In Ghana, production at Obuasi increased 18% quarter-on-quarter due to a 10% increase in tonnes treated and a 6% increase
in recovered grade largely as a result of the transition to owner mining. Total cash costs decreased by 10% to $1,560/oz from
$1,742/oz the previous quarter. We believe that significant potential exists in the Obuasi orebody and our strategy revolves
around the transformation of the underground mine as the key driver. In detail, this plan entails:
Mining of the Obuasi Deeps Decline to gain appropriate mechanised access to each mining block (except those with only
2-3 years of life remaining) and then ultimately down to the ‘Deeps’;
As each new mining area and each existing mining block is reached, it is taken ‘off line’ in order to allow work to be
undertaken that will allow it to be re-established as a highly mechanised and more productive block;
Investment in Pastefill, primary ventilation and underground infrastructure;
Mining of surface sources (pits and tailings) to generate further revenue;
Development of appropriate surface infrastructure based around the south mine, including security fencing, new Tailings
Storage Facility and a comprehensive water management system;
Significant reduction of overhead costs;
Significant organisational redesign built around a highly mechanised and productive operation; and
Continuing to address legacy issues associated with the mining operation.
In the medium term, Obuasi needs to self-sustain itself in order to be viable. In the short-term, the intention is to ensure the
operation has the appropriate cost structure to sustain itself. The transition to mechanisation will regrettably result in a phased
process of retrenchments over the next two years. The Board will assess the progress at Obuasi on a quarterly basis to ensure
that the mine is on track to meet its critical milestones.
In Guinea, Siguiri’s production (85% attributable) was unchanged from the previous quarter at 62,000oz as a result of a 5%
increase in tonnage throughput offset by a 6% decrease in recovered grade due to planned treatment of lower grade ore from
different ore sources. Siguiri has consistently exceeded its gold production target for the last six quarters, with throughput
sustained at record levels achieved in the previous year. Total cash costs were $850/oz, 15% lower than the previous quarter
mainly due to the reduced cost of electricity provided to the local community and lower royalty payments due to the lower
received price. The implementation of Project 500 is proceeding well with significant and sustainable cost saving opportunities
At Sunrise Dam, in Australia, the total cash costs at $1,713/oz was inclusive of additional costs of $350/oz attributable to
recommencing mining of high grade ore in the base of the existing open pit, also referred to as the “Crown Pillar” which we
expect will provide high grade mill feed for the remainder of the year. Mining in the Crown Pillar was delayed to ensure the wall
above the working area was sufficiently stabilised.
At Cerro Vanguardia, in Argentina, production (92.5% attributable) at 62,000oz was 13% higher than last quarter mainly due to
higher treated tonnes. Silver production (92.5% attributable) at 735,000oz represents a 2% increase when compared to the
previous quarter. Import restrictions continue to be a challenge within the country, particularly relating to the lead time in
obtaining spare parts, however, this did not have a significant impact on output during the quarter. Rising costs were partially
offset by a more favourable exchange rate and lower heap leach costs due to the effect of additional contracts and maintenance
expenses which impacted on the previous quarter. Regarding the operational landscape for the second half of the year, several
initiatives are being analysed to reduce operational costs and capital expenditures as well. Additionally, the use of an external
contractor to increase Cerro Vanguardia’s production profile is under consideration.
In Brazil, at AngloGold Ashanti Mineração, production was 17% lower than previous quarter at 76,000oz reflecting mine plan
changes at Cuiabá as a result of topographic and geotechnical issues and lower production from Córrego do Sítio complex due
to lower than planned feed grades at sulphide operations. Despite some relief from the Brazilian Real depreciation, total cash
cost was 25% higher at $858/oz as a consequence of lower gold produced and lower by-product credits. At Serra Grande,
production was 16% higher than previous quarter at 37,000oz as a result of higher feed grades and metallurgical recovery. Total
cash cost was 14% lower at $675/oz as a result of higher gold produced and the depreciation of the Brazilian Real.
The Project 500 team visited Cuiabá in early June. A visit to Serra Grande is planned in August.
In the United States, at Cripple Creek & Victor, gold production was 60,000oz which was 10% higher than previous quarter
due to improvements to stacking and recovery methods which helped to drawdown inventory. Cash costs increased by 13% to
$726/oz versus the previous quarter partially due to higher costs associated with longer waste hauls and more component parts,
emulsion, tyres and contract services.
Total exploration expenditure during the second quarter of 2013, inclusive of expenditure at equity accounted joint ventures,
was $107m ($52m on brownfield, $30m on greenfield and $25m on pre-feasibilty studies), compared with $118m during the
same quarter the previous year ($43m on brownfield, $38m on greenfield and $37m on pre-feasibility studies).
At Geita in Tanzania, drilling focused on the infill drilling programmes at Nyankanga (Cut 10 & Cut 7) while Mineral Resource
delineation drilling was conducted at Nyankanga Deeps, Star & Comet Deeps and Matandani. A total of 4,827m and 4,115m
were drilled in Expensed and Capitalised drilling projects. Assay results from holes drilled in the first half of the year from
Nyankanga (Cut 7 & 8 OP, Cut 10, Block 1, and Block 2 & Block 4 and Deeps), Geita Hill West, Ridge 8, Star & Comet-Ridge 8
Gap and Matandani were received. Significant intersections were reported from each of these programmes, which continued to
confirm their prospectivity.
At Siguiri in Guinea, a total of 402 holes for 34,571m of drilling were completed. Infill drilling (1,031m RC) focused mainly on
upgrading oxide Mineral Resources at Kossise SW (773m) and Sokunu L3 pits (258m) to the NW of the Sokunu main pit. As
anticipated, the drilling at Kossise SW returned some good intersections while the results from the infill programme at Sokunu
L3 pits have not yet been received.
Quarterly Report June 2013 -