Exhibit 99.1

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

Board of Directors and Stockholders
Disease Sciences, Inc.

     We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Disease Sciences, Inc. as
of April 30, 2001 and the related statements of operations, stockholders' equity
and cash  flows  from  April  17,  2001  (Inception)  to April 30,  2001.  These
financial  statements are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audit.

     We conducted  our audit in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining on a test basis,  evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
the financial  position of Disease  Sciences,  Inc. as of April 30, 2001 and the
results of its operations and its cash flows from April 17, 2001  (Inception) to
April 30, 2001 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                              /s/Feldman Sherb & Co., P.C.
                                                 Feldman Sherb & Co., P.C.
                                                 Certified Public Accountants

New York, New York
May 26, 2001

                               DISEASE SCIENCES, INC.
                          (A Development Stage Enterprise)
                                 April 30, 2001

                                   BALANCE SHEET


Cash                                                             $       59,100
                                                                 $       59,100

                                STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock, $.001 par value; 100,000,000 authorized,
        60,000,000 issued and outstanding                        $       60,000
     Accumulated deficit                                                   (900)
        Total stockholders' equity                                       59,100
                                                                 $       59,100

                        See notes to financial statements

                             DISEASE SCIENCES, INC.
                        (A Development Stage Enterprise)

                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

                                                           April 17, 2001
                                                         (inception) through
                                                           April 30, 2001

OPERATING EXPENSES                                    $                 900

NET LOSS                                              $                (900)

    SHARES OUTSTANDING - Basic and Diluted            $                0.00

    OUTSTANDING - Basic and Diluted                              60,000,000

                        See notes to financial statements

                             DISEASE SCIENCES, INC.
                        (A Development Stage Enterprise)

                               Common Stock
                             ($.001 par value)                       Total
                            ----------------------   Accumulated  Stockholders'
                             Shares        Amount      Deficit      Equity
                            ----------    --------   -----------  -------------
April 17, 2001 (Inception)
 Issuance of common stock   60,000,000   $  60,000  $      -     $      60,000
 Net loss                       -               -        (900)            (900)
                            ----------    --------   -----------  -------------
April 30, 2001              60,000,000  $   60,000  $    (900)   $      59,100
                            ==========    ========   ===========  =============

                        See notes to financial statements

                             DISEASE SCIENCES, INC.
                        (A Development Stage Enterprise)
                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                                                          April 17, 2001
                                                        (inception) through
                                                          April 30, 2001
NET LOSS                                             $            (900)
NET CASH USED IN OPERATIONS                                       (900)

 Sale of common Stock                                           60,000

FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                            60,000
NET INCREASE IN CASH                                            59,100

CASH, beginning of period                                         -
CASH, end of period                                  $          59,100

                        See notes to financial statements

                             DISEASE SCIENCES, INC.
                        (A Development Stage Enterprise)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                APRIL 17, 2001 (Inception) THROUGH APRIL 30, 2001

1.        BUSINESS:

               Disease Sciences,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company" or
          "DSCI")   is   a   developmental   stage    biopharmaceutical/clinical
          diagnostics  company  planning to employ a broad array of technologies
          to detect,  identify and quantify  substances in blood or other bodily
          fluids and  tissues.  DCSI  intends to target and develop  proprietary
          pharmaceutical compounds and new technologies,  it's primary goal will
          be a Transmissible  Spongiform  Encephalopty (TSE) test, useful in the
          diagnosis of TSE diseases such as Scrapie in sheep,  Bovine Spongiform
          Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle, (commonly known as "mad-cow disease"),
          Chronic   Wasting   Disease   (CWD)   in   wild   deer   and  elk  and
          Creutzfeldt-Jakob  Disease  (CJD).  Test results are to be used in the
          diagnosis, detection,  evaluation,  monitoring and potential treatment
          of  diseases  and other  medical  conditions.  DSCI's  plans  to:  (1)
          identify, acquire and exploit rights to new technologies and compounds
          relating to BSE, CJD and other neurological disorders; (2) enhance the
          value of those assets through further  research and clinical  testing;
          (3) perform clinical studies towards  regulatory  approval and attempt
          to market its drugs through profitable licensing agreements with major
          pharmaceutical  companies  and (4)  work to  develop  other  promising
          compounds  in-house  and in  collaboration  with third  parties.  DSCI
          intends  to  develop  corporate   partnerships  with  established  and
          well-capitalized pharmaceutical companies for the clinical development
          of its  compounds  and for  their  production,  commercialization  and
          marketing.  The  Company  intends to derive its  revenues  from patent
          sub-licensing fees, royalties from pharmaceutical  sales,  appropriate
          milestone payments and research and development contracts.


         A.       Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in
                  conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
                  requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
                  affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
                  disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
                  the financial statements and the reporting amounts of revenues
                  and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could
                  differ from those estimates.

         B.       Income Taxes - The Company follows Statement of Financial
                  Accounting Standards No. 109 - Accounting for Income Taxes,
                  which requires recognition of deferred tax assets and
                  liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of events
                  that have been included in the financial statements or tax
                  returns. Under this method, deferred tax assets and
                  liabilities are based on the differences between the financial
                  statement and tax bases of assets and liabilities using
                  enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which the
                  differences are expected to reverse.


               The Company is authorized to issue  100,000,000  shares of common
          stock with a par value of $.001. The Company issued  60,000,000 shares
          at par value to its founders.


               The  Company  is  offering  for sale to  persons  who  qualify as
          Accredited  investors or otherwise qualified investors up to 4,000,000
          Units (the Units).  Each Unit  consists of one share of Common  Stock,
          $.10 par value (the  Common  Stock)  and four  common  stock  purchase
          warrants  designated  Series A, Series B, Series C and Series D common
          stock purchase  warrants  (collectively  the  Warrants).  The Series A
          Warrant  included in each Unit  entitles  the holder to  purchase  one
          share of Common  Stock of the Company at a purchase  price of $.30 per
          share.  The Series B Warrant included in each Unit entitles the holder
          to  purchase  one share of Common  Stock of the  Company at a purchase
          price of $.60 per share.  The Series C Warrant  included  in each Unit
          entitles  the  holder to  purchase  One  share of Common  Stock of the
          Company at a purchase  price of $1.00 per share.  The Series D Warrant
          included in each Unit  entitles  the holder to  purchase  one share of
          common Stock of the Company at the Purchase  Price of $2.00 per share.
          The  Warrants  will  expire on May 1, 2006.  The  Company may call any
          Warrant  series or all of the  Warrants  at a call  price of $.001 per
          underlying  share should the Company's  Common Stock trade at or above
          $5.00 per share, based on the reported closing bid price of the Common
          Stock,  for ten  consecutive  trading  days  following  15 days  prior
          written notice of the Company's intention to call the Warrants. In the
          event the  Warrants  or Warrant  series  subject to call have not been
          exercised by written  notice  within such 15-day  notice  period,  the
          Warrants will cease to exist.  Each Unit will be offered at a price of
          $1,000.  The Units are being offered on a "best efforts" basis.  There
          is no minimum  offering  and all proceeds  received  will be deposited
          directly in the treasury of the Company. The minimum investment is one
          Unit, subject to the discretion of management to accept  subscriptions
          for a fractional amount of a Unit.