(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant [X]  
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [   ]   
Check the appropriate box:         
[   ]        Preliminary Proxy Statement [   ]  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12
[   ]   Confidential, For Use of the
Commission Only (as permitted
by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]   Definitive Proxy Statement  
[   ]   Definitive Additional Materials  

  The Clorox Company  
  (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)  
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]        No fee required.
[   ]
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
    1)         Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:
[   ]
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
[   ]
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
    1)   Amount previously paid:
  2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
  3)   Filing Party:
  4)   Date Filed:




Notice of 2012 Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement
and Annual Financial Statements









Annual Meeting of Stockholders
November 14, 2012


The 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of The Clorox Company, a Delaware corporation (“Clorox” or the “Company”), will be held at 9:00 a.m., Pacific time on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, in Building C of the Company’s Pleasanton Campus, located at 4900 Johnson Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588, for the following purposes:

       1.        To elect nine directors to serve until the 2013 Annual Meeting;
  2.   To conduct an advisory vote on the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers;
  3.   To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013;
  4.   To approve the Amended and Restated 2005 Stock Incentive Plan; and
  5.   To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The board of directors (the “Board”) has fixed the close of business on September 18, 2012, as the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting and any adjournment thereof. A list of such stockholders will be available at the Annual Meeting and during the ten days prior to the Annual Meeting at the office of the Secretary of the Company at 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888.

Only record holders and people holding proxies from record holders of Clorox common stock as of the record date may attend the Annual Meeting. If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting and your shares are registered in your name, you must bring a current form of government-issued photo identification to the Annual Meeting. If your shares are held in the name of a broker, trust, bank or other nominee, you must provide proof that you owned Clorox common stock on the record date, as well as a current form of government-issued photo identification. Please see the “Attending the Annual Meeting” section of the proxy statement for more information.

We are pleased to take advantage of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Notice and Access” rule that allows us to provide stockholders with notice of their ability to access proxy materials via the Internet. This allows us to conserve natural resources and reduces the costs of printing and distributing the proxy materials, while providing our stockholders with access to the proxy materials in a fast and efficient manner via the Internet. Under this process, on or about September 28, 2012, we will begin mailing a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to our stockholders informing them that our proxy statement, annual report—executive summary and voting instructions are available on the Internet as of the same date. As more fully described in the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, all stockholders may choose to access our proxy materials via the Internet or may request printed copies of the proxy materials. Please see the “Information about the Meeting and Voting” section of the proxy statement for more information.

The Notice of Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement and 2012 Annual Report—Executive Summary are available at


By Order of the Board of Directors,

Angela C. Hilt

Vice President – Corporate Secretary

& Associate General Counsel

September 28, 2012


If you have questions about how to vote your shares, or need additional assistance, please contact Innisfree M&A Incorporated,
who is assisting us in the solicitation of proxies:

501 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, New York 10022

Stockholders may call toll-free at (877) 825-8730

Banks and brokers may call collect at (212) 750-5833

OAKLAND, CA 94612-1888


       Board of Directors’ Recommendation 6
       Vote Required 6
       Standing Committees 13
       Evaluation of Director Qualifications and Experience 14
       Diversity 14
       Board of Directors’ Meeting Attendance 15
       The Clorox Company Governance Guidelines and Director Independence 15
       Director Independence Determination 16
       Related Party Transaction Policies and Procedures 16
       Code of Conduct 17
       Board of Directors Leadership Structure 17
       Board of Directors’ Role in Risk Management Oversight 18
       Executive Sessions 18
       Fees Earned or Paid in Cash 55
       Stock Awards 55
       Stock Ownership Guidelines for Directors 56
       Board of Directors’ Recommendation 56
       Vote Required 57
       Board of Directors’ Recommendation 57
       Vote Required 57
       Fees of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 59
       Overview 59
       Why You Should Vote to Approve the Plan 60
       Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code 60
       Promotion of Good Corporate Governance Practices 60
       Plan Summary 61
       Federal Tax Aspects 63
       Vote Required and Board of Directors’ Recommendation 65


       Annual Report, Financial Statements and Form 10-K 65
       Director Communications 65


1221 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612-1888


This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the board of directors (the “Board”) of The Clorox Company, a Delaware corporation (“Clorox” or the “Company”), for use at the 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of the Company, to be held at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, in Building C of the Company’s Pleasanton Campus, located at 4900 Johnson Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Please refer to the “Attending the Annual Meeting” section of this proxy statement for more information about procedures for attending the Annual Meeting.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, has adopted rules that allow us to use a “Notice and Access” model to make our proxy statement and other annual meeting materials available to you. On or about September 28, 2012, we will begin mailing a notice, called the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the “Notice”), to our stockholders advising them that our proxy statement, annual report—executive summary and voting instructions can be accessed on the Internet upon the commencement of such mailing. You may then access these materials and vote your shares via the Internet or by telephone or you may request that a printed copy of the proxy materials be sent to you. You will not receive a printed copy of the proxy materials unless you request one in the manner described in the Notice. Using the Notice allows us to conserve natural resources and reduces the costs of printing and distributing the proxy materials while providing our stockholders with access to the proxy materials in a fast and efficient manner via the Internet.

The Notice of Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement and Annual ReportExecutive Summary are available at


Q: What is the purpose of this proxy statement?

A: The Board is soliciting your proxy to vote at the Company’s 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on November 14, 2012, and at any adjournments of the Annual Meeting. This proxy statement summarizes information that is intended to assist you in making an informed vote on the proposals described in this proxy statement.

Q: Who is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting?

A: Only stockholders of record at the close of business on September 18, 2012 (the “Record Date”) are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. On that date, there were 130,255,096 shares of our common stock (the “Common Stock”) outstanding and entitled to vote. Holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share on each matter submitted to a vote of stockholders.

Q: Why did I receive a Notice in the mail regarding the Internet availability of proxy materials instead of a full set of printed proxy materials?

A: Pursuant to rules adopted by the SEC, we are making this proxy statement available to our stockholders electronically via the Internet. On or about September 28, 2012, we will mail the Notice to the holders of our Common Stock as of the close of business on the Record Date, other than those stockholders who previously requested electronic or paper delivery of communications from us. The Notice contains instructions on how to access an electronic copy of our proxy materials, including this proxy statement and our Annual Report—Executive Summary. The Notice also contains instructions on how to request a paper copy of the proxy statement. We believe that this process will allow us to provide you with the information you need in a timely manner, while conserving natural resources and lowering the costs of printing and distributing our proxy materials.

Q: Can I vote my shares by filling out and returning the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials?

A: No. The Notice only identifies the items to be voted on at the Annual Meeting. You cannot vote by marking the Notice and returning it. The Notice provides instructions on how to cast your vote.


Q: How can I vote my shares?

A: You can vote your shares in one of two ways: either by proxy or in person at the Annual Meeting by written ballot. If you choose to vote by proxy, you may do so via the Internet or by telephone, or by requesting a printed copy of the proxy materials and using the proxy card enclosed therein. Each of these procedures is explained below. Even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, the Board recommends that you submit a proxy in advance via the Internet, by telephone or by mail. In this way, your shares of Common Stock will be voted as directed by you even if you should become unable to attend the Annual Meeting.

Q: May I change my vote?

A: Yes. You may change your vote or revoke your proxy at any time before it is exercised at the Annual Meeting by taking any of the following actions:

Q: How many shares must be present to conduct the Annual Meeting?

A: We must have a “quorum” to conduct the Annual Meeting. A quorum is a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at the meeting, present in person or by proxy. Abstentions and broker non-votes (described below) will be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum.

Q: What are broker non-votes?

A: A broker non-vote occurs when a bank or brokerage firm does not receive voting instructions from the beneficial owner and does not have the discretion to direct the voting of the shares. Broker non-votes are not counted as votes against a proposal or as abstentions, and will not be counted for purposes of determining the number of votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote with respect to a particular proposal or the number of votes cast on a particular proposal. Thus, a broker non-vote will not affect the outcome of the vote on a proposal that requires the approval of a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting (Proposals 2, 3 and 4) or the approval of a majority of the votes cast (Proposal 1).

Q: Will my shares be voted if I do not provide instructions to my broker?

A: If you are the beneficial owner of shares held in a “street name” by a broker, the broker, as the record holder of the shares, is required to vote those shares in accordance with your instructions. Under applicable New York Stock Exchange rules, if you hold your shares through a bank or brokerage firm and your broker delivers this proxy statement to you, the broker has the discretion to vote on “routine” matters, such as the ratification of the selection of an independent registered public accounting firm, but does not have discretion to vote on “non-routine” matters, such as the election of directors or proposals on executive compensation matters. Thus, the broker is entitled to vote your shares on Proposal 3 even if you do not provide voting instructions to your broker. The broker is not entitled to vote your shares on Proposal 1, 2 or 4 without your instructions.

Q: How do I vote if I hold shares in the Clorox 401(k) Plan?

A: If you are a participant in our 401(k) plan, you will receive a voting instruction card to be used to direct T. Rowe Price Company, as trustee of our 401(k) plan, how to vote the shares of our common stock attributable to your individual account. T. Rowe Price Company will vote shares as instructed by participants prior to 11:59 PM (EDT) on November 13, 2012. If you do not provide voting directions to T. Rowe Price Company by that time, the shares attributable to your account will not be voted.


Q: How do I vote if I cannot attend the Annual Meeting in person?

A: Because many stockholders cannot attend the Annual Meeting in person, it is necessary that a large number of stockholders be represented by proxy. By following the procedures for voting via the Internet or by telephone, or by requesting a printed copy of the proxy materials and completing, signing and returning the proxy card enclosed therein, you will enable Donald R. Knauss, Stephen M. Robb or Laura Stein, each of whom is named on the proxy card as a “proxy holder,” to vote your shares at the Annual Meeting in the manner you indicate on your proxy card. When you vote your proxy, you can specify whether your shares should be voted for or against each of the nominees for director identified in Proposal 1, or you can abstain from voting on the director nominees. You can also specify how you want your shares voted with respect to Proposal 2, 3 or 4, which are described in this proxy statement.

Management of the Company is not aware of any matters other than those described in this proxy statement that may be presented for action at the Annual Meeting. If any other matters are properly presented at the Annual Meeting for consideration, the proxy holders will have discretion to vote for you on those matters.

Q: May I vote in person at the Annual Meeting?

A: Yes, you may vote your shares at the Annual Meeting if you attend in person and use a written ballot. However, if your shares are held in the name of a broker, trust, bank or other nominee, you must bring a legal proxy or other proof from that broker, trust, bank or nominee granting you authority to vote your shares directly at the Annual Meeting. If you vote by proxy and also attend the Annual Meeting, you do not need to vote again at the Annual Meeting unless you wish to change your vote. Even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, we strongly urge you to vote in advance via the Internet or by telephone, or by requesting a printed copy of the proxy materials and signing, dating and returning the proxy card enclosed therein.

Q: What are the proposals and what is the required vote for each?

A: Proposal 1: Election of Directors. The Company’s Bylaws provide for majority voting for directors in uncontested elections. Accordingly, each of the nine nominees for director will be elected if he or she receives the majority of the votes cast in person or represented by proxy, with respect to that director. A majority of the votes cast means that the number of shares voted FOR a director must exceed the number of shares voted AGAINST that director. An abstention or a broker non-vote on Proposal 1 will not have any effect on the election of directors and will not be counted in determining the number of votes cast.

Proposal 2: Approval (on an advisory basis) of the Compensation of the Company’s Named Executive Officers. Proposal 2 is being submitted to enable stockholders to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers. Since Proposal 2 is an advisory vote, the provisions of our Bylaws regarding the vote required to “approve” a proposal


are not applicable to this matter. In order to be approved on an advisory basis, Proposal 2 must receive a FOR vote from a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. Abstentions will have the same effect as a vote against the proposal. Broker non-votes will have no effect on this proposal and will not be counted.

Proposal 3: Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to approve Proposal 3. An abstention on Proposal 3 will have the same effect as a vote against Proposal 3. A broker non-vote will not have any effect on Proposal 3 and will not be counted. Your broker, however, is entitled to vote your shares on Proposal 3 even if you do not provide voting instructions.

Proposal 4: Approval of the Amended and Restated 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to approve Proposal 4, provided that the total votes cast on the proposal represent over 50% in interest of all securities entitled to vote on the proposal. An abstention on Proposal 4 will have the same effect as a vote against Proposal 4. A broker non-vote will not have any effect on Proposal 4 and will not be counted.

Q: What are the recommendations of the Board of Directors?

A: The Board recommends that you vote:

Q: What do I do if I receive more than one proxy card?

A: Stockholders who hold their shares in more than one account may receive separate proxy cards or voting instruction forms for each of those accounts. To ensure that ALL of your shares are represented at the Annual Meeting, we recommend that you vote every proxy card you receive.

If you have any questions or need assistance with voting, please call Innisfree M&A Incorporated, our proxy solicitor assisting us in connection with the Annual Meeting, at (877) 825-8730.

Q: Who will count the votes?

A: Votes will be counted by Computershare Trust Company, N.A., our inspector of election appointed for the Annual Meeting.

Q: What happens if the Annual Meeting is postponed or adjourned?

A: If we adjourn the Annual Meeting, we will conduct the same business at the later meeting, and the Board can decide to set a new record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote at the adjourned meeting or decide to only allow the stockholders entitled to vote at the original meeting to vote at the adjourned meeting. According to our Bylaws, when a meeting is adjourned to another place, date or time, notice need not be given of the adjourned meeting if the place, date, time and the proxy requirements are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken; provided, however, that if the date of any adjourned meeting is more than thirty days after the date for which the meeting was originally scheduled to take place, notice of the place, date, time and the proxy requirements will be given to each stockholder of record entitled to vote at the meeting. If after the adjournment a


new record date for stockholders entitled to vote is fixed for the adjourned meeting, the Board will fix a new record date for notice of such adjourned meeting and will give notice of the adjourned meeting to each stockholder entitled to vote at such adjourned meeting as of the record date for notice of such adjourned meeting.

Q: What is the deadline to propose actions for consideration at next year’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders?

A: Stockholders may present proper proposals for inclusion in our proxy statement and for consideration at the next annual meeting of stockholders by submitting their proposals in writing to the Company in a timely manner. Proposals should be addressed to The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. For a stockholder proposal to be considered for inclusion in our proxy statement for our 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, we must receive the written proposal no later than May 31, 2013. In addition, stockholder proposals must otherwise comply with the requirements of Rule 14a-8 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”).

Our Bylaws also establish an advance notice procedure for stockholders who wish to present a proposal, including the nomination of directors, before an annual meeting of stockholders, but do not intend for the proposal to be included in our proxy statement. Pursuant to our Bylaws, a proposal may be brought before the meeting by a stockholder who was a stockholder of record at the time notice is given and is entitled to vote at the annual meeting, and who complied with the notice procedures specified in our Bylaws. To be timely for our 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and assuming the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders takes place within 30 days of the anniversary of this year’s Annual Meeting, we must receive the written notice at our principal executive offices between July 17, 2013 and August 16, 2013. For more information regarding proposals for consideration at the next annual meeting, please see the “Stockholder Proposals for the 2013 Annual Meeting” section of this proxy statement. If a stockholder who has notified us of his or her intention to present a proposal at an annual meeting does not appear in person or through a qualified representative to present his or her proposal at such meeting, we are not required to present the proposal for a vote at such meeting.

Q: Whom can I contact if I have questions?

A: If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting or how to vote your shares, please call Innisfree M&A Incorporated, at (877) 825-8730.

Q: Where can I find the voting results?

A: We will report final results in a filing with the SEC on Form 8-K.


At the Annual Meeting, nine people will be elected as members of the Board to serve until the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified. The Board, upon the recommendation of the Nominating and Governance Committee, has nominated the nine people listed below for election at the Annual Meeting. Each nominee is currently serving as a director of the Company. Each of the nominees has agreed to be named in this proxy statement and to serve as a director if elected, except as described below.

Gary Michael, a current member of the Board, will be retiring from the Board on the date of the Annual Meeting pursuant to the Company’s director retirement policy, which provides that a non-management director must offer his or her resignation to the Chairman of the Board and the Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee six months prior to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders at which he or she will be age 72.

Richard Carmona is currently a nominee for the U.S. Senate for the State of Arizona. If Dr. Carmona is elected as a U.S. Senator, he has informed us that he will step down from his position as a director of the Company prior to beginning his term as a U.S. Senator. If this were to occur, the Board anticipates that it would fill the vacancy created by his departure by appointing a new member to the Board prior to the effective date of Dr. Carmona’s resignation.


The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR each of the Board’s nine nominees for director listed below. The people designated in the proxy and voting instruction card intend to vote your shares represented by proxy FOR the election of each of these nominees, unless you include instructions to the contrary. If for some reason any director nominee is unable to serve or for good cause will not serve if elected, the persons named as proxies may vote for a substitute nominee recommended by the Board.

Board of Directors’ Recommendation

The Board recommends that the stockholders vote FOR the election of the nine nominees listed below. The Board believes that all of the nominees listed below are highly qualified and have skills, experience, backgrounds and attributes that qualify them to serve as directors of the Company (see each nominee’s biographical information and the Nominating and Governance Committee section below for more information). The recommendation of the Board is based on its carefully considered judgment that the skills, experience, backgrounds and attributes of the nominees make them the best candidates to serve on our Board.

Certain information with respect to each nominee appears on the following pages, including age, period served as a director, position (if any) with the Company, business experience, directorships of other publicly-owned corporations within the past five years (if any) and relevant experiences and qualifications, including service on certain non-profit or non-public company boards, that contributed to the conclusion that each director is qualified to serve as a director of the Company. Ages listed are as of July 31, 2012.

Vote Required

Majority Voting for Directors. The Company’s Bylaws require each director to be elected by a majority of the votes cast with respect to such director in uncontested elections (the number of shares voted FOR a director must exceed the number of shares voted AGAINST that director). Under the Company’s Bylaws, any director who fails to be elected by a majority of the votes cast in an uncontested election must tender his or her resignation to the Board. The Nominating and Governance Committee would then make a recommendation to the Board whether to accept or reject the resignation, or whether other action should be taken. The Board would act on the Nominating and Governance Committee’s recommendation and publicly disclose its decision and the rationale behind it within 90 days from the date the election results are certified. A director who tenders his or her resignation would not participate in the Board’s decision.


Name, Principal Occupation
       and Other Information

Mr. Boggan served as the Chief of Staff of the Oakland, California Mayor’s office from January 2007 through August 2007. He served as a consultant to Siebert Brandford Shank & Co., LLC (a municipal finance firm) from September 2003 to March 2006. Mr. Boggan joined the National Collegiate Athletic Association in October 1994 as Group Executive Director for Education Services. He served as the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Chief Operating Officer from January 1996 to June 1998 and served as its Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer from June 1998 until his retirement in August 2003. Previously, he was Vice Chancellor for business and administrative services at the University of California at Berkeley.

Other Public Company Boards:
Mr. Boggan is a director of Collective Brands, Inc. (formerly known as Payless Shoe Source, Inc. (September 1997 to present)) and Viad Corp (February 2005 to present).

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Mr. Boggan is a trustee of The California Endowment, the President of The Alameda County Medical Center, and serves on various local boards.

Director Qualifications:
Mr. Boggan has considerable knowledge of the Company’s business as well as a historical perspective and focus on the long-term interests of the Company and its stockholders due to his long-standing service on the Board. He resides in Oakland, and his involvement in Oakland’s local government and as President of The Alameda County Medical Center has provided him with an understanding of the Company’s local community. Mr. Boggan’s previous leadership positions at the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the University of California, as well as his service on several public company and non-profit boards, have provided him with a broad perspective and management, governance and leadership experience that he brings to the Company as Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee. Additionally, his involvement with The Alameda County Medical Center and The California Endowment (a large health care foundation in California) provides him with an understanding of health and wellness matters. Age: 66.


Name, Principal Occupation
       and Other Information
RICHARD H. CARMONA, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.       2007

Dr. Carmona has been Vice Chairman of Canyon Ranch (a life-enhancement company) since October 2006. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Canyon Ranch Health Division and President of the non-profit Canyon Ranch Institute. He is also the first Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. Prior to joining Canyon Ranch, Dr. Carmona served as the 17th Surgeon General of the United States from August 2002 through July 2006, achieving the rank of Vice Admiral. Previously, he was Chairman of the State of Arizona Southern Regional Emergency Medical System; a professor of surgery, public health, and family and community medicine at the University of Arizona; and surgeon and deputy sheriff of the Pima County, Arizona, Sheriff’s Department. Dr. Carmona served in the United States Army and the Army’s Special Forces.

Other Public Company Boards:
Dr. Carmona is a director of Taser International (March 2007 to present).

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Dr. Carmona serves on the board of Healthline Networks.

Director Qualifications:
Dr. Carmona’s experience as the Surgeon General of the United States and extensive background in public health provide him with a valuable perspective on health and wellness matters, as well as insight into regulatory organizations and institutions, which are important to the Company’s business strategy. In addition, his executive leadership experience, including with a global lifestyle enhancement company, provides him with international experience and enables him to make valuable contributions to the Company’s international growth strategies. Dr. Carmona’s experience in the United States Army and in academia also strengthens the Board’s collective qualifications, skills and experience. Age: 62.




Mr. Friedman is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Friedman Fleischer & Lowe, LLC (a private investment firm). Prior to forming Friedman Fleischer & Lowe in 1997, Mr. Friedman was a founding partner of Hellman & Friedman (a private investment firm) and a managing director of Salomon Brothers, Inc. (an investment bank).

Other Public Company Boards:
Mr. Friedman previously served as a director of Mattel, Inc. (1984 to May 2012), Capital Source (2000 to May 2007) and Tempur-Pedic International (November 2002 to April 2006).

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Mr. Friedman currently serves on the boards of Kool Smiles Holding Corp. and is the Chairman and a director of Church’s Holding Corp.

Director Qualifications:
Mr. Friedman’s more than thirty-five years of experience in finance and twenty-five years as a private equity investor have provided him with expertise in financial matters. This enables him to make valuable contributions in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, capital deployment and other major financial decisions and in his service as Chair of our Finance Committee. In addition, Mr. Friedman’s executive leadership roles and board positions in several industries provide him with a broad perspective and experience in the areas of management, operations and strategy. Mr. Friedman also has a deep understanding of the Company’s business, having served on the Board for numerous years, enabling him to make significant contributions to the Company’s strategy, innovation and long-range plans. Age: 70.


Name, Principal Occupation
       and Other Information

Mr. Harad was Executive Chairman of the Board of OfficeMax Incorporated (an office supply and services company), formerly known as Boise Cascade Corporation (Boise Cascade), from October 2004 until his retirement in June 2005. He served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Boise Cascade from April 1995 until October 2004. Previously, Mr. Harad held various positions at Boise Cascade, including Controller, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and President and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining Boise Cascade, Mr. Harad was a consultant for the Boston Consulting Group and a teaching fellow at Harvard University.

Director Qualifications:
Mr. Harad’s prior executive leadership roles enable him to provide valuable contributions with respect to management, operations, strategy, growth and long-range plans. His experience as a Chief Financial Officer has provided him with expertise in finance and accounting matters. Additionally, as a former Chief Executive Officer of a Fortune 500 company, Mr. Harad brings extensive knowledge in executive compensation matters to his position as Chair of the Management Development and Compensation Committee. Age: 68.




Mr. Knauss was elected Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company in October 2006. He was Executive Vice President of The Coca-Cola Company (a marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages) and President and Chief Operating Officer for Coca-Cola North America from February 2004 until August 2006. Previously, he was President of the Retail Division of Coca-Cola North America and President and Chief Executive Officer of The Minute Maid Company, a division of The Coca-Cola Company. Prior to his employment with The Coca-Cola Company, he held various positions in marketing and sales with PepsiCo, Inc. and Procter & Gamble and served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps.

Other Public Company Boards:
Mr. Knauss is a director of the Kellogg Company (December 2007 to present) and URS Corporation (June 2010 to present).

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Among other volunteer activities, Mr. Knauss serves on the board of trustees of Morehouse College and the United States Marine Corps University Foundation.

Director Qualifications:
Mr. Knauss’ leadership experience as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and his in-depth knowledge of the Company’s strategic priorities and operations enable him to provide valuable contributions and facilitate effective communication between management and the Board. His role as Chief Executive Officer also enables him to provide important contributions to strengthening the Company’s leadership, operations, strategy, growth and long-range plans. Mr. Knauss’ prior executive leadership roles include extensive international experience, providing him with valuable insights into global business strategy. In addition, Mr. Knauss’ leadership experience at other consumer packaged goods companies, including his director role at the Kellogg Company, provides him with a keen understanding of the Company’s industry and customer and consumer dynamics. Age: 61.


Name, Principal Occupation
       and Other Information

Mr. Matschullat served as interim Chairman and interim Chief Executive Officer of the Company from March 2006 through October 2006. He served as presiding director of the Board from January 2005 through March 2006 and served as Chairman of the Board from January 2004 through January 2005. He was the Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of The Seagram Company Ltd. (a global company engaging in two business segments: entertainment and spirits and wine) from October 1995 until relinquishing his position as Chief Financial Officer in December 1999 and retiring from his position as Vice Chairman in June 2000. Prior to joining The Seagram Company Ltd., Mr. Matschullat served as head of worldwide investment banking for Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, and was on the Morgan Stanley Group board of directors.

Other Public Company Boards:
Mr. Matschullat is a director of The Walt Disney Company, Inc. (December 2002 to present) and Visa, Inc. (October 2007 to present). He previously served as a director of McKesson Corporation (October 2002 to July 2007).

Director Qualifications:
Mr. Matschullat brings to the Company a wealth of public company leadership experience at the board and executive levels. Mr. Matschullat’s executive leadership experience includes service as the Chief Financial Officer of a major global company and as the division head of a major financial institution, providing him with expertise in business and financial matters as well as broad international experience. In addition, Mr. Matschullat has an extensive understanding of the Company’s business, having served more than ten years on the Board, including in the leadership roles of non-executive Chairman and presiding director of the Board. Mr. Matschullat also served as the Company’s interim Chief Executive Officer. These experiences have provided him with a long-term perspective, as well as valuable management, governance and leadership experience. Age: 64.


Name, Principal Occupation
       and Other Information

Mr. Mueller served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Qwest Communications International Inc. (Qwest) (a provider of voice, data and video services) from August 2007 until his retirement in April 2011. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (a provider of specialty products for cooking) from January 2003 until July 2006. Mr. Mueller served on the board of directors of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. from 1999 until May 2007. Prior to joining Williams-Sonoma, Inc., Mr. Mueller served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Ameritech Corporation, a subsidiary of SBC Communications, Inc. (a provider of communication services and products). He joined SBC in 1968, and held numerous executive positions, including President and Chief Executive Officer of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Bell and President of SBC International Inc.

Other Public Company Boards:
Mr. Mueller is a director of McKesson Corporation (April 2008 to present). Mr. Mueller previously served as a director of Qwest (August 2007 to April 2011), Verisign Inc. (July 2007 to July 2008) and Williams-Sonoma Inc. (October 1999 to May 2007).

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Mr. Mueller served as a director of GSC Acquisition Company (July 2007 to July 2008).

Director Qualifications:
Mr. Mueller brings to the Board chief executive leadership and business management experience, as well as strong business acumen and financial and strategic planning expertise. Mr. Mueller’s executive and board leadership experience spans several industries, providing him with a broad perspective and enabling him to provide significant contributions in the areas of management, operations, strategy, growth and long-range plans. Mr. Mueller’s strong financial background qualifies him as an audit committee financial expert, enabling him to make valuable contributions to the Company as Chair of the Audit Committee. Age: 65.


Name, Principal Occupation
       and Other Information

Ms. Thomas-Graham has served as Chief Talent, Branding and Communications Officer and member of the Executive Board of Credit Suisse Group since January 2010. From March 2008 to December 2009, she served as a managing director in the private equity group at Angelo, Gordon & Co. (a private investment management firm). From October 2005 to December 2007, Ms. Thomas-Graham held the position of Group President at Liz Claiborne, Inc. (a designer and marketer of apparel, accessories and fragrances). Previously, she served as Chairman of CNBC (a media and entertainment company) from February 2005 to October 2005 and served as President and Chief Executive Officer of CNBC from July 2001 to February 2005. From September 1999 to July 2001, Ms. Thomas-Graham served as an Executive Vice President of NBC and as President and Chief Executive Officer of Prior to joining NBC, Ms. Thomas-Graham was a partner at McKinsey & Company.

Other Public Company Boards:
Ms. Thomas-Graham served as a director of Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (June 2005 to January 2010).

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Ms. Thomas-Graham serves on the board of the Parsons School of Design (2006 to present) and the Education Committee of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City (2006 to present). She is a member of the Business Council of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (2012 to present). Additionally, she served on the Visiting Committee of Harvard Business School (2005 to 2011) and on the board of the Harvard Alumni Association (1998 to 2001).

Director Qualifications:
Ms. Thomas-Graham brings to the Company significant executive expertise. Her current and prior executive leadership roles enable her to provide valuable contributions with respect to management, operations, growth and long-range plans. In addition, Ms. Thomas-Graham brings to the Company significant experience in the area of branding. Her prior experience as a management consultant also enables her to provide valuable contributions to the Company’s business strategies and mergers and acquisitions activities. Additionally, her leadership experience at a private equity firm provides her with financial and accounting expertise, enabling her to contribute to the oversight of the Company. Age: 49.



Ms. Ticknor was President of the Imaging and Printing Systems group of the Hewlett Packard Company (a global IT company) from 1999 until her retirement in February 2001. She served as President and General Manager of Hewlett Packard Company’s LaserJet Solutions from 1994 to 1999. In addition, Ms. Ticknor consults for entrepreneurs and venture capital firms.

Other Public Company Boards:
Ms. Ticknor served as a director of OfficeMax Incorporated (formerly Boise Cascade Corporation) from February 2000 to April 2006.

Non-Profit/Other Boards:
Ms. Ticknor served as a director of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, a private non-profit organization at the Stanford University Medical Center, from October 2001 until October 2009.

Director Qualifications:
Ms. Ticknor’s prior executive leadership roles enable her to provide valuable contributions with respect to management, operations, strategy, growth and long-range plans. Her prior leadership at a global IT company enables her to provide valuable contributions with respect to the Company’s international operations, strategies and growth plans. She also brings to the Company significant expertise in the areas of innovation and supply chain management. Ms. Ticknor’s service as a director of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University Medical Center enhances her understanding of health and wellness issues, as well as the Company’s focus on community involvement. Age: 65.



The Board has established five standing committees: the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nominating and Governance Committee, and the Management Development and Compensation Committee. The Finance, Audit, Nominating and Governance, and Management Development and Compensation Committees consist only of non-management directors whom the Board has determined are independent under the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) listing standards and the Board’s independence standards set forth in the Company’s Governance Guidelines, which are discussed below. The charters for these committees are available in the Corporate Governance section of the Company’s website at, or in print by contacting The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888.

Standing Committees

Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of directors Boggan, Friedman, Harad, Knauss (chair), Michael and Mueller. The Executive Committee is delegated all of the powers of the Board except certain powers reserved by law to the full Board. In addition to being available to meet between regular Board meetings on occasions when Board action is required but the convening of the full Board is impracticable, the Executive Committee is authorized to handle special assignments as requested from time to time by the Board. The Executive Committee held no meetings during fiscal year 2012.

Finance Committee. The Finance Committee is composed of directors Boggan, Friedman (chair), Matschullat, Mueller and Thomas-Graham. The Finance Committee oversees and, when appropriate, makes recommendations to the Board with respect to the Company’s major financial policies and actions, including policies and actions related to the Company’s capital structure, equity and debt financings, capital expenditures, cash management and share repurchase activities. The Finance Committee held two meetings during fiscal year 2012.

Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is composed of directors Harad, Michael, Mueller (chair), Thomas-Graham and Ticknor. The Audit Committee is the principal link between the Board and the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit Committee has the functions and duties set forth in its charter, including, but not limited to, assisting the Board in overseeing (i) the integrity of the Company’s financial statements, (ii) the independent registered public accounting firm’s qualifications, independence and performance, (iii) the performance of the Company’s internal audit function, (iv) the Company’s system of disclosure controls and procedures and system of internal control over financial reporting, (v) the Company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements relating to accounting and financial reporting matters, and (vi) the Company’s framework and guidelines with respect to risk assessment and risk management. The Audit Committee’s duties also include preparing the report required by the SEC proxy rules to be included in the Company’s annual proxy statement. The Audit Committee held nine meetings during fiscal year 2012. The Board has made a determination that each member of the Audit Committee satisfies the independence and experience requirements of both the NYSE and SEC. The Board has determined that Messrs. Michael and Mueller are audit committee financial experts, as defined by SEC rules, and are financially literate, as defined by NYSE rules.

Nominating and Governance Committee. The Nominating and Governance Committee is composed of directors Boggan (chair), Carmona, Michael and Ticknor. The Nominating and Governance Committee has the functions set forth in its charter, including identifying and recruiting individuals qualified to become Board members, recommending to the Board individuals to be selected as director nominees for the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders, reviewing and recommending to the Board changes in the Company’s Governance Guidelines and overseeing the Company’s compliance program and activities, including the Company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements relating to matters other than accounting and financial reporting matters. The Nominating and Governance Committee held four meetings during fiscal year 2012.

Management Development and Compensation Committee. The Management Development and Compensation Committee is composed of directors Carmona, Friedman, Harad (chair), Matschullat and Michael. The Management Development and Compensation Committee has the functions and duties set forth in its charter, including reviewing and approving the policies under which compensation is paid or awarded to the Company’s executive officers, recommending director compensation to the Board, determining executive compensation, and granting stock options, performance units and other cash or stock awards under the Company’s executive incentive compensation and stock incentive plans. In addition, the Management Development and Compensation Committee oversees, with involvement of the full Board, the Company’s management development and succession planning processes. The Management Development and Compensation Committee held six meetings during fiscal year 2012.


Evaluation of Director Qualifications and Experience

The Company’s Governance Guidelines, which are explained below, describe the attributes that the Board seeks in nominees. In assessing potential new directors, the Nominating and Governance Committee will consider individuals from various disciplines and diverse backgrounds. While the Board has not established any specific minimum qualifications that a potential nominee must possess, director candidates are considered based upon various criteria, including their broad-based business skills and experience, prominence and reputation in their profession, global business and social perspective, concern for long-term stockholder interests and personal integrity and judgment—all in the context of an assessment of the perceived needs of the Board at that point in time. The ability of incumbent directors to contribute to the Board is considered in connection with the renominating process.

In the evaluation of nominees for the Board, the Nominating and Governance Committee has identified the following skills and experiences, among others, that are important in creating a diverse and well-rounded Board:

Significant Current or Prior Leadership Experience (such as service in a significant leadership role, including as a chief executive officer, or other executive officer or other significant leadership position): enables important contributions to strengthening the Company’s leadership, management expertise, operations, strategy, growth and long-range plans.

Leadership Experience on Public Company, Non-Profit or Other Boards: prepares directors to take an active leadership role in the oversight and governance of the Company.

Knowledge of the Company’s Business, the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry or Other Complementary Industry: enables enhancement of and contributions to the Company’s strategy and position in the Company’s industry.

Experience in Product Development, Marketing, Supply Chain Management or Other Relevant Areas: facilitates support and contributions to the Company’s strategy, development of products, effective marketing to consumers and the Company’s business operations.

Relevant Retail Experience: provides insights and contributions to enhancing relations and results with the Company’s customer and consumer base.

International Experience: provides insights and ability to contribute to the Company’s increasing global business strategy.

Financial and Accounting Expertise: enables analysis and oversight of the Company’s financial position, financial statements and results of operations.

Regulatory Experience (including experience in the health and wellness sector): enables meaningful contributions on matters relating to the regulatory environment, including in the area of health and wellness.


Consistent with the Company’s Governance Guidelines, the Board recognizes the value in diversity and endeavors to assemble a Board with diverse skills, professional experience, perspectives, points of view, race, ethnicity, gender and cultural background. The Nominating and Governance Committee assesses the effectiveness of efforts to assemble a diverse Board by examining the overall composition of the Board and evaluating how a particular director candidate can contribute to the overall success of the Board.

The Nominating and Governance Committee considers recommendations from many sources, including stockholders, regarding possible candidates for director. Such recommendations, together with biographical and business experience information (similar to that required to be disclosed under applicable SEC rules and regulations) regarding the candidate, should be submitted to The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. The Nominating and Governance Committee evaluates all candidates for the Board in the same manner, including those suggested by stockholders.


Board of Directors’ Meeting Attendance

The Board held ten meetings during fiscal year 2012. All directors attended at least 75% of the meetings of the Board and committees of which they were members during fiscal year 2012. All members of the Board are expected to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Each member of the Board attended the Company’s 2011 Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on November 16, 2011.

The Clorox Company Governance Guidelines and Director Independence

The Board has adopted Governance Guidelines that can be found in the Corporate Governance section on the Company’s website, and are available in print to any stockholder who requests them from The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888.

The Governance Guidelines present a framework for the governance of the Company. They describe responsibilities, qualifications and operational matters applicable to the Board and the Board committees and include provisions relating to the evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and ordinary-course and emergency succession planning. The Governance Guidelines are reviewed annually by the Nominating and Governance Committee, which recommends changes to the Board as appropriate.

The Governance Guidelines emphasize and describe the oversight role of the Board and identify various criteria for Board members intended to ensure that the Board consists of individuals who can, on the basis of their knowledge and experience, make valuable contributions to the overall conduct of the Company’s business. The Governance Guidelines currently provide for a combined Chairman and CEO position with an independent director serving as a lead director and outline various responsibilities for the lead director, which are described more fully below under “Board of Directors Leadership Structure.” The Governance Guidelines also include provisions relating to Board meetings, including the number of, and materials for, meetings and executive sessions, outside board service, ethics and conflicts of interest, stock ownership and retention requirements, orientation and continuing education, compensation, mandatory retirement and access to management and other employees. The Governance Guidelines require that the lead director and all independent directors provide input to the Management Development and Compensation Committee in connection with that committee’s annual evaluation of the CEO of the Company.

Finally, the Governance Guidelines provide that a majority of the Board must consist of independent directors. The Board determines whether individual Board members are independent, as defined by the NYSE, using the following standards:

1. A director will not be deemed to be independent if the director is, or has been within the preceding three years, an employee of the Company, or an immediate family member is, or has been within the preceding three years, an executive officer of the Company; provided, however, that employment as an interim chairman, interim CEO or other interim executive officer does not disqualify a director from being considered independent following that employment.

2. A director will not be deemed to be independent if, during any 12-month period within the preceding three years, the director or an immediate family member received more than $120,000 in direct compensation from the Company, other than director and committee fees, pension or other forms of deferred compensation for prior service (provided that such compensation is not contingent in any way on continued service); provided, however, that compensation for former service as an interim chairman or interim CEO or other interim executive officer, compensation received by an immediate family member for service as an employee (other than an executive officer) of the Company, or dividends on Company stock beneficially owned by the director need not be considered in determining independence under this test.

3. A director will not be deemed to be independent if (i) the director, or an immediate family member, is a current partner of the firm that is the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm; (ii) the director is a current employee of such firm; (iii) an immediate family member of the director is a current employee of such firm who works on the Company’s audit; or (iv) the director or an immediate family member was within the preceding three years (but is no longer) a partner or employee of such firm and personally worked on the Company’s audit within that time.


4. A director will not be deemed to be independent if, within the preceding three years (i) the director or an immediate family member is or was employed as an executive officer of another company where any of the Company’s present executive officers at the same time serves or served on that company’s compensation committee; or (ii) the director is a current employee, or an immediate family member is a current executive officer, of another company that has made payments to or received payments from the Company for property or services that, in any of the preceding three fiscal years, exceeded $1 million or 2% of such other company’s consolidated gross revenues, whichever is greater.

5. A director may be considered independent notwithstanding that the director owns, or is a partner, stockholder, officer, director or employee of an entity that owns, not more than 30% of the outstanding stock of the Company, unless the director or the entity owning the Company’s stock has a relationship with the Company that, under paragraphs 1 through 4 above or otherwise, precludes a finding of independence.

6. A director will not be deemed independent if the director serves, or an immediate family member serves, as an executive officer of a tax exempt organization that received contributions from the Company or its foundation, in any single fiscal year within the preceding three years, in excess of $1 million or 2% of such organization’s consolidated gross revenues, whichever is greater.

For purposes of these criteria, “immediate family member” includes a person’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, mothers- and fathers-in-law, sons- and daughters-in-law, brothers- and sisters-in-law, and anyone, other than domestic employees, who shares such person’s home.

Director Independence Determination

The Board has determined that each of the Company’s directors is independent under the NYSE listing standards and the independence standards set forth in the Governance Guidelines, except Mr. Knauss as a result of his service as the Company’s CEO.

Related Party Transaction Policies and Procedures

The Company has a long-standing policy of prohibiting its directors, officers and employees from entering into transactions that are an actual or potential conflict of interest. The Company’s Code of Conduct has a detailed provision prohibiting conflicts of interests and is available at the Company’s website at Additionally, the Company has a written policy regarding review and approval of related party transactions by the Nominating and Governance Committee (“Related Party Policy”).

The Company’s Related Party Policy defines an “Interested Transaction” as any transaction, arrangement or relationship or series of similar transactions, arrangements or relationships (including any indebtedness or guarantee of indebtedness) in which (1) the aggregate amount involved will or may be expected to exceed $120,000 in any calendar year, (2) the Company is a participant, and (3) any Related Party has or will have a direct or indirect interest (other than solely as a result of being a director or a less than 10% beneficial owner of another entity).

A “Related Party” is any (a) person who is or was (since the beginning of the last fiscal year for which the Company has filed a Form 10-K and proxy statement, even if such person does not presently serve in that role) an executive officer, director or nominee for election as a director, (b) a beneficial owner of more than 5% beneficial of the Company’s Common Stock, or (c) an immediate family member of any of the foregoing. Immediate family member includes a person’s spouse, parents, stepparents, children, stepchildren, siblings, mothers- and fathers-in-law, sons- and daughters-in-law, and brothers- and sisters-in-law and anyone residing in such person’s home (other than a tenant or employee).

Under the Related Party Policy, if a new Interested Transaction is identified for approval, it is brought to the Nominating and Governance Committee to determine if the proposed transaction is reasonable and fair to the Company. The Nominating and Governance Committee will review the material facts of all Interested Transactions that require its approval and either approve or disapprove of the entry into the Interested Transaction.


The Related Party Policy also contains categories of preapproved transactions that the Board has identified as not having a significant potential for an actual or potential conflict of interest or improper benefit.

In determining whether to approve or ratify an Interested Transaction, the Nominating and Governance Committee will take into account, among other factors it deems appropriate, whether the Interested Transaction is on terms no less favorable than terms generally available to an unaffiliated third party under the same or similar circumstances and the extent of the Related Party’s interest in the transaction.

No director participates in any discussion or approval of an Interested Transaction for which he or she is a Related Party, except that the director will provide all material information concerning the Interested Transaction to the Nominating and Governance Committee. There were no transactions considered to be an Interested Transaction during the Company’s 2012 fiscal year.

Code of Conduct

The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct, which can be found in the Governance section under Company Information on the Company’s website,, or obtained in print by contacting The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. The Code of Conduct applies to all of the Company’s employees, including executives, as well as contractors and directors. We also have established a separate Supplier Code of Conduct outlining our standards and expectations of our suppliers and business partners, which can be found at

Board of Directors Leadership Structure

The Board believes that it is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders for the Board to make a determination on whether to separate or combine the roles of Chairman and CEO based upon the Company’s circumstances at any particular point in time. The Nominating and Governance Committee regularly reviews the leadership structure to determine if it is in the best interests of the Company and stockholders. Currently, the positions of Chairman and CEO are combined and held by Mr. Knauss. Mr. Knauss’ in-depth knowledge of the Company’s strategic priorities and operations enables him to facilitate effective communication between management and the Board and see that key issues and recommendations are brought to the attention of the Board, providing an effective leadership structure. Having the CEO serve as the Chairman also helps to ensure that the CEO understands and can effectuate the recommendations and decisions of the Board.

Because the Board also believes that independent leadership is important, the Board has established the position of lead director. The lead director is elected annually by and from the independent directors with clearly delineated and comprehensive duties and responsibilities and must have served as a director for a minimum of one year in order to qualify as the lead director. The duties of the lead director, which are also included in the Governance Guidelines, include: leading the activities of the independent directors; evaluating, along with the members of the Management Development and Compensation Committee and the other independent directors, the performance of the CEO; and providing feedback to the CEO and management in order to effectuate the decisions and recommendations of the independent directors. In addition, the lead director: (i) assists the Board and the Company’s officers in promoting compliance with and implementation of the Governance Guidelines; (ii) presides at the executive sessions of the independent directors and has the authority to call additional executive sessions or meetings of the independent directors; (iii) presides at meetings of the Board in the Chairman’s absence; (iv) approves information sent to the Board by management; (v) approves meeting agendas and meeting schedules for the Board to assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all agenda items; and (vi) consults and directly communicates with major stockholders, if requested. Mr. Michael served as lead director during the Company’s 2012 fiscal year. He will step down from that role in connection with his retirement effective November 14, 2012. Mr. Matschullat has been elected to the lead director role effective as of that date.

In addition, all of the Company’s directors other than Mr. Knauss are “independent” as defined by the NYSE rules. The Board believes that a single leader serving as Chairman and CEO, together with the Company’s predominantly independent Board and independent lead director, promotes effective governance. Accordingly, the Board has determined that, under the present circumstances, the current leadership structure is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.


Board of Directors’ Role in Risk Management Oversight

The Board has responsibility for the oversight of the Company’s risk management, while the Company’s management is responsible for the day-to-day risk management process. With the oversight of the Board, the management of the Company has developed an enterprise risk management (“ERM”) process, whereby management identifies the top individual risks that the Company faces with respect to its business, operations, strategy and other factors after interviews with key business and functional leaders in the Company and review of external information. In addition to evaluating various key risks, management identifies ways to mitigate and manage such risks. At least annually, management reports on and discusses the identified risks and risk mitigation and management efforts with the Board. The Board allocates responsibility to a specific committee to examine a particular risk in detail if the committee is in the best position to review and assess the risk. For example, the Audit Committee reviews compliance and risk management programs and practices related to accounting and financial reporting matters; the Management Development and Compensation Committee reviews the risks related to the executive compensation structure; and the Finance Committee reviews risks related to financial risk management, such as foreign currency exchange, hedging arrangements or interest rate exposure. In the event that a committee is allocated responsibility for examining and analyzing a specific risk, such committee reports on the relevant risk exposure during its regular reports to the entire Board to facilitate proper risk oversight by the entire Board.

As part of its responsibilities, the Management Development and Compensation Committee periodically reviews the Company’s compensation policies and programs to ensure that the compensation program is able to incentivize employees, including executive officers, while mitigating excessive risk taking. The overall executive compensation program contains various provisions that mitigate against excessive risk taking, including:

Based on its review and the analysis provided by its independent consultant, Frederic W. Cook & Co., the Management Development and Compensation Committee has determined that the risks arising from the Company’s compensation policies and practices for its employees, including executive officers, are not reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.

Executive Sessions

As required by the NYSE listing standards, the independent directors generally meet in executive session at each regularly scheduled board meeting without the presence of management directors or employees of the Company to discuss various matters related to the oversight of the Company, the management of the Board’s affairs and the CEO’s performance.



The following table shows, as of July 31, 2012 (except as otherwise indicated), the holdings of Common Stock by (i) any entity or person known to the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, (ii) each director and nominee for director and each of the five individuals named in the Summary Compensation Table (the “named executive officers”), and (iii) all current directors and executive officers of the Company as a group:

Name of Beneficial Owner (1) Amount and Nature of
Beneficial Ownership (2)
Percent of Class (3)
BlackRock, Inc. (4)         9,128,207                  6.92         
       40 East 52nd Street  
       New York, NY 10022
State Street Global Associates (5) 8,288,140 6.39
       One Lincoln Street    
       Boston, MA 02111    
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (6) 6,476,468 5.00
       100 E. Pratt Street
       Baltimore, MD 21202
Daniel Boggan, Jr. 5,741 *
Richard H. Carmona 0   *
Tully M. Friedman 34,305 *
George J. Harad 9,000   *
Donald R. Knauss   1,244,273 *
Robert W. Matschullat 7,324   *
Gary G. Michael 6,651 *
Edward A. Mueller 0 *
Lawrence S. Peiros 436,901 *
Stephen M. Robb 101,374 *
Laura Stein 232,068 *
Frank A. Tataseo 269,507 *
Pamela Thomas-Graham   9,778 *
Carolyn M. Ticknor 8,000 *
All current directors and executive officers as a group (22 persons) (7) 3,420,235 2.7


Does not exceed 1% of the outstanding shares.

(1)        Correspondence to all executive officers and directors of the Company may be mailed to The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888.
(2) Unless otherwise indicated, each beneficial owner listed has sole voting and dispositive power concerning the shares indicated. These totals include the following numbers of shares of Common Stock that such persons have the right to acquire through stock options exercisable within 60 days of July 31, 2012, or with respect to which such persons have shared voting or dispositive power: Mr. Boggan – 4,500 options; Mr. Friedman – 6,000 options and 28,200 shares held by Tully M. Friedman Revocable Trust; Mr. Harad – 8,000 options and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,000 shares held jointly with spouse; Mr. Knauss – 1,137,720 options and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 101,032 shares held in family trust; Mr. Matschullat – 6,000 options; Mr. Peiros – 395,505 options and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 31,878 shares held in family trust; Mr. Robb – 98,035 options and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 3,339 shares held in family trust; Ms. Stein – 216,830 options; Mr. Tataseo – 263,072 options and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 5,396 shares held in family trust; Ms. Thomas-Graham – 8,000 options; Ms. Ticknor – 8,000 options; and all current directors and executive officers as a group – 3,120,449 options. The numbers in the table above do not include the following numbers of shares of Common Stock that the executive officers have the right to acquire upon the termination of their service as employees pursuant to deferred stock units granted in December 1995 in exchange for the cancellation of certain restricted stock, and deferred dividends on deferred stock units: Mr. Peiros – 15,087; Mr. Tataseo – 16,207; and


all current executive officers as a group – 31,294. The numbers in the table above do not include the following numbers of shares of Common Stock that the non-management directors have the right to acquire upon the termination of their service as directors pursuant to deferred stock units granted under the Independent Directors’ Stock-Based Compensation Plan: Mr. Boggan – 27,313; Dr. Carmona – 9,133; Mr. Friedman – 39,064; Mr. Harad – 21,702; Mr. Matschullat – 63,342; Mr. Michael – 14,045; Mr. Mueller – 17,059; Ms. Thomas-Graham – 12,705; and Ms. Ticknor – 18,574. The numbers in the table above do not include the following numbers of shares of Common Stock that the executive officers have the right to acquire upon the termination of their service as employees pursuant to vested performance units that were deferred at the executive officers’ election: Mr. Peiros – 34,070; Mr. Robb – 10,239; Ms. Stein – 27,231; Mr. Tataseo – 7,500; and all current executive officers as a group – 149,286.
(3) On July 31, 2012, there were 129,613,607 shares of Common Stock outstanding.
(4) Based on information contained in a report on Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on February 13, 2012, BlackRock, Inc. reported, as of December 30, 2011, sole voting and dispositive power with respect to these shares.
(5) Based on information contained in a report on Form 13F filed with the SEC, State Street Global Associates reported, as of June 30, 2012, sole voting and dispositive power with respect to these shares.
(6) Based on information contained in a report on Form 13F filed with the SEC, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. reported, as of June 30, 2012, sole voting and dispositive power with respect to these shares.
(7)        Pursuant to Rule 3b-7 of the Exchange Act, executive officers include the Company’s current CEO and all current executive vice presidents and senior vice presidents.


The following table sets out the number of shares of Common Stock to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights, the weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options, warrants and rights, and the number of securities available for future issuance under equity compensation plans as of June 30, 2012.

        [a]       [b]       [c]    
  Plan category Number of securities to
be issued upon exercise
of outstanding options,
warrants and rights
(in thousands)
exercise price of
outstanding options,
warrants and rights
Number of securities
remaining for future
issuance under non-
qualified stock-based
compensation programs
(excluding securities
reflected in column [a])
(in thousands)
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders          11,716                    $ 62                      4,172           
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders          
Total 11,716 $ 62 4,172

Column [a] includes the following outstanding equity-based awards (in thousands):



Executive Summary

This Compensation Discussion and Analysis (“CD&A”) describes our executive compensation philosophy and program, the compensation decisions made under this program, and the factors we considered in making those decisions. This CD&A focuses on the compensation of our “named executive officers” for fiscal year 2012, who were our:

Compensation Philosophy. The key principle of our compensation philosophy is pay for performance. Our compensation programs are designed to align executive pay with the achievement of short- and long-term financial and strategic objectives that build stockholder value. This link between compensation and business goals is an important factor that has historically driven, and will continue to drive, the Company’s performance and growth. We believe we can best ensure that compensation is commensurate with the building of stockholder value and Company growth by keeping the majority of executive pay “at risk.” This means that the largest portion of executive compensation is variable and tied to Company and individual performance.

Fiscal Year 2012 Performance Highlights. Due to global economic conditions throughout fiscal year 2012, Clorox continued to face ongoing business and consumer challenges. In particular, the Company was negatively affected by higher commodity costs and other inflationary pressures. The Company addressed these challenges through the execution of its “3D” demand creation model (Desire, Decide and Delight), implementation of price increases across its portfolio, product innovation, and cost structure management. By remaining focused on key goals and executing its strategy, the Company delivered strong growth and celebrated numerous successes in fiscal year 2012, including the following:

How Pay Was Tied to the Company’s Performance in Fiscal Year 2012. Our fiscal year 2012 results provided us with an opportunity to further establish that our pay for performance philosophy works as intended, with pay being impacted in the following ways:


1        This comparison to fiscal year 2011 is a non-GAAP measure. For a reconciliation to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measure, see “Diluted net earnings per share from continuing operations” on page 5 of Clorox’s “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” filed as Exhibit 99.1 to its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012.


Recent Key Compensation Program Changes. In addition to the significant program changes made during fiscal years 2010 and 2011, we continued our long-standing practice of reviewing our overall executive compensation program to ensure that it strongly supports our financial and human resource objectives and also aligns with market best practices. We made the following key changes in fiscal year 2012:

These changes are consistent with our overall compensation philosophy and practice of driving performance and stockholder growth, ensuring alignment with investor preferences and recognized best practices, in addition to maintaining the ability to attract and retain key talent. It is this same philosophy that led us to take the following actions in prior years:

To further ensure alignment with our compensation philosophy, we maintain the following key governance policies:


Our Executive Compensation Program Philosophy

Our executive compensation program is designed to accomplish the following:

How We Make Compensation Decisions

The Management Development and Compensation Committee (the “Committee”) is made up entirely of independent directors. The Committee regularly reviews the design and implementation of our executive compensation program and provides reports of its discussions and actions to the Board.

Although the Board has determined that, consistent with our Governance Guidelines and the NYSE listing standards, all members of the Committee are “independent,” the Committee determined that Mr. Robert W. Matschullat may not qualify as an “outside director” for purposes of Section 162(m) due to his service as interim CEO from May 2006 until October 2006. As a result, a subcommittee was established comprised of directors Dr. Richard H. Carmona and Messrs. Tully M. Friedman, George J. Harad and Gary G. Michael (the “Subcommittee”) to take the actions required under Section 162(m) in order for performance-based compensation to be fully deductible by the Company for income tax purposes. The Subcommittee is responsible for the performance, from time to time, of duties that require action by a compensation committee comprised solely of two or more “non-employee directors” and/or two or more “outside directors.” These duties include granting awards to executive officers under the Company’s annual incentive and long-term incentive plans, and establishing any performance goals related to such awards or other performance-based compensation for the Company’s executive officers. All other decisions related to executive compensation matters are made by the full Committee.

The Committee makes decisions on compensation for the named executive officers based on various factors, including its review of the Company’s performance, individual performance, peer group data (as further described below) and input and recommendations from the independent compensation consultant (as further described below). Factors evaluated to assess individual performance include the individual’s skill set relative to industry peers, overall experience and time in the position, performance of the business or operations for which the individual is responsible, criticality of the individual’s role, difficulty of replacement, expected future contributions, readiness for promotion to a higher level, role relative to that of other executive officers and, in the case of externally recruited named executive officers, compensation earned with a prior employer.

For the compensation package for each of the named executive officers other than the CEO, the Committee receives input and recommendations from our CEO and our Senior Vice President – Human Resources & Corporate Affairs. The named executive officers do not have a role in the determination of their own compensation. The named executive officers other than the CEO do, however, discuss their individual performance objectives with the CEO.

In evaluating and determining the compensation package for the CEO, the Board undertakes a thorough review process, whereby each Board member provides candid feedback to the Senior Vice President – Human Resources & Corporate Affairs regarding the CEO’s performance. In evaluating the CEO’s performance, the Board utilizes a variety of key substantive factors that the Board


has identified as being most significant to effective CEO performance, with a focus on strategy, people, operations and values. The collective results of the CEO’s performance against the key factors are subsequently discussed by the Board, which then provides recommendations on compensation to the Committee. The Committee, after evaluating the Board’s recommendations and with input from the independent compensation consultant, makes a final decision on the CEO’s compensation. The CEO does not have a role in his own compensation determination other than to participate in a discussion with the Board regarding his performance.

Results of 2011 Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation

At our 2011 annual meeting of stockholders held on November 16, 2011, we submitted two proposals to our stockholders regarding our executive compensation practices. The first proposal was an advisory vote on our fiscal year 2011 compensation awarded to our named executive officers (commonly known as a “say-on-pay” vote). Our stockholders approved our fiscal year 2011 compensation awarded to our named executive officers with approximately 78% of the votes cast in favor of the proposal. However, we believe our approval results may have been negatively impacted by the vote of approximately 9.5% of our stock held by an activist investor that had announced an unsolicited proposal to acquire the Company shortly before the annual meeting. We believe that the outcome of our say-on-pay vote signals our stockholders’ support of our compensation approach, specifically our efforts to attract, retain, and motivate our named executive officers.

We were pleased with our stockholders’ support of our compensation program in 2011, and the Company’s management and Board continued to review our executive compensation practices to further align our compensation practices with our pay-for-performance philosophy. For example, this past year we eliminated the tax gross-up for tax liabilities in the event of a change in control for our CEO. We value the opinions of our stockholders and will continue to consider the outcome of future say-on-pay votes, as well as feedback received throughout the year, when making compensation decisions for our named executive officers.

The second proposal was a vote on the frequency of future stockholder advisory votes regarding compensation awarded to our named executive officers. An annual frequency received the highest number of votes cast, as well as a majority of the votes cast. Based on these results, our Board of Directors determined to hold our say-on-pay votes on an annual basis.

Roles and Responsibilities

The following parties are responsible for the development of our executive compensation program for our named executive officers:

Management Development and Compensation Committee. The Committee (i) oversees our executive compensation program, (ii) determines and approves the compensation of our named executive officers, as well as officers at or above the level of senior vice president and officers covered by Section 16 under the Exchange Act, as amended, and (iii) consults with the independent members of the Board to establish and evaluate performance objectives for the CEO each year.

Independent Committee Consultant – Frederic W. Cook & Co. (“FWC”). FWC is engaged by and reports to the Committee and consults directly with its Chair to advise on executive compensation matters. FWC generally attends and advises during Committee meetings, including executive sessions, and, at the Committee’s request, provides advice and guidance on executive compensation topics including compensation levels versus peers, market trends, incentive plan designs, and an assessment of the risk and reward structure of executive compensation plans, policies and practices. Neither FWC nor any of its affiliates provides any other services to the Company or has any other business or personal relationships with any member of the Committee or of our senior executive team.

Chief Executive Officer. The CEO makes compensation recommendations to the Committee for all executive officers other than himself and provides input from time to time on the design of compensation plan components and other compensation-related issues as they arise.

Management. Management provides analyses regarding competitive practices and pay ranges, compensation and benefit plans, policies and procedures related to equity awards, perquisites and general compensation and benefits philosophy. Senior human resources, finance and legal executives attend non-executive sessions of Committee meetings to provide perspective and expertise relevant to the meeting agenda.


Our Peer Group

The Committee uses a peer group of 16 consumer products companies (the “compensation peer group”) to provide competitive market rates for the Company’s executive officers, including the named executive officers. The compensation peer group was selected by the Committee based on the factors described below with input from FWC. The compensation peer group is used to compare both the levels of executive compensation and compensation practices within the consumer products industry.

For fiscal year 2012, the compensation peer group was comprised of the following companies:

Alberto-Culver Company The Hershey Company
Avon Products, Inc. JM Smucker
Campbell Soup Company Kellogg Company
Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Molson Coors Brewing Company
Colgate-Palmolive Company Newell Rubbermaid Inc.
Energizer Holdings Revlon, Inc.
General Mills, Inc. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
H.J. Heinz Company Tupperware Brands

To determine the compensation peer group each year, the Committee considers companies that hold leadership positions in branded consumer products, and that are of reasonably similar size based on market cap and revenue, compete with the Company for executive talent and have executive positions similar in breadth, complexity and scope of responsibility. The Committee reviews and makes as-needed adjustments to the compensation peer group annually to ensure that the chosen companies continue to meet the relevant criteria. The changes to our compensation peer group for fiscal year 2012 were (i) removing both Pactiv Corporation (due to its acquisition) and Del Monte Foods Company (which was taken private) and (ii) as a result of the reduction in the compensation peer group, adding four companies to ensure the statistical reliability of the market data: Energizer Holdings, JM Smucker, Molson Coors Brewing Company and Tupperware Brands.

For fiscal year 2012, management engaged Aon Hewitt to obtain compensation data for the compensation peer group. FWC reviewed this information and performed an independent compensation analysis of the compensation peer group data, which was used to advise the Committee on potential compensation actions, including the CEO’s compensation. Although each individual component of executive compensation is reviewed, particular emphasis is placed on targeting total compensation within 15% of the median of our compensation peer group.

To determine compensation for the named executive officers, the Committee reviewed the Aon Hewitt and FWC compensation analyses as well as other factors as described above. Based on these analyses and other factors, target total compensation for individual named executive officers may vary above or below the median of the compensation peer group. Actual incentive plan payouts and, in turn, total realized compensation, may vary above or below the targeted total compensation level based on the Company’s performance relative to its corporate financial and strategic goals as well as the Company’s stock performance.

Tally Sheets

To help ensure that our executive compensation design is aligned with our overall compensation philosophy of pay for performance and that total compensation levels are appropriate, the Committee annually reviews compensation tally sheets for each of our named executive officers. These tally sheets outline current target total compensation (including the elements described below), the potential wealth creation of long-term incentive awards under various assumed stock prices and the potential value of payouts under various termination scenarios.


What We Pay: Elements of Our Compensation Program

Our executive compensation program includes base salary, annual incentives paid in the form of cash bonuses and long-term incentives consisting of grants of stock-based performance shares and stock options. Periodically, time-based restricted stock units and/or stock options are used for special circumstances, such as retention, recognition or recruitment. The majority of our executive compensation is variable compensation or at-risk pay. Base salary is the only fixed compensation component, as outlined in the following charts:

(1)        Compensation mix represents the base salary, target short-term and target long-term incentives in fiscal 2012.

Additional elements of the executive compensation program include retirement plans, post-termination compensation and perquisites as appropriate to support our executive compensation philosophy. Specifics regarding what we pay, the elements of our executive compensation program, the reasons we use them and certain characteristics thereof are outlined in the table and described in further narrative detail in the paragraphs below:

Element Purpose Characteristics
Base Salary Compensate named executive officers for their role and level of responsibility, as well as individual performance. Fixed component.
Annual Incentives (1) Promote the achievement of the Company’s annual corporate financial and strategic goals, as well as individual objectives. Performance-based cash bonus opportunity.
Long-Term Incentives (1) Promote the achievement of the Company’s long-term corporate financial goals and stock price appreciation. Amounts earned under performance share grant and stock option awards will vary as the ultimate value is based on actual financial and stock price performance.
Retirement Plans Provide replacement income upon retirement (serves as a long-term retention incentive). Fixed component; however, Company retirement contributions will vary based on pay, years of service and employee contributions.
Post-Termination Compensation Provide contingent payments to attract and retain named executive officers. Promote orderly succession for key roles. Only payable if a named executive officer’s employment is terminated under specific circumstances as described in the applicable employment agreement or severance plan.
Perquisites Provide other benefits competitive with the compensation peer group and encourage executives to attend to their health and financial affairs. Financial planning, Company automobile or car allowance, paid parking, annual executive physical and health club reimbursement.


(1)        Payouts under the annual and long-term incentive plans are determined based on the achievement of preestablished objectives determined by the Committee at the beginning of the performance period. The performance period is one year for the annual incentive plan and three years for the performance shares awarded under the long-term incentive plan. Specific financial goals cannot be changed during the performance period, except according to principles set forth by the Committee at the time the goals are established that allow for adjustments in limited circumstances, including, among other things acquisitions, restructuring charges or significant changes to generally accepted accounting principles, and only if the adjustments exceed a specified minimum financial impact to the Company.

Base Salary. In determining base salary levels for the CEO and other named executive officers, the Committee takes into consideration the factors outlined above in Our Peer Group and generally seeks to establish base salaries for the CEO and other named executive officers at the median of our compensation peer group. The Committee considered factors such as the executive’s role, level of experience and sustained performance as well as the compensation peer group market data in determining each named executive officer’s base salary for fiscal year 2012. Changes in base salary are approved by the Committee in September and are effective in October of each year. For fiscal year 2012, all base salaries for the named executive officers were generally aligned with the median as defined above. The annual base salary increases for our named executive officers, excluding the CEO but including Mr. Daniel J. Heinrich, who retired from the organization in November 2011, ranged from 1.98% to 3.00%, with an average increase of 2.42%. These increases were effective October 1, 2011. The base salary for our CEO was not increased in fiscal year 2012 as his base salary was in line with the median CEO base salary of the Company’s compensation peer group. The actual amounts earned by our named executive officers in fiscal year 2012 are listed in the Salary column of the Summary Compensation Table.

Annual Incentives. On an annual basis, the Committee sets performance goals under the Company’s Executive Incentive Compensation (“EIC”) Plan that are designed to promote the achievement of the Board-approved annual corporate financial and strategic performance goals. The EIC Plan provides annual incentive awards to the named executive officers based on the level of achievement of these annual performance goals and individual objectives.

To meet the requirements of Section 162(m), maximum annual incentive award levels are based on Company earnings before income taxes (“Company earnings”). The EIC Plan has a maximum award limit of 1.0% of Company earnings for the CEO and 0.6% of Company earnings for each of the other named executive officers. The Committee has discretion to reduce, but not to increase, incentive payments under the EIC Plan. The Committee has historically paid annual incentive awards that are substantially lower than the maximum EIC Plan award levels. The Committee reduces the maximum possible award to the amount actually paid based on four factors: (1) a target award for each named executive officer, (2) performance measured against predetermined corporate financial goals, (3) the level of achievement of strategic metrics, and (4) the named executive officer’s individual performance, which is based primarily on the performance of the operations or functions under the individual’s responsibility. The final individual EIC Plan payout is determined by the following formula:

EIC Plan
= Base Salary
(As of June 30)
X Target
X Financial
X Strategic
X Individual

Each of these elements is described below.

Target Annual Incentive. Each year, the Committee sets an annual incentive target level for each named executive officer as a percentage of his or her base salary. The annual incentive target level is typically set at the median of bonus targets of the most comparable positions in our compensation peer group. The table below outlines the targets for the fiscal year 2012 annual incentive awards.


Named Executive Officer Target Annual
(% of Base Salary)
Donald R. Knauss, Chairman and CEO     140%  
Lawrence S. Peiros, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 90%
Frank A. Tataseo, Executive Vice President – Strategy & Growth, Partnerships and Professional Products Division 75%
Stephen M. Robb, Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer 70%
Laura Stein, Senior Vice President – General Counsel 70%
Daniel J. Heinrich, former Executive Vice President – Chief Financial Officer (retired November 16, 2011) 75%

Financial Performance. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Committee sets financial goals for the EIC Plan based on the targets approved by the Board. At the end of the year, the Committee reviews the results of the Company’s performance against the financial goals set at the beginning of the year. When appropriate, the Committee takes into account other factors, such as stockholder return or underlying business performance during the year.

For fiscal year 2012, the Committee established financial goals focused on increasing NCS and EP in order to drive sustainable growth in short- and long-term stockholder returns. These metrics are weighted equally as the Committee believes this mix effectively balances focus on both top-line and bottom-line performance. In selecting the metrics and setting the performance goals in the EIC Plan, the Committee carefully considered whether the goals appropriately align with the goals in the long-term incentive program such that the overall compensation design does not unintentionally encourage participants to take unnecessary or excessive risk or actions that are inconsistent with the Company’s short- and long-term strategic and financial objectives.

For fiscal year 2012, the financial goals for the EIC Plan, the potential percentage of target award payouts for achieving those goals and the actual results as determined by the Committee were as follows:

  Annual Incentive
Financial Goals (in millions)
Goal 0%
  NCS (weighted 50%) (1)     $ 5,193        $ 5,353         $ 5,514         $ 5,424   
  EP (weighted 50%) (2)     $ 353        $ 393         $ 433         $ 414   

(1)        NCS is defined by the Company as net sales as reported in its consolidated financial statements.
(2) EP is defined by the Company as earnings from continuing operations before income taxes, non-cash restructuring and asset impairment costs and interest expense, tax affected, and less a capital charge. The capital charge represents average capital employed by the Company, multiplied by the estimated weighted-average cost of capital. Estimated weighted-average cost of capital is the blended average of the cost of the Company’s debt and estimated cost of equity capital. For the fiscal years presented, the estimated weighted-average cost of capital used was 9 percent. Average capital employed represents a two-point average of adjusted capital employed for the current fiscal year and total capital employed for the prior fiscal year, based on year-end balances. Adjusted capital employed represents total capital employed adjusted to add back the current fiscal year’s non-cash restructuring and asset impairment costs. Total capital employed represents total assets less non-interest-bearing liabilities. Additional information is provided in Exhibit 99.3 to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal year 2012.

Strategic Metrics. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Committee sets strategic metrics for the EIC Plan based on the Company’s overall strategy, which is to be a high-performance organization of enthusiastic owners; win with superior capabilities in Desire, Decide and Delight; accelerate growth both in and beyond the core; and relentlessly drive out waste. For fiscal year 2012, there were eleven metrics and fourteen associated targets set forth in our balanced scorecard that supported this overall strategy in the following key areas:


After a review of the Company’s performance in fiscal year 2012 relative to its strategic metrics, the Committee determined that all but two of the fourteen targets were successfully achieved. Highlights of the results of these metrics and targets are as follows:

Based on these results, the Committee determined that the level of achievement for the strategic metrics was 100%. The Committee’s assessment of the strategic metrics is subjective and is used as a multiplier in conjunction with Company financial and individual performance.

Individual Performance. Consistent with our pay-for-performance philosophy, payouts, initially determined by financial results and the performance against strategic metrics, may then be adjusted either up or down based upon individual performance. Based on this review, the Committee individually adjusted the ultimate payout for the named executive officers to reflect fiscal year 2012 individual contributions. The payouts vary primarily due to the Committee’s assessment of the performance of divisions, operations or functions under the responsibility of the named executive officer. The high end of the range, 163%, was awarded to the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for outstanding business results. The Executive Vice President – Strategy & Growth, Partnerships and Professional Products Division had strong business results in both sales and profit during the fiscal year in a challenging economic environment and, therefore, was awarded 155% of target. The Senior Vice President – Chief Financial Officer and the Senior Vice President – General Counsel each provided outstanding leadership on a variety of initiatives that supported the Company strategy and were also awarded 155% of target. Mr. Knauss’ annual incentive payout was 170% due to his outstanding leadership and business results achieved and is described in the Compensation for Mr. Knauss – Chairman and CEO section of this proxy statement.

The actual amount of annual incentive compensation earned by our named executive officers in fiscal year 2012 is disclosed in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table.

Long-Term Incentives. We provide annual long-term incentive compensation in the form of performance shares and stock options to our named executive officers because we believe these forms of compensation align our executives’ interests with the interests of our stockholders. We also believe these incentive awards support the achievement of our long-term corporate financial goals.

The Committee, with the assistance of its independent compensation consultant, annually reviews the costs of, and potential stockholder dilution attributable to, our long-term incentive program versus that of our compensation peer group to ensure that the overall program is financially efficient and in line with that of our peers. In determining the total value of the long-term incentive opportunity for each named executive officer, the Committee reviews the compensation peer group data presented by both management and its independent compensation consultant on a position-by-position basis and considers recommendations by the CEO for the other named executive officers.

The Committee’s goal is to establish long-term incentive award targets that are competitive with the median of our compensation peer group. Actual long-term incentive award target levels for individual named executive officers may vary above or below the median based on a variety of factors, such as the named executive officer’s experience, criticality of his or her role, individual sustained performance and expected future contributions. Like the annual incentive awards, actual payouts under long-term incentive awards will vary from target based on whether the Company underperforms or outperforms its predetermined target goals. Individual performance is not considered in the actual payout of long-term incentives. The value of actual payouts will also vary based on changes in the market price of our Common Stock. For fiscal year 2012, long-term incentive awards granted to the named executive officers were generally at the median of our compensation peer group.


Consistent with prior years, the Committee determined that the named executive officers would receive 50% of the value of their total fiscal year 2012 annual long-term incentive awards in performance shares and 50% in stock options. The Committee believes this mix of equity awards supports several important objectives, including compensating named executive officers for achievement of long-term goals tied to the business strategy, rewarding named executive officers for sustained increases in the Common Stock price, enhancing retention by mitigating the impact of our Common Stock price fluctuations and ensuring the overall cost of the program is aligned with compensation realized by named executive officers and performance delivered to stockholders. In addition, these long-term incentive grants were intended to be competitive with those of our compensation peer group. The Committee does not consider the amount of outstanding performance shares, stock options, and restricted stock currently held by a named executive officer when making annual awards of performance shares and stock options because such amounts represent compensation attributable to prior years.

The following provides details on the types of long-term incentives awarded to our named executive officers:

Performance Shares. Performance shares are grants of restricted stock units that vest after a three-year performance period only if the Company meets predetermined financial performance goals. We believe that performance shares align the interests of our named executive officers with the interests of our stockholders because the number of shares earned and the shares’ potential value are both tied to the achievement of the Company’s long-term financial goals. In selecting the performance goals for the performance shares, the Committee considers whether the goals are appropriately aligned with those in the EIC Plan so that the overall compensation design does not unintentionally encourage participants to take unnecessary or excessive risk or actions that are inconsistent with the Company’s short- and long-term strategic and financial objectives.

The performance share payout is subject to the Company’s achievement of a threshold cumulative operating profit target at the end of the performance period. If the threshold cumulative operating profit is not attained, the entire award opportunity is forfeited. If the threshold operating profit target is attained, the actual payout is a percentage of the target award opportunity, which is based on a cumulative economic profit (“cumulative EP”) target. The percentage range for payouts is from 0%, in the event the minimum required financial goals are not met, to a maximum of 150% of the target number of shares, with a payout of 50% of the target number of shares when the minimum cumulative EP target and the threshold cumulative operating profit target are attained.

For grants made in fiscal years 2009 through 2012, the Committee established an objective measure of cumulative operating profit at the beginning of the performance period to determine the performance level that would allow for the maximum possible award payout of 150% of the target number of shares granted. The Committee also determined specific goals for the performance period based on cumulative EP.

For the fiscal year 2012 grant, the Committee set the financial targets for the performance period from July 2011 through June 2014. The cumulative operating profit threshold target was set at $2,817 million. The cumulative EP target, which is a specified percentage of growth, was set so that the target payout of 100% would require EP growth of approximately 3% per year during the performance period. The Committee believes this metric directly supports the Company’s corporate strategy and long-term financial goals and correlates to stock price performance.

In August 2011, the Committee certified the results of the fiscal year 2009 grant. The financial targets for this grant were based on cumulative operating profit of $2,346 million and a cumulative EP goal over the three-year performance period of $1,168 million. The cumulative operating profit result of $2,808 million exceeded the threshold target, and the Committee approved a payout level of 140% based on cumulative EP results of $1,209 million. Information regarding the vesting of these performance shares is shown in the Option Exercises and Stock Vested table.

In August 2012, the Committee certified the results of the fiscal year 2010 grant. The financial targets for this grant were based on cumulative operating profit of $2,935 million and a cumulative EP goal over the three-year performance period of $1,282 million. The cumulative operating profit result of $2,942 million exceeded the threshold target and the Committee approved a payout level of 66% based on cumulative EP results of $1,235 million. Because this grant vested prior to the date of the proxy statement filing, specific information regarding the vesting of these performance shares can be found in the Outstanding Equity Awards table and will also be included in next year’s proxy statement.


Stock Options. We believe stock options align the interests of the named executive officers with those of stockholders because the stock options only have value if the price of the Company’s stock increases after the stock options are granted. Stock options vest in 25% increments over a four-year period (beginning one year from the date of grant) and expire ten years from the date of grant. In fiscal year 2012, the Committee awarded stock options to our named executive officers as part of our annual long-term incentive plan. The exercise price for these stock options was equal to the closing price of our stock on the date of grant. Information on all stock option grants is shown in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.

Retirement Plans. The named executive officers participate in the same tax-qualified retirement benefit programs available to all other United States-based salaried and non-union hourly employees. The Company’s retirement plans are designed to provide replacement income upon retirement and to be competitive with programs offered by our peers. We balance the effectiveness of these plans as a compensation and retention tool with the cost of providing them. The Company had traditionally provided these retirement benefits under The Clorox Company Pension Plan (the “Pension Plan”) and The Clorox Company 401(k) Plan (the “401(k) Plan”), which historically included a profit sharing provision known as “Value Sharing.” Effective July 1, 2011, the defined benefit cash balance Pension Plan was frozen and the 401(k) Plan Value Sharing provision was eliminated. The Company now provides its qualified retirement benefits through an annual fixed Company contribution and a Company match into the 401(k) Plan.

In addition, because the IRC limits the amount of benefits that can be contributed to and paid from a tax-qualified retirement plan, the Company also provides our executive officers, including our named executive officers, with additional retirement benefits intended to restore amounts that would otherwise be payable under the Company’s tax-qualified retirement plans if the IRC did not have limits on includable compensation and maximum benefits. We call these plans “restoration plans” because they restore executive benefits to the same percentage level provided to our salaried employees who are not limited by IRC restrictions. Benefits under the restoration plans, which have historically included the cash balance restoration and the Value Sharing restoration benefits, were maintained under our Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan (the “NQDC”) and are unfunded, unsecured obligations of the Company through fiscal year 2012. In fiscal year 2013, amounts equivalent to participant deferrals and Company contributions made beginning January 1, 2012 will be set aside in a Rabbi Trust.

The Company also offers the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the “SERP”) to our executive officers, including our named executive officers. The SERP was frozen with an effective date of June 30, 2011, as discussed in further detail below. In the case of Mr. Knauss only, a replacement SERP was put in place when Mr. Knauss became the CEO to compensate for his loss of retirement benefits at his prior employer (“replacement SERP”).

A brief description of each of our retirement programs and a summary of the changes we adopted in fiscal year 2012 are set forth below. Each of our named executive officers participates in these retirement programs except our CEO who does not participate in the Executive Retirement Plan.

The Clorox Company Pension Plan. Our Pension Plan, a cash balance Pension Plan, historically provided eligible employees a competitive level of retirement benefits based on each employee’s base salary and annual incentives. Effective July 1, 2011, we froze the Pension Plan and, instead, are making Company contributions to our 401(k) Plan (see The Clorox Company 401(k) Plan section for details regarding replacement contributions). This change was made to provide employees with the greatest opportunity for long-term return on investment and income replacement in retirement. This change did not affect the benefits already accrued under the Pension Plan, which remains fully funded. Further details on the provisions of the Pension Plan are described in the Overview of Pension Benefits section and the footnotes to the Pension Benefits Table below.

The Clorox Company 401(k) Plan. Beginning July 1, 2011, the Company started making an annual fixed contribution of 6% of eligible pay and a matching contribution of up to 4% of eligible pay to our 401(k) Plan, and we eliminated the 401(k) Plan’s profit sharing provision. Due to the transition from our prior retirement plans to the new 401(k) Plan, we provided all eligible employees a 401(k) Plan contribution of 10% of their eligible pay for the pay periods from July 2011 through December 2011, regardless of whether employees contributed to the 401(k) Plan during this time. Beginning January 1, 2012, employees were required to contribute at least 4% of pay in order to receive the full 4% Company match.

Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan. We offer our NQDC to help our named executive officers as well as other senior-level employees save for retirement and to be competitive with general market practice. Under the NQDC, our named executive officers may voluntarily defer the receipt of salary and annual incentive awards in amounts up to 50% of base salary and 100% of annual


incentive awards. In fiscal year 2012, deferred amounts could be invested in accounts that mirrored the funds available in the 401(k) Plan, except for the capital preservation fund, which differs from that in the 401(k) Plan. Historically, the NQDC permitted the Company to contribute amounts that exceeded the IRC compensation limits in the tax-qualified plans through the cash balance and Value Sharing restoration provisions. However, effective July 1, 2011, such restoration provisions under the NQDC were aligned to the new 401(k) Plan Company contribution provision. Further details about the historic restoration provisions are provided in the Overview of the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans section below.

Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. The SERP was closed to new participants effective April 2007 and, effective June 30, 2011, was frozen with regard to pay and offsets, while still allowing age and service credits to continue to accrue. Benefits under the SERP have historically been determined based on age and years of service and are offset by the annuity value of Company contributions to the tax-qualified retirement plans and by Social Security. The benefit formula under this plan is described under the Overview of Pension Benefits section. We believe the SERP has historically been a strong retention tool because participants were not eligible for a full benefit if they left the Company prior to reaching age 65 with at least 15 years of service. Participants attaining age 55 with at least ten years of service are eligible to receive a benefit that is actuarially reduced from that available upon retirement at age 65. Effective July 1, 2011, the SERP, which was a defined benefit plan, was replaced by the new Executive Retirement Plan (“ERP”), which is a defined contribution plan and is described below. Making the change from the SERP to the ERP created a defined contribution structure that is more closely aligned with general market practice and provides executives with benefits that are more in line with what is provided by the Company’s compensation peer group.

Executive Retirement Plan. The ERP became effective on July 1, 2011 and our executive officers (including the named executive officers other than Mr. Knauss) are participants in the plan. Under the ERP, we make an annual contribution of 5% of an eligible participant’s base salary plus annual incentive into the plan. Our named executive officers who are eligible participants under the SERP also receive annual “step-down” transition contributions into the ERP over a five-year period (9% in the first year to 5% in the fifth year).

Replacement Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. Pursuant to his employment agreement, and to compensate for the loss of retirement benefits at his prior employer when he became our CEO, Mr. Knauss participates in a replacement SERP. The replacement SERP provides retirement benefits that are equal to the greater of the amount calculated under the Company SERP frozen effective June 30, 2011, described above, or the benefits to which he would have been entitled if he had stayed at his previous employer, The Coca-Cola Company. Mr. Knauss is fully vested in the replacement SERP, and he is the sole participant in the plan.

Further details about the provisions of the SERP, the ERP, and Mr. Knauss’ replacement SERP are described in the Overview of Pension Benefits and the Overview of the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans sections below.

Post-Termination Compensation. The Company has a Severance Plan that provides the named executive officers (other than the CEO) with post-termination payments in the event such named executive officers’ employment is terminated by the Company other than for cause. Among other things, these payments help mitigate economic hardship associated with unexpected termination. These severance benefits are designed to be competitive with our compensation peer group and external market practice. The Company also has entered into an employment agreement with the CEO in May 2010, which provides for severance benefits under similar conditions. See Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control for additional information.

The Company also provides an Executive Change in Control Severance Plan (the “CIC Plan”) to provide for the payment of severance benefits to certain eligible executives of the Company, including all of the Company’s named executive officers other than the CEO, in the event their employment with the Company terminates involuntarily in connection with a change in control of the Company. The Company also has entered into a change in control agreement with Mr. Knauss to provide change in control severance benefits. These payments help mitigate economic hardship associated with termination after a change in control, thereby encouraging the executives to consider potential transactions based on an independent, objective viewpoint and also supporting our attraction and retention objectives. Under the CIC Plan and change in control agreement for Mr. Knauss only, the named executive officer is eligible for change in control severance benefits in the event that he or she is terminated in connection with a change in control either without cause or for good reason. See the Potential Payments upon Termination or Change in Control section for additional information on the Severance Plan, the CEO’s employment agreement, the CIC Plan, and Mr. Knauss’ change in control agreement.


Perquisites. We provide our named executive officers with other benefits we believe are competitive with our compensation peer group and consistent with the Company’s overall executive compensation program. These benefits are reflected in the All Other Compensation column in the Summary Compensation Table. We believe these benefits allow our named executive officers to work more efficiently and, in the case of the financial planning program, help them optimize the value received from our compensation and benefits programs. These perquisites consist of a Company automobile or car allowance, paid parking at the Company’s headquarters, an annual executive physical exam, reimbursement for health club membership and financial planning services. The value of perquisites provided to our named executive officers is shown in a separate table in a footnote to the All Other Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table.

Our Executive Compensation Policies

Stock Award Granting Practices. The Company awards annual long-term incentive grants each September at a regularly scheduled Committee meeting, which typically occurs during the third week of the month, or about six weeks after the Company has publicly reported its annual earnings. The meeting date is the effective grant date for the awards, and the exercise/grant price is equal to the closing price of the Common Stock on that date.

The Committee may also make occasional grants of stock options and other equity-based awards at other times to recognize, retain or recruit executive officers. These grants are approved by the Committee on or before the grant date, which is determined based on the timing of the triggering event. The exercise/grant price is the closing price of the Common Stock on the effective date of the grant. The Committee must approve all equity grants to executive officers of the Company, including named executive officers.

All long-term incentive grants are made pursuant to the terms set forth in The Clorox Company 2005 Stock Incentive Plan, which was reapproved by our stockholders at the 2010 Annual Meeting.

Executive Stock Ownership Guidelines. To preserve the linkage between the interests of executive officers of the Company and our stockholders, all executive officers, including the named executive officers, are expected to establish and maintain a significant level of direct stock ownership. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, such as by retaining stock received upon the exercise of stock options or the vesting of stock awards or by purchasing stock in the open market. At a minimum, executive officers are expected to establish and maintain direct ownership of Common Stock having a value equal to a required multiple of each executive officer’s annual base salary. The current stock ownership level guidelines are as follows:

Chief Executive Officer 6x annual base salary
All Other Executive Officers 3x annual base salary
Other Senior Executives 2x annual base salary

As of the date of this proxy statement, all of the named executive officers meet the required ownership levels with the exception of Mr. Robb due to his promotion to CFO in fiscal 2012.

Retention Ratios. Executive officers, including the named executive officers, are required to retain a certain percentage of shares obtained upon either the exercise of stock options or the release of restrictions on full-value equity awards, after satisfying applicable taxes. The CEO is expected to retain 75% of shares acquired (after taxes) until the minimum ownership level is met. After attaining the minimum ownership level, the CEO must retain 50% of any additional shares acquired (after taxes) until retirement or termination. Other named executive officers must retain 75% of shares acquired (after taxes) until the minimum required ownership levels are met and thereafter must retain 25% of shares acquired (after taxes) for one year after receipt.

Ownership levels are based on shares of Common Stock owned by the named executive officer or held pursuant to the Company plans, including performance shares that have vested and been deferred for settlement. Stock options and shares that have not vested due to time or performance restrictions are excluded from the ownership levels. Named executive officers achieve ownership levels over time through the ongoing required retention ratios associated with the exercise of stock options and vesting of full-value shares or by purchasing stock in the open market.

Securities Trading Policy. To further align the interests of our executive officers, including our named executive officers, with the interests of our stockholders, the Company’s Insider Trading Policy does not permit executive officers to engage in short-term or speculative transactions or derivative transactions involving the Company’s stock, including options trading or hedging. Trading


is permitted only during announced trading periods or in accordance with a previously established trading plan that meets SEC requirements. At all times, including during announced trading periods, executive officers are required to receive preclearance from the Company’s General Counsel prior to entering into any transactions in Company securities, unless those sales occur in accordance with a previously established trading plan that meets SEC requirements.

Clawback Provisions. Our executive compensation incentive programs include clawback provisions that allow the Company to recoup proceeds received by named executive officers under certain conditions. Under our EIC Plan, in the event of a restatement of financial results to correct a material error, the Committee is authorized to reduce or recoup an executive officer’s award, as applicable, to the extent that the Committee determines such executive officer’s fraud or intentional misconduct was a significant contributing factor to the need for a restatement.

Tax Deductibility Limits on Executive Compensation. Section 162(m) limits the tax deductibility of compensation paid to our CEO and the three other most highly compensated named executive officers employed at the end of the year (other than our CFO) to $1 million per year, unless such amounts are determined to be performance-based compensation. Our policy with respect to Section 162(m) seeks to balance the interests of the Company in maintaining flexible incentive plans against the possible loss of a tax deduction when taxable compensation for any of the executive officers subject to Section 162(m) exceeds $1 million per year. The EIC Plan and long-term incentive plan are designed to meet the requirements of Section 162(m) for performance-based compensation.

Compensation for Mr. Knauss – Chairman and CEO

The compensation of the Chairman and CEO, Mr. Knauss, is consistent with the executive compensation philosophy and program described above for the other named executive officers. Mr. Knauss’ target total compensation is designed to be competitive with the compensation of other CEOs in the compensation peer group, and his annual incentive and long-term incentive awards are linked to Company performance.

In September 2011, the Committee, with input from its independent compensation consultant, reviewed all elements of Mr. Knauss’ compensation including base salary, and annual incentive and long-term incentive award opportunities relative to that of the compensation peer group. In addition, the Board reviewed Mr. Knauss’ performance for fiscal year 2011 as described in How We Make Compensation Decisions above.

Based on the review of Mr. Knauss’ individual performance, overall Company performance and his compensation versus that of the compensation peer group, the Committee did not increase Mr. Knauss’ base salary. However, the Committee approved Mr. Knauss’ annual incentive target at 140% of base salary for fiscal year 2012, which is an increase of ten percentage points from the prior year. Both decisions were made in order to align Mr. Knauss’ target total compensation with the market, place more emphasis on variable compensation or at-risk pay, and further support our pay-for-performance philosophy. The Committee granted Mr. Knauss a long-term incentive award of 282,270 stock options and 38,400 performance shares with a total economic value at grant date of approximately $5,250,300. Each individual element of Mr. Knauss’ compensation was in line with the median of CEO compensation within the compensation peer group.

For fiscal year 2012, the Committee reviewed Mr. Knauss’ performance and determined that Mr. Knauss would receive an annual incentive payout of 170% of target, which reflects the impact of both the current year financial performance above target, and an assessment of his overall performance against both strategic and individual goals. In making this determination, the Committee and the Board recognized Mr. Knauss’ outstanding leadership and exceptional contributions to the outstanding growth and performance of the Company despite the challenging economic environment and activist investor pressures in the first half of the fiscal year.

Information about Mr. Knauss’ base salary and annual incentive and long-term incentive is described in more detail in the notes to the Summary Compensation Table.



As detailed in its charter, the Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Board oversees the Company’s executive compensation program and policies. As part of this function, the Committee discussed and reviewed with management the CD&A. Based on this review and discussion, we have recommended to the Board that the CD&A be included in the proxy statement.


George J. Harad, Chair
Richard H. Carmona
Tully M. Friedman
Robert W. Matschullat
Gary G. Michael



The following table sets forth the compensation earned, paid or awarded to our named executive officers for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010.

Name and Principal
Year Salary
($) (1)
($) (2)(3)
($) (2)
($) (4)
Change in
Pension Value
($) (5)
All Other
($) (6)
Donald R. Knauss 2012 $1,154,423 $2,625,408 $2,625,111 $2,740,220 $1,978,367    $334,860   $11,458,389
Chairman and Chief 2011 1,135,385 2,625,295 2,625,018 732,550 1,812,176 246,354   9,176,778
       Executive Officer 2010 1,075,000 2,500,108 2,500,005 1,967,250 1,623,151 201,851   9,867,365
Lawrence S. Peiros 2012 713,942 800,081 799,971 1,047,620 2,132,983 261,457   5,756,054
Executive Vice President 2011 672,508 799,754 800,007 389,150 208,366 125,746   2,995,531
       and Chief Operating Officer 2010 638,750 778,028 780,429 802,640 1,220,139 104,741   4,324,727
Frank A. Tataseo 2012 514,442 449,790 450,036 600,230 1,635,484 193,888   3,843,870
Executive Vice President – 2011 504,404 450,070 449,993 265,130 138,384 100,001   1,907,982
       Strategy & Growth, 2010 492,500 437,390 439,028 475,570 1,005,312 87,813   2,937,613
       Partnerships and Professional
       Products Division
Laura Stein 2012 532,252 380,277 380,030 580,340 1,858,718 203,021   3,934,638
Senior Vice President – 2011 519,836 380,266 380,024 255,050 214,647 100,315   1,850,138
       General Counsel
Stephen M. Robb 2012 396,361 187,413 437,511 401,100 849,638 116,665   2,388,688
Senior Vice President –
       Chief Financial Officer
Daniel J. Heinrich
(retired November 16, 2011) 2012 221,036 500,221 500,040 261,170 2,454,673 178,788   4,115,928
Executive Vice President – 2011 567,137 499,930 499,983 332,490 331,828 109,605   2,340,973
       Chief Financial Officer 2010 529,825 462,008 463,414 560,960 705,491 90,915   2,812,613
(1)        Reflects actual salary earned for fiscal years 2010, 2011 and 2012. Mr. Knauss’ annual base salary is $1,150,000; actual earnings were slightly higher due to the extra day in the pay cycle as a result of the leap year.
(2) The amounts reflected in these columns are the values determined under Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718, Compensation—Stock Compensation, for the awards granted in the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010, 2011 and 2012, in accordance with the applicable accounting standard. The assumptions made in valuing stock awards and option awards reported in these columns are discussed in Note 1, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies under subsection “Share-Based Compensation,and in Note 15, Share-Based Compensation Plans, to the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the three years in the period ended June 30, 2012, included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. The award granted to Mr. Heinrich for 2012 was forfeited due to his retirement. Additional information regarding the stock awards and option awards granted to our named executive officers during fiscal year 2012 is set forth in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.

(3)        The grant date fair value of the performance share awards reflected in this column is the target payout based on the probable outcome of the performance-based conditions, determined as of the grant date. The maximum potential payout of the stock awards would be 150% of the target shares awarded on the grant date. The maximum value of the performance share award for 2012 determined as of the date of grant would be as follows for each respective named executive officer: Mr. Knauss – $3,938,112; Mr. Peiros – $1,200,122; Mr. Tataseo – $674,685; Ms. Stein – $570,416; Mr. Robb – $281,120; and Mr. Heinrich – $750,332. The award granted to Mr. Heinrich for 2012 was forfeited due to his retirement. See the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table for more information about the performance shares granted under the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan.
(4) Reflects annual incentive awards earned for fiscal years 2010, 2011 and 2012 and paid out in September 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively, under the EIC Plan. Information about the EIC Plan is set forth in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis under Annual Incentives. Per the terms of the EIC Plan, Mr. Heinrich was considered retirement-eligible and thus received a pro-rata award for fiscal year 2012.
(5) The amounts reflect the aggregate increase in the present value of accumulated benefits during fiscal years 2010, 2011 and 2012 under the SERP, including Mr. Knauss’ replacement SERP, The Clorox Company Pension Plan and the cash balance restoration benefit of the NQDC (refer to the Pension Benefits Table for further information). Each plan amount in fiscal year 2012 is set forth in the following table:

Donald R.
Lawrence S.
Frank A.
Stephen M.
Daniel J.
  SERP (includes, for Mr. Knauss,                          
         the replacement SERP) $ 1,941,885 $ 2,120,802 $ 1,601,527 $ 1,841,524 $ 838,923 $ 2,443,390
  The Clorox Company Pension Plan 1,210 8,069 5,664 4,294 4,917 2,405
  Cash Balance Restoration Benefit 35,272 4,112 28,293 12,900 5,798 8,878
         Total $ 1,978,367 $ 2,132,983 $ 1,635,484 $ 1,858,718 $ 849,638 $ 2,454,673

(6)        The amounts shown in the column represent (i) actual Company contributions under the Company’s 401(k) Plan, (ii) non- qualified contributions under the NQDC and Executive Retirement Plans, other than the cash balance restoration benefit, which is reflected in the change in pension value column (refer to the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation section for further information and (iii) perquisites available to named executive officers of the Company. Amounts are set forth in the following table:

Donald R.
Lawrence S.
Frank A.
Stephen M.
Daniel J.
  The Clorox Company 401(k) Plan   $ 31,863     $ 31,322     $ 31,172     $ 33,809     $ 31,944     $ 16,905  
  NQDC/ERP 264,038 194,896 126,265 129,132 60,518 145,705
  Company Provided Perquisites 38,959 35,239   36,451 40,080 24,203 16,178
         Total $ 334,860 $ 261,457 $ 193,888 $ 203,021 $ 116,665 $ 178,788

             The following table sets forth the perquisites we make available to our named executive officers and the cost to the Company for providing these perquisites during fiscal year 2012. Other Perquisites consists of paid parking at the Company’s headquarters, health club reimbursement and an annual executive physical. The amount included under Non-Business Use of Company Aircraft represents the incremental cost to the Company of Mr. Knauss’ non-business use of the Company aircraft for a stopover during a business flight in fiscal year 2012. The incremental cost is determined on a per-flight basis and consists of the variable costs incurred as a result of the flight activity.

Donald R.
Lawrence S.
Frank A.
Stephen M.
Daniel J.
  Executive Automobile Program   $ 13,200     $ 13,200     $ 13,200     $ 13,200     $ 13,200     $ 5,500  
  Basic Financial Planning   14,717 15,148 17,149 20,780 5,464 7,679
  Non-Business Use of Company Aircraft 3,153
  Other Perquisites 7,889 6,891 6,102 6,100 5,539 2,999
         Total $ 38,959 $ 35,239 $ 36,451 $ 40,080 $ 24,203 $ 16,178



This table shows grants of plan-based awards to the named executive officers during fiscal year 2012.

Estimated Possible Payouts Under
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards
Estimated Future Share Payouts
Under Equity Incentive Plan
All Other
Number of
Shares of
Stock or
All Other
Number of
Exercise or
Base Price
of Option
Grant Date
Fair Value
of Stock
and Option
Donald R. Knauss  
Annual Incentive (1)  $—   $1,610,000  $7,910,000  
Performance Shares (2) 9/14/2011     19,200 38,400 57,600 $2,625,408
Stock Options (3) 9/14/2011   282,270 $68.37 2,625,111
Lawrence S. Peiros
Annual Incentive (1) 643,500  4,746,000
Performance Shares (2) 9/13/2011   5,870 11,740 17,610 800,081
Stock Options (3) 9/13/2011   86,390   68.15 799,971
Frank A. Tataseo
Annual Incentive (1) 386,250  4,746,000
Performance Shares (2) 9/13/2011   3,300   6,600   9.900 449,790
Stock Options (3) 9/13/2011   48,600   68.15 450,036
Laura Stein
Annual Incentive (1) 373,450  4,746,000
Performance Shares (2) 9/13/2011   2,790   5,580   8,370 380,277
Stock Options (3) 9/13/2011   41,040   68.15 380,030
Stephen M. Robb
Annual Incentive (1) 258,110  4,746,000
Performance Shares (2) 9/13/2011   1,375   2,750   4,125 187,413
Stock Options (3) 9/13/2011   20,250   68.15 187,515
Stock Options (3) 11/17/2011   32,467   64.96 249,996
Daniel J. Heinrich (4)
(retired November 16, 2011)  
Annual Incentive (1) 165,777  4,746,000
Performance Shares (2) 9/13/2011 3,670 7,340 11,010 500,221
Stock Options (3) 9/13/2011   54,000   68.15 500,040

(1)        Represents estimated possible payouts for annual incentive awards for fiscal year 2012 under the EIC Plan for each of our named executive officers. The EIC Plan is an annual cash incentive opportunity and therefore awards are earned in the year of grant. The target amounts represent the potential payout if both Company and individual performance are at target levels. The maximum amount represents the stockholder-approved maximum payout in the EIC Plan of 1.0% of Company earnings for the CEO and .6% of Company earnings for all other named executive officers. The EIC Plan is designed to meet the requirements of IRC Section 162(m), and the maximum column reflects maximum awards possible under the EIC Plan. The Committee historically has paid annual incentive awards that are substantially lower than the maximum EIC Plan payouts. See the Summary Compensation Table for the actual payout amounts in fiscal year 2012 under the EIC Plan. See Compensation Discussion and Analysis – Annual Incentives for additional information about the EIC Plan.
(2) Represents possible future payouts of Common Stock underlying performance shares awarded in fiscal year 2012 to each of our named executive officers as part of their participation in the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. These awards will vest upon the achievement of performance measures based on cumulative operating profit and cumulative economic profit growth over a three-year period, with the threshold, target and maximum awards equal to 50%, 100% and 150%, respectively, of the number of performance shares granted. If the minimum financial goals are not met at the end of the three-year period, no awards will be paid out under the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. See Compensation Discussion and Analysis – Long-Term Incentives for additional information.


(3)         Represents stock options awarded to each of our named executive officers under the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. All stock options vest in equal installments on the first, second, third and fourth anniversaries of the grant date. Mr. Robb was awarded a one-time off-cycle stock option grant when he was promoted to Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer effective November 17, 2011.
(4)   The option and equity awards granted to Mr. Heinrich for fiscal year 2012 were forfeited due to his retirement.


The following equity awards granted to our named executive officers were outstanding as of the end of fiscal year 2012.

Option Awards Stock Awards

Number of
Options -

Number of
Options -

Plan Awards:
Number of



of Shares
or Units of
Stock That
Have Not

Value of
Shares or
Units of
Stock That
Have Not

Plan Awards:
Number of
Shares, Units
or Other
Rights That
Have Not

Plan Awards:
Market or
Payout Value
of Unearned
Shares, Units
or Other
Rights That
Have Not
($) (1)
  Donald R. Knauss                                    
Stock Options (2) 275,000 $ 63.21 10/2/2016
185,000 61.16 9/18/2017
170,782 56,928  (3) 63.95 9/16/2018
149,165 149,165  (4) 57.25 9/15/2019
77,847 233,543  (5) 66.48 9/14/2020
282,270  (6) 68.37 9/14/2021
Performance Shares (2) 28,822  (7) $ 2,088,442
39,490  (8) 2,861,445
38,400  (9) 2,782,464
Lawrence S. Peiros
Stock Options (2) 45,000 53.88 9/15/2014
32,200 57.00 9/21/2015  
34,100 61.51 9/19/2016
20,000 63.89 1/5/2017
53,400 61.16 9/18/2017
53,932 17,978  (3) 63.95 9/16/2018
46,565 46,565  (4) 57.25 9/15/2019
23,725 71,175  (5) 66.48 9/14/2020
86,390  (6) 68.15 9/13/2021
Performance Shares (2) 8,969  (7) 649,894
12,030  (8) 871,694
  11,740  (9) 850,680
Frank A. Tataseo
Stock Options (2) 35,200 53.88 9/15/2014
29,000 57.00 9/21/2015  
31,700 61.51 9/19/2016
41,100 61.16 9/18/2017
35,955 11,985  (3)   63.95 9/16/2018
26,195 26,195  (4) 57.25 9/15/2019
13,345 40,035  (5) 66.48 9/14/2020
48,600  (6) 68.15 9/13/2021
Performance Shares (2) 5,042  (7) 365,343
6,770  (8) 490,554
6,600  (9) 478,236


Option Awards Stock Awards

Number of
Options -

Number of
Options -

Plan Awards:
Number of



of Shares
or Units of
Stock That
Have Not

Value of
Shares or
Units of
Stock That
Have Not

Plan Awards:
Number of
Shares, Units
or Other
Rights That
Have Not

Plan Awards:
Market or
Payout Value
of Unearned
Shares, Units
or Other
Rights That
Have Not
($) (1)
Laura Stein                                          
Stock Options (2) 30,000 58.55 1/18/2015
24,200 57.00 9/21/2015
25,400 61.51 9/19/2016
32,900 61.16 9/18/2017  
  28,762 9,588  (3) 63.95 9/16/2018
22,120 22,120  (4) 57.25 9/15/2019
11,270 33,810  (5) 66.48 9/14/2020
41,040  (6) 68.15 9/13/2021
Performance Shares (2) 4,257  (7) 308,462
5,720  (8) 414,471
5,580  (9) 404,327
Stephen M. Robb
Stock Options (2) 11,000 53.88 9/15/2014
9,700 57.00 9/21/2015
11,400 61.51 9/19/2016
15,400 61.16 9/18/2017
13,485 4,495  (3) 63.95 9/16/2018
10,915 10,915  (4) 57.25 9/15/2019
5,560 16,680  (5) 66.48 9/14/2020
20,250  (6) 68.15 9/13/2021
32,467  (10) 64.96 11/17/2021
Performance Shares (2)   2,098  (7) 152,021
2,820  (8) 204,337
2,750  (9) 199,265
Daniel J. Heinrich (11)
       (retired November 16, 2011)
Stock Options (2) 10,275 61.16 9/18/2017
23,970 63.95 9/16/2018
18,025 57.25 9/15/2019    
59,310 66.48 9/14/2020
Performance Shares (2) 4,290  (7) 310,853
3,551  (8) 257,305

(1)        Represents unvested “target” number of performance shares under the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan multiplied by the closing price of our Common Stock on June 29, 2012, except as noted below in footnote (7). The ultimate value will depend on whether performance criteria are met and the value of our Common Stock on the actual vesting date.
(2)   Grants were made under the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan.
(3)   Represents unvested portion of stock options that vest in four equal installments beginning one year from the grant date of September 16, 2008.
(4)   Represents unvested portion of stock options that vest in four equal installments beginning one year from the grant date of September 15, 2009.
(5)   Represents unvested portion of stock options that vest in four equal installments beginning one year from the grant date of September 14, 2010.


(6)        Represents unvested portion of stock options that vest in four equal installments beginning one year from the grant date of September 14, 2011 for Mr. Knauss and September 13, 2011 for all other named executive officers.
(7)   Represents the actual number of performance shares that were paid out under our 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. The grants from the plan have a three-year performance period (fiscal years 2010 – 2012). Performance is based on achievement of cumulative operating profit growth and cumulative economic profit growth. After completion of the 2012 fiscal year the Committee determined whether the performance measures had been achieved and based on the results, on August 16, 2012, the Committee approved the payout of this award at 66% of target. These amounts do not include dividend equivalents to be paid on the performance shares settled. The award was settled on August 20, 2012.
(8)   Represents the “target” number of performance shares that could be earned under our 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. The grants from the plan have a three-year performance period (fiscal years 2011 – 2013). Performance is based on achievement of cumulative operating profit growth and cumulative economic profit growth. The Committee will determine whether the performance measures have been achieved after the completion of fiscal year 2013.
(9)   Represents the “target” number of performance shares that could be earned under our 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. The grants from the plan have a three-year performance period (fiscal years 2012 – 2014). Performance is based on achievement of cumulative operating profit growth and cumulative economic profit growth. The Committee will determine whether the performance measures have been achieved after the completion of fiscal year 2014.
(10)   Represents unvested one-time off-cycle stock option grant that was granted to Mr. Robb when he was promoted to Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer effective November 17, 2011.
(11)   The awards granted to Mr. Heinrich for fiscal year 2012 were forfeited due to his departure. The awards granted to Mr. Heinrich for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 were pro-rated due to his retirement.


This table shows stock options exercised and stock vested for the named executive officers during fiscal year 2012.

Option Awards Stock Awards
   Name     Number of Shares
Acquired on Exercise
      Value Realized on
      Number of Shares
Acquired on Vesting

Value Realized on
Vesting (2)

Donald R. Knauss     $     52,738  (4)    $ 3,638,395  (4)      
Lawrence S. Peiros 66,000  (3) 2,019,633 16,660  (4) 1,149,373  (4)
Frank A. Tataseo 45,000  (3) 1,130,231 11,102  (4) 765,927  (4)
Laura Stein 8,876  (4) 612,355  (4)
Stephen M. Robb 4,158  (4) 286,860  (4)
Daniel J. Heinrich (retired November 16, 2011) 99,520  (3) 917,416 11,102  (4) 765,927  (4)

(1)        The dollar value realized reflects the difference between the closing price of the Common Stock on the date of exercise and the stock option exercise price.
(2)   The dollar value realized reflects the market value of the vested shares based on the closing price of the Common Stock on the vesting date, unless otherwise noted.
(3)   Represents exercise of nonqualified stock options granted in previous years under the Company’s 2005 Stock Incentive Plan.
(4)   Stock awards listed represent the vesting of performance shares at 140% of target, granted through participation in the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. The grant from the plan had a three-year performance period (fiscal years 2009–2011). Performance is based on achievement of cumulative operating profit and economic profit growth. On August 11, 2011, the Committee approved the payout of this award at 140% of target, and the award was settled on August 16, 2011. The actual realized value of the vested shares was based upon the value of the Common Stock on the date the shares were settled unless settlement of the shares was deferred, in which case it was based on the closing price of the Common Stock of $72.46 on June 29, 2012.


Overview of Pension Benefits

Historically, pension benefits have been paid to the named executive officers under the following plans: (i) The Clorox Company Pension Plan, (ii) the cash balance restoration provision in the NQDC, (iii) the SERP, and (iv) in the case of Mr. Knauss, the replacement SERP, which was put in place to compensate for Mr. Knauss’ loss of retirement benefits at his prior employer when he became our CEO and is described in further detail below. Effective July 2011, the Pension Plan and the cash balance restoration provision under the NQDC were frozen. The SERP was frozen effective June 30, 2011, as described in the Retirement Plan section of the CD&A and in the narrative paragraphs below. The following table is an overview of the current terms and provisions of the frozen Pension Plan, cash balance restoration provision, and SERP, other than the replacement SERP.

Pension Plan Cash Balance Restoration
Provision in Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation Plan
Reason for Plan Along with our non-qualified plans, provide eligible employees a competitive level of retirement benefits based on pay. Provide eligible employees with a competitive level of retirement benefits based on pay, by restoring benefits limited by the IRC. Along with our non-qualified plans, provide eligible employees with retirement replacement income that is competitive with peers and supports long-term retention of key talent.


Salaried and hourly employees of the Company, including the named executive officers. The Pension Plan was frozen effective July 1, 2011.

Named executive officers and select group of senior employees. The restoration provision of the Pension Plan was eliminated effective July 1, 2011 when the Pension Plan was frozen.

Named executive officers and a select group of senior executives. Plan was closed to new participants in April 2007 and frozen with an effective date of June 30, 2011, with regard to pay and offsets, while still allowing age and service credits.

Retirement Eligibility

If hired prior to July 1, 2011, fully vested after three years of service. Employees hired July 1, 2011 or later are not eligible for the Pension Plan.

If hired prior to July 1, 2011, fully vested after three years of service. Employees hired July 1, 2011 or later are not eligible for the Cash Balance Restoration Provision.

For eligible employees in SERP prior to its closing in April 2007, maximum benefit is payable at age 65 with 15 years of service. Participants are eligible for a reduced early retirement benefit at age 55 with ten years of service. SERP-eligible employees terminating before reaching age 55 with ten years of service receive no benefits from the SERP.


Pension Plan Cash Balance Restoration
Provision in Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation Plan

Pension Formula

Quarterly credits based on an interest factor. Plan is frozen with regard to pay credits.

Prior to the freeze, annual credits of three percent of eligible compensation (base salary and annual incentive) that exceeded the IRC compensation limits.

In combination with other Company retirement plans (cash balance plan, Company contributions to the 401(k) Plan, including the Value Sharing provision, cash balance restoration of NQDC and Value Sharing restoration of NQDC) and Social Security, participants can receive maximum total benefits of approximately 55% of average compensation (defined as the average of the highest consecutive three years of base salary plus the average of the highest three years of EIC Plan awards). The maximum benefit is proportionately reduced for service between ten and 15 years at a rate of three percent per year.

Payment Form

A participant whose benefits vested at retirement or other termination of employment may elect a cash distribution or an alternate annuity form. The normal retirement benefit is an annuity payable upon attainment of age 65. A reduced retirement benefit annuity is payable at age 55 with at least ten years of vested service.

A participant whose benefits vested at retirement or other termination of employment may elect a lump sum distribution or annual installments up to ten years that will be paid out based on previously determined criteria.

Paid as a monthly annuity for the life of the participant. Plan also provides a disability and survivor’s benefit. Lump sum option is not available.

The Replacement Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. Pursuant to his employment agreement, Mr. Knauss participates in a replacement SERP that provides retirement benefits that are equal to the greater of the amount calculated under the Company SERP, described above, or the benefits to which he would have been entitled if he had stayed at his previous employer, The Coca-Cola Company. Mr. Knauss is fully vested in the replacement SERP, and he is the sole participant in the plan.

Eligible compensation for the replacement SERP is the average of five years of base salary prior to retirement plus the average of five years of EIC Plan awards received by Mr. Knauss prior to his retirement. All items in the above overview are included in the Change in Pension Value column of the Summary Compensation Table and the Pension Benefits Table.

Changes to the Retirement Plans in 2012. Effective July 1, 2011, the Company froze the Pension Plan and eliminated our profit sharing plan in the 401(k) Plan known as Value Sharing and, instead, the Company began making contributions in the form of (i) a fixed 6% annual employer contribution and (ii) an employer match of up to 4% of eligible pay, each into the Company’s 401(k) Plan. This change was made to provide employees with the greatest opportunity for long-term return on investment and income replacement in retirement. Due to the transition from our prior retirement plans to the new 401(k) Plan, all eligible employees received a 401(k) Plan contribution equal to 10% of their eligible pay for the pay periods from July 2011 through December 2011,


regardless of whether employees contributed to the 401(k) Plan during this time. Beginning January 1, 2012, employees were required to contribute at least 4% of pay in order to receive the full 10% Company contribution (6% fixed employer contribution and 4% employer match). The Pension Plan remains fully funded.

Our SERP was closed to new participants effective April 2007 and, effective June 30, 2011, was frozen with respect to pay and offsets, while still allowing age and service credits to continue to accrue. The SERP, which is a defined benefit plan, was replaced by a new Executive Retirement Plan (ERP), which is a defined contribution plan (please see the Overview of the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans section below for further details on the new ERP).


The following table sets forth each named executive officer’s pension benefits under the Company’s pension plans for fiscal year 2012. 

   Name         Plan Name         Number of Years of
Credited Service
(#) (1)
        Present Value of
Accumulated Benefit
($) (2)
        Payments During
Last Fiscal Year
Donald R. Knauss The Clorox Company Pension Plan 6 $ 32,234 $
Replacement SERP/SERP 6     6,732,714     
Cash Balance Restoration 6 315,237  
  Lawrence S. Peiros   The Clorox Company Pension Plan 32   214,923  
SERP 32   5,366,278  
Cash Balance Restoration   32 352,119
Frank A. Tataseo The Clorox Company Pension Plan 18   150,881
SERP   18 4,635,589
Cash Balance Restoration 18 276,369
Laura Stein The Clorox Company Pension Plan   15 114,380
  SERP 15 3,455,330  
Cash Balance Restoration 15   140,612  
Stephen M. Robb The Clorox Company Pension Plan 23 130,958
SERP 23 1,299,821
Cash Balance Restoration 23   67,001  
Daniel J. Heinrich The Clorox Company Pension Plan   11 79,213
(retired November 16, 2011) SERP 11 4,117,052 133,003
Cash Balance Restoration 11 201,641

(1)        Numbers of years of credited service is rounded to the nearest whole number.
(2)   Present value of the accumulated benefit was calculated using the following assumptions: Mortality Table: RP2000; Discount Rate: 3.80%; pay at June 30, 2011; age at June 30, 2012.

Overview of the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans

Executive Retirement Plan. The ERP became effective on July 1, 2011 and replaced the SERP, which was frozen effective June 30, 2011. Our executive officers (including each of our named executive officers other than Mr. Knauss) are eligible for participation in the ERP. The ERP provides that the Company will make an annual contribution of 5% of an eligible participant’s base salary plus annual incentive into the plan. For named executive officers who were age 55 or older as of July 1, 2011, Company contributions are fully vested in the ERP. For named executive officers who had not attained age 55 as of July 1, 2011, Company contributions will vest over a three-year period and will fully vest upon the participant’s attainment of age 62 with ten years of service (at which time they are considered retirement-eligible under the ERP). An eligible participant can elect distribution in a lump sum or up to 15 annual installments upon a qualifying payment event.

Our named executive officers who are eligible participants under the SERP (including each of the named executive officers other than Mr. Knauss) receive annual “step-down” transition contributions over a five-year period (9% in the first year to 5% in the fifth year).


Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan. In addition to historically providing the cash balance restoration benefits described in the Overview of Pension Benefits section above, the NQDC has historically provided benefits that supplement the Value Sharing provision of the 401(k) Plan and also permit the deferral of compensation. The Value Sharing provision was a Company profit-sharing plan under which, depending on financial performance measurements, the Company contributed 3% – 12% of the participant’s eligible compensation, including annual base salary and annual incentive, to the participant’s 401(k) Plan and, if applicable, to his or her NQDC account. Company contributions in amounts up to 7% of a named executive officer’s eligible compensation within the IRC compensation limits were tax qualified and were credited to the participant’s 401(k) account. The portion of eligible compensation up to 7% that exceeded the IRC compensation limits was credited to the NQDC Value Sharing restoration provision of the NQDC. In addition, any amount exceeding 7% of eligible compensation could be paid in cash or deferred under the Value Sharing restoration provision of the NQDC, depending upon the participant’s election. Company contributions under the Value Sharing provision were determined using the Company’s achievement of financial performance based on NCS and EP, the same metrics used to determine the financial payout for the annual incentive awards.

Effective July 1, 2011, both the cash balance and the Value Sharing restoration provisions under the NQDC were eliminated and replaced with the 401(k) restoration provision. All Company retirement contributions are now made in the form of (i) a fixed 6% employer annual contribution and (ii) an employer match up to 4% of pay into the 401(k) Plan, subject to the IRC compensation limits. Contributions on eligible compensation that exceed the IRC compensation limits are contributed into a participant’s NQDC account under the 401(k) restoration provision.

Under the NQDC, participants, including each of our named executive officers, may voluntarily defer the receipt of up to 50% of base salary and up to 100% of annual incentive awards. Participants under the NQDC may elect to receive benefits from the NQDC either in a lump sum or up to 15 annual payments upon a qualifying payment event. From July 1 through December 31, 2011, participants had the option of selecting two investment crediting rates under the NQDC – the 30-year Treasury Bond yield and/or an S&P 500 index. Beginning July 2011, participants were provided the option of selecting from a broader array of investment crediting rates that mirror the investment fund options available in the 401(k) Plan, except for the capital preservation fund which differs from that in the 401(k) Plan. The NQDC uses the same benefit formulas, the same types of compensation to determine benefits and the same vesting requirements as our tax-qualified retirement plans. The responsibility to pay benefits under the NQDC was an unfunded and unsecured obligation of the Company through fiscal year 2012.

The following table provides information regarding the accounts of the named executive officers under the NQDC and ERP plans in fiscal year 2012.

Name     Executive
in Last FY
($) (1)

in Last FY
($) (2)

in Last FY-ERP
($) (2)

Aggregate Earnings
in Last FY (incl ERP)
($) (3)

    Aggregate Balance
at Last FYE
($) (4) (5)
   Donald R. Knauss    $ 161,000       $ 264,038          $ 135,595           $ 3,290,081    
Lawrence S. Peiros 623,750 125,638 69,258 (84,124 ) 5,593,590
Frank A. Tataseo 269,011 77,723 48,542 184,297 2,964,710
Laura Stein 8,003 80,683 48,449 33,149 1,041,195
  Stephen M. Robb 4,250 36,790 23,728 12,382 589,324
Daniel J. Heinrich (retired November 16, 2011) 82,866 62,839 822 535,961

(1)        For Messrs. Knauss, Peiros and Robb and Ms. Stein, the amount represents base salary and for Mr. Peiros the annual incentive award deferred during fiscal year 2012. Deferred base salary is also reported in the Summary Compensation Table – Salary. For Mr. Tataseo, the amount represents the annual incentive award deferred during fiscal year 2012. Deferred annual incentive awards are also reported in the Summary Compensation Table – Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation.
(2) Represents that portion of the Company’s final Value Sharing restoration contribution of up to 7% of eligible compensation, the Company’s 401(k) match and contribution of up to 10% of eligible compensation that is in excess  of IRC Compensation limits pursuant to the restoration provisions of the NQDC plan and the Company’s contribution under the Executive Retirement Plan. These contributions are also reported in the Summary Compensation Table – All Other Compensation and are included under the caption NQDC in footnote (6) to the Summary Compensation Table – All Other Compensation.


(3) From July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 earnings are based on an array of investment options that mirror the 401(k) (except for the capital preservation fund which differs from the 401(k)) as well as the 30-year Treasury Bond yield and the S&P 500 Index. After January 1, 2012 the 30-year Treasury Bond and S&P 500 Index option were eliminated. Earnings vary based on participant investment elections.
(4)        Reflects aggregate balances under the restoration provision of the NQDC plan, other than the cash balance restoration provision, the ERP plan and any deferred base salary and annual incentive awards as of the end of fiscal year 2012.
(5) The executive and registrant contribution total amounts in the table below are also reported as compensation in the Summary Compensation Table in the years indicated:

Fiscal Year Donald R.
Lawrence S.
Frank A.
Stephen M.
Daniel J.
2012   $425,038     $818,646     $395,276     $137,134     $64,768     $145,705  
2011   244,664     217,598     38,706     248,898           57,437  
2010    637,002     699,372     38,151                 41,617  


Payments upon Termination

Severance Plan for Named Executive Officers Other Than Mr. Knauss. Under the terms of the Severance Plan, our named executive officers are eligible to receive benefits in the event their employment is terminated by the Company without cause (other than in connection with a change in control). No benefits are payable under the terms of the Severance Plan if the Company terminates the named executive officer for cause or the named executive officer voluntarily resigns.

Regardless of the manner in which a named executive officer’s employment terminates, each named executive officer would retain the amounts that he or she has earned over the course of his or her employment prior to the termination event, such as the named executive officer’s balances under the NQDC, vested and accrued retirement benefits and previously vested stock options, except as outlined below under Termination for Cause. For further information about previously earned amounts, see the tables entitled Summary Compensation Table, Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End, Option Exercises and Stock Vested, Pension Benefits Table and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation.

Under the Severance Plan, each named executive officer agrees to return and not retain proprietary information received during his or her term of employment and thereafter and all information regarding the Company that he or she receives during the term of his or her employment and also agrees that he or she will not solicit for employment any employee of the Company for two years after his or her termination.

Termination benefits under the Severance Plan for our named executive officers other than Mr. Knauss are as follows:

Involuntary Termination Without Cause. If the Company terminates a named executive officer’s employment without cause, the Severance Plan entitles the named executive officer to receive a severance payment after the termination in the form of a lump sum payment. The severance amount under the Severance Plan is two times the named executive officer’s current base salary. Under the Severance Plan, the named executive officer is also entitled to an amount equal to 75% of his or her actual annual EIC award for the current fiscal year, pro-rated to the date of termination.

The Severance Plan provides that the named executive officer is entitled to continued participation in the Company’s medical and dental insurance programs for up to two years following termination on the same terms as active employees. In addition, at the end of this coverage, a named executive officer will be eligible to participate in the Company’s medical and/or dental plans offered to former employees who retire at age 55 or older, provided they have at least ten years of service, on the same terms as such other former employees. If eligible, this coverage will continue until the named executive officer is age 65. Thereafter, the named executive officer may participate in the Company’s general retiree health plan as it may exist in the future, if otherwise eligible. If the named executive officer will be age 55 or older and have at least ten years of service at the end of, and including, the two-year period following termination, the named executive officer will be deemed age 55 and/or with ten years of service under any pre-65 retiree health plan as well as the SERP.


The above severance-related benefits are provided only if the named executive officer executes a general release prepared by the Company.

Termination Due to Retirement. Under the Company’s policy, which is applicable to all employees, upon retirement the named executive officer is entitled to his or her salary through the last day of employment and a pro-rata portion of the EIC Plan award for the fiscal year in which his or her retirement occurs. Based on the provisions of the respective plans, he or she will also be eligible to receive SERP, ERP and other benefits under the Company’s various retirement plans. In addition to the amounts that the named executive officer has earned or accrued over the course of his or her employment under the Company’s qualified and nonqualified plans, named executive officers who are at least age 55 with ten years of service or who have 20 years of service regardless of age, are eligible to receive retirement-related benefits under the long-term incentive program. Stock options held greater than one year will vest in full and remain exercisable for five years following the named executive officer’s retirement, or until the expiration date, whichever is sooner, and performance shares will be paid out on a pro-rata basis at the end of the relevant performance period based on the actual level of performance achieved during that period.

Termination Due to Death or Disability. Under the Company’s policy, which is applicable to all employees, if the named executive officer’s employment is terminated due to his or her death, the named executive officer’s beneficiary or estate is entitled to (i) the named executive officer’s salary through the end of the month in which his or her death occurred, (ii) a pro-rata portion of the named executive officer’s target EIC Plan award for the fiscal year of his or her death and (iii) benefits pursuant to the Company’s life insurance plan. Stock options will vest in full and remain exercisable for an additional year following the named executive officer’s death and all performance shares will be paid out at the end of the relevant performance period based on the actual level of performance achieved during that period.

If the named executive officer begins to receive benefits under the Company’s long-term disability plan, the Company may terminate the named executive officer’s employment at any time, in which case the named executive officer will receive his or her salary through the date of his or her termination and will also be entitled to a pro-rata portion of the target EIC Plan award for the fiscal year of his or her termination. Stock options will vest in full and remain exercisable for an additional year following the named executive officer’s disability and all performance shares will be paid out at the end of the relevant performance period based on the actual level of performance achieved during that period.

Termination for Cause. The Company may terminate a named executive officer’s employment for cause at any time without notice. Upon the named executive officer’s termination for cause, the named executive officer is entitled to his or her salary through the date of his or her termination, but is not entitled to any EIC Plan award for the fiscal year in which his or her termination for cause occurs. Cause under the Severance Plan means: (i) the willful and continued neglect of significant duties or willful and continued violation of a material Company policy after having been warned in writing; (ii) a material act of dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation or other act of moral turpitude; (iii) gross negligence in the course of employment; (iv) the failure to obey a lawful direction of the Board or a corporate officer to whom he or she reports, directly or indirectly; and (v) an action that is inconsistent with the Company’s best interests and values. All outstanding stock option grants awarded since September 2005 are forfeited upon a termination for cause. In addition, any retirement-related benefits a named executive officer would normally receive related to performance shares are also forfeited upon a termination for cause.

Voluntary Termination. A named executive officer may resign from his or her employment at any time. Upon the named executive officer’s voluntary resignation, the named executive officer is entitled to his or her salary through the date of termination, but is not entitled to any EIC Plan award for the fiscal year of termination. All unvested outstanding stock option and performance share grants are forfeited upon voluntary termination.

The Company also maintains a Change in Control Severance Plan for the benefit of each of the named executive officers (other than Mr. Knauss). Please see the Potential Payments upon Termination or Change in Control section for further details on the Change in Control Severance Plan.

Mr. Knauss’ Employment Agreement. In May 2010, Mr. Knauss agreed to enter into a new employment agreement with the Company that reflects current market trends and practices and is generally aligned with the terms of the Severance Plan. Mr. Knauss’ agreement sets forth that his annual salary will be subject to periodic review in accordance with the Company’s regular administrative practices for named executive officers, as described in the CD&A. Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement also states that Mr. Knauss is eligible to participate in the replacement SERP, which is described in the Overview of Pension Benefits section above, and other compensation, incentive and benefit plans made available to the Company’s named executive officers.


Upon completion of seven years of service in October 2013, Mr. Knauss will be deemed to be retirement-eligible under all Company welfare benefit, equity and other incentive plans and programs applicable to the Company’s executive officers; provided, however, that such benefits will be offset by any comparable retiree benefits on a benefit-by-benefit and coverage-by-coverage basis received from his previous employer. Mr. Knauss participates in the Company SERP and will be eligible for an early retirement benefit upon completion of seven years of service. Mr. Knauss is also eligible for an additional retirement benefit through a replacement SERP, which is intended to duplicate the rights and benefits to which he would have been entitled under the supplemental executive retirement plan of his previous employer. However, the supplemental retirement benefit that Mr. Knauss will be eligible to receive upon retirement will be limited to the greater of the amount attributable to the Company SERP or the replacement SERP. For information regarding the Company SERP and the replacement SERP, see Overview of Pension Benefits.

The terms of Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement relating to termination by the Company without cause, due to retirement, due to death or disability, and for cause are similar to the terms of the Severance Plan for our other named executive officers, which are described above. Mr. Knauss’ termination benefits differ from the other named executive officers in the following ways:

Upon termination by the Company without cause, or by Mr. Knauss for good reason (each as defined in his employment agreement and described in further detail below), and provided that Mr. Knauss executes a general release, Mr. Knauss will receive severance-related benefits as follows:

“Good reason” is defined in Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement as the: (i) assignment of duties inconsistent with Mr. Knauss’ position or material diminution of his position, excluding appointment of a non-executive Chairman of the Board; (ii) the Company’s failure to provide compensation and benefits as provided in Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement; (iii) relocation of Mr. Knauss’ office that increases his commute by more than 50 miles; (iv) termination of his employment by the Company other than as expressly permitted by Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement; or (v) failure of the Company to obtain a successor company’s agreement to assume Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement. In addition, a failure by the Board to appoint Mr. Knauss to the Board will also constitute good reason. A failure by the stockholders to elect Mr. Knauss to the Board will not constitute good reason.

“Cause” is defined in Mr. Knauss’ employment agreement as: (i) the willful and continued neglect of significant duties or willful and continued violation of a material Company policy after having been warned in writing; (ii) a material act of dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation or other act of moral turpitude; (iii) gross negligence in the course of employment; or (iv) the failure to obey a lawful direction of the Board.

In addition to the employment agreement, the Company also entered into a revised change in control agreement with Mr. Knauss, on November 15, 2011, which is described below in Potential Payments upon Change in Control.


Potential Payments upon Change in Control

Change in Control Severance Plan for Named Executive Officers Other Than Mr. Knauss. Under the CIC Plan, executives are eligible for change in control severance benefits, subject to the execution of a waiver and release, in the event that he or she is terminated without cause or for good reason (each as defined under the CIC Plan and further described below) during (i) the two-year period following a change in control or (ii) a period up to one year prior to the change in control in limited circumstances where the executive’s termination is directly related to or in anticipation of a change in control.

The severance benefits under the CIC Plan include (a) a lump sum severance payment equal to two times the sum of the executive’s base salary and average annual EIC Plan award for the three years prior to termination, (b) a lump sum amount that would equal the difference between the actuarial equivalent of the benefit the named executive officer would have been entitled to receive if his or her employment had continued until the second anniversary of the date of termination and the actuarial equivalent of the aggregate benefits paid or payable as of the date of termination under the qualified and nonqualified retirement plans, (c) continuation of healthcare benefits for a maximum of two years following a severance-qualifying termination, (d) continued financial planning services for the year of termination, (e) vesting of all outstanding equity awards granted prior to the change in control, and (f) a pro-rata portion of the average annual EIC Plan award for the three years preceding termination. In addition, the CIC Plan provides for an excise tax cutback such that the excise tax under Sections 280G and 4999 of the IRC will not apply (unless the executive would receive a greater amount of severance benefits on an after-tax basis without a cutback, in which case the cutback will not apply).

The CIC Plan permits the Committee to make changes to the CIC Plan that are adverse to covered executives with 12 months advance notice. If a change in control of the Company occurs during that 12-month period, then such changes would not become effective. Participants under the CIC Plan are subject to certain restrictive covenants including confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions and a non-solicitation provision during the term of his or her employment and for two years thereafter.

“Cause” is generally defined as (i) willful and continued failure to substantially perform duties upon written demand or (ii) willfully engaging in illegal conduct or gross misconduct that is materially and demonstrably injurious to the Company. A termination for cause requires a vote of 75% of the Board at a meeting after notice to the executive has been given and the executive has had an opportunity to be heard.

“Good Reason” is generally defined as (i) an assignment of duties inconsistent with the executive officer’s position (including offices and reporting requirements), authority, duties or responsibilities (other than reassignments with a substantially similar level and scope of authority, duties, responsibilities and reporting relationship); (ii) any failure to substantially comply with any of the material provisions of compensation plans, programs, agreements or arrangements as in effect immediately prior to the change in control, which material provisions will consist of base salary, cash incentive compensation target bonus opportunity, equity compensation opportunity in the aggregate, savings and retirement benefits in the aggregate and welfare benefits (including medical, dental, life, disability and severance benefits) in the aggregate; (iii) relocation of principal place of employment that increases his or her commuting distance by more than 50 miles; (iv) termination of employment by the Company other than as expressly permitted by the CIC Plan; or (v) failure of a successor company to assume the CIC Plan.

Change in Control Agreement with Mr. Knauss. On November 15, 2011, the Committee approved a new change in control agreement for Mr. Knauss to better align with market practice and provide more consistency with the CIC Plan. The new agreement replaces the change in control agreement with Mr. Knauss that became effective on October 2, 2006, when Mr. Knauss began his employment as Chairman and CEO of the Company. Key changes from the prior change in control agreement include the elimination of the tax gross-up for tax liabilities in the event of a change in control and the elimination of the annual renewal provision in the prior agreement.

In the event that Mr. Knauss is terminated without cause or resigns for good reason (each as defined in his change in control agreement and further described below) within the three-year period following a change in control, he will be entitled to the following change in control severance benefits, subject to the execution of a general release and waiver:


“Good reason” is defined in Mr. Knauss’ change in control agreement as (i) a material diminution of position or an assignment of inconsistent duties, (ii) a decrease in or failure to provide compensation and benefits, (iii) a material change in work location, (iv) a termination of Mr. Knauss’ employment by the Company other than as expressly permitted by his agreement, (v) any material failure by the Company to have a successor corporation assume the agreement or (vi) a failure of the Board to nominate Mr. Knauss to the Board at any time. Failure by the stockholders to elect Mr. Knauss to the Board will not constitute good reason.

“Cause” is defined in Mr. Knauss’ change in control agreement as the (i) willful and continued failure to perform duties after receiving a written warning or (ii) willful engagement in illegal conduct or gross misconduct that is materially and demonstrably injurious to the Company.

In the event that any payments made in connection with a change in control would be subject to the “golden parachute” excise tax, the revised provision in Mr. Knauss’ change in control agreement provides for best after-tax result provision whereby Mr. Knauss would receive final payment based on the greater net after-tax result under the following scenarios: (i) Mr. Knauss receives full value of all benefit payments and pays excise tax (and all other taxes) on the benefit payments or (ii) the Company cuts back benefit payments (cash severance payment is reduced) to the safe harbor limit to avoid triggering excise tax on the benefit payments. Mr. Knauss and the Company pay all other income and employment statutory taxes in the same manner as regular taxable compensation.

In addition to the above benefits, under Mr. Knauss’ change in control agreement, if Mr. Knauss dies during the two-year protection period following a change in control or if Mr. Knauss’ employment is terminated due to disability during the two-year protection period following a change in control, all stock options granted to him under his employment agreement become fully vested and, in the case of the stock options, will remain exercisable for one year following the date of death or termination due to disability or, if earlier, until the expiration of the term of the option. Furthermore, upon a change in control, should the continuing entity not assume or replace the stock options awarded to Mr. Knauss under his employment agreement, such awards will become immediately vested upon the change in control.

Mr. Knauss is subject to the same restrictive covenants as set forth in the CIC Plan, described in detail above.

Estimated Potential Payments upon Termination or Change in Control

The following table reflects the estimated amount of compensation payable to each of the Company’s named executive officers (excluding Daniel J. Heinrich who was no longer an employee at the end of fiscal year 2012) upon termination of the named executive officer’s employment under different scenarios. The amounts exclude earned amounts such as vested or accrued benefits, other than benefits vested under the Company’s SERP or replacement SERP. If a named executive officer is eligible for his or her SERP benefit as of the assumed termination date, the respective SERP benefit amount reported under the Retirement column is also included in the scenarios for Involuntary Termination Without Cause and Termination After Change in Control on the Retirement Benefits line.


The amounts shown below are calculated using an assumed termination date effective as of the last business day of fiscal year 2012 (June 29, 2012) and the closing trading price of our Common Stock, upon which certain of the calculations are based, of 72.46 on such date. Although the calculations are intended to provide reasonable estimates of the potential compensation payable, they are based on assumptions outlined in the footnotes below and may not represent the actual amount the named executive officer would receive if an eligible termination event were to occur.

The table does not include compensation or benefits provided under plans or arrangements that are generally available to all salaried employees with the exception of disability and life insurance. Amounts reflected for change in control assume that each named executive officer is involuntarily terminated by the Company without cause or voluntarily terminates for good reason within two years after a change in control. For further details about the post-termination amounts shown in the table below, see the respective discussions above.


Name and Benefits Involuntary
Without Cause
(or Good Reason
for CEO Only)
After Change In
Retirement Disability Death
Donald R. Knauss                         
Cash Severance $ 5,902,320   (1) $ 8,762,853   (2) $  —   $  —   (3) $  —   (3)
Stock Options 5,304,321 (4) 5,304,321 (5) 5,304,321 (5)  
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares 6,398,808 (6) 9,308,542 (7) 9,308,542 (7)
Retirement Benefits 6,858,459 (8) 11,389,333 (9) 6,858,459 (8) 7,107,580 (10) 3,724,685 (11)
Health and Welfare Benefits (12) 11,692 (13)
Disability/Life Insurance (14) 1,486,928 1,150,000
Financial Planning (15) 16,500 16,500
Excise Tax Gross-Up (16)
Total Estimated Value   $ 12,777,279 $ 31,883,507 $ 6,858,459 $ 23,207,371 $ 19,487,548
Lawrence S. Peiros
Cash Severance $ 2,073,500 (17) $ 3,197,373 (18) $ (19) $ (3) $ (3)
Stock Options 1,752,317 (20) 2,699,378 (4) 1,752,317 (20) 1,659,210 (5) 1,659,210 (5)
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares 1,682,105 (21) 1,972,866 (6) 1,682,105 (21) 2,861,353 (7) 2,861,353 (7)
Retirement Benefits 7,059,637 (22) 7,059,637 (23) 7,059,637 (24) 5,366,278 (10) 3,522,550 (11)
Health and Welfare Benefits 25,152 (12) 31,706 (25)
Disability/Life Insurance (14) 766,162 715,000
Financial Planning (15) 16,500 16,500
Excise Tax Gross-Up (16)
Total Estimated Value   $ 12,609,211 $ 14,977,460 $ 10,494,059 $ 10,653,003 $ 8,758,113
Frank A. Tataseo  
Cash Severance $ 1,416,250 (17) $ 2,131,450 (18) $ (19) $ (3) $ (3)
Stock Options 1,008,999 (20) 1,541,783 (4) 1,008,999 (20) 949,294 (5) 949,294 (5)
Restricted Stock  
Performance Shares       946,000 (21)   1,109,460 (6) 946,000 (21) 1,609,128 (7) 1,609,128 (7)
Retirement Benefits   5,792,402 (22)   5,792,402 (23) 5,792,402 (24)   4,635,589 (10)   3,098,759 (11)
Health and Welfare Benefits   32,424 (12)   38,510 (25)      
Disability/Life Insurance (14)   436,300   515,000
Financial Planning (15) 16,500   16,500        
Excise Tax Gross-Up (16)    
Total Estimated Value   $ 9,212,575 $ 10,630,105 $ 7,747,401 $ 7,630,311 $ 6,172,181


Name and Benefits Involuntary
Without Cause
(or Good Reason
for CEO Only)
After Change In
Retirement Disability Death
Laura Stein                         
Cash Severance $ 1,347,088   (17) $ 2,173,077   (18) $   (19) $   (3) $   (3)
Stock Options 797,101 (4) 797,101 (5) 797,101 (5)
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares 937,079 (6) 1,359,430 (7) 1,359,430 (7)  
Retirement Benefits 3,455,330 (10) 1,976,809 (11)
Health and Welfare Benefits 20,892 (12) 26,917 (25)
Disability/Life Insurance (14) 542,456 533,500
Financial Planning (15) 16,500 16,500
Excise Tax Gross-Up (16)
Total Estimated Value   $ 1,384,480 $ 3,950,674 $ $ 6,154,317 $ 4,666,840
Stephen M. Robb
Cash Severance $ 1,147,500 (17) $ 1,491,220 (18) $ (19) $ (3) $ (3)
Stock Options 304,016 (20) 634,796 (4) 304,016 (20) 634,796 (5) 634,796 (5)
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares 393,862 (21) 461,970 (6) 393,862 (21) 670,144 (7) 670,144 (7)
Retirement Benefits 1,299,821 (10) 889,003 (11)
Health and Welfare Benefits   32,424 (12) 37,081 (25)    
Disability/Life Insurance (14)                           298,430   425,000
Financial Planning (15) 16,500     16,500        
Excise Tax Gross-Up (16)          
Total Estimated Value   $ 1,894,302 $ 2,641,567 $ 697,878 $ 2,903,191 $ 2,618,943

(1)       This amount represents two times Mr. Knauss’ current base salary of $1,150,000, plus two times 75% of his average annual EIC Plan awards for the preceding three years, plus 100% of his current year EIC Plan award target of $1,610,000, pro-rated to the date of termination.
(2) This amount represents three times Mr. Knauss’ current base salary, plus three times the average EIC Plan awards for the preceding three years, plus the average EIC Plan awards for the preceding three years, pro-rated to the date of termination.
(3) Named executive officers whose termination is the result of disability or death are eligible to receive a pro-rata EIC Plan award through the date of termination. However, all bonus-eligible employees active as of June 30, 2012 are eligible to receive an annual incentive award, so a pro-rata EIC Plan award would not be applicable since the assumed termination date is June 30, 2012.
(4) This amount represents the value of the accelerated vesting of all outstanding stock options, calculated as the difference between the closing price of our Common Stock on June 29, 2012 of $72.46 and the exercise price for each option.
(5) This amount represents the value of the accelerated vesting of outstanding stock options upon the named executive officer’s termination of employment due to disability or death, calculated as the difference between the closing price of our Common Stock on June 29, 2012 of $72.46 and the exercise price for each option.
(6) Performance shares will vest on a pro-rata basis after a change in control. This amount assumes a targeted payout and is valued at the closing price of our Common Stock on June 29, 2012 of $72.46.
(7) This amount represents the value of the accelerated vesting of performance shares upon a death or disability, assuming a target payout and valued at the closing price of our Common Stock on June 29, 2012 of $72.46. Upon a death or disability termination, the entire performance share grant will vest. The actual payout will not be determined until the end of the performance period.
(8) Mr. Knauss is vested in the replacement SERP. He is not eligible for any additional retirement benefits in the event of an involuntary termination or retirement above what he has already accrued. These benefits are described further in the discussions on Mr. Knauss’ Employment Agreement and Overview of Pension Benefits.


(9) This amount represents the difference between the actuarial equivalent of the benefit Mr. Knauss would have been eligible to receive if his employment had continued until the third anniversary of the date of termination, under the qualified and nonqualified retirement plans and the actuarial equivalent of Mr. Knauss’ actual aggregate benefits paid or payable, if any, as of the date of termination under the qualified and nonqualified retirement plans. Mr. Knauss’ amount also includes the value of the SERP benefit he would receive upon termination, as he is already vested in this benefit.
(10) This amount represents the present value of the SERP benefit payable to the named executive officer at the time of termination due to disability. For Mr. Knauss, this amount includes the present value accrued to date of the replacement SERP benefit under a termination due to disability.
(11) This amount represents the present value of the SERP benefit payable to the named executive officer’s beneficiary at the time of death. For Mr. Knauss, this amount represents the present value accrued to date of the replacement SERP benefit payable to his beneficiary.
(12) This amount represents the estimated Company cost of providing continuing medical and dental benefits for the two-year period following termination. Mr. Knauss currently has not elected to receive medical and dental coverage under the Company’s plans, so there is no Company cost related to this benefit for him.
(13) This amount represents the estimated Company cost of providing welfare benefits, including medical, dental, disability and life insurance, for the three-year period following a qualifying termination after a change in control. Mr. Knauss currently has not elected to receive medical and dental coverage under the Company’s plans, so there is no Company cost related to this portion of the benefit.
(14) These amounts represent benefits payable pursuant to the Company’s disability and life insurance plans. The disability benefit represents the same benefit level offered to other salaried employees. The death benefit represents the life insurance coverage elected by the named executive officer, and is also the same program that is offered to other salaried employees.
(15) This amount represents the cost of providing financial planning for the year of termination.
(16) This amount represents the gross-up payment to cover the IRC Section 4999 excise tax, if any, owed on any change in control-related severance payments and benefits. This provision is no longer applicable for the named executive officers.
(17) This amount reflects two times the named executive officer’s current base salary. In addition, for Messrs. Peiros, Tataseo, and Robb who are retirement-eligible, this amount includes 100% of their current year target EIC Plan award pro-rated to the date of termination. For Ms. Stein, this amount includes 75% of her current year EIC Plan award, pro-rated to the date of termination.
(18) This amount represents two times the named executive officer’s current base salary, plus two times the average EIC Plan awards for the preceding three years, plus the average EIC Plan awards for the preceding three years, pro-rated to the date of termination.
(19) Messrs. Peiros, Tataseo, and Robb are the only named executive officers who are retirement-eligible and thus are eligible for a pro-rata EIC Plan award upon retirement. However, all bonus-eligible employees active as of June 30, 2012 are eligible to receive an annual incentive award, so a pro-rata EIC Plan award would not be applicable as of this date since the assumed termination date is June 30, 2012.
(20) Messrs. Peiros, Tataseo, and Robb are retirement-eligible and, thus, all unvested stock options held greater than one year will automatically vest upon termination. This amount represents the value of the accelerated vesting of the stock options, calculated as the difference between the June 29, 2012 closing Common Stock price of $72.46 and the exercise price for each option.
(21) Messrs. Peiros, Tataseo, and Robb are retirement-eligible and, thus, are entitled to receive a pro-rata portion of all performance shares held at least one year at the date of termination. This value represents the pro-rata vesting of the eligible shares from the September 2009 and September 2010 grants, assuming a target payout and valued at the closing price of our Common Stock on June 29, 2012 of $72.46. The actual payout of the shares will not be determined until the end of the performance period. Named executive officers who are not retirement-eligible forfeit shares upon termination under these scenarios.
(22)       For Messrs. Peiros and Tataseo, this amount is the present value of the SERP benefit each would receive upon termination as they are already vested in this benefit.


(23) This amount represents the difference between the actuarial equivalent of the benefit the named executive officer would have been eligible to receive if his or her employment had continued until the second anniversary of the date of termination or the first day of the month following the named executive officer’s 65th birthday if earlier, under the qualified and nonqualified retirement plans and the actuarial equivalent of the named executive officer’s actual aggregate benefits paid or payable, if any, as of the date of termination under the qualified and nonqualified retirement plans. Messrs. Peiros’ and Tataseo’s amounts also include the value of the SERP benefit each would receive upon termination, as they are already vested in this benefit.
(24) As described above, for Messrs. Peiros and Tataseo this amount represents the value of vested benefits under the Company SERP per the provisions of the plan and would be payable upon retirement.
(25)       This amount represents the estimated Company cost of providing welfare benefits including medical, dental, disability and life insurance, for the two-year period following a qualifying termination after a change in control.


Only our non-employee directors receive compensation for their services as directors. The Company’s non-employee director compensation program is comprised of cash compensation and an annual grant of deferred stock units.

The following table sets forth information regarding compensation for each of the Company’s non-employee directors during fiscal year 2012:

Name Fees Earned
or Paid in Cash
($) (1)
($) (2)
($) (3)
  Daniel Boggan, Jr. 100,000 120,000 220,000
  Richard H. Carmona 90,000 120,000 210,000
  Tully M. Friedman 100,000 120,000 220,000
  George J. Harad 110,000 120,000 230,000
  Robert W. Matschullat 90,000 120,000 210,000
  Gary G. Michael 115,000 120,000 235,000
  Edward A. Mueller 110,000 120,000 230,000
  Pamela Thomas-Graham 90,000 120,000 210,000
  Carolyn M. Ticknor 90,000 120,000 210,000

(1) The amount reported in the “Fees Earned or Paid in Cash” column reflects the total annual cash retainer and other cash compensation earned by each director in fiscal year 2012 and includes amounts deferred into cash or deferred stock units and/or amounts issued in Common Stock in lieu of cash at the director’s election. The annual cash retainer is paid to each director in quarterly installments.
(2)       The amount reported reflects the grant-date fair value for financial statement reporting purposes of the annual grant of deferred stock units earned during fiscal year 2012. Awards are granted on an annual basis at the end of each calendar year. Refer to Note 15 to the Consolidated Financial Statements contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2012, for a discussion of the relevant assumptions used in calculating the grant-date fair value under applicable accounting guidance. As of June 30, 2012, the following directors had the indicated aggregate number of deferred stock units accumulated in their deferred accounts for all years of service as a director, which includes deferrals of cash compensation, annual awards of deferred stock units and additional deferred stock units credited as a result of dividend equivalents earned with respect to the deferred stock units: Mr. Boggan – 27,313 units; Dr. Carmona – 9,133 units; Mr. Friedman – 39,064 units; Mr. Harad – 21,702 units; Mr. Matschullat – 63,342 units; Mr. Michael – 14,045 units; Mr. Mueller – 17,059 units; Ms. Thomas-Graham – 12,705 units; and Ms. Ticknor – 18,574 units.
(3) No stock options were granted to directors in fiscal year 2012. The award of stock options as an element of director compensation was discontinued in October 2006. Prior to October 2006, each new non-employee director received a one-time grant of 8,000 options upon joining the Board, which award vested in two equal installments over a two-year period. The Company’s prior policy of making annual grants to non-employee directors of stock options that vested over a two-year period was discontinued in 2004. As of June 30, 2012, the following directors had vested options for the indicated aggregate number of shares: Mr. Boggan – 4,500 shares; Mr. Friedman – 6,000 shares; Mr. Harad – 8,000 shares; Mr. Matschullat – 6,000 shares; Ms. Thomas-Graham – 8,000 shares; and Ms. Ticknor – 8,000 shares.


Fees Earned or Paid in Cash

Cash compensation consists of annual cash retainer amounts and any special assignment fees. The following table lists the various retainers earned for board service and service as the lead director or a committee chair during fiscal year 2012:

Annual director retainer* $90,000
Lead director retainer       25,000
Committee chair retainers:
       Nominating and Governance Committee 10,000
       Finance Committee 10,000
       Audit Committee   20,000
       Management Development and Compensation Committee 20,000

*       The annual director retainer through September 30, 2012 was $90,000. The annual director retainer was increased to $95,000 effective October 1, 2012.

A director who serves as a Board member, lead director or committee chair for less than the full fiscal year receives a pro-rated retainer amount based on the number of days he or she served in such position during the fiscal year.

In addition to the retainer amounts, each non-employee director is entitled to receive a fee of $2,500 per day for any special assignment requested by the Board. No special assignment fees were paid in fiscal year 2012.

Under the Company’s Independent Directors’ Deferred Compensation Plan, a director may annually elect to receive all or a portion of his or her cash compensation in the form of cash, Common Stock, deferred cash or deferred stock units.

Payment in stock. Directors who elect to receive cash compensation amounts in the form of Common Stock are issued shares of Common Stock based on the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date on which the fees are scheduled to be paid.

Elective deferral program. For directors who elect deferred cash, the amount deferred is credited to an unfunded cash account that is credited with interest at an annual interest rate equal to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.’s prime lending rate in effect on January 1 of each year. Upon termination of service as a director, the amounts credited to the director’s deferred cash account are paid out in five annual cash installments or in one lump sum cash payment, at the director’s election. For directors who elect deferred stock units, the amount deferred is credited to an unfunded account in the form of units equivalent to the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date on which the fees are scheduled to be paid. When dividends are declared, additional deferred stock units are allocated to the director’s deferred stock unit account in amounts equivalent to the dollar amount of Common Stock dividends paid by the Company divided by the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date the dividends are paid. Upon termination of service as a director, the amounts credited to the deferred stock unit account, which include any elective deferrals and the annual deferred stock unit grants described below, are paid out in shares of Common Stock in five annual installments or in one lump sum, at the director’s election.

Stock Awards

In addition to the cash compensation amounts described above, each non-employee director also receives an annual grant of deferred stock units, the value of which was increased from $120,000 to $125,000 effective October 1, 2012. Awards are made as of the last business day in the calendar year and represent payment for services provided during such calendar year. The deferred stock unit award amount relating to fiscal year 2012 for each non-employee director was $120,000. Directors who serve as non-employee Board members for less than the full calendar year receive pro-rated awards based on the number of full fiscal quarters they served as non-employee Board members during the calendar year. As noted above, deferred stock units accrue dividend equivalents and a director’s deferred stock unit account is paid out in Common Stock following the director’s termination of service in the manner described above.


Stock Ownership Guidelines for Directors

The Board believes that the alignment of directors’ interests with those of stockholders is strengthened when Board members are also stockholders. The Board therefore requires that each non-employee director, within five years of being first elected, owns Common Stock or deferred stock units having a market value of at least five times their annual cash retainer. This program is designed to ensure that directors acquire a meaningful and significant ownership interest in the Company during their tenure on the Board. As of June 30, 2012, each non-employee director was in compliance with the guidelines.


Each of Richard H. Carmona, Tully M. Friedman, George J. Harad, Robert W. Matschullat and Gary G. Michael served as a member of the Management Development and Compensation Committee during all of fiscal year 2012. None of the members was an officer or employee of the Company or any of the subsidiaries during fiscal year 2012 or in any prior fiscal year other than Mr. Matschullat, who served as interim Chief Executive Officer of the Company from March 2006 through October 2006. No executive officer of the Company served on the Board or compensation committee of any other entity that has or had one or more executive officers who served as a member of the Board or Management Development and Compensation Committee during 2012.


Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act and SEC regulations require the Company’s directors, certain officers and holders of more than 10% of the Company’s Common Stock to file reports of ownership on Form 3 and changes in ownership on Form 4 or 5 with the SEC. The reporting directors, officers and 10% stockholders are also required by SEC rules to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file. Based solely on its review of copies of such reports received or written representations from its directors and officers, the Company believes that all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its directors and officers were complied with during fiscal year 2012.


In accordance with the provisions of Section 14A of the Exchange Act, as enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in July 2010, we are providing our stockholders the opportunity to vote on a non-binding, advisory resolution to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. This proposal gives our stockholders the opportunity to express their views on the Company’s executive compensation, and is commonly referred to as a “say-on-pay” proposal. This vote is only advisory and will not be binding upon the Company or the Board. However, the Management Development and Compensation Committee, which is responsible for designing and administering the Company’s executive compensation program, values the opinions expressed by stockholders and encourages all stockholders to vote their shares on this matter.

The Company’s compensation programs are designed to enable and reinforce its overall business strategy by aligning pay with the achievement of short- and long-term financial and strategic objectives to build stockholder value and by providing a competitive level of compensation needed to recruit, retain and motivate talented executives critical to the Company’s long-term success. The key principle underlying these compensation programs is pay-for-performance. Our pay-for-performance principle and the alignment of our compensation programs with the building of stockholder value are fully discussed in the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section of this proxy statement, which begins on page 21. The Board urges you to consider the factors discussed in the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section of this proxy statement when deciding how to vote on this Proposal 2.

Board of Directors’ Recommendation

The Company is asking its stockholders to support the compensation of the named executive officers as described in this proxy statement. This vote is not intended to address any specific item of compensation, but rather the overall compensation of our named executive officers in fiscal year 2012 and the philosophy, policies and practices underlying that compensation, which are


described in this proxy statement. The Board believes that the Company’s overall compensation process effectively implements its compensation philosophy and achieves its goals. Accordingly, the Board recommends a vote FOR the adoption of the following advisory resolution, which will be presented at the Annual Meeting:

“RESOLVED, that the stockholders of The Clorox Company approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers, as disclosed in The Clorox Company’s Proxy Statement for the 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the Summary Compensation Table and the other related tables and disclosure.”

The Board recommends a vote FOR the advisory vote on executive compensation.

Vote Required

The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to approve this proposal. The people designated in the proxy and voting instruction card will vote your shares FOR approval unless you include instructions to the contrary.

This vote is advisory, and therefore not binding on the Company, the Board or the Management Development and Compensation Committee. However, the Board and the Management Development and Compensation Committee value the opinions of the Company’s stockholders and, to the extent there is any significant vote against the named executive officers’ compensation as disclosed in the proxy statement, we will consider such stockholders’ concerns and the Management Development and Compensation Committee will evaluate whether any actions are necessary to address those concerns.


The Audit Committee of the Board has selected Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Ernst & Young LLP has been so engaged since February 15, 2003.

Board of Directors’ Recommendation

Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP by stockholders is not required by law. However, as a matter of policy, such selection is being submitted to the stockholders for ratification at the Annual Meeting (and it is the present intention of the Board to continue this policy). The Audit Committee and the Board recommend the ratification of the Audit Committee’s appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013.

The Board recommends that stockholders vote FOR Proposal 3. The people designated in the proxy and voting instruction card will vote your shares represented by proxy FOR ratification unless you include instructions to the contrary. If stockholders fail to ratify the appointment of this firm, the Audit Committee will reconsider the matter.

Representatives of Ernst & Young LLP are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting to respond to appropriate questions and to make a statement should they desire to do so.

Vote Required

The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP.



The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibility for oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting, auditing and reporting practices of the Company. The Audit Committee operates in accordance with a written charter, which was adopted by the Board. A copy of that charter is available on the Company’s website at, or in print by contacting The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. Each member of the Audit Committee is “independent,” as required by the applicable listing standards of the NYSE and the rules of the SEC.

The Audit Committee members are not professional accountants or auditors, and their functions are not intended to duplicate or to certify the activities of management or the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit Committee oversees the Company’s financial reporting process on behalf of the Board. The Company’s management has primary responsibility for the financial statements and reporting process, including the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. The independent registered public accounting firm is responsible for performing an integrated audit of the Company’s financial statements and internal control over financial reporting in accordance with the auditing standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with management the audited financial statements included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. This review included a discussion of the quality and the acceptability of the Company’s financial reporting and system of internal controls, including the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements. The Audit Committee also reviewed and discussed with the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm the audited financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012, the independent registered public accounting firm’s judgments as to the quality and acceptability of the Company’s financial reporting, and such other matters as are required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended and as adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

The Audit Committee obtained from the independent registered public accounting firm the written disclosures and the letter from the auditors required by the applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence of the auditors and discussed with the auditors their independence. The Audit Committee meets periodically with the independent registered public accounting firm, with and without management present, to discuss the results of the independent registered public accounting firm’s examinations and evaluations of the Company’s internal controls and the overall quality of the Company’s financial reporting.

Based upon the review and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board that the Company’s audited financial statements be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012, for filing with the SEC.


Edward A. Mueller, Chair
George J. Harad
Gary G. Michael
Pamela Thomas-Graham
Carolyn Ticknor


Fees of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The table below includes fees related to fiscal years 2012 and 2011 of the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP:

2012 2011
  Audit Fees (1)      $ 4,076,000           $ 4,178,000     
  Audit-Related Fees (2) 81,000   482,000
  Tax Fees (3)     199,000     425,000  
  All Other Fees (4)  
  Total $ 4,356,000 $ 5,085,000

(1)       Consists of fees for professional services rendered for the audit of the Company’s annual financial statements and internal control over financial reporting, as required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, included in the Company’s Annual Reports on Form 10-K for each of the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, and for review of the financial statements included in the Company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q during those fiscal years.
(2) Consists of fees for assurance and related services (including audits of one of the Company’s business units and the Company’s employee benefit plans) not included in the Audit Fees listed above.
(3) Consists of fees for tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011. These services included tax return preparation and review services for foreign subsidiaries and affiliates and advisory services on tax matters.
(4) Consists of fees for all other services not included in the three categories set forth above. There were no such services in fiscal years 2012 and 2011.

The Audit Committee has established a policy that requires it to approve all services provided by the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm before services are provided. The Audit Committee has pre-approved the engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm for audit services, and certain specified audit-related services and tax services within defined limits. The Audit Committee has not pre-approved engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm for any other non-audit services.



The Company’s 2005 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended and restated (the “Plan”), provides for the grant of incentive stock options (within the meaning of Section 422 of the IRC), non-qualified stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares, performance units and other stock-based awards to employees, directors and consultants of the Company. The Plan, as amended and restated, was adopted by the Board on September 11, 2012 and will become effective on the date that it is approved by stockholders.

The primary amendment reflected in the amended and restated version of the Plan is an increase of approximately 2.9 million in the number of shares of the Company’s Common Stock that may be issued under the Plan. The amended and restated version of the Plan also reflects additional amendments, including: new expiration date of the Plan will be November 14, 2022; update of language prohibiting the reduction of the exercise price of an outstanding option or the grant price of an outstanding stock appreciation right without the approval of stockholders; increase in flexibility for the Company to establish appropriate vesting periods for awards; addition of language providing that dividends relating to performance-based awards will be subject to the same conditions as the underlying award; update to list of performance-based metrics that can be used with respect to performance-based awards; and, other minor changes.

Additionally, in order to allow for awards under the Plan to continue to qualify as tax-deductible performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the IRC (“Section 162(m)”), the Company is asking stockholders to approve the material terms of the performance goals under the Plan. However, there can be no guarantee that awards granted under the Plan eligible


for treatment as qualified performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) will receive such treatment. Approval of this proposal will constitute approval of the Plan itself and approval of the material terms of the performance goals thereunder for purposes of Section 162(m).

Why You Should Vote to Approve the Plan

The Board recommends that the Company’s stockholders approve the Plan because it believes that the Company’s ability to grant equity-based awards continues to be crucial in promoting short- and long-term financial growth and stability, thereby enhancing stockholder value. The Board also believes that including terms in the Plan that permit the Company to grant awards that are not subject to limits on tax deductibility is also in the best interests of stockholders.

Section 162(m) of the IRC

The Board believes that it is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders to provide for an equity incentive plan under which compensation awards made to the Company’s executive officers are eligible to qualify for deductibility by the Company for federal income tax purposes. Accordingly, the Plan is designed to permit the grant of awards that are intended to qualify as “performance-based compensation” not subject to Section 162(m)’s $1,000,000 deductibility cap. There can be no guarantee, however, that amounts payable under the Plan will be treated as qualified “performance-based compensation” under Section 162(m). In general, under Section 162(m), in order for the Company to be able to deduct compensation in excess of $1,000,000 paid in any one year to the Company’s chief executive officer or any of the Company’s three other most highly compensated executive officers (other than the Company’s chief financial officer), such compensation must qualify as “performance-based.” One of the requirements of “performance-based” compensation for purposes of Section 162(m) is that the material terms of the performance goals under which compensation may be paid be disclosed to and approved by the Company’s stockholders at least once every five years. While the Board did submit the material terms of the performance goals for the Plan to stockholders in 2010, since the amended and restated Plan makes some minor adjustments and clarifications to these terms, the Board is seeking approval for the proposed material terms. For a more detailed discussion of the proposed material terms, please refer to “Plan Summary; Performance-Based Awards” on page 62. For purposes of Section 162(m), the material terms include (i) the employees eligible to receive compensation, (ii) a description of the business criteria on which the performance goal is based, and (iii) the maximum amount of compensation that can be paid to an employee under the performance goal. With respect to the various types of awards under the Plan, each of these aspects is discussed below, and, as noted above, approval of the Plan itself will constitute approval of each of these aspects of the Plan for purposes of the approval requirements of Section 162(m).

Promotion of Good Corporate Governance Practices

The Plan has been designed to include a number of provisions that the Company believes promote best practices by reinforcing the alignment between equity compensation arrangements for employees, directors and consultants and stockholders’ interests. These provisions include, but are not limited to, the following:

No Discounted Options. Stock options may not be granted with exercise prices lower than the fair market value of the underlying shares on the grant date.

No Repricing without Stockholder Approval. The Company will not, without the approval of stockholders, reduce the exercise price of an outstanding option or the grant price of an outstanding stock appreciation right (“SAR”). And, at any time when the exercise price of an outstanding option or the grant price of an outstanding SAR is above the fair market value of a share of Common Stock, no amendment will provide that any such outstanding option or outstanding SAR be cancelled and re-granted or exchanged for either cash or a new award with a lower (or no) exercise price, without the approval of stockholders.

No Dividends on Unearned Performance Awards. The Plan prohibits the current payment of dividends or dividend equivalent rights on unearned performance awards.

No Transferability. Awards generally may not be transferred, except by will or the laws of descent and distribution, unless approved by the Committee (as defined below).

No Evergreen Provision. There is no “evergreen” feature pursuant to which the shares authorized for issuance under the Plan can be automatically replenished.


No Automatic Grants. The Plan does not provide for automatic grants to any participant.

No Tax Gross-ups. The Plan does not provide for any tax gross-ups.

Plan Summary

The following paragraphs provide a summary of the principal features of the Plan. This summary does not purport to be complete and is subject to, and qualified in its entirety by, the provisions of the Plan, which is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix A.

Background and Purpose. The purposes of the Plan are to attract and retain the best available personnel for positions of substantial responsibility, to provide additional incentives to employees, directors or consultants of the Company or its subsidiaries (collectively, the “participants”) and to optimize the profitability and growth of the Company through incentives that are consistent with the Company’s goals and that link the interests of participants in the Plan with those of the Company’s stockholders. The Plan permits the grant of the following types of incentive awards: (1) incentive and non-qualified options, (2) SARs, (3) restricted stock, (4) restricted stock units, (5) performance shares, (6) performance units, and (7) other stock-based awards.

Shares Subject to the Plan. The maximum number of shares of the Company’s Common Stock which may be issued pursuant to awards under the Plan (as amended and restated) that are granted after June 30, 2012 will be 7.1 million (reflecting an increase of approximately 2.9 million shares). In addition, the following shares will not be considered as having been issued under the Plan or any prior stock plan of the Company and may be issued under the Plan: (i) shares that are potentially deliverable under an award that expires or is canceled, forfeited, settled in cash or otherwise settled without the delivery of shares, (ii) shares that are held back or tendered to cover the exercise price or tax withholding obligations with respect to an award, (iii) shares that are issued pursuant to awards that are assumed, converted or substituted in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization or similar transaction, and (iv) shares that are repurchased in the open market with option proceeds. However, for purposes of determining the number of shares available for grant as incentive stock options, only shares that are subject to an award that expires or is canceled, forfeited or settled in cash will be treated as not having been issued under the Plan. As of June 30, 2012, there were approximately 11,716,000 shares subject to outstanding awards granted under the Plan, and approximately 4,172,000 shares remained available for issuance under the Plan (not including the share increase reflected in the amended and restated version of the Plan). The closing price of a share of the Company’s Common Stock on September 25, 2012 was $71.39.

Administration. The Plan will be administered by a committee of the Board (the “Committee”). The Board has currently designated the Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Board as the Committee for the Plan. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee has the authority to: (1) select the persons to whom awards are to be granted, (2) determine whether and to what extent awards are to be granted, (3) determine the size and type of awards, (4) approve forms of agreement for use under the Plan, (5) determine the terms and conditions applicable to awards, (6) establish performance goals for any performance period and determine whether such goals were satisfied, (7) amend any outstanding award in the event of termination of employment or an event resulting in a change in control of the ownership of the Company as defined in the Plan (“Change in Control”), (8) construe and interpret the Plan and any award agreement and apply its provisions, and (9) subject to certain limitations, take any other actions deemed necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan. Subject to applicable law, the Committee may delegate its authority under the Plan.

Eligibility to Receive Awards. The Plan provides that awards may be granted to participants, except that incentive stock options may be granted only to employees. The approximate number of persons eligible to participate in the Plan is nine directors and 1,114 employees.

Section 162(m). The Company has designed the Plan so that it permits the issuance of awards that are intended to qualify as performance based under Section 162(m).

No Repricing. The Company will not, without the approval of stockholders, reduce the exercise price of an outstanding option or the grant price of an outstanding SAR. In addition, at any time when the exercise price of an outstanding option or the grant price of an outstanding SAR is above the fair market value of a share of common stock, no amendment will provide that any such outstanding option or outstanding SAR be canceled and re-granted or exchanged for either cash or a new award with a lower (or no) exercise price, without the approval of stockholders.


Terms and Conditions of Stock Options. Each option grant will be evidenced by an award agreement that will specify the exercise price, the term of the option, the conditions of exercise, and such other terms and conditions as the Committee will determine. The Committee sets the exercise price of the shares subject to each option, provided that, subject to limited exceptions, the exercise price cannot be less than 100% of the fair market value of the shares on the option’s grant date. In addition, the exercise price of an incentive stock option must be at least 110% of fair market value if, on the grant date, the participant owns stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any of its subsidiaries (a “10% Stockholder”). The means of payment for shares issued upon exercise of an option is specified in each award agreement. Payment generally may be made by cash, with other shares of Common Stock owned by the participant, by any other method permitted by the Committee, or by a combination of the foregoing. Each award agreement will specify the term of the option and the date when the option is to become exercisable. The Plan provides that in no event will an option granted under the Plan be exercised more than ten years after the date of grant. Moreover, in the case of an incentive stock option granted to a 10% Stockholder, the term of the option will be for no more than five years from the date of grant. Shares issued upon exercise will be subject to such continuing restrictions as will be provided in a recipient’s award agreement.

Terms and Conditions of Stock Appreciation Rights. SAR grants may be either freestanding or in tandem with option grants. Each SAR grant will be evidenced by an award agreement that will specify the grant price, the term of the SAR, the conditions of exercise, and such other terms and conditions as the Committee will determine. The grant price of SARs may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the shares subject to the award on the grant date. Tandem SARs may be exercised only with respect to the shares for which their related option is then exercisable. Upon exercise of a SAR, the holder of the SAR will be entitled to receive payment in an amount equal to the product of (i) the difference between the fair market value of a share on the date of exercise and the exercise price and (ii) the number of shares for which the SAR is exercised. At the discretion of the Committee, payment to the holder of a SAR may be in cash, shares or a combination thereof. To the extent that a SAR is settled in cash, the shares available for issuance under the Plan will not be diminished as a result of the settlement. SARs granted under the Plan expire as determined by the Committee, but in no event later than ten years from the date of grant. No SAR may be exercised by any person after its expiration. Shares issued upon exercise will be subject to such continuing restrictions as will be provided in a participant’s award agreement.

Share Limit for Stock Options and SARs. No participant may be granted options and SARs to purchase more than 2,000,000 shares in any 36-month period.

Terms and Conditions of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares, Performance Units and Other Stock-Based Awards. Each award will be evidenced by an agreement that will specify its terms. The Committee will have the discretion to determine the number of shares subject to the award and the conditions for vesting that must be satisfied. Shares issued at the settlement date of awards will be subject to such continuing restrictions as will be provided in a participant’s award agreement.

Share Limit for Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares, Performance Units and Other Stock-Based Awards. No participant will be granted, in the aggregate, more than 800,000 shares of restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares, or other stock-based awards in any 36-month period. No participant will be granted a performance unit award providing for a payment value of more than $10,000,000 in any one fiscal year valued either in cash or the fair market value of the shares on the grant date.

Performance-Based Awards. The Committee may grant awards which are intended to qualify as “performance-based compensation” for purposes of deductibility under Section 162(m). For any such award, the Committee will establish the performance objectives to be used within 90 days after the commencement of the performance period, or, if less, 25% of the performance period applicable to such award. The performance objectives to be used will be selected from the following list of measures (collectively, the “Performance Measures”): total shareholder return, stock price, net customer sales, volume, gross profit, gross margin, operating profit, operating margin, management profit, earnings from continuing operations before income taxes, earnings from continuing operations, earnings per share from continuing operations, earnings before interest and taxes, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, net operating profit after tax, net earnings, net earnings per share, return on assets, return on investment, return on equity, return on invested capital, cost of capital, average capital employed, cash value added, economic value added, economic profit, cash flow, cash flow from operations, working capital, working capital as a percentage of net customer sales, asset growth, asset turnover, market share, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction. Performance goals that are financial metrics may be calculated on either a GAAP or non-GAAP basis. The targeted level or levels of performance with respect to the Performance Measures may be established at such levels and on such terms as the Committee


may determine, in its discretion, on a corporate-wide basis or with respect to one or more business units, divisions, subsidiaries, business segments or functions, and in either absolute terms or relative to the current and/or historical performance of one or more companies or an index covering multiple companies. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, measurement of performance goals with respect to the Performance Measures listed above will exclude the impact of charges for restructurings, discontinued operations, extraordinary items, and other unusual or non-recurring items, including, for example, asset impairment charges and force majeure, as well as the cumulative effects of tax or accounting changes, each as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or identified in the Company’s financial statements, notes to the financial statements, management’s discussion and analysis or other filings with the SEC. Awards that are not intended to qualify as “performance-based compensation” under Section 162(m) may be based on these or such other performance measures as the Committee may determine.

Non-Transferability of Awards. An award granted under the Plan which is an incentive stock option may not be sold, pledged, assigned, hypothecated, transferred or disposed of in any manner other than by will or by the laws of descent or distribution and may be exercised, during the lifetime of the recipient, only by the recipient. Other awards will be transferable to the extent provided in the award agreement and the rules of the SEC governing the registration of the Plan’s shares and in any event no award may be transferred for consideration.

Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization. In the event of any merger, reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization, liquidation, stock dividend, split-up, spin-off, stock split, reverse stock split, share combination, share exchange, extraordinary dividend, or any change in the corporate structure affecting the shares, such adjustment will be made in the number and kind of shares or other securities or property that may be delivered under the Plan, the individual award limits set forth in the Plan, and, with respect to outstanding awards, in the number and kind of shares or other securities or property subject to outstanding awards, the exercise price, grant price or other price, if any, of shares subject to outstanding awards, any performance conditions relating to shares, the market price of shares, or per-share results, and other terms and conditions of outstanding awards, as may be determined to be appropriate and equitable by the Committee, in its sole discretion, to prevent dilution or enlargement of rights.

Change in Control. Except as otherwise provided in an award agreement, in the event of an event resulting in a Change in Control, if the successor corporation does not assume, convert, continue or substitute equivalent awards, such awards will become 100% vested, provided, however, that in the event of a participant’s termination of employment without cause within twenty-four months following consummation of a Change in Control, any assumed, converted or replaced awards will become immediately exercisable. Awards with vesting provisions based on performance goals will generally vest at the end of the original performance period based on the Company’s performance up to the date of the Change in Control. However, if such award continues after the date of the Change in Control after modification as described above, then the award will vest in full upon the termination of the participant by the Company without cause prior to the end of the performance period or, if applicable, the resignation of the participant under circumstances in which the participant has been constructively terminated (which the Plan calls a “good reason”).

Amendment, Suspensions and Termination of the Plan. The Board may amend, suspend or terminate the Plan at any time; provided, however, that stockholder approval is required for any amendment to the extent necessary to comply with the NYSE listing standards or applicable laws. In addition, no amendment, suspension or termination may materially adversely impact an award previously granted without the consent of the participant to whom such award was granted unless required by applicable law. Unless the Board or the Committee adopt resolutions providing for an earlier date, the Plan will automatically terminate on November 14, 2022.

Benefits to Be Received Upon Approval. It is not possible at this time to determine awards that will be made in the event that the Plan is approved by stockholders. However, it is anticipated that awards generally will be similar to those granted under the Plan in prior years.

Federal Tax Aspects

The following paragraphs are a summary of the material U.S. federal income tax consequences under the IRC associated with awards granted under the Plan. The summary is based on existing U.S. laws and regulations, and there can be no assurance that those laws and regulations will not change in the future. The summary does not purport to be complete and does not discuss the tax consequences upon a participant’s death, or the provisions of the income tax laws of any municipality, state or foreign country in which the participant may reside.


Incentive Stock Options. No taxable income is recognized when an incentive stock option is granted or exercised, although the exercise is an adjustment item for alternative minimum tax purposes and may subject the participant to the alternative minimum tax. If the participant exercises the option and then later sells or otherwise disposes of the shares more than two years after the grant date and more than one year after the exercise date, the difference between the sale price and the exercise price generally will be taxed as long-term capital gain or loss. If these holding periods are not satisfied, the participant will recognize ordinary income at the time of sale or other disposition equal to the difference between the exercise price and the fair market value of the shares at the date of the option’s exercise. Any gain or loss recognized on such a premature disposition of the shares in excess of the amount treated as ordinary income will be treated as long-term or short-term capital gain or loss, depending on the holding period.

Nonqualified Stock Options. No taxable income is recognized when a nonqualified stock option is granted to a participant with an exercise price equal to the fair market value on the date of grant. Upon exercise, the participant will recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the shares at the time of exercise over the exercise price. Any taxable income recognized in connection with the exercise of a nonqualified stock option by an employee is subject to tax withholding by the Company. Any additional gain or loss recognized upon later disposition of the shares is capital gain or loss, which may be long-term or short-term capital gain or loss depending on the holding period.

Stock Appreciation Rights. No taxable income is recognized when a SAR is granted to a participant. Upon exercise, the participant will recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the amount of cash received and the fair market value of any shares received.

Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares, and Performance Units. A participant generally will not have taxable income upon grant of restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares, or performance units. Instead, the participant will recognize ordinary income at the time of vesting equal to the fair market value (on the vesting date) of the shares or cash received minus any amount paid. For awards for which shares are issued at grant only, a participant instead may elect to be taxed at the time of grant.

Other Stock-Based Awards. A participant generally will recognize income upon receipt of the shares subject to award (or, if later, at the time of vesting of such shares).

Tax Effect for the Company. The Company generally will be entitled to a tax deduction in connection with an award under the Plan in an amount equal to the ordinary income realized by a participant and at the time the participant recognizes such income (for example, the exercise of a nonqualified stock option).

Deductibility of Executive Compensation. Special rules limit the deductibility of compensation paid to the chief executive officer and to each of the next three most highly compensated executive officers, other than the chief financial officer. Under Section 162(m), unless various conditions are met that enable compensation to qualify as “performance-based,” the annual compensation paid to any of these specified executives will be deductible only to the extent that it does not exceed $1,000,000. However, the rules and regulations promulgated under Section 162(m) are complicated and subject to change from time to time, sometimes with retroactive effect. In addition, a number of requirements must be met in order for particular compensation to so qualify. As such, there can be no assurance that any compensation awarded or paid under the Plan will be deductible under all circumstances. In addition, the Committee has the discretion to make awards that do not qualify as performance based under Section 162(m) when appropriate.

Other Tax Considerations. In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, certain payments in the nature of compensation to certain individuals, if contingent on the Change in Control, could be nondeductible to the Company and subject to a 20% excise tax to the recipient in addition to income taxes. Awards under the Plan that are made or that vest or become payable in connection with a Change in Control may be required to be taken into account in determining whether these penalties apply.

Section 409A. Some awards granted under the Plan may be considered non-qualified deferred compensation that is subject to special rules and may trigger additional income tax under Section 409A of the IRC. It is intended that the Plan and any awards granted thereunder will comply with the requirements of Section 409A of the IRC, and the Committee will generally design and administer such awards to either be exempt from or avoid the imposition of additional taxation under Section 409A of the IRC. However, there is no commitment or guarantee that any federal, state or local tax treatment will apply or be available to any participant. As a result, tax consequences for any particular participant may vary based on individual circumstances.


Vote Required and Board of Directors’ Recommendation

The Board recommends that the stockholders vote FOR the adoption of the following resolution, which will be presented at the Annual Meeting:

“RESOLVED, that the stockholders of the Company hereby approve and adopt the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended and restated, attached as Appendix A to the proxy statement for this meeting.”

The people designated in the proxy and voting instruction card will vote your shares represented by proxy FOR this proposal unless you include instructions to the contrary. The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to approve the Plan.


Annual Report, Financial Statements and Form 10-K

The following portions of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 are attached as Appendix B to this proxy statement: Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations; Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting; Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm; Consolidated Financial Statements; Valuation and Qualifying Accounts and Reserves; and Reconciliation of Economic Profit. The Company’s Form 10-K has been filed with the SEC and posted on the Company’s website and a copy may be obtained, without charge, by calling Clorox Stockholder Direct at 888-CLX-NYSE (259-6973) toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or by contacting The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. The 2012 Annual ReportExecutive Summary is available with the Proxy Statement at

Director Communications

Stockholders and interested parties may direct communications to individual directors, including the lead director, to a board committee, to the independent directors as a group or to the Board as a whole, by addressing the communications to the named individual, to the committee, to the independent directors as a group or to the Board as a whole and sending them to The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. The Secretary will review all communications so addressed and will forward to the addressee(s) all communications determined to bear substantively on the business, management or governance of the Company.


We will pay for the entire cost of soliciting proxies on behalf of the Company. We will also reimburse brokerage firms, banks and other agents for the cost of forwarding the Company’s proxy materials to beneficial owners. In addition, our directors and employees may solicit proxies in person, by telephone, via the Internet or by other means of communication. Directors and employees will not be paid any additional compensation for soliciting proxies. We have retained Innisfree M&A Incorporated (“Innisfree”) to assist in soliciting proxies for the Annual Meeting at an estimated cost of $20,000 plus out-of-pocket expenses. In addition, we have agreed to indemnify Innisfree against certain liabilities arising out of or in connection with its engagement.


In the event that a stockholder wishes to have a proposal considered for presentation at the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and included in the Company’s proxy statement and form of proxy used in connection with such meeting, the proposal must be forwarded to the Company’s Secretary so that it is received no later than May 31, 2013. Any such proposal must comply with the requirements of Rule 14a-8 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

Under the Company’s Bylaws, if a stockholder, rather than including a proposal in the proxy statement as discussed above, seeks to nominate a director or propose other business for consideration at that meeting, notice must be received by the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Company not later than the close of business on the 90th day or earlier than the close of business on the 120th day prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year’s annual meeting. To be timely for the 2013 Annual Meeting of


Stockholders, the notice must be received by the Secretary on any date beginning no earlier than the close of business on July 17, 2013, and ending no later than the close of business on August 16, 2013. However, in the event that the date of the annual meeting is advanced by more than 30 days, or delayed by more than 30 days from such anniversary date, notice by the stockholder to be timely must be so delivered not earlier than the close of business on the 120th day prior to such annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the 90th day prior to such annual meeting or the 10th day following the day on which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first made.


The SEC’s “householding” rules permit us to deliver only one Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement or Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to stockholders who share an address unless otherwise requested. This procedure reduces printing and mailing costs. If you share an address with another stockholder and have received only one set of proxy materials, you may request a separate copy of these materials at no cost to you by calling Clorox Stockholder Direct at 888-CLX-NYSE (259-6973) toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or by contacting The Clorox Company, c/o Secretary, 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612-1888. Alternatively, if you are currently receiving multiple copies of the proxy materials at the same address and wish to receive a single copy in the future, you may contact us by calling or writing to us at the telephone number or address given above.

If you are a beneficial owner (i.e., your shares are held in the name of a bank, broker or other holder of record), the bank, broker or other holder of record may deliver only one copy of the proxy materials to stockholders who have the same address unless the bank, broker or other holder of record has received contrary instructions from one or more of the stockholders. If you wish to receive a separate copy of the proxy materials, now or in the future, you may contact us at the address or telephone number above and we will promptly deliver a separate copy. Beneficial owners sharing an address who are currently receiving multiple copies of the proxy materials and wish to receive a single copy in the future should contact their bank, broker or other holder of record to request that only a single copy be delivered to all stockholders at the shared address in the future.


The Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time, in Building C of the Company’s Pleasanton Campus, located at 4900 Johnson Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Check-in for the Annual Meeting begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. To attend the Annual Meeting, you must be a stockholder of the Company as of the close of business on the Record Date and provide proof that you owned Clorox Common Stock on the Record Date or hold a legal proxy from a Record Date stockholder. Please see the more detailed information below. Admission will be on a first-come, first-served basis and seating is limited. Even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, we strongly urge you to vote in advance by proxy.

If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting this year, please be aware of the following information:


By Order of the Board of Directors,

Angela C. Hilt
Vice President – Corporate Secretary
& Associate General Counsel

September 28, 2012


Appendix A


Effective as of November 16, 2005
Amended and Restated as of November 14, 2012

1. Establishment, Objectives and Duration.

     (a) Establishment of the Plan. The Clorox Company, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), hereby establishes an incentive compensation plan to be known as “The Clorox Company 2005 Stock Incentive Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). The Plan permits the granting of Nonqualified Stock Options, Incentive Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares, Performance Units and Other Stock-Based Awards. The Plan was originally adopted effective as of November 16, 2005 and the current amendment and restatement of the Plan is adopted effective as of November 14, 2012 (the “Effective Date”), subject to the approval of the Plan by the stockholders of the Company at the 2012 Annual Meeting. Definitions of capitalized terms used in the Plan are contained in the attached Glossary, which is an integral part of the Plan.

     (b) Objectives of the Plan. The objectives of the Plan are to attract and retain the best available personnel for positions of substantial responsibility, to provide additional incentive to Participants and to optimize the profitability and growth of the Company through incentives that are consistent with the Company’s goals and that link the personal interests of Participants to those of the Company’s stockholders. The Plan is further intended to provide flexibility to the Company in its ability to motivate, attract, and retain the services of Participants who make or are expected to make significant contributions to the Company’s success and to allow Participants to share in the success of the Company.

     (c) Duration of the Plan. No Award may be granted under the Plan after the day immediately preceding the tenth (10th) anniversary of the Effective Date, or such earlier date as the Board or the Committee shall determine. The Plan will remain in effect with respect to outstanding Awards until no Awards remain outstanding.

2. Administration of the Plan.

     (a) The Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Board or such other committee (the “Committee”) as the Board shall select consisting of two or more members of the Board, each of whom is intended to be an “independent director” under New York Stock Exchange listing standards and also may be a “non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 (or any successor rule) of the Exchange Act and/or an “outside director” under regulations promulgated under Section 162(m) of the Code. The members of the Committee shall be appointed from time to time by, and shall serve at the discretion of, the Board.

     (b) Authority of the Committee. Subject to Applicable Laws and the provisions of the Plan (including any other powers given to the Committee hereunder), and except as otherwise provided by the Board, the Committee shall have full and final authority in its discretion to take all actions determined by the Committee to be necessary in the administration of the Plan, including, without limitation, discretion to:

     (i) select the Employees, Directors and Consultants to whom Awards may from time to time be granted hereunder;

     (ii) determine whether and to what extent Awards are granted hereunder;

     (iii) determine the size and types of Awards granted hereunder;

     (iv) approve forms of Award Agreement for use under the Plan;

     (v) determine the terms and conditions of any Award granted hereunder;

     (vi) establish performance goals for any Performance Period and determine whether such goals were satisfied;


     (vii) amend the terms of any outstanding Award granted under the Plan, whether in the event of a Participant’s termination of employment, in the event of a Change in Control or otherwise, provided that, except as otherwise provided in Section 18, no such amendment shall reduce the Exercise Price of an outstanding Option or the grant price of an outstanding SAR, and at any time when the Exercise Price of an outstanding Option or the grant price of an outstanding SAR is above the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock, no such amendment shall provide for the cancellation and re-grant or the exchange of any such outstanding Option or SAR for either cash or a new Award with a lower (or no) exercise price without the approval of the stockholders of the Company, and provided further, that any amendment that would materially adversely affect the Participant’s rights under an outstanding Award shall not be made without the Participant’s written consent;

     (viii) construe and interpret the terms of the Plan and any Award Agreement entered into under the Plan, and to decide all questions of fact arising in its application; and

     (ix) take such other action, not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan, as the Committee deems appropriate.

Except to the extent prohibited by Applicable Laws, the Committee may delegate its authority as identified herein, including the power and authority to make Awards to Participants who are not “insiders” subject to Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act, Awards intended to satisfy the Performance-Based Exception and/or Awards intended to satisfy the exception under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) promulgated under the Exchange Act, pursuant to such conditions and limitations as the Committee may establish. References to the Committee in this Plan shall refer to a delegate with respect to any action of such delegate within the scope of the authority delegated to such delegate by the Committee.

     (c) Effect of Committee’s Decision. All decisions, determinatio