information will be posted to all applicants on 2 September
2008 to inform them, inter alia, of the status of their
applications, including, where applicable, the extent to which
their applications were accepted and the number of shares that
will be allotted and issued to them on 8 September 2008.
2. Results of the Invitations
A total of 2 838 564 Sasol BEE ordinary shares and 16 085 200
Sasol Inzalo ordinary shares were available for allocation to
members of the black public. The results of the Invitations are
summarised in the table below.
Number of applications received
76 715
222 659
299 374
Capital raised (R million)
1 270
2 116
3 386
Number of shares to be allotted
and issued on 8 September 2008
2 838 564
16 085 200
18 923 764
Number of shares to be allotted
and issued as a percentage of
Sasol’s issued capital
Based on Sasol ’s issued share capital on 18 March 2008,
before the implementation of Sasol Inzalo
Based on the fact that in ten years’ time the holders of the
Sasol Inzalo ordinary shares could potentially hold up to
one Sasol ordinary share for each Sasol Inzalo ordinary
share issued, subject to the settlement of the outstanding
amount of preference share and any other funding at that
All applications were considered by Sasol and Sasol Inzalo,
respectively, except for those referred to in paragraph 4.
Unless the applications were disqualified for the reasons
described in the Prospectuses, the applications were accepted,
with effect from 2 September 2008, in full or in part, based on
the principles described in paragraph 3 below. In this regard,
information, will be posted to all applicants on 2 September 2008
to inform them, inter alia, of the status of their applications,
including, where applicable, the extent to which their
applications were accepted and the number of shares that will be
allotted and issued to them on 8 September 2008.
3. Principles for the acceptance of applications for shares
To achieve a broad based shareholding of Sasol BEE ordinary
shares and Sasol Inzalo ordinary shares, applications were
accepted using a “bottom up” approach so as to prioritise the
acceptance, in whole or in part, of applications for small
numbers of shares over those for larger numbers of shares.