OMB Number: 3235-0059 |
Expires: February 28, 2006
average burden hours per response 12.75 |
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary Proxy Statement
o Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
þ Definitive Proxy Statement
o Definitive Additional Materials
o Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
ITC Holdings Corp.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required.
o Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
1) Amount Previously Paid:
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
3) Filing Party:
4) Date Filed:
SEC 1913 (02-02)
Persons who are to respond to the collection of
information contained in this form are not required to
respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB
control number. |
April 23, 2007
Dear Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend our Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, which will be held on June 8, 2007, at
9:00 a.m. local time at the Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel,
21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, Michigan. After the formal business
session, there will be a report to the shareholders on the state
of the Company and a question and answer session.
The attached notice and proxy statement describe the items of
business to be transacted at the meeting. Your vote is
important, regardless of the number of shares you own. I urge
you to vote now, even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting.
You can vote your shares in person, or by phone, Internet or
mail. Follow the instructions on the enclosed proxy card. If you
receive more than one proxy card, please vote each card.
Remember, you can always vote in person at the Annual Meeting
even if you do so now, provided you are a shareholder of record
or have a legal proxy from a shareholder of record.
Joseph L. Welch
Director, President, Chief Executive Officer and
Novi, Michigan
April 23, 2007
(248) 374-7100
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
of ITC Holdings Corp. will be held at the Sheraton Detroit Novi
Hotel, 21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, Michigan 48375, on
June 8, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time,
for the following purposes:
(1) To elect a Board of Directors to serve for terms of
one, two or three years if Proposal 2 to create a staggered
Board of Directors is approved, or to elect the same individuals
as directors to serve until the next annual meeting of
shareholders if Proposal 2 is not approved;
(2) To vote upon a proposal to amend the Companys
Articles of Incorporation to divide the Board of Directors into
three classes of directors with staggered three-year terms;
(3) To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche
LLP as the Companys independent registered public
accountants for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2007; and
(4) To transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.
Only shareholders of record at the close of business on
April 16, 2007 are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Daniel J. Oginsky
Novi, Michigan
April 23, 2007
Holdings Corp.
39500 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 200
Novi, Michigan 48375
(248) 374-7100
April 23, 2007
This Proxy Statement is being furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors (the
Board of Directors or Board) of ITC
Holdings Corp., a Michigan corporation (the Company,
we, our and us), for use at
the Companys 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and at
any and all adjournments and postponements thereof, for the
purposes set forth in the accompanying notice. We intend to
begin mailing this proxy statement, the attached Notice of
Annual Meeting and the accompanying proxy card to shareholders
on or about April 23, 2007. The following are questions and
answers that convey important information regarding the Annual
Meeting and how to vote your shares.
1. Q: |
Who may vote? |
A: |
Shareholders of our common stock as of the close of business on
the record date of April 16, 2007 are entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting. Our common stock is our only class of
outstanding voting securities. |
2. Q: |
What am I voting on? |
A: |
You are being asked to vote on the election of directors to
serve for terms of one, two or three years if the proposal to
create a staggered board is approved, or to serve until the 2008
annual meeting of shareholders if the proposal to create a
staggered board is not approved. You are also being asked to
approve the division of the Board of Directors into three
classes of directors with staggered three-year terms, and to
ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our
independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2006. |
3. Q: |
When and where will the Annual Meeting be held? |
A: |
The meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight
Time on June 8, 2007, at the Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel,
21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, Michigan 48375. |
4. Q: |
What is the difference between a shareholder of record and a
beneficial owner? |
A: |
You are considered a shareholder of record if your shares are
registered directly in your name with our transfer agent
(Computershare Trust Company, N.A.). The proxy statement, proxy
card and annual report are being mailed directly to you. Whether
or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, we urge you to
vote your proxy card to ensure that your vote is counted. |
You are considered a beneficial owner if your shares are held in
a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other nominee. This is
also commonly referred to as holding shares in street
name. The proxy statement, annual report and a vote
instruction card have been forwarded to you by your broker, bank
or nominee who is considered, with respect to your shares, the
shareholder of record. As the beneficial owner, you have the
right to direct your broker, bank or nominee how to vote your
shares by using the vote instruction card included in the
mailing. You are also invited to attend the Annual Meeting.
However, since as a beneficial owner you are not the shareholder
of record, you may not vote your shares in person at the meeting
unless you request and obtain a legal proxy from your bank,
broker or other agent or nominee. |
5. Q: |
How do I cast my vote? |
A: |
There are four different ways you may cast your vote this year
if you are a shareholder of record. You may vote by: |
(1) Telephone, using the toll-free number
(8683), which is also listed on each proxy card. Please follow
the instructions on your proxy card. If you vote using the
telephone, you do not need to mail in your proxy card.
(2) Internet, go to the voting site at and follow the instructions outlined
on the secured website, using certain information provided on
the front of the proxy card. If you vote using the Internet, you
do not need to mail in your proxy card.
(3) Signing, dating and mailing each proxy card or
vote instruction card and returning it in the envelope provided.
(4) Attending the Annual Meeting and voting in
person if you are a shareholder of record or, if you are a
beneficial owner and have a legal proxy from the shareholder of
Shareholders who hold their shares in street name
will need to obtain a voting instruction form from the
institution that holds their shares and must follow the voting
instructions given by that institution. |
6. Q: |
How do I vote if I attend the Annual Meeting? |
A: |
If you are a shareholder of record, you can attend the Annual
Meeting and vote in person the shares you hold directly in your
name. If you choose to do that, please bring the enclosed proxy
card or proof of identification. If you want to vote in person
at our Annual Meeting and you hold our common stock through a
bank, broker or other agent or nominee, you must obtain a power
of attorney or other proxy authority from that organization and
bring it to our Annual Meeting. Follow the instructions from
your bank, broker or other agent or nominee included with these
proxy materials, or contact your bank, broker or other agent or
nominee to request a power of attorney or other proxy authority.
If you vote in person at the Annual Meeting, you will revoke any
prior proxy you may have submitted. |
7. Q: |
How do I revoke or change my vote? |
A: |
You may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time prior
to voting at the Annual Meeting by: |
(1) notifying our corporate Secretary in writing;
(2) voting again by telephone or Internet (prior to
June 7, 2007 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time),
since only your latest vote will be counted;
(3) signing and returning, prior to the Annual Meeting,
another proxy card that is dated after the date of your first
proxy card; or
(4) voting in person at the Annual Meeting (if you are a
shareholder of record or have a legal proxy from a shareholder
of record).
Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not, by itself, revoke
your proxy or change your vote. If your shares are held in
street name, you must contact your broker or nominee to revoke
your proxy. |
8. Q: |
How many shares can vote at the Annual Meeting? |
A: |
As of the record date, 42,429,093 shares of our common stock
were outstanding. Every shareholder of common stock is entitled
to one vote for each share held. |
9. Q: |
What is a quorum? |
A: |
A quorum is the number of shares that must be
present, in person or by proxy, in order for business to be
transacted at the meeting. The required quorum for the Annual
Meeting is a majority of the shares outstanding and entitled to
vote as of the record date. There must be a quorum present for
the meeting to |
be held. All shares represented at the Annual Meeting in person
or by proxy (including those voted by telephone or Internet)
will be counted toward the quorum. |
10. Q: |
Who will count the vote? |
A: |
A representative from Computershare Trust Company, N.A., our
transfer agent, will count the votes and act as inspector of
election. |
11. Q: |
Who can attend the Annual Meeting? |
A: |
All shareholders who owned shares on April 16, 2007, may
attend. Please indicate that you plan to attend by checking the
box on your proxy card or vote instruction card, or pressing the
appropriate key if voting by telephone or Internet. |
12. Q: |
How will the voting on any other business be conducted? |
A: |
If any other business is properly presented at the Annual
Meeting, Edward M. Rahill and Daniel J. Oginsky, officers of the
Company and the named proxies, generally will have authority to
vote your shares voted on the Companys proxy card on such
matters in their discretion. |
13. Q: |
How is my proxy tabulated if I sign and date my proxy card
but do not indicate how I want to vote? |
A: |
If you do not indicate on the proxy card how you want your votes
cast, the proxies (Mr. Rahill or Mr. Oginsky, as your
representatives) will vote your shares FOR all of the nominees
for director listed in the proxy card and FOR the other matters
presented by the Board for action at the Annual Meeting. |
14. Q: |
Will my shares be voted if I do not sign and return my proxy
card or vote by telephone or Internet? |
A: |
If your shares are held in street name, your brokerage firm may
either vote your shares on routine matters (such as
election of directors or ratification of appointment of
registered independent public accountants) or leave your shares
unvoted. We encourage you to provide instructions to your
brokerage firm by completing the vote instruction form that they
send to you. This enables your shares to be voted at the meeting
as you direct. |
If you are a shareholder of record and do not vote your proxy by
telephone, Internet, mail or vote your shares in person at the
Annual Meeting, your shares will not be voted. |
15. Q: |
Who pays the cost of the solicitation of proxies? |
A: |
The cost of solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors,
including the preparation, assembly, printing and mailing of
this proxy statement and any additional materials furnished to
our shareholders, will be borne by the Company. Proxies will be
solicited primarily by mail and may also be solicited by
directors, officers and other employees of the Company without
additional compensation. In addition, we have retained
Georgeson, Inc. to assist our solicitation of proxies, at an
approximate cost of $12,000, plus certain out-of-pocket
expenses. Copies of solicitation material will be furnished to
banks, brokerage houses and other agents holding shares in their
names that are beneficially owned by others so that they may
forward this solicitation material to these beneficial owners.
In addition, if asked, we will reimburse these persons for their
reasonable expenses in forwarding the solicitation material to
the beneficial owners. The Company has requested banks,
brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries
to forward all solicitation materials to the beneficial owners
of the shares they hold of record. |
The following table sets forth certain information regarding the
ownership of our common stock as of March 1, 2007, except
as otherwise indicated, by each current director, each director
nominee, each of the persons named in the Summary Compensation
Table under Compensation of Executive Officers and
Directors, all current directors and executive officers as
a group, and each person who is known by us to own beneficially
5% or more of our outstanding shares of common stock (each, a
5% Owner). The number of shares beneficially owned
is determined under rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), and the information is not
necessarily indicative of beneficial ownership for any other
purpose. Under such rules, beneficial ownership includes any
shares as to which the individual has sole or shared voting
power or investment power and also any shares which the
individual has the right to acquire on March 1, 2007 or
within 60 days thereafter through the exercise of any stock
option or other right.
Unless otherwise indicated, each holder has sole investment and
voting power with respect to the shares set forth in the
following table:
Number of Shares
Name of Beneficial Owner
Beneficially Owned(1)
Percent of Class
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
Lewis M. Eisenberg(2)
Edward G. Jepsen
William J. Museler
Lee C. Stewart
G. Bennett Stewart, III
All directors and executive
officers as a group (13 persons)
Baron Capital Group, Inc., BAMCO,
Inc., Baron Capital Management, Inc. and Ronald Baron(3)
Canada Pension Plan Investment
(1) |
Includes restricted shares subject to forfeiture to the Company
under certain circumstances, shares that may be acquired upon
exercise of options and shares pledged by the holder as security
for loans as set forth below: |
Shares Pledged
Restricted Shares
as Security
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
Lewis M. Eisenberg
Edward G. Jepsen
William J. Museler
Lee C. Stewart
G. Bennett Stewart, III
All directors and executive
officers as a group (13 persons)
(2) |
Includes 9,573 shares held by Ironhill Transmission, LLC
(Ironhill), which is the general partner of
International Transmission Holdings Limited Partnership
(ITHLP), the Companys former controlling
shareholder. Mr. Eisenberg is the sole member of Ironhill.
The business address of ITHLP, Ironhill and Mr. Eisenberg
is c/o Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis, LLP, 99
Wood Avenue South, P.O. Box 5600, Woodbridge, New Jersey
07095, Attn: Raymond Felton. |
(3) |
Based on information contained in a Schedule 13G/A filed on
February 14, 2007, with information as of
December 31, 2006, Baron Capital Group, Inc.
(BCG) and Ronald Baron are parent holding
companies and disclaim beneficial ownership of shares held
by their controlled entities to the extent such shares are held
by persons other than BCG or Mr. Baron. BAMCO, Inc. and
Baron Capital Management, Inc. (BCM) are registered
investment advisors and subsidiaries of BCG. Mr. Baron owns
a controlling interest in BCG. BCG and Mr. Baron have
shared voting power with respect to 3,429,900 shares and
dispositive power with respect all of the above shares. BAMCO
has shared voting power with respect to 3,261,100 shares
and dispositive power with respect to 3,636,100 shares and
beneficially owns 3,636,100 shares. BCM has shared voting
power with respect to 168,800 shares and dispositive power
with respect to 185,300 shares and beneficially owns
185,300 shares. The business address of BCG, BAMCO, BCM and
Mr. Baron is 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10153. |
(4) |
Based on information contained in a Schedule 13G filed on
February 7, 2007, with information as of December 31,
2006, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has sole voting and
dispositive power with respect to 2,195,045 shares and
beneficially owns all of the above shares. The business address
of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is One Queen Street
East, Suite 2600, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2W5, Canada. |
Our Bylaws provide for the election of directors at each Annual
Meeting of shareholders. In the event that Proposal 2, the
proposal to amend our Articles of Incorporation to create a
staggered board, is adopted at the Annual Meeting, the directors
will be divided into three classes to serve for the following
terms: William J. Museler, Class A, Term 2008; Gordon
Bennett Stewart, III, Class B, Term 2009; Lee C.
Stewart, Class B, Term 2009; Edward G. Jepsen,
Class C, Term 2010; and Joseph L. Welch, Class C, Term
2010. In the event Proposal 2 is not approved at the Annual
Meeting, the nominees will be elected to serve until the next
Annual Meeting. Each director will serve until his or her
successor is elected and qualified, or until his or her
resignation or removal. Directors are elected by a plurality of
the votes cast, so that only votes cast for
directors are counted in determining which directors are elected.
The size of the Board of Directors is currently set at six
directors. However, Lewis M. Eisenberg has chosen not to stand
for re-election following the 2007 annual meeting and, although
the Board is conducting a search for a new candidate, the Board
has determined not to replace Mr. Eisenberg at this time.
Consequently, the Board has taken action to reduce the number of
directorships from six to five, effective immediately following
the 2007 Annual Meeting. Therefore, the five directors receiving
the most votes for will be elected. Broker non-votes
(if any) and withheld votes will be treated as shares present
for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but will
have no effect on the vote for the election of directors.
Information with respect to the five nominees proposed for
election is set forth below.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the director
nominees. The persons named in the accompanying proxy card
will vote for the election of the nominees named in this proxy
statement unless shareholders specify otherwise in their
proxies. If any nominee at the time of election is unable to
serve, or otherwise is unavailable for election, and if other
nominees are designated by the Board of Directors, the persons
named as proxy holders on the accompanying proxy card intend to
vote for such nominees. Management is not aware of the existence
of any circumstance which would render the nominees named below
unavailable for election. All of the nominees are currently
directors of the Company.
For Directors
Set forth below are the names and ages of the nominees for
Edward G. Jepsen, 62. Mr. Jepsen, an
independent business consultant, became a Director of the
Company in July 2005. Mr. Jepsen currently serves as a
director of the Amphenol Corporation and as a director and chair
of the audit committees of the boards of directors of TRC
Companies, Inc. and Gerber Scientific, Inc. Mr. Jepsen
served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of Amphenol Corporation, a publicly traded manufacturer of
electrical, electronic and fiber optic connectors, interconnect
systems and cable, from 1989 to 2004. Prior to joining Amphenol
Corporation, Mr. Jepsen worked at Price Waterhouse LLP from
1969 to 1988, ultimately attaining the position of partner.
William J. Museler, 66. Mr. Museler is
currently retired. He became a Director of the Company in
November 2006. Previously, he served as president and CEO of the
New York Independent System Operator. Prior to his service at
NYISO, Mr. Museler held senior positions at the Tennessee
Valley Authority from 1991 to 1999, Long Island Lighting Company
from 1973 to 1991 and Brookhaven National Laboratory from 1967
to 1973. He has served as a federal representative for the North
American Electric Reliability Council and as chairman of the
Southeastern Electric Reliability Council. He is currently a
member of the Secretary of Energys Energy Advisory Board
and a director of the Independent Electric System Operator in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Gordon Bennett Stewart, III, 53. *
Mr. Stewart became a Director of the Company in July 2006.
In 1982, he co-founded Stern Stewart & Co., a global
management consulting firm, where he served as Senior Partner.
Since March 2006, Mr. Stewart has served as chief executive
officer of EVA Dimensions, a firm he formed in March 2006 to
acquire and manage the valuation modeling and investment
research and funds management services of Stern
Stewart & Co. He also currently serves as Chairman of
the Alumni Advisory Council for Princeton Universitys
Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering.
Mr. Stewart has written and lectured widely in his
30 year professional career on topics such as accounting
for value and management incentive plans.
Lee C. Stewart, 57. * Mr. Stewart, an
independent financial consultant, became a Director of the
Company in August 2005. Mr. Stewart currently serves as a
director of P.H. Glatfelter Company, Marsulex, Inc., and AEP
Industries, Inc. Mr. Stewart is a member of the audit
committee at AEP Industries, Inc. and Marsulex, Inc.
Mr. Stewart also is on the advisory board of Daniel
Stewart & Co. Previously, Mr. Stewart was
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Foamex
International, Inc., a publicly traded manufacturer of flexible
polyurethane and advanced polymer foam products, in 2001 and was
Vice President responsible for all areas of Treasury at Union
Carbide Corp., a chemicals and polymers company, from 1996 to
Joseph L. Welch, 58. Mr. Welch has been a
Director and the President, Chief Executive Officer and
Treasurer of the Company since it began operations in 2003. As
the founder of ITCTransmission, Mr. Welch has had
overall responsibility for the Companys vision, foundation
and transformation into the first independently owned and
operated electricity transmission company in the United States.
Mr. Welch worked for Detroit Edison Company, or Detroit
Edison, and subsidiaries of DTE Energy Company (DTE Energy
Company and its subsidiaries, collectively, DTE
Energy) from 1971 to 2003. During that time, he held
positions of increasing responsibility in the electricity
transmission, distribution, rates, load research, marketing and
pricing areas, as well as regulatory affairs that included the
development and implementation of regulatory strategies.
* Gordon Bennett Stewart, III and Lee C. Stewart are
not related.
(Proposal No. 2)
Our Board of Directors has unanimously approved and recommended
that the shareholders approve an amendment to our Amended and
Restated Articles of Incorporation (Articles) to
provide for the classification of our Board of Directors into
three classes of directors with three-year staggered terms.
Our Bylaws currently provide that all directors are to be
elected annually to serve until their successors have been
elected and qualified. Michigan law permits a corporations
articles of incorporation or bylaws to provide for a classified
board of directors. The proposed amendment to the Articles would
provide that directors will be classified into three classes, as
nearly equal in number as possible. One class of directors,
initially consisting of Messrs. Jepsen and Welch, would
hold office initially for a term expiring at the 2010 Annual
Meeting; a second class of directors, initially consisting of
Messrs. Bennett Stewart and Lee Stewart, would hold office
initially for a term expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting; and a
third class of directors, initially consisting of
Mr. Museler, would hold office initially for a term
expiring at the 2008 Annual Meeting. At each Annual Meeting
following this initial classification and election, the
successors to the class of directors whose terms expire at that
meeting would be elected for a term of office to expire at the
third succeeding Annual Meeting after their election or until
their successors have been duly elected and qualified. The
proposed amendment also provides that directors may be removed
only for cause.
In addition, the proposed amendment to the Articles would expand
the maximum number of directors on the Board of Directors from
eight to ten, to reflect the Companys growth and the
potential need for a greater number of individuals with more
diverse experience to serve as directors. The proposed amendment
would continue to allow the Board to set the number of
directorships by resolution adopted by a majority of the Board,
which is currently set at six but will reduce to five
immediately following the 2007 Annual Meeting.
If the number of directorships set by the Board is increased and
the vacancies are filled by the Board, those additional
directors will serve until the term that coincides with the
remaining term of that class to which such directors are
designated. If a vacancy is created other than due to an
increase in the number of directors, then the director elected
to fill that vacancy will serve for the remainder of the term of
The text of the amendment to the Articles would read as follows:
Board of
The business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed by
or under the direction of a Board of Directors consisting of not
less than three (3) nor more than ten (10) directors,
the exact number of directors to be determined from time to time
by resolution adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of the
Board of Directors elected and serving. The directors shall be
divided into three classes, designated Class A,
Class B, and Class C. Each class shall consist, as
nearly as may be possible, of one-third of the total number of
directors constituting the entire Board of Directors. At the
2007 annual meeting of shareholders, Class A directors
shall be elected for a one-year term, Class B directors for
a two-year term and Class C directors for a three-year
term. At each succeeding annual meeting of shareholders
beginning in 2008, successors to the class of directors whose
term expires at that annual meeting shall be elected for a
three-year term.
If the number of directors is changed, any increase or decrease
shall be apportioned among the classes so as to maintain the
number of directors in each class as nearly equal as possible,
and any additional director of any class elected to fill a
vacancy resulting from an increase in such class shall hold
office for a term that shall coincide with the remaining term of
that class, but in no case will a decrease in the number of
directors shorten the term of any incumbent director. A director
shall hold office until the annual meeting for the year in which
his term expires and
until his successor shall be elected and shall qualify, subject,
however, to prior death, resignation, retirement,
disqualification or removal from office. A director or the
entire Board of Directors may be removed only for cause. Any
vacancy on the Board of Directors that results from an increase
in the number of directors may be filled by a majority of the
Board of Directors elected and serving, and any other vacancy
occurring in the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority
of the directors elected and serving, although less than a
quorum, or by a sole remaining director and, in each case, such
additional director or directors shall be classified as provided
by the Board of Directors. Any director elected to fill a
vacancy not resulting from an increase in the number of
directors shall have the same remaining term as that of his
Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the holders of any one
or more classes or series of preferred stock issued by the
Corporation shall have the right, voting separately by class or
series, to elect directors at an annual or special meeting of
shareholders, the election, term of office, filling of vacancies
and other features of such directorships shall be governed by
the terms of these articles of incorporation applicable thereto,
except that such directors so elected shall not be divided into
classes pursuant to this Article XI unless expressly
provided by such terms.
in Support of the Staggered Board Proposal
The proposed classified board of directors amendment is designed
to assure continuity and stability in the Boards
leadership and policies because a majority of the Companys
directors at any given time will have prior experience as
directors with the Company. The provision permitting removal
only for cause also helps to assure the continuity and stability
of the Board by making it less likely directors will be removed
from office prior to expiration of their terms. Our Board of
Directors also believes that the classified board proposal,
including the provision permitting removal only for cause, will
assist the Board in protecting the interests of our shareholders
in the event of an unsolicited offer for our Company.
Because of the additional time required to change control of our
Board of Directors, the classified board proposal will tend to
perpetuate present management. Without the ability to obtain
immediate control of our Board, a takeover bidder will not be
able to take action to remove other impediments to its
acquisition of our Company. Because the proposed classified
board amendment will result in an increase in the amount of time
required for a takeover bidder to obtain control of our Company
without the cooperation of our Board, even if the takeover
bidder were to acquire a majority of our outstanding voting
stock, it will tend to discourage certain tender offers, perhaps
including some tender offers that our shareholders may feel
would be in their best interests. The proposed classified board
amendment will also make it more difficult for our shareholders
to change the composition of the Board even if our shareholders
believe such a change would be desirable.
The approval of the proposed amendment to the Companys
Articles will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares entitled to vote on the proposed amendment.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have the effect of a vote
against the proposal.
If the proposed amendment is approved by the shareholders, it
will become effective upon filing a Certificate of Amendment
with the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth
and the directors will serve the one, two and three year terms
specified above. If the proposed amendment is not approved, each
of the nominees will serve until the next annual meeting of
shareholders and until his successor is elected and qualified,
or until his prior resignation or removal.
Prior to October 2006, because of ITHLPs beneficial
ownership of more than 50% of our outstanding common stock, the
Company availed itself of the controlled company
exception under NYSE corporate governance rules, which
eliminates the requirements that we have a majority of
independent directors on our Board of Directors and that our
compensation and nominating/corporate governance committees be
composed entirely of independent directors. As of October 2006,
the Company ceased to be a controlled company for
purposes of the NYSE corporate governance rules and subsequently
reconstituted the committees in accordance with applicable NYSE
rules. The Board has determined that, as the committees are
currently constituted, all of the members of the Audit
Committee, the Compensation Committee and the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee are
independent under applicable NYSE and SEC rules.
Based on the absence of any relationship between them and us,
other than their capacities as directors and shareholders, the
Board has determined that Mr. Jepsen, Mr. Lee Stewart,
Mr. Bennett Stewart and Mr. Museler are
independent under applicable NYSE and SEC rules for
board members.
and Committees of the Board of Directors
During 2006, there were 17 Board of Directors meetings held.
Each director attended 75% or more of the total number of
meetings of the Board and committees of which he was a member in
2006. Mr. Eisenberg was selected by the Board of Directors
to chair its executive sessions. As Mr. Eisenberg has
chosen not to stand for re-election, the Board has selected
Mr. Lee Stewart to chair its executive sessions following
the 2007 annual meeting.
It is our policy that all members of our Board of Directors are
expected, absent valid reasons, to attend the annual
shareholders meetings. All directors who were serving as
such at the time of last years annual shareholders
meeting attended the meeting.
The Board of Directors has several standing committees,
including a Compensation Committee, a Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee and an Audit Committee. The Board has
adopted a written charter for each of these committees. The
charters and the Companys corporate governance principles
are accessible on our website at through
the Corporate Governance link on the
Investors page and are available in print from the
Company upon request.
The Audit Committee met 8 times during 2006. In 2006, the
members of the Audit Committee were Mr. Jepsen,
Mr. Lee Stewart, Mr. Bennett Stewart (beginning July
2006) and Mr. Welch (until July 2006), with
Mr. Jepsen serving as Chair. The current members of the
Audit Committee are Mr. Jepsen, Mr. Lee Stewart and
Mr. Museler, with Mr. Jepsen serving as Chair. The
Board has determined that Mr. Jepsen is an audit
committee financial expert as that term is defined under
SEC rules and that all members of the Audit Committee satisfy
all independence and other qualifications for Audit Committee
members set forth in applicable NYSE and SEC rules. The Audit
Committee is responsible for (1) selecting our independent
public accountants, (2) approving the overall scope of the
audit, (3) assisting the Board in monitoring the integrity
of our financial statements, the independent public
accountants qualifications and independence, the
performance of the independent public accountants and our
internal audit function and our compliance with legal and
regulatory requirements, (4) annually reviewing a report of
the independent public accountants describing the firms
internal quality-control procedures and any material issues
raised by the most recent internal quality-control review, or
peer review, of the firm, (5) discussing the annual audited
and quarterly unaudited financial statements with management and
our independent public accountants, (6) discussing earnings
press releases, as well as financial information and earnings
guidance provided to analysts and rating agencies,
(7) discussing policies with respect to risk assessment and
risk management, (8) meeting separately, periodically, with
management, internal auditors and our independent public
accountants, (9) reviewing with our independent public
accountants any audit problems or difficulties and
managements response, (10) setting clear hiring
policies for employees or former employees of our independent
public accountants, (11) handling such other matters that
are specifically delegated to the Audit Committee by the Board
of Directors from time to time and (12) reporting regularly
to the full Board of Directors.
Committee Report
In accordance with its written charter, the Audit Committee
provides assistance to the Board of Directors in fulfilling its
responsibility to the shareholders, potential shareholders and
investment community relating to independent registered public
accounting firm oversight, corporate accounting, reporting
practices and the quality and integrity of the financial
reports, including the internal controls over financial
reporting of the Company.
The Audit Committee received from Deloitte & Touche
LLP, the independent registered public accounting firm, and
reviewed a formal written statement describing all relationships
between Deloitte & Touche LLP, the member firms of
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and their respective affiliates
(collectively, Deloitte) and the Company that might
bear on the auditors independence consistent with
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1,
Independence Discussions with Audit Committees,
discussed with Deloitte any relationships that may impact their
objectivity and independence and satisfied itself as to
Deloittes independence.
The Audit Committee discussed with the independent auditors the
matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61, as amended, Communication with
Audit Committees, and, with and without management
present, discussed and reviewed the results of Deloittes
examination of the consolidated financial statements.
The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with management and
Deloitte the consolidated audited financial statements of the
Company as of and for the year ended December 31, 2006.
Based on the above-mentioned reviews and discussions with
management and Deloitte, the Audit Committee approved the
inclusion of the Companys audited consolidated financial
statements in its Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006 for filing with the
The Compensation Committee met 6 times during 2006. In 2006, the
members of the Compensation Committee were Mr. Eisenberg,
Mr. Jepsen and Mr. Lee Stewart, with
Mr. Eisenberg serving as Chair. The current members of the
Compensation Committee, none of whom are employees of the
Company, are Mr. Lee Stewart, Mr. Jepsen,
Mr. Bennett Stewart and Mr. Museler, with
Mr. Lee Stewart serving as Chair. The committee is
responsible for (1) reviewing key employee compensation
policies, plans and programs, (2) reviewing and approving
the compensation of our executive officers, (3) reviewing
and approving employment contracts and other similar
arrangements between us and our executive officers,
(4) reviewing and consulting with the chief executive
officer on the selection of officers and evaluation of executive
performance and other related matters, (5) administration
of stock plans and other incentive compensation plans and
(6) such other matters that are specifically delegated to
the Compensation Committee by the Board of Directors from time
to time. The Compensation Committee has retained Watson Wyatt
Worldwide as compensation consultants to assist the committee in
its efforts to evaluate market competitiveness for various
compensation plans, research industry trends and provide
guidance as necessary. Further information regarding the nature
and scope of work of the consultant is included in the
Compensation of Executive Officers and
Directors Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section of this Proxy Statement. The Compensation
Committee delegates the administration of plans and
implementation of committee determinations to the Companys
Human Resources department. The committee seeks input from the
chief executive officer on performance reviews and salary
recommendations for the Companys officers, recommendations
with regard to changes in compensation and benefit plans, and
updates on current issues or programs. The Compensation
Committee evaluates this information, along with any information
provided by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, before taking any action.
Governance Committee
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee met 4 times during
2006. In 2006, the members of the Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee were Mr. Lee Stewart,
Mr. Eisenberg, Mr. Jepsen and Mr. Welch, with
Mr. Lee Stewart serving as Chair. The current members of
the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee are
Mr. Bennett Stewart, Mr. Jepsen and Mr. Lee
Stewart, with Mr. Bennett Stewart serving as Chair. The
nominating and corporate governance committee is responsible
for (1) developing and recommending criteria for selecting
new directors, (2) screening and recommending to the Board
individuals qualified to become directors, (3) overseeing
evaluations of the Board, its members and committees of the
Board of Directors and (4) handling such other matters that
are specifically delegated to the committee by the Board from
time to time. In identifying candidates for director, the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee considers suggestions
from incumbent directors, management or others, including
shareholders. The committee also may retain the services of a
consultant to identify qualified candidates for director, and
currently has retained Heidrick & Struggles, a director
candidate search firm, for that purpose. The committee reviews
all candidates in the same manner without regard to who
suggested the candidate. The committee selects candidates to
meet with management and conduct an initial interview with the
committee. Candidates whom the committee believes would be a
valuable addition to the Board are recommended to the full Board
for election. As stated in the committees charter, in
selecting candidates, the committee will consider all factors it
considers appropriate, which may include (1) ensuring that
the Board of Directors, as a whole, is diverse and consists of
individuals with various and relevant career experience,
technical skill, industry knowledge and experience, financial
expertise, local or community ties, or (2) minimum
individual qualifications, including strength of character,
mature judgment, familiarity with the Companys business
and industry, independence of thought and an ability to work
collegially. Individuals recommended by shareholders for
nomination as a director should be submitted to the
Companys Secretary and, if submitted in accordance with
the procedures set forth in the Companys annual proxy
statement, will be forwarded to the Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee for consideration.
Shareholder Proposals. Any proposal by a
shareholder of the Company to be considered for inclusion in the
proxy statement for the 2008 annual meeting must be received by
Daniel Oginsky, the Companys Secretary, by the close of
business on December 26, 2007. Such proposals should be
addressed to the Secretary at our principal executive offices
and should satisfy the informational requirements applicable to
shareholder proposals contained in the applicable rules of the
SEC. If the date for the 2008 Annual Meeting is significantly
different than the first anniversary of the 2007 Annual Meeting,
Rule 14a-8
of the SEC provides for an adjustment to the notice period
described above.
In addition to applicable rules of the SEC for inclusion of
shareholder proposals in our proxy statement, our Bylaws provide
that, in order for a shareholder proposal to be properly brought
before the 2008 Annual Meeting, written notice of such proposal
or nomination, along with the information required by the
Bylaws, must be received by us at our principal executive
offices no earlier than February 9, 2008 and no later than
March 10, 2008. If the 2008 annual meeting date has been
significantly advanced or delayed from the first anniversary of
the date of the 2007 annual meeting, then in order to be brought
properly before the 2008 annual meeting, notice of such proposal
must be given within 10 days after the first public
disclosure of the date of such meeting in accordance with the
procedures set forth in our Bylaws. We also expect the persons
named as proxies for the 2008 annual meeting of shareholders to
use their discretionary voting authority, to the extent
permitted by law, with respect to any proposal presented at that
meeting by a shareholder who does not provide us with written
notice of such proposal during the period provided in our Bylaws.
Nominees. Shareholders proposing director
nominees at the 2008 annual meeting of shareholders must provide
written notice of such intention, along with certain information
regarding the proponent and the nominees as provided in our
Bylaws, to the Secretary of the Company no earlier than
February 9, 2008 and no later than March 10, 2008. If
the 2008 annual meeting date has been significantly advanced or
delayed from the first anniversary of the date of the 2007
annual meeting, then notice of such intention must be given
within 10 days after the first public disclosure of the
date of the annual meeting in accordance with the procedures set
forth in our Bylaws. With respect to an election to be held at a
special meeting of shareholders, such notice must be given by
the close of business on the seventh day following the date on
which notice of such meeting is first given to shareholders. We
may seek additional biographical and background information from
any candidate that must be received on a timely basis to be
considered by the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committees policy is to
review the qualifications of candidates submitted for nomination
shareholders and evaluate them using the same criteria used to
evaluate candidates submitted by the Board for nomination.
With the Board
A person who wishes to communicate directly with the Board of
Directors or with an individual director should send the
communication, addressed to the Board or the individual
director, to our executive offices at the address shown on the
first page of this proxy statement and the communication will be
forwarded to the director or directors to whom it is addressed.
Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics
The Company has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
that applies to all of its employees, executive officers and
directors, including its chief executive officer, chief
financial officer and principal accounting officer. The Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics, as currently in effect (together
with any amendments that may be adopted from time to time), is
available on our website at through the
Corporate Governance link on the
Investors page or may be obtained in print from us
upon request. In the future, to the extent any waiver is granted
or amendment is made with respect to the Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics that requires disclosure under applicable SEC
rules, information regarding such waiver or amendment will be
posted on the Corporate Governance page of our
and Management Rights Letters
The Company, ITCTransmission, ITHLP, and the limited
partners have agreed that for so long as the ITHLP partnership
agreement remains in full force and effect, the limited partners
of ITHLP will have the right to designate one representative
each to attend as a non-voting observer all meetings of the
Boards of Directors of the Company and ITCTransmission
(although such representative is not entitled to vote at any
such meeting and his or her attendance at any such meeting does
not affect any quorum requirements). In addition, certain
affiliates of the limited partners of ITHLP are entitled to
(x) receive advance written notice of any meetings of the
Boards of Directors of the Company or ITCTransmission and
all information provided to the members of such Boards of
Directors and (y) meet with the appropriate officers
directors of each of the Company, ITCTransmission and/or
ITHLP periodically and at such times as reasonably requested by
such affiliates of the limited partners, as applicable, with
respect to matters relating to the business and affairs of each
of the Company, ITCTransmission and ITHLP. ITHLP has
agreed to cause the Company and ITCTransmission to grant
similar rights to certain limited partners of ITHLP from time to
time. The bylaws of the Company and ITCTransmission
contain provisions corresponding to these obligations.
In February 2007, ITHLP sold all of its remaining common stock
of the Company. As a result, ITHLP is in the process of
dissolving the partnership, Mr. Eisenberg (an affiliate of
ITHLP) is not standing for reelection to the Board and it is not
expected that ITHLP will participate further in Company
management. Until the dissolution is complete, however, the
rights described above will remain in full force and effect.
Set forth below are the names, ages and titles of our executive
Joseph L. Welch
President, Chief Executive Officer
and Treasurer
Linda H. Blair
Senior Vice President
Business Strategy
Larry Bruneel
Vice President Federal
Joseph R. Dudak
Vice President Major
Contracts and Special Projects
Jon E. Jipping
Senior Vice President
Daniel J. Oginsky
Vice President, General Counsel
and Secretary
Edward M. Rahill
Senior Vice President
Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Richard A. Schultz
Senior Vice President
Our executive officers serve as executive officers at the
pleasure of the Board of Directors. Our current executive
officers are described below.
Joseph L. Welch. Mr. Welchs background is
described above under Election of Directors
Nominees for Directors.
Linda H. Blair. Ms. Blair is Senior Vice
President Business Strategy and is responsible for
managing Regulatory Affairs, Policy Development, Internal and
External Communications, Community Affairs and Human Resource
functions. Ms. Blair was Vice-President
Business Strategy since March 2003 until being named Senior
Vice-President in February 2006. From 2001 through February
2003, Ms. Blair was the Manager of Transmission Policy and
Business Planning at ITCTransmission when it was a
subsidiary of DTE Energy. Prior to this time, Ms. Blair was
the Supervisor of Regulatory Relations within Detroit
Edisons Regulatory Affairs organization from 1999 to 2000.
In this position, her responsibilities included the development
and management of all regulatory relations and communications
activities with the Michigan Public Service Commission, or MPSC,
and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC.
Ms. Blair joined Detroit Edison in 1994.
Larry Bruneel. Mr. Bruneel has been Vice
President Federal Affairs since 2003. Located in the
Companys Washington, D.C. office, Mr. Bruneel is
primarily responsible for the development of federal regulatory
strategies and advocacy before the U.S. Congress and
federal agencies, including the FERC. Mr. Bruneel has more
than 20 years of experience in federal energy policy
issues, most recently focusing on issues affecting electric
utilities. From 1997 until joining ITCTransmission in
2003, he was the Assistant Vice President for Federal Policy at
We-Energies, a combined gas and electric utility company
subsidiary of the Wisconsin Energy Corporation. From 1993 to
1997, Mr. Bruneel served as Technical Advisor to
Commissioner Vicky A. Bailey at the FERC and from 1991 to 1993,
he was an Industry Policy Analyst at the U.S. Department of
Joseph R. Dudak. In February 2006,
Mr. Dudak was named Vice President Major
Contracts and Special Projects. In that position, he is
responsible for negotiating significant contracts for the
Company and also for developing and implementing major
transmission projects, both in and outside of the Companys
service territory. Previously, he was Vice President
Resource and Asset Management for
ITCTransmission. In that role, he was
responsible for managing suppliers and services related to the
Companys capital and maintenance projects. From April 2001
to April 2003, Mr. Dudak was a management consultant to
energy, utility and manufacturing clients, a business he pursued
after his early retirement from National Steel Corporation in
2001. While at National Steel from 1970 to 2001, he held various
executive and management positions in energy and environmental
affairs, purchasing, strategic sourcing, transportation, special
projects and asset sales. Throughout his career, Mr. Dudak
has served as an active large industrial customer advocate in
the utility regulatory and legislative arenas in
Washington, D.C., Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, and
especially in Michigan, in both natural gas and electricity
matters, including restructuring. Mr. Dudak led the
industrial group, the Association of Businesses Advocating
Tariff Equity, as Chairperson for 10 years.
Jon E. Jipping. Mr. Jipping is Senior
Vice President Engineering and is responsible for
transmission system design, field operations, supply chain
maintenance and project engineering. Mr. Jipping was
appointed Vice-President Engineering in 2005 and was
named Senior Vice-President in February 2006. Prior to joining
ITCTransmission in 2003, Mr. Jipping was Manager of
Business Systems & Applications in Detroit
Edisons Service Center Organization, responsible for
implementation and management of business applications across
the distribution business unit. Mr. Jipping joined Detroit
Edison in 1990 and held various positions of increasing
responsibility in Transmission Operations and Transmission
Planning, including serving as Principal Engineer and Manager of
Transmission Planning during the sale of ITCTransmission.
Daniel J. Oginsky. Mr. Oginsky is Vice
President, General Counsel and Secretary.
Mr. Oginskys official appointment to those positions
was effective on December 27, 2004 but his employment with
the Company began on October 20, 2004. As Vice President
and General Counsel, Mr. Oginsky is responsible for the
legal affairs of the Company, and manages its legal department.
From June 2002 until joining the Company, Mr. Oginsky was
an attorney with Dykema Gossett PLLC in Lansing, Michigan. At
Dykema, Mr. Oginsky represented ITCTransmission and
other energy clients, as well as telecommunications clients, on
regulatory, administrative litigation, transactional, property
tax and legislative matters. Mr. Oginsky practiced state
regulatory law at Dickinson Wright PLLC in Lansing, Michigan
from August 2001 to May 2002. From 1999 to 2001,
Mr. Oginsky was an attorney with Sutherland
Asbill & Brennan LLP in Washington, D.C. At
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, Mr. Oginsky focused
on the FERC and state electric and natural gas matters on behalf
of various energy clients.
Edward M. Rahill. Mr. Rahill is Senior
Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer,
and has responsibility for financial operations and reporting,
including Treasury Management, Accounting, Tax and the Financial
Planning and Analysis functions for the Company. Mr. Rahill
was Vice-President Finance and Chief Financial
Officer since 2003 until being named Senior Vice-President in
February 2006. Prior to his current position, Mr. Rahill
headed the Planning and Corporate Development functions for DTE
Energy. He joined DTE Energy in 1999 as the Manager of Mergers,
Acquisitions and Alliances. Mr. Rahill has over
22 years of experience in finance and accounting. Prior to
joining DTE Energy, Mr. Rahill led the Corporate
Development Function for Equitable Resources. He has also held
various finance and accounting positions with Bell &
Howell, Atlantic Richfield and Carborundum Corporation.
Richard A. Schultz. Mr. Schultz is Senior
Vice President Planning. He has the primary
responsibility for transmission system planning, reliability and
optimization at the Company. He is also a member of the Board of
Directors of ReliabilityFirst Corporation.
Mr. Schultz began his career in 1968 with Detroit Edison.
Over the years, Mr. Schultz held a variety of positions
with leading companies, including Florida Power and Light,
Midland Cogeneration Venture and Seminole Electric Cooperative.
He rejoined Detroit Edison in 2000 as Director, Restructuring
and Regulation. Mr. Schultz was appointed to the position
of Vice President Engineering in the
ITCTransmission subsidiary at DTE Energy in 2002 and
joined the Company when ITCTransmission was formed as a
stand-alone company in March 2003. He was appointed Vice
President Asset Planning later in 2003 and to Senior
Vice President Planning in 2005. He is a registered
Professional Engineer in the states of Michigan and Florida.
Discussion and Analysis
The following Compensation Discussion and Analysis describes the
elements of compensation for our chief executive officer, chief
financial officer and each of the three other most highly
compensated executive officers who were serving as such at
December 31, 2006 (the NEOs). The Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors (Compensation
Committee) establishes and reviews the compensation for
the NEOs, while implementation and
administration of our compensation programs is performed by
employees of the Company.
of Compensation Program
The objective of our compensation program as a public company is
to attract, retain, and motivate exceptional managers and
employees, and to maintain the focus of those managers and
employees on providing value to customers and shareholders by:
utility operations;
improving reliability, reducing congestion, and facilitating
access to generation resources; and
utilizing our experience and skills to seek and identify
opportunities to invest in needed transmission and optimize the
value of those investments.
Our compensation program as a public company is designed to
motivate and reward individual and corporate performance. Our
compensation philosophy is to:
Provide for flexibility in pay practices to recognize the
Companys unique position and growth proposition;
Use a market-based pay program aligned with
Be competitive with the market in all pay elements relating to
compensation for current services, while leveraging incentives
where possible;
Utilize market compensation studies to verify competitiveness
and ensure continued competitiveness;
Align long-term incentive awards with incremental improvements
in shareholder value;
Provide benefits through flexible, cost-effective plans and
maintain above-market benefits while taking into account
business needs and affordability; and
Provide other non-monetary awards to recognize and incentivize
of Pre-IPO Related Amounts from Normal Compensation
On July 26, 2005, we became a public company following our
initial public offering (the IPO). Certain dollar
amounts, referred to as Pre-IPO Related Amounts, are
included in the Summary Compensation Table in this Proxy
Statement. However, those amounts are legacy issues, which are
tied to and result from NEOs personal investments and
assumed risks, and other arrangements, made while the Company
was privately held. Accordingly, in the opinion of the
Compensation Committee, those legacy amounts should not be
viewed as part of the NEOs normal compensation for
purposes of measuring against the objectives of our compensation
program or for comparisons to public company executive
compensation. The Compensation Committee believes that the 2006
NEO compensation, excluding the Pre-IPO Related Amounts, is fair
and reasonable as compared to peer company compensation and
meets the objectives of our compensation program as outlined
above. Amounts that are Pre-IPO Related Amounts, and the
compensation of the NEOs after exclusion of the Pre-IPO Related
Amounts, are identified in footnote 1 to the Summary
Compensation Table.
We began operations on February 28, 2003, following the
acquisition of our first operating utility subsidiary,
ITCTransmission, from DTE Energy. To motivate management
to meet challenges and grow the Company, we, at the direction of
ITHLP, established an equity participation program under which
each executive officer made personal equity investments in the
Company. Based on the number of shares purchased, a grant of
options also was
made to the executive. Certain executives, including the NEOs,
also received grants of restricted stock. Five-year vesting and
transfer restrictions applied to all such purchases and grants.
In connection with the IPO, each executive also waived
contractual rights to sell stock in the IPO. In exchange, the
executives were granted options based on the number of shares
each executive could have sold, but chose not to sell, in the
IPO. Because these equity grants are tied to NEOs personal
investments and risks faced prior to the IPO, the value of
option awards made before July 26, 2005 are not considered
by the Compensation Committee to be part of normal NEO
compensation. The dollar amounts included in the Option Awards
column of the Summary Compensation Table, which the Compensation
Committee considers to be Pre-IPO Related Amounts, are
identified in footnote 1 to the Summary Compensation Table.
Under the ITC Holdings Corp. Executive Group Special Bonus Plan
(the Special Bonus Plan), the Compensation Committee
is authorized to approve the crediting of special bonus amounts
to plan participants and generally gives consideration to
dividends paid, or expected to be paid, on our common stock. We
adopted the Special Bonus Plan in June 2005 as a vehicle that
could be used to keep whole the value of equity investments and
grants that occurred prior to the IPO. In 2006, bonuses under
the Special Bonus Plan were credited to NEOs once during each
quarter. The amount of the awards were equal to the approved per
share quarterly dividend amount, multiplied by the number of
shares of Company common stock underlying the options held by
the NEO, which were granted prior to the IPO. The aggregate
amount of these bonuses paid to each NEO in 2006 is set forth in
footnote 2 to the Summary Compensation Table. While the
Compensation Committee has approved payments under the Special
Bonus Plan, the only participants in this plan are executives
who were granted options during our initial growth period prior
to the IPO. Moreover, special bonus amounts have been credited
only with respect to options granted before the IPO. The
Compensation Committee also considers these amounts to be tied
to the investments made and risks faced by our executive
officers prior to the IPO. Accordingly, the Compensation
Committee does not consider amounts awarded under the Special
Bonus Plan to be part of normal NEO compensation. The Special
Bonus Plan awards that the Compensation Committee considers to
be Pre-IPO Related Amounts are identified in footnote 1 to
the Summary Compensation Table.
Finally, for Mr. Welch, the Change in Pension
Value & Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings
column of the Summary Compensation Table includes amounts
associated with the Management Supplemental Benefits Plan
(MSBP). The MSBP is described in detail in the
Pension Benefits Management Supplemental Benefits
Plan section of this Proxy Statement following the Pension
Benefits Table. The calculation of Mr. Welchs benefit
under the MSBP is affected by including awards to him under the
Special Bonus Plan, which are considered Pre-IPO Related Amounts
as discussed above. The calculation also is affected by
including awards to Mr. Welch under our former Dividend
Equivalents Rights Plan (DERP). The DERP was
established in 2003 to keep whole the value of options that
previously were granted to executives and key employees upon a
return of capital to shareholders that we issued that year.
Under the DERP, upon affecting a return of capital to
shareholders, a cash amount (equal to the per share return of
capital multiplied by the number of options held by each
executive and key employee) was credited to a bookkeeping
account maintained for each DERP participant. Those amounts
previously held in bookkeeping accounts under the DERP were paid
out to each DERP participant in 2005 upon the plans
termination. Similarly, because awards under the DERP are
particularly tied to investments made and risks faced by our
executive officers prior to the IPO, such awards also are
considered to be Pre-IPO Related Amounts. Because awards under
the Special Bonus Plan and DERP are Pre-IPO Related Amounts, the
Compensation Committee does not include those amounts in the
calculation of Mr. Welchs benefit under the MSBP for
purposes of reviewing his normal compensation. The component of
the Change in Pension Value & Non-Qualified Deferred
Compensation Earnings for Mr. Welch, which the Compensation
Committee considers Pre-IPO Related Amounts due to the exclusion
of Special Bonus Plan and DERP awards from Mr. Welchs
MSBP benefit calculation, is identified in footnote 1 to
the Summary Compensation Table.
of Compensation Benchmarks and Relationship of Compensation
The Compensation Committee has engaged in benchmarking total
compensation paid to our executive officers. The benchmarking
analysis compared the compensation of our executive officers,
including the NEOs, to compensation paid to executives by a
group of peer companies.
Because we are the only publicly traded company that exclusively
owns stand-alone electricity transmission companies, the peer
group used by the Compensation Committee for benchmarking
purposes consisted of electric, gas and water utility companies
that are comparable to our current size, our projected future
size, and our performance based on total shareholder returns and
profit margins. The benchmarking analysis took into account our
increased size following our acquisition of METC, but did not
include amounts paid to executives under our Special Bonus Plan
or equity grants under our 2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan.
The public company peer group consisted of the following
Aqua America Inc.
Avista Corp.
American States Water Co.
Unisource Energy Corp.
DPL Inc.
Otter Tail Corp.
UGI Corp.
Duquesne Light Holdings Inc.
Western Gas Resources Inc.
South Jersey Industries Inc.
Questar Corp.
Cleco Corp.
National Fuel Gas Co.
Northwest Natural Gas Co.
Northwestern Corp
El Paso Electric Co.
Southwestern Energy Co.
Copano Energy LLC
Black Hills Corp.
Allete Inc.
In August 2006, the Compensation Committee, through its
compensation consultant, Watson Wyatt Worldwide, benchmarked
compensation paid to our executive officers, including the NEOs,
at the
65th percentile
of market for base salary and the
75th percentile
for annual incentive compensation and long term incentive
compensation among the peer companies listed above. This target
was selected in order to recognize the challenges we faced and
the rapid growth we experienced, and the resulting performance
expectations for the NEOs. The benchmarking study determined
that compensation paid to our executive officers trailed both
the market median and to a greater extent the
65th percentile
of the market.
As part of the Compensation Committees process, our chief
executive officer reviews and examines market benchmark
compensation, as well as individual responsibilities and
performance, our compensation philosophy and other related
information to determine the appropriate level of compensation
for each of our NEOs. Our chief executive officer then makes
recommendations to the Compensation Committee on any such
compensation adjustments or revisions. In turn, the Compensation
Committee considers and examines any such recommendations and
consults with Watson Wyatt Worldwide to understand the impact
and result of any such changes.
The Compensation Committee reviews and considers each element of
compensation in making compensation determinations. The
Compensation Committee has not determined that compensation
elements are to be set according to a pre-set or formulaic mix.
The Compensation Committee does generally review all elements of
compensation together in measuring total compensation packages
as part of its benchmarking analyses and in measuring
compensation packages against the objectives of our compensation
Components of Compensation
Base Salary. The base salary component of each
NEOs annual cash compensation is based on the job
responsibilities and individual contribution of each NEO and
with reference to base salary levels of executives at peer
The Compensation Committee granted salary increases on
May 17, 2006, which ranged from 4% to 8% for
Messrs. Welch, Rahill and Jipping and Ms. Blair. In
making these salary adjustments, the Compensation Committee
considered the growth in job responsibilities for each
individual, given the growth of the Company, and the performance
of each individual.
More recently, following the completion of a revised
benchmarking analysis, the Compensation Committee made the
following salary adjustments on January 29, 2007.
2006 Salary
2007 Salary
Joseph L. Welch
Director, President, Chief
Executive Officer and Treasurer
Edward M. Rahill
Senior Vice President
Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Linda H. Blair
Senior Vice President
Business Strategy
Jon J. Jipping
Senior Vice President
In making these salary adjustments, the Compensation Committee
considered the performance of each individual, growth in his or
her job responsibilities and the continued growth of the
Company. In addition, the Compensation Committee also took into
account the results of its benchmarking analysis, which showed
that our executive officer salaries appreciably trailed
benchmarked levels. The salary adjustments were made as part of
a three year plan to phase in salary levels that place executive
officer salaries at benchmarked levels consistent with the
objectives of our compensation program.
Bonus Compensation. Annual bonus awards based
on corporate performance goals are used to provide incentives
for and reward contributions to the growth and success of the
Company. Annual corporate performance bonuses awarded to NEOs
for 2006 are listed in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table in this
Proxy Statement, and are described below.
The corporate performance goals established by the Compensation
Committee are based on key Company objectives: operational
excellence and financial performance. The same corporate
performance goals generally are used in determining annual bonus
compensation for all of our employees. The corporate performance
goals, accordingly, are designed to align the interests of
customers, shareholders, management and all employees, and
encourage teamwork and coordination among all of our executives
and employees with a common focus on the growth and success of
the Company. Target amounts for the corporate performance goals
are determined based on historical performance and desired
improvement over time. Weights are assigned to each goal based
on areas of focus during the year and difficulty in achieving
target amounts. Weights are also assigned so that there is a
balance between operational and financial goals.
Each year, the Compensation Committee determines our annual
corporate performance bonus plan. As explained above, the annual
bonus plan contains bonus goals, each individually weighted. The
bonus goals are established at a standard that is substantially
equivalent to our historical corporate performance. Bonuses are
based on target bonus amounts, which for each employee is a
percentage of his or her base salary. Based on the level at
which the Company has achieved its bonus goals, bonuses are paid
out to employees, including NEOs, at their target bonus levels
according to the following formula:
Salary x Achievement of Corporate Goals (stated as a %) x Target
Bonus (% of base salary)
= Annual Bonus Amount
For 2006, corporate goals approved by the Compensation Committee
for bonus payment purposes were:
Safety as measured by lost time
Safety as measured by recordable
Outage frequency
Field Operation and Maintenance
Non-field O&M
(ITCTransmission and METC)
EBITDA variance *
Capital Project Plan
* |
We define adjusted EBITDA as net income plus: |
depreciation and amortization expense;
interest expense;
allowance for equity funds used during construction; and
certain other items not related to operating performance, such
as loss on extinguishment of debt.
Based on the achievement of all goals, bonuses were earned by
the NEOs at 100% of target.
For fiscal year 2007, the Compensation Committee has established
corporate performance goals for the annual bonus award similar
to prior years goals. Additionally, to further motivate
management to provide value to shareholders, a performance
factor was added for fiscal year 2007, under which NEOs
annual bonus awards may be increased based on the Companys
total return to shareholders compared to the Dow Jones Utility
Average Index. Based on the Companys 2007 total return to
shareholders, to the extent it is a positive number and ranks
within the
50th to
100th percentile
as compared to the companies that comprise the Dow Jones Utility
Average index, the performance factor to be applied to each
NEOs annual bonus award will be in the range of 1.2 to
2.0. For fiscal year 2007, the NEOs bonus target levels
were set at 125% of base salary for Mr. Welch, 100% of base
salary for each of Messrs. Rahill and Jipping, and
Ms. Blair, and 80% of base salary for Mr. Schultz.
On January 29, 2007, the Compensation Committee approved
bonuses to various key employees who played an integral role in
the acquisition of METC, including certain of the NEOs. The
award reflects recognition for management, leadership and
results of the acquisition of METC and integration of METC into
the Company. The following NEOs received such bonuses:
Mr. Rahill in the amount of $50,000; Ms. Blair in the
amount of $40,000; Mr. Jipping in the amount of $40,000;
and Mr. Schultz in the amount of $15,000.
On August 16, 2006, the Compensation Committee approved
grants of restricted stock and stock options to employees,
including the NEOs, under the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan. The
primary purpose of the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan is to
encourage equity ownership in the Company among our employees,
non-employee directors and consultants in order to align their
interests with those of shareholders. The plan is designed to
enhance our ability to attract, motivate and retain qualified
managers and employees, and encourage strong performance. The
plan also is designed to motivate future growth through
individual performance and, in turn, strong Company performance.
The amounts and terms of grants made under the 2006 Long Term
Incentive Plan are described in the narrative following the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table in this Proxy Statement.
Awards under the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan were determined
in the following manner. A total value for the award for each
grantee was determined based on a percentage of salary. For the
NEOs, the awards were targeted to be 120% of base salary for
Mr. Welch and 70% of base salary for other NEOs. The target
award value was then weighted between grants of restricted stock
and options. For the NEOs, the awards were weighted as 20%
restricted stock and 80% options for Mr. Welch, and 30%
restricted stock and 70% options for the other NEOs. In
determining the amounts of grants under the 2006 Long Term
Incentive Plan and the manner in which awards were identified,
the Compensation Committee relied on comparisons to peer company
long-term incentive plan grants, as well as amounts that will
incentivize performance to achieve continued growth in the value
of the Company.
As is common in our industry and as established pursuant to our
initial formation requirements pursuant to the acquisition
agreement between ITHLP and DTE Energy, we maintain a
tax-qualified defined benefit retirement plan for eligible
employees, comprised of a traditional pension component and a
cash balance component. All employees, including the NEOs,
participate in either the traditional component or the cash
balance component. We have also established two supplemental
nonqualified, noncontributory retirement benefit plans for
selected management employees: the MSBP, in which only
Mr. Welch participates; and the Executive Supplemental
Retirement Plan (ESRP) in which all other NEOs
participate. The plans provide for benefits that supplement
those provided by our qualified defined benefit retirement plan.
Benefits payable to the NEOs pursuant to the
pension plan are set by the terms of the plan. The Compensation
Committee exercises no regular discretionary authority in the
determination of benefits. The plan may be modified, amended or
terminated at any time, although no such action may reduce a
NEOs earned benefits and, with regard to the MSBP, changes
must generally be agreed to by Mr. Welch. See Pension
Benefits in this Proxy Statement for information regarding
participation by the NEOs in our pension plan as well as a
description of the terms of the plans.
In 2006, as part of its review of benefit programs, the
Compensation Committee approved changes to our MSBP and our ESRP.
On May 17, 2006, the Compensation Committee approved an
addendum clarifying certain terms of our MSBP, in which
Mr. Welch is the only participant. The addendum provided
that the term compensation (used to determine the
level of benefits payable under the plan) will not include
future amounts paid to Mr. Welch under the Special Bonus
Plan. The addendum further clarifies that the amount of any
annuity payable to Mr. Welch under the Companys
pension plan will reduce the amount of the benefit payable to
him under the plan. Finally, the addendum provides that, to the
extent payment under the plan is delayed due to the provisions
of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, amounts that
would have been otherwise payable during the period of delay
will be paid to him in a lump sum at the time payments are
permitted to commence under Section 409A. In addition, on
May 17, 2006, the Compensation Committee amended our ESRP
to provide that the interest would be calculated using a rate
equal to the
U.S. Treasury bond rate in effect for September of the
previous year. Previously, the interest was an assumed rate of
9.5 percent per annum, compounded monthly.
and Perquisites
The NEOs participate in a variety of benefits programs, which
are designed to enable us to attract and retain our workforce in
a competitive marketplace. These programs include our Savings
and Investment Plan, which consists of a 401(k) component and a
component that provides additional benefits for certain
executives (executive defined contribution plan).
The Companys NEOs are provided a limited number of
perquisites in addition to benefits provided to our other
employees. The purpose of these perquisites is to minimize
distractions from the NEOs attention to important Company
initiatives, to facilitate their access to work functions and
personnel, and to encourage interactions among NEOs and others
within professional, business and local communities. NEOs are
provided perquisites such as auto allowance and maintenance,
financial planning, income tax return preparation, annual
physical, club memberships, home security, personal liability
insurance and relocation assistance, as well as reimbursements
for income taxes related to the inclusion of the value of the
payment by the Company of certain perquisites. These perquisites
are further discussed in footnote 6 to the Summary
Compensation Table in this Proxy Statement.
Severance Compensation
Pursuant to employment agreements with each NEO, each NEO is
entitled to certain benefits and payments upon a termination of
his or her employment. Benefits and payments to be provided vary
based on the circumstances of the termination. The Compensation
Committee believes it is important to provide this protection in
order to ensure our NEOs will remain engaged and committed to us
during an acquisition of the Company or other transition in
management. See Employment Agreements and Potential Payments
Upon Termination or Change in Control in this Proxy Statement
for further detail on these employment agreements, including a
discussion of the compensation to be provided upon termination
or a change in control.
In addition to severance benefits identified in their employment
agreements, NEOs are eligible to receive certain payments or
benefits due to a termination of employment or change in control
of the Company, which would be related to grants made under the
2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan, the 2006 Long Term
Incentive Plan, the Special Bonus Plans, or our benefits plans.
The NEOs eligibility for such payments or benefits are as
identified in the descriptions of those plans in this Proxy
of Executive Compensation
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code restricts the
deductibility of executive compensation paid to a companys
chief executive officer and any of the four other most highly
compensated executive officers at the end of any fiscal year to
not more than $1,000,000 in annual compensation (including gain
from the exercise of certain stock option grants). Certain
performance-based compensation is exempt from this limitation if
it complies with the various conditions described in
Section 162(m). Our equity-based and incentive compensation
plans are designed to cause compensation realized in connection
with the plans to comply with these conditions and be exempt
from the Section 162(m) restriction on deductibility, to
the extent permissible.
Other components of our compensation program may result in
payments from time to time that would be subject to the
restriction on deductibility. However, the Compensation
Committee believes that it may be appropriate from time to time
to exceed the limitations on deductibility under
Section 162(m) to ensure that executive officers are
compensated in a manner that it believes to be consistent with
the best interests of the Company and its shareholders, and
reserves the authority to approve non-deductible compensation in
appropriate circumstances. The Compensation Committee does not
expect the nondeductible amount of executive compensation to be
material to the Company. As a result, the Compensation Committee
has concluded that no further action with respect to qualifying
such compensation for deductibility is necessary at this time.
The Compensation Committee intends to continue to evaluate from
time to time the advisability of qualifying future executive
compensation programs for exemption from the Section 162(m)
restriction on deductibility. Because of ambiguities and
uncertainties as to the application and interpretation of
Section 162(m), no assurance can be given that compensation
intended by us to satisfy the requirements for deductibility
under Section 162(m) will in fact be deductible.
Ownership Guidelines
In furtherance of the Companys objective to align the
interests of management with shareholders, effective
August 16, 2006, the Compensation Committee adopted stock
ownership guidelines applicable to executive officers. Under
these guidelines, executive officers, including NEOs, must meet
the applicable stock ownership guideline by the later of
August 16, 2011 or the fifth anniversary of when the
guidelines first become applicable to the individual. The
guidelines require ownership of shares of our common stock
valued at five times annual salary in the case of the chief
executive officer, three times annual salary in the case of
senior vice presidents and two times annual salary in the case
of other executive officers. The Compensation Committee
determined the ownership levels in reliance on comparisons to
peer company stock ownership guideline policies. Shares issuable
upon exercise of vested
stock options, shares (including shares of restricted stock)
owned directly, shares owned through various employee benefit
plans and shares previously owned by executives but placed in
trust for family members count towards the ownership threshold.
Stock ownership positions could be considered as a factor in
promotion or succession decisions and failure to maintain the
applicable minimum ownership threshold may result in payment of
only a portion of annual incentives in the Companys common
stock or other action by the Compensation Committee. Restricted
stock awards may not be sold after vesting unless the individual
is in compliance with the applicable ownership guideline,
subject to hardship exceptions approved by the chief executive
officer (or by the Compensation Committee, in the case of an
exception to be approved on behalf of the chief executive
officer). The Compensation Committee may modify, amend, waive,
suspend or rescind any aspect of the guidelines at any time.
Each of the NEOs is in compliance at this time with the stock
ownership guidelines.
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed this
Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management and, based
on the review and discussions with management, has recommended
to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis be included in this Proxy Statement.
The following table provides a summary of compensation paid or
accrued by the Company and its subsidiaries to or on behalf of
the NEOs for services rendered by them during 2006, as required
by SEC rules and regulations. As stated in the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis section of this Proxy Statement, the
NEOs received certain amounts disclosed as compensation below
but which are tied to and result from personal investments and
assumed risks, and other arrangements, made while the Company
was privately held (referred to throughout this Proxy Statement
as the Pre-IPO Related Amounts). Footnote 1 to this Summary
Compensation Table identifies amounts considered by the
Compensation Committee to be Pre-IPO Related Amounts, which the
Compensation Committee does not consider part of NEOs
normal compensation. Footnote 1 also shows compensation
paid to the NEOs in 2006, excluding Pre-IPO Related Amounts,
which the Compensation Committee considers NEOs normal
Compensation Table (1)
Change in
Value &
Incentive Plan
All Other
Salary ($)
Earnings ($)(5)
Total ($)
Joseph L. Welch,
President, CEO,
Treasurer & Director
Edward M. Rahill,
SVP, Finance & CFO
Linda H. Blair,
SVP, Business
Richard A. Schultz,
SVP, Asset Planning
Jon E. Jipping,
SVP, Engineering(7)
(1) |
As described more fully in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Exclusion of Pre-IPO Related Amounts from
Normal Compensation Amounts section of this Proxy Statement,
certain compensation amounts disclosed in this table include
amounts that are tied to and result from personal investments
and arrangements made when the Company initiated its operations
and prior to becoming a public company (the Pre-IPO Related
Amounts). The arrangements continue to be in effect in 2006 and
produce amounts and values that are treated as legacy amounts
from the Pre-IPO period. The following two tables show, first, a
breakdown of the pre-IPO Related Amounts and, second,
compensation for NEOs after excluding the Pre-IPO Related
Amounts. |
Related Amounts
Change in
Value &
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
After Excluding Pre-IPO Related Amounts
Change in
Value &
All Other
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
(2) |
The compensation amounts reported in this column reflect special
bonus amounts awarded under the Special Bonus Plan. Such bonuses
are awarded at the sole discretion of the Compensation
Committee. Special bonus amounts awarded by the Compensation
Committee to date were equal to per share dividend amounts paid
by the Company multiplied by the number of options granted in
2003 and 2005 that continue to be held by plan participants.
Special bonus amounts awarded under the Special Bonus Plan
include a vested portion paid directly to the executive and an
unvested portion that is held in an account for the executive.
In addition to the Special Bonus Plan awards, NEOs other than
Mr. Welch received a discretionary bonus in recognition of
the integral role they played in the successful acquisition and
integration of METC during 2006. Each of these bonuses is set
forth in the following table: |
Special Bonus
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
Generally, Special Bonus Plan participants are vested in amounts
credited to their special bonus accounts to the extent they are
vested in options they hold (except that Mr. Welch is
vested in all such amounts relating to options granted to him
before July 25, 2005). To the extent a plan participant is
not vested in amounts credited to his or her special bonus
accounts, that amount is held in an account for a period of five
years from the date an option, on which the bonus is paid, was
granted. Such amounts are payable at the expiration of the five
year period, assuming the participants continued
employment with the Company and unless the participant elects a
deferral of the payment, or upon the participants death or
permanent disability or a change of ownership of the Company. |
(3) |
The amounts reported in this column represent amounts that have
been amortized in our 2006 financial statements in connection
with stock option and restricted stock awards previously granted
to the NEOs under our 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan and our 2003
Stock Purchase and Option Plan for Key Employees, which excludes
any forfeiture reserves recorded for these awards. Awards are
grant date values amortized over the requisite vesting period
(five years for stock options and restricted stock). The amounts
are based on the grant date fair value of the award pursuant to
Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 123R (FAS 123R).
The grant date present value of the stock options was determined
in accordance with FAS 123R using a Black-Scholes option
pricing model. The options have a term of 10 years from
date of grant, with a remaining future life of 9.6 years.
Weighted average assumption used in the valuation of these
options include an expected volatility of 22.6%, a risk-free
interest rate of 4.82%, an expected life of 6.0 years, an
expected dividend yield of 3.33%, and an underlying share price
of $33.00 per |
share. The 2006 restricted stock awards are recorded at fair
value at the date of grant, which is equivalent to the
underlying share price of $33.00 per share. |
(4) |
The amounts reported in this column reflect cash awards tied to
the achievement of annual Company performance goals under our
2006 bonus plan. Each year, the Compensation Committee sets the
targets for bonuses as well as the appropriate financial and
operational metrics. For 2006, the committee selected earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; capital
project plan, safety, outage frequency and field and non-field
O&M. Actual payouts ranged between 80% and 100% of base
salary for NEOs. |
(5) |
All amounts reported in this column pertain to the tax-qualified
defined benefit pension plan and two supplemental nonqualified,
noncontributory retirement plans maintained by the Company. None
of the income on nonqualified deferred compensation was
above-market or preferential. |
(6) |
All Other Compensation includes amounts for perquisites such as
auto allowance and maintenance, financial planning, income tax
return preparation, annual physical, club memberships, home
security, personal liability insurance and relocation
assistance, and for other benefits such as Company contributions
on behalf of the NEOs pursuant to the 401(k) and executive
defined contribution plan components of the Savings and
Investment Plan, as well as reimbursements for income taxes
related to the inclusion of the value of the payment by the
Company of certain perquisites. Perquisites have been valued for
purposes of these tables on the basis of the aggregate
incremental cost to the Company. These benefits and perquisites
for 2006 are itemized in the table below as required by
applicable SEC rules. |
Plan -
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
(7) |
Mr. Jipping was promoted to the position of Senior Vice
President Engineering in 2005. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth information concerning each grant
of an award made to a NEO during 2006.
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards Table
All Other Option
All Other Stock
Awards: Number of
Grant Date Fair
Awards: Number of
Exercise or Base
Value of Stock and
Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Shares of Stock or
Underlying Options
Price of Option
Option Awards
Grant Date
Threshold ($)
Target ($)(1)
Maximum ($)
Units (#)
Awards ($/Sh)
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
(1) |
The compensation reported reflects the annual cash awards tied
to the achievement of annual Company performance goals under our
2006 bonus plan. The target payout for 2006 was set at 100% of
base salary for Mr. Welch and 80% of base salary for the
other NEOs. The actual payments earned were 100% of base salary |
for Mr. Welch, and 80% of base salary for
Messrs. Rahill, Schultz, and Jipping and Ms. Blair.
Actual dollar amounts are disclosed and reported in the Summary
Compensation Table as Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation.
Plan awards were earned in 2006 and paid in February 2007. For
more information regarding the corporate goals for 2006, see
Compensation Discussion and Analysis Cash
Components of Compensation Bonus Compensation in this
Proxy Statement. |
(2) |
Grant date fair value consists of stock options and restricted
stock offered under our 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan. Stock
options vest 20% on August 16 of each year over a five year
period beginning August 16, 2007. Grant date present value
of the stock options was determined in accordance with
FAS 123R using a Black-Scholes option pricing model. The
options have a term of 10 years from date of grant, with a
remaining future life of 9.6 years. Weighted average
assumptions used in the valuation of these options include an
expected volatility of 22.6%, a risk-free interest rate of
4.82%, an expected life of 6.0 years, an expected dividend
yield of 3.33%, and an underlying share price of $33.00 per
share. The 2006 restricted stock awards are recorded at fair
value at the date of grant, which is equivalent to the
underlying share price of $33.00 per share. |
In 2006, the Compensation Committee granted equity awards under
our 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan in the form of stock options
and restricted stock to each of the NEOs. These grants were made
on August 16, 2006 in the following amounts:
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
Our Board of Directors and shareholders approved the 2006 Long
Term Incentive Plan in May 2006. Our employees, non-employee
directors and consultants are eligible to participate in the
plan, which provides for the granting of incentive awards
composed of both cash and equity awards. The Compensation
Committee may grant stock options, restricted stock, restricted
stock units and performance based awards in the form of equity
or cash under the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan with the terms
of each award set forth in a written agreement with the
recipient. Grants made in 2006 to the NEOs under the plan were
made pursuant to terms stated in a restricted stock award
agreement and an option agreement.
The restricted stock award agreements provide that, so long as
the grantee remains employed by us, the restricted stock fully
vests upon the earlier of (i) the fifth anniversary of the
grant date, (ii) the grantees death or permanent
disability, or (iii) a change in control (as
defined in the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan). If the
grantees employment is terminated for any reason other
than death or disability prior to the restricted stock becoming
fully vested, the grantee forfeits the restricted stock, unless
otherwise determined by the Compensation Committee. The
restricted stock agreement also provides that restricted stock
issued to the grantee may not be transferred by the grantee in
any manner prior to vesting. Grantees otherwise have all rights
of holders of our common stock, including voting rights and the
right to receive dividends.
The option agreements provide that the options become
exercisable in five equal annual installments beginning on the
one year anniversary of the grant date so long as the grantee
remains employed by us. The options become fully exercisable
immediately upon (i) the grantees death or permanent
disability or (ii) upon a change in control (as
defined in the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan). The Compensation
Committee has the right to accelerate vesting or extend the time
for exercise. The exercise price of the options is the fair
market value per share of our common stock on the grant date.
The grantee may pay the exercise price in cash, with previously
acquired shares that have been held at least six months or
pursuant to a broker-assisted cashless exercise method. The
stock options will expire 10 years after the grant date and
will immediately terminate to the extent not yet exercisable if
the grantees employment with us is terminated for any
reason other than death or disability. If the grantees
employment is terminated other than due to death or disability
on or after the date the options first become exercisable, then
the grantee has the right to exercise the option for three
months after termination of employment to the extent exercisable
on the date of termination. If the grantees employment
terminates due to death or disability, the grantee
or the grantees estate has the right to exercise the
option at any time during the remaining term to the extent it
was not previously exercised. The option agreement also provides
that options issued to the grantee may not be transferred by the
grantee except pursuant to a will or the applicable laws of
descent and distribution or transfers to which the Compensation
Committee has given prior written consent. Until the issuance of
shares of stock pursuant to the exercise of stock options,
holders of stock options granted under the option agreement have
no rights of holders of our common stock.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table provides information with respect to
unexercised options and shares of restricted stock that have not
vested as of the end of 2006 held by the NEOs.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End Table
Number of
Number of
Market Value of
Number of Shares or
Shares or Units of
Unexercised Options
Unexercised Options
Option Exercise
Option Expiration
Units of Stock that
Stock that have not
(#) Exercisable
(#) Unexercisable(1)
Price ($)
have not Vested (#)
Vested ($) (2)
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
(1) |
Each option has a ten year life and vests in five equal annual
installments, beginning on the first anniversary of the grant
date. |
(2) |
Value was determined by multiplying the number of shares that
have not vested by the closing price of our common stock as of
December 31, 2006 ($39.90 per share). The outstanding
shares of restricted stock vest five years after the date of the
grant, which was August 16, 2006. |
Equity grants made to NEOs in 2006 were made pursuant to our
2006 Long Term Incentive Plan. The terms of these grants are
described above in the narrative discussion accompanying the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table.
Prior to 2006, we awarded equity-based compensation under the
2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan, which was established in
2003 and amended in 2005, with approval of our shareholders. The
plan provides for the granting of equity awards, which have
consisted of the right to purchase shares of common stock as
well as the right to receive grants of restricted common stock
and options to purchase shares of common stock. The Compensation
Committee administers the plan.
Restricted stock granted under the 2003 Stock Purchase and
Option Plan is granted pursuant to a Management
Stockholders Agreement and a restricted stock award
agreement. Under those agreements, the restricted stock grants
generally vest five years after the date of grant, assuming the
grantee continues to be employed by us or any of our
subsidiaries during such time. Restricted stock becomes 100%
vested immediately upon a change of ownership of the Company (as
defined in the 2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan). In
addition, restricted stock will become vested upon termination
of the recipients employment with us if termination is by
the Company without cause or by the recipient for good reason
(as such terms are defined in the restricted stock award
agreements). However, if the recipients employment is
terminated due to the recipients death or permanent
disability (as defined in the restricted stock award
agreements), any unvested restricted stock will only become
vested in increments of 20% of such stock in respect of each
anniversary of the date of the grant on which the recipient was
employed by us prior to his or her death or permanent
disability. Certain executive officers have restricted stock
award agreements which provide for unvested restricted stock to
become 100% vested if his or her employment is terminated due to
death or permanent disability. If the recipients
employment is terminated by the Company for cause or by the
recipient without good reason, any unvested restricted shares
will be forfeited.
Options granted under the 2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan
are granted pursuant to a Management Stockholders
Agreement and a stock option agreement. The options generally
vest and become exercisable at the rate of 20% per year
over five years beginning one year after grant, assuming the
recipient of the option continues to be employed during such
time by us or any of our subsidiaries, and expire on the tenth
anniversary of the date of the grant. In addition, the options
automatically become exercisable immediately prior to a change
of ownership of the Company (as defined in the 2003 Stock
Purchase and Option Plan) as to 100% of the shares subject to
the option. The options expire earlier in the event of the
termination of the option holders employment, certain
change in ownership events, or a termination of the option
pursuant to the Management Stockholders Agreement.
In addition to the vesting terms described above, pursuant to
piggyback rights, the Management Stockholders
Agreement (for grants made by us prior to November 16,
2005) provides that a grantee of restricted stock or
options under the 2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan may sell
shares of restricted stock and shares underlying then
exercisable options in an offering conducted by ITHLP,
notwithstanding other vesting requirements and transfer
ITHLP elected to sell shares in a secondary offering with the
IPO in 2005. At that time, each of the NEOs waived his or her
right to exercise piggyback rights, and in exchange
received a grant of options on July 25, 2005 under the 2003
Stock Purchase and Option Plan. The options granted to each NEO
at that time expire in July 2015 and are listed in the
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End Table.
In 2006, ITHLP again elected to sell shares in a secondary
offering as part of the Companys equity offering that
closed on October 10, 2006. At that time, in exchange for
waiving piggyback rights, certain restricted shares
held by Ms. Blair and Mr. Jipping vested. The shares
that vested at that time are listed in the Option Exercises and
Stock Vested Table in this Proxy Statement.
The Management Stockholders Agreement contains certain
additional provisions that are binding on the parties, including
the NEOs. We may repurchase common stock and exercisable options
to purchase our common stock subject to the Management
Stockholders Agreement held by a NEO upon the termination
of that NEOs employment with the Company if the
termination occurs prior to the fifth anniversary of our IPO at
various repurchase prices that are equal to or less than the
fair market value per share of the common stock being
repurchased. In addition, each NEO is generally prohibited from
effecting any public sale or distribution of shares of common
stock not covered by a registration statement within the period
between seven days before and 180 days after, the effective
date of a registration statement (or, if later, the date of the
public offering pursuant to the registration statement) in
connection with a public offering of capital stock of the
Company with respect to shares covered by the Management
Stockholders Agreement. For so long as the NEO is employed
by us and for a period of one year thereafter, the NEO is
subject to covenants not to be engaged in or have financial
interest in any business which competes with any business of the
Company; or solicit our customers or clients to terminate their
relationship with us or otherwise compete with any business of
the Company; or solicit or offer employment to any person who
has been employed by us at any time during the 12 months
immediately preceding the termination of the NEOs
employment. Also, the NEO may not disclose or use at any time
any confidential information pertaining to the
business of the Company, except when required to perform his or
her duties to the Company, by law or judicial process.
Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table provides information with respect to options
exercised by the NEOs during 2006 and shares of restricted stock
held by the NEOs that have vested as of the end of 2006.
Exercises and Stock Vested Table
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Acquired on Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
Vesting (#)
Vesting ($)
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair(1)
Richard A. Schultz(2)
Jon E. Jipping(1)
(1) |
Restricted stock vesting reflects the value realized based upon
the closing price of our common stock as of October 10,
2006 ($33.96 per share). Vesting occurred in connection
with the waiver of piggyback registration rights the
holders had with respect to the registration of our common stock
in October 2006. |
(2) |
Represents Mr. Schultzs exercise of 10,000 options on
April 5, 2006. The exercise price of the options was $7.48;
and the fair market value of the stock at the time of exercise
was $26.88. |
The following table provides information with respect to each
pension benefit plan that provides for payments or other
benefits at, following or in connection with retirement. Those
plans are the International Transmission Company Retirement Plan
(the Qualified Plan), the MSBP and the ESRP. There
were no payments to the NEOs under these plans during the last
fiscal year.
Benefits Table
Estimated Present
Number of Years
Value of
Credited Service
Accumulated Benefit
Plan Name
Joseph L. Welch
Cash Balance Component
Special Annuity Credit
Total Qualified Plan
Edward M. Rahill
Traditional Component
ESRP Shift
Total Qualified Plan
Linda H. Blair
Cash Balance Component
ESRP Shift
Total Qualified Plan
Richard A. Schultz
Traditional Component
ESRP Shift
Total Qualified Plan
Jon E. Jipping
Traditional Component
Total Qualified Plan
(1) |
Credited service is estimated as of December 31, 2006 and
represents the service reflected in the determination of
benefits. For determining vesting, service with DTE Energy is
counted for all plans shown in the table except for the ESRP, as
explained below. |
For the NEOs other than Mr. Welch, the credited service for
the traditional and cash balance components of the Qualified
Plan include service with DTE Energy. The Company began
operations on February 28, 2003, following its acquisition
of ITCTransmission from DTE Energy. As of that date, the
benefits from DTE Energys qualified plan that had accrued,
as well as the associated assets from DTE Energys pension
trust, were transferred to the Companys plan. Therefore,
even though DTE Energy service is included in determining the
benefits under the traditional and cash balance components of
the Qualified Plan, the benefits associated with this additional
service do not represent a benefit augmentation, but rather a
transfer of benefit liability and associated assets from DTE
Energys qualified plan to the Qualified Plan. With respect
to the ESRP and the ESRP shift component of the Qualified Plan,
credited service includes Company service only for the period
during which the NEO was an ESRP participant. |
Mr. Welchs credited service for the Qualified Plan
only includes service with the Company because he retired under
DTE Energys qualified plan concurrent with commencing
employment with the Company. As a result, unlike the other NEOs,
his benefits under DTE Energys qualified plan were not
transferred to the Qualified Plan. Mr. Welch also retired
under DTE Energys Management Supplemental Benefit Plan,
though with lower benefits than he would have earned with
additional service. In order to keep Mr. Welch whole, the
Company |
agreed to establish its MSBP such that benefits would be
calculated including service with DTE Energy, with the resulting
amount offset by the benefits he is receiving from DTE Energy.
We estimate that $2.7 million of the Estimated Present
Value of Accumulated Benefit is the value of the augmentation of
benefits resulting from including Mr. Welchs
32 years of service with DTE Energy. This estimate excludes
the impact of Pre-IPO Related Amounts. Including Pre-IPO Related
Amounts in the calculation of Mr. Welchs MSBP benefit
resulted in an estimated benefit augmentation of an additional
$1.95 million. |
(2) |
The Estimated Present Value of Accumulated Benefit
is the estimated lump-sum equivalent value measured as of
September 30, 2006 (the measurement date used
for financial accounting purposes) of the benefit that was
earned as of that date. Certain benefits are payable as an
annuity only, not as a lump sum,
and/or may
not be payable for several years in the future. The values
reflected are based on several assumptions. The date at which
the present values were estimated was September 30, 2006,
which was the date as of which calculations were performed for
financial accounting purposes. The rate at which future expected
benefit payments were discounted in calculating present values
was 5.95%, the same rate used for fiscal year 2006 financial
accounting. The future annual earnings rate on account balances
under the cash balance and ESRP shift components of the
Qualified Plan, and for ESRP benefits, was assumed to be 5.0%. |
We assumed no NEOs would die or become disabled prior to
retirement, or terminate employment with us prior to becoming
eligible for benefits unreduced for early retirement. The
assumed retirement age for each executive was generally the
earliest age at which benefits unreduced for early retirement
were available under the respective plans. For the traditional
component of the defined benefit plan, that age is the earlier
of (1) age 58 with 30 years of service (including
service with DTE Energy), or (2) age 60 with
15 years of service. For consistency, we generally use the
same assumed retirement commencement age for other benefits,
including benefits expressed as an account value where the
concept of benefit reductions for early retirement is not
meaningful. The assumed retirement benefit commencement ages for
the respective NEOs were as follows: |
Mr. Welch: Age 60 for MSBP benefits,
age 58 for Qualified Plan benefits
Mr. Rahill: Age 60
Ms. Blair: Age 58
Mr. Schultz: Age 63 (current age)
Mr. Jipping: Age 58
Post-retirement mortality was assumed to be in accordance with
the RP-2000 table projected for future mortality improvements to
2010 using Scale AA. Benefits under the traditional component of
the Qualified Plan were assumed to be paid as a monthly annuity
payable for the lifetime of the employee. Under the MSBP,
benefits are payable for Mr. Welchs life with a
minimum payment period of 15 years guaranteed. For all
other benefits, payment was assumed to be as a single lump sum,
although other actuarially equivalent forms are available. |
We maintain one tax-qualified noncontributory defined benefit
pension plan and two supplemental nonqualified, noncontributory
defined benefit retirement plans. First, we maintain the
Qualified Plan, which provides funded, tax-qualified benefits up
to the limits on compensation and benefits under the Internal
Revenue Code. Generally, all of our salaried employees,
including the NEOs, are eligible to participate.
Second, we maintain the MSBP, in which Mr. Welch is the
only participant. The MSBP provides additional retirement
benefits that are not tax-qualified.
Third, we maintain the ESRP, in which Messrs. Rahill,
Schultz, and Jipping, and Ms. Blair participate. The ESRP
provides additional retirement benefits which are not tax
The following describes the Qualified Plan, the MSBP, and the
ESRP, and pension benefits provided to the NEOs under those
There are two primary retirement benefit components of the
Qualified Plan. Each NEO earns benefits from the Company under
only one of these primary components.
Because our first operating utility subsidiary was acquired from
DTE Energy, a component of the Qualified Plan bears relation to
the DTE Energy Corporation Retirement Plan (the DTE
Plan). Generally, persons who were participants in the
traditional component of the DTE Plan as of
February 28, 2003 (the date ITCTransmission was
acquired from DTE Energy) earn benefits under the traditional
component of our Qualified Plan. All other participants earn
benefits under the cash balance component. Mr. Welch began
receiving retirement benefits under the traditional component of
the DTE Plan before beginning his employment with us, and is
earning benefits under the cash balance component of the
Qualified Plan. In addition to the traditional and cash balance
components, Mr. Welch earns a special annuity credit
described below, and Messrs. Rahill and Schultz, and
Ms. Blair, have benefits under the ESRP shift, also
described below.
Benefits under the Qualified Plan are funded by an irrevocable
tax-exempt trust. A NEOs benefit under the Qualified Plan
is payable from the assets held by the tax-exempt trust.
NEOs become fully vested in their normal retirement benefits
described below with 5 years of service, including service
with DTE Energy, or upon attainment of the plans normal
retirement age of 65. If a NEO terminates employment with less
than 5 years, the NEO is not vested in any portion of his
or her benefit.
Component of Qualified Plan
Messrs. Rahill, Schultz and Jipping participate in the
traditional component of the Qualified Plan. The benefits are
determined under the following formula, stated as an annual
single life annuity payable in equal monthly installments at the
normal retirement age of 65: 1.5% times average final
compensation times credited service up to 30 years, plus
1.4% times average final compensation times credited service in
excess of 30 years. Credited service includes service with
DTE Energy. Although benefits under the formula are defined in
terms of a single life annuity, other annuity forms (e.g., joint
and survivor benefits) are available that have the same
actuarial value as the single life annuity benefit. The benefits
are not payable in the form of a lump sum.
Average final compensation is equal to one-fifth of the
NEOs salary (excluding any bonuses or special pay) during
the 260 consecutive weeks of credited service that results in
the highest average.
Benefits provided under the Qualified Plan are based on
compensation up to a compensation limit under the Internal
Revenue Code (which was $220,000 in 2006, and is indexed in
future years). In addition, benefits provided under the
Qualified Plan may not exceed a benefit limit under the Internal
Revenue Code (which was $175,000 payable as a single life
annuity beginning at normal retirement age in 2006).
NEOs may retire with a reduced benefit as early as age 45
after 15 years of credited service. If a NEO has
30 years of credited service at retirement, the benefit
that would be payable at normal retirement age is reduced for
commencement ages below 58. The percentage of the normal
retirement benefit payable at sample commencement ages is as
Age 58 and older:
Age 55:
Age 50:
If a NEO has less than 30 years of credited service at
retirement, the benefit that would be payable at normal
retirement age is reduced for commencement ages below
age 60. The percentage of the normal retirement benefit
payable at sample commencement ages is as follows:
Age 60 and older:
Age 55:
Age 50:
If a NEO terminates employment prior to earning 15 years of
credited service, the annuity benefit may not commence prior to
attaining age 65. If the NEO terminates employment after
earning 15 years of Credited Service but below age 45,
the benefit may commence as early as age 45. The percentage
of the normal retirement benefit payable at sample commencement
ages is as follows:
Age 65 and older:
Age 60:
Age 55:
Age 50:
Age 45:
At year end 2006, Mr. Schultz was eligible to retire
immediately with an annual benefit payable for his lifetime of
approximately $60,000. Because he has over 15 years of
credited service and is older than age 60, his normal
retirement benefit would not be reduced. Neither
Mr. Jipping nor Mr. Rahill had attained eligibility
for immediate retirement at year end 2006.
Mr. Jippings annual accrued benefit payable as an
annuity for his lifetime, beginning at age 65, is
approximately $30,000, and Mr. Rahills is
approximately $22,000.
Balance Component of Qualified Plan
Ms. Blair and Mr. Welch participate in the cash
balance component of the Qualified Plan. The benefits are stated
as a notional account value.
Each year, a NEOs account is increased by a
contribution credit equal to 7% of pay. For this
purpose, pay is equal to base salary plus bonuses and overtime
up to the same compensation limit as applies under the
traditional component of the Qualified Plan ($220,000 in 2006).
Each year, a NEOs account is also increased by an
interest credit based on
Treasury rates.
Upon termination of employment, a vested NEO may elect full
payment of his or her account. Alternate forms of benefit (e.g.,
various forms of annuities) are available as well that have the
same actuarial value as the account.
Both Ms. Blair and Mr. Welch are fully vested, and are
entitled to immediate payment of their account value on
termination of employment, even if before normal retirement age.
Ms. Blairs estimated account value as of year end
2006 is approximately $84,000 and Mr. Welchs is
approximately $60,000.
Annuity Credit for Mr. Welch in the Qualified
In addition to his cash balance account, Mr. Welch earns an
additional benefit in the Qualified Plan. This benefit is stated
as a single life annuity payable in equal monthly installments,
equal to $10,000 times years of credited service after
February 28, 2003 up to ten years of credited service
(i.e., the maximum benefit is $100,000 per year). Other
annuity forms are available that are actuarially equivalent to
the single life annuity.
Because Qualified Plan benefits are offset from the otherwise
determined MSBP benefits (see below), the effect of this benefit
is to shift benefits from the MSBP, a nonqualified plan, to the
Qualified Plan, which affords certain tax benefits to the
Company and Mr. Welch. As of year end 2006, Mr. Welch
had earned an annual special annuity credit payable for his
lifetime in equal monthly installments totaling $38,333 per
year (no reduction for early retirement applies). He is
currently eligible to retire and receive this benefit.
Shift Benefit in Qualified Plan
We sponsor a nonqualified retirement plan for selected
executives, the ESRP, described in more detail below.
The ESRP provides notional account accruals similar to the cash
balance component of the Qualified Plan. The compensation
credit to the NEOs notional account, analogous to
the contribution credit in the cash balance component of the
Qualified Plan, is equal to 9% of base salary plus actual bonus
earned under the Companys annual bonus plan. The
investment credit, analogous to the interest credit
in the cash balance component of the Qualified Plan, is
similarly based on
Treasury rates.
The ESRP shift benefit is an amount that would otherwise be
payable from the ESRP, but is instead being paid from the
Qualified Plan, subject to applicable qualified plan legal
limits on the ability to discriminate in favor of highly paid
employees. The NEOs cash balance account is increased by
any amounts shifted from the ESRP. As with Mr. Welchs
special annuity credit, the purpose of the benefit is to provide
the NEOs and the Company the tax advantages of providing
benefits through a qualified plan.
Messrs. Rahill and Schultz, and Ms. Blair have all
received ESRP shift additions to their Qualified Plan cash
balance accounts. There was no shift of compensation credits for
2006, although previous shifts have continued to earn interest
credits. As of year end 2006, ESRP shift balances were as
Mr. Rahill:
Ms. Blair:
Mr. Schultz:
Supplemental Benefit Plan
The MSBP is a nonqualified pension plan and Mr. Welch is
the only participant.
The benefit provided is payable as an annuity beginning on the
first day of the month following termination of employment. The
purpose of the MSBP is to provide an overall target level of
benefits based on all years of service, including with DTE
Energy. The MSBP benefit is equal to this overall target offset
by all benefits earned under the Qualified Plan, the DTE Plan,
and DTE Energys Management Supplemental Benefit Plan, a
nonqualified plan.
The MSBP target before offsets, expressed as an annual single
life annuity with 15 years of payments guaranteed
commencing at age 60 (the MSBP normal retirement age), is
equal to: (1) 60% plus 0.5% for each year of total service
in excess of 25 years, times (2) Average Final
Compensation. If Mr. Welch terminates employment before
age 60, the net benefit after offsets will be reduced by 8%
per year that the benefit commences prior to age 60.
Mr. Welch is currently eligible to retire with an immediate
benefit under the MSBP. The life annuity with 15 years of
guaranteed payments is the only form of benefits payable under
the plan. A lump sum is not available.
Average final compensation is equal to one-fifth of
Mr. Welchs compensation during the 260 weeks,
not necessarily consecutive, of Company service that results in
the highest average. Compensation is equal to salary plus any
bonuses, excluding Special Bonus Amounts paid after May 17,
2006 under the Special Bonus Plan. Unlike the Qualified Plan,
for the MSBP there is no limit on the amount of pay taken into
For purposes of calculating average final compensation, amounts
paid by DTE Energy are considered in selecting the highest
260 weeks. Further, each bonus payment that is considered
compensation is mapped to the single week it was paid before the
highest 260 weeks are selected. Therefore, although
compensation is averaged over the number of weeks in
5 years, the average final compensation includes well over
5 years of bonuses.
As of December 31, 2006, if Mr. Welch would have
retired, he would have received an MSBP benefit of approximately
$377,000 after offsets, payable as an annual annuity for his
lifetime with a minimum payment period of 15 years
The MSBP is funded with a Rabbi Trust, which we cannot use for
any purpose other than to satisfy the benefit obligations under
the MSBP, except in the event of the Companys bankruptcy,
in which case the assets are available to general creditors.
Supplemental Retirement Plan
The ESRP is a nonqualified retirement plan. Only selected
executives participate, including Messrs. Rahill, Schultz,
and Jipping, and Ms. Blair. Mr. Welch does not
participate. The purpose of the ESRP is to promote the success
of the Company and its subsidiaries by providing the ability to
attract and retain talented executives by providing such
designated executives with additional retirement benefits.
The ESRP resembles the cash balance component of the Qualified
Plan in that benefits are expressed as a notional account value
and the vested account balance is payable as a lump sum on
termination of employment, although an installment option of
equivalent value is also available.
Each year, a NEOs account is increased by a
compensation credit equal to 9% of pay. For this
purpose, pay is equal to base salary plus bonuses under the
Companys annual bonus plan. There is no limit on
compensation that may be taken into account as in the Qualified
Plan. Each year, a NEOs account is also increased by an
investment credit equal to the same earnings rate as
the interest credit in the cash balance component of the
Qualified Plan, based on
Treasury rates.
Vesting occurs at 20% for each year of participation. Because
the plan has only been in effect since March 1, 2003 and
because years of service at DTE Energy are not counted, no NEO
was more than 60% vested as of year end. Vesting percentages as
of December 31, 2006 are as follows:
Mr. Rahill:
Ms. Blair:
Mr. Schultz:
Mr. Jipping:
As noted above in the description of the cash balance component
of the Qualified Plan, a portion of the ESRP account balance is
shifted to the cash balance component of the Qualified Plan each
year, as permitted under the rules for qualified plans. Such a
shift allows the NEOs to become immediately vested in the
account values shifted, and confers certain tax advantages to
the NEOs and us. As of December 31, 2006, the ESRP account
values, net of the amounts shifted to the Qualified Plan, are as
Mr. Rahill:
Ms. Blair:
Mr. Schultz:
Mr. Jipping:
The ESRP is funded with a Rabbi Trust, which we cannot use for
any purpose other than to satisfy the benefit obligations under
the ESRP, except in the event of the Companys bankruptcy,
in which case the assets are available to general creditors. The
ESRP requires that the Rabbi Trust be fully funded in the event
of a Change in Control.
Deferred Compensation
We maintain two plans under which nonqualified deferred
compensation is permissible: the Executive Deferred Compensation
Plan and the Special Bonus Plan. The following table provides
information with respect to each plan that allows for the
deferral of compensation on a basis that is not tax-qualified.
There were no executive contributions or withdrawals or other
distributions pursuant to these plans during 2006.
Deferred Compensation Table
Contributions in
Aggregate Earnings
Aggregate Balance
Last FY ($)(1)
in Last FY ($)(2)
at Last FYE ($)(3)
Joseph L. Welch
Executive Deferred Compensation
Unvested Special Bonus Plan
Edward M. Rahill
Unvested Special Bonus Plan
Linda H. Blair
Unvested Special Bonus Plan
Richard A. Schultz
Unvested Special Bonus Plan
Jon E. Jipping
Unvested Special Bonus Plan
(1) |
All amounts in this column were reported as Bonus amounts in
column (d) of the Summary Compensation Table. |
(2) |
None of this amount is reported in the Summary Compensation
Table, as none of it is above-market or preferential. |
(3) |
Amounts reported in our prior year proxy statements
Summary Compensation Table were as follows: Mr. Welch,
$168,876; Mr. Rahill, $61,146; Ms. Blair, $59,739 and
Mr. Schultz, $59,739. Mr. Jipping was not a NEO for
the prior year. |
Deferred Compensation Plan
Only selected officers of the Company are eligible to
participate in this plan, including all NEOs; however, only
Mr. Welch has deferred income under this plan. NEOs are
allowed to defer up to 100% of their salary and bonus.
Investment earnings are based on the same investment options
available under the qualified Savings and Investment Plan
(401(k) plan), and are selected by the individual NEOs.
Distributions will generally be made at the NEOs
termination of employment for any reason.
In addition to elective employee deferrals, we credit each
employees account with the value of any benefits that are
not earned under our qualified retirement plans (the 401(k) plan
and the defined benefit Qualified Plan) by virtue of the NEO
having deferred compensation into this plan. There are no
balances pertaining to these credits as of December 31,
Group Special Bonus Plan
Only selected officers of the Company are eligible to
participate in this plan, including all NEOs, all of whom have
outstanding deferred balances as of December 31, 2006. The
non-vested amounts under this plan, which is described in more
detail in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of
this Proxy Statement, become
vested 5 years after the grant of the underlying option.
Until vesting, the amounts earn interest at the LIBOR rate.
Amounts are generally paid out when vested.
In addition to non-vested amounts, participants may defer all or
a portion of their vested amounts. To date, no one has chosen to
do so.
Agreements and Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
As referenced above, we have entered into employment agreements
with each of the NEOs. Each of the employment agreements has an
initial term of employment of two years and is subject to
automatic one-year employment term renewals thereafter unless
either party provides the other with 30 days advance
written notice of intent not to renew the employment term. Under
the employment agreements, Mr. Welch reports to our Board
of Directors and all of the other executives report to
Mr. Welch.
The employment agreements also state each executives
current annual base salary, which will be subject to annual
review and increase by our Board of Directors in its discretion.
The employment agreements also provide that executives are
eligible to receive an annual cash bonus, subject to our
achievement of certain performance targets established by our
Board of Directors, as detailed in the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis section of this Proxy Statement. The target annual
bonuses for 2006, as percentages of base salary were 100% for
Mr. Welch, and 80% for all other NEOs. The employment
agreements also provide the NEOs with the right to participate
in certain welfare and pension benefits, including the right to
participate in certain tax qualified and non-tax-qualified
defined benefit and defined contribution plans and retiree
welfare benefit plan.
In addition, the NEOs employment agreements provide for
payments of certain benefits upon termination of employment. The
rights available at termination depend on the situation and
circumstances surrounding the terminating event. The terms
Cause and Good Reason are used in the
employment agreements of each NEO and an understanding of these
terms is necessary to determine the appropriate rights for which
a NEO is eligible. The terms are defined as follows:
Cause means a NEOs continued failure substantially
to perform his or her duties (other than as a result of total or
partial incapacity due to physical or mental illness) for a
period of 10 days following written notice by the Company
to the NEO of such failure; dishonesty in the performance of the
NEOs duties; a NEOs conviction of, or plea of nolo
contender to a crime constituting a felony, a misdemeanor
involving moral turpitude, willful malfeasance or willful
misconduct in connection with a NEOs duties, or any act of
omission which is injurious to the financial condition or
business reputation of the Company.
Good Reason means a greater than 10% reduction in the
total value of the NEOs base salary, target bonus, and
employee benefits; if a NEOs responsibilities and
authority are substantially diminished; and a NEOs work
location is relocated to more than fifty (50) miles from
Novi, Michigan or Ann Arbor, Michigan.
If a NEOs employment with us is terminated without cause
by the Company or by the NEO for good reason (as such terms are
defined in the employment agreements), the NEO will receive:
any accrued but unpaid compensation (none as of
December 31, 2006) and benefits. For each of the NEOs,
the benefits include:
Mr. Welch: annual Special Annuity Credit
and cash balance under the Qualified Plan; annual MSBP benefit;
Messrs. Rahill and Schultz: annual
benefit under the traditional component of the Qualified Plan
and payment of the ESRP shift balance and vested portion of ESRP
Ms. Blair: cash balance and ESRP shift
under the Qualified Plan and vested portion of ESRP balance;
Mr. Jipping: annual benefit under the
traditional component of the Qualified Plan and vested portion
of ESRP balance.
continued payment during a specified severance period (as
described below) of the NEOs annual rate of base salary
(plus, for Mr. Welch only, an amount equal to $623,000,
which is the average of each of the
annual bonuses that were payable to him for the three fiscal
years immediately preceding the fiscal year in which his
employment terminates), commencing on the earliest date that is
permitted under the new Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code (relating to the taxation of deferred compensation);
Any restrictions on stock awards will be deemed to have lapsed,
which result in the following values as of December 31,
Mr. Welch:
Mr. Rahill:
Ms. Blair:
Mr. Schultz:
Mr. Jipping:
continued coverage under our active health and welfare plans for
the specified severance period and outplacement services for at
least one year; and
for Messrs. Welch and Rahill and Ms. Blair only,
deemed satisfaction of the eligibility requirements of the
Companys retiree welfare benefit plan for purposes of
participation therein; and for the other NEOs, participation in
the Companys retiree welfare benefit plan only if, by the
end of their specified severance period, they have achieved the
necessary age and service credit otherwise necessary to meet the
eligibility requirements.
In addition, if the Company terminates its retiree welfare
benefit plan and, by application of the provisions described in
the prior sentence, the NEO would otherwise be entitled to
retiree welfare benefits, the NEO will receive a cash payment
equal to the Companys cost of providing such benefits, in
order to assist the NEO in obtaining other retiree welfare
The specified severance period referenced above is two years for
all NEOs.
In addition, while employed by us and for a period of two years
after any termination of employment without cause by the Company
(other than due to their disability) or for good reason by them
and for a period of one year following any other termination of
their employment, the NEOs will be subject to certain covenants
not to compete with or assist other entities in competing with
our business and not to encourage our employees to terminate
their employment with us. At all times while employed and
thereafter, the NEOs will also be subject to a covenant not to
disclose confidential information.
In the event of a change in control, with or without termination
of employment:
All of the NEOs unvested options will vest and become
immediately exercisable in accordance with their terms,
resulting in the following values as of December 31, 2006:
Mr. Welch:
Mr. Rahill:
Ms. Blair:
Mr. Schultz:
Mr. Jipping:
Any restrictions on stock awards will be deemed to have lapsed
(see above for values); and
All ESRP balances become fully vested (see the Pension Benefits
As part of Mr. Welchs agreement, we would pay all
excise taxes, estimated at $1,281,000.
Upon death or disability, a NEO receives a pro rata portion of
his or her target bonus, full and immediate vesting of any
unvested stock options and all restrictions are assumed lapsed.
All balances under the cash balance and ESRP shift components of
the Qualified Plan, and the ESRP balance (vested portion only
for disability), are immediately payable. If the NEO has
10 years of service after age 45, then the NEO (and
his or her spouse) is eligible for retiree medical benefits.
Upon death, under the traditional and, for Mr. Welch only,
the special annuity credit components of the Qualified Plan, the
surviving spouse receives an annuity for life equal to 50% of
the NEOs benefit that would have been receivable as a 50%
joint and survivor annuity (one of the optional forms of payment
under the Qualified Plan). For Mr. Welch only, the death
benefit under the MSBP payable to his beneficiary or his estate
is 15 years of payments of his accrued benefit.
The benefits to be provided to the NEOs under various
termination scenarios are detailed in the table below. The table
assumes that the termination has occurred on December 31,
2006 and assumes a stock price of $39.90 per share.
Termination Scenarios: Value of Potential Payments
Total Value of Severance, Benefits and Unvested Equity
Awards ($000s)
Change in Control
Not-for-Cause or
and Involuntary
Involuntary For
Voluntary Good
Joseph L. Welch
Edward M. Rahill
Linda H. Blair
Richard A. Schultz
Jon E. Jipping
The following table provides information concerning the
compensation of directors during 2006.
Compensation Table
Fees Earned or Paid
Stock Awards ($)
in Cash($)(1)
Lewis Eisenberg
Edward Jepsen
Bennett Stewart(4)
Lee Stewart
William Museler(5)
(1) |
Includes annual Board retainer, committee chairmanship retainer,
and Board/committee meeting fees earned in fiscal year 2006. |
(2) |
Aggregate grant date fair value computed in accordance with
FAS 123R awards are recorded at fair value at the date of
grant which is equivalent to the underlying share price of
$33.00 per share. Amounts shown in the table are amounts
that have been amortized in our 2006 financial statements in
connection with the previously restricted stock awards held by
these directors. Restricted stock awards are grant date values
amortized over the requisite vesting period of three years. |
(3) |
The values for Messrs. Eisenberg, Jepsen, Bennett Stewart
and Lee Stewart reflect a 2006 award with a grant date fair
value for accounting purposes of $45,000 (equivalent to
1,364 shares at $33.00 per share). The values for
Messrs. Eisenberg and Jepsen reflect a 2005 award with a
grant date fair value for accounting purposes of $25,000
(equivalent to 1,087 shares at $23.00 per share). The
value for Mr. Lee Stewart also reflects a 2005 award with a
grant date fair value for accounting purposes of $25,000
(equivalent to 915 shares at $27.34 per share). The
aggregate number of unvested stock awards outstanding as of
December 31, 2006 for each director is as follows:
Mr. Eisenberg, 2,451 shares; Mr. Jepsen,
2,451 shares; Mr. Bennett Stewart, 1,364 shares;
Mr. Lee Stewart, 2,279 shares; and Mr. Museler,
zero shares. |
(4) |
Mr. Bennett Stewart joined the Board in July 2006. His cash
retainer was prorated for the length of his service in fiscal
year 2006, and was $12,500. |
(5) |
Mr. Museler joined the Board in November 2006. His cash
retainer was prorated for the length of his service rendered in
fiscal year 2006, and was $6,250. |
We pay our non-employee directors an annual cash retainer of
$25,000, an annual equity retainer of restricted stock with a
value, at the time of grant, of $45,000 (increased to $55,000
for 2007) under the 2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan,
$1,250 per Board of Directors meeting (increased to $1,500
for 2007), $1,500 per meeting of the audit committee and
$1,000 per meeting of other Board committees. All committee
meeting fees were increased to $1,500 for 2007. In addition, we
pay $7,000 annually to the chair of the audit committee and
$4,500 annually to the chairs of the other Board committees.
Directors are reimbursed for their
expenses in an accountable expense plan. Directors who are
employees of the Company do not receive separate compensation
for their services as a director. All non-employee directors are
compensated under the same arrangement.
Restricted stock award agreements with the directors provide
that the restricted stock fully vests upon the earlier of
(i) the three year anniversary of the grant date,
(ii) the date the grantee ceases to be a member of the
Board for any reason other than due to removal for cause, or
(iii) a change of ownership (as such term is
defined in the 2003 Stock Purchase and Option Plan). If the
grantee is removed from the Board for cause prior to the
restricted stock becoming fully vested, the grantee forfeits the
restricted stock. These restricted stock award agreements also
provide that the restricted stock issued to the grantee may not
be transferred by the grantee in any manner prior to vesting.
Grantees otherwise have all rights of holders of our common
stock, including voting rights and the right to receive
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
During 2006, the Compensation Committee consisted of
Messrs. Eisenberg, Jepsen and Lee Stewart.
Mr. Eisenberg was replaced on the committee by
Messrs. Bennett Stewart and Museler on January 18,
2007. Mr. Eisenberg is the sole member of Ironhill
Transmission, LLC, the general partner of ITHLP.
In connection with the Companys acquisition of
ITCTransmission in 2003, ITHLP entered into a
registration rights agreement with us. Pursuant to the
registration rights agreement, ITHLP has the right to require us
to effect an unlimited number of registrations of our common
stock. We have agreed to pay for the first six of these demand
registrations. In addition, if we conduct a registered offering
of our common stock, ITHLP has the right to include all or a
portion of its shares of our common stock in the offering. In
October 2006, we completed a registered offering of our common
stock, in which ITHLP participated and sold certain of its
shares of our common stock. The cost to us for the offering was
approximately $2.4 million.
Pursuant to its charter, the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee is charged with monitoring and reviewing issues
involving independence and potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the Companys directors and executive officers.
In addition, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics generally
forbids conflicts of interest.
With the approval of the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee, Clayton Welch, Jennifer Horn, Jessica Welch and Katie
Welch (each of whom is a son, daughter or
of Joseph Welch, the Companys chief executive officer)
were employed by the Company as Engineer, Fleet Manager,
Warehouse and Logistics Manager and Accountant, respectively,
during 2006 and continue to be employed by us. These individuals
are employed on an at will basis and compensated on
the same basis as other employees of the Company of similar
function, seniority and responsibility without regard to their
relationship with Joseph Welch. These four individuals, none of
whom resides with or is supported financially by Joseph Welch,
received aggregate salary, bonus and taxable perquisites for
services rendered in the above capacities totaling $334,278
during 2006.
For a description of certain transactions and relationships with
ITHLP, Mr. Eisenberg and Ironhill, see Compensation
of Executive Officers and Directors Compensation
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation, which
information is incorporated herein by reference.
Deloitte has acted as our independent registered public
accounting firm to audit the financial statements of the Company
and its consolidated subsidiaries since the Companys
inception, and acted as such in 2006. The Audit Committee has
appointed Deloitte to act as the independent registered public
accountants to audit our 2007 consolidated financial statements.
As a matter of good corporate practice, we are asking our
shareholders to ratify the appointment of Deloitte as our
independent registered public accounting firm for 2007. The
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
our common stock voting in person or by proxy is required to
ratify the appointment of the independent registered public
accounting firm. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be
disregarded for purposes of determining the number of votes
counted toward this vote. If the shareholders fail to ratify the
appointment of Deloitte, the Audit Committee would reconsider
its appointment. Even if the appointment is ratified, the Audit
Committee, in its discretion, may direct the appointment of a
different independent accounting firm at any time during the
year if the Audit Committee determines that such a change would
be in our shareholders best interests.
Representatives of Deloitte are expected to be present at the
annual meeting and to be available to respond to appropriate
questions. The representatives will also be provided an
opportunity to make a statement, if they so desire.
The following table provides a summary of the aggregate fees
incurred for Deloittes services in 2006 and 2005:
Audit fees(1)
Audit-related fees(2)
Tax fees(3)
All other fees(4)
Total fees
(1) |
Audit fees were for professional services rendered for the audit
of our consolidated financial statements and reviews of the
interim consolidated financial statements included in quarterly
reports and services that are normally provided by Deloitte in
connection with statutory and regulatory filing engagements. The
fees also include amounts for the services provided in
connection with our 2005 and 2006 securities offerings. |
(2) |
Audit-related fees were for assurance and related services that
are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review
of our consolidated financial statements and are not reported
under Audit Fees. These services include subsidiary
procedures, and the audit of our employee benefit plan. |
(3) |
Tax fees were professional services for federal and state tax
compliance, tax advice and tax planning. |
(4) |
All other fees were for services other than the services
reported above. In 2006 and 2005, the services provided were
employee compensation and benefits consulting, and personal
income tax preparation and financial planning for executives. In
2006, Deloitte discontinued providing personal income tax
preparation and financial planning for executives, consistent
with independence requirements. In 2006 and 2005, these services
also included business acquisition consulting. |
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors does not consider
the provision of the services described above by Deloitte to be
incompatible with the maintenance of Deloittes
The Audit Committee has adopted a pre-approval policy for all
audit and non-audit services pursuant to which it pre-approves
all audit and non-audit services provided by the independent
registered public accounting firm prior to the engagement with
respect to such services. To the extent that an engagement for
audit and/or
non-audit services is needed by the Company between Audit
Committee meetings, the Audit Committee chairman is authorized
by the Audit Committee to approve the required engagement on its
The Audit Committee approved all of the services performed by
Deloitte in 2006.
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the Exchange Act), requires the
Companys directors, executive officers and ten percent
owners to file reports of holdings and transactions in Company
stock with the SEC. Based solely upon a review of Forms 3,
4 and 5 and amendments thereto and written representations
furnished to the Company, the Companys officers, directors
and ten percent owners timely filed all required reports since
the beginning of 2006 pursuant to Section 16(a) of the
Exchange Act, except for Ms. Blair and Messrs. Bruneel
and Jipping, each of whom filed a Form 5 reporting one
transaction that should have been reported on Form 4, and
Mr. Eisenberg, who filed late one Form 4 reporting one
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Daniel J. Oginsky
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Novi, Michigan
April 23, 2007
Electronic Voting Instructions
You can vote by Internet or
Available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week!
Instead of mailing your proxy,
you may choose one of the two
voting methods outlined below to
vote your proxy.
Proxies submitted by the Internet
or telephone must be received by
11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
on June 7, 2007.
Vote by Internet
Log on to the Internet
and go to |
Follow the steps
outlined on the secured website. |
Vote by Telephone
Call toll free
1-800-652-VOTE (8683) within the
United States, Canda & Puerto Rico
any time on a touch tone
telephone. There is NO CHARGE to
you for the call. |
Follow the
instructions provided by the
recorded message. |
Mark this box with an X if you have made
changes to your name or address details above. |
Annual Meeting Proxy Card
proxy when properly executed and dated will be voted in the manner directed herein. If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted FOR the nominees in proposal 1, FOR Proposal 2 and FOR Proposal 3. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
1. |
If Proposal 2 is approved the Directors will be divided into three classes to serve for the terms indicated below.
If Proposal 2 is not approved, the nominees below will be elected to serve until the 2008 Annual Meeting as provided
in the Proxy Statement. |
For |
Withhold |
01 William J. Museler, Class A, Term 2008
o |
02 Gordon Bennett Stewart, III, Class B, Term 2009
o |
03 Lee C. Stewart, Class B, Term 2009
o |
04 Edward G. Jepsen, Class C, Term 2010
o |
05 Joseph L. Welch, Class C, Term 2010
o |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Approval of the amendment
to the Companys Articles
of Incorporation to create
a staggered board.
Mark this box with an X if
you have made comments
below. o |
Ratification of the
appointment of Deloitte &
Touche LLP as independent
registered public
accountants for 2007.
o |
Mark this box with an X if you plan to
attend the Annual Meeting. |
o |
C |
Authorized Signatures Sign Here This section must be completed for your instructions to be executed. |
Please date and sign exactly as name appears herein. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President or other authorized officer. If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.
Signature 1 Please keep signature within the box |
Signature 2 Please keep signature within the box |
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
/ / |
Proxy ITC Holdings Corp.
Proxy Solicited by Board of Directors
for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders June 8, 2007
The undersigned hereby appoints Edward M. Rahill or Daniel J. Oginsky, or either of them, with power of substitution, attorneys and proxies, for and in the name
and place of the undersigned, to vote the number of shares of Common Stock that the undersigned
would be entitled to vote if then personally present at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of ITC
Holdings Corp., to be held at the Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel, 21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, Michigan
on Friday, June 8, 2007, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, and any adjournments or postponements
thereof, upon the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement dated April
23, 2007 (receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) as designated on the reverse side, and in their
discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may come before the
meeting, including the election of any person to the Board of Directors where a nominee named in
the Proxy Statement dated April 23, 2007 is unable to serve or, for good cause, will not serve. The
undersigned ratifies that the proxies or either of them or their substitutes may lawfully do or
cause to be done by virtue hereof and revokes all former proxies.
(Continued and to be voted on reverse side.)