision for automatic annual extensions.
Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Bicketts
minimum annual base salary is $300,000, with an annual cash
bonus target equal to 150% of his annual base salary, with
higher or lower amounts payable depending on performance
relative to targeted results. Mr. Bickett is entitled to
supplemental disability insurance sufficient to provide at least
2/3 of his pre-disability base salary, and Mr. Bickett and
his eligible dependents are entitled to medical and other
insurance coverage we provide to our other top executives as a
group. Mr. Bickett is also entitled to the payment of
initiation and membership dues in any social or recreational
clubs that we deem appropriate to maintain our business
relationships, and he is eligible to receive equity grants under
our equity incentive plans, as determined by our compensation
Mr. Bicketts employment agreement contains provisions
related to the payment of benefits upon certain termination
events. The details of these provisions are set forth in the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control section.
We used our 2005 Omnibus Incentive Plan, or omnibus plan,
for long-term incentive compensation of our executive officers
in 2007. The omnibus plan is administered by our compensation
committee and permits the granting of stock options, stock
appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units,
performance shares, performance units and other cash or
stock-based awards. Eligible participants include all employees,
directors and consultants of the Company and our subsidiaries,
as determined by the committee. The committee has the full power
to select employees, directors and consultants who will
participate in the plan; determine the size and types of awards;
determine the terms and conditions of awards; construe and
interpret the omnibus plan and any award agreement or other
instrument entered into under the omnibus plan; establish, amend
and waive rules and regulations for the administration of the
omnibus plan; and, subject to certain limitations, amend the
terms and conditions of outstanding awards. The omnibus plan was
most recently submitted for stockholder approval at our 2006
annual meeting, at which time stockholders approved an increase
in the number of shares of common stock available for issuance
under the plan by 15.5 million shares.
Each award granted under the omnibus plan is subject to an award
agreement, which sets forth the participants rights with
respect to the award following termination of employment or
service. In addition, except as otherwise provided in a
participants award agreement, upon the occurrence of a
change in control, all outstanding awards will immediately vest.
Further details are set forth in the Potential Payments
Upon Termination or Change in Control section.
Stock Plan
The Sedgwick stock plan is maintained by Sedgwick and
administered by the Sedgwick board, or by one or more committees
appointed by the Sedgwick board. The plan permits the granting
of stock options or stock awards of Sedgwick stock. Eligible
participants are selected by the Sedgwick board, or designated
committee, and include employees, directors and consultants of
Sedgwick and its affiliates. The Sedgwick board, or designated
has full authority and sole discretion to take actions to
administer, operate, and interpret the plan, or to amend,
suspend, or terminate the plan. If Sedgwick is consolidated with
or acquired by another entity, or in the event of another
transaction that constitutes a change in control, the
outstanding stock options and stock awards may be
(i) assumed or continued by the surviving company,
(ii) substituted with stock options or stock awards of the
new company with substantially the same terms,
(iii) accelerated to vest immediately, or
(iv) cancelled with a cash payment of the excess fair
market value of the awards. The named executive officers
notice of stock option grants provide that 50% of the options
have time-based vesting over 5 years, but will vest
immediately upon a change in control. The other 50% of the
options have performance-based vesting conditions and vest upon
the earliest of (i) a change in control,
(ii) following an initial public offering, or
(iii) five years after grant, as long as, in each case, the
value of a share is at least $15.00. The term change in
control for this purpose means a transaction or related
series of transactions through which a person or group other
than certain current stockholders and their affiliates become
the direct or indirect beneficial owners of more than the
greater of (i) 35% of the outstanding shares of Sedgwick
stock or (ii) the percentage of outstanding voting stock
owned directly or indirectly by these stockholders.
Stock Plan
The FNRES stock plan is maintained by FNRES and administered by
the FNRES board, or by one or more committees appointed by the
FNRES board. The plan permits the granting of stock options or
stock awards of FNRES stock. Eligible participants are selected
by the FNRES board, or designated committee, and include
employees, directors and consultants of FNRES and its
affiliates. The FNRES board, or designated committee, has full
authority and sole discretion to take actions to administer,
operate, and interpret the plan, or to amend, suspend, or
terminate the plan.
The options vest upon the earliest to occur of (i) a change
in control or (ii) following an initial public offering,
provided that, in each case the options vest only if the equity
value of a share of FNRES common stock equals at least $20.00
per share (subject to adjustment) and the optionees
service with FNRES has not been terminated. If the equity value
target is not met at the time of a change in control, FNRES will
use commercially reasonable efforts to have the acquirer or the
surviving or continuing company assume or continue, as the case
may be, the unvested options on the same terms and conditions.
If the acquirer does not agree to assume or continue the
options, then the options will terminate. For purposes of the
FNRES stock plan, the term equity value means
(i) in the event of a change in control, the aggregate
amount of per share net proceeds (other than any taxes) of cash
or readily marketable securities and the discounted expected
value of any other deferred consideration received or to be
received by the holders of FNRES common stock (including all
shares issuable upon exercise of in-the-money options, whether
or not exercisable); or (ii) at any time after an initial
public offering, the average price of FNRES common stock over a
trading period; provided, however, that the full
trading period must conclude on or prior to the expiration date
of the option. The term change in control for this
purpose means a transaction or related series of transactions
through which a person or group other than certain current
stockholders and their affiliates become the direct or indirect
beneficial owners of more than the greater of (i) 35% of
the outstanding shares of FNRES stock or (ii) the
percentage of outstanding voting stock owned directly or
indirectly by these stockholders.
Because the vesting of the options is contingent upon
performance and market criteria which was not met in 2007, we
did not incur any expense for financial statement reporting
purposes for fiscal year 2007 pursuant to FAS 123(R).
Therefore, the Summary Compensation Table does not include any
amounts associated with the FNRES options.
The following tables set forth information concerning
unexercised stock options, stock that has not vested and equity
incentive plan awards for each named executive officer
outstanding as of December 31, 2007:
FNF Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
Option Awards(1)
Stock Awards(2)
Number of
Value of
Number of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of
Units of Stock
Stock That
That Have
Have Not
Not Vested
William P. Foley, II
William P. Foley, II
William P. Foley, II
William P. Foley, II
William P. Foley, II
Alan L. Stinson
Alan L. Stinson
Alan L. Stinson
Alan L. Stinson
Alan L. Stinson
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Anthony J. Park
Raymond R. Quirk
Raymond R. Quirk
Raymond R. Quirk
Raymond R. Quirk
Raymond R. Quirk
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
Brent B. Bickett
Brent B. Bickett
Brent B. Bickett
Brent B. Bickett
(1) |
Option grants made in 2007 were granted under the omnibus plan
as part of our 2007 long-term incentive compensation and vest
25% annually over a period of four years from the date of grant.
Option grants made prior to 2006 were originally granted by old
FNF and were replaced by the Company at the time of the Full
Spin-Off under the omnibus plan as replacement options under a
method of conversion that ensured both the intrinsic and fair
values of the awards remained the same both before and after the
transaction. All such unvested options vest over a three year
period from the original date of grant. |
(2) |
Mr. Parks award originally granted on
November 18, 2003 was granted by old FNF and was replaced
by us at the time of the Full Spin-Off under the omnibus plan as
replacement shares under an intrinsic value method of
conversion, with his remaining unvested shares vesting on
November 18, 2008. We made the October 2005, the October
and December 2006 and the November 2007 grants under the omnibus
plan. The October 18, 2005 grants vest 25% annually over
four years. The October 2006 grants for Messrs. Foley,
Stinson and Bickett vest 33% annually over three years. The
December 2006 grants for Messrs. Park and Quirk vest 25%
annually over 4 years. The November 2007 grants vest 25%
annually over four years. |
Sedgwick Option Awards at Fiscal Year End
Option Awards
Number of
Number of
Grant Date
William P. Foley, II
Alan L. Stinson
Brent B. Bickett
FNRES Option Awards at Fiscal Year End
Option Awards
Number of
Number of
Grant Date
William P. Foley, II
Alan L. Stinson
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
The following table sets forth information concerning each
exercise of stock options, stock appreciation rights and similar
instruments, and each vesting of stock, including restricted
stock, restricted stock units and similar instruments, during
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 for each of the
named executive officers on an aggregated basis:
Exercises and Stock Vested
Option Awards
Number of Shares
Stock Awards
Acquired on
Value Realized
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
on Exercise
Acquired on Vesting
William P. Foley, II
Alan L. Stinson
Anthony J. Park
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
Deferred Compensation
Under our nonqualified deferred compensation plan, participants,
including our named executive officers, can defer up to 75% of
their base salary and 100% of their annual incentives, subject
to a minimum deferral of $15,500. Deferral elections are made in
December for amounts to be earned in the following year.
Deferrals and related earnings are not subject to vesting
Participants accounts are bookkeeping entries only and
participants benefits are unsecured. Participants
accounts are credited or debited daily based on the performance
of hypothetical investments selected by the
participant, and may be changed on any business day. The funds
from which participants may select hypothetical investments, and
the 2007 rates of return on these investments, are listed in the
following table:
2007 Rate of
2007 Rate of
Name of Fund
Name of Fund
Nationwide NVIT Money Market V
American Funds IS Growth
PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio
Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value
PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth II Portfolio
LASSO Long and Short Strategic Opportunities
Royce Capital Small Cap Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Equity Income II Portfolio
Vanguard VIF Small Company Growth Portfolio.
Dreyfus Stock Index
AllianceBernstein VPS International Value Portfolio
Fidelity VIP II Contrafund Portfolio
American Funds IS International
Upon retirement, which generally means separation of employment
after attaining age sixty, an individual may elect either a
lump-sum withdrawal or installment payments over 5, 10 or
15 years. Similar payment elections are available for
pre-retirement survivor benefits. In the event of a termination
prior to retirement, distributions are paid over a
period. Account balances less than $15,500 will be distributed
in a lump-sum. Participants can elect to receive in-service
distributions in a plan year that is at least three plan years
after the amounts are actually deferred, and these amounts will
be paid within sixty days from the close of the plan year in
which they were elected to be paid. The participant may also
petition us to suspend elected deferrals, and to receive partial
or full payout under the plan, in the event of an unforeseeable
financial emergency, provided that the participant does not have
other resources to meet the hardship.
Plan participation continues until termination of employment.
Participants will receive their account balance in a lump-sum
distribution if employment is terminated within two years after
a change in control.
In 2004, Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code was
passed. Section 409A changed the tax laws applicable to
nonqualified deferred compensation plans, generally placing more
restrictions on the timing of deferrals and distributions. The
deferred compensation plan contains amounts deferred before and
after the passage of Section 409A. For amounts subject to
Section 409A, which in general terms includes amounts
deferred after December 31, 2004, a modification to a
participants payment elections may be made upon the
following events:
Retirement: Participants may modify the distribution schedule
for a retirement distribution from a lump-sum to annual
installments or vice versa, however, a modification to the form
of payment requires that the payment(s) commence at least five
years after the participants retirement, and this election
must be filed with the administrator at least 12 months
prior to retirement.
In-service Distributions: Participants may modify each
in-service distribution date by extending it by at least five
years; however, participants may not accelerate the in-service
distribution date and this election must be filed with the
administrator at least 12 months prior to the scheduled
in-service distribution date.
Deferral amounts that were vested on or before December 31,
2004 are generally not subject to Section 409A and are
governed by more liberal distribution provisions that were in
effect prior to the passage of Section 409A. For example, a
participant may withdraw these grandfathered amounts at any
time, subject to a withdrawal penalty of ten percent, or may
annually change the payment elections for these grandfathered
The table below describes the contributions and distributions
made with respect to the named executive officers accounts
under our nonqualified deferred compensation plan. Mr. Park
is the only named executive officer who deferred 2007
compensation under the plan.
Earnings in
Balance at
in Last FY
in Last FY
Last FY
Last FYE
William P. Foley, II
Alan L. Stinson
Anthony J. Park
Raymond R. Quirk
Brent B. Bickett
Payments Upon Termination or
In this section, we discuss the nature and estimated value of
payments and benefits we would provide to our named executive
officers in the event of termination of employment or a change
in control. The amounts described in this section reflect
amounts that would have been payable under our plans and the
named executive officers employment agreements if their
employment had terminated on December 31, 2007. The types
of termination situations include a voluntary termination by the
executive, with and without good reason, a termination by us
either for cause or not for cause, termination after a change in
control, and termination in the event of disability or death. We
also describe the estimated payments and benefits that would be
provided upon a change in control without a termination of
employment. The actual payments and benefits that would be
provided upon a termination of employment would be based on the
named executive officers compensation and benefit levels
at the time of the termination of employment and the value of
accelerated vesting of stock-based awards is dependent on the
value of the underlying stock.
For each type of employment termination, the named executive
officers would be entitled to benefits that are available
generally to our domestic salaried employees, such as
distributions under our 401(k) savings plan, certain disability
benefits and accrued vacation. We have not described or provided
an estimate of the value of any payments or benefits under plans
or arrangements that do not discriminate in scope, terms or
operation in favor of a named executive officer and that are
generally available to all salaried employees. In addition to
these generally available plans and arrangements, the named
executive officers would be entitled to benefits under our
nonqualified deferred compensation plan, as described above in
the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation table and accompanying
Payments under Employment Agreements
As discussed above, we have entered into employment agreements
with Messrs. Foley, Stinson, Park, Quirk and Bickett. The
agreements contain provisions for the payment of severance
benefits following certain termination events. Below is a
summary of the payments and benefits our named executive
officers would receive in connection with various employment
termination scenarios.
Under the terms of each employment agreement, if the
executives employment is terminated by us for any reason
other than for cause or due to disability, or by the executive
for good reason or, in the case of Mr. Foley, for any
reason during the
period following a change in control, then the executive is
entitled to receive:
any earned but unpaid base salary and any expense reimbursement
payments owed and any earned but unpaid annual bonus payments
relating to the prior year, which we refer to as accrued
a prorated annual bonus,
a lump-sum payment equal to 200%, or 300% in the case of
Mr. Foley, of the sum of the executives
(a) annual base salary and (b) the highest annual
bonus paid to the executive within the 3 years preceding
his termination or, if higher, the target bonus opportunity in
the year in which the termination of employment occurs,
immediate vesting
payment of all our equity awards, and
continued receipt of life and health insurance benefits for a
period of 3 years, reduced by comparable benefits he may
receive from another employer.
If the executives employment terminates due to death or
disability, we will pay him, or his estate:
any accrued obligations, and
a prorated annual bonus based on (a) the target annual
bonus opportunity in the year in which the termination occurs or
the prior year if no target annual bonus opportunity has yet
been determined and (b) the fraction of the year the
executive was employed.
In addition, each executives employment agreement provides
for supplemental disability insurance sufficient to provide at
least 2/3 of the executives pre-disability base salary.
For purposes of the agreements, an executive will be deemed to
have a disability if he is entitled to receive
long-term disability benefits under our long-term disability
If the executives employment is terminated by FNF for
cause or by the executive without good reason (except in the
case of Mr. Foley who may terminate his employment without
good reason during the
period following a change in control and receive the full
severance benefits described above), our only obligation is the
payment of any earned but unpaid base salary and any expense
reimbursement payments owed to the executive.
For purposes of each agreement, cause means the
persistent failure to perform duties consistent with a
commercially reasonable standard of care,
willful neglect of duties,
conviction of, or pleading nolo contendere to, criminal or other
illegal activities involving dishonesty,
material breach of the employment agreement, or
impeding or failing to materially cooperate with an
investigation authorized by our board.
For purposes of each agreement, good reason includes:
an adverse change in the executives title, the assignment
of duties materially inconsistent with the executives
position, or a substantial diminution in authority,
our material breach of any of our other obligations under the
employment agreement,
we give notice of our intent not to extend the employment term
any time during the one-year period immediately following a
change in control,
following a change in control, the relocation of the
executives primary place of employment, or
our failure to obtain an assumption of the employment agreement
by a successor in the event of a change in control.
For purposes of each agreement, change in control
an acquisition by an individual, entity or group of 50% or more
of our voting power,
a merger in which we are not the surviving entity, unless our
stockholders immediately prior to the merger hold more than 50%
of the combined voting power of the resulting corporation after
the merger,
a reverse merger in which we are the surviving entity but in
which more than 50% of the combined voting power is transferred
to persons different from those holding the securities
immediately prior to such merger,
during any period of 2 consecutive years during the employment
term, a change in the majority of our board, unless the changes
are approved by 2/3 of the directors then in office,
a sale, transfer or other disposition of our assets that have a
total fair market value equal to or more than
of the total fair market value of all of our assets immediately
before the sale, transfer or disposition, other than a
sale, transfer or disposition to an entity (1) which
immediately after the sale, transfer or disposition owns 50% of
our voting stock or (2) 50% of the voting stock of which is
owned by us after the sale, transfer or disposition, or
our stockholders approve a plan or proposal for the liquidation
or dissolution of our Company.
Each employment agreement also provides for a tax
gross-up if
the total payments and benefits made under the agreement or
under other plans or arrangements are subject to the federal
excise tax on excess parachute payments and the total of such
payments and benefits exceed 103% of the safe harbor amount for
that tax. A
payment is not made if the total parachute payments are not more
than 103% of the safe harbor amount. In that case, the
executives payments and benefits would be reduced to avoid
the tax. In general terms, the safe harbor amounts for this
purpose are $1 less than 3 times the named executive
officers average
W-2 income
for the five years before the year in which the change in
control occurs. Assuming a termination of employment and a
change in control occurred on December 31, 2007, none of
the named executive officers would have incurred an excess
parachute payment excise tax and no
payments would have been required.
Payments under Omnibus Plan
In addition to the post-termination rights and obligations set
forth in the employment agreements of our named executive
officers, our omnibus plan provides for the potential
acceleration of vesting
payment of equity awards in connection with a change in control.
Under the omnibus plan, except as otherwise provided in a
participants award agreement, upon the occurrence of a
change in control any and all outstanding options and stock
appreciation rights will become immediately exercisable, any
restriction imposed on restricted stock, restricted stock units
and other awards will lapse, and any and all performance shares,
performance units and other awards with performance conditions
will be deemed earned at the target level, or, if no target
level is specified, the maximum level.
For purposes of the omnibus plan, the term change in
control means the occurrence of any of the following
an acquisition by an individual, entity or group of 50% or more
of our voting power,
a merger in which we are not the surviving entity, unless our
shareholders immediately prior to the merger hold more than 50%
of the combined voting power of the resulting corporation after
the merger,
a reverse merger in which we are the surviving entity but in
which more than 50% of the combined voting power is transferred
to persons different from those holding the securities
immediately prior to such merger,
a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of our
assets, or
our shareholders approve a plan or proposal for the liquidation
or dissolution of FNF.
Cash Severance Payments
Our estimate of the cash severance amounts that would be
provided to the named executive officers assumes that their
employment terminated, or a change in control occurred, on
December 31, 2007. In general, any cash severance payments
would be paid in a lump sum within 30 days from the
termination date. However, to the extent required by
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, the payments
would be deferred for six months following termination. If the
payments are deferred, the amounts that would otherwise have
been paid during the six-month period would be paid in a lump
sum after the six-month period has expired.
For a termination of employment by us not for cause, a
termination by the executive for good reason or, in the case of
Mr. Foley, a termination within six months after a change
in control, the following payments would have been made under
the employment agreements: Mr. Foley $8,053,173;
Mr. Stinson $2,800,000; Mr. Park $1,500,000;
Mr. Quirk $4,619,920; and Mr. Bickett $1,415,106. Each
named executive officer would also be entitled to continuation
of health and life insurance benefits provided by FNF for three
years. The estimated value of these benefits is approximately
$17,500 per executive. Upon a termination of the
executives employment due to
death or disability, the following payments would have been
made: Mr. Foley $1,500,000; Mr. Stinson $840,000;
Mr. Park $375,000; Mr. Quirk $1,110,000; and
Mr. Bickett $247,500.
Equity Values
As disclosed in the Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
table, each named executive officer had outstanding unvested
stock options and restricted stock awards on December 31,
2007. Under the terms of the omnibus plan and award agreements,
these stock options and restricted stock awards would vest upon
a change in control. In addition, under each named executive
officers employment agreement, these stock options and
restricted stock awards would vest upon any termination of
employment by us not for cause, a termination by the executive
for good reason or, in the case of Mr. Foley, a termination
within six months after a change in control.
In any other termination event, all unvested stock options and
restricted stock awards would expire at the employment
termination date. The following estimates are based on a stock
price of $14.61 per share, which was the closing price of our
common stock on December 31, 2007. The stock option amounts
reflect the excess of this share price over the exercise price
of the unvested stock options that would vest. The restricted
stock amounts were determined by multiplying the number of
shares that would vest by $14.61.
The estimated value of the FNF stock options held by the named
executive officers that would vest upon a change in control
would be as follows: Mr. Foley $776,000; Mr. Stinson
$388,000; Mr. Park $167,163; Mr. Quirk $388,000; and
Mr. Bickett $116,400. The estimated value of restricted
stock awards held by the named executive officers that would
vest upon a change in control or upon such a termination of
employment would be as follows: Mr. Foley $6,964,090;
Mr. Stinson $2,288,890; Mr. Park $1,107,862;
Mr. Quirk $3,141,150; and Mr. Bickett $1,704,490.
These same amounts would vest upon a termination of the named
executive officers employment by us not for cause, a
termination by the executives for good reason or, in the case of
Mr. Foley, a termination within six months after a change
in control.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The compensation committee is currently composed of Daniel D.
Lane (Chair), Cary H. Thompson, and Richard N. Massey. During
fiscal year 2007, no member of the compensation committee was a
former or current officer or employee of FNF or any of its
subsidiaries. In addition, during fiscal year 2007, none of our
executive officers served (i) as a member of the
compensation committee or board of directors of another entity,
one of whose executive officers served on our compensation
committee, or (ii) as a member of the compensation
committee of another entity, one of whose executive officers
served on the board.
Directors who are our salaried employees receive no additional
compensation for services as a director or as a member of a
committee of our board. In 2007, all non-employee directors
received an annual retainer of $50,000, payable quarterly, plus
$2,500 for each board meeting he attended. The chairman and each
member of the audit committee received an additional annual fee
(payable in quarterly installments) of $24,000 and $12,000,
respectively, for their service on the audit committee, plus a
fee of $3,000 for each audit committee meeting he attended. The
chairmen and each member of the compensation committee and the
corporate governance and nominating committee received an
additional annual fee (payable in quarterly installments) of
$8,000 and $6,000, respectively, for their service on such
committees, plus a fee of $1,500 for each committee meeting he
attended. In addition, each director received a long-term
incentive award of 2,667 restricted shares and 21,333 options.
The restricted shares and options were granted under the omnibus
plan and vest proportionately each year over four years from the
date of grant based upon continued service on our board. The
options have an eight-year term and an exercise price equal to
the fair market value of a share of the date of grant. We also
reimburse each non-employee director for all reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with attendance at
board and committee meetings. Finally, each member of our board
is eligible to participate in our deferred compensation plan to
the extent he elects to defer any board or committee fees.
The following table sets forth information concerning the
compensation of our directors for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2007:
Fees Earned or
All Other
Paid in Cash
Stock Awards
Option Awards
Douglas K. Ammerman
Willie D. Davis
John F. Farrell, Jr.
Thomas M. Hagerty
Philip G. Heasley
Daniel D. (Ron) Lane
General William Lyon
Richard N. Massey
Peter O. Shea, Jr.
Cary H. Thompson
Frank P. Willey
(1) |
Represents portions of annual board and committee retainers
which directors elected to receive in cash and meeting fees. |
(2) |
These amounts represent the dollar amount recognized for
financial statement reporting purposes for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2007, in accordance with FAS 123(R), of
restricted stock awards granted in and prior to 2007. These
awards consisted of restricted shares granted in November 2003
by old FNF which vest over a period of five years from the grant
date and restricted shares we granted on October 18, 2005,
October 24, 2006 and November 8, 2007. Amounts for
each director may vary due to the amount of time each director
has been on the board and whether each director was on the board
of directors of old FNF, the Company or both. |
(3) |
These amounts represent the dollar amount recognized for
financial statement reporting purposes for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2007, in accordance with FAS 123(R), of
stock option awards granted in and prior to 2007. These awards
consisted of options granted as part of our 2007 director
long-term incentive compensation, and options granted in prior
years to acquire shares of old FNF that have been reissued as
options under our omnibus plan to acquire shares of the Company
under the terms of the agreement between us and old FNF for the
Full Spin-Off. Assumptions used in the calculation of these
amounts are included in Footnote M to our audited financial
statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007
included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on February 29, 2008. |
(4) |
Amounts shown for all directors other than Mr. Willey
reflect dividends paid on shares of restricted stock in 2007.
With respect to Mr. Willey, who is our employee, amounts
shown include: (i) salary of $300,913; (ii) the cost
of a Company provided automobile of $6,000; (iii) Company
contributions to our 401(k) plan of $6,688 and ESPP of $22,500;
(iv) life insurance premiums of $207; and (v) $18,971
of dividends paid on unvested restricted shares. |
Governance Guidelines
Our board adopted a set of corporate governance guidelines in
September 2005 to provide, along with the charters of the
committees of the board, a framework for the functioning of the
board and its committees and to establish a common set of
expectations as to how the board should perform its functions.
The Corporate Governance Guidelines address the composition of
the board, the selection of directors, the functioning of the
board, the committees of the board, the evaluation and
compensation of directors and the expectations of directors,
including ethics and conflicts of interest. These guidelines
specifically provide that a majority of the members of the board
must be outside directors who the board has determined have no
material relationship with us and whom otherwise meet the
independence criteria established by the NYSE. The board reviews
these guidelines and other aspects of our governance at least
annually. A copy of our Corporate Governance Guidelines is
available for review on the Investor Relations page of our
website at Stockholders may also obtain a copy by
writing to the Corporate Secretary at the address set forth
under Available Information beginning on
page 53.
Code of
Ethics and Business Conduct
Our board has adopted a Code of Ethics for Senior Financial
Officers, which is applicable to our Chief Executive Officer,
our Chief Financial Officer and our Chief Accounting Officer,
and a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which is applicable
to all our directors, officers and employees. The purpose of
these codes is to: (i) promote honest and ethical conduct,
including the ethical handling of conflicts of interest;
(ii) promote full, fair, accurate, timely and
understandable disclosure; (iii) promote compliance with
applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations;
(iv) ensure the protection of our legitimate business
interests, including corporate opportunities, assets and
confidential information; and (v) deter wrongdoing. Our
codes of ethics and business conduct were adopted to
reinvigorate and renew our commitment to our longstanding
standards for ethical business practices. Our reputation for
integrity is one of our most important assets and each of our
employees and directors is expected to contribute to the care
and preservation of that asset. Under our codes of ethics, an
amendment to or a waiver or modification of any ethics policy
applicable to our directors or executive officers must be
disclosed to the extent required under SEC
and/or NYSE
Copies of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our Code
of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers are available for review
on the Investor Relations page of our website at
Stockholders may also obtain a copy of any of these codes by
writing to the Corporate Secretary at the address set forth
under Available Information beginning on
page 53.
Our board met five times in 2007, of which four were regularly
scheduled meetings and one was an unscheduled meeting. All
directors attended at least 75% of the meetings of the board and
of the committees on which they served during 2007. Our
non-management directors also met periodically in executive
sessions without management. In accordance with our Corporate
Governance Guidelines, at each meeting a non-management member
of the board is designated by the other non-management directors
to preside as the lead director during that session. We do not,
as a general matter, require our board members to attend our
annual meeting of stockholders, although each of our directors
is invited to attend our 2008 annual meeting. During 2007, two
members of our board attended the annual meeting of stockholders.
Ten of the twelve members of our board are non-employees. At its
meeting on January 30, 2008, the board determined that all
of the non-employee members of the board (i.e., Douglas K.
Ammerman, Willie D. Davis, John F. Farrell, Jr.,
Thomas M. Hagerty, Philip G. Heasley, Daniel D. (Ron) Lane,
General William Lyon, Richard N. Massey, Peter O. Shea, Jr.
and Cary H. Thompson) are independent under the criteria
established by the NYSE and our Corporate Governance Guidelines.
Additionally, under these standards, the board determined that
William P. Foley, II is not independent because he is
the Chairman and an employee of the Company and Frank P. Willey
is not independent because he is the Vice Chairman and an
employee of the Company.
of the Board
The board has four standing committees: an audit committee, a
compensation committee, a corporate governance and nominating
committee and an executive committee. The charter of each of the
audit, compensation and corporate governance and nominating
committee is available on the Investor Relations page of our
website at Stockholders also may obtain a copy of
any of these charters by writing to the Corporate Secretary at
the address set forth under Available Information
beginning on page 53.
Governance and Nominating Committee
The members of the corporate governance and nominating committee
are Thomas M. Hagerty (Chair), Peter O. Shea, Jr. and
Philip G. Heasley. Each of Messrs. Hagerty, Shea and
Heasley was deemed to be independent by the board, as required
by the NYSE. The corporate governance and nominating committee
did not meet separately in 2007, but conducted all committee
business during executive sessions of the independent directors
of the board. The primary functions of the corporate governance
and nominating committee, as identified in its charter, are:
identifying individuals qualified to become members of the board
and making recommendations to the board regarding nominees for
developing and recommending to the board a set of corporate
governance principles applicable to us and reviewing such
principles at least annually;
establishing procedures for the corporate governance and
nominating committee to exercise oversight of the evaluation of
the board and management;
evaluating, at least annually, the performance of the corporate
governance and nominating committee;
considering nominees recommended by stockholders; and
assisting management in the preparation of the disclosure in our
annual proxy statement regarding the operations of the corporate
governance and nominating committee.
The corporate governance and nominating committee has not
established specific minimum age, education, years of business
experience or specific types of skills for potential director
candidates, but, in general, will consider, among other things,
the following criteria in fulfilling its duty to recommend
nominees for election as directors:
personal qualities and characteristics, accomplishments and
reputation in the business community;
current knowledge and contacts in the communities in which we do
business and in our industry or other industries relevant to our
ability and willingness to commit adequate time to the board and
committee matters;
the fit of the individuals skills and personality with
those of other directors and potential directors in building a
board that is effective, collegial and responsive to our
needs; and
diversity of viewpoints, background, experience and other
The corporate governance and nominating committee would consider
qualified candidates for directors suggested by current
directors, management and our stockholders. The corporate
governance and nominating committee and the board apply the same
criteria in evaluating candidates nominated by stockholders as
in evaluating candidates recommended by other sources.
Stockholders can suggest qualified candidates for director to
the corporate governance and nominating committee by writing to
our Corporate Secretary at 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville,
Florida 32204. The submission must provide the information
required by, and otherwise comply with the procedures set forth
in, Section 3.1 of our bylaws. Section 3.1 also
requires that the nomination notice be submitted a prescribed
time in advance of the meeting. Upon receipt of a
stockholder-proposed director
candidate, the corporate secretary will assess the boards
needs, primarily whether or not there is any current pending
vacancy or a possible need to be filled by adding or replacing a
director. The corporate secretary will also prepare a director
profile by comparing the desired list of criteria with the
candidates qualifications. Submissions that meet the
criteria outlined above and in our Corporate Governance
Guidelines will be forwarded to the Chairman of the corporate
governance and nominating committee for further review and
consideration. To date, no suggestions with respect to
candidates for nomination have been received from stockholders.
The members of the audit committee are Douglas K. Ammerman
(Chair), Willie D. Davis and John F. Farrell, Jr. The board
has determined that each of the audit committee members is
financially literate and independent as required by the rules of
the SEC and the NYSE, and that each of Messrs. Ammerman,
Davis and Farrell is an audit committee financial expert, as
defined by the rules of the SEC. The audit committee met nine
times in 2007. The primary functions of the audit committee
appointing, compensating and overseeing our independent
registered public accounting firm;
overseeing the integrity of our financial statements and our
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
discussing the annual audited financial statements and quarterly
financial statements with management and the independent
registered public accounting firm;
establishing procedures for receiving, processing and retaining
complaints (including anonymous complaints) we receive
concerning accounting controls or auditing issues;
approving audit and non-audit services provided by our
independent registered public accounting firm;
discussing earnings press releases and financial information
provided to analysts and rating agencies;
discussing policies with respect to risk assessment and risk
management; and
producing an annual report for inclusion in our proxy statement,
in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.
The audit committee is a separately-designated standing
committee established in accordance with
Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(the Exchange Act), as amended.
Report of
the Audit Committee
The audit committee of the board submits the following report on
the performance of certain of its responsibilities for the year
The primary function of our audit committee is oversight of
(i) the quality and integrity of our financial statements
and related disclosure, (ii) our compliance with legal and
regulatory requirements, (iii) the independent registered
public accounting firms qualifications and independence,
and (iv) the performance of our internal audit function and
independent registered public accounting firm. Our audit
committee acts under a written charter, which was adopted in
2005 and subsequently approved by our board. We review the
adequacy of our charter at least annually. Our audit committee
is comprised of the three directors named below, each of whom
has been determined by the board to be independent as defined by
NYSE independence standards. In addition, our board has
determined that each of Messrs. Ammerman, Davis and Farrell
is an audit committee financial expert as defined by SEC rules.
In performing our oversight function, we reviewed and discussed
with management and KPMG LLP, our independent registered public
accounting firm, our audited financial statements as of and for
the year ended December 31, 2007. Management and KPMG LLP
reported to us that our consolidated financial statements
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated
financial position and results of operations and cash flows of
FNF and its subsidiaries in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles. We also discussed with KPMG LLP matters
covered by the Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61
(Communication With Audit Committees).
We have received and reviewed the written disclosures and the
letter from KPMG LLP required by Independence Standards Board
Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees), and have discussed with them their independence. In
addition, we have considered whether KPMG LLPs provision
of non-audit services to us is compatible with their
Finally, we discussed with our internal auditors and KPMG LLP
the overall scope and plans for their respective audits. We met
with KPMG LLP at each meeting. Management was present for some,
but not all, of these discussions. Our discussions with them
included the results of their examinations, their evaluations of
our internal controls and the overall quality of our financial
Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, we
recommended to our board that the audited financial statements
referred to above be included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended 2007 and that KPMG LLP be appointed
independent registered public accounting firm for FNF for 2008.
In carrying out our responsibilities, we look to management and
the independent registered public accounting firm. Management is
responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of our
financial statements and for maintaining effective internal
control. Management is also responsible for assessing and
maintaining the effectiveness of internal control over the
financial reporting process. The independent registered public
accounting firm is responsible for auditing our annual financial
statements and expressing an opinion as to whether the
statements are fairly stated in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles. The independent registered
public accounting firm performs its responsibilities in
accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board. Our members are not professionally engaged in
the practice of accounting or auditing, and are not experts
under the Exchange Act in either of those fields or in auditor
The foregoing report is provided by the following independent
directors, who constitute the committee:
Douglas K. Ammerman (Chair)
Willie D. Davis
John F. Farrell, Jr.
The members of the compensation committee are Daniel D. (Ron)
Lane (Chair), Cary H. Thompson and Richard N. Massey. Each of
Messrs. Lane, Thompson and Massey was deemed to be
independent by the board, as required by the NYSE. The
compensation committee met four times during 2007. The functions
of the compensation committee include the following:
discharging the board responsibilities relating to compensation
of our executives;
reviewing and approving corporate goals and objectives relevant
to the Chief Executive Officers compensation, evaluating
the Chief Executive Officers performance in light of those
goals and objectives, and setting the Chief Executive
Officers compensation level based on this evaluation;
making recommendations to the board with respect to
incentive-compensation plans and equity-based plans; and
producing an annual report on executive compensation for
inclusion in our proxy statement, in accordance with applicable
rules and regulations.
For more information regarding the responsibilities of the
compensation committee, please refer to the section of this
proxy statement entitled Compensation Discussion and
Analysis and Executive and Director Compensation beginning
on page 19.
The members of the executive committee are William P.
Foley, II (Chair), Cary H. Thompson and Thomas M. Hagerty.
Each of Messrs. Thompson and Hagerty was deemed to be
independent by the board. The executive committee did not meet
in 2007. Subject to limits under state law, the executive
committee may invoke all of the power and authority of the board
in the management of FNF.
the Board
Any stockholder or other interested person who desires to
contact any member of the board or the non-management members of
the board as a group may do so by writing to: Board of
c/o Corporate
Secretary, Fidelity National Financial, Inc., 601 Riverside
Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32204. Communications received are
distributed by the Corporate Secretary to the appropriate member
or members of the board.
Relationships and Related Transactions
with FIS
On October 24, 2006, we completed the acquisition of
substantially all of the assets and liabilities of old FNF
(other than old FNFs interests in FIS and in a small
subsidiary, FNF Capital Leasing, Inc.) in exchange for shares of
our common stock (the asset contribution). In
connection with the asset contribution, effective as of
October 26, 2006, old FNF distributed all of the shares it
acquired from us in connection with the asset contribution,
together with certain other of our shares, to old FNFs
stockholders in a tax-free distribution (the Full
Spin-Off). Following the Full Spin-Off, effective as of
November 9, 2006, old FNF merged with and into FIS (the
FIS Merger). We refer to the FIS Merger, the asset
contribution and the Full Spin-Off collectively as the
separation from FIS. In connection with the
separation from FIS, we entered into various agreements with
FIS, including a tax disaffiliation agreement, a cross-indemnity
agreement, and an agreement regarding the sharing of premium
expenses for certain on-going insurance policies we purchased.
While these agreements continue in effect, no payments for
indemnification or liability have been made by us or by FIS
under any of these agreements.
As a result of these prior relationships with FIS, certain of
our executive officers also served as executive officers of FIS
in 2007, including William P. Foley, II, who is the
executive Chairman of our board and also served and continues to
serve as the Executive Chairman of FIS; Brent B. Bickett, who is
our Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance and who, until
April 1, 2008, served as our Co-President, and who also
serves as Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning of FIS;
and Alan L. Stinson, who is our Chief Executive Officer and also
served as an executive officer of FIS until May 2007.
Mr. Stinson continues to serve as a non-executive officer
of FIS in a limited capacity. We refer to Messrs. Foley,
Bickett and Stinson as the overlapping officers.
Historically, FIS has provided a variety of services to us, and
we have provided various services to FIS, pursuant to agreements
and arrangements between us and FIS. Some of these agreements
and arrangements were entered into in connection with our
separation from FIS, and others were already in existence prior
to the separation or have been entered into since the separation
from FIS. Our significant agreements and arrangements with FIS
are described below. None of the overlapping officers receive
any direct compensation or other remuneration of any kind as a
result of or in connection with the various agreements with FIS
and none of them has any direct interest in the agreements and
arrangements with FIS. In addition, none of our directors
receive any direct compensation or other remuneration of any
kind as a result of or in connection with the various agreements
with FIS and none of them have any direct interest in the
agreements and arrangements with FIS.
In October 2007, FIS announced that it intends to spin off its
lender processing services (the LPS business)
division into a separate publicly traded company (the LPS
spin-off). The new company will be known as Lender
Processing Services, Inc. (LPS). The LPS businesses
and we have historically provided and continue to provide
certain support and other services to each other. In conjunction
with the LPS spin-off, if completed, we will enter into certain
agreements with LPS, and will amend or terminate agreements we
have with FIS, in order to reflect the separation of LPS from
FIS. Under certain of these agreements, we will provide support
and administrative services to LPS for an interim transition
period. Under other agreements, we and LPS will provide each
other with certain
services that support our ongoing businesses. None of the
overlapping officers will receive any direct compensation or
other remuneration of any kind as a result of or in connection
with any of the agreements with LPS (or the amendments to the
agreements with FIS) and none of them will have any direct
interest in the agreements and arrangements with LPS. In
addition, none of our directors will receive any direct
compensation or other remuneration of any kind as a result of or
in connection with the various agreements with LPS and none of
them will have any direct interest in the agreements and
arrangements with LPS.
Corporate Services and Administrative Support
Agreements. We are party to a corporate
services agreement with FIS under which we provide corporate and
other administrative support services to FIS, including
accounting, statutory accounting and tax services, corporate,
legal and related services, claims processing and administration
services, risk management insurance services, purchasing and
procurement services and travel services. The pricing for the
services provided by us to FIS under the corporate services
agreement is on a cost-only basis, with FIS in effect
reimbursing us for the costs and expenses incurred in providing
these corporate services to FIS. With certain exceptions, the
corporate services agreement continues in effect as to each
service covered by the agreement until FIS notifies us, in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the
agreement and subject to certain limitations, that the service
is no longer requested, provided, however, that in any event,
the services terminate on October 23, 2008.
The exact amounts paid by FIS to us under the corporate services
agreement is dependent upon the amount of services actually
provided in any given year. During 2007, FIS paid
$2.7 million to us for services rendered by us and our
At the time of the LPS spin-off, we expect to amend the
corporate services agreement with FIS to reflect the completion
of most or all of the corporate support services provided by us
to FIS. At that time, we will also enter into corporate and
transition services agreements with LPS pursuant to which we
will provide certain general corporate and other administrative
support services to LPS for an interim period not to exceed
24 months. The services to be provided include statutory
accounting and tax services, corporate, legal and related
services, claims processing and administration services, risk
management insurance services, purchasing and procurement
services and travel services. The pricing for the services to be
provided by us to LPS under these services agreements will be on
a cost-only basis, with LPS in effect reimbursing us for the
costs and expenses incurred in providing these corporate
services to LPS. With certain exceptions, these support
agreements continue in effect as to each service covered by the
agreements until LPS notifies us, in accordance with the terms
and conditions set forth in the agreements and subject to
certain limitations, that the service is no longer requested,
provided, however, that most of the services will terminate
24 months after the completion of the LPS spin-off.
Master Information Technology Services
Agreement. We are party to a master
information technology services agreement with FIS, pursuant to
which FIS provides various services to us, such as IT
infrastructure support, data center management, software sales
and software application development. Under this agreement, we
have designated certain services as high priority critical
services required for our business. These include managed
operations, network, email/messaging, network routing,
technology center infrastructure, active directory and domains,
systems perimeter security, data security, disaster recovery and
business continuity. FIS has agreed to use reasonable best
efforts to provide these core services without interruption
throughout the term of the master services agreement, except for
scheduled maintenance. We can also request services that are not
specified in the agreement, and, if we can agree on the terms, a
new statement of work or amendment will be executed. In
addition, if requested by us, FIS will continue to provide, for
an appropriate fee, services to us that are not specifically
included in the master information technology services agreement
if those services were provided to us by FIS or its
subcontractors in the past. The master information technology
services agreement is effective until February 2011 unless
earlier terminated in accordance with its terms. We have the
right to renew the agreement for a single one-year period or a
single two-year period by providing a written notice of our
intent to renew at least six months prior to the expiration
date. We may also terminate the agreement or any particular
statement of work or base services agreement on six months
prior written notice. In addition, if either party fails to
perform its obligations under the agreement, the other party may
terminate after the expiration of certain cure periods.
Under this agreement, we are obligated to pay FIS for the
services that we utilize, calculated under a specific and
comprehensive pricing schedule. Although the pricing includes
some minimum usage charges, most of the
service charges are based on volume and actual usage,
specifically related to the particular service and support
provided and the complexity of the technical analysis and
technology support provided by FIS. The amount that we paid for
information technology services received from FIS during 2007
was $89.1 million, including $5.5 million that we
capitalized and $88.6 million that we recorded as expense.
We are currently in discussions with FIS regarding the terms of
this agreement, including the services provided by FIS and the
pricing for these services, particularly since some of these
services will be provided by LPS rather than FIS after the LPS
spin-off. We anticipate that these discussions will be completed
later this year and will result in amendments to the master
information technology services agreement with FIS. In addition,
at the time of the LPS spin-off, we will enter into a new
agreement with LPS pursuant to which LPS will provide to us
certain application development services that are currently
being provided by FIS under the master information technology
services agreement. We expect that the terms under which these
development services will be provided to us will be similar to
those currently applicable to us under the master information
technology services agreement with FIS.
eLender Services and Premium Calculator Application
Agreements. We are party to agreements with
FIS and certain of its subsidiaries that conduct the LPS
business, pursuant to which we have provided
received an interest in certain proprietary software known as
eLenderSolutions, various software development
services, and certain lender services business processing
services. Under agreements and arrangements relating to title
insurance premium rate calculator applications, we received
application development services from FIS. Under the eLender
services agreement, each of FIS and us conveyed our respective
interests in the proprietary eLenderSolutions
software to the other so that both we and FIS are the joint
owners of the software, and we agreed to further develop the
jointly owned software. In addition, under this agreement, we
agree to process business for FISs subsidiaries that
engaged in the LPS business, so that those subsidiaries can
continue to operate as title agents in certain limited
geographic areas where those subsidiaries otherwise lack ready
access to title plants. Under the eLender services agreement, we
license from FIS the use of certain proprietary business
processes and related documentation in those limited geographic
areas, and FIS provides us with oversight and advice in
connection with the implementation of these business processes.
Subject to certain early termination provisions, this agreement
continues in effect until either (i) FIS acquires its own
direct access to title plants in the relevant geographic area or
(ii) we build or otherwise acquire title plants for the
relevant geographic area and provide access to FIS on terms
acceptable to FIS. This agreement may also be terminated as to
all or a portion of the relevant geographic area by mutual
agreement of the parties or upon five years prior written
notice given after February 1, 2011 (the fifth anniversary
of the effective date of the agreement).
For the business processes and documentation and oversight and
advisory services under the eLender services agreement, we pay
fees to the FIS subsidiary equal to the aggregate earnings
generated through or as a result of these proprietary business
processes and documentation. In addition, we pay the FIS
subsidiary for its development services with respect to the
eLender software and the title insurance premium rate calculator
applications. In 2007, we paid a total of $12.2 million to
FIS related to these agreements.
The title insurance premium rate calculator application services
were completed in 2007 and the agreements related to those
services have been terminated. In addition, the development
services provided under the eLender services agreement have also
expired and have not been renewed. We are currently in
discussions with FIS regarding the remaining provisions of the
eLender services agreement and we anticipate that the eLender
services agreement will either be terminated or assigned to LPS
by FIS at the time of the LPS spin-off.
Software License Agreement. A division
of FIS, which division after the LPS spin-off will be part of
LPS, has been licensing software to us under a license agreement
for a package of software known as SoftPro. SoftPro
is a series of software programs and products (which LPS will
own upon completion of the LPS spin-off) that have been and
continue to be used by our title insurance company subsidiaries,
including Chicago Title, Fidelity National Title, and Ticor
Title. We pay monthly fees to FIS for the use of the SoftPro
software based on the number of workstations and the actual
number of SoftPro software programs and products used in each
location. Our expenses in 2007 for the SoftPro license were
$17.2 million. After the LPS spin-off, we will continue to
pay these monthly fees to LPS.
Issuing Title Agency
Agreements. Our subsidiaries, Chicago Title
and Fidelity National Title, are parties to separate issuing
agency contracts with subsidiaries of FIS that conduct the LPS
business. Under these issuing
agency contracts, the FIS subsidiaries act as title agents for
Chicago Title and Fidelity National Title in various
jurisdictions. The title agency appointments of the FIS
subsidiaries are not exclusive and Chicago Title and Fidelity
National Title each retains the ability to appoint other title
agents and to issue title insurance directly. Subject to certain
early termination provisions for cause, each of these agreements
may be terminated upon five years prior written notice,
which notice may not be given until after the fifth anniversary
of the effective date of the agreement (thus effectively
resulting in a minimum ten year term). The issuing agency
contracts were entered into by our subsidiaries between
July 22, 2004 and August 22, 2006. In connection with
the LPS spin-off, the FIS subsidiaries that conduct the LPS
business will be contributed to LPS and the issuing agency
contracts will continue thereafter between our subsidiaries and
During 2007, we earned $149.4 million of agency title
premiums generated by these operations, and paid related
commissions of $132.2 million in 2007, representing a
commission rate of 89% of premiums earned.
Real Estate Data and Support Services
Agreements. FIS has historically provided and
continues to provide various real estate and title related
services to us, and we have historically provided and continue
to provide various real estate related services to FIS, under a
number of agreements and arrangements. These services relate to
or arise out of the LPS business and following the LPS spin-off,
these agreements and arrangements will continue between us and
LPS. The significant agreements and arrangements for these
services are briefly described below.
Real Estate Data Services. FIS provides (and
after the LPS spin-off, LPS will provide) real estate
information to various FNF entities, consisting principally of
data services required by the title insurers. We paid
$11.5 million for these services in 2007. Following the LPS
spin-off, we expect LPS to continue to provide these services.
Flood Zone Determination Agreement. FIS
provides (and after the LPS spin-off, LPS will provide) flood
zone determination services to us pursuant to a flood zone
determination agreement. Under the agreement, FIS makes
determinations and reports regarding whether certain properties
are located in special flood hazard areas. The agreement expires
on September 1, 2008, and can be renewed for successive one
year terms upon 30 days written notice. In 2007, we paid
$0.6 million to FIS for these services. Following the LPS
spin-off, we expect LPS to continue to provide these services.
Tax Services Agreements for Texas. A
subsidiary of FIS provides tax services to our title insurance
subsidiaries pursuant to several tax service agreements. Under
these agreements, FIS provides tax certificates to our title
insurance companies for closings in the State of Texas, through
a computerized tax service that allows the insurers to access
and retrieve information from FIS computerized tax plant.
During 2007, our title insurance subsidiaries paid
$6.4 million to FIS for these services. Following the LPS
spin-off, these agreements will continue between us and LPS.
Section 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange Preferred Provider and
Shared Services Arrangements. Certain of our
subsidiaries have agreed to enter into a preferred provider and
shared services arrangement with certain FIS subsidiaries to
assist with commercial and
real estate transactions and their compliance with the rules and
regulations relating to real property exchanges that qualify as
tax deferred exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal
Revenue Code. This relationship has historically operated
through mutually agreed upon terms which have evolved over the
last several years. We anticipate that following the LPS
these preferred provider and share services arrangements will
continue between LPS and us.
Title Plant Maintenance, Management, Access,
Title Production Services and Related
The Acquisition of Property Insight and the Title Plant
Maintenance and Management Agreements. Through
August 31, 2007, the title plant assets of several of our
title insurance subsidiaries were managed or maintained by
Property Insight, LLC (Property Insight), which was
a subsidiary of FIS, under various title plant management and
maintenance agreements. Property Insight managed and updated the
title plant information in return for cash management fees and
the right to sell access to that information to title insurers,
including our title insurance underwriters as well as other
third party customers. On August 31, 2007, we completed the
acquisition of Property Insight from FIS for $95 million in
Our payments to FIS under these plant management and maintenance
arrangements were $16.5 million for the period from
January 1 through August 31, 2007. In turn, each of
our title insurance underwriters received a royalty on sales of
access to its respective title plants. The aggregate revenues
our subsidiaries received from these title plant royalties were
$3.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2007.
Titlepoint Development. During 2007, one of
our subsidiaries was a party to a joint development and
ownership agreement with Property Insight, whereby Property
Insight provided development services for proprietary software
known as TitlePoint, which was used in connection
with the title plants owned by our title insurance subsidiaries.
This agreement has expired and was not renewed. For 2007, we
paid the FIS subsidiary $13.1 million for its development
services under this agreement.
Property Insight also has agreements and arrangements with FIS
regarding the title plants owned by our title insurance
subsidiaries and managed and maintained by Property Insight.
These agreements and arrangements are described below:
Title Plant Access and Title Production
Agreements. Separate from the title plant
management and maintenance arrangements, subsidiaries of FIS
that are part of the LPS business were and continue to be party
to a national master services agreement with Property Insight
relating to title plant access for the LPS business with respect
to real property located in various states. Under this
agreement, we provide online database access, physical access to
title records, use of space, image system use, and use of
special software for use in connection with the LPS business. We
receive a monthly fee (subject to certain minimum charges) based
on the number of title reports or products ordered as well as
fees for the other services we provide. The agreement expires in
November 2009 and is automatically renewable for successive
3 year terms unless either party gives 30 days
prior written notice. We also provide title production services
to FIS under a title production services agreement, pursuant to
which we provide services for fees based on the number of
properties searched, subject to certain minimum use. The title
production services agreement can be terminated by either party
upon 30 days prior written notice. In 2007, we
received $1.0 million for the title plant access and title
production services. Following the LPS spin-off, the title plant
access agreement and the title production services agreement
will continue between us and LPS.
Offshore Support Services. Historically,
Property Insight, formerly a subsidiary of FIS and now one of
our subsidiaries, received certain limited offshore information
technology-related support services, such as software
development, programming, implementation, maintenance,
consulting, flood services, call center and other similar
services, under an intercompany master service provider
agreement between an FIS subsidiary (on behalf of itself and its
affiliates, including Property Insight prior to our purchase of
it) and an offshore subsidiary of FIS. The pricing for the
services is determined by mutual agreement determined at the
time that the services are requested by Property Insight and
agreed to be provided by the FIS subsidiary. Because Property
Insight is no longer a subsidiary of FIS, Property Insight has
entered into a separate arrangement with the offshore FIS
subsidiary for continuation of the services previously received.
Following the LPS spin-off, these offshore services will
continue to be provided to Property Insight by an offshore
subsidiary of LPS.
Lease, Sublease, and Property Management
Agreements. We are party to various leases,
subleases and property management agreements with FIS relating
to our Jacksonville headquarters which is located on a corporate
campus that is substantially owned and managed by FIS. First, we
are party to a lease agreement pursuant to which we lease from
FIS our Jacksonville headquarters. This agreement was originally
entered into in March 2005 between the FIS subsidiary and us and
expired on December 31, 2007. We are currently in
negotiations with FIS to extend the lease for an additional
3 years on terms substantially similar to those in the
current agreement, subject to adjustments in the rental rates to
reflect current market prices for comparable office space. Under
the current lease, we pay rent for the space that we lease,
currently approximately 87,579 rentable square feet, at an
annual rate of $23.05 per rentable square foot, in equal monthly
installments paid in advance on the first day of each calendar
month. In addition to paying base rent, we are obligated to pay
FIS, as additional rent, our share of the landlords
reasonable estimate of operating expenses for the entire
facility that are in excess of the operating expenses (subject
to certain exclusions) applicable to the 2005 base year.
We are also party to a property management agreement with FIS,
as property manager, for the management of the office space at
our Jacksonville headquarters known as Building V.
Terms of this property management agreement are similar to those
customarily found in similar office property management
arrangements, subject to the particular needs of the parties and
nuances relating to the Jacksonville corporate campus. As
compensation for its property management services, FIS receives
an annual management fee equal to $20.19 per rentable square
foot per annum, payable in arrears and paid in monthly
installments of $440,034, as and to the extent collected from
the monthly rental payment received from tenants. This agreement
also expired on December 31, 2007, and we are currently in
negotiations with FIS to extend the agreement for an additional
3 years on terms substantially similar to those in the
current agreement.
We have also entered into a telecommunications services
agreement with FIS, pursuant to which we reimburse FIS for our
pro rata share of the telecommunications systems costs at the
Jacksonville corporate campus, based on the aggregate number of
employees that we have at the campus in comparison to the
aggregate number of employees that FIS has at the campus. To
coincide with the expiration of the lease agreement, the term of
this agreement also expired on December 31, 2007. As with
the lease, we are currently in negotiations with FIS to extend
the term of this agreement for an additional 3 years on
terms substantially similar to those in the current agreement.
In connection with the LPS spin-off, ownership of most of
FISs Jacksonville corporate campus, including the office
space that we currently lease from FIS, will be transferred to
LPS. In conjunction therewith, FIS will also assign to LPS the
property management agreement and the telecommunications
services agreement. We anticipate that the lease agreement for
our headquarters office space as well as the property management
agreement and the telecommunications services agreement will
continue substantially unchanged between us and LPS. In
addition, we anticipate that, pursuant to the property
management agreement, we may from time to time enter into
further property management arrangements with LPS for the
management of certain of our other real property assets and
operational facilities throughout the United States on terms to
be agreed upon between us and LPS.
FIS subleases a portion of the office space in Building V for
its operations pursuant to a sublease agreement with us. The
terms and provisions of the FIS sublease agreement mirror the
economic effect of the terms and conditions of our lease
agreement with FIS. We anticipate that in connection with the
LPS spin-off, FISs office space needs in Building V will
change to reflect the separation of LPS. However, LPS may also
need office space in Building V, and we anticipate that in
connection with the LPS spin-off, we will enter into a new
sublease agreement with LPS for its use of a portion of the
office space in Building V for LPSs operations. The term
of the FIS sublease agreement expired on December 31, 2007,
but we are currently in negotiations with FIS to extend the FIS
sublease for an additional 3 years. Likewise, we anticipate
that the term of the new LPS sublease will be 3 years. We
further anticipate that the terms of the extended FIS sublease
and the terms of the new LPS sublease will mirror the economic
effect of the terms and conditions of our lease agreement with
FIS, with the rental rate under the subleases determined on the
same formulaic basis as in the lease agreement.
In 2007, our payments to FIS, net of our receipts from FIS,
related to these arrangements totaled $2.5 million.
Aircraft Cost Sharing Agreement. We are
party to an aircraft cost allocation agreement with FIS,
pursuant to which each party agrees to reimburse the other for
its pro rata share of the actual costs incurred in the use of
the other partys corporate aircraft. Pursuant to this
agreement, we may utilize FISs corporate aircraft from
time to time, and FIS may utilize our corporate aircraft, with
an obligation to reimburse for the respective share of the
costs. In 2007, FIS reimbursed $3.7 million to us and we
reimbursed $2.5 million to FIS under this agreement.
In connection with the LPS spin-off, we are in discussions with
FIS and LPS regarding arrangements for continued access by us,
FIS and LPS to the corporate aircraft currently owned or leased
by us and by FIS, including personal use by our respective
executives. Pursuant to these discussions, we anticipate that
the aircraft cost allocation agreement will be amended to
reflect an aircraft interchange arrangement between us and FIS.
The interchange agreement will be for a term of not less than
3 years, but may be terminated by either party at any time
upon 90 days prior written notice. The interchange
agreement will provide that we will reimburse FIS, or FIS will
reimburse us, for the net cost differential of our aggregate use
of FISs aircraft and FISs aggregate use of our
aircraft. The interchange use and the amounts for which each of
us can be reimbursed are subject to Federal Aviation Authority
regulations and are the same as would apply to any third party
with whom we would enter into an aircraft interchange
arrangement. We further anticipate that we will enter into a new
lease with LPS for LPSs use from time
to time of our corporate aircraft. We are also discussing with
LPS the possible assignment or transfer of one of our corporate
aircraft to LPS for appropriate consideration. We anticipate
that these discussions will be concluded later this year. If we
transfer or assign a corporate aircraft to LPS, we will enter
into an aircraft interchange agreement with LPS on terms similar
to the aircraft interchange agreement to be entered into with
FIS, so that we will have continued access to LPS corporate
aircraft as well.
Equipment Leases and Transactions with FNF Capital
Leasing, Inc. During 2007, we entered into
several arrangements and agreements with FNF Capital Leasing,
Inc., a subsidiary of FIS. In connection with our separation
from FIS, we received a promissory note dated as of
October 27, 2006 made by FNF Capital Leasing, Inc., as a
subsidiary of FIS, with an outstanding principal balance of
$14,328,376. The FNF Capital promissory note was unsecured, with
interest payable quarterly at 1% in excess of the
LIBOR rate and principal payments of $450,000 payable quarterly.
The FNF Capital promissory note was due in full on
October 27, 2011. On September 30, 2007, we acquired
certain leasing assets from FIS for a $15 million purchase
price, and in conjunction with that acquisition, the remaining
balance of $12,528,376 outstanding under the FNF Capital
promissory note was forgiven. In addition, in connection with
this acquisition of leasing assets from FNF Capital, we issued
an unsecured acquisition note payable to FIS in the principal
amount of $7.3 million. The FIS acquisition note bears
interest at .45% in excess of the LIBOR rate, is due October
2012 and requires principal payments of $0.2 million
payable quarterly. Also in connection with the acquisition of
the leasing assets from FIS, we assumed certain liabilities to
third parties associated with those assets, including various
non-recourse promissory notes that are secured by interests in
certain leases and underlying equipment. These promissory notes,
with a balance of $133.1 million at December 31, 2007,
bear interest at various fixed rates and mature at various
dates. We also assumed a $20 million revolving credit
facility with a third party that bears interest at .5% below the
prime lending rate, is due August 2008, and is secured by
interests in certain leases and underlying equipment. As of
December 31, 2007, $18 million of this
$20 million facility was unused.
During 2007, the largest aggregate amount of principal
outstanding under the FNF Capital promissory note was
$14,328,376, and we received interest payments of
$0.5 million on this promissory note. During 2007, the
largest aggregate amount of principal outstanding under the FIS
acquisition note was $7.3 million, and as of March 15,
2008, the aggregate principal amount outstanding under that note
is $7.1 million. Our interest expense on the acquisition
note payable to FIS during 2007 was $0.1 million. In
addition to these note and credit facility obligations, during
2007 FIS paid us $10.3 million, and we paid FIS
$0.8 million, for equipment lease costs financed or
arranged through FNF Capital Leasing.
Our Investment in FNRES Holdings,
Inc. On December 31, 2006, we
contributed $52.5 million to FNRES Holdings, Inc.
(FNRES), which had previously been a wholly owned
subsidiary of FIS, in exchange for approximately 61% of the
outstanding shares of FNRES. The remaining 39% of FNRES
shares is held by FIS. After the LPS spin-off, FISs
ownership of 39% of FNRES will instead be held by LPS.
Sedgwick Master Information Technology Services
Agreement. A subsidiary of our minority-owned
affiliate, Sedgwick CMS Holdings (Sedgwick), is
party to a master information technology services agreement with
FIS. Sedgwick is a provider of outsourced claims management
services to large corporate and public sector entities. Under
this master information technology services agreement with FIS,
Sedgwick receives various information technology services, such
as IT infrastructure and network support, and data center
management. The master information technology services agreement
is effective until July 2011 unless earlier terminated in
accordance with its terms. Sedgwick has the right to renew the
agreement, and either party may also terminate the agreement or
any particular statement of work or base services agreement in
certain circumstances. Under this agreement, Sedgwick pays FIS
for the services that it utilizes, calculated under a specific
and comprehensive pricing schedule. Most of the service charges
are based on volume and actual usage, specifically related to
the particular service and support provided and the complexity
of the technical analysis and technology support provided by
FIS. The amount included in Sedgwicks expenses for
information technology services received from FIS under this
agreement during 2007 was $37.8 million.
Related Person Transactions and Relationships
In August 2007, our executive Chairman, William P.
Foley, II, planned to sell 1,000,000 shares of our
common stock on the open market. Because we were actively
purchasing shares of our common stock on the open market at the
same time, we agreed to purchase 1,000,000 shares from
Mr. Foley on August 8, 2007, for $22.1 million,
or $22.09 per share, the market price at the time of the
On December 6, 2007, we sold 1,000 shares of
Series B Preferred Stock of Remy International, Inc.
(Remy), a company in which we have a minority equity
investment, to Mr. Foley, for a total of $1.0 million,
or $1,000 per share. This per share price was equal to the per
share price that we paid to acquire the shares. Mr. Foley
also serves as a director of Remy.
During 2007, we purchased various wines produced by Foley
Estates Winery and Vineyards, a winery that is majority owned by
Mr. Foley. The total amount we paid to Foley Estates during
2007 was $155,061. We purchased the wines through unrelated
vendors at retail prices, and we used them for business purposes.
Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related
Pursuant to our code of ethics, a conflict of
interest occurs when an individuals private interest
interferes or appears to interfere with our interests, and can
arise when a director, officer or employee takes actions or has
interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her work
objectively and effectively. Anything that would present a
conflict for a director, officer or employee would also likely
present a conflict if it is related to a member of his or her
family. Our code of ethics states that clear conflict of
interest situations involving directors, executive officers and
other employees who occupy supervisory positions or who have
discretionary authority in dealing with any third party
specified below may include the following:
any significant ownership interest in any supplier or customer;
any consulting or employment relationship with any customer,
supplier or competitor;
any outside business activity that detracts from an
individuals ability to devote appropriate time and
attention to his or her responsibilities with the Company;
the receipt of non-nominal gifts or excessive entertainment from
any company with which the Company has current or prospective
business dealings;
being in the position of supervising, reviewing or having any
influence on the job evaluation, pay or benefit of any immediate
family member;
selling anything to us or buying anything from us, except on the
same terms and conditions as comparable directors, officers or
employees are permitted to so purchase or sell; and
accepting gifts, entertainment or anything of value from a
current or prospective customer, vendor or competitor of the
It is our policy to review all relationships and transactions in
which we and our directors or executive officers (or their
immediate family members) are participants in order to determine
whether the director or officer in question has or may have a
direct or indirect material interest. Our Chief Compliance
Officer, together with our legal staff, is primarily responsible
for developing and implementing procedures to obtain the
necessary information from our directors and officers regarding
related person transactions. Any material transaction or
relationship that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a
conflict of interest must be discussed promptly with our Chief
Compliance Officer. The Chief Compliance Officer, together with
our legal staff, then reviews the transaction or relationship,
and considers the material terms of the transaction or
relationship, including the importance of the transaction or
relationship to us, the nature of the related persons
interest in the transaction or relationship, whether the
transaction or relationship would likely impair the judgment of
a director or executive officer to act in our best interest, and
any other factors they deem appropriate. After reviewing the
facts and circumstances of each transaction, the Chief
Compliance Officer, with assistance from the legal staff,
determines whether the director or officer in question has a
direct or indirect material interest in the transaction. As
required under the SEC rules, transactions with the Company that
are determined to be directly or indirectly material to a
related person are disclosed in our proxy statement. In
addition, the audit committee reviews and approves or ratifies
any related person transaction that is required to be disclosed.
Waiver of provisions of our code of ethics for any of our
employees requires the approval of our Chief Compliance Officer.
Waiver of provisions of our code of ethics for any of our
executive officers or directors requires the approval of the
board or the corporate governance and nominating committee and
will be promptly disclosed as required by SEC rules or NYSE
rules. The Chief Compliance Officer, or in certain
circumstances, the audit committee and the corporate governance
and nominating committee, are empowered to take all action they
consider appropriate to investigate any violations of the
respective codes of ethics reported to them. If a violation has
occurred, appropriate disciplinary or preventive action will be
promptly taken.
With respect to our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial
Officer and Chief Accounting Officer, our code of ethics
requires that each such officer must:
avoid conflicts of interest wherever possible;
discuss any material transaction or relationship that could
reasonably be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest
with our General Counsel;
in the case of our Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting
Officer, obtain the prior written approval of our General
Counsel for all material transactions or relationships that
could reasonably be expected to give rise to a conflict of
interest; and
in the case of our Chief Executive Officer, obtain the prior
written approval of the audit committee for all material
transactions that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a
conflict of interest.
In the case of any material transactions or relationships
involving our Chief Financial Officer or our Chief Accounting
Officer, the General Counsel must submit a list of any approved
material transactions semi-annually to the audit committee for
its review.
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, requires the Companys executive officers and
directors to file reports of their ownership, and changes in
ownership, of the Companys common stock with the SEC.
Executive officers and directors are required by the SECs
regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all forms they
file pursuant to Section 16 and the Company is required to
report in this Proxy Statement any failure of its directors and
executive officers to file by the relevant due date any of these
reports during fiscal year 2007. Based solely upon a review of
these reports, Douglas K. Ammerman, Brent B. Bickett, William P.
Foley, II, Roger Jewkes, Erika Meinhardt, Anthony J. Park,
Raymond R. Quirk and Alan L. Stinson each filed one late report,
and Chris Abbinante and Peter T. Sadowski each filed two late
reports due to administrative errors. We believe all other
directors and executive officers complied with the requirements
of Section 16(a).
Any proposal that a stockholder wishes to be considered for
inclusion in the Proxy and Proxy Statement relating to the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held in 2009 must be
received by the Company no later than December 16, 2008.
Any other proposal that a stockholder wishes to bring before the
2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders without inclusion of such
proposal in the Companys proxy materials must also be
received by the Company no later than December 16, 2008.
All proposals must comply with the applicable requirements or
conditions established by the SEC and the Companys bylaws,
which requires among other things, certain information to be
provided in connection with the submission of stockholder
proposals. All proposals must be directed to the Secretary of
the Company at 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida
32204. The persons designated as proxies by the Company in
connection with the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will
have discretionary voting authority with respect to any
stockholder proposal for which the Company does not receive
timely notice.
The Company knows of no other matters to be submitted at the
meeting. If any other matters properly come before the meeting,
the enclosed proxy card confers discretionary authority on the
persons named in the enclosed proxy card to vote as they deem
appropriate on such matters. It is the intention of the persons
named in the enclosed proxy card to vote the shares in
accordance with their best judgment.
The Company files Annual Reports on
Form 10-K
with the SEC. A copy of the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 (except for
certain exhibits thereto), including our audited financial
statements and financial statement schedules, may be obtained,
free of charge, upon written request by any stockholder to
Fidelity National Financial, Inc., 601 Riverside Avenue,
Jacksonville, Florida 32204, Attention: Investor Relations.
Copies of all exhibits to the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
are available upon a similar request, subject to reimbursing the
Company for its expenses in supplying any exhibit.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Alan L. Stinson
Chief Executive Officer
Dated: April 15, 2008
Table of
Article 1. Establishment, Objectives, and Duration
Establishment of the Plan
Objectives of the Plan
Duration of the Plan
Article 2. Definitions
Award Agreement
Beneficial Ownership
Change in Control
Dividend Equivalent
Effective Date
Exchange Act
Exercise Price
Fair Market Value
Freestanding SAR
Incentive Stock Option or ISO
Nonqualified Stock Option or NQSO
Other Award
Performance-Based Exception
Performance Period
Performance Share
Performance Unit
Period of Restriction
Replacement Awards
Restricted Stock
Restricted Stock Unit
Stock Appreciation Right or SAR
Tandem SAR
Article 3. Administration
The Committee
Authority of the Committee
Decisions Binding
Article 4. Shares Subject to the Plan; Individual Limits;
and Anti-Dilution Adjustments
Number of Shares Available for Grants
Individual Limits
Adjustments in Authorized Shares and Awards
Article 5. Eligibility and Participation
Actual Participation
Article 6. Options
Grant of Options
Award Agreement
Exercise Price
Duration of Options
Exercise of Options
Restrictions on Share Transferability
Dividend Equivalents
Termination of Employment or Service
Nontransferability of Options
Article 7. Stock Appreciation Rights
Grant of SARs
Exercise of Tandem SARs
Exercise of Freestanding SARs
Award Agreement
Term of SARs
Payment of SAR Amount
Dividend Equivalents
Termination of Employment or Service
Nontransferability of SARs
Article 8. Restricted Stock
Grant of Restricted Stock
Award Agreement
Other Restrictions
Removal of Restrictions
Voting Rights
Dividends and Other Distributions
Termination of Employment or Service
Nontransferability of Restricted Stock
Article 9. Restricted Stock Units and Performance Shares
Grant of Restricted Stock Units/Performance Shares
Award Agreement
Form and Timing of Payment
Voting Rights
Dividend Equivalents
Termination of Employment or Service
Article 10. Performance Units
Grant of Performance Units
Award Agreement
Value of Performance Units
Form and Timing of Payment
Dividend Equivalents
Termination of Employment or Service
Article 11. Other Awards
Grant of Other Awards
Payment of Other Awards
Termination of Employment or Service
Article 12. Replacement Awards
Article 13. Performance Measures
Article 14. Beneficiary Designation
Article 15. Deferrals
Article 16. Rights of Participants
Continued Service
Article 17. Change in Control
Article 18. Additional Forfeiture Provisions
Article 19. Amendment, Modification, and Termination
Amendment, Modification, and Termination
Adjustment of Awards Upon the Occurrence of Certain Unusual or
Nonrecurring Events
Awards Previously Granted
Compliance with the Performance-Based Exception
Article 20. Withholding
Tax Withholding
Use of Shares to Satisfy Withholding Obligation
Article 21. Indemnification
Article 22. Successors
Article 23. Legal Construction
Gender, Number and References
Requirements of Law
Governing Law
Non-Exclusive Plan
Code Section 409A Compliance
National Financial, Inc.
and Restated
2005 Omnibus Incentive Plan
Article 1. Establishment,
Objectives, and Duration
1.1 Establishment of the
Plan. Fidelity National Financial, Inc., a
Delaware corporation formerly known as Fidelity National
Title Group, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company), hereby establishes an incentive
compensation plan to be known as the Amended and Restated
Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 2005 Omnibus Incentive
Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan).
The Plan permits the granting of Nonqualified Stock Options,
Incentive Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted
Stock, Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares, Performance
Units and Other Awards.
The Plan first became effective on September 26, 2005 (the
Effective Date). The Plan, as amended and restated,
will become effective on May 29, 2008 if it is approved by
the Companys stockholders at the Companys 2008
annual stockholders meeting. The Plan shall remain in effect as
provided in Section 1.3 hereof.
1.2 Objectives of the
Plan. The objectives of the Plan are to
optimize the profitability and growth of the Company through
incentives that are consistent with the Companys goals and
that link the personal interests of Participants to those of the
Companys stockholders.
The Plan is further intended to provide flexibility to the
Company in its ability to motivate, attract and retain the
services of Participants who make or are expected to make
significant contributions to the Companys success and to
allow Participants to share in the success of the Company.
1.3 Duration of the Plan. No
Award may be granted under the Plan after the day immediately
preceding the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date, or such
earlier date as the Board shall determine. The Plan will remain
in effect with respect to outstanding Awards until no Awards
remain outstanding.
Article 2. Definitions
The following terms, when capitalized, shall have the meanings
set forth below:
2.1 Award means, individually or
collectively, Nonqualified Stock Options, Incentive Stock
Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock, Restricted
Stock Units, Performance Shares, Performance Units, and Other
Awards granted under the Plan.
2.2 Award Agreement means an
agreement entered into by the Company and a Participant setting
forth the terms and provisions applicable to an Award.
2.3 Beneficial Ownership shall
have the meaning ascribed to such term in
Rule 13d-3
of the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act.
2.4 Board means the Board of
Directors of the Company.
2.5 Change in Control means that
the conditions set forth in any one of the following subsections
shall have been satisfied:
(a) an acquisition immediately after which any Person
possesses direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership of 25% or more
of either the then outstanding shares of Company common stock
(the Outstanding Company Common Stock) or the
combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities
of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of
directors (the Outstanding Company Voting
Securities); provided that the following acquisitions
shall be excluded: (i) any acquisition directly from the
Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of
a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted
was itself acquired directly from the Company, (ii) any
acquisition by the Company, (iii) any acquisition by any
employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained
by the Company or a Subsidiary, or (iv) any acquisition
pursuant to a transaction that complies with paragraphs (i),
(ii) and (iii) of subsection (c) of this
Section 2.5; or
(b) during any period of two consecutive years, the
individuals who, as of the beginning of such period, constitute
the Board (such Board shall be hereinafter referred to as the
Incumbent Board) cease for any reason to constitute
at least a majority of the Board; provided that for purposes of
this Section 2.5, any individual who becomes a member of
the Board subsequent to the beginning of such period and whose
election, or nomination for election by the Companys
shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of
those individuals who are members of the Board and who were also
members of the Incumbent Board (or deemed to be such pursuant to
this proviso) shall be considered as though such individual were
a member of the Incumbent Board; provided, further, that any
such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a
result of either an actual or threatened election contest or
other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents
by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board shall not be so
considered as a member of the Incumbent Board; or
(c) consummation of a reorganization, merger, share
exchange, consolidation or sale or other disposition of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company (Corporate
Transaction); excluding, however, such a Corporate
Transaction pursuant to which:
(i) all or substantially all of the individuals and
entities who have Beneficial Ownership, respectively, of the
Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting
Securities immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will
have Beneficial Ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than
50% of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock and
the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting
securities entitled to vote generally in the election of
directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from
such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, the
Company or a corporation that as a result of such transaction
owns the Company or all or substantially all of the
Companys assets either directly or through one or more
subsidiaries) (the Resulting Corporation) in
substantially the same proportions as their ownership,
immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction, of the
Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting
Securities, as the case may be;
(ii) no Person (other than (1) the Company,
(2) an employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored
or maintained by the Company or Resulting Corporation, or
(3) any entity controlled by the Company or Resulting
Corporation) will have Beneficial Ownership, directly or
indirectly, of 25% or more of, respectively, the outstanding
shares of common stock of the Resulting Corporation or the
combined voting power of the outstanding voting securities of
the Resulting Corporation entitled to vote generally in the
election of directors, except to the extent that such ownership
existed prior to the Corporate Transaction; and
(iii) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board
will continue to constitute at least a majority of the members
of the board of directors of the Resulting Corporation; or
(d) the approval by the stockholders of the Company of a
complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.
2.6 Code means the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.
2.7 Committee means the entity,
as specified in Section 3.1, authorized to administer the
2.8 Company means Fidelity
National Financial, Inc., a Delaware corporation formerly known
as Fidelity National Title Group, Inc., and any successor
2.9 Consultant means any
consultant or advisor to the Company or a Subsidiary.
2.10 Director means any
individual who is a member of the Board of Directors of the
Company or a Subsidiary.
2.11 Dividend Equivalent means,
with respect to Shares subject to an Award, a right to be paid
an amount equal to the dividends declared and paid on an equal
number of outstanding Shares.
2.12 Effective Date shall have
the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 1.1 hereof.
2.13 Employee means any employee
of the Company or a Subsidiary.
2.14 Exchange Act means the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time.
2.15 Exercise Price means the
price at which a Share may be purchased by a Participant
pursuant to an Option.
2.16 Fair Market Value means the
fair market value of a Share as determined in good faith by the
Committee or pursuant to a procedure specified in good faith by
the Committee; provided, however, that if the Committee has not
specified otherwise, Fair Market Value shall mean the closing
price of a Share as reported in a consolidated transaction
reporting system on the date of valuation, or, if there was no
such sale on the relevant date, then on the last previous day on
which a sale was reported.
2.17 Freestanding SAR means an
SAR that is granted independently of any Options, as described
in Article 7 herein.
2.18 Incentive Stock Option or
ISO means an Option that is intended to meet
the requirements of Code Section 422.
2.19 Nonqualified Stock Option or
NQSO means an Option that is not intended to
meet the requirements of Code Section 422.
2.20 Option means an Incentive
Stock Option or a Nonqualified Stock Option granted under the
Plan, as described in Article 6 herein.
2.21 Other Award means a cash,
Share-based or Share-related Award (other than an Award
described in Article 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 of the Plan) that is
granted pursuant to Article 11 herein.
2.22 Participant means a current
or former Employee, Director or Consultant who has rights
relating to an outstanding Award.
2.23 Performance-Based Exception
means the performance-based exception from the tax deductibility
limitations of Code Section 162(m).
2.24 Performance Period means the
period during which a performance measure must be met.
2.25 Performance Share means an
Award granted to a Participant, as described in Article 9
2.26 Performance Unit means an
Award granted to a Participant, as described in Article 10
2.27 Period of Restriction means
the period Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units are
subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture and are not
transferable, as provided in Articles 8 and 9 herein.
2.28 Person shall have the
meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the
Exchange Act and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) thereof.
2.29 Replacement Awards means
Awards issued in substitution of awards granted under
equity-based incentive plans sponsored or maintained by an
entity with which the Company engages in a merger, acquisition
or other business transaction, pursuant to which awards relating
to interests in such entity (or a related entity) are
outstanding immediately prior to such merger, acquisition or
other business transaction. For all purposes hereunder,
Replacement Awards shall be deemed Awards.
2.30 Restricted Stock means an
Award granted to a Participant, as described in Article 8
2.31 Restricted Stock Unit means
an Award granted to a Participant, as described in
Article 9 herein.
2.32 Share means a share of
Class A common stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per
share, subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 4.3 hereof.
2.33 Stock Appreciation Right or
SAR means an Award granted to a Participant,
either alone or in connection with a related Option, as
described in Article 7 herein.
2.34 Subsidiary means any
corporation in which the Company owns, directly or indirectly,
at least fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power
of all classes of stock, or any other entity (including, but not
limited to, partnerships and joint ventures) in which the
Company owns, directly or indirectly, at least fifty percent
(50%) of the combined equity thereof. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, for purposes of determining whether any individual
may be a Participant for purposes of any grant of Incentive
Stock Options, Subsidiary shall have the meaning
ascribed to such term in Code Section 424(f).
2.35 Tandem SAR means an SAR that
is granted in connection with a related Option, as described in
Article 7 herein.
Article 3. Administration
3.1 The Committee. The Plan
shall be administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board
or such other committee as the Board shall select (the
Committee). The members of the Committee shall be
appointed from time to time by, and shall serve at the
discretion of, the Board.
3.2 Authority of the
Committee. Except as limited by law or by the
Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Company, and
subject to the provisions herein, the Committee shall have full
power to select the Employees, Directors and Consultants who
shall participate in the Plan; determine the sizes and types of
Awards; determine the terms and conditions of Awards in a manner
consistent with the Plan; construe and interpret the Plan and
any Award Agreement or other agreement or instrument entered
into in connection with the Plan; establish, amend, or waive
rules and regulations for the Plans administration; and,
subject to the provisions of Section 19.3 herein, amend the
terms and conditions of any outstanding Award and Award
Agreement. Further, the Committee shall make all other
determinations that may be necessary or advisable for the
administration of the Plan. As permitted by law, the Committee
may delegate its authority as identified herein.
3.3 Decisions Binding. All
determinations and decisions made by the Committee pursuant to
the provisions of the Plan and all related orders and
resolutions of the Board shall be final, conclusive and binding
on all persons, including the Company, its Subsidiaries, its
stockholders, Directors, Employees, Consultants and their
estates and beneficiaries and any transferee of an Award.
Article 4. Shares
Subject to the Plan; Individual Limits; and Anti-Dilution
4.1 Number of Shares Available for
(a) Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.3
herein, the maximum number of Shares that may be delivered
pursuant to Awards under the Plan shall be 34,500,000, provided
(i) Shares that are potentially deliverable under an Award
that is canceled, forfeited, settled in cash, expires or is
otherwise terminated without delivery of such Shares shall not
be counted as having been delivered under the Plan.
(ii) Shares that are held back, tendered or returned to
cover the Exercise Price or tax withholding obligations with
respect to an Award shall not be counted as having been
delivered under the Plan.
(iii) Shares that have been issued in connection with an
Award of Restricted Stock that is canceled or forfeited prior to
vesting or settled in cash, causing the Shares to be returned to
the Company, shall not be counted as having been delivered under
the Plan.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Shares are returned to the
Company in satisfaction of taxes relating to Restricted Stock,
in connection with a cash out of Restricted Stock (but excluding
upon forfeiture of Restricted Stock) or in connection with the
tendering of Shares by a Participant in satisfaction of the
Exercise Price or taxes relating to an Award, such issued Shares
shall not become available again under the Plan if (x) the
transaction resulting in the return of Shares occurs more than
ten years after the date the Plan is approved by stockholders in
a manner that constitutes stockholder approval for purposes of
the New York Stock Exchange listing standards or (y) such
event would constitute a material revision of the
Plan subject to stockholder approval under then applicable rules
of the New York Stock Exchange.
Shares delivered pursuant to the Plan may be authorized but
unissued Shares, treasury Shares or Shares purchased on the open
(b) Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.3
herein, all Shares authorized under the Plan and available for
grant may be delivered in connection with full value
Awards, meaning Awards other than Options, SARs, or Other
Awards for which the Participant pays the grant date intrinsic
(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of
determining the number of Shares available for grant as
Incentive Stock Options, only Shares that are subject to an
Award that expires or is cancelled, forfeited or settled in cash
shall be treated as not having been issued under the Plan.
4.2 Individual
Limits. Subject to adjustment as provided in
Section 4.3 herein, the following rules shall apply with
respect to Awards and any related dividends or Dividend
Equivalents intended to qualify for the Performance-Based
(a) Options: The maximum aggregate number
of Shares with respect to which Options may be granted in any
one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be
(b) SARs: The maximum aggregate number of
Shares with respect to which Stock Appreciation Rights may be
granted in any one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be
(c) Restricted Stock: The maximum
aggregate number of Shares of Restricted Stock that may be
granted in any one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be
(d) Restricted Stock Units: The maximum
aggregate number of Shares with respect to which Restricted
Stock Units may be granted in any one fiscal year to any one
Participant shall be 2,000,000 Shares.
(e) Performance Shares: The maximum
aggregate number of Shares with respect to which Performance
Shares may be granted in any one fiscal year to any one
Participant shall be 2,000,000 Shares.
(f) Performance Units: The maximum
aggregate compensation that can be paid pursuant to Performance
Units awarded in any one fiscal year to any one Participant
shall be $25,000,000 or a number of Shares having an aggregate
Fair Market Value not in excess of such amount.
(g) Other Awards: The maximum aggregate
compensation that can be paid pursuant to Other Awards awarded
in any one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be
$25,000,000 or a number of Shares having an aggregate Fair
Market Value not in excess of such amount.
(h) Dividends and Dividend
Equivalents: The maximum dividend or Dividend
Equivalent that may be paid in any one fiscal year to any one
Participant shall be $25,000,000.
4.3 Adjustments in Authorized Shares and
Awards. In the event of any merger,
reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization, liquidation,
stock dividend,
spin-off, stock split, reverse stock split, share combination,
share exchange, extraordinary dividend, or any change in the
corporate structure affecting the Shares, such adjustment shall
be made in the number and kind of shares that may be delivered
under the Plan as set forth in Section 4.1(a) and (b), the
individual limits set forth in Section 4.2, and, with
respect to outstanding Awards, the number and kind of shares
subject to outstanding Awards, the Exercise Price, grant price
or other price of shares subject to outstanding Awards, any
performance conditions relating to shares, the market price of
shares, or per-share results, and other terms and conditions of
outstanding Awards, as may be determined to be appropriate and
equitable by the Committee, in its sole discretion, to prevent
dilution or enlargement of rights; provided, however, that,
unless otherwise determined by the Committee, the number of
shares subject to any Award shall always be rounded down to a
whole number.
Article 5. Eligibility
and Participation
5.1 Eligibility. Persons
eligible to participate in the Plan include all Employees,
Directors and Consultants.
5.2 Actual
Participation. Subject to the provisions of
the Plan, the Committee may, from time to time, select from all
eligible Employees, Directors and Consultants, those to whom
Awards shall be granted and shall determine the nature and
amount of each Award.
Article 6. Options
6.1 Grant of
Options. Subject to the terms and provisions
of the Plan, Options may be granted to Participants in such
amounts, upon such terms, and at such times as the Committee
shall determine.
6.2 Award Agreement. Each
Option grant shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall
specify the Exercise Price, the duration of the Option, the
number of Shares to which the Option pertains, and such other
provisions as the Committee shall determine. The Award Agreement
also shall specify whether the Option is intended to be an ISO
or an NQSO. Options that are intended to be ISOs shall be
subject to the limitations set forth in Code Section 422.
6.3 Exercise Price. The
Exercise Price for each grant of an Option under the Plan shall
be at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date the Option is granted;
provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to
Replacement Awards or Awards that are adjusted pursuant to
Section 4.3 herein. No ISO granted to a Participant who, at
the time the ISO is granted, owns stock representing more than
ten percent (10%) of the voting power of all classes of stock of
the Company or any Subsidiary shall have an Exercise Price that
is less than one hundred ten percent (110%) of the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the date the ISO is granted.
6.4 Duration of
Options. Each Option granted to a Participant
shall expire at such time as the Committee shall determine at
the time of grant; provided, however, that no Option shall be
exercisable later than the tenth (10th) anniversary date of its
grant. No ISO granted to a Participant who, at the time the ISO
is granted, owns stock representing more than ten percent (10%)
of the voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or
any Subsidiary shall be exercisable later than the fifth (5th)
anniversary of the date of its grant.
6.5 Exercise of
Options. Options granted under this
Article 6 shall be exercisable at such times and be subject
to such restrictions and conditions as set forth in the Award
Agreement and as the Committee shall in each instance approve,
which need not be the same for each grant or for each
6.6 Payment. Options granted
under this Article 6 shall be exercised by the delivery of
a written notice of exercise to the Company, setting forth the
number of Shares with respect to which the Option is to be
exercised and specifying the method of payment of the Exercise
The Exercise Price of an Option shall be payable to the Company
in full: (a) in cash or its equivalent, (b) by
tendering Shares or directing the Company to withhold Shares
from the Option having an aggregate Fair Market Value at the
time of exercise equal to the Exercise Price, (c) by
broker-assisted cashless exercise, (d) in any other manner
then permitted by the Committee, or (e) by a combination of
any of the permitted methods of payment. The Committee may limit
any method of payment, other than that specified under (a), for
administrative convenience, to comply with applicable law, or
for any other reason.
6.7 Restrictions on Share
Transferability. The Committee may impose
such restrictions on any Shares acquired pursuant to the
exercise of an Option granted under this Article 6 as it
may deem advisable, including, without limitation, restrictions
under applicable federal securities laws, under the requirements
of any stock exchange or market upon which such Shares are then
traded, and under any blue sky or state securities laws
applicable to such Shares.
6.8 Dividend Equivalents. At
the discretion of the Committee, an Award of Options may provide
the Participant with the right to receive Dividend Equivalents,
which may be paid currently or credited to an account for the
Participant, and may be settled in cash
Shares, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion,
subject in each case to such terms and conditions as the
Committee shall establish.
6.9 Termination of Employment or
Service. Each Participants Option Award
Agreement shall set forth the extent to which the Participant
shall have the right to exercise the Option following
termination of the Participants employment or, if the
Participant is a Director or Consultant, service with the
and/or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be. Such provisions shall be
determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, need not be
uniform among all Options, and may reflect distinctions based on
the reasons for termination of employment or service.
6.10 Nontransferability of Options.
(a) Incentive Stock Options. ISOs may not
be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated
or hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of descent
and distribution, and shall be exercisable during a
Participants lifetime only by such Participant.
(b) Nonqualified Stock Options. NQSOs may
not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise
alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution, and shall be exercisable during a
Participants lifetime only by such Participant.
Article 7. Stock
Appreciation Rights
7.1 Grant of SARs. Subject
to the terms and provisions of the Plan, SARs may be granted to
Participants in such amounts, upon such terms, and at such times
as the Committee shall determine. The Committee may grant
Freestanding SARs, Tandem SARs, or any combination of these
forms of SAR.
The Committee shall have complete discretion in determining the
number of SARs granted to each Participant (subject to
Article 4 herein) and, consistent with the provisions of
the Plan, in determining the terms and conditions pertaining to
such SARs.
The grant price of a Freestanding SAR shall at least equal the
Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant of the SAR,
and the grant price of a Tandem SAR shall equal the Exercise
Price of the related Option; provided, however, that this
restriction shall not apply to Replacement Awards or Awards that
are adjusted pursuant to Section 4.3 herein.
7.2 Exercise of Tandem
SARs. A Tandem SAR may be exercised only with
respect to the Shares for which its related Option is then
exercisable. To the extent exercisable, Tandem SARs may be
exercised for all or part of the Shares subject to the related
Option. The exercise of all or part of a Tandem SAR shall result
in the forfeiture of the right to purchase a number of Shares
under the related Option equal to the number of Shares with
respect to which the SAR is exercised. Conversely, upon exercise
of all or part of an Option with respect to which a Tandem SAR
has been granted, an equivalent portion of the Tandem SAR shall
similarly be forfeited.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary,
with respect to a Tandem SAR granted in connection with an ISO:
(i) the Tandem SAR will expire no later than the expiration
of the underlying ISO; (ii) the value of the payout with
respect to the Tandem SAR may be for no more than one hundred
percent (100%) of the difference between the Exercise Price of
the underlying ISO and the Fair Market Value of the Shares
subject to the underlying ISO at the time the Tandem SAR is
exercised; and (iii) the Tandem SAR may be exercised only
when the Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the ISO
exceeds the Exercise Price of the ISO.
7.3 Exercise of Freestanding
SARs. Freestanding SARs may be exercised upon
whatever terms and conditions the Committee, in its sole
discretion, imposes upon them and sets forth in the Award
7.4 Award Agreement. Each
SAR grant shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall
specify the grant price, the term of the SAR, and such other
provisions as the Committee shall determine.
7.5 Term of SARs. The term
of an SAR granted under the Plan shall be determined by the
Committee, in its sole discretion; provided, however, that such
term shall not exceed ten (10) years.
7.6 Payment of SAR
Amount. Upon exercise of an SAR, a
Participant shall be entitled to receive payment from the
Company in an amount determined by multiplying:
(a) the difference between the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the date of exercise over the grant price; by
(b) the number of Shares with respect to which the SAR is
At the discretion of the Committee, the payment upon SAR
exercise may be in cash, in Shares of equivalent value, or in
some combination thereof.
7.7 Dividend Equivalents. At
the discretion of the Committee, an Award of SARs may provide
the Participant with the right to receive Dividend Equivalents,
which may be paid currently or credited to an account for
the Participant, and may be settled in cash
Shares, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion,
subject in each case to such terms and conditions as the
Committee shall establish.
7.8 Termination of Employment or
Service. Each SAR Award Agreement shall set
forth the extent to which the Participant shall have the right
to exercise the SAR following termination of the
Participants employment or, if the Participant is a
Director or Consultant, service with the Company
and/or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be. Such provisions shall be
determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, need not be
uniform among all SARs, and may reflect distinctions based on
the reasons for termination of employment or service.
7.9 Nontransferability of
SARs. SARs may not be sold, transferred,
pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other
than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, and
shall be exercisable during a Participants lifetime only
by such Participant.
Article 8. Restricted
8.1 Grant of Restricted
Stock. Subject to the terms and provisions of
the Plan, Restricted Stock may be granted to Participants in
such amounts, upon such terms, and at such times as the
Committee shall determine.
8.2 Award Agreement. Each
Restricted Stock grant shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement
that shall specify the Period(s) of Restriction and, if
applicable, Performance Period(s), the number of Shares of
Restricted Stock granted, and such other provisions as the
Committee shall determine.
8.3 Other Restrictions. The
Committee shall impose such other conditions
restrictions on any Shares of Restricted Stock granted pursuant
to the Plan as it may deem advisable including, without
limitation, a requirement that Participants pay a stipulated
purchase price for each Share of Restricted Stock, a requirement
that the issuance of Shares of Restricted Stock be delayed,
restrictions based upon the achievement of specific performance
goals, time-based restrictions on vesting following the
attainment of the performance goals, time-based restrictions,
restrictions under applicable laws or under the requirements of
any stock exchange or market upon which such Shares are listed
or traded, or holding requirements or sale restrictions placed
on the Shares by the Company upon vesting of such Restricted
Stock. The Company may retain in its custody any certificate
evidencing the Shares of Restricted Stock and place thereon a
legend and institute stop-transfer orders on such Shares, and
the Participant shall be obligated to sign any stock power
requested by the Company relating to the Shares to give effect
to the forfeiture provisions of the Restricted Stock.
8.4 Removal of
Restrictions. Subject to applicable laws,
Restricted Stock shall become freely transferable by the
Participant after the last day of the Period of Restriction
applicable thereto. Once Restricted Stock is released from the
restrictions, the Participant shall be entitled to receive a
certificate evidencing the Shares.
8.5 Voting Rights. Unless
otherwise determined by the Committee and set forth in a
Participants Award Agreement, to the extent permitted or
required by law, as determined by the Committee, Participants
holding Shares of Restricted Stock granted hereunder may
exercise full voting rights with respect to those Shares during
the Period of Restriction.
8.6 Dividends and Other
Distributions. Except as otherwise provided
in a Participants Award Agreement, during the Period of
Restriction, Participants holding Shares of Restricted Stock
shall receive all regular cash dividends paid with respect to
all Shares while they are so held, and, except as otherwise
determined by the Committee, all other distributions paid with
respect to such Restricted Stock shall be credited to
Participants subject to the same restrictions on transferability
and forfeitability as the Restricted Stock with respect to which
they were paid and paid at such time following full vesting as
are paid the Shares of Restricted Stock with respect to which
such distributions were made.
8.7 Termination of Employment or
Service. Each Award Agreement shall set forth
the extent to which the Participant shall have the right to
retain unvested Restricted Stock following termination of the
Participants employment or, if the Participant is a
Director or Consultant, service with the Company
and/or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be. Such provisions shall be
determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, need not be
uniform among all Awards of Restricted Stock, and may reflect
distinctions based on the reasons for termination of employment
or service.
8.8 Nontransferability of Restricted
Stock. Except as otherwise determined by the
Committee, during the applicable Period of Restriction, a
Participants Restricted Stock and rights relating thereto
shall be available during the Participants lifetime only
to such Participant, and such Restricted Stock and related
rights may not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or
otherwise alienated or hypothecated other than by will or by the
laws of descent and distribution.
Article 9. Restricted
Stock Units and Performance Shares
9.1 Grant of Restricted Stock Units/Performance
Shares. Subject to the terms and provisions
of the Plan, Restricted Stock Units and Performance Shares may
be granted to Participants in such amounts, upon such terms, and
at such times as the Committee shall determine.
9.2 Award Agreement. Each
grant of Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares shall be
evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall specify the
applicable Period(s) of Restriction
Performance Period(s) (as the case may be), the number of
Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares granted, and such
other provisions as the Committee shall determine. The initial
value of a Restricted Stock Unit or Performance Share shall be
at least equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date
of grant; provided, however, that this restriction shall not
apply to Replacement Awards or Awards that are adjusted pursuant
to Section 4.3 herein.
9.3 Form and Timing of
Payment. Except as otherwise provided in
Article 17 herein or a Participants Award Agreement,
payment of Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares shall be
made at a specified settlement date that shall not be earlier
than the last day of the Period of Restriction or Performance
Period, as the case may be. The Committee, in its sole
discretion, may pay earned Restricted Stock Units and
Performance Shares by delivery of Shares or by payment in cash
of an amount equal to the Fair Market Value of such Shares (or a
combination thereof). The Committee may provide that settlement
of Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares shall be
deferred, on a mandatory basis or at the election of the
9.4 Voting Rights. A
Participant shall have no voting rights with respect to any
Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares granted hereunder;
provided, however, that the Committee may deposit Shares
potentially deliverable in connection with Restricted Stock
Units or Performance Shares in a rabbi trust, in which case the
Committee may provide for pass through voting rights with
respect to such deposited Shares.
9.5 Dividend Equivalents. At
the discretion of the Committee, an Award of Restricted Stock
Units or Performance Shares may provide the Participant with the
right to receive Dividend Equivalents, which may be paid
currently or credited to an account for the Participant, and may
be settled in cash
Shares, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion,
subject in each case to such terms and conditions as the
Committee shall establish.
9.6 Termination of Employment or
Service. Each Award Agreement shall set forth
the extent to which the Participant shall have the right to
receive a payout with respect to an Award of Restricted Stock
Units or Performance Shares following termination of the
Participants employment or, if the Participant is a
Director or Consultant, service with the Company
and/or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be. Such provisions shall be
determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, need not be
uniform among all Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares,
and may reflect distinctions based on the reasons for
termination of employment or service.
9.7 Nontransferability. Except
as otherwise determined by the Committee, Restricted Stock Units
and Performance Shares and rights relating thereto may not be
sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or
hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of descent and
Article 10. Performance
10.1 Grant of Performance
Units. Subject to the terms and conditions of
the Plan, Performance Units may be granted to Participants in
such amounts, upon such terms, and at such times as the
Committee shall determine.
10.2 Award Agreement. Each
grant of Performance Units shall be evidenced by an Award
Agreement that shall specify the number of Performance Units
granted, the Performance Period(s), the performance goals and
such other provisions as the Committee shall determine.
10.3 Value of Performance
Units. The Committee shall set performance
goals in its discretion that, depending on the extent to which
they are met, will determine the number
and/or value
of Performance Units that will be paid out to the Participants.
10.4 Form and Timing of
Payment. Except as otherwise provided in
Article 17 herein or a Participants Award Agreement,
payment of earned Performance Units shall be made following the
close of the applicable Performance Period. The Committee, in
its sole discretion, may pay earned Performance Units in cash or
in Shares that have an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to the
value of the earned Performance Units (or a combination
thereof). The Committee may provide that settlement of
Performance Units shall be deferred, on a mandatory basis or at
the election of the Participant.
10.5 Dividend
Equivalents. At the discretion of the
Committee, an Award of Performance Units may provide the
Participant with the right to receive Dividend Equivalents,
which may be paid currently or credited to an account for the
Participant, and may be settled in cash
Shares, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion,
subject in each case to such terms and conditions as the
Committee shall establish.
10.6 Termination of Employment or
Service. Each Award Agreement shall set forth
the extent to which the Participant shall have the right to
receive a payout with respect to an Award of Performance Units
following termination of the Participants employment or,
if the Participant is a Director or Consultant, service with the
and/or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be. Such provisions shall be
determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, need not be
uniform among all Performance Units and may reflect distinctions
based on reasons for termination of employment or service.
10.7 Nontransferability. Except
as otherwise determined by the Committee, Performance Units and
rights relating thereto may not be sold, transferred, pledged,
assigned or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution.
Article 11. Other
11.1 Grant of Other
Awards. Subject to the terms and conditions
of the Plan, Other Awards may be granted to Participants in such
amounts, upon such terms, and at such times as the Committee
shall determine. Types of Other Awards that may be granted
pursuant to this Article 11 include, without limitation,
the payment of cash or Shares based on attainment of performance
goals established by the Committee, the payment of Shares as a
bonus or in lieu of cash based on attainment of performance
goals established by the Committee, and the payment of Shares in
lieu of cash under other Company incentive or bonus programs.
11.2 Payment of Other
Awards. Payment under or settlement of any
such Awards shall be made in such manner and at such times as
the Committee may determine.
11.3 Termination of Employment or
Service. The Committee shall determine the
extent to which the Participant shall have the right to receive
Other Awards following termination of the Participants
employment or, if the Participant is a Director or Consultant,
service with the Company
and/or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be. Such provisions shall be
determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, may be
included in an agreement entered into with each Participant, but
need not be uniform among all Other Awards, and may reflect
distinctions based on the reasons for termination of employment
or service.
11.4 Nontransferability. Except
as otherwise determined by the Committee, Other Awards and
rights relating thereto may not be sold, transferred, pledged,
assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution.
Article 12. Replacement
Each Replacement Award shall have substantially the same terms
and conditions (as determined by the Committee) as the award it
replaces; provided, however, that the number of Shares subject
to Replacement Awards, the Exercise Price, grant price or other
price of Shares subject to Replacement Awards, any performance
conditions relating to Shares underlying Replacement Awards, or
the market price of Shares underlying Replacement Awards
or per-Share results may differ from the awards they replace to
the extent such differences are determined to be appropriate and
equitable by the Committee, in its sole discretion.
Article 13. Performance
The Committee may specify that the attainment of one or more of
the performance measures set forth in this Article 13 shall
determine the degree of granting, vesting
payout with respect to Awards (including any related dividends
or Dividend Equivalents) that the Committee intends will qualify
for the Performance-Based Exception. The performance goals to be
used for such Awards shall be chosen from among the following
performance measure(s): earnings per share, economic value
created, market share (actual or targeted growth), net income
(before or after taxes), operating income, adjusted net income
after capital charge, return on assets (actual or targeted
growth), return on capital (actual or targeted growth), return
on equity (actual or targeted growth), return on investment
(actual or targeted growth), revenue (actual or targeted
growth), cash flow, operating margin, share price, share price
growth, total stockholder return, and strategic business
criteria consisting of one or more objectives based on meeting
specified market penetration goals, productivity measures,
geographic business expansion goals, cost targets, customer
satisfaction or employee satisfaction goals, goals relating to
merger synergies, management of employment practices and
employee benefits, or supervision of litigation and information
technology, and goals relating to acquisitions or divestitures
of Subsidiaries
and/or other
affiliates or joint ventures. The targeted level or levels of
performance with respect to such performance measures may be
established at such levels and on such terms as the Committee
may determine, in its discretion, including in absolute terms,
as a goal relative to performance in prior periods, or as a goal
compared to the performance of one or more comparable companies
or an index covering multiple companies. Awards (including any
related dividends or Dividend Equivalents) that are not intended
to qualify for the Performance-Based Exception may be based on
these or such other performance measures as the Committee may
Achievement of performance goals in respect of Awards intended
to qualify under the Performance-Based Exception shall be
measured over a Performance Period, and the goals shall be
established not later than ninety (90) days after the
beginning of the Performance Period or, if less than
(90) days, the number of days that is equal to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the relevant Performance Period applicable to
the Award. The Committee shall have the discretion to adjust the
determinations of the degree of attainment of the
pre-established performance goals; provided, however, that
Awards that are designed to qualify for the Performance-Based
Exception may not be adjusted upward (the Committee may, in its
discretion, adjust such Awards downward).
Article 14. Beneficiary
Each Participant under the Plan may, from time to time, name any
beneficiary or beneficiaries (who may be named contingently or
successively) to whom any benefit under the Plan is to be paid
in case of his or her death before he or she receives any or all
of such benefit. Each such designation shall revoke all prior
designations by the same Participant, shall be in a form
prescribed by the Committee, and will be effective only when
filed by the Participant in writing during the
Participants lifetime with the Committee. In the absence
of any such designation, benefits remaining unpaid at the
Participants death shall be paid to the Participants
Article 15. Deferrals
If permitted by the Committee, a Participant may defer receipt
of amounts that would otherwise be provided to such Participant
with respect to an Award, including Shares deliverable upon
exercise of an Option or SAR or upon payout of any other Award.
If permitted, such deferral (and the required deferral election)
shall be made in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the
terms and conditions of the applicable nonqualified deferred
compensation plan, agreement or arrangement under which such
deferral is made and such other terms and conditions as the
Committee may prescribe.
Article 16. Rights
of Participants
16.1 Continued
Service. Nothing in the Plan shall:
(a) interfere with or limit in any way the right of the
Company or a Subsidiary to terminate any Participants
employment or service at any time,
(b) confer upon any Participant any right to continue in
the employ or service of the Company or a Subsidiary, nor
(c) confer on any Director any right to continue to serve
on the Board of Directors of the Company or a Subsidiary.
16.2 Participation. No
Employee, Director or Consultant shall have the right to be
selected to receive an Award under the Plan, or, having been so
selected, to be selected to receive future Awards.
Article 17. Change
in Control
Except as otherwise provided in a Participants Award
Agreement, upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, unless
otherwise specifically prohibited under applicable laws, or by
the rules and regulations of any governing governmental agencies
or national securities exchanges:
(a) any and all outstanding Options and SARs granted
hereunder shall become immediately exercisable; provided,
however, that the Committee may instead provide that such Awards
shall be automatically cashed out upon a Change in Control;
(b) any Period of Restriction or other restriction imposed
on Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units and Other Awards
shall lapse; and
(c) any and all Performance Shares, Performance Units and
other Awards (if performance-based) shall be deemed earned at
the target level (or if no target level is specified, the
maximum level) with respect to all open Performance Periods.
Article 18. Additional
Forfeiture Provisions
The Committee may condition a Participants right to
receive a grant of an Award, to vest in the Award, to exercise
the Award, to retain cash, Shares, other Awards, or other
property acquired in connection with the Award, or to retain the
profit or gain realized by the Participant in connection with
the Award, including cash or other proceeds received upon sale
of Shares acquired in connection with an Award, upon compliance
by the Participant with specified conditions relating to
non-competition, confidentiality of information relating to or
possessed by the Company, non-solicitation of customers,
suppliers, and employees of the Company, cooperation in
litigation, non-disparagement of the Company and its officers,
directors and affiliates, and other restrictions upon or
covenants of the Participant, including during specified periods
following termination of employment with or service for the
and/or a
Article 19. Amendment,
Modification, and Termination
19.1 Amendment, Modification, and
Termination. The Board may at any time and
from time to time, alter, amend, suspend or terminate the Plan
in whole or in part; provided, however, that no amendment that
requires stockholder approval in order for the Plan to continue
to comply with the New York Stock Exchange listing standards or
any rule promulgated by the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission or any securities exchange on which the
securities of the Company are listed shall be effective unless
such amendment shall be approved by the requisite vote of
stockholders of the Company entitled to vote thereon within the
time period required under such applicable listing standard or
19.2 Adjustment of Awards Upon the Occurrence
of Certain Unusual or Nonrecurring
Events. The Committee may make adjustments in
the terms and conditions of, and the criteria included in,
Awards in recognition of unusual or nonrecurring events
(including, without limitation, the events described in
Section 4.3 hereof) affecting the Company or the financial
statements of the Company or of changes in applicable laws,
regulations, or accounting principles, whenever the Committee
determines that such adjustments are appropriate in order to
prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential
benefits intended to be made available under the Plan; provided,
however, that (except as provided in Section 4.3 hereof)
the Committee does not have the power to amend the terms of
previously granted options to reduce the exercise price per
share subject to such options, or to cancel such options and
grant substitute options with a lower exercise price per share
than the cancelled options. The Company is not permitted to
purchase for cash previously granted options with an exercise
price that is greater than the Companys trading price on
the proposed date of purchase. With respect to any Awards
intended to comply with the
Exception, any such exception shall be specified at such times
and in such manner as will not cause such Awards to fail to
qualify under the
19.3 Awards Previously
Granted. No termination, amendment or
modification of the Plan or of any Award shall adversely affect
in any material way any Award previously granted under the Plan
without the written consent of the Participant holding such
Award, unless such termination, modification or amendment is
required by applicable law and except as otherwise provided
19.4 Compliance with the Performance-Based
Exception. If it is intended that an Award
(and/or any dividends or Dividend Equivalents relating to such
Award) comply with the requirements of the Performance-Based
Exception, the Committee may apply any restrictions it deems
appropriate such that the Awards (and/or dividends or Dividend
Equivalents) maintain eligibility for the Performance-Based
Exception. If changes are made to Code Section 162(m) or
regulations promulgated thereunder to permit greater flexibility
with respect to any Award or Awards available under the Plan,
the Committee may, subject to this Article 19, make any
adjustments to the Plan
and/or Award
Agreements it deems appropriate.
Article 20. Withholding
20.1 Tax Withholding. The
Company shall have the power and the right to deduct or
withhold, or require a Participant to remit to the Company, an
amount sufficient to satisfy federal, state, local, domestic or
foreign taxes required by law or regulation to be withheld with
respect to any taxable event arising as a result of the Plan.
20.2 Use of Shares to Satisfy Withholding
Obligation. With respect to withholding
required upon the exercise of Options or SARs, upon the vesting
or settlement of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units,
Performance Shares or Performance Units, or upon any other
taxable event arising as a result of Awards granted hereunder,
the Committee may require or may permit Participants to elect
that the withholding requirement be satisfied, in whole or in
part, by having the Company withhold, or by tendering to the
Company, Shares having a Fair Market Value equal to the minimum
statutory withholding (based on minimum statutory withholding
rates for federal and state tax purposes, including payroll
taxes) that could be imposed on the transaction and, in any case
in which it would not result in additional accounting expense to
the Company, taxes in excess of the minimum statutory
withholding amounts. Any such elections by a Participant shall
be irrevocable, made in writing and signed by the Participant.
Article 21. Indemnification
Each person who is or shall have been a member of the Committee,
or of the Board, shall be indemnified and held harmless by the
Company to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law against
and from any loss, cost, liability, or expense that may be
imposed upon or reasonably incurred by him or her in connection
with or resulting from any claim, action, suit, or proceeding to
which he or she may be a party or in which he or she may be
involved by reason of any action taken or failure to act under
the Plan and against and from any and all amounts paid by him or
her in settlement thereof, with the Companys approval, or
paid by him or her in satisfaction of any judgment in any such
action, suit, or proceeding against him or her, provided he or
she shall give the Company an opportunity, at its own expense,
to handle and defend the same before he or she undertakes to
handle and defend it on his or her own behalf. The foregoing
right of indemnification is subject to the person having been
successful in the legal proceedings or having acted in good
faith and what is reasonably believed to be a lawful manner in
the Companys best interests. The foregoing right of
indemnification shall not be exclusive of any other rights of
indemnification to which such persons may be entitled under the
Companys Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, as a
matter of law, or otherwise, or any power that the Company may
have to indemnify them or hold them harmless.
Article 22. Successors
All obligations of the Company under the Plan and with respect
to Awards shall be binding on any successor to the Company,
whether the existence of such successor is the result of a
direct or indirect purchase, merger, consolidation, or other
event, or a sale or disposition of all or substantially all of
the business
assets of the Company.
Article 23. Legal
23.1 Gender, Number and
References. Except where otherwise indicated
by the context, any masculine term used herein also shall
include the feminine; the plural shall include the singular and
the singular shall include the plural. Any reference in the Plan
to an act or code or to any section thereof or rule or
regulation thereunder shall be deemed to refer to such act,
code, section, rule or regulation, as may be amended from time
to time, or to any successor act, code, section, rule or
23.2 Severability. In the
event any provision of the Plan shall be held illegal or invalid
for any reason, the illegality or invalidity shall not affect
the remaining parts of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed
and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been
23.3 Requirements of
Law. The granting of Awards and the issuance
of Shares under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable
laws, rules, and regulations, and to such approvals by any
governmental agencies or national securities exchanges as may be
23.4 Governing Law. To the
extent not preempted by federal law, the Plan, and all
agreements hereunder, shall be construed in accordance with and
governed by the laws of the State of Florida, without giving
effect to conflicts or choice of law principles.
23.5 Non-Exclusive
Plan. Neither the adoption of the Plan by the
Board nor its submission to the stockholders of the Company for
approval shall be construed as creating any limitations on the
power of the Board or a committee thereof to adopt such other
incentive arrangements as it may deem desirable, including other
incentive arrangements and awards that do or do not qualify
under the Performance-Based Exception.
23.6 Code Section 409A
Compliance. To the extent applicable, it is
intended that this Plan and any Awards granted under the Plan
comply with the requirements of Code Section 409A and any
related regulations or other guidance promulgated with respect
to such Section by the U.S. Department of the Treasury or
the Internal Revenue Service (collectively
Section 409A). Any provision that would cause
the Plan or any Award granted under the Plan to fail to satisfy
Section 409A shall have no force or effect until amended to
comply with Section 409A, which amendment may be
retroactive to the extent permitted by Section 409A.
You can vote in one of three ways:
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off
date or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the
instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form.
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by
Fidelity National Financial, Inc. in mailing proxy
materials, you can consent to receiving all future
proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports
electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up
for electronic delivery, please follow the
instructions above to vote using the Internet and,
when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or
access stockholder communications electronically in
future years.
VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting
instructions up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day
before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your
proxy card in hand when you call and then follow the
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in
the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return
it to Fidelity National Financial, Inc., c/o
Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.
For All |
Withhold All |
For All Except |
To withhold authority to
vote for any individual nominee(s), mark For All Except
and write the number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below.
Vote on Directors
1. To elect to
the Board of Directors.
Nominees: |
o |
o |
o |
01) William P. Foley, II
02) Douglas K. Ammerman
03) Thomas M. Hagerty
04) Peter O. Shea, Jr.
Vote on Proposals |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
2. |
To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the 2008 fiscal year. |
o |
3. |
To approve the Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Amended and Restated 2005 Omnibus Incentive Plan. |
o |
In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting. |
| |
| |
(NOTE: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s)
hereon. All holders must sign. When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full
title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name, by authorized
officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
authorized person.)
Date |
Signature (Joint Owners) |
Date |
You can vote in one of three ways:
1. |
Call toll-free 1-800-690-6903 on a Touch-Tone telephone and follow the instructions on the
reverse side. There is NO CHARGE to you for this call. |
2. |
Vote by Internet at our Internet Address: |
3. |
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it promptly in the enclosed envelope.
Important Notice Regarding Internet Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting:
The Notice and Proxy Statement and Annual Report are available at
The undersigned hereby appoints William P. Foley, II and Frank P. Willey, and each of them, as
Proxies, each with full power of substitution, and hereby authorizes each of them to represent and
to vote, as designated on the reverse side, all the shares of common stock of Fidelity National
Financial, Inc. held of record by the undersigned as of March 31, 2008, at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders to be held at 11:00 a.m., eastern time in the Peninsular Auditorium at 601 Riverside
Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32204 on May 29, 2008, or any adjournment thereof.
This instruction and proxy card is also solicited by the Board of Directors of Fidelity
National Financial, Inc. (the Company) for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders on May 29,
2008 at 11:00 a.m., eastern time from persons who participate in either (1) the Fidelity National
Financial, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan (the 401(k)
Plan), or (2) the Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the ESPP), or (3) both the 401(k) Plan and the
By signing this instruction and proxy card, the undersigned hereby instructs Wells Fargo Bank
Minnesota, N.A., Trustee for the 401(k) Plan and the ESPP, to exercise the voting rights relating
to any shares of common stock of Fidelity National Financial, Inc. allocable to his or her
account(s) as of March 31, 2008. For shares voted by mail, this instruction and proxy card is to be
returned to the tabulation agent (Fidelity National Financial, Inc., c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes
Way, Edgewood, NY 11717) by May 27, 2008. For shares voted by phone or internet, the deadline is
11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 26, 2008. For the 401(k) Plan, the Trustee will
tabulate the votes received from all participants received by the deadline and will determine
the ratio of votes for and against each item. The Trustee will then vote all shares held in the
401(k) Plan according to these ratios. For the ESPP, the Trustee will vote only those shares that
are properly voted by ESPP participants.
on reverse side)