Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in South Africa)
(Registration number: 1979/003231/06)
ISIN Code: ZAE000006896
Share Code: SOL
In compliance with Rule 3.63 – 3.66 of the Listings Requirements of the
JSE Securities Exchange, South Africa, we hereby announce the following
transactions in securities of Sasol by directors of the Company:
Mr L P A Davies, Chief Executive of Sasol Limited has today accepted
share options to purchase 390 000 Sasol ordinary shares at a price
of R193.25 per share after expiry of the option vesting periods of 2
years for one third of the shares, 4 years for the second third of
the shares and 6 years for the last third of the shares. The total
consideration payable by Mr Davies for these shares is R75 367 500.
These share options were awarded to Mr Davies as a consequence of
his appointment as Chief Executive of Sasol Limited with effect from
1 July 2005.
Mr T S Munday, Deputy Chief Executive of Sasol Limited has today
accepted share options to purchase 280 000 Sasol ordinary shares at
a price of R193.25 per share after expiry of the option vesting
periods of 2 years for one third of the shares, 4 years for the
second third of the shares and 6 years for the last third of the
shares. The total consideration payable by Mr Munday for the
280 000 shares is R54 110 000. These share options were awarded to
Mr T S Munday as a consequence of his appointment as Deputy Chief
Executive of Sasol Limited with effect from 1 July 2005.
Clearance for these transactions was given in terms of paragraph 3.66.
8 July 2005
Issued by sponsor: Deutsche Securities (SA) (Proprietary) Limited